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Section: Globalization Processes in the Economy
UDC 330.342:339.9
Khanin I. H., Polyakov M. V., Bilozubenko V. S.
The Asymmetry of the Global Space of Knowledge Economy: an Estimation by the Example of Gaps of the National Science Indicators (p. 16 - 23)

The modern world is in the process of moving towards a better economic paradigm based on the model of knowledge economy. Globalization is increasingly embracing the sphere of knowledge, including science, education, information-communication technologies, innovative entrepreneurship, knowledge-intensive productions. In such circumstances, an important problem is the increasing asymmetry in the global space of knowledge economy, which, in particular, is manifested in the gaps in national science indicators. The article substantiates the mosaic nature of the modern world economy and the emergence of international asymmetry in the sphere of knowledge, which becomes even more high and large-scale. A statistical estimation of gaps in the national science indicators as a characteristic of the level of asymmetry of the global space of knowledge economy was carried out. Based on the analysis of indicators (expenditures on research and development, number of researchers, producing of intellectual property, patenting, scientific publications, high-tech export), conclusion about the growth of gaps in the national science indicators was made. This creates a challenge for the world community and requires special measures to support the outsider countries.
Keywords: knowledge economy, world economy, globalization, scientific activity, developed countries, developing countries.
Tabl.: 6. Bibl.: 10.

Khanin Igor H. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Business Economics and International Business, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering (11 Soborna Str., Rivne, 33028, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Polyakov Maxim V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Corporate Economics and International Business, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering (11 Soborna Str., Rivne, 33028, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Bilozubenko Volodymyr S. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of International Economic Relations, Regional Studios and Tourism, University of Customs and Finance (2/4 Volodymyra Vernadskoho Str., Dnipro, 49004, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Reference to this article:
Khanin, Igor H., Polyakov, Maxim V., and Bilozubenko, Volodymyr S. (2018) “The Asymmetry of the Global Space of Knowledge Economy: an Estimation by the Example of Gaps of the National Science Indicators.” Business Inform 6:16–23.

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