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The Spatial Differentiation of Tourist Attractiveness of Ukrainian Regions
Kharchenko O. V.

Kharchenko, Oksana V. (2020) “The Spatial Differentiation of Tourist Attractiveness of Ukrainian Regions.” Business Inform 12:209–216.

Section: Economics of Trade and Services

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article undertakes a comprehensive study of problems of spatial differentiation of tourist attractiveness in terms of Ukrainian regions. The main components of differentiation are defined and it is identified that the assessment of tourist attractiveness of certain regions in terms of spatial differentiation is the basis for the formation of an efficient and profitable tourism business, it determines the peculiarities and structure of the regional tourist product, new tourist routes, formation of priority directions, etc. In the course of an analysis of literary sources of famous scientists-economists, the author’s definition of the category of «spatial differentiation» in the sphere of tourism was elaborated. The article sums up the main factors that characterize the tourist attractiveness of the regions of Ukraine, through which it is possible to assess the tourist attractiveness of the respective regions to identify the most promising directions of development of the tourism sphere and overcome spatial differentiation, which will allow developing an effective strategy for sustainable development of tourism in the regions in the future. The author’s definition of «tourist attractiveness of region« is proposed, which takes into account all theoretical-methodological and practical researches of the problem. Methods for solving problems of multidimensional assessment are defined and it is substantiated that the method of taxonomic analysis distinguishes the simplicity of the mathematical apparatus, the absence of any requirements for the set of the objects studied, a more convenient scale of the received estimates, making it easier to analyze and rank objects. The scheme of taxonomic analysis using factor analysis is proposed, the main purpose of which is to reduce the number of indicators and determine the structure of the relationships between them. The matrix of standardized indicator values was developed and it was concluded that the use of the economic-mathematical model, which is based on taxonomic analysis, allows forming reasonable sets of indicators and getting ratings of regions of Ukraine by the level of the economic component of tourist attractiveness. Practical application of this method is shown in the definition of progressive and depressed regions of Ukraine in the sphere of provision of tourist services.

Keywords: spatial differentiation, taxonomic analysis, tourist attractiveness, indicator, regions of Ukraine.

Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 11.

Kharchenko Oksana V. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Business Economics, Business Administration and Regional Development, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv (17 Chornohlazivska Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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