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Rayevnyeva O. V., Milevska T. S., Bobkova A. Y.
Normative Legal Mechanisms of Cooperation of the Spheres of Professional Training and Business in the Countries of CIS (p. 181 - 183)

The article analyses the experience of the countries of CIS in the sphere of realisation of cooperation of commercial structures and educational institutions and the support of such initiatives within the scope of existing legislation and state programs. The review is made with the purpose of determination of the perspective of introduction of such directions of interrelation of institutes of higher education and business structures into the legislative practice of Ukraine.

Article is written in Russian

BUSINESS INFORM №7-2011, Vol.2

Bryukhovetskaya N. Y., Yegiazarova K. Y.
Some Aspects of Economic Cooperation of Big and Small Business in Ukraine (p. 18 - 20)

Article is devoted consideration of some problems of functioning of small and large business, directions of the decision of these problems and cooperation expansion between large and a small-scale business.

Article is written in Russian


Melnikova V. I., Melnikova Y. P., Melnikov A. P.
Analysis of Action of Internal Revenue Code on Development of Enterprise Resource (p. 100 - 102)

The state of enterprise resource in Ukraine is analysed in this article, his basic problems in the aspect of the folded system of taxation come to light, and also influence of the Internal revenue code of Ukraine on development of small enterprise is estimated.

Article is written in Russian

Orlova O. V., Yatskevych I. V.
Prospects of Development of Small Businesses in Telecommunication Sphere (p. 103 - 107)

The article analyses small businesses in telecommunication sphere, their development, significance and place in the economy of Ukraine.

Article is written in Russian


Kovalevska A. V., Pospelov A. V.
Tendencies of Development of Small Enterprises the Kharkov Area (p. 93 - 98)

In article the analysis of a condition of development of small business of the Kharkov area is carried out. Positive and negative tendencies of activity of small enterprises of region are defined, priority actions for development of small business of Kharkov are defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Chernega O. B., Orlova V. O., Bocharova Y. G.
Civilisation Potential of Entrepreneurship Development in Ukraine (p. 84 - 86)

In the article the definition of «civilizations’ potential of entrepreneurship development» is given. It’s significance and effect on features of businesses development in general and in Ukraine in particular is proved.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Isaieva N. І.
Prospects of Small Business Development in 2012 (p. 87 - 90)

The article gives criteria of rating businesses as small, big and medium, analyses the changes in taxation of small business and prospects of its state support since 2012.

Article is written in Russian

Yurkiv N. Y.
Description of Institutional Environment in the Context of Economic Security of Entrepreneurial Activity in Ukraine (p. 90 - 92)

The institutional environment of entrepreneurial activity is described. The ways of its improvement in the context of economic security of business entities in Ukraine are offered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bazalytskyy D. М.
Criteria and the Role of Small Firms in a Market Economy as a Factor Stabilizing (p. 92 - 94)

In this article makes the analysis and justification of the existing criteria for classifying enterprises into small groups and the place of small enterprises in the national market economy as a factor of stabilization.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Derenko О. А.
International Experience of Government Regulation and Support of Small Business (p. 95 - 97)

This article explores the major aspects of state support of small business at the international level, since the small business is one of the priorities of the course of economic reforms undertaken in developed countries.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Savitskaya Y. I.
Evaluation the level of financial security business in Ukraine (p. 47 - 50)

The article is devoted to determination the essence of «financial security of an enterprise», its role and meaning. Assessment of the financial security of business in Ukraine has been made. Main ways of improving the financial security of an enterprise has been offered.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Prokhorova V. V.
Organizational and Economic Support for Small Business Development in Ukraine (p. 132 - 135)

The constituents of competitiveness of potential of small enterprises are certain. The economic mechanism of renewal and development of small enterprise of Ukraine is resulted. Tasks which are decided by a small enterprise are certain.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Derechinskiy Y. N., Gaidai I. Y., Moroz O. V.
Trend Analysis of Small Business in the Donetsk Region (p. 71 - 75)

The article analyzes the trends of development of small business in the Donetsk region in 2006–2010. Identified priority economic activities of small enterprises in order to develop them further. Proposed the measures to improve the performance of small businesses in the Donetsk region.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Orlova V. O.
Natural Advantage of Small Business is the Basis of its Development (p. 75 - 79)

In the article identified and characterized the natural advantages of a small business, as the basis of its development. Author substantiated that without a high level of development of small business is impossible to accelerate progress of the national economy. The theoretical concept about small business and its benefits were considered. In this case, the analysis of theoretical studies of the benefits of small businesses showed that they are not always decisive, and their expression requires additional benefits. Found that the most important benefits of small business are the advantages in the field of innovation, importance of which in modern terms is growing. The natural advantages of small business allow him to change the conditions in which it is economic stability; change the cost structure of persistent competitive advantage. This has led to the platoon that such benefits should be considered as a basis for the development of small-scale farming. Proper government support should be aimed to provide full use natural advantages by small business. At the same emphasis should be on their objective advantages, and the manifestation of which should be encouraged In particular, this applies primarily to state support of small business in the development and implementation of innovations.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bedrinets M. D.
Efficiency of Activity of Entrepreneurs Under Modern Economic Conditions (p. 183 - 190)

The article studies the “enterprise” and “efficiency of economic activity of an enterprise” notions. It forms own definition of efficiency of an enterprise, which is a complex assessment of final results of the use of main and circulating funds, labour and financial resources and intangible assets. The article considers a system of indicators that are used for assessing efficiency of economic activity of entrepreneurs. It reflects main structural indicators of activity of entrepreneurs in Ukraine during 2008-2011. It provides calculations of main indicators of economic activity of Ukrainian enterprises. It identifies reasons of worsening of the assessment of economic activity. It reveals the most unprofitable spheres of economic activity of enterprises. It justifies main instruments of increase of efficiency of activity of enterprises. The author offers a system of indicators for analysis of efficiency of production and economic activity of an enterprise, which clearly and in more detail defines the essence of the production process. It draws a conclusion that an economic analysis should be conducted at enterprises and other organisations at least once a year and in an established form, and results of the analysis should supplement reports of an enterprise, which were prepared for tax authorities and statistics institutions. These competent authorities should compare authenticity and objectivity of the analysis. The firms that did not provide objective study of their activity should stop their activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Papp V. V.
Modern State and Tendencies of Development of Small Entrepreneurship in Ukraine (p. 160 - 164)

The article studies the state and tendencies of development of small entrepreneurship in Ukraine in modern conditions, assesses main shortcomings and identifies prospects of development. While analysing, systematising and generalising scientific works of scientists, the article analyses system problems of development of small entrepreneurship in Ukraine. In the process of the study the article identifies priority directions of state support of development of small entrepreneurship of the general system character and also specific measures of state support of development of small entrepreneurship. The article justifies and provides recommendations with respect to increase of efficiency of support and identification of strategic prospects of development of small entrepreneurship in Ukraine. Prospect of further study in this direction is development of a mechanism of institutional support of small entrepreneurship in Ukraine, which would allow activation of entrepreneurial activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Brailovskiy I. A.
Interests and Advantages of the Private Sector in the State-Private Partnership (p. 232 - 236)

The article is devoted to analysis of interests that stimulate a private partner to joint activity with the state and advantages they obtain from realisation of projects of the state-private partnership (SPP). It marks out main features and fields of application of the state-private partnership. It underlines that an important prerequisite for motivation of the private sector to enter into partnership relations with the state is observance of clear law competent formal rules in the institutional system. The article identifies potential and basic advantages of the use of the form of the state-private partnership when realising large-scale projects of the national significance. It shows, in particular, that the main advantage of SPP compared to other types of legal relations between the authorities and private sector is the optimal distributions of powers with respect to control over the joint activity on provision of services to the population, in the result of which a desired result will be achieved by both parties. The author believes that the main advantage of SPP for private business is a possibility to expand investments into those branches of the socio-economic life of the country, which earlier was the realm of the state investments.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chechetova-Terashvily T. M.
Strategic Analysis of Small Entrepreneurship Development in Kharkiv (p. 237 - 242)

The article is devoted to the study of activity of small entrepreneurship in the city of Kharkiv. It conducts a strategic analysis of small entrepreneurship of Kharkiv with the help of the SWOT-analysis. The article reveals opportunities and threats of external environment with respect to small entrepreneurship in Kharkiv and its strengths and weaknesses. It conducts a strategic analysis of problems that slow down its development and identifies ways of their overcoming. It formulates strategic directions of formation and execution of the relevant effective and flexible regional policy within the framework of small entrepreneurship development. It makes a conclusion that the potential of positive influence of small entrepreneurship upon socio-economic processes cannot be used in full before negative factors are discovered and liquidated and the ways and mechanisms of progressive development of activity of small enterprises as an important sector of the national economy are justified.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kashuba Y. M.
Harmony of Structure in Ensuring Viability of Entrepreneurship (p. 106 - 110)

The author grounds principles of formation of structure and manifestation of structural properties, which result in the state of viability of entrepreneurship and its elements. Viability of entrepreneurship is considered in accordance with the S. Beer concept and includes five Systems. According to the S. Beer model, modern entrepreneurship has no structure which would correspond with a viable system. Under modern conditions of the system, entrepreneurs, that are responsible for co-ordination and control of entrepreneurial activity, and management systems are uncoordinated. Development of information channels and co-ordination of the systems justify a necessity of weakening the borders of small business and bodies of state administration, since viability, in particular system stability, depends on its connections with external environment. Moreover, participation of public organisations is mandatory. The article develops principles of formation of a structure, which result in the state of viability of entrepreneurship and its elements and are based on cyclicity of processes of organisation and self-organisation that give birth to the processes of management and self-management. The author makes a conclusion that management of viability of the system of entrepreneurship should take place by means of overcoming contradictions, co-ordination of the structure and harmonisation of functions and connections.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kovalevska A. V., Pospelov A. V.
Identification of Factors of Influence upon the Level of Economic Security of Small Enterprises of Ukraine (p. 111 - 118)

The article shows actuality and importance of small subjects of entrepreneurial activity in the economy of the country and its regions and identifies importance of the issue of the study of the state of economic security especially of small enterprises. Having analysed statistical data, the article proves that the modern state of subjects of small entrepreneurship could be characterised as instable and dangerous. The state of economic security of small enterprises is influenced by a big number of factors, the most studied among which are macro-economic ones. At the same time, meso- and micro-economic factors of influence upon the level of economic security of subjects of small business are not studied properly. The article identifies a necessity of a conduct of a deep study and systematisation of threats (both internal and external) of economic security of subjects of small business through questioning and surveys. Exact identification of threats, their classification and distribution by levels of influence, selection of indicators of measuring their influence is the first and main stage of development of the system of management of economic security of an enterprise. This influences formation of the complex of necessary measures of warning and neutralisation of dangers, which correspond with the scale and nature of threats.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Otenko V. I.
Competitive Advantages of Entrepreneurial Activity (p. 290 - 295)

The goal of the article is the study of the essence and process of formation of competitive advantages and study of actual variants of enterprise development, which are directed at taking leading positions in the competitive environment. The article justifies making a decision on formation of new competitive advantages, which takes place in the process of monitoring of existing competitive advantages, when there is a necessity to override out-of-date competitive advantages and those that are in decline. The article analyses the order of formation of new competitive advantages and offers a number of priority competitive advantages of entrepreneurial activity. It shows that an important direction of formation of competitive advantages is development of an efficiency development strategy by an enterprise, which would be based on a unique positioning of the enterprise, and orientation at unique types of activity. Namely this would allow ensuring long-term competitive advantages.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Datskevych N. O.
Social Responsibility of Business as a Tool to Combat Economic and Environmental Crises (p. 197 - 201)

The purpose of the article is to explore the relationship between economic and environmental crises with the level of social responsibility of business, as well as the concept of creating a new level of understanding of sustainable development, which serves as a practical and effective tool for achieving a balance between the needs of the population and the availability of natural resources. Theoretical ways of increasing efficiency to overcome the crisis and its consequences under socially responsible business activities were considered. The basic directions of struggle against economic crises using the concept of social responsibility of business as a basic instrument in an unstable global ecological and economic situation were examined. The innovative solutions that help to reduce the probability of crises were highlighted, and the model shows the link between threats and opportunities from the crisis with a pyramid of social responsibility A. Carroll. Prospects for further research in this direction are the analysis of the approaches to optimization of overcoming the negative effects of economic and environmental crises and minimizing the impact on performance of the company.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Krasnokutska N. S., Bubenets I. H.
Entrepreneurial Potential in the Context of the Evolution of the Theory of Entrepreneurship (p. 205 - 209)

The purpose of this article is to study the evolution of the theory of entrepreneurship, to show the stages of this process with revealing of the changes that have occurred in the understanding of the characteristics and purpose of the entrepreneur and entrepreneurial capacity. Analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the scientific work of many scientists, the evolution of the theory of entrepreneurship was considered, the views of researchers and identified the characteristics of an entrepreneur were systematized. The study highlighted the stages of evolution of the theory of entrepreneurship. It defined the features of the entrepreneur as the bearer of the entrepreneurial potential in the context of the evolution of the theory of entrepreneurship. It was proved that the understanding of the content of the business potential is determined by the ability to create value proposition due to the presence of resources, capabilities and competencies. Adhering to the selected provisions of the dependence of the characteristic features of the entrepreneurial potential of the features of the development not only of the theory of entrepreneurship, but also of national economies, the prospects for further research are to identify the distinctive features inherent to entrepreneurs in terms of Ukrainian realities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shubchik O. A.
Classification of Business Networking Structures (p. 210 - 214)

The article examines the factors that cause the need for the transition to the new network management practices. Different approaches to the definition of network companies were analyzed and own interpretation of the concept of "network structure" as a system of interconnected objects of management was offered, based on the rational use of shared resources and ideas with the support of modern information and communication software for expanding the boundaries of business, obtaining the economic benefits and improving the innovative activities. In the systematization of scientific works of Russian and foreign scientists the classification features of network structures were highlighted: the type of network model, the base of creating, uniformity of format, place of origin, the stability of the relationship, the degree of independence, innovation component, territorial location, ways of development, marketing communication channels, industrial component, the degree of stability of participants, the size of the participating companies, the strategic partnership, the main activity, the degree of centralization and the degree of formalization.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Komelina O. V., Chaikina A. O.
Risks and Threats in the Formation of the Business Potential of Region (p. 143 - 147)

The article is aimed to study the catalysts that determine the emergence of risks and threats, influencing the level of business potential in the region. These catalysts are exogenous (factors of direct and indirect effect) and endogenous (related to staff and resources). We assume that an enterprise can and has the ability to prevent occurrence of such catalysts, to react promptly to manifestations of destabilization in its activities and foresee the causes of crisis processes. It has been proven that in some cases they are independent from the quality of the enterprise's activity, and in others – are determined by its economic activity that has complex effects on the formation of business potential. As result of the study on risk indicators for the business potential of region, a method for calculation of the integral indicator of the overall risk level to the business potential has been proposed, on the basis of which the relevant strategies to counter risks, threats and restrictions on the part of the environment have been built. A Top-10 of the most significant risks that affected the economic activities of enterprises in 2014 has been formed. Ways to counter these negative developments have been proposed to enhance the business potential of region.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Panasiuk O. V.
Small Business in Ukraine: Development Trends and Taxation Issues (p. 102 - 107)

The article discusses issues and prospects of small business taxation in Ukraine. The article is aimed to evaluate the trends of development of small business in Ukraine, to identify issues of taxation of its activities and substantiate the ways to solve them. According to the results of the research has been determined that the small and medium business in Ukraine is developing with insufficient pace, which indicates the untapped potential. One of the reasons for the insufficiently active development of small business in Ukraine are distortions in the taxation system, creating prerequisites for using small business in the tax minimization schemes, rather than implementation of real activity. The changes in the arrangements for levying a single tax on legal and natural persons have been positive, because at a nominal decrease in the number of single tax payers amounts of their revenue have increased, and so have the amounts of single tax paid. When studying the foreign experience, has been determined that in most economically developed countries alternative tax regimes are either not used or used only during a certain period of time. Instead they have a massive list of tax incentives in the boundaries of regular tax system. Such experience should be implemented into practice of taxation in Ukraine. The foreign experience also demonstrates the high requirements for accounting and financial reporting. Similar requirements should be introduced in Ukraine, this will significantly improve the quality of financial reporting and will increase the confidence of lenders and investors towards the enterprises operating in the sector of small business.

Article is written in Russian


Humenyuk V. V.
Determining the Causes for Existence of Illegal (Shadow) Entrepreneurship (p. 160 - 165)

The article is aimed to identify the significant causes for the illegal-type (shadow) entrepreneurship. This problem is relevant against the background of the provided as in scientific literature so in the public policy documents, dozens of different factors for establishing shadow economy, thus, without an appropriate scientific substantiation for their influence. The article is aimed at unificating and determining the factors with a significant influence. Using the method of analysis and synthesis, 18 factors of illegal entrepreneurship has been allocated. Further on, 12 of them has been selected, the influence of which can be estimated through statistics or international ratings. Using the correlation-regression modeling, factors that have a significant impact on the scale of illegal entrepreneurship has been determined. Results of the study will be used to generate a system of measures for State regulation of the process of entrepreneurship legalization, aimed at solving the problems identified, which in practice will ensure a reduction in the share of illegal sector and decrease the resource costs to overcome minor factors. As result of the study, the approaches to determine causes of shadow economy developments has been improved, which, unlike the existing ones, allow to determine the factors with a significant correlating effect, that means, high performance of the related programs as well as mechanism for entrepreneurship legalization can be provided.

Article is written in Russian

Filippova S. V., Bogachenko A. V.
Problems of Definition of the Notion of Small Industrial Business, its Regulatory-Legal Support (p. 166 - 171)

The article is aimed to identify the problem of definition of the notion of small industrial business. The normative sources related to defining the notions of both industrial entrepreneurship and small business, as well as their values, have been discussed. Based on an analysis of both the normative sources and the scientific thoughts, a definition of small industrial business has been given, its place in the structure of national economy has been identified. Characteristics and peculiarities of Ukrainian small industrial enterprises has been specified, also the regulatory-legal provision of the related State support has been analyzed. The research identified unavailability of allocation of individual programs for the development in case of small businesses in the industrial sector. The regulatory-legal support is represented by a large number of normative documents, which are not congruent and often have no real mechanism for implementing, mostly they reveal declaratory nature or have been written as declarations of intent.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kosata I. A.
Essence and Classification of the Basic Types of the Integrated Business Structures (p. 252 - 256)

One of the main trends of the 20th – early 21st centuries is establishment of integrated business structures, which have a significant impact on the economies of both individual States and the world economy as a whole. During the development of integrated business structures (IBS) a significant number of their varied forms had emerged, including: trusts, pools, syndicates, cartels, industrial complexes, associations, alliances, conglomerates, consortia, corporations, strategic alliances, financial-industrial groups, creative manager corporations, strategic families, technology parks, etc. We want to draw attention to the fact that the number of forms of IBS is not permanent. The existing forms are developed along with further development of economy. Despite the significant amount of scientific literature, aimed at consideration of forms of IBS, a definite answer to the question: which one of them under what conditions and at what time would be advisable to unite with, or which one of them would be the most competitive, – is missing. In this connection, the above characteristics of the organizational forms of IBS are of importance and require further research.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnyk T. O.
Provision of Development Infrastructure for Small Business in Ukraine (p. 257 - 261)

The article is aimed at partial disclosure of a new State strategy of development of small entrepreneurship in Ukraine. Importance of infrastructure in the development of small business has been displayed. Sections in the infrastructure development for facilitating the emergence of small enterprises in Ukraine have been allocated, which provide guidelines for creating the necessary conditions in the development of small business. These sections are coordination of work of both the regional and the district centers of assistance to development of small entrepreneurship, development and implementation of targeted programs of financial support for priority businesses, development of business incubators on the basis of higher education institutions, information-and-consulting public support, provision of administrative services, etc. Prospect of further research in this area is to determine the extent of the necessary development of each element of the infrastructure for development of small entrepreneurship in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bubenets I. H.
Establishing the Organizational-Economic Foundations of the Internal Entrepreneurship at Trade Enterprises (p. 298 - 303)

The article is aimed at both generalizing the study data on identification of stages of the intrapreneurship process and development of organizational-economic fundamentals of the internal entrepreneurship at trade enterprises. With a view to establishing the organizational-economic foundations of the internal entrepreneurship, approaches to determine stages of the process of intrapreneurship have been systematized, as well as a process model for its implementation at trade enterprises has been developed. To estimate prerequisites for introduction of the conception of intrapreneurship, recommendations how to build a two-criteria matrix of «Estimation of both the availability and the development level of the entrepreneurial potential of trade enterprise – favorableness of the internal entrepreneurial climate» have been elaborated. It has been proven that results of positioning create the basis for further formulation of the strategic vision for intrapreneurship, goals and objectives of activization of the entrepreneurial potential of staff with a view to development of trade enterprise, selection of a intrapreneurship model, its organizational and resource support.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Palyvoda O. M., Temindarova Y. A.
Development of Small and Medium Business in Ukraine in the Context of the European Economic Integration (p. 267 - 271)

The article is concerned with scientific-theoretical analysis of problems in the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Ukraine in view of their economic condition and specifics of market transformations in the context of the European economic integration. Methods of statistical analysis, quantitative and qualitative comparison, grouping, and synthesis were used. A comparative analysis of the major contemporary trends in the development of SMEs in Ukraine and the EU has been conducted, in particular: enhancement of their role in generating both the added value and employment; spread in virtually all sectors of economy; dominance in the sphere of production, trade, business services; awareness of the need for internationalization of economic activities and enhancing innovativeness. The practical significance of the results provides for establishing a scientific basis for developing mechanisms for optimal adaptation of SMEs in the European economic area.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ostroumova V. V.
The Kherson Chamber of Commerce and Industry as an Element of the Entrepreneurship Support Infrastructure (p. 272 - 276)

The article is aimed at studying the development indicators for small and medium entrepreneurship of Kherson region, elaborating of theoretical principles and practical recommendations for the further sustainable and effective infrastructure support by the regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The results of work of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine and its structural subdivisions in the Kherson region have been considered. The article analyzes the indicators of activity of small and medium entrepreneurship, as well as individual entrepreneurs in the Kherson region, compared with the average in Ukraine. The importance of the regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the development of local business has been examined. Problems and prospects of development for infrastructure of the Ukrainian business environment have been identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vatamaniuk-Zelinska U. Z.
Stimulating the Development of Machine-Building Entrepreneurship in Conditions of Internationalization of Economic Activities by the Domestic Economic Entities (p. 219 - 223)

The article is concerned with developing directions of integration cooperation by economic entities of machine-building complex, which can guarantee the actors of small (medium-size) entrepreneurship keeping or achieving solvency, financial stability and financial equilibrium in the short and long-term perspective, while preserving their independent status. The article substantiates the integrating interaction of the actors of industrial entrepreneurship and the State executive bodies, thus allowing the State to act as a subject of the integration relationships, thereby providing an opportunity of sanitation of insolvent enterprises in the machine-building complex of Ukraine. A system for management of integration processes is offered, which provides a coherent set of measures and covers the management tools, including assessment of business environment and the choice of an integration method. The concept of «management of the integration processes of the machine-building complex of Ukraine» has been defined as a system for management of the internal and external resources belonging to its economic entities since the legal registration of the type of integrating cooperation, bearing in mind application of the methods of management of the resources in terms of an integrated entity. Methods for integrating cooperation of actors of entrepreneurial activity, taking into account preservation of the autonomy of integrated structures, have been elaborated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hryhorash O. V.
Estimating Efficiency of Implementing Budgetary Levers to Stimulate Development of Small Entrepreneurship (p. 224 - 229)

Implementation of activities according to the regional programs for development and support of small entrepreneurship has been analyzed. Efficiency of implementing budgetary levers to stimulate small entrepreneurship development has been estimated by means of an analysis of the relationship between the general volume of funding regional programs and the indicators of small entrepreneurship development: share of products sold by small enterprises, level of employment in the small business and share of enterprises, which implemented innovations. Influence of the indicated budgetary levers on the development of small entrepreneurship development has proved to be insignificant. During the reviewed period, there has been a reduction in the budgetary expenses for the financing of regional programs, therefore, the State support of small entrepreneurship was biased towards the use of fiscal instruments, which became the determinant to stimulate entrepreneurial activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Maksymov M. S.
Development and Support of Small and Medium-Sized Entrepreneurship in Ukraine in the State and Regional Strategic Documents (p. 196 - 203)

The status of the legal framework, directions of both the State and the regional development strategies, as well as the activity of authorities on support of small and medium enterprises in Ukraine have been analyzed. An analysis of the normative-legal documents of Ukraine as to development and support of entrepreneurship, as well as a quantitative analysis of targets of the strategic documents, have been carried out, also aggregating the targets by the directions and spheres has been proposed. A classification of legal documents in relation to development of entrepreneurship has been proposed. Quantitative estimations of orientation of the policy as to entrepreneurship development at the national and regional levels have been obtained and an indicator of activity of regional authorities towards supporting entrepreneurship has been elaborated. A conceptual model for development of a regional entrepreneurship support fund as the principal body in support of entrepreneurship in the region has been developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Gritsaenko M. I.
Confidence as a Prerequisite for Development of the Entrepreneurial Activity (p. 143 - 148)

The article is aimed at define the role of confidence in creating own business and developing the entrepreneurial activity. The article determines the essence of confidence as the main component of the social capital, which forms the mentality of people, provides a level of their communication and social grouping. Interrelations between estimating the life satisfaction along with the economic situation in the country by the population of Ukraine and GDP per capita, have been analyzed. In addition, models of dependence between the attitude of the Ukrainian population towards the development of private entrepreneurship and the level of confidence to entrepreneurs, as well as between the desire to start their own businesses and different levels of confidence that are combined in the interpersonal and institutional groups, have been built. Based on the study of the positions of Ukraine in the rating on favorableness of conditions for doing business, which is determined by the World Bank annually, as well as considering the plan of action for implementing the best practices of qualitative and effective regulation, as reflected in the methodology of this ranking as to 2016, prospects for further research will be determining directions of institutional changes that will enhance confidence and stimulate development of the social capital in the entrepreneurial activities and society in general.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Maksymov M. S.
Reducing the Cognitive Load in the Developing a Business Plan for Small Business (p. 161 - 166)

The article is concerned with the process of creating a business plan. At the present moment there are techniques to create business plans, developed at both the international and the national levels, but none of them has became common. The major outstanding issue of business planning in the sphere of small business are high demands towards the person, creating a business plan, including the demands in terms of cognitive load. In order to improve efficiency of business plan development, developments in the sphere of psychology were applied: the theory of bounded rationality by H. Simon, studies on the human memory by G. Miller, studies in the field of user interfaces and the concepts of cognitive load by J. Julien. Nine existing standards of business planning were analyzed. The elements of business plan, which occur in more than 66% of the standards of business plans, have been allocated: environment analysis, risk analysis, strategy, operational unit, production, marketing, finance, personnel, organization, and management. Five main blocks of the elements have been allocated: analytics, strategy, processes, resources, management. The mnemonic abbreviations that simplify memorization of the basic blocks have been proposed.

Article is written in Russian


Andriyiv N. M.
Essence and Features of Entrepreneurship in the Internal Trade System of Ukraine (p. 172 - 177)

The article is aimed at substantiation of scientific views on the issue of essence of entrepreneurship in the internal trade system, allocating its characteristic features, functions, and types. Views of scholars on the issue of essence of entrepreneurship have been researched. Certain controversial provisions have been identified, in particular narrowing of entrepreneurial activity down to an initiative without formation of the legal person; any activity aimed at making profit; any economic activity. Using the systematic approach, the essence of internal trade as a subsystem of the national economy, generated by a combination of matching elements, has been disclosed. It has been substantiated that entrepreneurship in the internal trade system is characterized by the attributes inherent in entrepreneurship as a whole (autonomy, initiative), as well as attributes that characterize the entrepreneurship in the internal trade system as such. They are: riskiness, legitimacy, flexibility, mobility of entities of entrepreneurship, high level of informedness. On the basis of the carried out analysis, the socio-economic functions of entrepreneurship in the internal trade system have been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ignatova I. V., Datsenko N. V., Rudyk N. V.
Several Methods for Evaluating the Investment Attractiveness of Small Innovation Enterprises (p. 171 - 178)

An important factor of impact on the development and living abilities of small and medium-sized innovation enterprises, including startups, is the opportunity to evaluate their investment attractiveness. The main reason for the «failure» of such enterprises is the lack of instrumentarium to forecast the potential number of their customers, and therefore their financial results. The article suggests the number of projected customers as an indicator for evaluation of the investment attractiveness of small innovation enterprises. The authors propose to use a number of mathematical models on the basis of the instrumentarium of descriptive statistics and simulation modeling. The proposed models are built on the basis of the hypothesis of normality of the distribution law of random amounts of income clients and allow forecasting with high accuracy in relation to the day of week, and therefore evaluating the investment risks for potential investors.

Article is written in English


Makhota A. V.
The Franchising in the Context of Development of Small and Medium-Sized Business: Organizational-Economic and Accounting Aspects (p. 160 - 165)

In order to determine the organizational-economic and accounting aspects of franchising in the context of volatility of the macro-economic situation and the scarcity of entrepreneurs’ own funds, the current status of the franchising market in Ukraine, its economic essence and its role have been determined; the kinds of franchising that are known in world business practices have been provided; the types of distribution contracts that are close to the meaning of franchising have been defined; the legislative basis for franchising in Ukraine has been presented; the binding terms of a commercial concession contract as a legislated analogy of franchising in Ukraine have been determined; the features of reflection of the legality of franchising in accounting of both franchiser and franchisee have been provided. The objective advantages of franchising for both the large enterprises and the start-up entrepreneurs have been determined. On the basis of the legal nature of franchising relations in the accounting accounting, its reflection is close in the meaning to intangible assets. Implementation of franchising potential as a strategic tool for the development of small and medium-sized businesses requires the improvement of its legislative framework in the part of enhancing the responsibility of the parties.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Parkhomenko O. S., Iarmosh O. V.
The Prospects and Instruments for Development of the Small and Medium-Sized Entrepreneurship in Ukraine (p. 101 - 105)

The article is concerned with defining the main problems in the sphere of small and medium-sized enterprises at the regional (on example of Kharkiv region) and national levels, studying the prospects and instruments for development of small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine. The main legislative and regulatory documents aimed at the development of the small and medium-sized sector of entrepreneurship have been provided. Also an analysis of the main expected accomplishments of the Program of facilitating the development of small and medium entrepreneurship in Kharkiv region in 2016-2020 and of the number of public institutions supporting entrepreneurship has been carried out. The main obstacles to small and medium-sized business development at both the regional and the national levels have been determined. The instruments for development of entrepreneurship sector have been grouped according to suggestions by representatives of the regional business association, public communities, banking sphere and other financial and credit institutions, experts-researchers, representatives of the public authorities, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Rudyk N. V., Polischuk Y. A., Sybirianska Y. V.
The Ethical Code for Small and Medium-Sized Business According to the Principles of Social and Ecological Responsibility (p. 196 - 203)

The article is aimed at studying the basis of formalized approach to the management of small and medium-sized business (SMB) according to the principles of social and ecological responsibility. The fundamental modules of the ethical code of SMB management are formed, becoming a reflection of causal relations between the global goals of sustainable development and the prospect of Ukrainian business in the foreign economic activity, as well as its initiative on the world stage. The content modules of regulation of the basic relations between the key subjects of SMB and their orientation to a qualitatively new level of business are defined. The key provisions of the code, regulating social responsibility of SMB, are proposed as follows: guarantee of favorable and safe working conditions; support for cultural diversity versus discrimination and harassment; regulation of the recruitment and employment process; motivation to increase intellectual capital through training and development. During the self-regulation of the SMB ecological responsibility it is proposed to adhere to such provisions of the code: compliance with ecological policy; optimality of strategies and instruments in accordance with the environmentally friendly goals; ecological orientation in relations with contractors.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ruda M. V., Horbal N. I., Ilnytskiy V. S.
COSME: Development and Improvement of Competitiveness of Ukrainian Enterprises in the EU Markets (p. 252 - 258)

The article is concerned with coverage of current aspects of the economic European integration of Ukrainian enterprises, namely research and substantiation of problematic moments of increasing the competitiveness of small and medium-sized businesses in the EU markets. The article is focused on the COSME program, which is directed towards formation of adequate conditions for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), exchange of experience, expansion of trade and economic relations, formation of a high culture of doing business according to the best world practices. Directions of the work program of SMEs for national enterprises in 2018 have been generalized, such as: facilitating entry into international markets; improving conditions for competitiveness; formation of the culture of entrepreneurship. Along with this, the COSME subprograms (especially Enterprise Europe Network) focus on facilitating access to financing, facilitating enterprises’ access to new markets, creating an environment conducive to competitiveness, promoting development of the entrepreneurial culture. As a result, unique opportunities of COSME program for Ukrainian business providing help for development and maximal use of the own potential are substantiated. Ukraine’s participation in this program is an important component of the State policy of supporting enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khocha N. V.
The Prospects for Improvement of the Financial Reporting Forms of Small Enterprises (p. 259 - 263)

The article is aimed at providing recommendations as to improving the financial statements of small enterprises (SE) as a final element of a simplified accounting system by defining its appropriate composition and structure to meet the informational needs of both external and internal users. In order to improve the quality characteristics of the financial statements of the SE, the author proposes such changes in their structure and composition: a list of the main and additional clauses should be introduced in the forms of financial statements of SE, based on the norms P(S)A 25, NP(S)A 1 and professional judgment of the management of small entrepreneurship entity (SEE); calculations on the issued and received advances should be included in the list of mandatory clauses of the balance form No. 1-m and be reflected separately from other receivables or accounts payable; report on the financial results of the form No. 2-m should be supplemented with the Section II: «Costs of economic elements», as defined by the taxonomy of financial statements; «Money flow statement» should be compiled by direct or indirect method at the request of the MP management as a form of management reporting. Prospects for further research are the development of forms of accounting registers designed to systematize information on the activities of SEE for the preparation of financial statements, taking account of the recommendations on improving its quality characteristics.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shuliak B. V.
The Methods for Diagnosing the Attractiveness of Ecological Entrepreneurship in Rural Areas (p. 264 - 270)

The study is aimed at substantiating the methods for diagnosing the attractiveness of ecological entrepreneurship in rural areas. The article defines the objectives of diagnosing the attractiveness of ecological entrepreneurship in rural areas. It is determined that the methods for diagnosing the attractiveness of environmentally oriented entrepreneurial activity should take into account its effectiveness in the context of economic, ecological, and social components; current status, dynamics and tendencies of development of basic indicators of attractiveness; relationship between the actual and target values of such indicators. The system of methods which is expedient for use in the process of diagnosing, has been defined as follows: methods of correlation analysis (substantiation of the purposes of diagnostics); coefficient analysis and fuzzy logic methods (estimation of the actual levels of attractiveness indicators); regression analysis and mathematical-statistical method (estimation of tendencies, building of forecasts); cluster analysis, ranking, rationing, and integral estimation (comparative analysis of the estimation results).

Article is written in Ukrainian


Strilets V. Y.
The Synchronization of Ukrainian Practice of Conducting and Developing Small Business with the European Standards (p. 105 - 111)

The article is aimed at studying, comparing and systematizing the experience of conducting and developing small business in the European countries concerning Ukrainian practice. Analyzing and evaluating the main advantages of the EU experience in the management of small business, the possibilities of its synchronization in the Ukrainian realities of small businesses functioning are defined. As a result of the study, the need to bring Ukrainian standards of entrepreneurship to European norms is recognized; criteria for synchronization of small business financial provision practices are determined; the «qualitative structure» of small business entities both in Ukraine and in the EU is researched; priority areas of activity in the sphere of small business are identified. The carried out analysis helped to allocate a list of problems that hinder synchronization of Ukrainian standards with the European standards of conducting small business. Emphasis is placed on the need for objective and transparent monitoring of the status of small business, it is determined that studies carried out by foreign organizations on the status and level of small business development in Ukraine are more realistic than domestic ones. Prospect for further researches in this direction is definition of practical recommendations and tactical actions on adaptation of positive world experience of conducting and developing small business in Ukraine together with elimination of existing problems as to the related business activities.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Slavkova A. A., Lebeda M. O.
The Nature of Incomes of Small Entrepreneurship and the Theoretical Bases of Their Taxation (p. 152 - 157)

The article is aimed at studying the essence and nature of incomes of natural persons of entrepreneurship in the structure of factor incomes. The main identification attributes and features of such incomes are analyzed. The views of the leading scholars on the theoretical bases of taxation of incomes from small business are characterized alongside with influence of taxation on performance of the basic public functions of entrepreneurship on the part of natural persons. It is proved that connection of entrepreneurial incomes with peculiarities of their taxation is manifested in two aspects. First, in terms of distribution of the tax burden between different types of factorial incomes, secondly, distribution of the tax burden between economic entities which have chosen different models of economic behavior. Prospect for further researches in this direction is evaluation of influence of taxation on the economic activity of entrepreneurs, structure of production, and distribution of incomes of taxes.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Moroz S. H.
Defining the Priority Vectors and Mechanisms for Regulatory Policy of Development of the Small-Sized Entrepreneurship in Ukraine (p. 247 - 251)

Nowadays imperfection of the State regulation of small-sized entrepreneurship, absence of systemacity in usage of regulatory mechanisms in the sphere of entrepreneurial activity can cause high level of shadowing the economy, therefore it is necessary to define priority vectors and mechanisms of the regulatory policy of development of the small-sized entrepreneurship in Ukraine. The publication proves that the system of mechanisms and certain instruments of the State policy should be formed on the basis of key vectors of probable regulatory influence on promotion of the sector of small-sized entrepreneurship. Taking into view the current status of quality of regulatory policy along with tendencies of development of the national sector of small-sized entrepreneurship, priority vectors and mechanisms of regulatory policy development of small-sized entrepreneurship in Ukraine are substantiated and represented by diagrams, including the following: planning; monitoring, analysis, diagnostics; deregulation; information-communication policy; economic and organizational support of business. The results of an applied improvement of the regulatory policy of development of small-sized entrepreneurship in Ukraine are described.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Strilets V. Y.
Interpreting the Inequality of the State Support for Development of Small-Sized Business, Using the Means of Iterative Clustering (p. 252 - 258)

The article is aimed at interpreting the inequality of the State support for development of small-sized business using the instruments of iterative cluster analysis and proving the need to take into view peculiarities of its management in different territories in order to achieve a balanced and equally intensive development of small-sized business with the participation of the State. The hypothesis about inequality of the State support for development of small-sized business in the territory of Ukraine is proposed, the proof of which presupposes evaluation of symmetry and intensity of the State support of development of small-sized business by the means of cluster analysis. The scientific novelty of this article is the construction of the algorithm of using the results of clustering in achieving the uniform State support for the small-sized business development in Ukraine, providing allocation of the permanent and variative components of the algorithm. The carried out clustering of the administrative-territorial units of Ukraine allowed to allocate the list of problem points and similarities in the State support of the small-sized business development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ivanyshyn V. V., Rudyk V. K., Pecheniuk A. P.
The Methodical Foundations for Evaluating the Attractiveness of Social Entrepreneurship (p. 100 - 107)

The current global trends in the development of socio-economic relations are analyzed. It is determined that one of the promising directions is social entrepreneurship, which combines commercial and social components, which helps to mitigate the negative impact of market relations. The article is aimed at elaborating the methodical foundations for evaluation of the attractiveness of social entrepreneurship. Directions of evaluation of the attractiveness of social entrepreneurship are proposed, among which of significant importance is study of psychological and informational (educational) aspects, which the authors associate with social intelligence and social cohesion of residents. A general methodology for evaluation of the attractiveness of social entrepreneurship is proposed, which includes consideration and evaluation of indicators of social cohesion and social intelligence of residents. This will create conditions for a comprehensive study of this phenomenon, formation of a positive perception of the studied activities, identification of communities with high potential for the development of social entrepreneurship, that will become the basis of formation of a strategy for the development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine along with regional development programs. As direction of further scientific research is suggested development of criteria for evaluating the efficiency of social entrepreneurship together with indicators of its development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Melnyk M. I., Leshchukh I. V.
Entrepreneurship Development in Region: Sectoral Dimension (p. 161 - 170)

The article explores the tendencies of entrepreneurship development in region (on the example of the Zaporizhzhya region). Based on the statistics of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine and the General Directorate of Statistics in the Zaporizhzhya region, the article analyzes the main indicators of the activities of the economic entities in this region; the main indicators of the financial-economic activities of the enterprises in the Zaporizhzhya region (by types of economic activity); financial results before taxation per enterprise in the Zaporizhzhya region; financial results before taxation of enterprises in the individual regions of Ukraine; the main structural indicators of the small enterprises’ activities in the individual regions of Ukraine. Some data on entrepreneurship development in several regions of Ukraine are compared with the corresponding indicators of the Gomel region of the Republic of Belarus. The carried out research allowed to state the following: change in the structure of the region’s economic entities during the research period towards an increase in the share of enterprises and, consequently, a decrease in the share of individuals - entrepreneurs; the lower rate of decline in employment in the Zaporizhzhya region than in Ukraine as a whole; a high proportion of innovatively active industrial enterprises in the total number of industrial enterprises in the Zaporizhzhya region compared to the neighboring regions (except Kharkiv region) and the country as a whole; positive tendency in the volume of sold innovative products by the region’s industrial enterprises; increased importance of the small business’ influence on the economic development of the Zaporizhzhya region, as evidenced by the high average annual growth rate of the number of small enterprises in the region compared to a number of neighboring regions, as well as the growth of volume of the products (goods and services) sold by small businesses. It is determined that the importance of business development for the Zaporizhzhya region is conditioned by the need to move from the model of economic development based on the activities of large enterprises - processors of raw materials to more diversified and open economic model based on small and medium-sized entrepreneurship with high innovation potential, resilience to crisis phenomena and the ability to adapt quickly to new economic conditions and environmental challenges. Therefore, the first-priority measures are: modernization of the outdated equipment and technologies; introduction of energy-saving technologies, alternative energy; spatial deconcentration of economic entities.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Nashchekina O. M., Tymoshenkov I. V., Nwafor Franklin Nnemeka
An Elusive Concept: The Problem of Defining Social Entrepreneurship (p. 128 - 139)

Interest in social entrepreneurship has been growing over the last two decades among both practitioners and academics. However, despite the numerous studies and a large body of literature on social entrepreneurship, the concept remains fuzzy and open to different interpretations. One of the reasons why the concept eludes the grasp is that social entrepreneurship is a multidimensional phenomenon, which can take a great variety of forms. The purpose of this paper is to review the approaches to defining social entrepreneurship, to show the major challenges in drawing the boundaries between social and commercial entrepreneurship as well as between social entrepreneurship and other types of social activities, to identify relevant dimensions for differentiation. Having analyzed different definitions of social entrepreneurship, we have identified eight dimensions of this phenomenon. We have shown that within most of those dimensions the characteristics of social entrepreneurial activities can change along a continuum. The points of contention among researchers of social entrepreneurship are related to the boundaries within which these characteristics can be varied without compromising the social entrepreneurial status of an activity. The proposed dimensions might provide additional insight into the phenomenon of social entrepreneurship, help identify different forms of social entrepreneurship and systemize the results of empirical studies. The list of dimensions is not exhaustive, and as empirical evidence accumulates and new types of social entrepreneurship appear, new dimensions can be added.

Article is written in English


Danylevych N. S., Rudakova S. H., Shchetinina L. V., Vashchenko E. O.
The Economic Situation in Ukraine: Business Expectations (p. 203 - 209)

Significant efforts have been made over the past five years to improve the economic situation and economic growth to simplify the conduct of business. However, Ukraine is now perceived as a country with excessive regulation and high levels of corruption, which is not favorable for the business environment. Therefore, research on the factors that affect business expectations at the current stage is extremely relevant. The article is aimed at studying the conditions for creating a favorable environment for business by introducing deregulation measures, eliminating excessive administrative burdens on business and reducing the State control. In the study, the methodology of statistical analysis and the scientific approach of «forecasting» are used. Business expectations, which mainly consist of positive assessments and forecasts regarding the economic situation in Ukraine, are evaluated. However, the business environment notes that Ukraine still has problems in organizing and implementing reforms. The main problem directions have been defined as follows: unstable production growth, shortage of qualified personnel, low growth rates, coherence of the legislative environment. The existence of informal relations between the various branches of government and business has been discovered. Respondents of all economic activities, except energy and water companies, predict growth in total sales volumes and improved financial-economic conditions. Enterprises in the trade and processing industries have the highest expectations. The shortage of qualified personnel may be one of the factors that will hamper economic activity in the future. Prospect for further research in this direction is the issue of developing measures to improve the expectations of the business environment. In practical terms, there is a disparity between the regions of Ukraine and the scale of business relative to the economic expectations for 2020.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vatamaniuk-Zelinska U. Z.
Improving the Financial Efficiency of Business Activities in the Context of the Implementation of Administrative-Territorial Reform in Ukraine (p. 210 - 217)

The article is aimed at defining the prognostic financial indicators of revenues to local budgets from the implementation of entrepreneurial activities in the conditions of reforming the administrative-territorial structure of Ukraine. The volumes of income to the local budgets of newly formed territorial communities are analyzed and the prognostic figures of revenues from land fees, as a result of entrepreneurial activities, to the budgets of prospective united territorial communities (UTCs) are defined. It is substantiated that the value of the capitalized rental income standard, on the basis of which the normative monetary valuation of the agricultural land of prospective territorial communities be determined, is greater than the assessment of such land in communities that have not united, which becomes an additional incentive to unite and strengthens the decentralization processes. The results of the studies show that after determining a normative monetary valuation of the agricultural land, located outside the settlements of the united territorial communities, its importance for arable land in Ukraine on the average is: max – 32928,25 UAH/ha in Cherkasy region and min – 12936,55 UAH/ha – in Lviv region, that is, an excess of 2,54 times and by 19991,70 UAH/ha. When renting agricultural land located outside the settlements of the united territorial communities, the normative monetary valuation of which was carried out at the level of the 1% rate, the difference in the projected revenues in their budgets is 14719,53 UAH/year (max – 20485,47 thousand UAH – according to the UTCs in Dnipropetrovsk region and min – 694,72 UAH – according to the UTCs in Zakarpattya region. The cost of service of such land exceeds its minimum figure by 29,48 times. The prognostic volumes of single tax revenues to the budgets of the prospective UTCs amount to 2555525,00 UAH, which makes 13,49% of the estimated volume of payments on rent and land tax (as part of the property tax). The maximum projected rental and land tax revenues (at the level of 1%) are related to Dnipropetrovsk region, and the minimal ones are related to Zakarpattya and Vinnytsya regions, which is mainly due to the area that is transferred to the ownership of an UTC, subject to their uniting.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Butenko N. V., Berdar M. M.
The Networking Features of Entrepreneurship in the Context of Globalization (p. 218 - 224)

The article explores the networking features of entrepreneurship and defines the principles of ensuring the competitiveness of the national economy through network entrepreneurship in the context of globalization. The modern strategy of Ukraine’s socio-economic development in the context of globalization processes is analyzed. It is concluded that the need to form the networking structures of entrepreneurship is becomes actualized under the influence of globalization. The factors that actualize the need to take into account the networking principles of the organization of entrepreneurial structures are considered: transformation of the level of obtaining competitive advantages from an individual entity to a network; changing the organizational model of entrepreneurial structures; information revolution and the development of technology; competitive advantages from the networking synergistic effects. The main tendencies in the network operations have been defined, including the development of long-term partnerships with suppliers, buyers and contractors to gain competitive advantage in partnerships and reduce risks; decentralization of responsibility, strengthening coordination through the development of horizontal communications. It is concluded that the basis of network formation is synergy, which can improve the efficiency of entrepreneurship development in Ukraine by formalizing the optimal ratio of vertical and horizontal links and interactions. The main synergistic effects are provided in terms of causes and forms of manifestation, including: improved management efficiency, elimination of duplication of functions, savings on the scale of production, diversification, integration of the scientific research base, optimization of commodity flows, reduction of payments to budgets, monopolization of the market, improvement of financial indicators, effect of a large organization.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kyfyak V. I., Malysh L. B.
Social Entrepreneurship: Problems and Perspectives (p. 275 - 280)

In the turbulent conditions of public relations, which have developed both in the world and in Ukraine, there is a transition to a new level of economic management, so there is a need to use the latest instruments in the State social policy. One such instrument is social entrepreneurship, which simultaneously contributes to the development of the economy and focuses on solving important social problems. The article is aimed at studying the role of social entrepreneurship in the development of socio-economic relations in Ukraine, defining the problems of its development and ways to overcome them. The vision of «social entrepreneurship» by various scholars is illuminated and approaches to the definition of this category are described. The concept of «social enterprise» is characterized in accordance with the basic approaches to its definition. The main features of a social enterprise are considered and substantiated. The impact of social entrepreneurship on the economy is determined and the concrete consequences of its development are described. The status of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine and the main tendencies that define it are characterized. According to the results of the study, the main ways of the State-based stimulation of social entrepreneurship on the main components are proposed. The problems of accounting and forming a mechanism for motivating social entrepreneurship should become a prospect of further research.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Akulenko V. L., Zakharkin O. O., Komendant I. V.
The Role of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in the Financial Relations of Local Self-Government (p. 147 - 154)

The publication is aimed at defining the role and place of small and medium-sized businesses in the formation of financial relations at the local level. The analysis of the latest scientific developments has showed a significant interest in the problems of existence of small and medium-sized businesses and has confirmed the relevance of research in this direction. The publication analyzes statistics on the activities of small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine, which show that in recent years there has been some decrease in the number of medium-sized enterprises. At the same time, the comparative dynamics of sales volumes shows the growth of its share compared to large enterprises. Also, the carried out analysis confirmed the significant role of small and medium-sized businesses in the formation of financial results, which is the source of taxation. The presence of a significant amount of profit before tax allows small and medium-sized enterprises to use it as an additional financial resource and direct a part of the profit to fill local budgets. The role of small and medium-sized businesses in ensuring employment of the population is essential. Studies have displayed that the share of employees at small and medium-sized businesses comprises 70-75%. The carried out analysis of the tax impact of small and medium-sized enterprises on filling the income part of local budgets demonstrates that the key role therein is played by the payment of single tax and personal income tax. One can conclude that there are positive growth tendencies as to volumes of single tax, but these revenues are still insufficient to wholly fill local budgets with the necessary financial resources and reduce the expenditures on subsidized territorial communities or even make them self-paying. Prospect for further research is to identify factors and determinants of the influence on the efficiency of small and medium-sized businesses in order to form strategic vectors of their development and government support.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Rudyk N. V.
Small and Medium Business amidst Economic Turbulence: Ukraine’s Experience (p. 163 - 172)

In Ukraine, the importance of small business for the economy and the need to stimulate it are being realized at the level of both the scientific community and public administration. The situation with the pandemic has complicated the conditions of functioning of small and medium-sized busines entities (hereinafter SMEs), but at the same time has justified the need to support it not only in the situation of collapse, but also as a matter of socio-economic stabilization and the prospect of reducing the unemployment rate. The status and conditions of SME functioning, its importance in various spheres of economic activity and in the labor market are researched. The emphasis is on modern trends in the functioning of SMEs, financial relations between the State and SME entities. A comparison of classification characteristics of SMEs was conducted in accordance with the Tax and Commercial Codes of Ukraine. The conditions of operation of small and medium-sized businesses on a simplified taxation system are compared. The latest legislative changes related to the stabilization policy of the State are taken into account. To identify the main trends of small business development, an analysis of the dynamics of the quantity, composition and structure of business in terms of its size, as well as the dynamics of the number of small enterprises and individual entrepreneurs by the largest groups in accordance with the classification of domestic economic activity in the country was carried out. The significance of SMEs in the employment structure is defined in the plane of enterprises and in terms of their size; the need to stimulate entrepreneurship in conditions of global instability is proved. A chronological analysis of the introduction of fiscal instruments for supporting the State in an emergency situation was carried out. In view of international experience, alternative quarantine preferences are considered as possible measures of the State support.

Article is written in English


Baldyk D. O.
The Alternative Directions of Entrepreneurship in Beekeeping (p. 171 - 176)

The article is aimed at researching the possibilities of using alternative directions of agricultural production in beekeeping as an additional resource to ensure the efficiency of entrepreneurship. Approaches to the development of the potential of the industry in order to increase economic results due to untapped and hidden opportunities are considered. In particular, in the industry of cattle breeding there is a certain shortage of natural high-quality protein feed, and in the field of beekeeping the honey base suffers a fairly low level of differentiation and, as a result, almost all honey produced in Ukraine is monofloral – from sunflower. It is not a high-precision product and is not very appreciated in the honey market due to rapid crystallization. The share of sunflower in the structure of acreage in the State is quite high, its size during the years of independence increased more than 3.5 times, including due to perennial herbs. It is proposed to look for hidden opportunities in this very context, through the introduction of a number of organizational, technological, agronomic, regulatory measures to use untapped opportunities in order to improve the effectiveness of entrepreneurial activities in each industry and to better the qualitative indicators on other sensitive issues in the agrarian sector. The article examines the possible impact of conducting production activities in beekeeping in view of implementing the soil-saving measures. The approach to improving the economic results of agricultural enterprises by optimizing and rationalizing the main types of activity and alternative industries, which on the basis of bifurcation positively influence the increase of economic efficiency of entrepreneurial activity, is researched. The system of organization of measures related to the use of additional potential by performing agrotechnological operations that increase productivity in a separate revenue-forming activity of both major and alternative productions is proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zavadskikh H. M., Tebenko V. M.
Practical Aspects of Formation of Social Entrepreneurship in Ukraine (p. 177 - 185)

The article is aimed at illuminating the essence and basic criteria that characterize social entrepreneurship, analyzing its tendencies and identifying the main problems of social entrepreneurship development in the process of its formation in Ukraine. The historical stages of development of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine are provided. Approaches to interpretation of the essence of social entrepreneurship are examined. Attention is focused on the innovative component of social entrepreneurship. The essence of social entrepreneurship is researched, its main features are closer defined. The key differences between traditional and social enterprise are specified. An estimation of social entrepreneurship in the conditions of development of the market economy of Ukraine is presented. The advantages, types of social entrepreneurship, organizational and legal forms and industry affiliation of social enterprises are analyzed. Domestic social enterprises were researched on the criteria for duration of their existence along with their size. The territorial distribution of enterprises by regions of Ukraine is analyzed. During the research, the main aspects that hinder the development of social entrepreneurship at the regional level are identified. The main problems of development and formation of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine are examined and substantiated. It is noted that one of the directions of activity directed towards supporting the growth of social entrepreneurship is optimization of the legal environment. The prospects for the development of social entrepreneurship for households in Ukraine are defined. It is emphasized the importance of promoting social entrepreneurship among the population and raising its awareness of this type of activity. It is proved that in today's conditions social entrepreneurship is an effective innovative instrument for solving social problems. Examples of successful social enterprises in Ukraine are provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Krasnonosova O. M., Kharchenko R. V.
Defining the Essence and Content of the Concept of Small Business (p. 293 - 301)

The article is aimed at actualizing the definition of the essence and content of the concept of small business in view of further research of its functional capacity in the changing conditions of today. To achieve this aim, the essence and content of the concept of small business are defined, which is a system of relations arising from the interaction of small and medium-sized business entities with representatives and institutions of the market on an initiative basis of conduct of economic activity, which is accomplished at the expense of own or borrowed resources at their own risk and subject to social responsibility and sets the main goal of profit and the own business development. The definition of small business as a system of relations provides the advantages of a system approach as an instrument for researching the complex systems, where any of the systems is seen a set of interrelated elements that have «input» – purpose and «output» – result, as well as communication with the external environment, feedback and processes, that is, consistent changes in objects and phenomena occurring in a certain order. Determination of the role of small business in the national economy is carried out on the basis of its main properties, namely: rapid adaptation to the level of demand and purchasing power in local markets; ability to create unique products and fulfill one-time orders of consumers; organization of paid employment of a significant number of people against the background of a reduction in the production of large enterprises; development of local crafts, taking into account the mental specifics of consumers; facilitation of professional training of employees on the basis of acquiring practical skills. On the basis of the results of regression analysis, the existence of a close relationship between the condition of small business development and the condition of the country's economy is proved. The analysis was carried out according to official statistics of Ukraine for the period of six years (2013–2018). Based on the results obtained, it can be suggested that the creation of conditions for the development of small business on the part of the State will contribute to the strengthening of the State economic system.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Haponenko O. Y., Stepurina S. O., Pavlenko O. K.
Making a Decision on the Activity as Entrepreneur Based on an Entrepreneurial Idea (p. 152 - 157)

The article is aimed at a comparative analyzing and an applied theoretical-applied substantiating of the processes of making a fundamental managerial decision to establish an entrepreneurial activity, based on an entrepreneurial idea. According to the authors, the primary task of forming an entrepreneurial idea is the need to determine the purpose, ways and means of achieving it, as well as relevant principles. The classification of sources of formation of a complex of ideas is developed, allowing to match the source of the idea with the prospects of the company’s development. To this end, the research proposes to involve a group of experts – specialists in a particular field. A thorough analysis of modern researches on the process of forming an entrepreneurial idea and making an adequate, informed decision on its development allowed to conclude that the process of deciding on the choice of type and direction or multitude of alternative directions of entrepreneurial activity requires analysis of the whole range of parameters that form the content of the entrepreneurial idea in combination with the options and strategy for achieving the results of this idea – as a general purpose (mission), as a sense of the company’s existence, and as a way of achieving intermediate goals. An approbation of the selection process was carried out on the example of a company producing medical equipment. As a result of the research, potential opportunities and ways of ensuring competitive advantages and priority directions of the company’s development were identified. Prospect for further research in this direction is the construction of an expert system for finding effective vectors and scenarios for the strategic development of the company in various conditions of external environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Nosach I. V., Vodolazska N. V.
Analyzing the Current Problems and Prospects for Enterprise Development in Ukraine (p. 247 - 252)

The article is aimed at studying the analysis of modern problems and prospects for the development of enterprises in Ukraine. Analyzing the latest researches and publications of scientists, the general theoretical bases of problems and prospects for the development of domestic enterprises were considered. The article covers and theoretically substantiates modern problems of entrepreneurship development, which periodically require their study and research, taking into account constant changes in the economy. In general, enterprises play a significant role, because their effective activities is a source of economic growth, which ensures employment in the country and directly affects the improvement of the quality of life of the population, solving social problems and overcoming poverty. However, Ukrainian economy continues to situate «on the swings» in a constantly changing tendency. It is especially influenced by such factors as raising the US dollar exchange rate, reducing attractiveness in the world market, and recently the introduction of quarantine restrictions in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, which has had a significant impact on its development both in Ukraine and around the world. At the same time, precisely the small enterprises play a leading role in creating an effective economy of Ukraine, despite the fact that their development is uneven and they have not taken a proper place in the structure of the national economy. Thus, for the government of the country should become priority directions for stimulating the innovative activity of the entrepreneurial sector, introducing European approaches to the development of small and medium-sized businesses, as well as the formation of a favorable regulatory environment, innovation and investment climate. Moreover, the implementation of this policy should be carried out purposefully, consistently and systematically, as part of the complex of the national innovation system.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kaluhina N. A.
Organization of Entrepreneurial Activities in the Field of Small and Medium-sized Businesses Based on the Formation of Partnerships (p. 253 - 260)

Small and medium-sized businesses in most countries are a priority part of the economy, favorably affecting the level of employment, filling as the State so the local budgets. The development of this form of entrepreneurial activity is complicated by a number of problems, including: a high degree of uncertainty and risks, fluctuations in demand, lack of financial instruments for the formation of start-up capital, administrative barriers, corruption, etc. The presence of problems causes the relevance of searching for ways of development, one of which is the formation of optimal models of partnerships to maximize competitive advantages, which comprises the purpose of the article. The information base of the research is the legislative framework of a number of countries, international regulations, data of international scientific platforms, official statistics. To achieve the article’s purpose, methods of scientific cognition were used: theoretical generalization, empirical analysis, abstraction, expert evaluation, visualization. The publication analyzes the most significant problems inherent in small and medium-sized businesses, identifies the prerequisites for their further development. The need to develop scientific and applied approaches to the formation of an optimal model of partnerships based on achieving competitive advantages is substantiated. Stages of this process have been formed, including: methodological approach to determining the partners based on the allocation and assessment of competitive advantages that are created in the process of partnership implementation; approach to choosing the most optimal model of partnerships, based on the construction of a matrix of model compliance with the results created by it; model of the process of monitoring the functionality of partnership relations. Further development of the topic will be carried out in the direction of forming a scientific and methodological approach to determining the synergistic effect that may arise as a result of the integration of small and medium-sized enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Olshanskyi O. V., Kramchaninova M. D., Kasatkina M. V.
Significant Aspects of Establishing Policy in the Field of Innovative Entrepreneurship in the Context of the Socio-Economic Development of Ukraine's Regions (p. 275 - 281)

The content of the article actualizes a number of important issues as to provision of policy in the sphere of supporting innovative entrepreneurship. In the course of their study, the authors note that the socio-economic development of countries is influenced by the degree of innovativeness of the economy. This encourages to consider innovative entrepreneurship as an important resource for the development of innovative processes in the country, and the support of innovative entrepreneurship is considered a key factor in solving the main problems of sustainable socio-economic development of the regions of Ukraine. The country has a fairly strong base for scientific and technical developments, a powerful innovation potential, but there are problems with implementation of the latter due to insufficient focus on the formation of an effective innovative policy and the policy of development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which are the main suppliers of innovations in the national innovation system. The results of the study draw attention to the feasibility of integrating innovative policies with the corporate social responsibility development policies and the SME development policies. An integration will allow achieving greater economic return and social benefits through the implementation of a more efficient relationship between the providers of socio-economic development of region on the organization and provision of opportunities for the development of complex regional, interregional and global value-creating networks. This approach also involves taking into account the factors influencing the innovation dynamics with the constant improvement of the system of formation and implementation of the State and regional priorities in the field of regulation of science, investment, innovation, entrepreneurial and socially responsible activities, in accordance with the implementation of the principles of sustainable development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krasnonosova O. M., Ponomarenko Y. V., Kharchenko R. V.
The Theory and Practice of Choosing Perspective Directions of Small Business Development in Ukraine and the World (p. 281 - 286)

The article is aimed at a theoretical generalization of forms, methods and instrumentarium for choosing perspective directions for small business development in Ukraine. At present, there are a significant number of scientific achievements on the formation of a balanced government policy on the State regulation of small business development in Ukraine. The legal principles of the State regulation of activities of business entities that aim to make a profit are determined by the Law of Ukraine «On the Associations of Economic Management». Generalization of the theoretical developments of domestic and foreign scholars on the choice of methods for determining the current state and prospects for the development of small business representatives allowed to distinguish the most common approaches to solving this issue. Most specialists are inclined to define the need for a comprehensive assessment of the state of small business entities both in the whole country and in its administrative territories. The most common techniques include: analysis of statistical indicators of the state of small business and their dynamics for a certain period; comparative analysis of the state of small business development by types of economic activity both in the inland territories and in the countries of the world; compiling a SWOT analysis with the definition of strengths and weaknesses, as well as external opportunities and threats to small businesses; computing the integral indicator of the level using the taxonomic analysis and the method of ranking of research objects; classification of levels of development of small business representatives based on the results of cluster analysis. The disadvantages of these approaches are that their computing does not take into account the significance of certain indicators of integrated evaluation, that is, these methods are incapable of giving clear answers to the question of finding perspective directions for the development of the small business sector. Also, the above methods do not reflect the territorial specifics of the development of certain types of economic activity, taking into account the representatives of small business and their role and place in a particular industry in a timely context over the years. All of the above has created the basis for searching a new instrumentarium to choose perspective directions for small business development in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Danyliuk M. O., Danyliuk-Chernykh I. M., Matsuk Z. A.
Contradictions and Financial Fraud in the Real Sector of the Economy (p. 274 - 279)

The article is aimed at studying the socioeconomic basis for the contradictions in the real sector of the economy and their impact on the currently extant types and forms of financial fraud. Uncertainty and increased socioeconomic risks generate various economic conflicts – contradictions of economic interests at all levels – from national levels of management to individual groups of workers. The article presents the most significant of the current contradictions in the economic and social spheres. Their presence and periodic aggravation leads to economic conflicts, which carry the potential for destructive consequences and social losses. One of these types of conflicts is financial fraud, which tends to expand in the real sector of the economy. The current state of financial fraud and abuse in the world and in Ukraine is analyzed; a classification of types of corporate financial fraud and the amount of financial losses suffered by the organizations both worldwide and in Ukraine from the fraudulent activities is provided. A definition of corporate fraud, which should be considered from the standpoint of potential subjects of abuse as an action of destabilizing subjective factors related to violation of laws, procedures and norms, as well as unfair behavior of economic agents, causing potential or real financial losses for enterprise, is proposed. The necessity of monitoring the occurrence and severity of economic, social, ecological and other contradictions as preventive measures for the prevention and development of financial fraud in the real sector of the economy is substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Grynko T. V., Hviniashvili T. Z., Zahynailo V. A.
The Role of Leadership and Communications in Ensuring the Development of Modern Business Structures (p. 75 - 83)

The article summarizes the main aspects of the formation of business communications under modern business conditions; the connection between leadership and communication skills of the head of company is determined and the forms of entrepreneurial activity on the basis of leadership and business communications are substantiated. The components of leadership, in particular organizational, tactical and strategic spheres, are analyzed. Based on a study of the essence of the gestalt approach, it is determined that the formation of effective leadership and business communications is represented by taking into account individual and collective goals and is grounded on determining the competitive advantages of team members and key participants in business processes. The article substantiates the importance of mastering the skills of electronic communication (netiquette), on the basis of which contemporary business processes are built, negotiations are conducted and other forms of online communication are provided. A special role of leadership and business communications is assigned in the implementation of innovative activities of the organization, because the creation of a significantly new product requires greater organization in making managerial decisions, which is ensured, first of all, by high-quality communication skills of the head of company. According to the results of the study of the peculiarities of business communications, the problems of building interpersonal communication within an innovative organization are identified. The identification of specific characteristics and features of doing business in the new conditions of the digital economy allowed to determine the main conditions for the development of innovative leadership in modern organizations, the quality of an effective leader, the body of his skills and competencies. The role of leadership is determined, which is updated in a new way in connection with constant changes in the business environment and the development of many spheres of human activity, as well as the sphere of influence of leadership and communications when ensuring the development of modern entrepreneurial structures.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kharchenko R. V.
Problems and Prospects of Small Business Development in Ukraine (p. 81 - 87)

The article observes the current state of small business development in Ukraine during the COVID-19 pandemic and martial law. The basic principles of the functioning of small businesses in modern conditions are distinguished. Based on the carried out research, the state and prospects for the development of small businesses during martial law were analyzed. The main general problems faced by the majority of enterprises in Ukraine, regardless of the form of ownership and regional affiliation, have been identified, thereby highlighting specific problems depending on the regional affiliation. It is proved that production volumes for the analyzed period decreased by virtue of the fact that most small businesses stopped their work because of the lack of raw materials and supplies accompanied with unsafe working conditions. A number of priority tasks on the part of the State, which should facilitate the development of small business in the post-war period, are singled out. It is determined that government support for the formation of an appropriate favorable climate for starting own business by optimizing regulatory and legal support in matters of formal signs should contribute to the opening of a business for all interested. It is determined that the use of international assistance in attracting additional funds for the development of enterprises that use the principles of «green» ecology, are engaged in the cultivation, processing and export of agricultural products, will contribute to the formation of new jobs in rural areas. On the basis of the programs developed by the government to stimulate the development of small businesses, the main tasks that must be fulfilled for the implementation of the proposed measures have been formed. The main measures to stimulate entrepreneurial initiatives include the following: preferential lending to small businesses, tax holidays, targeted financing of regional programs.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kazanovsky A. A., Miroshnychenko I. I.
Problems of Developing the Industrial Outsourcing Enterprises in Ukraine (p. 87 - 94)

Given the current challenges of exogenous and endogenous nature, the key task for the national economy of Ukraine is to ensure the competitiveness of Ukrainian small and medium-sized busines. A separate heavy burden is imposed by Russian armed aggression, which leads to the destruction of the production base of the national economy of Ukraine and the established ties between economic agents. The urgent need in this context is to develop the production capabilities of Ukrainian small and medium-sized businesses, in particular through the construction of a system of production outsourcing companies. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of the development of the system of production outsourcing companies and the formulation of the methodological grounds for its formation and functioning in Ukraine. The article describes the problems of work of Ukrainian small and medium-sized businesses in the context of their limited production capabilities. The problems of ensuring an adequate and balanced system of production outsourcing are allocated. The analysis of the prerequisites for the development of the system of production outsourcing companies in Ukraine was carried out. It is proposed to evolve the production outsourcing capabilities in the cluster paradigm. The key role of the cluster of production outsourcing companies in stimulating the economic development at the macro and macro levels is substantiated. The methodology of function of the cluster of production outsourcing companies is outlined. Potential ways of financing the cluster’s business model, consisting of various sources of funding from private and institutional investors, are proposed. A number of signs have been formulated that determine the degree of the company’s need for production outsourcing. The factors of making a managerial decision on the use of production outsourcing as a solution to business and operational problems are allocated. Prospects for future research are further study of the features of the business model of the cluster of production outsourcing companies and the formulation of the most appropriate format for Ukrainian realities. An additional direction of future research is the aligning of the regulatory framework of the cluster of production outsourcing companies in Ukraine in order to bring in conformity with the legislation of the EU countries and the best international practices.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yasinovska I. F., Loiek Y. D.
Financial Condition of Small Enterprises in Ukraine: Problems, Tendencies, Prospects (p. 95 - 101)

The purpose of the article is to generalize the essential content of the concept of "financial condition ofenterprise" in terms of its constituent components; analyze the main indicators of the financial condition of small enterprises of Ukraine, determine the major tendencies during 2017–2020; substantiate the importance of analyzing their financial condition; draw attention to the relevant problems of small business in modern conditions. The article analyzes the current financial condition of small enterprises of Ukraine for the period 2017–2020. Analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the scientific works of scholars, the approaches to defining the concept of "financial condition" of the enterprise were considered. As a result of the research, the financial condition of small enterprises of Ukraine was analyzed and assessed; the main problems of their activity are highlighted. It is substantiated that the validity of managerial decisions directly depends on the objectivity and timeliness of information about the financial condition of the enterprise. The effective operation of enterprises requires constant control over the receipt and use of financial resources, strict adherence to the disciplineof financial settlements, formation of the optimal ratio between own and borrowed funds, ensuring financial sustainability and solvency.A thorough and timely carried out analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise allowsto see the objective state of its activities, identify problematic aspects, respond to challenges in a timely manner, anticipate and minimize business risks and make the right managerial decisions.

Article is written in English


Grygorenko T. M.
Franchising in Ukraine: The Realities and Prospects of Development in the Conditions of Martial Law (p. 145 - 153)

The article is aimed at studying the development of franchising in Ukraine in the prewar period, as well as its realities, features and prospects for development under martial law. It is noted that after the declaration of martial law on the territory of Ukraine and the beginning of the active phase of military actions, most of the business was actually paralyzed due to various factors and the impossibility of carrying out economic activities by enterprises located in the territory of hostilities. Instead, franchising is an up-to-date economic model for organizing and carrying out entrepreneurial activities that will allow businesses to survive and develop in this difficult time for the country. The accomplished analysis of the dynamics of franchising in Ukraine for 2017–2020 showed that franchising has been slowly but steadily developing in recent years, which justifies the annual increase in the number of franchisers and franchised facilities, an increase in the number of domestic and foreign brands in the franchise market. Precisely the increase in the share of Ukrainian franchises has been determined, since the franchise business model itself better takes into account local realities. The franchising created in Ukraine is more adapted to local market requirements; Ukrainian franchises are competitive, have a comprehensive business development program and strong support after the launch of a franchise project; the domestic franchising is directed towards further cooperation on a long-term basis. Based on a study by the financial portal Fibi, a rating of the best franchises in Ukraine in 2022 in trade, services and catering is compiled. It is also noted that during the wartime in Ukraine, some countries significantly simplified the rules for starting a business by Ukrainians, which facilitates the creation of a market for Ukrainian franchises abroad and the spread of national brands. It is defined that in order to support the Ukrainian economy during martial law, the government has introduced comprehensive changes to legislation and State-supported programs, which will help the development of entrepreneurship and the spread of franchising.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kovalevska A. V., Nechyporenko Y. Y.
Assessing and Analyzing the Quality of the Component of the Territorial Communities Development Strategies Regarding the Development of Entrepreneurship on Formal Grounds (p. 100 - 109)

The article is aimed at quantitative determination of the level of quality of the components for the development of entrepreneurship in the currently formed in Ukraine Strategies for the Development of Territorial Communities (TCs) in order to clarify the directions for their further improvement. A quantitative assessment of the quality of the components of entrepreneurship development from the representative sample of local Strategies was carried out by analyzing their structural integrity, for which it was proposed to introduce a coefficient of compliance of the structure of the component of entrepreneurship development (CED) with the methodological recommendations of the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine. To assess and analyze the quality of the components of entrepreneurship development, the method of successive approximations of its structure to the requirements of the methodological recommendations of the Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine was applied. The analysis of the obtained results indicates a large underperformance of the components of entrepreneurship development in the Strategies of territorial communities, which is 32%, as well as a significant lag in their quality in the Strategies elaborated in rural TCs compared to the urban and settlement TCs. In the rural Strategies, the number of shortcomings is unacceptably large and amounts to a critical mass, which is 49%. The above shows that already at the stage of elaboration of Ukraine-wide Territorial Communities Strategies in terms of CED, many imperfections are allowed that make impossible the completeness and quality of implementation of the components of entrepreneurship development in the local Development Strategies. Based on the results of this study of the quality of the components of entrepreneurship development of the local Strategies, directions for their further improvement have been allocated, which should be a departure from the declarative format of their elaboration, separation of entrepreneurship development in communities into a single strategic goal of the local Strategies with mandatory observance of the principle of SMART-specialization when building relevant operational goals, use of a stakeholder-oriented approach, the obligation to adhere to such features of strategic planning as modernity and creativity, the formation of a single coordinated approach to the elaboration of the component of the local Strategies for entrepreneurship development in territorial communities. Upon completion of the analysis of a sufficient number of existing Strategies of territorial communities, a quantitative assessment of the quality level of the component of entrepreneurship development, as a quantitative parameter, can be used by external experts to study the level of implementation and achievement of the results of the strategic goal of entrepreneurship development, depending on the quality of its elaboration.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kurnosenko A. O., Sytnyk H. V.
Assessing the State and Efficiency of Social Capital of Ukrainian Enterprises (p. 174 - 185)

The negative nature of social capital, formed in the field of entrepreneurship, has a bad effect on the reputational component of the Ukrainian economy. At the same time, the unresolved issue of quantitative assessment of the social capital of enterprise makes it impossible to clearly identify its condition, problem areas and the formation of a management system. The aim of the work is to determine the structure and key indicators of the social capital of enterprise; to carry out an assessment of social capital of enterprises of Ukraine on the basis of the proposed methodology; to obtain practical results for further formation of the system of management of social capital of enterprise. The study was based on the principles of system approach and was carried out on the basis of a questionnaire survey using methods of analysis and synthesis, logical generalization, tabular and graphical methods of presenting information, as well as the method of grouping and systematization. A critical analysis of the literature on the issues under study allowed to allocate some comments on the existing proposals for assessing the social capital of enterprise: most of the indicators are data from a questionnaire survey; combining human capital and social capital indicators; too many indicators, which makes the assessment process quite time-consuming, etc. Taking into account the existing proposals of scientists and critical remarks on them, the authors have formed their own approach to assessing the state and efficiency of the social capital of enterprise, which is based on the following principles: hierarchy, structuring, dynamism, generalization, consistency, balance, integration and complexity. The current approach is more structured and succinctly describes the key system of indicators by assessment levels. The division of the social capital of the enterprise into states (potential or realized) allows to assess the impact of the social capital of the enterprise on the results of activity. The assessment is reduced to a complex indicator, but at the same time allows us to analyze individual components and structural levels of social capital. In the prospect of implementing this approach at the enterprise, we consider it expedient to ask some of the questions to employees, for example, regarding their views on trust in the team, and compare the answers obtained. Own observations show that employees often estimate the same situation differently, which leads to the deformation of social capital at the enterprise. In general, the obtained results are an important information source for the development of a system for managing the social capital of enterprise, which will be the subject of further scientific research by the authors.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kuzmynchuk N. V., Liashevska V. I., Yevdokimova A. S.
The Characteristics of Entrepreneurial Entities in Foreign Markets (p. 195 - 201)

The aim of the article is to study the essence and features of entrepreneurial activity in order to better understand the principles and factors that determine the success of entrepreneurship and its role in the country’s economy. With the help of systematization and analysis of scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists, the definition of the concept of «entrepreneurial activity» is considered, depending on the direction of research of each scholar. As a result of the study, three main groups of definition of the concept of «entrepreneurial activity» have been allocated: risky activity aimed at making a profit; special kind of social relations; innovative activity aimed at making a profit. The article describes the main entities of entrepreneurial activity, identifies the key characteristics of each type of entity, determining its role, functions, goals and directions of implementation of activity. The size, forms of ownership, sectoral orientation and other key parameters of entrepreneurial entities are analyzed. The characteristic features and criteria that make a particular type of economic activity directly entrepreneurial are presented. Strategic decisions to increase the competitiveness of enterprise are identified. The study of the essence and features of entrepreneurial activity has great potential for expanding knowledge in the field of economics and entrepreneurship, which can focus on studying the relationship between the level of entrepreneurship and the economic development of a country or region; analysis of the contribution of entrepreneurs to job creation, increase in production and increased competitiveness; examining the effectiveness of policies and programs aimed at supporting small and medium-sized enterprises, determining which measures are most successful in stimulating the development of this sector. The study of the characteristics of entrepreneurial entities can help in the formulation of policies aimed at supporting and developing entrepreneurship, as well as in studying its impact on the economy and society, in providing recommendations and identifying strategies for the support and development of entrepreneurial entities in order to promote economic and social development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Gontareva I. V., Mykhailenko D. H.
Development of Small Business in Ukraine: Factors of Influence and Current Trends (p. 158 - 166)

The article examines the main trends in the development of small entrepreneurship in Ukraine. The state of functioning of small enterprises during the period of pandemic and active hostilities on the territory of the State is allocated. On the basis of the carried out analysis, the main trends and regularities of functioning of small business entities have been formed. It is proved that not only the development of small entrepreneurship contributes to increasing the economic component of the development of the State, but it also reduces social tension in society due to the creation of jobs and employment. It is substantiated that the influence of external factors is regulated at the national or regional levels, while the influence of internal factors is regulated by the actions of an individual enterprise. It is determined that territorial communities and local self-government bodies play an important role in the development and support of small entrepreneurship, since it is the local milieu where the needs of small business are much better understood, as well as the influencing factors they encounter in their activities. It is determined that the introduction of new technologies that meet European standards and quality norms for domestic enterprises is a difficult task, primarily due to the lack of financial resources. The directions of improving the development and support of small business during the wartime and in the post-war periods of economic recovery are allocated. An algorithm for regulating the activities of small business entities has been proposed. Measures to stimulate the development of small entrepreneurship in financial, regulatory, and production areas are substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Porsiurova I. Р., Klymenko A. В.
Identification of Intellectual Capital in the Context of Digitalization of the Economy (p. 166 - 173)

The aim of the article is to study the economic nature and essence of intellectual capital as a complex category and asset of enterprise, which is capable of generating economic profit and added value in the context of digitalization of the economy. The works of leading foreign and domestic scholars are analyzed, devoted to the identification of intellectual capital as an economic category, the studies on the structure and nature of intellectual capital in the context of four aspects. The article considers various existing scientific approaches to the identification of intellectual capital and their features and, according to the results, the main criteria that can be used by an enterprise to identify intellectual capital are proposed as follows: presence of an intellectual (creative) component; possibility of generating economic benefits; legal certainty; possibility of evaluating and identifying in accountance. Taking into account these criteria, the correlation of the concepts of «intellectual capital», «intellectual property» and «intangible assets» has been analyzed and an approach to a more correct identification of elements of intellectual capital in the accounting of enterprise has been proposed. In addition, the authors analyzed the possibility of identifying objects created with the help of artificial intelligence systems as the intellectual capital of the enterprise, taking into account the existing regulatory framework and the positions of leading Ukrainian scientists. Based on this, it is concluded that these objects can also be included in the intellectual capital, since they have legal certainty. The authors have proposed a definition of intellectual capital as a complex of information, scientific and technical knowledge, business or production experience, which is a consequence of scientific or creative activity or the use of artificial intelligence, which has the ability to generate an additional economic effect and thus can be assessed and legally identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Grebeshkova E. N., Maliarchuk O. H., Kubareva I. V.
Entrepreneurial Intentions of Students in Ukraine: The Gender Aspects (p. 132 - 139)

In the context of ongoing hostilities in Ukraine, it becomes important to understand the prospects of entrepreneurship as a sphere of economic recovery of the country. Student entrepreneurship can become a key factor in the formation of an entrepreneurial ecosystem, in particular in the context of Ukraine’s integration into the EU. Studying and taking into account the gender aspects of entrepreneurial intentions of Ukrainian students, supporting entrepreneurial education and the development of women’s entrepreneurship among young people in the curricula will contribute to the sustainable development of the economy and society in general. The aim of the article is to highlight the results of a study of the gender profile of entrepreneurial intentions of Ukrainian students, initiated and conducted by the authors within the framework of the project «Entrepreneurial Opportunities, Competencies and Intentions among University Students in the Cross-Cultural Dimension» in April – June 2023. The conclusions presented in the article are based on the results of an online survey of 247 students of Ukrainian universities, conducted on the Qualtrics platform according to the authors’ own methodology, which involves a survey of respondents on 27 questions, divided into four blocks: 1) general data about the respondent; 2) awareness of the entrepreneurial environment; 3) dimensions of entrepreneurial competence; 4) entrepreneurial intentions. The obtained data were analyzed using the instrumentarium of descriptive statistics. It is found that the entrepreneurial intentions of students in Ukraine have gender differences. In particular, in the implementation of their entrepreneurial initiatives, women are mostly focused on the long term and postpone starting a business for the future, while men mostly try to realize themselves as soon as possible, while studying at the university. When analyzing the preferences of students in choosing a sphere for starting their own business, «gender-neutral» and «gender-sensitive» business areas are allocated, which makes it possible to further develop recommendations for improving entrepreneurship education and institutional support for youth (including women’s) entrepreneurship policy in Ukraine. It is assumed that the «post-industrial» type of thinking prevails among students, in particular in the context of choosing promising business areas for their own business, this is manifested through the increased interest of survey participants in the service sector of the economy. The need to intensify women’s entrepreneurship and leadership among female students during their studies at the university, as well as to improve entrepreneurial education programs, in particular in business areas that are important during the wartime and post-wartime periods, is substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rybak M. O.
An Organizational Mechanism for Ensuring the Development of Innovative Entrepreneurship on the Principles of Sustainability (p. 139 - 146)

The article forms an organizational mechanism for ensuring the development of innovative entrepreneurship on the principles of sustainability. It is noted that the process of development of innovative entrepreneurship in Ukraine is complex due to the lack of effective tools, methods, means, levers and regulators of innovative development of economic systems. These elements are interrelated and comprise the innovation mechanism of the business entity. The conception of sustainable development is fundamental for studying the nature of development of innovative entrepreneurship (both an individual enterprise and the country’s economy as a whole), since it takes into account different directions of development, on the one hand, and provides for the use of various tools to ensure development, taking into account its components, on the other hand. The basic provisions and prerequisites for the formation of an organizational mechanism for ensuring the development of innovative entrepreneurship on the principles of sustainability are defined. It is noted that the development of innovative entrepreneurship depends on the conception of sustainable development, which takes into account various aspects of the activities of enterprises and their impact on society. In particular, the conception of sustainable development orients the business entity to ensure social responsibility, economical use of resources, respect for resources and their conservation, respect for the environment in which it operates, and increasing the level of environmental safety. It is concluded that the development of innovative entrepreneurship on the principles of sustainability and providing it with all the necessary resources is a determining condition for economic growth and transformation of the economic system of our country. The formed organizational mechanism for ensuring the development of innovative entrepreneurship on the principles of sustainability will allow to achieve equilibrium for participants in the innovation process under the following conditions: improving the quality of scientific potential; improvement of scientific and technical potential; formation of highly qualified productive forces; creation of an appropriate regulatory framework; attraction of investments in innovations; formation of a developed market innovation infrastructure.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mazhnyk L. O., Lytovchenko I. V., Shakun V. O.
Innovative Solutions for the Formation of Personnel Security of Online Entrepreneurship (p. 146 - 153)

The aim of the article is to study the list of innovative solutions for the formation of personnel security of online entrepreneurship. The article analyzes the current state of conditions and features of the formation of personnel security for online entrepreneurship in Ukraine. The relevance of online entrepreneurship for Ukrainian enterprises is substantiated, indicating both the advantages and disadvantages. A definition of online entrepreneurship has been proposed, its types have been considered. Innovative solutions for the formation of personnel security in online entrepreneurship reflect constant changes in the modern business environment and require an integrated approach to ensuring the efficiency and stability of activities. In the contemporary online enterprises, it is necessary to implement leading digital personnel management systems, which will allow you to effectively monitor work processes and ensure control over access to confidential information. Such systems will also help increase the level of cybersecurity and decrease data leakage, reducing risks for the organization. Active implementation of artificial intelligence and data analysis in the practical activities of organizations allows you to predict risks in the field of personnel relations, identify possible threats and take timely measures to prevent them. Machine learning algorithms can detect unusual patterns or activities that may indicate possible security threats, such as unauthorized access or cyberattacks. In addition, conducting specialized online courses and trainings on cybersecurity and the use of remote work for staff are key elements of ensuring personnel security. Increasing the level of staff awareness of these issues helps to avoid unforeseen situations and ensure the stable operation of the enterprise in the online environment. This approach reduces the risk of leakage of confidential information and ensures security for both the company and its customers. Prospects for further research in this direction are to determine the degree of the most innovative solutions for the formation of personnel security of online entrepreneurship, and at the conceptual level there is a need to closer define some concepts and their logical use in practice. Further development of innovative solutions can lead to an increasingly creative approach to the formation of personnel security of online entrepreneurship.

Article is written in English


Mykhaylychenko N. M., Svynarenko T. I.
Improving Approaches to Strategic Planning of Domestic Oil and Gas Companies on the Basis of Leading Foreign Practices (p. 198 - 203)

The aim of the article is to improve approaches to strategic planning of activities of domestic oil and gas companies on the basis of studying the leading foreign practices in this area. The article examines approaches to strategic planning based on scenario analysis, which are common in foreign energy companies, on the example of Royal Dutch/Shell Group, which was the first to apply this methodical approach. As a result of the study of the features of strategic planning in oil and gas companies in the world practice, it is found that its basic instrument is scenario analysis, which involves the development of adaptive and flexible strategies based on several alternative scenarios that provide energy companies with sustainable functioning and development in a dynamic and difficult predictable industry. On the basis of the study of foreign experience of strategic planning and modeling of the energy system, the following set of measures to improve the process of strategic planning in the domestic oil and gas sector has been proposed: introduction into the practice of strategic planning of individual elements of scenario analysis according to the methodology of the international energy corporation Royal Dutch/Shell Group; optimization of the regulations of the strategic planning process in domestic oil and gas companies, taking into account the volatility and cyclical nature of the oil and petroleum products market; introduction of key indicators of scenario analysis (demand, supply, price of oil and oil products) and methods of adaptive forecasting into the forecasting practice of domestic oil and gas companies. The implementation of the proposed measures will allow domestic oil and gas companies to improve the strategic planning process, and therefore increase the level of adaptability in conditions of uncertainty and improve their competitive position in both the local and the global energy markets.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Mykhaylychenko N. M., Svynarenko T. I.
The System of Counteracting External Threats to the Economic Security of the Enterprise (p. 95 - 100)

The aim of the article is to study and systematize approaches to the development of a set of measures aimed at countering external threats to the economic security of enterprise. The article analyzes the structure of threats to the economic security of enterprise and proposes a classification of external threats by the level of occurrence, the allocation of which at the organizational level of the subsystem of counteraction to external threats to economic security should be the first step towards improving the system of economic security of enterprise. The necessity of introduction of an information-analytical system at the enterprise, which should ensure prompt and continuous monitoring, as well as analysis of risk factors and their tendencies, is substantiated. Based on the results of the carried out study, it is proposed in the process of developing a set of measures to counteract external threats to the economic security of enterprise to take into account the classification of threats by the levels at which they occur. Thus, it is recommended to build a three-component set of measures to counter external threats, consisting of: a set of measures to counter threats to the competitive (sectoral) environment; a set of measures to counteract threats to the economic security of the enterprise that occur at the level of the national economy; a set of measures to counter global threats and threats occurring at the international level. An efficient system of counteraction to external threats to the economic security of enterprise will serve as the basis for ensuring the financial component of the overall economic security of the enterprise, ensure the development of its material and technical support and strengthening of competitive positions, and as a result, will become the basis for maintaining a high level of financial and economic efficiency regardless of changes in the sectoral, national-economic and global-economic environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shumilo O. S., Suyrovatka J. O.
The Theoretical Foundations of Development of an Entrepreneurial Entity in Conditions of Uncertainty (p. 100 - 106)

The development of entrepreneurship is considered as a component of social development, which is carried out in three directions: evolutionary, involutional, and abrupt acceleration. The necessity of forming a policy of development of entrepreneurship in Ukraine is indicated and its main tasks are allocated, namely: increasing the volume of production and export of products of Ukrainian enterprises, the formation of new enterprises, ensuring the proper level of satisfaction of domestic demand with goods and services; demonopolization of markets for goods and services and establishment of effective competition in the domestic market; increase and diversification of employment; achievement of an effective fiscal return on business development while maintaining favorable conditions for its development. The general goals of entrepreneurship management include the process of forming a strategy for activity and development and adaptation of business processes of enterprise. It is noted that decision-making by entrepreneurs in conditions of uncertainty should be based on the study of its theoretical foundations, where it is considered in several types: when the results of activities are known and it is possible to predict them; when the results are known, but the probability of them cannot be estimated; when the results are not known and it is not possible to estimate the probability of their occurrence. For the purpose of effective management of the business structure, it is expedient to classify uncertainty by the following types: by methods of determining the probability of occurrence of cases and by the object of uncertainty. Among the main tasks of entrepreneurship management, reducing the likelihood of adverse events and avoiding negative consequences and risks, including strategic ones, are allocated, since the development and implementation of strategic management decisions are the basis for ensuring sustainable development of entrepreneurial entities. It is noted that changes in the institutional environment have an impact on the dynamics of uncertainty. In order to improve business conditions, informal and formal institutions must be aligned, which is a transformation of uncertainty. Directions for the development of entrepreneurial structures have been identified, which should coordinate their actions with the State structures to form an institutional environment. Among such areas, the following are highlighted: creation of commodity exchanges and wholesale markets for products of local producers; formation of market infrastructure of scientific and innovative activities; orientation of commercial banks to the real sector; creation of consulting and leasing firms; development of the stock market, including the formation of the corporate securities market; formation of logistics centers.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hnatyk Y. B., Ovander N. L., Tomakh V. V.
Innovative Approaches to the Support and Development of Small and Medium-Sized Businesses in the Regions of Ukraine (p. 107 - 114)

The aim of this article is to study innovative approaches to the support and development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the regions of Ukraine. The development of SMEs is a prerequisite for the realization of Ukraine’s economic and innovative potential. An analysis and a generalization of scientific works of many scientists considering the integration of innovative instruments into the activities of small and medium-sized businesses have been carried out. The main aspects of the influence of small and medium-sized enterprises on the development of the country are systematized. Small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine are a instrument for creating new jobs and self-realization of citizens, reducing unemployment, developing innovative business methods, influencing competition, saturating the market for goods, services and labor, and are the basis for the development of the national economy. It is determined that a perspective innovative way to stimulate the development of Ukrainian SMEs is the organization of an ecosystem of their support. Social, resource and cognitive factors motivate SMEs to participate in the ecosystem. By participating in the ecosystem, SMEs benefit from networking, collaboration, communication and information sharing. These include various factors related to social interactions between ecosystem participants that contribute to business growth and development. Other factors include access to resources, formal and informal support, and market access. Finally, cognitive factors are related to the goals and values shared by the participants in the ecosystem. Another important instrument is business incubation. The current status of business incubation in the policy of supporting SMEs should be recognized as the initial stage in the development of a distinctive local economy. In addition, start-ups are becoming increasingly important, especially given the need to implement modern, profitable and innovative projects in the form of innovative SMEs. To stimulate venture capital investments at the national level, it is proposed to intensify efforts to create favorable conditions for generating business ideas and turning them into innovations in demand by the investment community. In the future, it is recommended to consider the issue of attracting innovative technologies in the post-war reconstruction of the economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Balashova O. V., Mykhaylychenko N. M.
Selection of a Strategy for Sustainable Development of an Economic Entity as a Long-Term Direction of its Development (p. 152 - 160)

The aim of the article is to study and systematize approaches to the development of a strategy for sustainable development of an economic entity, taking into account the resource potential of the economic entity and factors of possible external influence. The article analyzes the existing variants of approaches to the formation of the strategy of the economic entity for its long-term competitiveness in the market, draws conclusions about the advantages and disadvantages of each variant. Based on the integration of resource and market approaches to strategic planning, the authors specify the stages of formation of the strategy of sustainable development of the economic entity, specify the concept of «strategic potential of an economic entity», which proposes to include its internal potential and resistance to the influence of external factors. It is proposed to supplement the diagnostic stage of strategic planning with a sub-stage of identifying resistance of the economic entity to external influences, which has not even been allocated by researchers before. It is proved that the identification of the objective position of the economic entity and the decision on the choice of further direction of its development largely depends on the quality of the carried out analysis. This peculiarity is due to the proposed resource-market approach to strategic planning. Further on, a research of the problem of quantitative assessment of the value of the strategic potential of the economic entity has been made. Based on the results of the research, an integral indicator and a general methodical approach to assessing the strategic potential of the economic entity have been formed, taking into account the definition of its internal potential and resistance to the external environment, which is proposed to be included in the development of a strategy for sustainable development of any economic entity to ensure the long-term direction of its development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pavlov K. V., Pavlova O. M., Spas V. V., Danyliuk V. V., Romaniuk Y. Y.
Evaluation of Business Project Efficiency: Theory and Practice of Implementation (p. 161 - 167)

The purpose of this study is to monitor various available methods for evaluating the efficiency of economic business projects, to determine their advantages and disadvantages, as well as to develop a number of recommendations for improving these methods. The objectives of the research are: to analyze the existing methods for evaluating the efficiency of economic projects; determination of the advantages and disadvantages of each of the methods; development of recommendations for improving the practice of evaluating the efficiency of economic projects. The article discusses the theoretical and practical aspects of evaluating the efficiency of business projects. The authors emphasize that the evaluation of efficiency of the project is an important stage in its development and implementation, as it allows you to determine the feasibility of its implementation and make optimal decisions on its financing and the functioning of the business as a whole. The practical aspects of evaluating the efficiency of economic projects are analyzed in detail. Efficiency evaluation is an important stage in the project life cycle, which involves a detailed consideration of the financial, economic and social aspects of its implementation. The authors also highlight the methods and tools that are used to conduct the evaluation, describe in detail the financial models that allow calculating efficiency indicators, such as NPV (net present value), IRR (internal rate of return) and some others. In the context of making informed decisions on the implementation of the project, it is emphasized that practical efficiency evaluation is becoming a key tool for management and investors. It provides specific numerical data and analytical information that serves as the basis for deciding whether to proceed with a project. In general, the evaluation of the efficiency of economic projects is an important tool for decision-making on the implementation of projects. Under martial law, this evaluation becomes even more relevant, as it is necessary to ensure the efficient use of limited resources and the compliance of projects with the needs of the population. To improve the practice of evaluating the efficiency of economic projects, it is necessary to develop new evaluation methods that take into account the time value of money, the ability to compare projects with different capital intensity and ease of use in practice. We believe that the implementation of the recommendations presented in the article will improve the quality of evaluating the efficiency of economic projects in Ukraine and will contribute to the effective use of limited resources for the country’s recovery.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Serhiichuk S. I., Serhiichuk D. I.
Mechanism of the State Policy of Sustainable Development of Entrepreneurship in Ukraine (p. 193 - 201)

The aim of the article is to develop a model of the mechanism of the State policy of sustainable development of entrepreneurship in Ukraine, which can become a key factor in economic growth, improving the standard of living of the population, creating new jobs and strengthening democracy. The mechanism is based on the following principles: inclusiveness (ensuring equal access to opportunities for all entrepreneurial entities, regardless of their size, industry, location and other factors); fairness (creation of transparent and fair business rules that do not discriminate against any group of entrepreneurs); accountability (ensuring that the authorities are clearly accountable to entrepreneurs for their actions and decisions) and resilience (development and implementation of entrepreneurship support policies that take into account long-term economic prospects and social consequences). The mechanism also uses the instruments of the State policy of sustainable development of entrepreneurship: regulation – the activity of the State aimed at establishing rules and norms that entrepreneurs must comply with (licensing, antimonopoly laws, product safety standards, etc.); support – State activities aimed at providing assistance and incentives for the development of entrepreneurship (financial assistance, tax benefits, consulting services, education, training, etc.); provision is a set of measures aimed at creating a favorable environment for doing business (bureaucracy reforms, the fight against corruption, infrastructure development, intellectual property protection, etc.). The instruments for ensuring entrepreneurship are summarized in more detail: protection of property rights (legislative, institutional, informational, and practical support); fight against corruption (introduction of anti-corruption standards, improvement of anti-corruption bodies, protection of whistleblowers and increasing transparency); ensuring the rule of law (independence of the judiciary, access to justice, rule of law over the administrative apparatus, counteracting political interference in the judiciary); protection of competition (introduction of antimonopoly legislation, creation of antimonopoly bodies and application of antimonopolistic sanctions); development of infrastructure (transport, energy, information, etc.); protection of data and the environment (improvement of legislation on data protection and the environment, creation of separate data protection and environmental authorities, raising awareness of data protection, stimulating environmentally friendly and information friendly business). We believe that thanks to the joint efforts of the State, business and the public, Ukraine will be able to successfully implement the mechanism of the State policy of sustainable development of entrepreneurship and build a sustainable and prosperous future for its citizens. Investments in sustainable development of entrepreneurship are investments in the future of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mozgovyi I. V.
The State Support for Entrepreneurs During the Wartime (p. 202 - 207)

The article is devoted to the substantiation of measures for the State support of entrepreneurs during the wartime. The publication proves the relevance of the study of the problems that arise in the process of substantiation and implementation of measures for the State support of entrepreneurs during the wartime. According to the results of the carried out analysis of modern scientific works on the topic of research, it is found that domestic scholars analyze the legislation that regulates entrepreneurial activity, and highlight trends in the development of entrepreneurship, taking into account the experience of developed countries in this area. At the same time, the problems of entrepreneurial entities are not given due attention. Measures for the State support of entrepreneurs are proposed, which provide for full or partial reimbursement by the State of the costs of restoring objects that were damaged during hostilities (it is recommended to divide the objects in need of restoration into groups and determine the priority of restoration for each of them using the adapted method of the sum of years, which is traditionally used to calculate the depreciation of fixed assets). The necessity of reducing the level of tax pressure on entrepreneurs is also substantiated. The main argument in favor of such a step on the part of the State is that the reduction of the level of taxation of entrepreneurs will gradually lead to a decrease in the shadow sector of the economy and an increase in the number of taxpayers. This point of view is substantiated using the conception of elasticity: it is illustrated that a relatively small reduction in tax pressure will lead to a significant increase in tax revenues. In addition, the article proposes to take into account the amount of financing by entrepreneurs of the needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and reduce the tax base or the amount of tax payments depending on the amount of such financing. Perspective areas of research on the problems that arise in the process of organizing the State support for entrepreneurs include: formulation of proposals for improving tax legislation to reduce the level of tax pressure on entrepreneurial entities; identification of factors influencing doing business during the wartime and assessment of such impact using mathematical tools; development of a mechanism for motivating entrepreneurs to more intensive volunteering.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Baditsa A. V.
Peculiarities of Digital Transformation of Enterprises in the Countries of the European Union (p. 71 - 78)

Digital transformation plays an important role in ensuring the competitiveness of enterprises in today’s environment. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly exacerbated this trend, as many companies are facing the threat of bankruptcy due to their inability to quickly adapt to the digital format of work. The European Union is no exception, which, in order to prevent such crisis situations, has developed an appropriate digital transformation strategy for 2030, one of the directions of which is the digital transformation of enterprises. It is found that most scientific studies cover the general aspects of digitalization of enterprises in the European Union, without taking into account the specifics of individual countries, or contain an analysis of the digitalization of enterprises in the EU countries without a detailed consideration of its components. In view of the above, the aim of the article is to study the digital transformation of enterprises in different countries of the European Union. To achieve this goal, the digital intensity index and its main components were analyzed. The article uses the following methods: deduction, analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, and tabular method. The results showed that enterprises in Northern and Western Europe are characterized by a fairly high level of digital intensity and values for most of its components. This is especially true for European Union countries such as Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Belgium. The opposite trends have been found in the EU countries in Southern and Eastern Europe, which have a much lower indicator of digital intensity and the importance of its components compared to the above-mentioned ones. These include: Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Hungary and others. In addition, it was found that the majority of enterprises in the European Union have reached at least a basic level of digital intensity, including small and medium-sized ones. However, in order to achieve the goal of digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises in the strategic plan by 2030, it is necessary to reduce the gap between the actual and target indicators by more than 20%. For this purpose, the main directions for increasing the level of the Digital Intensity Index were identified, including: stimulating the integration of e-commerce, especially in the direction of B2C, developing staff skills in the field of ICT, employment of specialists in the field of ICT, the use of industrial or service robots, as well as improving the values of most components of the Digital Intensity Index of enterprises in the EU countries in Southern and Eastern Europe.

Article is written in Ukrainian


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