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The Methodological Approach to the Creation of the Conception of Process-Oriented Management of the Economic Potential of Enterprise
Tytykalo V. S.

Tytykalo, Volodymyr S. (2020) “The Methodological Approach to the Creation of the Conception of Process-Oriented Management of the Economic Potential of Enterprise.” Business Inform 12:430–439.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 658.014.512

The article discusses the essence and characteristics of process-oriented management of the economic potential of enterprise on the basis of the diagnostics and assessment of methods of economic potential. The research is aimed at developing a methodological approach to creating a conception of process-oriented management of the economic potential of enterprise and identifying the main factors and conditions that contribute to increasing the efficiency of managing the economic potential of enterprise. The results were obtained using the following methods: analysis and comparison, synthesis and theoretical generalization – for the formation of a theoretical and methodological approach to assessing the economic potential of enterprise; grouping, system analysis – to form conclusions from the carried out research; economic, system and comparative analysis – for the formation of theoretical hypotheses on the diagnosis of the economic potential of enterprise; graphic analysis – for visual display of the results of the research. The author has formed a methodological approach to the creation of the conception of process-oriented management of the economic potential of enterprise. The main methods of assessing the economic potential of enterprise are defined and the system of process-oriented management is formed, as well as the factors of environmental impact on enterprise are determined. Also, the model of process-oriented management of economic potential of enterprises has been developed, which will allow to identify approaches to its assessment and will provide an opportunity to analyze its structural elements in the system taking into account interrelations and interdependences as a whole. The elaborated methodological approach to process-oriented management of economic potential on the basis of the developed model will allow to demonstrate the complex and multifad meaning of the concept of «economic potential»; to demonstrate the need for its research in many directions and at different levels of the hierarchy; to build up a system of indicators of the economic potential of enterprises and analyze its structural elements, as well as to obtain econometric forecast models of scenarios for the development of the economic potential of enterprise.

Keywords: methodological approach, enterprise, economic potential, process-oriented management, evaluation methods, diagnostics, conception.

Fig.: 5. Bibl.: 15.

Tytykalo Volodymyr S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Business Analytics and Digital Economy, State University «Kyiv Aviation Institute» (1 Lubomyra Husara Ave., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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