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The Economic-Organizational Mechanism for Innovative Development of Seaports
Alyabieva O. M.

Alyabieva, Olga M. (2019) “The Economic-Organizational Mechanism for Innovative Development of Seaports.” Business Inform 8:81–86.

Section: Innovative Processes

Article is written in Ukrainian
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Making informed strategic decisions about innovative development of enterprise requires application of the most effective methodical approaches to assessing its innovation potential and forming a mechanism for innovative development of enterprise. In order to define the optimal strategy for innovative development of seaports, the article proposes an economic-organizational mechanism presented in the form of a precise logical and structural scheme. In addition to determining the object and subject of innovation activity, goals and tasks, the proposed mechanism includes principles, functions, forms, methodical approaches to evaluation of innovative development, efficiency criteria, directions, indicators, integral assessment and implementation paths. The formation of the organizational-economic mechanism for innovative development of seaports is carried out on the basis of a scientific-methodical approach, according to which the diagnosis of the status of development of seaport takes place stage-wise, taking into account both the resource and the personnel potentials, investment attractiveness of enterprise, possible risks, and includes a comprehensive system for assessing the innovative development of the maritime industry. This approach allows, along with setting an assessment of the company’s innovative development in accordance with certain indicators, to ensure the optimal decisions on the direction of the investment efficiency of innovation. In turn, strategic management of innovative development ensures the economic profitability of seaports and increases the competitiveness of the State’s maritime industry.

Keywords: innovative development, economic-organizational mechanism, seaport, diagnostics.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 15.

Alyabieva Olga M. – Postgraduate Student, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies (of. 19, 9 Kyrylivska Str., Kyiv, 04071, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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