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Motive as a Managerial Basis of the State-Creating Patriotism of the Nation from the Standpoint of the State Development Strategiology
Karpinskyi B. A., Karpinska O. B.

Karpinskyi, Borys A., and Karpinska, Olena B. (2023) “Motive as a Managerial Basis of the State-Creating Patriotism of the Nation from the Standpoint of the State Development Strategiology.” Business Inform 2:6–15.

Section: Economic Theory

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Analyzing the International Assessments of the Military Power of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Countries of the World
Khaustova V. Y., Kyzym M. O., Kostenko D. M.

Khaustova, Viktoriia Ye., Kyzym, Mykola O., and Kostenko, Dmytro M. (2023) “Analyzing the International Assessments of the Military Power of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Countries of the World.” Business Inform 2:16–33.

Section: International Economic Relations

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 99

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The Problems and Prospects of Ukrainian-Spanish Bilateral Cooperation
Panova I. O., Petrov H. A.

Panova, Iryna O., and Petrov, Heorhii A. (2023) “The Problems and Prospects of Ukrainian-Spanish Bilateral Cooperation.” Business Inform 2:33–38.

Section: International Economic Relations

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The Problems of Export-Oriented Business in the Regions of Ukraine During the Wartime and the Main Ways to Solve Them
Zhabynets O. Y., Sukhyi O. O.

Zhabynets, Olha Yo., and Sukhyi, Oleh O. (2023) “The Problems of Export-Oriented Business in the Regions of Ukraine During the Wartime and the Main Ways to Solve Them.” Business Inform 2:39–45.

Section: International Economic Relations

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The Financial-Economic Mechanism of Resolving the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict
Fedirko N. V., Gamkrelidze K. Y.

Fedirko, Nataliia V., and Gamkrelidze, Kostiantyn Yu. (2023) “The Financial-Economic Mechanism of Resolving the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict.” Business Inform 2:46–55.

Section: Mechanisms of Regulation of the Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The State Regulation as a Factor of the Organizational-Economic Mechanism of Management of the Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprise
Proskurnina N. V., Hovorovska A. V.

Proskurnina, Nadiia V., and Hovorovska, Alisa V. (2023) “The State Regulation as a Factor of the Organizational-Economic Mechanism of Management of the Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprise.” Business Inform 2:56–61.

Section: Mechanisms of Regulation of the Economy

Article is written in English
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Management of Investment Activity of IT Enterprises
Panchenko V. A., Panchenko O. P.

Panchenko, Volodymyr A., and Panchenko, Oksana P. (2023) “Management of Investment Activity of IT Enterprises.” Business Inform 2:62–67.

Section: Investment Processes

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Innovative Transformation of the Post-War Economy of the Regions of Ukraine: The Prospects for the Integration of Education, Science, and Business
Vakhovych I. M., Matrunchyk D. M.

Vakhovych, Iryna M., and Matrunchyk, Dmytro M. (2023) “Innovative Transformation of the Post-War Economy of the Regions of Ukraine: The Prospects for the Integration of Education, Science, and Business.” Business Inform 2:68–78.

Section: Innovative Processes

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The Foresight-Innovation Mechanism of Enterprise Management in the Context of Digitalization: The Theoretical Aspects
Prokhorova V. V., Chobitok I. O.

Prokhorova, Viktoriia V., and Chobitok, Ihor O. (2023) “The Foresight-Innovation Mechanism of Enterprise Management in the Context of Digitalization: The Theoretical Aspects.” Business Inform 2:78–85.

Section: Innovative Processes

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Digitalization of the Audit of Enterprises of Public Interest in the Conditions of the Inclusive Economy
Fedorov I. O., Nazarova K. O., Nezhyva M. O., Mysiuk V. O.

Fedorov, Ihor O. et al. (2023) “Digitalization of the Audit of Enterprises of Public Interest in the Conditions of the Inclusive Economy.” Business Inform 2:86–92.

Section: Information Technologies in the Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Modeling of Price Changes for Standard Rooms in Polish Hotels (Krakow)
Lysenko O. V.

Lysenko, Olena V. (2023) “Modeling of Price Changes for Standard Rooms in Polish Hotels (Krakow).” Business Inform 2:93–98.

Section: Economic and Mathematical Modeling

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The Encapsulated Approach to Digitalization of Business Processes of the Enterprise on the Way of Its Integrative Development
Goloborodko A. Y.

Goloborodko, Alona Yu. (2023) “The Encapsulated Approach to Digitalization of Business Processes of the Enterprise on the Way of Its Integrative Development.” Business Inform 2:98–105.

Section: Economic and Mathematical Modeling

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 10

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The Reporting of Leading Mining Companies in the EU and Ukraine (Disclosure of Ecological Capital): A Comparative Study
Serpeninova Y. S., Makarenko I. O., Oleksich Z. A., Fominov R. M.

Serpeninova, Yuliia S. et al. (2023) “The Reporting of Leading Mining Companies in the EU and Ukraine (Disclosure of Ecological Capital): A Comparative Study.” Business Inform 2:106–114.

Section: Ecology and Environmental Management

Article is written in Ukrainian
Downloads/views: 68

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Ecological and Economic Provision of Recreational Forest Use in the Context of Decentralization: The Prerequisites, Goals, and Requirements of Wartime
Gultekin O. O.

Gultekin, Oksana O. (2023) “Ecological and Economic Provision of Recreational Forest Use in the Context of Decentralization: The Prerequisites, Goals, and Requirements of Wartime.” Business Inform 2:114–122.

Section: Ecology and Environmental Management

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Indicative Self-Cost as a Factor in the Formation of the Educational Services Market: The Regional Aspect (Example of Specialty 072 «Finance, Banking and Insurance»)
Chentsov V. V., Hryhorash O. V.

Chentsov, Victor V., and Hryhorash, Olha V. (2023) “Indicative Self-Cost as a Factor in the Formation of the Educational Services Market: The Regional Aspect (Example of Specialty 072 «Finance, Banking and Insurance»).” Business Inform 2:123–129.

Section: Education and Science

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Modern Contradictions in the Domestic Electric Power Industry
Danyliuk M. O., Barabaliuk R. S., Kovalskyi T. A.

Danyliuk, Mykola O., Barabaliuk, Ruslana S., and Kovalskyi, Taras A. (2023) “Modern Contradictions in the Domestic Electric Power Industry.” Business Inform 2:130–136.

Section: Industrial Economics

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Features of the Organized Wine Distribution: The Foreign and Domestic Experience
Todoriuk O. B., Ilchenko N. B.

Todoriuk, Olga B., and Ilchenko, Nataliia B. (2023) “Features of the Organized Wine Distribution: The Foreign and Domestic Experience.” Business Inform 2:137–144.

Section: Economics of Trade and Services

Article is written in English
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The Features and Prospects of Recreational Use of Thermal Mineral Springs by Resort Hotels
Parfinenko T. O.

Parfinenko, Tetiana O. (2023) “The Features and Prospects of Recreational Use of Thermal Mineral Springs by Resort Hotels.” Business Inform 2:145–154.

Section: Economics of Trade and Services

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Introducing the Telecommunication Technologies in the Process of Providing Medical Care
Zimina A. I., Riabkov S. O.

Zimina, Anna I., and Riabkov, Serhii O. (2023) “Introducing the Telecommunication Technologies in the Process of Providing Medical Care.” Business Inform 2:154–167.

Section: Economics of Trade and Services

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Analyzing the Essence of Museum Workmanship Today and in the Future
Holovko O. M., Udvorheli L. I., Chorii M. V.

Holovko, Olha M., Udvorheli, Larysa I., and Chorii, Myroslava V. (2023) “Analyzing the Essence of Museum Workmanship Today and in the Future.” Business Inform 2:168–173.

Section: Economics of Trade and Services

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Theoretical Foundations of the Performance of Industrial Enterprises with Consideration of Potential: The Essence, Meaning, Indicators, Approaches to Management
Burennikova N. V., Yarmolenko V. О., Burennikov Y. Y., Shuberanskyi V. Е.

Burennikova, Nataliia V. et al. (2023) “Theoretical Foundations of the Performance of Industrial Enterprises with Consideration of Potential: The Essence, Meaning, Indicators, Approaches to Management.” Business Inform 2:174–182.

Section: Economics of Enterprise

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Interrelation and Differences Between the Categories of «Complex Monitoring» and «Strategic Analysis» in the System of Enterprise Management
Kovbatiuk M. V., Shkliar V. V.

Kovbatiuk, Maryna V., and Shkliar, Viktoriia V. (2023) “Interrelation and Differences Between the Categories of «Complex Monitoring» and «Strategic Analysis» in the System of Enterprise Management.” Business Inform 2:182–191.

Section: Economics of Enterprise

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Changes in Development Strategies of the Enterprises in Ukraine and the Methodology of Their Formation in Wartime Conditions
Oliinyk T. I., Zahynailo V. A., Buriak M. V.

Oliinyk, Tetiana I., Zahynailo, Vladlena A., and Buriak, Maryna V. (2023) “Changes in Development Strategies of the Enterprises in Ukraine and the Methodology of Their Formation in Wartime Conditions.” Business Inform 2:191–196.

Section: Economics of Enterprise

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Diplomatic Support of Ukraine's Foreign Public Debt
Prokopchuk O. A., Horbachova I. V.

Prokopchuk, Oksana A., and Horbachova, Iryna V. (2023) “Diplomatic Support of Ukraine's Foreign Public Debt.” Business Inform 2:197–203.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Sustainable Finance as a Factor in the Transformation of Financial Relations
Shkodinа I. V., Zelenko O. O.

Shkodinа, Iryna V., and Zelenko, Oleksandr O. (2023) “Sustainable Finance as a Factor in the Transformation of Financial Relations.” Business Inform 2:204–209.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Peculiarities of Financial Relations of the Territorial Communities in Ukraine
Murakhovska O. Y.

Murakhovska, Oksana Ye. (2023) “Peculiarities of Financial Relations of the Territorial Communities in Ukraine.” Business Inform 2:210–216.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The Prospects for the Use of Bank Electronic Means of Payment
Rybchuk A. V., Kozyr Y. R.

Rybchuk, Anatoliy V., and Kozyr, Yury R. (2023) “The Prospects for the Use of Bank Electronic Means of Payment.” Business Inform 2:216–222.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Features of Accounting for Settlements with Virtual Assets (Cryptocurrency) in the Field of e-Commerce: The International and Domestic Experience
Panasyuk V. M., Halchak K. R., Bosyi V. A.

Panasyuk, Valentyna M., Halchak, Khrystyna R., and Bosyi, Volodymyr A. (2023) “Features of Accounting for Settlements with Virtual Assets (Cryptocurrency) in the Field of e-Commerce: The International and Domestic Experience.” Business Inform 2:222–228.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Internal Corporate Communications in the Digital Environment
Shchetinina L. V., Rudakova S. H., Poplavska O. M., Danylevych N. S., Gula A. V.

Shchetinina, Liudmyla V. et al. (2023) “Internal Corporate Communications in the Digital Environment.” Business Inform 2:229–235.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Formation of Competitive Advantages as the Foundation of Strong Competitiveness of Enterprises
Sokhan I. V., Popovskyi V. H.

Sokhan, Inna V., and Popovskyi, Vitalii H. (2023) “Formation of Competitive Advantages as the Foundation of Strong Competitiveness of Enterprises.” Business Inform 2:236–241.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Leadership Styles and Their Place in Managing the Enterprise Activities
Pererva I. M.

Pererva, Ivanna M. (2023) “Leadership Styles and Their Place in Managing the Enterprise Activities.” Business Inform 2:241–248.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Applying the Non-Parametric Methods for Assessing the Efficiency of Primary Health Care Institutions
Ovcharenko P. Y.

Ovcharenko, Polina Ye. (2023) “Applying the Non-Parametric Methods for Assessing the Efficiency of Primary Health Care Institutions.” Business Inform 2:248–257.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Time Management and Modern Technologies
Budnik M. M., Dronova D. S.

Budnik, Maryna M., and Dronova, Daryna S. (2023) “Time Management and Modern Technologies.” Business Inform 2:257–262.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Tools of Ecological Marketing in the Price Policy of the Enterprise in the Conditions of Sustainable Development
Chukurna O. P.

Chukurna, Olena P. (2023) “Tools of Ecological Marketing in the Price Policy of the Enterprise in the Conditions of Sustainable Development.” Business Inform 2:263–270.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Digital Technologies in Agrarian Marketing
Koberniuk S. O.

Koberniuk, Serhii O. (2023) “Digital Technologies in Agrarian Marketing.” Business Inform 2:270–277.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The Impact of Intellectual Marketing Capital on the Complex Value of Industrial Enterprises
Chobitok V. I., Kononov O. I.

Chobitok, Viktoriia I., and Kononov, Oleksandr I. (2023) “The Impact of Intellectual Marketing Capital on the Complex Value of Industrial Enterprises.” Business Inform 2:278–284.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reviews on the team monograph "Management of the development of the economic environment in the conditions of global transformations" edited by D. Sc. (Economics), prof. V. V. Prokhorova

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