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Liburkina L. M.


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Proceedings of scientific conferences

Labour economics and social policy


Yarmak O. V.
The Social-economic Features of the Maintenance of Work in Sphere of Intellectual Services (p. 49 - 52)

On the basis of the comparative analysis of the maintenance of work in spheres of production of goods and intellectual services features of intellectual work: creativity domination, the in common-divided character and synergetic result, self-motivation, self-checking and self-realisation of workers are proved.

Article is written in Russian

BUSINESS INFORM №2-2011, Vol.2

Otenko I. P., Denysiuk O. V., Preobrazhenska O. S.
Analytical Instruments of Assessment of Intellectual Capital of Industrial Enterprises (p. 114 - 116)

The competence approach to assessment of intellectual capital is becoming more widespread lately that is connected with improvement of knowledge, skills, habits of personnel. The article presents the analysis of the experience of foreign centers of standardization of development of instruments of assessment of intellectual capital on the basis of knowledge, emphasizes the perspectives of Ukrainian industrial enterprises in this field.

Article is written in Russian

Kalinesku T. V., Nedobega E. A.
Analysis and Assessment of the Level of Socio-Economic Development of Enterprises (p. 117 - 119)

The basic stages of the process of assessment of the level of socio-economic development of enterprises were considered. The system of indicators for assessment of the level of socio-economic development approximate to international standards was developed.

Article is written in Russian

Shum M. A., Filipskaya D. Y.
Some Problems of Development of Labor Resources in Modern Conditions (p. 145 - 147)

The article is dedicated to consideration of problems connected with efficient management of labor resources of industrial enterprises and enterprises of other branches of national economy, influence of labor resources on production potential of enterprises, efficiency and results of financial and economic activity, productivity of labor, competitiveness of enterprise.

Article is written in Russian


Samoilova I.
The actual problems of the international labour migration (p. 55 - 58)

The article is dedicated to the problems of labour migration, fundamental direction, present situation of migration in Ukraine.

Article is written in Russian

BUSINESS INFORM №7-2011, Vol.1

Kalinesku T. V., Nedobega E. A.
The System of Assessment of Socio-Economic Development of Enterprises (p. 83 - 86)

The system of an estimation of social and economic development of the enterprises is offered. The algorithm of management and an estimation of social and economic development of the enterprises on the basis of the offered system is developed, making systems are characterised.

Article is written in Russian

Baltacheeva N. A., Zaretska Y. V.
The Problem of Ensuring Social Security of Disabled Miners in Ukraine in the Context of European Standards (p. 86 - 88)

The article deals with current issues of the rights of miners who have received injuries and diseases. The legal and economic aspects of social protection of invalids in Ukraine and in countries with developed market economies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ivaschenko G. A., Fedorova O. P.
Migration in Tomsk Oblast at the Beginning of the XXI-st Century (p. 88 - 90)

This article examines the questions of population migration in the Tomsk region. A set of government measures aimed at improving the situation in the region flows proposed based on the analysis of migration.

Article is written in Russian

Mishchuk H. Y.
Age-Related Peculiarities of Public Motivation of the Use of Labor Potential of Population (p. 90 - 93)

The concept of society motivation of labour potential use is worked out. The actuality and level of needs’ satisfaction in different age groups are investigated based on grounded system of needs.

Article is written in Russian

Chernoivanova O. G.
State of Economic Activity of the Youth in Labor Market in Conditions of Overcoming of Consequences of System Crisis (p. 93 - 95)

The paper analyzes the current state of economic activity in the labor market in Ukraine. Consider the consequences of systemic financial crisis on the competitiveness of young people. These features of employment by age, sex and residence. On the basis of the analysis measures to remove obstacles facing young people when it comes to the labor market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

BUSINESS INFORM №7-2011, Vol.2

Iastremska O. M., Herashchenko І. M.
Interconnection between Competitiveness of Enterprise and Personnel in the Market of Labour (p. 100 - 102)

The features of intercommunication of demand and supply are exposed at the market of labor between a competitive enterprise and competitive personnel in this article

Article is written in Russian

Lanska S. P.
Continuity of Professional Development of Employees as Factor of Socio-Economic Development of the State (p. 102 - 104)

In the article the socioeconomic and demographic preconditions of formation of system of continuous professional development of the workers in Ukraine are revealed, is reasonable, what exactly the industrial enterprises should be the initiators and coordinators of process of continuous development of the personnel.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Churkina Y. F., Gonchar V. V.
Analysis of the Market of Labour of Metallurgical Industry of Ukraine (p. 105 - 106)

The article reviews the major problems of the labor market suggested ways to overcome them, research questions wage increases and job cuts.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zubchinska N. M.
Intellectualization of Labor at Work Place of Industrial Enterprise (p. 107 - 108)

In article the concept “intellektualization of work” is generalized and necessity ia?ania?aiey it on workplaces of the industrial enterprises is proved.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnik O. V.
Theoretical Bases of Formation of the Category of “Workforce” (p. 108 - 110)

In article it is considered and systematized definitions of a category a labour. Conceptual approaches which underlie understanding of this definition are resulted. Own interpretation of this category on the basis of the lead morphological analysis within the limits of conceptual approaches is offered.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Filatov V. M., Romashova Y. V.
Contradictions in Ukrainian measuring of migration prob-lems (p. 80 - 84)

The analysis of the migration situation in Ukraine, identified weaknesses unformed migration policy and the contradictions of the migration process. Considered the functions and the driving forces of migration, suggested solution from the standpoint of improving the institutional rules and norms.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Salenkov A. V.
Peculiarities of Development of the System of Social Guarantees in Conditions of Transformational Shifts (p. 85 - 88)

The influence of transformation processes on the stability of the social protection system considered and macro-economic conditions of sustainable development through the growth of national productivity and development of domestic market formulated.

Article is written in Russian

Radionova O. M.
Urban System Management by Employment (p. 89 - 93)

Investigated municipal system as a whole, to its structure and levels of existence. The algorithm of the strategic management of urban employment, which includes the influence and nature of systemic, structural and organizational transformations of employment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Legostaeva Y. A., Dudnik J. V.
Some Aspects of Improving the Elements of Payment (p. 94 - 96)

The article deals with some elements of the organization wages. The influence of each element of performance and the overall outcome of the enterprise, grounded on the basis of some aspects of the perfection of system of remuneration.

Article is written in Russian


Laptiev V. I.
Human needs influence on his labour motivation (p. 85 - 88)

In article the essence of human need is investigated, classification of its principal views is presented. Factors which influence on need’s occurrence and its transformation to motive are considered. The influence of human needs on a system of labour motivation formation is analysed.

Article is written in Russian


Nazarova O. Y.
Statistic Research of Conditions and Tendencies of Development of Urbanization Processes (p. 44 - 47)

Urbanization processes in the world and Ukraine are considered in the article. Statistical and demographic analysis of indices describing these processes is given as well as regularity of their dynamics. Perspectives of the urbanization processes development in the world and Ukraine are shown.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lepeyko T. I., Nazarov N. K.
Bases of social partnership system formation (p. 103 - 104)

Characteristic lines of the Ukrainian model of social partnership are considered, its problems and the contradiction are defined. The role of participants of system of social partnership is generalized and proved and recommendations about improvement and development of standards of social partnership are developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nazarova G. V., Stepanova E. R.
Priority directions of development of the labor’s activity system of legal regulations of Ukrainian enterprises employees (p. 105 - 107)

The most privileged lines of development of the labor’s activity system of legal regulations have been presented. The project of new labor code has been analyzed and its influence on employee’s labor activity has been determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Posylkina O. V., Bratishko Y. S., Gorbunova O. Y.
Theoretical foundations of organizational improvement software management labor potential pharmaceutical enterprises (p. 107 - 109)

In the article the basic problems of the organizational providing of management work potential of pharmaceutical enterprises are certain. The necessity of creation of integral department which would decide the questions of management work potential of pharmaceutical enterprises complex a personnel is proved. Basic tasks and functions of department of management of a personnel are certain.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Fedorova V. A., Karpenko T. V.
Implementation of human capital youth at labour market of Ukraine (p. 109 - 111)

This paper presents the results of research on the possibilities of human potential of young people at labor market of Ukraine in the modern situation of development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Freeman I. M., Freeman Y. M.
The estimanion of the development of human capital as a domination factor of the competitiveness of an industrial enterprise (p. 112 - 114)

In this work intercommunication of estimation of the level of human capital development with the increase of skilled potential and the increase of competitiveness of an enterprise, with the increase of its profitability, and the formation of the bases of highly skilled specialists able to make a contribution in the surplus value of an industrial enterprise is shown.

Article is written in Russian

Malyukina A. O.
Development of methods for evaluating the quality of labor potential of bank personnel (p. 114 - 115)

Article is devoted a complex of the questions connected with working out of a technique of an estimation of quality of labour potential. Qualitative and quantitative estimations are analysed. Use of an integrated indicator of an estimation of quality of labour potential is offered. Conclusions and offers concerning an estimation of quality of labour potential are drawn.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Aksonova I. V., Golubenko M. S.
Monitoring of Market of Labour Requirements for Graduates of Institutions of Higher Education: Regional Aspect (p. 55 - 58)

The article makes regional analysis of the market of labour requirements for graduates of institutions of higher education. It makes the conclusion that one of the most important directions of modernization of education is the improvement of relations between the system of professional education and the market of labour.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zyma O. G., Zima O. G., Kavun S. V.
Provision of Citizens with Housing as Social Factor (p. 96 - 99)

The article considers the economic indexes and statistical data of col­lapses in real estate markets and connected with them banking crises.

Article is written in Russian

Nazarova O. Y.
Modern Tendencies of Infant and Infantile Mortality: Statistical Aspect (p. 100 - 102)

Temporal tendencies and structures as well as peculiarities of in­fant and infantile mortality at the age of 5 both in the world and Ukraine are considered in the article. Present probability estima­tion methods of infant and infantile mortality are shown. Statisti­cal and demographic analysis of indices describing these demo­graphic processes is done.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Khohlov M. P., Melnik J. A.
Modernization of labor potential in the making self-sufficient effective economy (p. 143 - 146)

The rich in content structure of category of labor potential, which in the conditions of market economy on its capitalist stage of development represents their natural (personality), cost and social forms, is considered. It allows to define main directions modernization of labor potential in the making of self-sufficient economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yadranskyy D. M.
Conceptual model of accounting, control and analysis job (p. 146 - 151)

In the article analyzes the possibility of quantitative calculation accounts indicators that will characterize other types of job (except industrial). Consider the proposed model for the theory of marginal productivity of management, which is to establish performance of job costs as a derivative work of profitability, which correlated with performance time, which essentially characterizes the job efficiency (rate of return).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Golubeva T. V., Pedenko M. M.
Analysis of the educational system as a factor of formation of human resources' labor mentality (p. 151 - 155)

The main factors of influence on human resources’ labor mentality are considered, the state of modern education system as an external factor of its formation is analyzed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Konoplina Y. S.
Similar and distinctive in functioning of social insurance funds (p. 155 - 158)

The author examines characteristic features of social insurance funds and distinguishes similarity and differences in each fund functioning. The main attention is paid to the peculiarities of each social insurance fund functioning. The author implements the study of the main reasons which condition certain peculiarities of each social fund functioning.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pisotska Y. I.
From Jointly Divided to Universal Labor (p. 158 - 163)

It has been considered in the article the logical-historical changeover from jointly divided labor to universal labor. It has been analyzed an interaction of two labor components: physical and creative. It has been simulated the process of substitution of physical component by creative one and on this bases it has been distinguished two groups of activities depending on the proportions of such substitution. It has been described the changeover from the commodities exchange to the exchange of services according to the changes in character of demand and supply at the labor market.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zakharova O. V., Kovalenko T. V.
Evaluation of the Influence of the Investments in Human Capital on the General Result of the Activities of the Enterprise (p. 150 - 154)

Justified by the conditions of effective use of personnel of industrial enterprises by providing a high degree of balance between the level of utilization of productive resources and the end results of activity. Directions to balance the proposed terms of efficiency.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ramazanov S. K., Krupskij K. L.
Development of a Сonceptual Scheme of Decision-Making in the Interaction between Regional Educational System and Labor Market (p. 154 - 156)

The article proposes a conceptual framework of decision-making in the regional education system and labor market interaction due to form of a decision tree which built for a decision support system based on models of prognostication of the demand on specialists «Fuzzy caterpillar» and correction of the curriculum.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krapivina H. A.
Clustering at the Market of Labour of Volunteering (p. 157 - 161)

On the basis of model of the analytic- informational providing of transmitters of socio-labour relations of labour-market volunteering and informative constituent of standards of actions of volunteer organizations the problem of the use in volunteering of widespread algorithms of clustering is probed in the article. The patterns of choice of volunteering are offered for participating in the actions of volunteer organizations.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zayukov I. V., Guchok I. S.
The Issue of Funding the Costs of Creating Safe Working Conditions of the Employed Population of Ukraine (p. 165 - 169)

The paper considers the problem of financing the costs of providing safe working conditions. The analysis of financing the costs of providing safe working conditions on construction enterprises of Vinnytsia region was carried out. It is shown that the current rate of funding the costs of health and safety should be reviewed at the legislative level.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kakhovska O. V.
Problems of Sociality Support in Socio-Economic Development of the Country (p. 169 - 172)

Approaches to sociality interpretation in different economic systems are critically evaluated and its author's conception is proved. The analysis of market-transformational changes in the national area is made. Arguments in favor of development of a sociality state regulation mechanism are given.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pasieka S. R.
Educational Factors of Innovative Development of Regions Social and Labor Potential (p. 172 - 175)

The article substantiates the necessity of innovative development of social and labor potential through parameters of educational components. Determines the necessity of improving the educational qualification of the population, identifies the main problems that cause imbalances on the labor market of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Goncharenko M. F.
Analysis of Methodologies for Assessing the Needs of the Employers (p. 112 - 114)

In the article research of the basic going is conducted near the estimation of necessities of employers, it allowed to set forth own approach, taking into account module and competence approach.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Нoncharova S. Y., Radushko Y. P.
Performance Evaluation of Living Standards and Their Systematization (p. 114 - 117)

The article deals with the existing indicators to assess the standard of living of the population, identified the main approaches to the analysis of living standards, and offered a rational grouping of indicators characterizing the level and quality of life.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ovsiyenko O. V., Chuprina Y. A.
The State as a Source of the Asocial Practices in the Labour Activity Material Stimulation (p. 117 - 120)

The factors which predetermine asocial practices distribution from the state in a material stimulation of the labour activity are founded out and exposed in the article. Their displays at the labour payment process regulation and at realization of the employer functions from the state are analysed. The directions of their overcoming are grounded.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bondar N. A.
Main Trends and Features of Social Protection in Countries of EU (p. 120 - 124)

In the article it was identified the main areas of realization of social protection of disabled persons and it was considered the experience of states that are part of the EU, concerning conditions for various types of assistance within these areas. Identified deficiencies in the system of social protection in the Member States of the EU.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Petenko I. V., Petenko A. V.
Methodical Going Near Determination of Bases of Providing of Reproduction and Comprehensive Development of Human and Labour Potential (p. 95 - 97)

In the article the role of improvement of terms of labour for the increase of efficiency of production and development is reasonable on this basis of human and labour potential.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Umanets T. V., Kosmina Y. N.
All-Ukrainian and Regional Dimensions of Modern Trends in the Development of the Labour Market (p. 98 - 101)

Methodological approaches as to complex analysis of infrastructural changes at the regional market of labour are considered. Objective and subjective factors affecting forming and regional market development of labour are explored. The tendencies of his development positive and negative are determined and recommendations as for its improvement are given.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Nazarova G. V., Lebedinska O. S.
Procedure auditing staff take into account possible risks (p. 117 - 120)

Modern views on the definition of audit risk. Directions consideration of risks in the implementation of audit staff. Specifies a list of audit risk in the implementation of audit staff. The author vision calculation of audit risk in the context of the audit staff.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Migay N. B., Shemet L. G.
New approachs to introduction of the flexible systems of payment on domestic enterprises (p. 121 - 124)

In the article interdependence of salary and labour productivity in modern terms is analysed. The necessity of introduction on the domestic enterprises of the flexible systems of payment of workers labour is reasonable. The stages of introduction of the flexible system of payment on the basis of indexes of the productivity are offered.

Article is written in Russian

Rudov B. A.
Improving the Mechanism of Motivation in Post-industrial Economy (p. 124 - 127)

The article reviews the main approaches to the category of staff motivation. Possible ways of improving the mechanism of motivation in post-industrial economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mashiko K. S.
Theoretical basics of the essence of personnel potential at the economic branch level (p. 128 - 130)

The article highlights the author's vision of the essence of personnel potential that based on existing approaches to its treatment. The possibility of applying the term personnel potential at the economic branch level is substantiated in the article.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Medvedev V. S.
Using neural networks for the regulation of labor production personnel (p. 131 - 133)

The article suggests the way of using the neural networks to rate the time of operations executing by production stuff. There is an analysis of the approach to rating using neural networks in terms of classification methods of time rating. Author describes process of selecting the optimal models built with neural networks for further usage establishing the rating of similar operations.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Doronina M. S., Chepel I. V.
Current Problems of Organizations Qualified Personnel (p. 194 - 197)

In this article we give the actual study areas provide organizations with qualified personnel in a more complex environment of business activity, determined by the need for a paradigm system of education, the transformation rules of interaction between higher education, employer and labor support.

Article is written in Russian

Tiutiunnykova S. V., Simkina N. V.
Moral Potential Actualization and the Role of the Family in its Formation (p. 198 - 201)

The article deals with the term of human moral potential , its actualization in socio-economic development. It analyzes the role of the family in its formation and the conditions of effective moral rearing.

Article is written in Russian

Savytska N. L.
Socio-Humanizing as a Prerequisite for the Development of Human Subjectivity in Economic Development (p. 202 - 205)

This paper proposes a theoretical approach to the analysis of human subjectivity in economic development from the perspective of socio-humanizing activities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Muzhylivskyi V. V.
Application of Human Life Valuation in Compulsory Personal Insurance (p. 205 - 208)

The research was conduct to the methods used for economic valuation of human life. The analysis of the life’s cost of the insured person for the purpose of the existing insurance amounts in types of compulsory private insurance was occurred.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Babich S. N.
A Modern Labor Market in the Economic System (p. 160 - 164)

Modern market of labor tendencies, his basic ingredients and mechanism of functioning, are analyzed in the article. Actuality and necessity of more detailed and deep analysis of features of modern labor market is reasonable after for creation of high-efficiency sustainable sevelopment strategy of regions and state in the whole. Structured basic factors and indexes of influence on socio-economic directions of market of labor development. A labor market, as ingredient of the market system of improvement of national economy, is considered. This article lights up problems and outlines directions of policy in the field of employment on all levels with the purpose of providing of high quality of life of population and high efficiency of economic activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ilina G. V.
Paradigmatic Transformation of Corporate Social Responsibility in Global Processes (p. 165 - 169)

The paper compares traditional and modern paradigms of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and reveals the challenge of their transformation. The influence of global processes is discovered from the point of view of J. Habermas’ concept of “postnational constellation”. Another reason of new paradigm development is a globalization of ecological problems. The consequence of these factors lead the integration of corporate social responsibility into the organizational structure of the companies. New type of SCR management replace the traditional one where SCR was synthetically combined with companies business activity. The difference between two notions as SCR and corporate citizenship makes understandable the conceptual ethical dimensions of environmental, social and economic responsibility of business.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Korolyova N. N.
Managing Conflict Interaction and Social and Labor Intensity of Enterprise Personnel (p. 169 - 171)

The article disclosed approaches to managing conflict interaction and development-were practiced recommendations for overcoming resistance from employees in the event of crisis.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Golubiev S. M.
The Constituent Elements of the Labor Potential Team (p. 172 - 175)

The article specifies the nature of the concept of "employment potential" and its components are defined at different levels of study. It is concluded that the employment potential of each of the higher levels is complemented by an additional element that characterizes the benefits of interaction. But there is another factor characterizing the cost of interaction and group work. Thus, in some cases, it is more than the benefits of the association. Therefore, it is a group or organizational capacity has the largest reserves of the development and use.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhukova V. A.
Modern Model of Regulation of the Process of Providing Young Specialists’ Competitiveness at the Labor Market (p. 175 - 179)

The essence, basic constituents and the necessity of transformation young specialists’ competitiveness providing adjusting model in modern conditions are defined. In the context of understanding the essence of adjusting of competitiveness in common sense it is described such concepts, as „policy”, „method”, „the way” and „instrument”. The model young specialists’ competitiveness providing adjusting model is offered at the market of labour, which combines three basic directions of regulation: market adjusting, government control and regulation by means of social partnership.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stativka O. N.
Humanizing of Social and Labor Relations in the Company (p. 180 - 183)

The necessity of humanizing social and labor relations in the company. It is shown, that stages of social and labor relations in the historical context and the significance and meaning of humanization of social and labor relations. The need to solve the problem of social and labor relations humanization in enterprises of Ukraine is focused.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Petrenko O. O.
Using Adaptive Learning Management as a Basis for Staff Development in the Enterprise (p. 183 - 187)

The article discusses the basic elements of the concept of adaptive management staff training: the purpose, objectives, internal and external impacts, trends, principles, stages and procedures in practice.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Fandeyeva A. Y.
Theoretical Principles of Forming the Motivation Mechanism of Human Resources Management (p. 188 - 191)

In this article the review of the concept of complex (system) motivation has been made and the topicality of the process of forming the staff motivation for an effective activity has been proven.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Golubeva T. V.
Labor Market in Ukraine: Analysis of its Development Prospects (p. 209 - 212)

In the article the state of the labor market in Ukraine is analyzed, the main factors that influence its state are defined; the necessity of the development of social and economic mechanism of labor market regulation is grounded.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Druzhinina V. V.
The Territorial Peculiarities of Local Labour Market Functioning (p. 212 - 215)

In the article it has been grounded that the local labour market functioning is carried out on the basis of territorial division of labour, the basic feature of which is caused by the factors of internal and external character. The model of the territorial system of local labour market has been suggested, the functioning of which depends on the publicly-territorial systems.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Korolyova N. N.
System Management Principles of Labor Resources by Stage of Reproduction at the Enterprise (p. 216 - 219)

The paper has been developed and proved system of human resource management of enterprises, given their stage of reproduction: development, use, formation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Linkova Y. Y.
A Decision of Problems of Property as Basis of Improvement of Motivation of the Hired Workers (p. 219 - 222)

The features and problems of property are analyzed. Actual directions of improvement motivation of the hired workers are grounded. A mechanism to improve employee motivation by taking into account the political foundations of the regulation of ownership issues in the country. The directions for further research in the field of motivation are defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lukashev S. V., Senichkina Y. E.
Innovative Work: Concept and Features (p. 222 - 226)

The main approaches to treatment the term «innovative work» were analyzed and its improved definition was offered. The main characteristics of innovative work and the basic specific features of the workers engaged in the innovative activity were defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stamatin O. V.
Theoretical Positions to Determine the Quality of Working Life of Industrial Workers (p. 226 - 229)

Theoretical positions are considered in the article, exposing dependence of quality of life and quality of labour life Suggestions of scientists are analysed in relation to the constituents of quality of labour life, their specified composition offers: terms of labour, motivation, public welfare, economic state of environment, socially-demographic features of labour-market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Fandeyeva A. Y.
Theoretical Principles of Strategic Management of Human Resources (p. 230 - 233)

In the article the theoretical basis of motivation in the system of strategic management of human resources based on the study and synthesis of the classic motivation schemes has been proven and their relevance to today's realities has been determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dorovskoy A. F., Tarasova T. I.
Planning of Social Work at the Company (p. 162 - 164)

The paper describes the main problems and tasks of social work at the company. Concepts of social work is extended and examined its principles. It is concluded that the creation of the conditions under which employees would have the opportunity for self-realization of their forces, potential energy is the main purpose of the social policy of the industrial enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Korolyova N. N.
The Methodical Providing of Human Resource Management of Company (p. 164 - 167)

The paper developed a methodological basis for personnel management company, taking into account their stage play: the development, use, formation. It is concluded that the choice of scientific approaches to the study of human resources company in reproductive purposes should be based on a systematic presentation of the research, reflecting different aspects of the reproduction of the labor force: organizational, social, psychological, combined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Semenchenko A. V.
The Systems Approach to Scientific Knowledge Components of Labor Economics (p. 168 - 171)

The article considers the feasibility of using a systematic approach to the process of scientific study of economic processes on the example study of valuation work as an integral part of the economy of labor. It is concluded that the performance of the industrial enterprise on the quality of work measurement of highly qualified personnel and management, which is based on the company's specialists. This is why the systematic approach to study the state of work measurement specialists at the company is reasonable and appropriate.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bulakh T. N.
Preschool Education in the Rural Areas of Ukraine: Problems and Solution Approach (p. 167 - 170)

The article is dedicated to the study of the condition of pre-school education in the rural areas of Ukraine and defining problems of its development. It gives the statistical analysis of the data from State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, calculates the indexes of development, makes structural analysis and reveals the main tendencies of development of pre-school education in the rural areas of Ukraine. Based on results of mentioned analysis the desirable directions of its development were defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Poita I. O.
Key Factors of Influence on the Development of Market (p. 170 - 173)

Article is devoted to the analysis of patterns and trends in sustainable market. The urgency of market research services and its constant diversification, as well as mechanisms of regulation and functioning is grounded. The main factors of the market in terms of sustainable development are investigated. Reveals the content of the main factors that affect the formation of a market in Ukraine and the analysis of the dynamics of their development are defined. The features and functioning of the main trends in the service sector are analyzed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kinash I. P.
The Infrastructure of Physical Culture and Sports of Ukraine: Current State, Problems of Development, Ways of Solving the Problems (p. 174 - 177)

The aim of the article is to reveal the developmental tends of infrastructure of physical culture and sports of Ukraine. The research is dedicated to determine the dynamics of development of its main indices and to define the problems of functioning and ways of their solving. The amount of physical activity of the country is defined; its logistical support doesn’t meet the consumers’ requirements. The development of investment programs and state support of private investment involvement are necessary to form the infrastructure of physical culture and sports of Ukraine. The priority of logistical support of sports should be formation of branched network of current sports buildings according to the requests of different society groups. The marketing management is suggested to increase the efficiency of using the sports buildings.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dashko I. N.
Ground of Expedience of Forming of Socio-Economic Mechanism of Management Labour Potential of Enterprises of Food Industry (p. 178 - 183)

In the article it was grounded expedience of forming of socio-economic mechanism of management labour potential of enterprises of food industry. The modern state of capital investments which are most incarnate in food industry is analysed. Strategic directions of output food industry are offered from the crisis state presently.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kalinichenko O. O.
Financial Constituent of Social Sphere of Ukraine (p. 184 - 188)

The modern state of social sphere and its constituents is analyzed in the article. The problems of forming of the system of the financial providing of social sphere were investigated. The role of investments as to the element of the this system was defined. The analysis of allocated state funds in the last few years was made. The role of the state financing is considered in subsequent development of social sphere. Directions of decision of the these problems are offered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mosiichuk I. V.
The Role of Human Resources in Ensuring Social Stability of the State (p. 188 - 191)

In the article the actuality of this research is determined, the modern state and problems of skilled potential of educational, medical and cultural spheres is analyzed. Its economic and social role in providing of stability of the state is defined. This article exposes main factor of the economy growing of the state and its stability – increase of educational and professional level of skilled potential. The statistical indexes of development of skilled potential are analyzed, lacks of providing by skilled resource for medical, educational and cultural industries of social sphere are shown. In research the ways of increase of role of skilled potential in the effective economy growing of the state are shown.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Samorodchenko A. V.
Organizationally and Economic Mechanism of Forming and Effective use of Human Capital (p. 192 - 195)

In this article an author generalized theoretical approaches in determination of socio-economic essence of category «human capital»; the analysis of the systems of the modern state of socio-economic environment, its connection, is carried out with the problem of forming and recreation of human capital; essence of terms of development of human capital is certain and the features of their forming are analysed in agriculture; basic directions of increase efficiency of the system of forming and use of human capital are resulted in the conditions of steady development of agrarian sphere.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Slovik O. N.
The Concept of Professional Identification as Part of Vocational Work of Regional Employment Services (p. 196 - 199)

The article substantiates the need to expand the areas of vocational work of regional employment services, expanding their professional identity. Summary of recent foreign and domestic research concept of professional identity, its types, sources of formation are defined. The author's interpretation of professional identification as a component of career guidance to regional employment services is presented.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bulakh T. N.
Sphere of Culture in Rural Districts: State, Problems, Ways of Overcoming (p. 168 - 171)

The article studies the state of the sphere of culture in rural districts of Ukraine and identifies problems of its development. It conducts a statistical analysis of data of the State Statistics Committee, calculates development indicators, conducts a structural analysis and reveals main tendencies of development of the sphere of culture in rural districts of Ukraine. Results of this analysis are used for determining desirable directions of its development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Cherep A. V., Vovk Y. G.
Methodological Approaches to Assessment of Personnel of Ukrainian Companies (p. 172 - 177)

The article considers methodological approaches to assessment of personnel, which are used by personnel services of a company for assessing personal qualities of personnel. It analyses methods of assessment of personnel: 360-degree and testing behavioural competences. It substantiates theoretical and methodological approaches directed at perfection of the system of assessment of personnel as an important prerequisite for increase of quality and efficiency of labour of company’s personnel. It specifies main problems Ukrainian companies face when using different methods of assessment of personnel. It makes a proposal on improvement of the procedure of decision making by results of assessment of personnel of Ukrainian companies, offers a formula of identification of personal efficiency of an employee and introduces the “level of current satiety” notion.

Article is written in Russian

Davydova I. O.
Realisation of Intellectual Capital: Essence, Components, Role of the Employment System in this Process (p. 177 - 180)

The article considers problems of functioning intellectual capital, its realisation as a process of transformation of intellectual potential into intellectual capital. It substantiates urgency of analysis of realisation of intellectual capital with the aim of its more efficient usage. It identifies stages of realisation and main subjects that influence realisation of intellectual capital. It reveals the role of intellectual activity and employment system in the process of use of knowledge and intellectual capital.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lepekhina I. A.
Development of Methodical Approaches to Formation of the Motivational Mechanism of Efficient Labour Activity of those Employed in the Engineering Industry (p. 181 - 183)

The article studies a possibility and necessity of perfection of the motivational mechanism of management of engineering companies. It establishes dependence of operation of a production company upon motivation of the labour personnel in its results and upon the system of financial and moral incentives. It offers a mechanism of motivation and regulation of the motivational structure of labourers depending upon the main results of functioning and goals, which are set by the management for company personnel.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khlevnaya I. V.
Place and Role of Main Forms of Economic Activity as a Guarantee of Stability and Development of Rural Territories (p. 184 - 188)

The article analyses main forms of economic activity in rural districts and gives recommendations with respect to prospects of socio-economic state of farmers, agricultural companies and private farms as two interconnected systems of the agrarian sector. It proves that stability of development of main forms of economic activity depends on efficiency of activity of new organisational and legal structures in the agrarian sector of economy, which requires development of such theoretical and methodological and practical provisions, which would have been directed, first of all, at increase of production of competitive agricultural products. That is why further formation and development of entrepreneurship in agriculture as a structure forming element of the market economy acquires special importance.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bulakh T. N.
Healthcare in Rural Districts: State, Problems, Prospects of Development (p. 235 - 238)

The article is devoted to the study of the state of the healthcare in rural districts of Ukraine and identification of the problems of its development. It conducts a statistical analysis of data of the State Committee of Statistics, calculates indicators of development, conducts a structural analysis and reveals main tendencies of development of healthcare in rural districts of Ukraine. It identifies desirable directions of its development on the basis of results of the conducted analysis.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kosareva I. P., Sarmatitskaya N. V., Bondarenko N. V.
Assessment of Possibilities of Realisation of the State Programme «Affordable Housing» in Ukraine (p. 239 - 243)

The article analyses possibilities of introduction of various variants of construction of housing in Ukraine based on the state programme “affordable housing”. The article contains calculations of possible financial and economic solutions of this programme and identifies the most attractive variants of their realisation in Ukraine. It also offers measures, which would allow creation of conditions for construction of housing for those citizens who need to improve their housing conditions, which would improve technical state of the housing, would give new impulse of development of housing construction and construction complex in general.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bondar N. A.
Prerequisites of Appearance and Formation of Modern Outlook With Respect to Disability Models: International Experience (p. 244 - 248)

The article considers objective approaches to formation of outlook with respect to problems of handicapped persons on the basis of disability models that were formed during a certain period of time, which, on the one hand, are designed for understanding how handicapped persons feel and experience their disability, and, on the other hand, in order to provide the society with information about development of legislative and regulatory acts and programmes that influence their lives. It specifies shortcomings and advantages of the existing models. It also adds to classification of disability models by means of allocation of eugenic and monistic models.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Nikiforenko V. G.
Investing Into Human Capital: Mechanisms and Tools (p. 274 - 277)

The article is devoted to identification of tendencies in changing the role of the educational sphere in building the knowledge economy and also the problem of increase of efficiency of interaction of subjects of investing into the human capital. It offers tools for realisation of innovation development of the educational sphere.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bulakh T. N.
High Education in Rural Districts of Ukraine: Problems and Solutions (p. 278 - 281)

The article is devoted to the study of the state of high education in rural districts of Ukraine and identification of problems of its development. It provides a statistical analysis of the data of State Statistics Committee, calculates indicators of development, conducts a structural analysis and reveals main tendencies of development of high education in rural districts of Ukraine. Results of the analysis are used for determining desirable directions of its development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zinchenko O. I., Khimchenko A. N.
Corporate Social Responsibility in Ukraine: Modern Realities and Prospects of Development (p. 281 - 286)

The article studies the “corporate social responsibility” (CSR) notion and offers author’s definition. It marks necessary conditions for development and conduct of CSR by a company. It analyses possibilities of Ukrainian companies on conduct of CSR. It provides examples of CSR realisation by companies in Ukraine. It offers a scheme of the concept of CSR functioning in the economic system of the society, which reflects “worker – company – state” relations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsymbaliuk S. O.
Analysis of Scientific Approaches to Construction of a pay Package: Theoretical and Applied Aspects (p. 286 - 293)

The article considers theoretical and methodological issues of providing employees with a pay package. It studies scientific views on a construction of a pay package. Having generalised views of different scientists we specified approaches to formation of a set of compensations. The first approach – compensations include money remuneration, second – tangible (money and not money) remuneration, third – tangible and intangible remuneration, and fourth – benefits of the social character. We justify that namely the third approach to construction of the pay package ensures a complex approach to formation of a system of remuneration and corresponds with modern trends in the practice of economic activity and system of socio-labour relations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuchinskiy V. A., Kramskoy D. Y.
Development and Application of Qualitative Standards of Labour as a Basis of Increase of Efficiency of an Enterprise Activity (p. 293 - 298)

The article states that development and application of qualitative standards for labour rating and their wide implementation in production enterprises is an important measure, which gives a possibility to improve the existing technological processes and organisation of labour, thus, to increase efficiency of activity of production enterprises in general. That is why it offers the most rational approach to development of scientifically justified labour standards, which would give a possibility to reduce time, labour and material expenses on their development, which would allow expansion of the sphere of application and increase quality of labour standards at production enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pereverzieva A. V.
Role of Economic Psychology in Motivation of Labour: National Aspect (p. 298 - 302)

The article studies the role of economic psychology and its use for formation of the motivational mechanism in accordance with national specific features; its allocates types of motivation and efficiency of their use; it identifies most important characteristics of conditions of labour activity and level of their correspondence with needs of the workers. It emphasises a necessity of radical changes of the national motivational system for creation of the favourable “labour” environment, in the foundation of which there should be not only tangible but also intangible stimulation. Use of different methods of motivation depends on individual specific features of each worker and personnel in general. It identifies that efficient use of different incentives should be based on economic psychology, which would allow creation of favourable conditions for maximum efficiency and perceive labour not only as a method of tangible enrichment and self-preservation, but also as a method of self-actualisation and further development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shumskaya S. S.
Empiric Assessment of Secondary Effects of Influence of the UAH Exchange Rate Upon Indicators of the Labour Market of Ukraine (p. 303 - 311)

The article specifies main channels of influence of changes of the national currency exchange rate upon indicators of activity of companies. The primary effects are: prices of imported goods, costs of imported factors of productions, costs of servicing of debts nominated in foreign currency. The article describes secondary effects that manifest themselves in dynamics of indicators of the labour market and are connected with changes of indicators of company activity during adaptation to action of primary effects. It provides results of empirical check of hypothesis of availability of secondary effects of changes of UAH exchange rate and also analysis of specific features of their manifestation in Ukraine. It provides results of econometric assessment of influence of changes of real effective UAH rate (calculated by the “import basket”) upon dynamics of indicators of wages, employment and profitability of different types of economic activity of the industry.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nevdakha O. Y.
Transformation of Labour Content and its Productivity under Conditions of the Innovation Model of Economy (p. 311 - 316)

The article reveals the essence of a new stage of economic development – innovation model of economy, characterises the process of labour intellectualisation. It also reveals the essence and depicts the process of transformation of labour content under conditions of transition to the innovation model of economy. It provides a comparative analysis of physical and mental labour. It states that in order to obtain long-term competitive advantage under modern conditions increase of productivity of intellectual component of labour, namely – labour of professionals, acquire the priority significance. It reveals the essence of increase of productivity of professional labour through its comparison with productivity of physical labour and gives definition to the “productivity of professional labour” notion.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dovgal O. V.
Rural Tourism as a Prospective Direction of Entrepreneurship in the Socio-Economic Mechanism of Rural Development (p. 316 - 320)

The article is devoted to the study of rural tourism as a prospective direction of activity of entrepreneurship in rural districts of Ukraine, since it positively influences restoration, preservation and development of local traditions, trades, monuments of historical and cultural heritage and also expands channels of realisation of products of private farms of rural population. It analyses the essence of the rural tourism and its place in the complex socio-economic rural development. It identifies main problems of development of this sphere of activity. It focuses main attention on the fact that practical realisation of the state policy in the sphere of support of rural tourism bears today, as well as during numerous years in the past, mainly a declaratory character, and the state target financing of development of rural tourism is practically absent both at the state and regional levels. The article uses the analysis to present prospects of further development of rural tourism taking into account experience of EU country-members, in which adoption of state and local programmes, directed at development of entrepreneurship in the sphere of rural tourism, their proper performance and sufficient financing, realisation of measures of these programmes through funds of support of entrepreneurship is one of prospective directions of development of rural territories.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Petrenko K. V.
Labour Market: Problems and Prospects of Development of a Depressive Territory (p. 211 - 216)

The article studies the modern state of the labour market and employment of population in Ukrainian regions. It identifies main indicators of strengthening of disproportional nature of regional socio-economic development and reveals problems of the labour market and their influence on depression of development of territories. It conducts a statistical analysis of data of the State Statistics Committee by integral indicators of the labour market, makes a structural analysis and reveals main tendencies of development of the labour market in Ukrainian regions. It analyses the rating of the labour market by Ukrainian regions and identifies factors that influence depression of territories. It uses the analysis to identify desirable directions of development of territories and ways of overcoming revealed problems. It pays special attention to a necessity of strengthening regional policy on solution of problems of employment, especially in depressed regions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Cherep A. G., Bubenets A. I.
Assessment of use of Labour Resources by Food Industry Companies in Zaporizhzhya oblast (p. 216 - 222)

The article studies problems of use of labour resources in food industry companies. It conducts assessment of use of labour resources by food industry companies in Zaporizhzhya oblast. It shows that reduction of labour activity of employees is observed in companies of the oblast. It states that labour resources in general are not used by the companies in full. It offers measures on increase of effectiveness of use of labour resources of food industry companies in modern economic conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsizhma Y. I.
Structure of Employment of Population under Conditions of a Demographic Crisis in Ukraine (p. 222 - 226)

The article is devoted to theoretical and practical aspects of formation of the structure of employment of population under conditions of a demographic crisis. It specifies definition of the “employment structure” notion, in which its changeability, multilevel structure of components and capacity to adapt to external conditions of functioning are underlined. It studies socio-economic conditions, which are established at the moment, and pays special attention to the demographic crisis in Ukraine and its specific features. It justifies goals of the society on the issues of the employment policy and marks features of violation of the structural balancing of employment. It justifies the policy of employment of population under conditions of the demographic crisis and offers practical recommendations on its regulation. It generalises types and forms of employment of population. It justifies a necessity of additional allocation of such features of employment structure classification as territorial belonging, types of economic activity, level of differentiation of income, which would facilitate a justified selection of methods of employment regulation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Doronina M. S., Golubiev S. M.
Socialisation of Economy and Labour Potential of a Production Organisation (p. 214 - 220)

The article considers modern tendencies of humanisation of labour and socialisation of economy. It identifies content and essence of such notions as social – qualitative characteristic of collectives – and socialisation as a triune process of social development of a human being, collectives, companies and economic system of a country in general. It justifies a necessity of use, as one of the most important indicator of social state of a human being, collective and organisation, the characteristic of social solidarity, which identifies the level of unity of collectives and societies and allows efficient use of their labour potential. The article considers processes of socialisation of different subjects (human being, management and economy). It justifies a necessity to diagnose social reserves of collective development through assessment of such reserve-forming factors of social solidarity as organisational culture, leadership and socio-psychological climate.

Article is written in Russian

Nazarova G. V., Stepanova E. R.
Stimulation of Labour Activity as a Component of the Decent Work Concept (p. 221 - 225)

The degree of importance of the Decent Work concept has increased significantly for the past few years. It touches main problems of social development, including the level of labour income of employees as one of the most important components of the Decent Work. The problems of construction of efficient systems of remuneration of labour are very urgent for organisation of all branches and spheres of economy. Both foreign and domestic scientists work on issues of definition of the concept of the “stimulation” notion. Efficient stimulation of labour activity gives a possibility to significantly increase competitiveness of an enterprise at the international and regional levels. The article considers main criteria of Decent Work, essence and specific features of the variable part of labour income and the role of stimulation in development of enterprises.

Article is written in Russian

Iastremska O. M., Popova A. A.
Carrying out Socio-Labour Relations on the Principles of Social Partnership (p. 225 - 229)

The goal of the article is to study social partnership as a necessary condition of overcoming contradictions in the sphere of socio-labour relations, to reveal content of the “social partnership” notion, to reveal factors and conditions that influence effectiveness of its performance between employees, employers and state, and to identify indicators, which should be used for assessment of the level of manifestation of social partnership. The study helped to mark out main quantitative and qualitative indicators that would allow conducting monitoring of the existing state of social partnership under conditions of an individual company and state control over making managerial decisions under conditions of a rather dynamic system of socio-labour relations. Further studies in this direction should be oriented at development of theoretical foundations and development of efficient mechanisms of regulation of socio-labour relations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Davydova I. O.
Conditions of Efficient Realisation and Management of Intellectual Capital on the Basis of Employment Indicators (p. 230 - 234)

The article considers general conditions of realisation of intellectual capital. It reveals indicators of the sphere of employment, that influence efficient use of intellectual capital, compared to education indicators. Realisation of intellectual capital could be increased only under conditions of the growth of the level of employment of graduates of educational establishments, expansion of possibilities of employment by specialty, which is ensured by interaction at different levels with the employment sphere. The article identifies mechanisms that mediate governing impacts on intellectual capital. Such mechanisms in the sphere of employment are: interaction of the sphere of education and employment when training specialists, forms of organisation of labour, conditions of labour, mobility of labour and flexibility of the labour market, traditions and type of corporate culture, qualitative composition of employees and the state of the social sphere. The sphere of employment is responsible for bringing the intellectual capital into action and transformation of the nominal intellectual capital into the real one. Search fir forms of employment, most adequate to the higher education and nature of intellectual labour, serves as a prospect of further research for Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shyfrina N. I.
Higher Education as a Basis of Formation and Development of Intellectual Potential of the Society (p. 234 - 241)

The article studies the role of higher education as a basis of formation and development of intellectual potential of the society. It analyses methodological apparatus of scientific cognition of regularities of development of the educational sphere, systemises advantages and shortcomings of the existing methods of research. It identifies theoretical aspects of interconnection of higher education and modern global environment from the point of view of structure and functionality. It analyses leading experience of foreign governments, universities and international organisations with respect to effective interaction of education, science and economy and also problematic issues, state and directions of improvement of functioning of higher educational establishments as a basis of formation and development of intellectual potential of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sagaidak M. P., Matseyeva N. V.
Study of the Factors of Labour Market Formation for Provision of Internal Marketing of Companies under Conditions of Uncertainty of Determinants of Demand and State of Competitive Situation (p. 242 - 248)

The article identifies specific features and analyses existing approaches to the study of the labour market of marketologists that are capable of satisfying requirements of the employer-company in contact personnel under conditions of uncertainty of determinants of demand and state of competitive situation. The article reveals that the labour market of marketing specialists is formed with consideration of behaviour of competitors, consumers, prices and development potential. The objects of the study are processes and dynamics of market development, which include analysis of changes of economic, scientific and technical, demographic, social, ecological, legislative and other factors. Such studies have major importance in building a career and effective management of the system of internal marketing of a company.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tymoshenkov I. V.
Institutional Model of Development of the System of Education and its Empirical Justification (p. 249 - 254)

The article offers an institutional model of development of the educational system and provides its empirical justification. It reveals a dual role played by economic institutes in functioning and development of the educational system: on the one hand, they bring the order of the society on specific forms and directions of educational training to the educational system, on the other – they perform the reverse impact upon society through supply of educational services and formation of the social status of education in society. It identifies that development of the educational system of Ukraine is impeded by a number of institutional traps existing in the society – compositions of such institutional factors and conditions of development of education, which, on the one hand, are internally inter-justifies, inter-dependent and envisage a necessity of their joint development, and on the other – are in antagonistic contradiction with each other, blocking or excluding action of each other by their existence (necessity to improve quality of state management of education versus absence of interest of officials in it, need in strengthening control over quality of educating students versus absence of interest of lecturers and administration of higher educational establishments in it). The main theoretical conclusions of the article are justified with the help of obtained results of the study: “Attitude of entrepreneurs to the problems of development of education and mechanisms of interaction of the labour market and market of educational services in Ukraine” (Kharkiv, October – November 2012, n = 212) and “Study of models of behaviour of students in the market of educational services of Ukraine” (Kharkiv, October – November 2012, n = 464).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khomenko I. N.
Strategic Matrix in Regulation of the Level of Labour Motivation of Personnel of Engineering Companies (p. 254 - 259)

The article studies changes of the level of motivation of personnel labour, including the life cycle of an engineering company. Scientific novelty of the obtained results is development of a strategic matrix, which offers different directions of influence on motivation of labour, practical importance of which during managerial decision making in regulation of the level of motivation of personnel labour lies in selection of one of the strategies: preservation of the level of the motivation component, reduction of the share of the motivation component or its increase. The article offers mechanisms of labour motivation within the limits of each strategy, which have a standard set of tools and which could be modified depending on qualitative and quantitative characteristics of labour potential, specific features of activity of the industrial branch or an individual engineering company. The offered approach allows selection, depending on the achieved level of development of an engineering company and labour collective, of further direction of growth through realisation of various strategies of labour motivation. The common result of research and developments is the change of view on establishment of correlation of organisational and motivational components in the system of personnel management from a casual uncontrolled phenomenon to the one, which is subordinate to the company goals and is subject to regulation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sotnikova Y. V.
Ring Organisation Model of Managing Dismissal of Employees at Industrial Enterprises (p. 260 - 264)

The article marks our main stages of a life cycle of an enterprise and main factors of external environment that influence activity of industrial enterprises. It justifies a necessity of managing dismissal at each stage, which manifests itself in conducting a set of measures that were called “dismissal programme”, taking into account specific features of external environment. It identifies resources of enterprises, which would be necessary for realisation of each programme of dismissal of employees in accordance with the stage of a life cycle. It offers a ring organisation model of managing dismissal of employees, which takes into account stages of a life cycle, resources of enterprises and dismissal programmes appropriate to each stage. The external ring and the ring of the second level envisage dismissal on own initiative or stimulation of such a dismissal; the third ring and internal ring cover measures that are directed at dismissal on initiative of the administration (or by economic reasons).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shatravka Y. A.
Analysis of Conditions of Introducing in Ukraine the Funded Pension System (p. 265 - 269)

The article analyses conditions of introducing in Ukraine the funded pension system, which would allow reduction of the influence of the demographic factor upon the existing solidary pension system, diversification of risks between three components of the pension system, and ensurance of a decent level of pensions. The article forecasts a period of achievement of the self-supporting budget of the Pension Fund of Ukraine – a mandatory condition of introduction of the funded system. It identifies reasons of disbalancing the budget of the Pension Fund. It offers a number of urgent measures for reduction of the current deficit of the budget of the Pension Fund of Ukraine. It makes a conclusion that realisation of the pension reform in the part of introduction of the accumulating system of pension insurance would allow ensurance of social guarantees and making the pension system of Ukraine financially balanced and stable.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Gutsan T. G.
Analysis of Material Component of the Living Standard of the Population and Specific Features of its Regulation in the National Economy (p. 192 - 196)

The article is devoted to analysis of the material component of the living standard of the population. It studies dynamics of income and expenditures of the population for the past five years. It reveals modern tendencies in changes of the living standard. It makes a conclusion that the growth of the material component of the living standard does not reflect real well-being of the population. It offers recommendations with respect to ensuring a maximally possible increase of the living standard of the population through the prism of realisation of the relevant state policy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsizhma Y. I.
Concept of Flexicurity and Non-standard Forms of Employment: Modern Challenges (p. 197 - 202)

The article is devoted to theoretical and practical issues of the use of the concept of flexicurity and non-standard forms of employment when developing the strategy of improvement of the structure of employment of the population. It considers main characteristics of the concept of flexicurity and its principles, analyses positioning of the labour markets of CIS countries (EU data) and possibilities of its realisation in Ukraine). It develops a strategy of improvement of the structure of employment of the population, which is considered as a system of goals, principles and instruments of formation of a flexible structure of employment, effectiveness of which is based on the weighed organisational and legal platform and efficient institutional environment. The article specifies the role, types and specific features of non-standard employment and organisational and legal conditions of its use, which make its application possible within the framework of the concept of flexicurity for reduction of social tension and improvement of the structure of employment of the population.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shatravka Y. A., Kashcheeva V. Y.
Forecasting indicators that influence functioning of the pension system (p. 203 - 208)

Forecasting demographic situation is an important factor that influences organisational and economic provision of implementation of the pension reform in Ukraine. In order to make an objective analysis, the authors selected the City of Kharkiv, with its one million population, which reflects demographic processes that are being developed in the territory of whole Ukraine and in developed industrial regions, and also in order to obtain the most representative statistical selection. The study envisages analysis of “a priori” information, processing statistical data, selection of the forecasting method, high quality examination of the obtained models and forecasting demographic indicators in the medium term period. The conducted study confirms tendencies of demographic ageing of the population of the region. The obtained results could be used for planning expenditures of the Pension Fund and expenditures of local budgets, connected with social protection of the population of the region, and allow assessment of the possibility of increase of pensions for individual categories of pensioners without additional load on the budget of the Pension Fund.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tiurina D. M.
Assessment of the Labour Market Under Conditions of Domination of the Equilibrium Paradigm (p. 220 - 225)

The article is devoted to the study of the topical problem of reproduction and development of the human capital, which is the main factor of economic growth. The article studies processes of formation of the labour market under conditions of the crisis economy using example of the Kharkiv oblast. The author analyses development of the labour market of the Kharkiv oblast on the basis of conceptions of the equilibrium theory, grounds the ways and directions of solution of the problem connected with increase of effectiveness of use of the human capital of the region. It conducts a statistical analysis of the use of labour potential of the Kharkiv oblast. Using the analysis results it determines main factors of brain drainage. The author proves endogenous nature of the problem of outflow of human capital and grounds expediency of introduction of the concept of anticipatory education in formation of qualified personnel.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chornodid I. S.
Methodology of Analysis of Social Competitiveness of a Country (p. 225 - 231)

The article considers methodology of analysis of social competitiveness of a country. It grounds actuality and essence of the notion of social competitiveness of a country. It characterises components of social competitiveness. It describes social criteria of underdeveloped and developed countries and shows that they have different criteria and priorities. It proves that the social component of competitiveness exists at macro-, meso- and micro-levels, and it has different qualitative and quantitative characteristics at each of them. It characterises factors of social competitiveness of economy at macro-, meso- and micro-levels. It draws relevant conclusions on specific features of the “social competitiveness of a country” category, which has a number of indicators based on functioning of formal and informal public institutions (maturity of public institutions, degree of development of human and social capital, degree of confidence, social responsibility of business, economic freedom, etc.). It proves that the object of social competitiveness of a country is a public social effect, which manifests itself as achievement of a high level of life and growth of well-being of the population.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Avedyan L. J.
Aspects of Development of the System of Social Services of the Pension Fund of Ukraine (p. 197 - 201)

The article considers the system of social protection in the context of providing social services by the Pension Fund of Ukraine for improvement of quality of services to the population. It identifies measures on optimisation of social protection of the population in view of the new social policy, in particular, search for new forms of social work and new types of social services. It analyses the state of provision of social services of the Pension Fund of Ukraine, developed in the Concept of reformation of the system of social services, namely: introduction of standards of social services directed at improvement of the quality of life of recipients of services; introduction of the system of control of quality of social services and correspondence of the services with the set state standards, introduction of market mechanisms, which would stimulate suppliers of services to constantly improve quality of services, into the sphere of social services; improvement of management of state expenditures on social services with the aim of their flexible and rational use.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Doronina O. A.
Problems and Prospects of Activity of Trade Unions in the Sphere of Providing Decent Work in Ukraine (p. 202 - 207)

The article speaks about the role of the trade union in providing decent work in Ukraine. It develops a multi-level system of benefits of decent work for participants of socio-labour relations, which proves that representatives of all participants of socio-labour relations are similarly interested in promoting principles of decent work, however, trade unions take the most active position on this issue. The article establishes that the programme documents of Federation of Trade Unions of Ukraine (FPU) and priority directions of its activity have been connected recently with provision of decent conditions of labour and life for citizens of Ukraine. In the course of retrospective analysis of experience of FPU with respect to realisation of the programme of decent work in Ukraine the article identifies main actions of the trade union in this direction. The article conducts assessment of factors that impede with effective struggle of trade unions for decent work. In particular, it analyses tendencies of change of trade union membership in Ukraine and Donetsk oblast, level of trust to trade unions, it reveals shortcomings of the personnel policy of trade union organisations. The article offers priority actions of trade unions with respect to provision of decent work in Ukraine on the basis of the obtained results.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koba N. V.
Impact of Social Capital on the Process of Commercialisation of Knowledge in an Organisation (p. 208 - 214)

The goal of the article lies in identification of the essence of social capital, understanding its structure, forms and features and study its role and influence upon the process of commercialisation of knowledge in an organisation. Having analysed the “social capital” notions from existing scientific literature, the article specifies its essence. Having analysed and systemised theoretical provisions of various researchers, the article provides a structure of social capital, specifies its main forms, types, common and distinguishing features with respect to other types of capital of an organisation. Having generalised results of studies of foreign scientists, the article identifies influence of social capital upon the process of transformation of knowledge in an organisation. Using example of project organisations of the gas industry of Ukraine, the article analyses the outer contour of the social capital, in the result of which it establishes direct impact of social capital on commercialisation of knowledge in these organisations. The article grounds a necessity of ensuring the positive character of this influence by modern organisations. Development of theoretical and methodical provisions and practical recommendations on managing the social capital of organisations as a decisive factor of ensuring commercialisation of their knowledge are considered to be priority directions of studies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hazah K. O.
Problems and Prospects of Development of Social Partnership on Regulation of Wages in Ukraine (p. 215 - 221)

The article studies applied aspects of the modern state of social partnership in the sphere of formation and regulation of wages. On the basis of generalisation of experience of foreign countries the article specifies and characterises four main models of formation of wages with participation of the institute of social partnership. Using the complex approach and scientifically justified form the article conducts analysis of main problems of collective and contractual regulation of payment for labour as a main form of manifestation of social partnership in this branch and argues the need of their fast solution. The article states main reasons of imperfection of the collective and contractual labour. It considers shortcomings of the currently existing system of contracts in Ukraine, in particular, at the level of the General Agreement and using example of the regional agreement of the Donetsk oblast. It provides recommendations on strengthening the role of the institute of social partnership and its transformation into a weighty factor of formation of wages in the labour market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bordanova L. S.
Conceptual Basis of Regulation of the Process of Employment of Youth at the Regional Labour Market (p. 222 - 227)

The article is devoted to substantiation of the necessity to regulate processes of youth employment in the regional labour market, which is considered as a purposeful influence upon behaviour of subjects of the youth segment of the regional labour market with the aim to ensure the maximum possible level of youth employment, which would allow increase of the life quality of the youth and creation of prerequisites for stable development of the regional economy. The article develops a conceptual scheme of regulation of the process of youth employment at the regional labour market, which includes regulation methods, its subjects, service systems, directions of regulation and expected results and is oriented at increase of the level of youth employment, which allows increase of the quality of life of the youth and creation of prerequisites for stable development of the regional economy. The main priority directions of regulation of processes of youth employment in the labour market of the Donetsk oblast are as follows: increase of competitiveness of the youth in the labour market, development of competences in the sphere of employment, expansion of flexible forms of employment, stimulation of self-employment, balancing the labour and educational services markets, improvement of the information provision of this process and development of collective and contractual methods of regulation of youth employment. The article offers specific measures on these directions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Gnybidenko I. F.
Pension System of Ukraine under Conditions of Reformation (p. 222 - 227)

The article reveals a number of shortcomings of the Soviet pension system. It explains reasons that made the state re-consider the basic principles of the pension sphere and re-construct its institutions. It pays a special attention to the market of the non-state pension provision, which is the most dynamic one among the markets of non-bank financial services. Fast growth of main indicators of activity of non-state pension funds (NPF) testifies to it. Creation of open NPF is most active, since they are very flexible in the context of joining or leaving them. Some of the main reasons of slow development of non-state pension provision are as follows: limited choice of financial instruments suitable for investing pension funds into them; insufficient interest of employers in financing voluntary pension programmes for employees; and low level of public information on the essence and role of the accumulative pension system in the society. The article considers the most complex problems that arise in the process of introduction of the reformed pension system in Ukraine. Using international experience and taking into account specific features of socio-economic development of Ukraine, the article develops recommendations on solution of the said problems. Introduction of the pension reform in Ukraine should rest on demographic, legal and organisational grounds. Success of the pension reform in the long-term prospect requires active actions for creation of a developed insurance industry. The considered problems and also recommendations and approaches to their solution bring us a bit closer to realisation of main goals and principles of the reformed pension system.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pysarevska H. I.
Development of the Recruitment Services Market in Ukraine (p. 227 - 232)

The article analyses tendencies of development of the recruitment services market in Ukraine. It justifies actuality of the study of the recruitment services market, which confirms high and stable demand on the services of personnel agencies. It determines main problems in this sphere: insufficiently high quality of services, absence of professional standards, high fluctuation of personnel in agencies, low qualification of consultants on personnel selection, absence of statistical data about a number of personnel agencies and financial and economic indicators of their activity. It marks out external and internal environments of a recruitment agency and also shows main directions and elements of recruitment technologies applied by agencies. It identifies the place of internal and external recruitment in the labour market system. It justifies a necessity of formation of effective recruitment policy at the level of the state, region, branch and enterprise. It states the main tasks of the recruitment services market: provision of requirements of branches of economy in high-qualification personnel, increase of quality of recruitment services, development and improvement of the regulatory and legal base and statistical reporting of recruitment and also increase of the level of employment of population by means of integration of efforts of recruitment companies, personnel agencies and state structures of facilitation of employment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Solovyova O. Y., Gavrylychenko I. V.
Assessment of Differentiation of Ukrainian Regions by the Level of the Comfort of Living (p. 232 - 238)

The article considers issues of assessment of comfort of living of the population of regions. It justifies urgency of assessment of regions by the level of comfort of living. It provides definition of the “level of comfort of living” notion. It offers methods of calculation of the level of comfort of living of the population of regions, which is based on identification of the integral indicator, using four main groups of indicators: provision of housing, accomplishment of housing, state of housing and state of the networks of the housing and communal complex. The article conducts approbation of methods of assessment of differentiation of regions of Ukraine by the level of comfort of living in 2009 – 2010, with the help of which the rating of oblasts was built. It conducts analysis of dynamics of the average level of comfort of living of the population of Ukrainian regions. It conducts analysis of the results of assessment and identifies positive characteristics of the proposed methods.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sychova K. V.
Formation of the Strategy of Development of the Pension Insurance System in Ukraine (p. 239 - 246)

The article is devoted to the problem of selection of a strategy of development of the pension insurance system in Ukraine. It describes main stages of formation of the pension insurance system (preparation, selection of the strategy and model, realisation, assessment of effectiveness, improvement). It considers main directions of realisation of the proposed state strategy of development of the pension insurance system in Ukraine – formation of high quality and effective managerial decisions at the state and regional levels and management of internal (with respect to the pension system) factors. The article offers re-formation of the system of assignment of preferential pensions and long-service pensions and development of regional pension programmes as an element of improvement of the defined contribution component of the system of pension insurance. The article considers optimisation of volumes of liabilities, regulation of the tariff policy and also search for additional sources of replenishment of the state budget as the ways of stabilisation of the pay-as-you-go component of the pension insurance system. It describes main directions of improvement of activity of non-state pension funds as a main subject of the system of non-state pension provision. It offers introduction of the mixed model of pension insurance on the basis of the pay-as-you-go and defined contribution strategy of the pension provision consisting of five levels (obligatory pay-as-you-go non-funded, obligatory funded insurance, voluntary-obligatory defined contribution, voluntary defined contribution and quasi-obligatory informal).

Article is written in Russian


Amosov O. Y., Cherniaieva A. O.
Working Place as an Organisational Form of the Process of Labour (p. 217 - 223)

In order to achieve efficient functioning of modern production based on application of complex equipment and technology, which is characterised with a big number of internal production links, it is necessary to have an accurate organisation of the working place. The article considers the working place notion not from the position of a portion of space, which is adjusted for performance of production functions by a worker, but as an organisational form of the process of labour, which integrates its following components: organisational, technical, economic, social security of labour and intellectualisation of labour.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nazarova G. V., Semenchenko A. V.
Professional and Qualification Structure of Labour Resources of Industrial Enterprises (p. 223 - 228)

The goal of the article is a theoretical study of the professional and qualification structure of labour resources of industrial enterprises, identification of directions of optimisation of the professional and qualification composition of the personnel and analysis of the processes of education and advanced training at enterprises. The article marks out qualification levels of professional training of labour resources, presents statistical data on training and advanced training of labour resources by types of economic activity in 2011, considers the professional and qualification structure of the personnel of industrial enterprises of the Kharkiv region, identifies ways and conditions of advanced training of the personnel at individual enterprises, marks out problems of availability of qualified labour at enterprises and analyses main directions of the personnel policy of enterprises with respect to optimisation of the professional and qualification structure of labour resources.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Povoroznyuk I. M.
Regularities of Formation of the Labour Reimbursement Institute in the Market Economy (p. 229 - 233)

The article considers theoretical issues of formation of the labour reimbursement institute in the market economy. It proves that functioning of the labour reimbursement institute identifies proportions of distribution of the total amount of expenditures on labour reimbursement between different professional and qualification groups of workers. Also, functioning of the labour reimbursement institute significantly influences proportions of distribution of income between owners of the means of production and hired labour, although, to a big extent, this institute is adapted, on the one hand, to the existing in the society forms of resolution of contradictions, inherent in means of production ownership relations, and, on the other hand, to the situation in a relevant labour market segment. However, the labour reimbursement institute itself significantly influences realisation of interests of employees and employers. The article states that wages in the modern economy should be understood as an incomplete labour reimbursement – the entrepreneur spends on an employee not only the sum of wages, but also uses other forms of resource provision of the processes of acquisition of certain benefits by the enterprise employees.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Serikova O. M.
Social Responsibility of Partners of Labour Relations as a Factor of Rational Use of Labour Potential: Theoretical and Methodological Approach (p. 234 - 239)

The article considers social responsibility of the employer and employee as a component of the socially responsible business. It identifies that social responsibility should be directed at such components as introduction of social programmes and improvement of labour conditions; establishment of the social dialogue; business self-perfection that is realised in responsibility for results of labour; increase of responsibility when performing work; use of ethic principles of relations with colleagues in the company policy; facilitation to realisation of ecological programmes, open presentation of information about activity of the organisation, influencing the society, economy and environment. Increase of social responsibility would facilitate increase of the level of use of the labour potential. Special attention is paid to ecological responsibility of business as a component of social responsibility, which becomes topical today under conditions of growth of the number of ecological problems.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gutsan O. M.
Motivation Mechanism of Formation of Employee’s Competences (p. 240 - 245)

Competent personnel is a main factor of successful development of a modern enterprise and, consequently, use of knowledge, abilities and skills of an employee becomes a priority task of an enterprise management. The goal of the article is to specify elements of competences and the mechanism of their formation and building up a generalised mechanism of achievement of goals of an employee and enterprise on this basis. For solution of these tasks the article considers and generalises theoretical knowledge on personnel competence and its use for enterprise development. The article offers a complex multi-level mechanism of formation of competences and mechanism of achievement of goals on the basis of introduction of a competence approach. Use of the proposed motivation approach on the basis of competences would allow increase of efficiency of activity of both the employee and enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Datskevych N. O.
World Experience of Introduction of Socio-Economic Responsibility of Entrepreneurship as a Long-Term Strategy of its Development (p. 246 - 250)

The main goal of the article is analysis of existing models of social responsibility of entrepreneurship (American, European, British and Asian) with consideration of regional specific features of its application. The article uses methods of abstraction and synthesis along with historical and practical approaches. In the conclusions the article generalises prospects for further search for the most optimal variants of development of this concept under conditions of development of the modern society. It also provides principal differences and main forms of realisation of social responsibility in such countries as USA, France, Germany, China and Japan. Social consequence of the article is re-consideration of the role of entrepreneurship as an important component of effective development of the society and observance of the concept of sustainable development as strategically important in the scale of the world. Value of the article is a proof of urgency of consideration of the issue of the socio-economic responsibility of entrepreneurship under conditions of modern global challenges and a necessity of their effective solution both from the side of the state and business.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Slatenkova M. O.
Social Justice as the Main Task of a State (p. 250 - 255)

Social justice always was and will be as the most significant indicator of efficiency of social development of the society being one of the fundamental grounds of the civilisation and progress. The goal of the article is justification of a necessity of application of the principle of social justice in practice of the state regulation for creation of favourable conditions of development of the society. The article considers one of the main functions of a state – social, directed at the socio-political harmonisation of social relations; justifies objective necessity of interference of the state with the problem of restoration of justice in the society. The main instrument of this interference is active social policy of the state oriented at problems of the whole population. Main instruments that regulate social relations are main spheres of the society, such as political, economic and social. Finding a balance among these social spheres would facilitate the nation’s well-being.

Article is written in Russian


Darchenko N. D.
Motivational Monitoring as a Tool of Managing Fluctuation of Personnel (p. 208 - 213)

The goal of the article lies in the study of a possibility to manage fluctuation of personnel at a modern enterprise through application of the motivational monitoring and in identification of some methodical aspects of formation of the system of monitoring the fluctuation of personnel. The article considers the essence, tasks and main directions of motivational monitoring at an enterprise and offers its classification. It proves urgency of the problem of fluctuation of personnel at enterprises of the country and a possibility of its management through application of the motivational monitoring. It offers methodical principles of monitoring of fluctuation of personnel of an enterprise. It provides results of application of the motivational monitoring in managerial practice of a real enterprise for analysis and study of fluctuation of personnel, which show that monitoring of fluctuation of personnel, development and introduction on its basis of the programme of management of fluctuation of personnel, improvement of the motivational mechanism of management of an enterprise would allow increase of business efficiency, introduce the proactive practice with respect to the personnel, and become a more attractive employer in the labour market. The direction of further studies is development and improvement of organisational and technical aspects of the motivational monitoring and development of recommendations on application of its results with the aim of development of the motivational mechanism that exists at an enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kryukova O. M., Cherkashyna T. S.
Problems of Social Development of Wage Earners at Light Industry Enterprises (p. 214 - 218)

The article is devoted to the problems of social development of wage earners engaged in the light industry. On the basis of the study of special economic literature and own scientific searches, the authors offer a methodical approach to assessment of the level of social development of personnel of industrial enterprises. This approach was realised at light industry enterprises located in Kharkiv and Lugansk regions in several stages: an aggregate of indicators that characterises conditions and state of operation of objects of social infrastructure was formed; data on these indicators were collected; specific weight of each indicator is determined; and generalised indicators by each enterprise are calculated. On this basis the article gives methodical recommendations on improvement of social policy at analysed enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Malakhovа L. V.
Economic Content of the Global Food Problem in the Context of Reproduction of Labour (p. 219 - 222)

The article considers concepts of economic essence of wages, analyses types of income, by means of which population gets food, systemises factors that influence some income, which is spent for food products. It shows that the global food problem significantly depends on development of labour relations. Insufficient catering reduces working capacity of a person and, as a consequence, slows down economic development of under-developed countries.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tsymbaliuk S. O.
Planning Basic Wages at Ukrainian Enterprises: Analysis of Approaches (p. 223 - 229)

The goal of the article is the study and justification of the most acceptable approaches to planning the basic wage at Ukrainian enterprises. The article justifies difficulties of formation of groups by payment for labour on the basis of the traditional procedure of labour tariffication. It formulates “grade” and “grading” definitions. It specifies specific features of planning basic wage with the use of the grading procedure. It studies approaches to planning the basic wage used at Ukrainian enterprises. It establishes that the most widely used is the traditional approach to development of tariff conditions of payment for labour. It justifies that planning the basic wage with the use of the grading procedure allows increase fairness in payment for labour, increase individualisation of wages due to the fact that the process of identification of size of remuneration takes into account value of the position (work), level of the worker’s professionally significant competences and individual results of labour. Further studies should be directed at development of scientific and methodical recommendations on planning the basic wage with the use of analytical methods of assessing positions and work.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Romashova Y. V.
Cognitive Technologies as Means of Study and Regulation of Educational Migration in Ukraine (p. 229 - 236)

The goal of the article is improvement of the system of management of migration processes on the basis of use of cognitive technologies as a new means of study and regulation of educational migration in Ukraine. The article justifies efficiency of application of cognitive technologies for developing scenarios of development of migration processes in the system of higher education. It builds a cognitive model of study and regulation of educational migration in Ukraine with consideration of the whole totality of cause-effect relations under influence of many factors that appear at various levels of management (state, regional, organisational), which allows determination of possible variants of development of a situation (system), finding ways and mechanisms of influencing the situation with the aim of achieving desired results, avoiding undesirable consequences and development of a set of measures of influencing the situation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tarasenko Y. V.
Analysis of Capability of Households to Finance Higher Education (p. 236 - 241)

The article analyses possibilities of financing higher education by households, it proves, using example of households of Ukraine and Russia, wish and capability of households to finance higher education. Analysis of such a capability of households reveals both possibilities for development of the education system and possibilities of overcoming problems in the structure of own finances. In the result of the analysis, the article identifies problems that require solution for adjustment of stable financing. One of the main problems is imbalance of household expenditures. The structure of these expenditures, which is individual for each country, should be taken into account when identifying cost of education, since household finances become one of the priority sources of financing higher education. Due to this, the article identifies a formula of the cost of education, which should be taken into account when it is established and which includes household capabilities. The article identifies a model, with the help of which it is possible to assess the quality of financing higher education when combining various sources of financing.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Salenkov A. V.
Social Guarantees as a Stabilisation Institution under Conditions of Global Uncertainty (p. 241 - 248)

The article reveals a special role of social guarantees as an economic institution in overcoming uncertainty of impact of global transformational shifts on functioning and development of economic systems. It shows that, under conditions of global uncertainty, the institution of social guarantees plays the role of the border of permissible and acceptable changes in the national economy. It provides a comparative institutional characteristics of three social mechanisms of access to public resources for a person who has no possibility to ensure own vital activity by means of own labour and own property: social guarantees, loan, charity. It proves that social guarantees are a significant factor of optimisation of risk individual economic behaviour and take part in ensuring optimal level of trust in economy. It justifies the conclusion that social guarantees facilitate optimisation of correlation between preservation of social wealth and its development through participation in social selection of technological and institutional innovations.

Article is written in Russian


Bolshynska I. S.
On Some Aspects of Higher Education and Role of Large Cities (p. 164 - 168)

Information explosion and transition in economically developed countries to mass higher education resulted in a number of problems connected with the quality of training specialists with higher education and organisation of the system of higher education and regulation of processes that take place in it. Roots of the current problems in higher education should be searched for in 70s and 80s of the past century. Problems of higher education in this period appeared in developed western countries and in former USSR were nearly the same. They were left unsolved and events that took place in the post-Soviet territory during the past decades added new problems. The most complex problems of higher education in Ukraine are multiple increase of a number of colleges and decentralisation of the system of higher education of the country, which, in its turn, had a negative impact on quality of training. The article offers a number of measures which would allow finding a way out of this situation and would simultaneously free the country budget from excessive load. Major Ukrainian cities would play a special role in allocating objects of the higher education system. The article allocates two groups of problems, responsibility for solution of which lies on the bodies of authority and college personnel respectively. It offers new approaches to the work with structures of educational subjects and intensification of the education process.

Article is written in Russian

Okhota V. I.
Modern Problems of Managing Labour Potential of Domestic Trans-national Companies (TNC) (p. 168 - 173)

The article identifies the role of labour resources in a TNC, considers specific features of formation of the labour potential of TNC, identifies specific factors that influence management of labour potential of domestic TNC; detects and analyses factors of the macro-environment, which TNC should take into account in Ukraine; characterises principles of efficient management of labour potential of domestic TNC and methods of formation of labour potential of TNC, establishes a necessity of adaptation of the system of management of labour potential of domestic TNC to the domestic regulatory and legal base, describes expediency of accounting scientific and technical factors, national mentality and cultural traditions on increase of efficiency of management of labour potential of TNC. The article also offers a number of principles for ensuring formation and efficient use of labour potential at domestic TNC.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Svechkina A. L., Spodareva O. H.
Development of Medical Insurance in Ukraine: System Approach (p. 173 - 178)

The goal of the article lies in building up a scientifically justified system of medical insurance for formation of efficient socio-economic protection of population in Ukraine. Having considered the system of medical insurance as a complex system, the article identifies its main characteristics, namely: integrity, hierarchy, structure, purposefulness, controllability, dynamics and openness. In the result of the study the article allocates the structure of the system of medical insurance, which contains four subsystems: formation, distribution, use of financial resources and control. The article justifies a necessity of development of the system with the aim of realisation of such principles of its functioning as prospectiveness, priority, realisation and step-by-step. Prospects of further studies in this direction are identification of the degree of attraction of private and state financial resources for healthcare, organisation of mandatory medical insurance, further development of voluntary medical insurance and health insurance funds with consideration of specific features of functioning of the national economy of Ukraine. Further development of the system of medical insurance would facilitate introduction of the state and private subsystems of financial provision, increase of efficiency of management in combination with development of the medical science and would ensure gradual changes in the healthcare system, which would have a positive influence upon improvement of health of the population and increase of socio-economic efficiency of the medical industry of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mamonova H. V., Kantsur I. H.
Modelling Priorities of Financial Provision of the Social Sphere (p. 179 - 183)

The article studies the modern state of the social sphere and conducts modelling of priorities of financial provision of the social sphere at the state level. Social sphere should be considered as the basis of development of the national economy. The goal of this article is the study of the modern state and modelling priorities of financial provision of the social sphere at the state level. The subject of the study is modelling priority directions of financial provision of components of the social sphere. Taking into account fast changes in the social sphere of the country and regular increase of social standards, the article identifies a necessity of changing priorities of the social policy, first of all, problems of financing the social sphere and formation of priority directions on improvement of this system. The article shows that the main problems of financial provision of the social sphere are: insufficient volumes of budget funds for financing the social sphere, financing practically all items of social expenditures in a smaller volume than it is required for the existing social support of the population and absence of mechanisms of ensuring quality of social services. The article offers to use the hierarchy analysis method for identifying immediate and priority directions of financing components of the social sphere. On the basis of the built directed communication graph the article presents a binary matrix of dependence of components of the social sphere and builds a hierarchy model of these components. As a result it is seen that the highest level of hierarchy is taken by science, then healthcare and social sphere are at the same level, then education, sports and at the lowest level are culture and art. The obtained results could be used when improving financing of the social sphere. In order to ensure efficiency of functioning of the social sphere it is necessary to improve the system of financing of its components on the basis of use of the hierarchy model. Moreover, building the model of hierarchy composition of priorities of the social sphere with consideration of experience of the leading world countries requires further study.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nadtoka T. B., Vinogradov A. G.
Multi-dimensional Assessment of the Level of Enterprise Socio-economic Development (p. 184 - 191)

The goal of the article is generalisation and development of methodical technique within the taxonomic method and distance and similarity method for convolution on the basis of the system of measured features-symptoms into a single joint characteristic of the latent notion “level of enterprise socio-economic development”. Algorithms of taxonomic analysis and distance and similarity method are systemised, generalised, itemised and presented as technological schemes with consideration of innovations in the format of their practical use. The article develops recommendations on increase of accuracy and justification of joint assessments, which take into account results of the classical and modified algorithms of building multi-dimensional assessments within the framework of each method. The article gives recommendations on a comparative analysis of results of assessment of latent properties on the basis of features-symptoms of their manifestation at simultaneous application of several variations of the considered methods of multi-dimensional analysis, by criteria of co-ordination of variants of assessment and selection of the preferred variant. Using example of a real enterprise, the article justifies a possibility of trustworthy assessment of the level of its socio-economic development on the basis of accounting indicators, which reflect manifestation of internal factors only.

Article is written in Russian

Sierikov A. V., Atrepyeva A. T., Bozhenko A. M., Marenych Y. V., Ryabuha Y. O., Serheyev S. S.
Organisational Culture as a Dominant in Enterprise Activity: System Approach (p. 192 - 198)

The article offers a “conceptual carcass” of the enterprise model, which is based on known results of studies in sociology, biology, system theory and mathematics. The article lists main features of growth of main indicators of economic activity and development of an enterprise. Dynamics of changes at an enterprise is described with a system of non-linear differential equations. One of the global and dominating factors in it is entrepreneurship of personnel, which is an integral part of its labour mentality or organisational culture. The article proves for the first time ever, using mathematical modelling, that namely entrepreneurship, innovation capability, is a comprehensive and dominant factor of enterprise growth and development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kuzmin O. Y., Voronovska M. M.
Specific Features of Formation and Distribution of the Fund of Innovation Development when Motivating Employees of Enterprises (p. 196 - 200)

The article considers motivation activity at industrial enterprises and underlines importance of its execution under conditions of innovation activity. In order to perform it the article offers to use a number of material (bonus system by generalised grades, bonus for doing especially important work for a certain period of time with consideration of the labour process with innovation activity of the enterprise, etc.) and non-material (praise, gratuity, methods of formation of collectives, etc.) incentives, the source of which is application of the fund of innovation development. In order to increase effectiveness of motivation activity of an enterprise the article identifies specific features of its formation and distribution: financial and purposeful character, continuity, inclusion of individual payments only and existence of norms of deduction of its funds.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zatieyshchykova O. O.
Stages of Formation of the Strategy of Social Responsibility of Business (p. 200 - 205)

The article studies existing approaches to formulation of stages of the strategy, according to which a list of stages of formation of the strategy of social responsibility (SSR) is formed, including: identification of the mission and vision of SSR, formation of the system of goals of SSR, assessment of influence of factors of external environment, assessment of the level of social responsibility, analysis of alternatives and selection of strategies. The article identifies SSR mission for Ukrainian enterprises, which lies in increase of the quality of life of employees, local society and society in general. SSR vision – improvement of effectiveness of business and profitability indicators on the basis of creation of trustworthy relations between business, society and state. The article develops the goals tree of SSR that has goals of three levels. It identifies a list of factors of external environment, including: growing anxiety about the state of environment and demographic situation, level of education and culture, growing intensity of competition, level of income and wellbeing, active participation of the state policy in the use of principles of social responsibility, propaganda of social responsibility within the impact area, fast change of technologies, fair marketing practice, informing and executing agreements. The article offers to assess the level of social responsibility on the basis of calculation of indicators of social investments both by quantitative and qualitative methods and calculation of indicators of voluntary social responsibility of business. It also offers main components of the essence of the SSR strategy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ovsiuk N. V.
Personnel Motivation: Essence and Modern Problems (p. 205 - 210)

The goal of the article lies in the study of the essence of labour motivation and establishment of differences between stimulation and motivation. While analysing the “motivation” notion the article shows that internal wishes and goals of a human being stimulate this human being to act in a specific direction in order to achieve the set goal. Moreover, the article states that there are two theories of motivation in the modern economic literature – meaningful and procedural. As analysis of indicators of payment for labour in Ukraine shows, there is a rather significant differentiation of sizes of wages by branches of economic activity and there are arrears of wages. These indicators to a certain extent facilitate reduction of motivation of workers for labour activity. In order to increase employment of the population under conditions of the market economy, it is necessary to develop a system of measures for elimination of these problems at the state level and also to reduce to the minimum manifestations of “shadowing” wages.

Article is written in Russian

Onysko S. M., Sodoma R. I.
Residential Mortgage Market in Economic and Social Development of Ukraine (p. 211 - 215)

The article studies tendencies of development of the residential mortgage market in Ukraine in the post-crisis period 2009 – 2012, identifies main tendencies of development of the Ukrainian mortgage market and conducts analysis of the level of mortgage interest rates. The article analyses the modern state of the mortgage market of Ukraine, dynamics of volumes of mortgage loans, their cost, structure of banks as mortgage creditors and cost of housing in Ukraine in the studied period. The article makes a number of offers on efficiency of mortgage, offers directions of financial support of rehabilitation of the market for solving housing problems of the population and identifies importance of state support of mortgage development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Klymovych N. I.
Evolution of Views on the “Intellectual Capital” Notion (p. 215 - 219)

The article conducts analysis of approaches to definition of the “intellectual capital” notion. It studies experience of both Ukrainian and foreign scientists. It conducts a thorough analysis of basic notions of the studied category – “intellectual capital”, “intellect”, “capital” and “knowledge”. It compares the “intellectual capital” term with the “intellectual potential” and “intellectual property” terms. It offers a clarified definition of the “intellectual capital” term, in which it focuses on everyday and scientific knowledge of enterprise personnel.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sarychev V. I., Yelisieieva Hanna Y.
Index of Human Development: Measurement Problems at the National and World Levels (p. 220 - 227)

The article analyses main modern approaches to measurement of the index of human development at the world level by the UN Development Programme and at the national level in Ukraine. It identifies main components and stages of formation of national methods of measurement of the index of regional human development and also advantages of its renovated modern variant against the background of fighting poverty, analyses key directions of human development, which reflect main possibilities in ensuring the process of life, generalises the “living standard” category definition by works of domestic and foreign scientists, analyses dynamics of indicators of the index of human development of Ukraine for the period 2007 – 2012 and explains main reasons of drop of ratings of Ukraine in the world and conducts comparative analysis of tendencies of changes of the index of human development of Ukrainian regions in recent years.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vorontsova O. V.
Problems of Formation of Demand for Labour under Conditions of Unstable Development of Economy (p. 228 - 232)

The article analyses modern problems of formation of demand for labour under conditions of unstable development of economy. The reasons of instability of development of the labour market under conditions of globalisation transformations are innovation shifts that cause changes in the structure, volumes of employment and labour productivity. Retrospective analysis of tendencies of formation of demand for labour shows existence of inconsistency of development of the labour market with modern requirements, which are an obstacle on the way of co-ordination of rates of development of the labour market and national economy. On the basis of the studied tendencies of the domestic market the article shows target priorities of formation of demand for labour under unstable economic conditions. The article develops target priorities that reveal main directions of improvement of the situation in the labour market of Ukraine in the context of labour resource provision of innovation development of economy, the key elements of which are improvement of the investment provision of formation of demand for labour and also improvement of professional and qualification training of human resources. Achievement of target priorities should be carried out through development and realisation of the advanced strategy of formation of demand for labour.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hvasaliia D. S.
Improvement of Information Support to Socialisation of Budget Relations (p. 232 - 237)

The article considers new approaches to assessment of social direction of expenditures and social security of population, which allow conduct of a complex assessment of the social state of the society. It justifies urgency of improvement of a methodical approach to information support of realisation of budget relations by means of development of the system of ratios of assessment of social direction of expenditures and social security of population with the use of elements of cluster and integral analysis for interpretation of the obtained data. The article offers a model of results of cluster and integral analysis of the state of the social sphere, which takes into account all author’s ratios that allows diagnostics of the state of the social sphere and conduct leading impact on justified indicators and, thereby, achieve improvement of the state of the social sphere under conditions of a limited social budget.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mokina S. M.
Approaches to Understanding and Definition of the Employer Brand Notion (p. 238 - 242)

The goal of the article lies in the study of existing approaches to definition of the “employer brand” notion and formation of the author’s complex approach to definition of this notion. The article analyses and generalises approaches of many foreign and domestic scientists to definition of the employer brand notion. This analysis allows formation of a rather complete understanding of the “employer brand” notion, which is relatively new for Ukrainian scientific and business environment. The author marked out employer image, employer brand and employer reputation among basic notions that characterise opinion of a specialist about a company. In the result of the study the author offers a schematic picture of formation of these categories of opinions of specialists about an employer – from complete lack of information about the employer to a wish to recommend the employer as an attractive place of work. The author offers to differentiate employer image, brand and reputation and use them in a complex. The author gives own definitions of these notions. The article offers to conduct further development of this topic in the direction of study of factors of employer attractiveness and internal company instruments of formation of the employer brand.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Molozina N. A.
Methods of Identification of Efficiency of Action of the System of Mandatory Social Medical Insurance in Ukraine (p. 243 - 248)

The article develops and offers the author’s vision of methods of analysis of efficiency of action of the system of mandatory social medical insurance by categories and indicators. These methods are required for being used when making managerial decisions when developing directions of increase of efficiency and also when further adjusting activity of state bodies of administration of the mandatory social medical insurance. In the result of the conducted study the article establishes that the project of investing into the mandatory social medical insurance by the number of revealed benefits from its adoption could be economically and socially efficient both for the state and enterprises (employers) and for an individual citizen of Ukraine. We note the following benefits: growth of the level of labour productivity, saving funds of the State Budget and enterprises for social payments, reduction of the level of morbidity and improvement of the financial state of the healthcare branch. The proposed method of assessment of efficiency of investing funds into the mandatory social medical insurance by indicators of prevented losses, saving funds of the State Budget, employer and insured person and also social indicators of the state of health of citizens and quality of their medical servicing could be used during operative and strategic planning and also state regulation of activity of the system of mandatory social medical insurance.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Poliak N. O.
Basic Grounds of Formation of the Concept of Social Security of Economically Active Population (p. 248 - 252)

The goal of the article is justification of a necessity of development of the national concept of social security in Ukraine and revelation of basic grounds of formation of such a concept for economically active population on the basis of specification of its goals, tasks and identification of main directions and measures of realisation. The author offers the following main directions of realisation of the concept of social security of economically active population: expansion of the sphere of coverage of social security of economically active population, creation of a efficient system of state social standards and guarantees, introduction of financial and economic justification of social laws into practice, realisation of social responsibility and use of modern social technologies. Development of the concept of social security of economically active population in Ukraine would facilitate, in general, improvement of the existing system of social security, improvement of the living standards and socio-economic development of the state.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sesina I. M.
Theoretical and Methodological Aspects of Assessment of the Adaptation Potential of Personnel (p. 253 - 258)

The article is devoted to development of theoretical and methodological recommendations with respect to assessment of the adaptation potential of employees as an important prerequisite of development of employees and ensuring competitiveness of an enterprise. It contains the author’s interpretation of the adaptation potential as a possibility of adjusting to the environment with the aim of achieving socio-economic goals of an enterprise. Adaptation potential is a property of a person as a performer of labour functions and ability to master new methods of work, adjustment to new labour conditions, processing of information and also a communicative property. At the same time adaptation potential is an aggregate of motivational, professional, information and integration components of a person. For assessing the adaptation potential it is proposed to combine 360 degrees method and method of paired comparison, which facilitates increase of trustworthiness of results. The author marks out some criteria of assessment of the adaptation potential: ratio of professional experience, ratio of official experience, ratio of efficiency of work, independence in mastering new methods of work, fast adjustment to new labour conditions, ability to quickly process big volumes of information, mobility, high level of productivity under different labour conditions, sharpness of wit in different production situations, ability to form interpersonal relations in a collective and psychological features.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bikulova D. U.
Methodical Approaches to Assessment of Life Quality of People: Foreign and Domestic Experience (p. 225 - 230)

The article generalises and analyses modern methodical approaches to assessment of life quality of people on the basis of the existing foreign and domestic experience. It shows that, despite the urgency and significance of the problem of assessment of life quality of people and significant interest to this problem in the whole world, many of its aspects are insufficiently studied and methodically supported. The goal of the article is analysis and generalisation of basic international approaches to assessment of life quality, which are used in international and domestic studies, and identification of their positive sides and shortcomings. The article shows that life quality is a synthetic, multilevel, multifactor and multi-component system, that is why study of the life quality should be done from the position of a system analysis and it should be assessed in combination with consideration of interconnections and interdependence of all of its components. It also shows that the existing methodical approaches to assessment of the life quality could be divided into two main groups: approaches, in the basis of which is the external objective assessment (objective approach), and approaches based on the subjective self-assessment of the life quality by people themselves (subjective approach). It shows that a significant shortcoming of both approaches is their one-sided and limited character. It proves that the most expedient for measuring life quality of people is an integral approach, the essence of which lies in combination of both these approaches into one single system. The integral approach could be fruitfully used for assessment of the life quality of people when carrying out studies in many branches of knowledge and spheres of public life.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yermolenko O. A.
Contradictions and Their Consequences in the Labour Market in Ukraine (p. 231 - 236)

The article considers modern tendencies of the Ukrainian labour market and the most critical contradictions connected with the methods of their regulation. Urgency of study of problems of appearance of inconsistencies is caused by strengthening of social tension, which covered the Ukrainian labour market recently. The goal of the study is identification of modern contradictions of the labour market, which cause the biggest response in the society, and search for such regulation instruments, which would reduce negative manifestation of these contradictions. The following contradictions are quite frequent nowadays: considerable dependence of the whole economy on political solutions, when decisions made by the power are inconsistent; small volume of financing of the production sphere, due to which production assets deteriorate fast; critical demographic situation and asymmetric allocation of production facilities; rather big number of disengaged workers of the production sphere; low wages in the majority of spheres of economic activity and many other contradictions. In order to solve existing inconsistencies in general, state bodies apply adjustments only, but a more effective method is combination of state instruments of regulation and market instruments. Since there is a big number of contradictions in the market of labour, each of them should have relevant individual instruments, but with consideration of other problem issues in order not to aggravate the existing situation. Drawing the conclusion it should be noted that regulation of the labour market requires search for compromises between the market principles of regulation and state measures on avoiding the existing contradictions or minimisation of their negative impact on formation, functioning and development of the modern labour market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stamatin O. V.
Methodical Approach to Assessment of Quality of Labour Life of Industrial Employees Using Example of Engineering Enterprises (p. 236 - 244)

The goal of the article is presentation of results of study of factors of influence upon quality of labour life of industrial employees and justification of a scorecard of its assessment at the micro-economic level with the use of statistical methods of study. The article proves that the quality of labour life is based on enterprise capabilities, which depend on economic results, identified by the use of financial, material and human resources, effectiveness of the innovation and investment activity. The article reveals main factors that influence the quality of labour life of industrial employees using example of engineering enterprises: labour remuneration, social provisions, possibility to develop personnel, progressive state of fixed assets, financial sustainability of the enterprise, and effectiveness of investing into innovation activity. The article proves expediency of use of statistical methods of study for assessment of quality of labour life of employees, namely: multi-dimensional factor analysis, neural networks and folded additive technique. Their use helped to reveal indicators that are the most sensitive to managerial impact for ensuring quality of labour life. The article justifies stages of methodical approach to assessment of the quality of labour life of industrial employees, which was applied at engineering enterprises, which proves its significance and theoretical substantiation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zakharchyn G. M., Kosmyna Y. M.
Economic Factors of Management of Behaviour of Engineering Enterprise Personnel under Modern Conditions (p. 257 - 262)

The article considers influence of economic factors upon management of personnel behaviour under modern conditions of the domestic market. It justifies importance of analysis of external factors of influence upon human resources of an organisation. It analyses consequences of economic impact on the processes in personnel behaviour management on the basis of indicators of growth of the gross internal product per capita and its direct influence upon productivity of labour. The article analyses main economic indicators, which directly influence personnel behaviour, in the context of innovation development of an organisation. It shows and characterises influence of organisation innovations upon personnel due to its behaviour and justifies priority of their impact on personnel.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnykova K. V.
Motivation of Innovation-active Personnel of an Enterprise (p. 262 - 266)

The article analyses modern scientific approaches to definition of the “motivation and stimulation of innovation-active personnel” term and shows that management of motivation of innovation-active personnel is a deliberate impact on an enterprise employee with the aim of solving tasks and achievement of innovation goals of an enterprise. In the course of analysis of the modern managerial theory and practice, the author specifies factors that influence labour activity of employees, engaged in innovations, and factors that are the reason of refusal from innovations. In the result of the conducted analysis of the theoretical base and also the study of the modern domestic practice, the author generalises theoretical grounds of motivation of innovation-active personnel of an enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ovsiuk N. V.
Components of Material Encouragement of Enterprise Employees (p. 266 - 270)

The article considers main components of material encouragement of labour activity of employees at modern enterprises: wages, bonuses, additional payments, and indemnities. Having analysed functions that wages perform in present times, the article identifies that one of the main functions is the encouragement one since it envisages dependence of the size of wages on individual and collective labour results. This is also confirmed by the acting, in our country, form and system of labour remuneration, conditions of which clearly set dependence between the labour costs of employees and remuneration for the performed work. Bonus systems are used at enterprises along with wages in order to encourage and stimulate employees. The article shows that bonus systems are rather divaricated by their nature and indicators and could be used at enterprises of different branches and spheres of production. Additional payments and indemnities are also important material encouragements for employees. All payments to employees, analysed in the article, are effective instruments of material encouragement, however, they should be fairly set in accordance with labour contributions of employees.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ozarko K. S., Opotiak Y. V., Chelombytko V. V.
Approach to Assessment of Efficiency of Personnel Activity with Consideration of the Personal Factor (p. 271 - 277)

The goal of the article lies in identification and formulation of an approach to practical consideration of personal characteristics of personnel in activity and making efficient decisions of the personnel service. Personal characteristics identify abilities and specific features of psychological set of a specific employee, which exert direct influence upon efficiency of activity of this employee at a certain working place. Based on analysis and comparison of concepts and approaches with respect to assessment of activity of enterprises, the article reveals an insufficient consideration of the personal factor of an individual employee by the personnel service. In the course of the study the article forms a number of criteria for objective assessment of economic efficiency of activity of an employee on the basis of definition of notions of personal profile and profession template, which are found out by means of personnel questioning. The proposed approach and indicators help to formalise assessment of personnel when hiring and designating to specific posts and allow elimination of the subjective factor in activity of the personnel service and increase of efficiency of its functioning.

Article is written in Russian

Huk L. P.
Forecasting and Regulation of Development of Non-standard Employment in Ukraine (p. 278 - 283)

The article is devoted to consideration of the problem of state regulation of the sphere of non-standard employment in Ukraine. It proves that the means of increase of scientific potential of the level of planning and one of the most important component of the system of state regulation in this sphere is forecasting of tendencies and changes of non-standard forms of employment, which are prevalent in the Ukrainian labour market. Assessment of dynamic flows in the sphere of non-standard employment allows allocation factors that significantly determine changes in such segments of non-standard employment as temporary, overtime, informal, partial, forced and non-standard IT employment, which is considered as an innovation component of non-standard employment. In the result of the study the article develops an econometric model of forecasting of development of individual forms of non-standard employment at the national level. The article proves that application of the forecasting model allows identification of tendencies of development of non-standard employment, outline directions of main measures of state regulation in this sphere and improve conceptual provisions with respect to directions of the state policy in the sphere of regulation of non-standard employment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Solyarchuk N. Y.
Freelance Activity in Ukraine: its State and Problems of State Regulation (p. 284 - 289)

The goal of the article is analysis of results of the study and identification of problems that arise on the way of development of freelance activity in Ukraine and possibilities of use of instruments of state regulation of freelance activity. The article analyses results of questioning of freelancers, conducted abroad, and conducted by the author of the study in Ukraine in order to obtain an objective assessment of freelance activity and development of the freelance market. In the result the article identifies main advantages and shortcomings of freelance under domestic market conditions. The article presents the structure of respondents by a possibility of making agreements for providing freelance services, distribution of Ukrainian freelancers by age and income and also by a combination of freelance with other types of activity at present and with the planned type of activity in 5 years. According to the study data, the article makes conclusions about probability of the further growth of “straight freelancers” in Ukraine and unwillingness to change this type of activity in future. But one of the important problems that arise in the freelance activity and further development of this type of activity in general is insufficient protection by state (inconsistency of legislative acts, absence of social guarantees, non-regulated employment, etc.) and imperfect methods of regulation of freelance activity. Prospects of further studies are identification of specific features of state management of freelance activity and proposals with respect to building a system of legislative acts with the aim of state management of this type of activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pashkevych M. S., Kharchenko M. O.
Problems and Prospects of Spatial Allocation of Productive Forces in the System of High Education in Ukraine (p. 205 - 209)

The article describes problems of spatial allocation of productive forces of the system of high education in Ukraine and prospects of their solution. The article analyses recent scientific studies of scientists on solution of problems of spatial allocation of productive forces. It analyses the modern state of productive forces of the system of high education of Ukraine, detects their potential and actual level of use and offers a mechanism of optimisation of their spatial allocation. It marks that the main goal of optimal allocation of productive forces of the system of high education in Ukraine is reduction and optimisation of costs of school maintenance. It shows that due to demographic factors and also factors of mastering new territories and advancing degradation of other territories, the potential of institutions of high education is not used in full and, that is why, needs to be reformed. The article offers a dynamic mechanism of modernisation of spatial allocation of productive forces in the system of high education, which envisages gradual reformation of schools.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prokopishyna O. V.
Accounting and Analysis of Production of a Tourism Product (p. 210 - 215)

The article characterises the state of the national market of tourism products and analyses dynamics of the number of subjects of tourism activity. Based on the analysis of statistical data the article detects a significant irregularity of location of tourist operators, tourist agents and subjects that carry out excursion servicing by Ukrainian regions, which results in complication of access of population of certain regions to tourism services. The article detects a regional imbalance in production and sales of tourism product, which requires development and realisation of state target-oriented programmes of support of tourism development. It identifies destructive factors in activity of tourism enterprises that cause low efficiency of financial and economic activity in some regions of Ukraine. It shows principles of organisation of accounting and analytical component of the system of management of tourism enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lytvynenko A. V., Ostroverkhova H. V.
Measures of Social Development of an Enterprise: Assessment of Efficiency and Management (p. 215 - 219)

The modern stage of development of the Ukrainian economy, when socialisation of production relations (and the whole life of the society) becomes objectively stronger, gives birth to an objective necessity of increase of the level of social development of enterprise personnel, which is directly connected, on the one hand, with permanent development of productive forces of the society (equipment, technology and labour force) and, on the other, with permanent improvement of the structure and quality of satisfied needs. The article offers an approach to a complex assessment of the level of social development of an enterprise, which includes assessment of the level of social development of an enterprise and assessment of economic effect from social development. This allows adjustment of economic and social development of an enterprise through smoothing the existing contradictions between employers and employees, between social and economic development, between a necessity to distribute resources for functioning and development, between the ways of realisation of development, etc. The proposed measures allow identification of expediency and necessity of a certain set of social measures and conduct of operative monitoring with the aim of increase of efficiency of management of these processes and reduction of irrational costs.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Brusenko N. V.
Methodical Approach to Assessment of the State of Social-labour Relations in Industry (p. 220 - 225)

Social-labour relations (SLR) is a set of relations caused by labour activity and directed at regulation of labour life quality. Within the SLR the article allocates social, political, labour, institutional, moral-ethic and historical aspects. The goal of the article is improvement of a methodical approach to assessment of the state of SLR at an industrial enterprise, which should contain assessment of regulatory and legal component, quantitative and qualitative indicators. In order to achieve the set goal the following tasks have been solved: 1) goal, levels, principles and subjects of SLR assessment have been identified; 2) indicators for SLR assessment have been identified; 3) stages of SLR assessment have been identified; and 4) a set of measures on regulation of SLR in industry has been developed. Assessment stages include: analysis of the organisational structure, enterprise activity, determination of types of losses by LEAN methodology, analysis of quantitative and qualitative indicators of enterprise activity, detection of key problems, prioritisation of measures for their overcoming, assessment of results and regular monitoring of the SLR state.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dorosh O. V.
Socio-economic Mechanism of Ensuring Decent Work in Ukraine (p. 226 - 231)

The article shows that the main directions of improvement of the socio-economic mechanism of ensuring decent work is implementation of progressive international standards in activity of domestic enterprises; introduction of state monitoring of the level of ensuring decent work; renovation of the labour legislation and social-labour relations, establishment of the fair level of state social standards, development of state and regional programmes directed at creation of new working places; state support of small business; optimisation of the share of wages in the structure of GDP, ensuring gender equality in the issues of labour reimbursement and access to managerial positions; implementation of values of social responsibility; taking measures at the state level for overcoming “precarisation” tendencies; consolidation of efforts of social partners, increase of social guarantees for employees, increase of social cohesion and responsibility at all levels, and ensuring social justice in the sphere of employment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sedliar D. O.
Human Capital in Ukraine: Modern State and Tendencies of Development (p. 232 - 237)

The article describes views of domestic and foreign scientists on essence and significance of human capital at the modern stage of economic development of the society. Based of the analysis of scientific works, the article tries to allocate main qualitative and quantitative indicators of assessment of the level of development of human capital of the country. Using the comparison method the article analyses the level of educational coverage of population in Ukraine, financing education, health care costs, investment provision of science development in Ukraine, specific features of migration processes and age structure of domestic scientists. Based on the obtained data the article holds about the level of development of human capital in Ukraine and describes its main tendencies. Moreover, the article pays attention to allocation of problems of formation and development of human capital in Ukraine, which would allow development of a mechanism of overcoming the said problems and would facilitate its development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sokol N. A.
Influence of Institutional Factors upon the Process of Formation of Social Responsibility of Business in Ukraine (p. 238 - 242)

The article analyses the modern state and prospects of development of social responsibility of business (SRB) in Ukraine with consideration of foreign experience. It justifies urgency of study of influence of institutional factors upon formation of SRB. In the result of the study the article allocates factors of development of SRB in Ukraine, identifies priority vectors of relations between the state, business and consumers. It marks that effect from realisation of the National Strategy of Social Responsibility of Business mainly depends on institutional mechanisms. It considers benefits of business from execution of principles of social responsibility and main obstacles on the way of establishment and development of SRB. The prospect of further studies in this direction is the study of institutional mechanisms of propagation of SRB among domestic economic subjects, which should be based on international experience and correspond with the current tasks of state development, in particular, by issues of development of competitiveness of economy and increase of quality of life of citizens, and also take into account needs of further development of SRB as an instrument of state stimulation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tanasiienko N. P.
Building the System of Detection and Realization of Reserves of Increase of Labour Productivity at Enterprises (p. 242 - 246)

The article identifies key blocks of the system of detection and realisation of reserves of increase of labour productivity at enterprises: analysis of the level of labour productivity, search and analysis of reserves of increase of labour productivity, development of the plan of use of reserves of increase of labour productivity, development of employee motivation systems for ensuring the planned level of productivity, control over realisation of measures and regulation of their fulfilment, and assessment of influence of the measures upon the growth of labour productivity. The article marks out a list of priority tasks, which need to be realised for ensuring efficient activity of the system, within each of the blocks. The article identifies main factors that influence the level of labour productivity at engineering enterprises (capital productivity, level of organisation of working places, use of working time, labour norming, level of organisation of management, and average salary of one employee).

Article is written in Ukrainian

SidorenkoViktoriia V.
Modern State and Specific Features of the Healthcare System in Ukraine (p. 247 - 251)

The goal of the article is analysis of the modern state and detection of specific features of the healthcare system in Ukraine. The article studies main tendencies characteristic for the current stage: dynamics of a number of medical and polyclinic institutions for the years of independence, dynamics of the number of doctors and paramedical personnel and specific features of financing of the Ukrainian healthcare system by means of state and non-state channels. The article shows disparity of the level of financing provision of healthcare with European countries even in the post-crisis period. It considers specific features of the Ukrainian healthcare system. The most important are as follows: conservatism, integrity, purposefulness, hierarchy, multi-aspect nature and emergency.

Article is written in Russian


Zhuravka F. O., Ovcharova N. V.
Evaluating the Effectiveness of State Programs in the Social Sphere (p. 202 - 206)

The purpose of this paper is to develop a comprehensive scientific and methodical approach to evaluating the effectiveness of state programs in the social sphere. Analyzing, systematizing and summarizing legal documents on the implementation of the evaluation of state targeted programs, scientific publications domestic and foreign researchers, were the main directions to assess the effectiveness of state programs in the social sphere, identified the existing problems of the assessment. The study developed a scientific and methodical approach to evaluating the effectiveness of state programs in the social sphere by calculating the integral indicator of efficiency, taking into account the impact of extra-budgetary factors and time lags and based on the use of binary evaluations of the effectiveness of individual indicators and the Boolean evaluation of the effectiveness of the overall program. It is proved that the use of the developed approach will more accurately assess the level of efficiency of state programs in the social sphere to achieve a certain social position effect per unit of input budget and optimize the system control over their use. The prospect of further research in this direction is establishing a base line and correction factors to assess the effectiveness of specific state programs in the social sphere, as well as practical implantation of scientific-methodological approaches in monitoring and evaluation of government programs.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Romanyuk D. M.
Socio-economic Structure of the Population of Ukraine: Assessment in Terms of Ensuring of Human Development (p. 207 - 211)

Ensuring sustainable human development is a key objective of any developed country. And the study of the problems of socio-economic structure of the population of Ukraine is an important prerequisite for its ensuring. In modern conditions the society is under the constant influence of socio-structural transformations, simultaneous complications and simplification of the socio-economic differentiation, which significantly affects the development of the level of material well-being, education and health. Ensuring a high level of these criteria of human development is the main task of the state to overcome the destructive phenomena in the socio-economic structure of the population of Ukraine. Namely improving education and health, as well as the level of material well-being (income) are the key factors that provide a decent standard of living. The study carried out argument and proved that the nature of the socio-economic structure of the population significantly affects the possibilities of human development, which allows us to develop new instruments of state influence on the process of their expansion.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sotnikova Y. V.
Concept of Flexibility in the Context of Problems of Employees’ Dismissal (p. 212 - 217)

The paper proposed to determine the influence of external and internal factors that impact business operations, and hence the dismissal of workers, using the concept of flexibility. The main internal factors, based on which the flexibility dismissal was calculated: the average monthly salary, training of employees, and the use of working time fund in enterprises of various economic activities. Among the external factors the working load for one free workplace was singled out, the number of employed workers in enterprises of various economic activities. In the course of the analysis it was revealed that in agriculture, industry, construction, trade, transport and communication activities the layoffs of workers can be replaced by an alternative – a reduction in the wages of workers by reducing the size of bonuses, co-payments, allowances. Also it was determined that the improvement of vocational qualifications of workers can help to avoid dismissal. In industries such as construction, trade, financial services, government increase the number of workers applying for free workplace, affect the dismissal of employees, there is considerable competition in the labor market allows an employer to be less responsible in the implementation procedure of dismissal.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Olihovskyi V. Y.
Ways to Optimize the Tax Burden on Labor (p. 218 - 222)

The tax burden on the wage fund in Ukraine consists of a single social contribution charges, deductions from wages – single social contribution and income tax for individuals and ranges from 55% to 68%. All charges and deductions, which are paid by both the employer and the employee, the company is paying the budget. This pays out the wages and performs the function of a tax agent. Salaries and social events – as elements of cost of goods (works or services) – play an important role in planning the company's costs, reduction which allows it to optimize tax payments. The questions of optimization of the tax burden on labor, as an element of tax planning remains underexposed in the economic literature and require further study. The article reviews the problems of the tax load on the payroll and the nature, objectives, peculiarities of outsourcing and its impact on the level of payments related to salaries. From the point of view of tax planning the ways to optimize the tax burden on labor were studied.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vynokhodova S. G., Dolgova O. O.
Modern Pension Providing Tools: a Comparative Analysis of Consumer Perception (p. 159 - 165)

The article is devoted to carrying out a comparative analysis of the perception of services and other tools of NPF (of financial and non-financial origin) to future Ukrainian pensioners. Retirement tools of both financial and non-financial nature were considered. To solve the problems of research the well-known methodological tools were used – mapping the perception of alternatives to pensions by the method of multidimensional scaling. According to the survey the relatively homogeneous perception of alternative to pension provision were highlighted, particularly popular among Ukrainians cash accumulation, traditional low risk investment instruments (precious metals, real estate, land, and so on), as well as complex for perception financial instruments that cause the greatest discredit of potential customers – the programs of insurance savings and services of non-state private pension funds. The analysis allowed to form a generalized model of the cognitive perception of NPF services by their potential consumers in Ukraine. The results of the analysis will be used to develop an effective strategy for positioning of NPF services on the national market of financial services, as well as for the formation of a specific market plan for its implementation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ishchenko T. M.
The Improvement of Methodical Instruments for Alternative Mechanisms of Implementing Housing Programs: Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Public-private Partnership (p. 166 - 171)

The goal of this article is to study social and economic programs of construction (purchase) of affordable housing in Ukraine, creating offers on implementation of relevant housing projects and increasing its effectiveness both for the state and citizens on the basis of public-private partnership (PPP). The assessment of sources used for the funding of projects of housing programs shows that its funding is planned to be carried out with the help of state-guaranteed bank credit resources. Private financial investments are not provided. The study reveals and classifies main differences between procedures of government procurements and public-private partnership. It offers a model of public-private partnership for effective implementation of housing programs. It proves that the effect of implementation of affordable housing construction projects on the basis of PPP will be substantial both for construction companies, state and citizens. The future of such studies is to define the level of involvement of construction companies in the development of affordable housing with the use of the present model PPP.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tkach O. A.
Wages as the Main Element of the Motivation System: Current Status and Trends in Ukraine (p. 172 - 180)

The aim of the article is to study the features of wages (as a key element of motivation) in Ukraine. The features of wages in Ukraine, taking into account gender of the workers, their age, region of the enterprise, and so on were analyzed. The focus was on the demand for labor in Ukraine as a whole and in the context of job groups. The features of the use of hourly and piece-rate form of remuneration in Ukrainian enterprises. Focus on the specifics of wages in industry in general, and directly in the food industry, summarizes the main trends and features of wages in Ukraine. The prospect of further research in this direction is the use of the identified trends and patterns in the practice of the company. Understanding these processes provides an opportunity to use it to improve and/or eliminate negative tendencies, strengthening weaknesses in the system of motivation of the enterprise, and so on.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kucherenko S. A., Balozian D. R.
Comparative Analysis of the European Social Policy Indicators (p. 134 - 139)

In the article the indicators to assess the level and quality of life were systematized. A study in Ukraine, compared with the EU countries, such indices: the Human Development Index, the index of quality of life, the average and the minimum wage, the European index of consumer health services. The analysis of the relationship between indicators of human development index, and health care costs for European countries on the basis of the correlation coefficient. The study confirmed a direct correlation between the volume of GDP per capita and life expectancy, human development index, and health care costs. It was confirmed that the existing system of social protection of Ukrainian economy lags far behind the standards and the standards of living of European countries and in need of reform.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rad N. S.
Pension System and Social Standards: Socialization or Pragmatism (p. 139 - 143)

The aim of the article is to analyze certain aspects of the functioning of the national system of pension insurance in the context of the social standards of the modern development of the society. Analysis, systematization and generalization of the results of scientists’ research and analysis led to the conclusion of the incomplete implementation of the mechanism inherent in the private pension insurance capacity for improving the level of social security rights. The study showed the absence of a clearly defined vision to the corresponding modern social development social standard, integrated social standard, including the components of three types of pension insurance. The necessity of bringing in the methodological and regulatory compliance of conceptual orientation of social protection (for the eradication of poverty) to the fundamental principles of modern development was grounded. The development and implementation of social standards that define an adequate level of quality of life of the pensioner were suggested. The development of a comprehensive and aggregated standard of social pension insurance was recommended, which would take into account three components (jointly and severally, funded and non-government) and give a better description of its development. Implementation of these proposals will enhance the development of pension insurance, increase the level of social protection of pensioners in the context of further socio-economic development of society. Prospects for further research in this area are to develop a holistic concept of the pension system and harmonization of its functioning in the social environment.

Article is written in English

Avhustyn Ruslan R.
Assessing the Level of Shadowing of the Labor Market of Ukraine as a Prerequisite for the Formation of Public Policy of its Deshadowing (p. 144 - 149)

The article confirmed the view of economists that the concept of the shadow economy is more concerned with socially neutral or socially positive non-taxable sources of income of citizens and subjects of economic relations. It is proved that the general trends of the informal activities in Ukraine are directly related to the shadowing of the labor market as primary link of informal sector of economy. This way the preconditions of high-level of wages shadowing in the national economy were covered. The author presents the results of sociological research on welfare and shadowing of sources of income, which were compared with the official data of state bodies. Also, to compare the data of official and public opinion research shows data on the informal labor market in selected countries. It is possible to form an opinion that the informal segment of the labor market significantly formed by the low-skilled workers and thus low paid jobs. It is proved that any fraud in the labor market, which is a prerequisite for large-scale shadowing of economy, is impossible without establishing a strong financial base. To confirm this view the dynamics of the number of offenses detected in the financial and credit system of Ukraine for 1998 - 2010 years was shown. The author calculated the shadow wages across sectors of economy at the beginning of 2013, the results showed that in industries such as construction, agriculture and trade the level of informal wages ("in envelope") exceeds 30%.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yuryk Y. I., Konovalov Y. I.
The Labor Market of Ukraine: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (p. 150 - 156)

The purpose of the article is to study the trends and patterns of labor market development in Ukraine, as well as the conceptualization of directions of overcoming the major imbalances in employment, motivating and stimulating economic activity of the population. The study actualized assessment of the labor market of Ukraine; identified and systematized problems and contradictions inherent in the Ukrainian labor market; based on identified trends and patterns, as well as the establishment of cause and effect relations in employment a forward-looking assessment of possible changes in this area was carried out; the main directions of improving the effective motivation and stimulation of economic activity of the population, taking into account labor market imperatives and challenges of time. The prospect of further research in this direction is to regulate structural proportions in the labor market, including between the sphere of employment and education sector, and what is expedient to direct further research.

Article is written in English

Mytrofanova A. S.
The Role of Organizational and Economic Relations in the Interaction of the Productive Forces and Production Relations (p. 157 - 162)

The aim of the article is to highlight the role of organizational and economic relations as a communications hub between the productive forces and production relations. It was revealed that the development of productive forces, organized under the laws of the post-industrial technological mode of production, makes such changes in the content of labor, which lead to a deepening of the social character of labor and production at the micro, macro and global levels of functioning of economic systems and, consequently, changes the whole system of organizational and economic relations. It is proved that the organizational and economic relations, on the one hand, depend on the socio-economic relations, and on the other – transmit impulses from the development of the productive forces to the socio-economic relations and industrial relations in general. It is proved that the organizational and economic relations serve as a kind of intermediary node connection between the productive forces and the social and economic relations of production.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Svynchuk A. A.
Intensification Factors and Barriers to the Development of Social Enterprises (p. 162 - 168)

The article describes a number of factors intensifying the creation and development of social enterprises, namely: social, economic, legal, and so on. It was also determined that, although the driving force behind the creation of social enterprises is the presence of social problems, but the key factors contributing to the development of such enterprises are economic and legal. However, the development of social enterprises affected by a number of barriers that exist both in the external environment (legal, economic, social, regulatory nature), and the internal (financial, managerial, personnel). The practice of social entrepreneurship in Ukraine suggests that domestic social enterprises are the main barriers to the development of high taxes, high cost of credit, low level of support from the state and the low level of public awareness about the essence of such enterprises. With regard to internal barriers, the key one for our country is the lack of business experience and low-skilled workers.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gurinа I. V., Bandura D. Y.
Improvement of Approaches to Certification of Doctors (p. 169 - 173)

The aim of the article is to study the approaches to certification of health personnel and their improvement with the current requirements of the market and international quality standards. The urgency of the personnel management of health facilities was grounded. The methods for assessing health personnel were examined. The essence of certification of doctors was defined, and its mission and especially in terms of providing health care services was described. The algorithm of the certification of physicians was examined. Its criteria were justified. The distribution of the core competencies of the modern physician was suggested. The directions of the program of certification of health facilities doctors were defined, which include: assessment of physician competencies, assessment of business as a physician, assessment of personality traits of a physician, assessment of corporate culture of a physician, assessment of understanding of social significance. The use of taxonomic analysis to assess the competence of doctors was justified. The calculation of complex indicators was suggested, which was determined on the basis of the integral indicator of the generalized level of competence of doctors in health facilities. Appropriate zones of evaluation of the integral index of physician certification were proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tuzhylkina O. V.
Guidelines for Effective Motivation of Labor Aimed at Improving the Quality of the Working Life (p. 184 - 189)

In the article the basic directions of ensuring the effective motivation to improve the quality of the working life are determined. It was grounded, that in determining the quality of life, in particular of the working life, account should be taken of the effective motivation of labor, since the factors influencing the quality of the working life along with the motivational settings are situated in the same plane of the origination and satisfaction of different needs, interests, motivation, life values, covering economic, social, and personal aspects of people's lives.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dolbneva D. V.
The Substance of Social Compliance Audit And Its Role In the Formation of the Competitiveness of Domestic Enterprises (p. 190 - 194)

This article determines the substance of social compliance audit as an overall technology for integrated testing of status of the socially oriented companies, as well as his role in the formation of the corresponding competition capability in modern conditions of social development. On the basis of the scientific papers from domestic and foreign authors, the substance of social compliance audit is explained; reasons for its development and expansion in the leading countries are systematized; the basic functions and the purpose of the social compliance audit are examined; the influence of social compliance auditing results for all participants in socio-economic relations and their connection to the company is determined. The study determines the effects of implementing the social compliance audit for the national practice of the organization, management and control of the business, as well as background of the social compliance auditing for domestic enterprises. Grounded are feasibility and urgency of social compliance audit in domestic enterprises, to enable them to reach a new level and significantly increase their competitiveness in domestic and foreign markets. Future research in this direction is to develop of a definite comprehensive model for the introduction and implementation of social compliance audit in local enterprises through the prism of the evaluation of the practical experience of the leading countries of the world, taking in consideration the national specificities of the business.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Hrynkevych S. S.
The Transformational Changes of the National Labour Market in the Context of the European Integration (p. 197 - 202)

The article is aimed at identifying the influence of the integration process in the European Union on the national labour market. The basic effects of the European integration in the perspective of the individual objects, which largely determine the situation on the labour market, were enunciated. Specifics and consequences of redistribution of the economically active population in the Euro area were identified. The consequences of the risks of migration processes with the persistent manifestations at the labour market, which occur mainly in connection with serious shortcomings of instruments for regulating of migration processes are characterized. A model of regulatedness of the migration processes depending on the volumes of their growth, which are initially are manifested in increasing the labour mobility of the population and later are transformed into real migratory flows, were developed. It was proposed to use various forms of cooperation, both at the national and interregional levels, aimed at reducing of the possible occurrences from the migration risks and the limiting impacts of the integration process on the national labour market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Iastremska O. О.
Definition of Factors of the Social-Labor Relationships for the Ensuring of the Social-Centered Management of Enterprises (p. 203 - 208)

The article is aimed at the defining of factors of the social-labor relationships through the use of economic-mathematical methods taking into consideration the results of the staff surveys in the enterprises. With a view to identifying and exploring of the key factors a survey of employees of the industrial, trade and service enterprises, namely of the tourism branch, were conducted in the Kharkiv region on such components of the social-labor relationships: economic-labor relationships, employment relationships, social relationships, relationships in the field of the human development. The survey showed an average satisfaction of the employees with the economic and labor relationships, and a low satisfaction with the relationships in the sphere of human development. The important factors of social-labor relationships identified in the survey were studied for interrelations with the use of the multivariate factor analysis and the regression analysis with a view to the influence on the efficiency of the enterprises activity. It was revealed as a result of these studies, that the highest attention in the regulation of the social-labor relationships should be given to the formation of the economic-labor relationships, as they are the most significant, and also the relationships in the field of the human development as the least regulated, but very important for the future social development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Berezhna Y. V.
Approach to Evaluation of the Level of Capacity Fulfillment of the Public Health Sector of Ukraine (p. 208 - 213)

The article is aimed at evaluation of the level of capacity fulfillment of the public health sector of Ukraine that will reveal the reserves for its increasing. The article suggested that potential of the public health sector was considered as a set of capabilities for the efficient use of health care resources available to achieve the highest possible level of satisfaction of social needs in the public health sector. Also a scientific and methodical approach to evaluate the level of fulfillment of the capacity of public health care in Ukraine was proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mihus I. P., Andrienko V. M.
Structure and Basic Elements of a System for Ensuring the Economic Security in the Management of Work Safety in the Construction Enterprises (p. 213 - 219)

The article is aimed at providing suggestions on the determination of structure of the system for ensuring the economic security in the management of work safety in the construction enterprises and highlighting of its basic elements. The study resulted in determination of structure of the system for ensuring the economic security in the management of work safety in the construction enterprises. The main subsystems of ensuring the economic security include: in the organization of work safety in the construction enterprise; in the management of staff training; in the monitoring of the work safety conditions. The following main elements of the system were distinguished: the system objects; the system subjects; legal and regulatory framework; the functional components of the system; the mechanism of functioning of the system of work safety management in the construction company; the diagnosis of the work safety management system in the construction enterprise. The prospect of further research is the development of a methodology for evaluation of the level of each of the functional components of the economic security system in the management of work safety in the construction enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Hrynkevych S. S., Gural N. R.
Substantiation of Conceptual Approaches to the Structuring of the Labor Potential of Trade Enterprise (p. 149 - 153)

The article is aimed at the scientific substantiation of theoretical and methodological aspects of studying the labor potential of trade enterprises in the context of its component-based structure. For the synthesis of scientific approaches to the structuring of labor potential the following components were allocated: demographic, biomedical, educational, organizational, economic, motivational, qualifying, intellectual and innovation, cultural, labor mobility. Given the nature of trade, the necessity for inclusion in the labor potential structure of enterprise of such components as intellectual and innovation, cultural and labor mobility was substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mihus I. P., Andrienko V. M.
Five-Levels-Supervision over the Labor Safety Management System at Construction Enterprise (p. 154 - 158)

The article is aimed to provide proposals for systematizing the existing types of supervision over the system of labor safety management and suggestions for the implementation of an independent external oversight. Modern approaches to supervision over the system of labor safety management were studied. The five-levels-model of supervision over the system of labor safety management of construction enterprise is proposed, which includes: the State, departmental, administrative, public and independent levels of supervision. It is suggested to introduce a new level of supervision, namely the independent internal audit, which allows to get objective information about state of the labor safety management system of construction enterprise. The prospect of further research is evaluation of efficiency of the proposed supervision system.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dymnich O. V.
Current State of System of Pension Maintenance of Citizens of Ukraine (p. 159 - 165)

The basic purpose of social pension insurance system is to provide the minimum cost of living level of income for a person's retirement (pension benefits substitute for wages). Such social standards are established to prevent the spread of poverty among the elderly people. Against the background of negative socio-economic processes that evolved in Ukraine for almost a decade, the quality of pension maintenance has deteriorated significantly. When exploring factors affecting the financial state of pension insurance, in the article the distribution of pension resources in society was analyzed; injustice and contrariety to the insurance principles declared in the current system of pension insurance were revealed. The reason for this injustice is grounded by presence of various pension programs with unduly inflated pension benefits, as well as «privileged» retirement age for «superannuated» persons.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Berezhna Y. V.
Conception of State Regulation in the Public Health Sector of Ukraine (p. 166 - 170)

Specific features of the conception are identifying the areas of regulation and basing on use of the cluster approach, that is, using the set of tools for State regulation for ensuring the functioning of the national public health cluster by stimulating interaction between the members – economic activity entities on the interconnected healthcare markets, as a basis for achieving the expected results of State regulation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zhmurko I. V.
Content of the Pension System and its Place in the System of Social Protection of the Population (p. 303 - 306)

The article is aimed at scientific substantiation of content, substance, main features, as well as place of the pension system in ensuring of social protection of the society. The main approaches to the definition of the terms «pension», «pension system», «pension insurance» as components of social protection of the population are considered. Researching, analyzing and summarizing the scientific works of many outstanding scientists on the definitions of category of «pension system» made it possible to formulate a personal author's vision of the term «pension system». As result of study of content of pension insurance in the system of social protection, its basic tasks were solved. Based on the results of the study the main place of the pension system in the social protection was determined. The prospect of further research in this area is to define the main priorities of the development of the pension system in the system within the social protection of the population.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tkachenko I. V.
Estimating the Status of the Pension Fund of Ukraine: Regional Aspect (p. 168 - 174)

This study is aimed to determine the regions of Ukraine, which are posing a significant strain on budget of the Pension Fund, as well as analyze the income volumes of pension contributions and payments to regions, in order to estimate the impacts on the State Pension Fund of the country in a whole and to find sources for its balancing. As result, an analysis of the demographic status and pension maintenance of persons in the retirement age by regions of Ukraine has been conducted, the interacting factors and their impact on the state of revenues and expenditures of the Pension Fund budget have been determined. Also, each region's participation in the formation of revenues and expenditures of the Pension Fund budget has been evaluated. A grouping of regions by the level of deficit and failure to cover expenditures has been carried out, which helped to identify the regions from «critical group», creating a significant financial burden on the Pension Fund budget.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tsymbaliuk S. O.
New Vectors for Development of Compensation Policy under Conditions of Transformation of Socio-Labor Relations (p. 169 - 174)

The aim of the paper is substantiation of trends inherent to the institution of labor and social-labor relations under conditions of the new economy, their influence on the compensation policy and determination of the main directions for development of compensation policy under conditions of transformation of socio-labor relations. An analysis of the current trends in the economy and society has showed that under their influence the nature and content of the work change, transformation of socio-labor relations comes along: innovation component, flexibility, intellectualization, automation and computerization of labor are increasing, individualization of socio-labor relations is growing, expansion of space for initiative and creative work is going on, focus is shifted from the management of human resources towards management of talents. It has been determined that transformations inherent to the institution of labor and social-labor relations dictate the need to attract and retain competent, talented, innovation-oriented workers, establish socially responsible attitude to work and its results, determine change in the policy of compensation of employees. New directions for development of policy of staff remuneration have been substantiated, which is to shift from the commitments and guarantees in accordance with the labor law and collective agreements towards the market, innovations and social components, use of individualized conditions of pay and providing employees with full compensation packages, balanced on the structure and size of payments.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vnukova N. M., Malyshko Y. О.
Optimization Plan for Implementation of Pension Project by Business Entity (p. 175 - 179)

The article is aimed at choosing the financial strategies for non-government pension provision by business entities. The possibility of implementing a project of non-government pension provision by business entities has been considered and conditions for the optimal plan have been formed. A diversity of appropriate plans for pension contributions by business entities to the entities of the non-government pension provision has been proposed. The possibility of accumulation of pension contributions to the entities of the non-government pension provision, with a view to achieving an optimal plan of pension assets accumulation, has been discussed. It has been determined that implementation of an optimization pension project plan by business entities will result in deriving profits from the investment.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shchetinina L. V., Rudakova S. H., Danylevych N. S.
Professional Standards in Ukraine: Terminological Provision and Development Features (p. 156 - 160)

The article is aimed at analysis of the legal factors of quality of professional standards in Ukraine. Understanding of relevance of elaboration of the qualitative professional standards derives from the need for balance in the structure of supply and demand at the labor market. At the same time for their implementation will be appropriate to use competence approach in the education, allowing to quickly respond to the needs of labor market and its requirements. No less responsible for the quality of professional standards, compared to educational institutions, are the State authorities, including the legislature. Therefore, the article analyzes the legal factors of quality of professional standards in Ukraine, namely: structure and elements of professional standards, as well as existent inconsistencies in the legal framework. To identify problematic issues, a number of legal documents, combined by the results of vocational education and their compatibility with requirements of employers, was analyzed. As these documents show, an unified and correct understanding, related to guidelines of educational process and its results, is not present on the part of the social partners. Thus, an effective use of professional standards in the education requires: firstly, elaboration of a legal document that would ensure the uniqueness of implementation of the standards in the educational process; secondly, use of a single approach for all other legal documents related to the standards.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Gaidar O. Y.
The Main Trends of Employment in the Context of Globalization (p. 121 - 126)

The article is aimed to analyze the changes in the system of population employment under the influence of global processes: enrichment and splitting of socio-labour relations, intellectualization, precarious work, spread of borrowed and flexible forms of employment, determining the prospects for development of non-standard forms of employment and ways to further transformation of socio-labor relations. The impact of new forms of employment on the effectiveness of socio-labor relations has been analyzed. The negative effects from splitting labor relations, which primarily affects the situation of employee, have been considered. Effectiveness of using flexible forms of employment in the conditions of economic crisis has been studied. As the main directions of formation of a new social model of employment in Ukraine have been suggested: raising the educational level of the population, improvement of legislative regulation in the sphere of employment, combination of flexible labor market policy with a high degree of social protection.

Article is written in Russian


Bezverkhyi K. V.
The Reporting of Results of the Social Activity of Enterprise (p. 165 - 174)

The article is aimed to develop the reporting of results of the social activity of enterprise. To achieve this objective, international models of social report in the world were characterized; a Report of results of the social activity of enterprise was elaborated. Methods of analysis, synthesis and historical-evolutionary method were used for structuring the subject field of the study, based on identification and formalization of the issue of reporting of the social activity of enterprise. The proposals offered will be useful to scientists concerned with the issue of social reporting, public authorities which regulate social reporting and for building the concept of further development, as well as to everyone interested. Result of the study has a theoretical and practical value in the elaboration of the form for the Report of results of the social activities of enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kis O. P.
Problems of Informational Supporting the Professional Orientation Processes in Ukraine with Examples in the Tourism Sphere (p. 181 - 189)

The article is aimed at studying the problem of structural disparities in the labor market of Ukraine in terms of informational supporting the professional orientation of population and finding ways to overcome this problem. Particularly this aspect of the problem is still the least studied in the national literature. It has been revealed that there are considerable difficulties with access to public documents, such as the Classifier of professions and Reference book of qualification characteristics for these professionals, which should provide society with information about career planning. In addition, it has been estimated that provision of denotations for professions with qualification characteristics does not exceed 50%, and there are predominantly no qualification characteristics of professions requiring high levels of education. The article substantiates the necessity of considering the experience of the United States of America in establishing the national electronic on-line database of professions O*NET. The article is intended for specialists in the sphere of interaction of labor markets and education, as well as sphere of professional orientation processes. The provided examples can also be useful for specialists in the tourism sphere.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vaskivska K. V., Danyliuk O. I.
Improvement of the Pension System in Ukraine (p. 190 - 194)

The article allocates the benefits of funded pension system, in particular, differentiation of pensions depending on salary and efficiency of use of pension savings. It is specified that with introduction of the second level and improving the functioning of the third level attention should be paid to the large amount of administrative costs, whereby reducing administrative costs (i. e. increasing stability of the funded component of pension system) can be achieved by lowering the amount of remuneration to the subjects of institutional infrastructure. It has been noted that a pension system with notional accounts is advisable to introduce with consideration of the funded component, which is mandatory. The article emphasizes inconsistency of the reformed pension system towards the criteria of sustainability, acceptability of costs, fairness, as well as partial inconsistency towards the criteria of sufficiency, reliability, predictability, which leads to an increase in the deficit of the Pension Fund of Ukraine and baselessness in determining amounts of pensions. It has been stated that to achieve an adequate replacement rate within 60-70%, which would guarantee to the future retirees sufficient wealth, will be impossible using the distribution system only. Therefore, priorities of the distribution component must include responsibility for ensuring future revenues. The formation of an effective mandatory funded system should be accompanied by adequate guarantees by the State along with a rational administration policy to prevent excessive share of management costs.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Fursova N. A.
Issues of Developing Social Policy and Social Security of the State (p. 164 - 172)

The article is aimed at studying the contemporary features of social policy and social security of Ukraine. Stages of formulating the major normative-legal acts in establishing social policy have been defined. An economic-statistical analysis of social protection of the population in Ukraine has been carried out, it has been determined that the Social Security Institute does not provide any State guarantees on the minimum decent living for the population. The main threats to social security have been allocated by its components for leveling their influence on the existence of individual, society and the State. The main sources of financing the social sphere in Ukraine and in selected EU Member States have been identified. The article proposes a conceptual approach to information support for selecting the priority objectives and measures of social policy as well as determining the status of the social security of the State. Further research in this area should be focused on providing quality and effective managerial decisions at the State level to smooth both the interregional differences and existing social problems.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shevchenko V. A.
Socio-Economic Foundations of Financing the Domestic Enterprises in the Sphere of Medical Services (p. 173 - 178)

The article is aimed at studying the socio-economic condition of the national health care system in order to generate improvement of medical institutions in terms of innovation development. The basic indicators of health of the population of Ukraine, indicators of primary morbidity, organizational maintenance of the national health care system have been examined. A three-part concept of efficiency of performance of medical institutions has been substantiated, tasks of developing the innovative national health care system as well as principles of organizing the health care system in Ukraine have been allocated. The practical value of the publication lies in studying the distribution of total health care expenditures in Ukraine, by sources of financing, structure of consumption of financial funds on the part of health care system, and dynamics of funds structure by their functions. Prospect of further research is development of directions towards improvement of activities of medical institutions in terms of innovation development based on an assessment of the socio-economic condition of the national health care system.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tulchynska S. O., Kyrychenko S. О.
Fundamentals of Studying Social Infrastructure in the Context of Cognitive-Network Paradigm (p. 184 - 189)

The article is aimed at determining approaches to studying social infrastructure as a system, making use of cognitive-network paradigm. To address the aim, following tasks have been formulated: substantiating and defining paradigm of the study; the features proper to social infrastructure, general and specific signs of system, external factors and their impact on social infrastructure. Research is based on cognitive-network paradigm, which, in turn, helped us to come to conclusions that social infrastructure should be considered as a system, implementation of the main functions of which are related to providing for the vital needs and formation of conditions for the spiritual, social, economic and intellectual development of population, as well as activity of the objects, linked by the appropriate relationships of varying complexity and degree of interaction, with its proper complexity, multielementarity and structure. It is substantiated that combination of selected subsystems of the social infrastructure creates her integrity and unity, being in permanent relationships with each other. It has been proven that the subsystems, united in a common integrity, represent properties which are far superior than properties of each individual subsystem alone. Each subsystem can at the same time be considered as a whole entity.

Article is written in Russian

Honcharuk S. M., Priymak S. V., Danyliak L. Y.
Current Status and Problems of Financing the Health Care Institutions in Ukraine (p. 190 - 194)

The article considers the status and problems of financing the health care institutions, conducts an analysis of the financial expenditures from the budget for the health care system in Ukraine in 2010-2014. The main sources of financial securing the health care and direction of their use have been identified. It is specified that the main direction of the State policy to improve organization of health care is to ensure its integrity at the cost of common approaches to planning, which should be based on target programs of health care development. It has been determined that the most important and urgent problem for Ukraine is the effective use of budget funds within the context of limited budgetary resources. With this in mind, the first priority is to reform the existing system of the State financial control as a means of increasing the efficiency of the State administration.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Svynchuk A. A.
Harmonization of Social Enterprise's Purposes of Activities (p. 195 - 200)

Despite an increased activation of social entrepreneurship in recent years, there is a significant range of issues related to social enterprises that still are practically unexplored. Such is, for example, the issue of classification and management of social enterprises. This article proposes an own classification of social enterprises by the degree of financial independence (partially self-sustaining, self-sustaining and profitable), since the vast majority of social enterprises are not financially independent and looking for opportunities to attract funds from charities or corporations, as well as these are oriented towards covering their losses. Specific and at the same time pivotal issue in the management of social enterprise is the duality of purpose, namely, establishing balance between the achievement of its social and its business goals. Therefore, it is suggested to implement the process of harmonization of both social and business goals in accordance with the type of social enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bril M. S., Pyvavar I. V.
Unemployment in Ukraine: Theoretical and Practical Aspects (p. 208 - 213)

The article is concerned with studying peculiarities of manifestations of unemployment in Ukraine. The main types of unemployment, which are represented by classification groups, covering several different varieties of them, have been considered. Special attention is paid to the main problem for our country, which is the increase of youth unemployment both female and male, under the age of 35 years. The problem of increased load of registered unemployed persons as to vacant jobs along with reduced needs of employers in the labor force has been displayed. The extent of unemployment among various age groups of the economically active population has been determined in the context of the economic crisis in Ukraine. The main components of basic, optimistic and pessimistic scenarios for production development as a prerequisite for increasing employment of the economically active population, including young people, have been substantiated. It has been suggested to establish a State Committee on youth employment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shchetinina L. V., Rudakova S. H.
The Draft of Labor Code: the Desired Changes, Substantiation for the Necessity (p. 214 - 220)

The article analyses provisions of the draft of Labor code and systematizes recommendations for its improvement, which are roughly divided into three groups: the provisions of the draft of Labor code, which do not take account of the fundamental bases of human sciences; the provisions of the draft of Labor code, contrary to the need for social dialog and eventually leading to a significant restriction of the rights of workers; the provisions of the draft of Labor code, which may cause ambiguity in their interpretations, and thus prevent from the balance of interests in the socio-labor relations. In addition, the proposed changes (recommendations) are combined with comments about the consequences if they will be not incorporated in the final version of the Code. As a result, proposals for amendments to the draft of Labor code has been developed, which will be able to: provide a professional approach to formulation of provisions of the Code; generate the necessary level of protection for workers' rights, as well as decent working conditions for them; reduce the risk of arising legal conflicts as results of the ambiguity of interpretation of the draft of Labor code.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tulai O. I.
Financial Bases of the Social Protection of Unemployed (p. 221 - 226)

The article actualizes the issue of the State social protection of unemployed. Evolution of scientific approaches to research of labor market has been traced, employment trends in the current Ukrainian reality has been outlined and the basic factors of formation of unemployment has been formulated. Attention is concentrated on the financial aspects of the issue of citizens' social protection in case of unemployment, mechanism of the compulsory State social insurance against unemployment has been analyzed. Goals, objectives and priorities of the system of social insurance in case of unemployment have been determined. The institutions which ensure the functioning of the system in Ukraine have been characterized. Features of formation and use of budgetary resources of the Fund of compulsory State social insurance of Ukraine against unemployment have been disclosed. The factors that negatively affect the ability of the Fund to fulfill its obligations have been allocated. Activities to optimize the costs of the Fund have been suggested, the need to take into account needs of the labor market as well as individual characteristics of each person in the course of implementation of these activities has been emphasized.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Iastremska O. M., Herashchenko І. M.
The Methodical Instrumentarium for Providing Consistency of the Levels of Competitiveness of Human Resources and Enterprises in the Labor Market (p. 227 - 233)

Expedience to use a methodical instrumentarium in order to provide consistency of the levels of competitiveness of human resources and enterprises in the labor market on the basis of the fuzzy logic theory has been substantiated. Using the methodological apparatus of the theory of fuzzy sets, graphs of membership functions of the terms of linguistic variables «level of competitiveness of human resources in the labor market», «level of competitiveness of enterprise in the labor market» and «degree of consistency of the levels of competitiveness of human resources and enterprises in the labor market» have been built on the basis of processing expert opinions, appropriate membership functions and their intervals have been identified. A base of rules to determine the degree of consistency of the levels of competitiveness of human resources and enterprises in the labor market, with specifying characteristics of the subjects claims to each other, has been developed. The proposed methodical instrumentarium makes possible to estimate the actual degree of consistency by identifying calculated rate with the relevant analytical interpretations, which provides a basis for elaborating activities to support and promote the consistency of the levels of competitiveness of human resources and enterprises in the labor market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rybalko L. P.
A Retrospective Analysis of Constituents of the Labor Potential of Ukrainian Society (p. 234 - 240)

The article is aimed at researching trends of development of the labor potential of Ukrainian society on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of its key components. Tasks of the article consist in synthesizing theoretical-methodological approaches to management of development of the labor potential of national economy, region, and industry branch in the face of political-economic crisis; identifying areas of improvement of the system for management of labor potential, based on a retrospective analysis of its constituents. Both searching method and analytical method were used for obtaining information, statistical method was used for data processing, graphic method was used for displaying economic dependencies of the factors of influence on the labor potential of Ukrainian society and identifying opportunities for fuller realization of this potential. An analysis of the key constituents of the labor potential of Ukrainian society for the period of 2000-2014 has been conducted in the dynamics. Scientific-practical recommendations have been substantiated and proposed in order to research the peculiarities of formation of labor potential according to the system «education – science – business/State – production/service».

Article is written in Ukrainian

Berezyuk S. V., Kolesov O. S.
Peculiarities of Establishing Social Standards in the Context of Consumer Expenses in Ukraine (p. 241 - 247)

The article is concerned with synthesizing and analyzing both substance and meaning of the following economic categories: «consumer basket», «subsistence minimum», and «minimum wage». Peculiarities in establishing levels of the specified indicators in Ukraine and in other world countries have been characterized. A retrospective study of both structure and dynamics of the consumer basket of Ukrainian citizens was carried out, focusing on the need for its adjustment to the real physiological needs of human. The main regulations aimed at ensuring the normal human existence and development have been provided. The main approaches to determining the minimum wage have been specified, an analysis of the mechanism for establishment and management of social standards in several countries in Europe and in the world has been conducted. It has been determined that in Ukraine there is a problem of mismatch between the inflation rate and the rate of increasing the guaranteed minimum wage that requires an immediate solution at the national level.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Skrynkovskyy R. M., Kostiuk N. R., Semchuk Z. V., Koropetskyi O. O.
Diagnostics of Management Policy in the Areas of Quality, Social Responsibility, Information Security and Labor Safety, Mechanism for Provision of Decent Work at Enterprise (p. 131 - 137)

The article discloses the contents of the concept of «diagnostics of management policy in the areas of quality, social responsibility, information security and labor safety at enterprise». It is found that key business indicators for diagnostics of management policy in the areas of quality, social responsibility, information security and safety of labor at enterprise are: 1) integral indicator of quality at enterprise; 2) integral indicator of social responsibility at enterprise; 3) integral indicator of information security at enterprise; 4) integral indicator of labor safety at enterprise. Both concept and instrumentarium for the mechanism for provision of decent work at enterprise has been proposed, which is a body of components, principles and directions of the process' provision in terms of the concept of decent work, proposed by the International Labor organization as result of interaction of the managed and managing subsystems of enterprise under the influence of internal and external environment factors.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Nazarova G. V., Kasmіn D. S.
Features of Functioning of the Youth Labor Market in the Institutional Environment (p. 131 - 137)

The article is aimed at studying the theoretical prerequisites of functioning of the youth labor market in the institutional environment and allocating on its basis the components of the institutional structure of the specified market. The article analyzes the main approaches to formation of both the constituents and infrastructure of the youth labor market, since by their nature most infrastructures are at the same time the labor market actors and the objects to ensure its functioning. It is substantiated that the youth labor market should be considered from the perspective of institutionalism, because the socio-economic relations occurring in the youth labor market rely on the hidden foundation of contractual relations. Theoretical achievements of the authors as to the institutional structure of the youth labor market have been provided. It is proposed to include in the constituents of structure the following: youth labor market actors, system of public and private institutions, as well as informal institutions. Development of both public and private institutions will impact the reduction of hidden unemployment among youth, public policies in the labor market and, in particular, the youth labor market will stimulate the process of accelerated formation of formal non-State institutions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Нoncharova S. Y., Honcharov A. B.
The Social Concept of The Guaranteed (Basic) Per Capital Income (p. 138 - 142)

The article is concerned with theoretical and practical issues of developing the social concept of the guaranteed (basic) per capital income. The main approaches to defining both the minimum and the basic income have been examined. The article summarizes and clarifies the views by different authors concerning the definition of unconditional, or guaranteed basic income as a social concept, whereby every member of society is regularly provided to certain fixed payment financed by the State (or other institution), for everyone without exception, regardless of income level, social status, presence or absence of job and desire to work. Issues of employment and unemployment, generation of income and stratification of population, justification of social standards and regulations etc. have been analyzed. The foreign experience as to implementing pilot programmes for introducing the unconditional basic income has been considered. Strengths, weaknesses and conditions for implementing the social concept of guaranteed income have been determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tulai O. I.
Social Insurance for Temporary Disability: Practice and Issues (p. 132 - 138)

The article highlights the current trends and issues of the compulsory State social insurance for temporary disability. It has been specified that a necessary condition for the economic growth of the State is the steady increase in people of working age. The essential aspects of temporary disability have been identified, the factors which influence on it have been determined. Special attention is paid to the question of allowance for temporary disability which is assigned on the basis of medical disability certificate. It has been proposed to introduce a system of electronic health records, which will provide the maximum clear fixating the time of temporary disability, improve the operational efficiency and accuracy of medical information, ensure the availability of the latter to several doctors simultaneously, and as a result, improve the quality of medical services to the citizens. The dynamics of income and expenditure of budget of the Social insurance Fund on temporary disability has been analyzed. The need to strengthen the insurance nature of the Fund has been specified. It has been concluded that development of this type of social insurance will contribute to the recovery of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of reproduction of human potential of the country.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Semenchenko A. V.
A Methodical Approach to Maximize Household Income with Non-Standard Forms of Employment (p. 137 - 141)

The article is aimed at developing practical recommendations to maximize household income with non-standard forms of employment, based on accounting of flexible working time and alternative income-generating system, using linear optimization models. The author proposes to offer and show, on example of a specific socio-demographic group of the population, how exactly the income level can be optimized. For example, market for freelance services is now sufficiently developed in Western Europe and the United States and is growing rapidly in the CIS countries, involving all new participants from both performers, offering their services, and by private individuals and organizations willing to cooperate on a remote basis. A methodical approach to maximize household income with non-standard forms of employment has been developed. Only paying attention to analyzing income and expenses, one presently can save and optimize the means. Naturally, if one uses certain economic-mathematical methods in this terms, the greatest success in optimization can be achieved.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Oganezova G. V.
The Directions of the State Regulation of Preservation of Health of the Working Population in Ukraine (p. 236 - 242)

The article, using the cause and effect analysis (Ishikawa diagrams), offers a solution to the problem of the health of the working population in Ukraine. The main factors influencing the health impairment of workforce have been identified: increasing insecurity in the sector of employment, scaling-up of precarization; lack of safe and healthy working conditions; social irresponsibility of employers; lack of effective medical and preventative care measures; low level of motivation of employees to preserve health. It has been substantiated that the factors negating the problems identified are of complex nature and can be found in the regulation sphere of various economic actors – the State, business, employee. However, the main tools of impact remain in the sphere of the State policy. By means of structuring the reasons the author managed to allocate the strategic directions of the State regulation in the sphere of health of workers, which are of financial and institutional nature.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mashchenko M. A., Ponomarenko O. O.
Evaluating the Efficiency of Wage Labor on the Macro- and Microeconomic Levels (p. 243 - 249)

The article is aimed at studying the problem of increasing the efficiency of labor. The existing factors of influence on labor efficiency have been considered by the management levels (personal, collective and the State). A classification of factors of influence on the labor efficiency by the indicated levels has been proposed. It is specified that the existing scorecard evaluates the influence of factors on the labor efficiency only fragmentary and contains an insufficient number of indicators. On the basis of the expert evaluation method, a system of indicators has been proposed, which takes into consideration the influence of factors operating at the following levels: public, collective, divisional, personal. Use of the improved system of indicators to evaluate efficiency of labor will provide improving the management of economic processes in the enterprise. The article determines proportions of profit distribution between the consumed part of the net profit to material incentives and social development of staff, in the planned and in the base periods respectively, and the capitalized part of the net profit, which is used for investment development in the indicated periods.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kozhukhova T. V.
The Priority Activities in the Sphere of Eradication of Poverty as an Indispensable Requirement for Sustainable Development (p. 191 - 195)

The article considers the causes of poverty in the least developed countries (LDCs). The priority activities for eradication of poverty have been substantiated, which include increase in agricultural productivity, access to water supply, sanitation and hygiene, improvement of the health and social protection, provision of education, environmental improvement. It has been determined that implementation of these activities will increase the rural population incomes, improve health of the people, uplevel the quality of life, increase its duration, improve earning capacity, reduce inequality, expand the rights and possibilities for every single person and, hence, eradicate poverty. It has been specified that these activities require considerable national public financial support. Along with the national public financing of the basic needs of population of LDCs, international funding is necessary, which plays an important role in strengthening the cooperative efforts to achieve sustainable development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lynnyk O. I., Korobka Y. A., Bondarenko O. M.
Building an Efficient System of Labor Motivation, Remuneration and Accounting in the Agrarian Sector (p. 138 - 143)

The article is aimed at researching and building an efficient system of motivation, remuneration and accounting in the agrarian sector of economy. The article analyzes number of the employed population, the existing labor motivation and its accounting at the agricultural enterprises. Also the salaries of workers in various industry sectors have been analyzed. The topicality of development and improvement of the motivational remuneration system, as well as efficiency of its accounting have been substantiated. The major factors that are essential in creating an effective motivation system at enterprise, as well as the main forms of remuneration, which would satisfy the needs and interests of workers employed in agriculture, have been allocated. It is specified that the introduction of the hourly wage at the agricultural enterprises would enhance earnings and attract more employees. Some ways to solve existing problems of labor motivation, accounting and improving them have been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Basanskaya N. V., Smutchak Z. V.
The Problem of Forced Internal Migration of Population: the Legal Aspect (p. 178 - 183)

The article is aimed at studying the peculiarities of legal regulation as to internally displaced persons, identifying the circumstances that contribute to emerging of this phenomenon. The article discusses the current problems of ensuring the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons in Ukraine as well as prospects of improvement of legislation on the regulation and ensuring the legal status of these persons. The existing provisions of national legislation concerning the legal providing as to status of persons compelled to leave their place of permanent residence have been allocated. Both the intraregional and the interregional migration of population of Ukraine during the period of its independence since 1991 was analyzed. A number of problems in the sphere of ensuring the rights and freedoms of internally displaced persons in Ukraine, their employability and adaptability, have been identified; ways of overcoming them have been suggested. Prospects for further research in this direction are related to activities of the State migration policy of Ukraine to harmonization of the migration space and regulating the migratory movement of the population.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shchetinina L. V., Rudakova S. H., Krasnonos K. V.
The Illegal Employment in Ukraine: What More Is to Be Done to Overcome It? (p. 208 - 212)

The article considers consequences of proliferation of the illegal employment in Ukraine, which are classified by the levels of administration – international, macro, meso, micro, and personal level, further by the public institutions – the State employment service, system of compulsory social insurance, pension system, judiciary, trade unions etc. The article analyzes the legislative documents as to their contribution to unshadowing the employment and legalization of wages. It has been determined that employers that provide illegal employment can be subject to administrative responsibility, criminal liability, and penalties. But, despite the available demotivators towards the illegal employment in the national legislation, its volume remains significant. Therefore we suggest the following activities to be necessary: informing citizens about the legal liability for illegal employment, activation of bodies of the State supervision and monitoring of violations of labor laws as well as working groups on legalization of the payment of wages and employment.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Korepanov O. S., Prus Y. I., Chala T. G.
The Short-Term Forecasting of the Labor Market Supply in Ukraine (p. 216 - 222)

The article is aimed at developing a short-term forecast of the labor market supply in Ukraine. The main methods for forecasting the development of socio-economic processes, as well as advantages and disadvantages of using them, have been considered. The article discloses essence of the conception of underutilization of labor force, which, in accordance with the updated international standards on labor statistics, has superseded the conception of economic activity. In the course of the study usage of the method of Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) to analyse and forecast the time series of socio-economic indicators has been substantiated, also an algorithm for applying this method has been developed. On the basis of the official statistical monthly data on the number of registered unemployed from January 2007 to March 2017, with the application of the Caterpillar SSA software package, a forecast of this indicator has been developed from early 2016 to the end of 2018. Prospect for further research in this direction will be developing a forecast of labor demand in order to improve public policies to balance supply and demand in the labor market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kolesov O. S., Berezyuk S. V.
The Social and Consumer Standards and Guarantees in Ukraine: the Current Structural and Dynamic Characteristics (p. 223 - 228)

The article attempts to generalize the theoretical approaches to the social guarantees and standards as economic categories. The classification of social guarantees is provided. The dynamic parameters for development of the social and consumer standards adopted in Ukraine were considered. An evaluation of the real poverty level under the system of criteria was carried out. The inconsistency of methods for the poverty evaluation adopted by the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine and contradiction of its individual indicators has been indicated. The structural characteristics of the population’s income have been determined. The relevance of the existing social guarantees to their real value in today’s economic conditions have been analyzed. Tendencies of falling of the welfare level of population, resulting in a decline in the consumer demand and a narrowing of the domestic market for goods and services, have been identified. The need to take measures to stimulate small businesses, to overcome corruption, and to deregulate the economy has been indicated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Honcharuk S. M., Romaniv Y. M., Priymak S. V.
The Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Forming the Financial Support for the Health Care System (p. 229 - 234)

The objectives of the article are: defining the theoretical and methodological foundations for financial support for health care institutions; disclosure of the concept and substance of the targeted budget programs in the health care system; a critical analysis of the current practice in the use of performance indicators for the targeted budget programs; improving the methods for managerial decision-making in the course of implementation of the targeted budget programs; determining ways to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the targeted budget programs in the health care system. In order to develop the health care sector, there’s a necessity to define the order and mechanisms for the priority financing, as well as the personnel and material-technical provision of health care institutions. There is also a need for the State support and regulation of an adequate financing for health care programs to achieve equal access in different regions of Ukraine. It is important further to define the specifics of the health sector’s targeted programs that will facilitate management of them.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shchetinina L. V., Rudakova S. H., Yurchenko A. Y.
The Socio-Economic Problems of Involving Persons with Disabilities in the Labor Activity in Ukraine (p. 235 - 239)

The article explores and analyzes the socio-economic problems of citizens with disabilities in Ukraine, determining the reasons for the difficulties in employing this category of population, and shortcomings in the legislative framework for ensuring the rights of disabled persons. Relevance of the present topic has been substantiated on the basis of studying the needs of people with disabilities and statistical information. Methods and ways of addressing the problems identified have been suggested. The analysis of statistical information and the effective legislation has provided an opportunity to identify the potential for improving the quality of life of persons with disabilities and ensuring their socio-economic identity. The necessity to involve persons with disabilities in the social and working life has been proven and substantiated. Prospect for further research is related to the sociological researches on the social observance of the legal norms of the Ukrainian Law «On the foundations for protection of disabled persons in Ukraine».

Article is written in Ukrainian


Krutova A. S., Nesterenko O. O.
A Model of Social Responsibility of Actors in the State Sector of Economy (p. 142 - 148)

The article is aimed at developing a conceptual model of social responsibility of actors in the State sector of economy and elaborating directions for its improvement. It has been determined that social responsibility of the State and actors in the State sector of economy, as managers of the budget, is to determine and reconcile positions on the achievement of joint agreements and adoption of agreed decisions by the parties to the social dialog. A conceptual model of the socially responsible State has been developed, where the functions of moderator of principles of social responsibility at all levels of socio-economic relations are vested in the State sector of economy. It has been substantiated that the main tool for the creation of a social State is the auditing of social responsibility, the basic information base for controlling the level of social responsibility is the integrated reporting of companies. To disseminate the ideas of integrated reporting, creation of a «Single portal of integrated reporting for enterprises and organizations of Ukraine» has been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnik O. H.
Education as a Factor for the Economic Integration of Persons with Disabilities (p. 148 - 154)

The article defines the place of higher vocational education in the system of factors for the economic integration of persons with limited physical capacities. The author analyzed the parameters and structure of the provision of educational services to persons with disabilities and their employment rates. Emphasis is placed on the identification of ways to improve approaches to the State regulation of socialization processes for persons with disabilities. The current status of inclusion of persons with disabilities in the educational system and the rate of employment of graduates of higher education institutions at different levels of accreditation have been analyzed; the vectors for improving the State regulation of the economic integration of persons with disabilities in Ukraine have been determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Farion M. M.
The Unsteady Incomes Distribution in Ukraine (p. 159 - 165)

The unsteady distribution of resources among the population of Ukraine is connected with the influence of both political and economic reasons and factors. Differentiation of incomes is reinforced by the economy over-shadowing. The article considers the main approaches to the distribution of household incomes of Ukrainian population by the decile groups, taking account of a number of factors that affect their formation. As the main indicator for the study were selected statistics about the allocation of the total population of Ukraine for certain categories by the level of income including all kinds of profit – wages, benefit and mixed income, property income, social assistance, and transfers. The reasons of decreasing incomes and the emergence of a new term in the economy, «the sudden poverty» were analyzed. It has been concluded about prognosticated improving the economic situation of the country, which will significantly impact the balance of incomes of population.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kotliarevska K. Y.
The Typology of Labor Discrimination in the Recruitment Process of Enterprise (p. 166 - 170)

The article is aimed at researching the social inequalities that arise in the recruitment of staff in Ukrainian enterprises. The concept of labor discrimination, its types, and the state of social inequality in the domestic labor market have been considered. The study further developed the typology of discrimination in the recruitment process, which includes the following attributes: degree of openness, mode of implementation, prevalence, frequency, physiological, social and public characteristics. The manifestations of these types of discrimination have been identified. The importance to amend the existing legislation towards significant improving the situation of discrimination in the country at the enterprise level has been specified.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tymoshenko O. V.
The Migration Crisis in Ukraine: Assessment of the Major Tendencies and Effects (p. 159 - 166)

The article characterizes the current status of the international migration processes from 1991 to 2016, allocates the main «waves» of labor migration during the period of independence of Ukraine, highlights the main positive and negative features of migration, its impact on the socio-economic security of the national economy has been assessed. The main indicators of the migratory movements of population in the regions of Ukraine have been analyzed and priority directions for the improvement of migration policies have been developed. On the basis of statistics it has been proven that the problem of emigration of the labor potential of the nation is the most relevant in Ukraine nowadays. In assessing the main indicators of the population’s migratory movements by regions of Ukraine, the author has concluded that there are disparities in their socio-economic development, which provides to characterize the State regional policy in this sphere as insufficiently efficient. Thus, without the proper intervention on the part of the central authorities of the country’s legislative and executive powers, the market mechanisms for counteracting the unregulated labor migration by themselves are not in a position to prevent the territorial differences in the development of countries.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pchelianska H. O.
The Poverty of Population and its Impact on Formation of Food Security (p. 167 - 172)

The article is aimed at studying the causes of poverty, its negative manifestations, identifying the impact of poverty, determining its impact on food security, and finding ways to overcome it. It has been determined that the structural causes of poverty are considered to be the general macroeconomic and political living conditions of population. The individual approach implies that human poverty is influenced by both the subjective (family, education, skills, job availability or absence) and the institutional factors. The author characterizes the economic, social, and political consequences of poverty, their impact on food security. The impact of structural factors on the level of poverty in Ukraine was analyzed. The article explores the level of poverty in different categories of households, i.e.: households in rural and urban areas, with and without children. It has been proven that the level of poverty affects the formation of household food security. The main directions for overcoming poverty and improving food security have been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kozhemyakina S. M., Mazurov S. А.
The Methodical Approaches to the Calculation of Jobs Created in the Economy: a Comparative Analysis (p. 173 - 177)

The article is aimed at studying the existing national and foreign methods to monitor the creation of jobs in the economy, identifying their main functions, advantages and disadvantages in order to substantiate a new research and information base that would facilitate formation of common approaches to analysis, evaluation, and interpretation of the macroeconomic parameters that characterize this process. Contradictions in the process of using modern methods to monitor the creation of new jobs in Ukraine have been identified. The study determined that the objectives and tasks of the Ukrainian methodology on their essence and substance were almost completely inconsistent. The foreign methods use different approaches and have a much wider instrumentarium. It has been concluded that the currently available statistical reporting system does not permit an assessment of the intensity of creation and closure of jobs in the industry, which is unacceptable in the form of the updated innovation-investment and socio-economic policy of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tsymbaliuk S. O.
The Applied Scientific Foundations and Instrumentarium for Implementation of New Approaches to the Designing a Single Tariff Grid for Remuneration of Employees in the Budget Sphere (p. 210 - 217)

The publication is aimed at developing the applied scientific foundations and instrumentarium for implementation of the new tariff terms in the practice of remuneration of employees in the budget sphere. On the basis of the identified problems of remuneration policy in the budgetary sphere, directions of its reform have been outlined. The importance of improving the tariff terms of remuneration together with developing new approaches to the designing a single tariff grid has been substantiated. The scientific-methodical recommendations on how to assess the complexity of tasks and responsibilities and to categorize them by the wage groups have been provided. It has been suggested that the complexity of tasks and responsibilities should be assessed using the points-factor evaluation method, which is applied in projecting the main wages, making use of grades. The factors for assessing the complexity of tasks and responsibilities according to different positions and jobs in the education sphere, science sphere, and science and technology sphere have been defined, the descriptive levels for certain factors have been developed. The assignment of posts and jobs to the qualifying groups upon the results of an assessment of the complexity of tasks and responsibilities has been determined. It has been concluded that use of the elaborated scientific-methodical recommendations would ensure decent remuneration, objective differentiation, transparency, and individualization of wages.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sybirtsev V. V.
The Contradictions and Problems in the Current Development of the National Labor Market (p. 218 - 223)

The article is aimed at generalizing and systematizing the contradictions and problems of the current development of the national labor market, identifying the causes and preconditions for the emergence together with regularities of overcoming these contradictions. Among the preconditions for emergence of problems of the current development of the national labor market the following groups of contradictions have been identified and characterized: reproductive, interphased, targeted, spatial-temporal, territorial and sectoral. The need to develop and implement the State policy of regulating the national labor market, which would determine the long-term priorities of actions on the part of the State in the spheres of institutional and infrastructural construction, education and culture, science, technology and innovation, has been proved.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rayevnyeva O. V., Shapovalov V. V.
Studying the Structural Disparities in the Ukrainian Labor Market (p. 224 - 230)

The article is aimed at studying the structural disparities in the labor market in Ukraine through the structural-dynamic analysis. The use of structural-dynamic analysis allowed to determine and prove the existence of moderate structural disparities in the labor market and to identify the structural and dynamic characteristics of the labor market in terms of economic activity spheres at the national level. A structural-dynamic analysis of the labor market suggests that there are the moderate disparities in the employment of population, which are of an upward (incremental) nature. This tendency is characteristic of all the spheres of economic activity analyzed. It has also been found that these tendencies are manifested in different regions with varying degrees of impact, which provides to conclude that further research is needed to identify the impact of these processes on development of labor market in Ukraine as a whole.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chakalova K. O.
The Theoretical Foundations of the Organizational-Economic Mechanism for the Functioning and Development of the Internal Labor Market (p. 231 - 236)

The article is aimed at studying the theoretical foundations of the organizational-economic mechanism for the functioning and development of the internal labor market. The essence of the organizational-economic mechanism for the functioning and development of the internal labor market is highlighted. The main structural elements of the suggested mechanism have been characterized, including actors and facilities, factors and resources, regulation methods and institutions of the internal labor market, the main processes of staff management in the internal labor market (planning, promotion, development, and motivation of staff), as well as the nature of interactions with the external labor market and the features of the diagnostics of efficiency of the mechanism. The political, economic, social, and organizational groups of factors, influencing the internal labor market, have been provided. The regulation methods used by each actor in the internal labor market have been presented. Indicators for evaluating efficiency of the organizational-economic mechanism for the functioning and development of the internal labor market have been defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Levanda O. M.
The Systematic Approach to Formation of a Normative Base for Determining the Standard of Living of the Population in Ukraine (p. 237 - 245)

The article is aimed at assessing the socio-economic status of different categories of the population of Ukraine. The theory of systemic approach has been applied to the formation of a normative base for determining the standard of living of the Ukrainian population. It is displayed that the consumer basket, updated by the government in 2016, is regulated by the Order No.272. Among the drawbacks of this Order are: the ecological situation of regions is not being taken into consideration, differences with the Regulation No.780 and the lack of conformity with modern regulations are present. The Order No.332-p and the Regulation No.1379 are in line with world standards but are not considered in terms of the consumer basket according to the Regulation No.780. The carried out analysis shows that, for the time being, the normative legal regulation is not consistent with the cost of the actual basic needs of the population (food, non-food and services). In the future, in order to conform to the international EU standards, it will be necessary to reform the national standard provision of living standard of the Ukrainian population. Should the government ignore those shortcomings, the social and economic platform of Ukraine would be recessioned. A particular feature of the study was adoption of the integrated approach to the formation of the national legislative framework.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lepeyko T. I., Kozlova I. M.
Analyzing the Investment Behaviour of Households at the Microlevel (p. 246 - 251)

The article is aimed at analyzing the characteristics of the investment behaviour of households at the microlevel. Essence of the investment behavior of of households was considered, substantiating that it differs in relation to the social indicators of households as well as to their income and costs. In order to analyze the investment behavior of households at the microlevel, it was proposed to conduct an expert survey of economic agents (staff of enterprises, private entrepreneurs, etc.). Using the hierarchy analysis method, it has been substantiated that the most appropriate method for the selected criteria (minimizing the time and cost of the survey, improving the truthfulness and completeness of the responses) is the anonymous respondent survey. To implement this method, a list of questions was proposed that would allow to analyze the social indicators of households, structure of their incomes and costs. On the basis of the survey conducted at the enterprises of Kharkiv region, the main prerequisites for a possible improvement of the microlevel investment behavior of households have been identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Herasymenko O. O., Shchetinina L. V., Rudakova S. H.
The Remote Employment: Current Trends in the Organization and Remuneration of Labor (p. 233 - 239)

The article is aimed at distinguishing between the concepts of «freelance», «remote employment», «work from home» with highlighting of differences affecting the organizational-legal format and the economic aspects of social and labor relations between the parties to the agreements on work in remote mode. The prerequisites for the emergence of the non-standard forms of employment in the conditions of establishing the post economy and the electronic-network society have been determined. The data of sociological researches on the current condition and prospects of prevalence of remote employment in Ukraine have been provided. The types and forms of remote employment have been generalized according to different classifications. Using a number of criteria, the article discloses characteristic features of such atypical forms of employment as freelance, distance employment, and work from home. The disadvantages of the atypical forms of employment have been allocated and their advantages have been generalized. An analysis of the current normative-legal regulation has been carried out and the substantiation of organizational and economic foundations of freelancing, remote employment, work from home in Ukraine has been provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lubkovskyi S. A.
The Economic and Philosophical Aspects of the Socialization of Tax Redistribution of the Population’s Income (p. 240 - 251)

The article is aimed at a theoretical substantiation of possibilities and prospects of socialization of the tax redistribution of incomes of population as a direction of harmonization of its fiscal and regulatory functions, on the one hand, as well as private and public interests, on the other. The interrelation of social and tax policy in the mentioned sphere was explored for possibilities and potential of expansion of functional purpose of the tax redistribution of incomes of individuals in the direction of its socialization. The author has proposed and substantiated the introduction to the scientific apparatus of the terms of «socialization of the tax redistribution of incomes of individuals», «socialization of tax policy» in general, as well as «socialization of tax policy in the sphere of income taxation of individuals». In addition, the need to allocate the function of socialization together with the principle of socialization of the income taxation of individuals have been proved. It has been proposed to move from the proportional to the progressive income taxation of individuals with emphasis on the need to take into account the socio-economic situation of the payer, its inclination and sustainability to both socio-economic and fiscal risks, as well as the mandatory targeting of the tax redistribution of population incomes in order to solve the key problems of social development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Slobodianiuk N. O., Rekha K. H., Bragina O. O.
The Diagnostics of the Status of Reforming the Pension Provision in Ukraine (p. 300 - 305)

The article is aimed at assessing the current status of pension provision of Ukraine and substantiating further directions of its reforming. The main stages of carrying out pension reforms in Ukraine were systematized, which allowed to approve the parametric changes of the pension system components. The dynamics of changes in the average monthly wage, as well as the average amount of the accrued pension were researched. In order to ascertain performance by the State pension insurance as to the function of payment of part of the cost of labor, dynamics of the substitution coefficient during 2012–01.10.2017 was analyzed. The dynamics of financial indicators of the budget of the Pension fund of Ukraine (PFU) was analyzed, determining its deficit for 2012–2017, defining a rapid growth of almost 5,2 times of the deficit of budget of the PFU at the end of the researched period, compared to 2012. The higher-than-anticipated growth of the deficit of the PFU over the GDP growth of the country as a whole has been diagnosed. It has been determined that the status of the pension system and the possibilities of its development are directly dependent on the demographic situation in the country. The dynamics of correlation of number of working persons and pensioners in Ukraine for 2012–2017 was researched and the steady tendency of reduction of number of occupied economically active population of Ukraine was revealed. Further ways of reforming the pension system of Ukraine on the basis of development of voluntary pension insurance as additional collateral to the State pension have been substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Katkova N. V., Burlan S. A., Maslova K. V.
Displaying Wages as an Indicator of the Social Responsibility of Business in Accounting and Reporting (p. 306 - 310)

The article is concerned with displaying wages in both accounting and reporting, in the context of social responsibility. The basic approaches to definition of social responsibility in the context of relations of employers and employees were considered. It was noted that an effective means of implementing the conception of social responsibility would be the preparation of integrated reporting, and for this purpose the elements of social responsibility of enterprises should be reflected in the accounting system. It is expedient to include in the indicators of social responsibility of the integrated reporting of enterprises the level of remuneration of the current character; the amount of compensation payments in connection with the completion of work and due to difficult working conditions, harmful industries; the amount of incentive payments as a result of developing the skill level and increasing labor efficiency; payments on the sectoral individual pensions and on social support programs, etc. The displaying of the proposed indicators in the reporting of enterprise would provide disclosure of information on the implementation of the principles of social responsibility and would inform the interested parties about the implementation of social programs and projects at the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shchetinina L. V., Rudakova S. H., Ilnitskaya K. R.
The Remuneration of Freelancers: Current Trends and Prospects in Ukraine (p. 311 - 316)

The article is aimed at defining the peculiarities of freelancing development in Ukraine, as well as elaborating recommendations as to legalization of the freelancers’ labor. The estimation of development of freelancing in Ukraine is provided, which shows both growth of incomes of employed in this form of employment, and increase of their number. The advantages of this new form of employment, which can be obtained only in case of its regulation and control, as well as under the condition of the State support, are concretized. It is substantiated, that formation of adequate relations of remuneration of the freelancers’ labor first of all needs a contemporary normative-legal provision, including adaptation of experience of the developed countries to the Ukrainian realities, and also accounting of peculiarities of freelancing in terms of civil, economic, and tax law. It has been determined that the remuneration of freelancers should depend on the kind of freelancing and the types of freelancers, sphere of economic activity, profession, etc. The differentiation of hour rates by demographic criteria and by professions was analyzed. The measures of support of freelancing on the part of the State may be the following: preferential taxation, including rural residents, occupational guidance activities, outreach activities, conduct and analysis of the results of sociological research, periodic collection of statistical data, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bilyk M. V., Bala R. D., Tarnavskyi M. I., Bala O. I.
The Factors of Turnover of Personnel at Enterprises in Conditions of Development of International Economic Relations (p. 177 - 181)

The article is aimed at researching the totality of factors influencing the turnover rates at domestic enterprises in the conditions of intensification of international economic cooperation. In particular, a study was conducted among working youth under the age of 25, among which the turnover rate is the highest and is caused by the search for work in the foreign markets. The following factors were researched: salary level, work schedule, working conditions, social climate, attitude of managers to subordinates, prospects of development and career growth. It has been found that the greatest influence on the problem of turnover of personnel is exercised by financial component and career development. The publication defines the problems that an enterprise may face as a result of an uncontrollable turnover of personnel, and presents proposals in order to solve these problems. Prospect for further scientific searches on the given subject is definition of the main factors creating competitive advantages for the domestic employers in comparison with the foreign, that would allow to restrain outflow of personnel in the national market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lytovchenko I. V.
The Organizational-Legal Peculiarities of Application of the Remote Labor Mode and Flexible Working Hours of Scientific Workers at Higher Education Institution (p. 182 - 187)

The article is aimed at defining the main organizational-legal peculiarities of application of the remote labor mode, establishing and accounting the flexible working hours of scientific workers at higher educational institutions and scientific institutes. In the course of research the organizational-legal peculiarities of application of the remote labor mode and flexible working hours of the scientific workers at higher education institutions were analyzed. The article suggests their integration into the activities of higher education institution with the purpose of efficient distribution of their working time, provided that the tasks set are fully executed in a timely manner. As the basic means of control of measurement of results of scientific activity it is suggested to use acts of executed works and other absolute indicators (quantity of the processed scientific sources, quantity of the written pages of scientific papers etc.). The prospective direction of further research is development of practical recommendations on the use of special reports and indicators with an assessment of their impact on the results of activities of scientific workers at higher education institutions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gritsaenko G. I., Gritsaenko M. I.
The Social Investment in Social Capital (p. 188 - 194)

The article is aimed at defining the essence of social investment, substantiating the levels of their implementation, and identifying the mechanisms of influence on social capital. The dynamics of the level of trust in the Ukrainian society is analyzed, on the basis of which the conclusion about the crisis of complete personal and institutional distrust, as well as the necessity of systematic work on the formation of social capital, has been made. The essence of social investments as such, which are directed on development of objects of social environment, including human and social capitals, has been defined. It has been suggested to study social investment on the nano-, micro-, meso-, macro- and mega-levels. The relevant investors and beneficiaries, as well as possible directions of their activity activation, are considered. Prospect for further scientific researches should be development of mechanism for efficient interaction of international organizations, governmental structures, representatives of business and civil society as a whole with the purpose of formation of strategy of social investment, which would facilitate the implementation of structural reforms and ensure the sustainable development of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Smutchak Z. V.
The Problems of Settlement and Employment of Internally Displaced Persons (p. 195 - 200)

The article is aimed at researching current challenges and threats, which have caused mass internal interregional migration of population in the certain regions of Ukraine, and also common approaches to studying the problems of settlement and employment of displaced persons and implementation of measures of the State migration policy concerning their solution. The extent and factors of mass interregional migration movements of the population of Ukraine, caused by annexation by the Russian Federation of Crimea and military aggression of Russia in Donbas are disclosed. The regional peculiarities of resettlement as well as methodological and practical aspects of improvement of management and regulation of intensive interregional forced migrations are considered. The measures of the State migration policy concerning the living arrangement and employment in regions of Ukraine of forcibly displaced persons, the ordering of migration space are characterized from the standpoint of national priorities and in view of prevention of migration threats to national security of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yahno T. P., Husakovska T. O.
The Social Development of Ukraine in Reflection of the Current Status of the Consumer Market (p. 201 - 206)

The article is aimed at analyzing the indicators of the status of consumer market of Ukraine and substantiating relationship of these with the level of social development of the country. The growth of population welfare and social protection in the country is reflected in the indicators of functioning of consumer market, as well as depends to some extent on the tendencies of its development. For detailed analysis of the relationship of indicators of economic development of Ukraine and the status of consumer market, the indicators characterizing consumer opportunities of population were considered. Based on an analysis of statistics plus household survey data, it has been found that the level of well-being of population is largely determined by the availability of certain goods and services, i.e. the consumer opportunities of population. The inability to satisfy existing needs from existing income leads to restrictions on the side of population. To assess the level of social development of the country, use of the profile of the consumer capabilities of population has been suggested, which introduces the basic needs of population, which must be materialized in the contemporary society. Assessment of the level of social development of the country by consumer opportunities implies determination of the proportion of population, able to meet the above mentioned needs.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Hrinenko А. Y.
The Phenomenon of Ukrainian Poverty in the Context of Threats to National Security (p. 216 - 223)

Poverty is one of the unresolved problems among the socio-economic components in Ukraine. According to recent researches, the majority of the population of our country is beyond the limit of poverty. Experts from both Ukraine and the international organizations, including the UN, have different estimates of extent of poverty in Ukraine, citing different methods of calculation. However, whatever estimates be given to this social phenomenon, all experts agree on one thing: poverty in Ukraine is aggravated and covers the wider population of the country. The phenomenon of Ukrainian poverty is that for more than a quarter of a century inequality in the income of the population is growing, the price of labor is falling, and, paradoxically, the Government contributes to the growth of poverty by its regulation and deregulation of the economy, financial and social spheres. Therefore, the greatest threat to conducting reforms, ensuring the economic growth, to the entire national economy today, is the exorbitant poverty, which not only provides for the increase in labor migration, but leads to the total emigration of skilled workers, who are highly valued by employers of the near and far abroad countries. And yet, despite the significant economic potential, available resources, Ukraine remains one of the poorest countries in Europe.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Sotnikova Y. V., Stepanova E. R., Kasmіn D. S.
The Transformation of Employment Forms in the Context of the Information Society of 21st Century (p. 191 - 197)

The article is aimed at defining the place and role of transformation of employment forms in modern information (creative) society. The current forms of employment are analyzed in terms of historical aspect. In particular, the authors have studied a number of models of labor market development in the works of foreign economists, allocating the following: classical, neoclassical, Keynesian, monetarist and institutional models. The research on evolution of scientific views of domestic and foreign scholars has helped to propose the scheme of evolution of the labor market development. A number of the non-standard forms of employment has been allocated, in particular: work «without a workplace», work in part, self-employment, informal employment, etc. The carried out theoretical analysis of the evolution of labor market made provided to allocate the main differences between traditional and modern employment. It is found that there is a radicality of changes that occurred in the employment system of the information (creative) society, a formation of its destandardization. It is noted that the data of the national official statistics contain a very small number of non-standard forms, which can be analyzed both in time and by types of economic activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Naumova M. A.
The Retrospective Analysis of Unemployment in the Conditions of Transformational Shifts in the Labor Market of Ukraine (p. 198 - 208)

The article is aimed at analyzing the unemployment in Ukraine over the years of its formation as an independent State, determining its main tendencies, and developing priority measures that can help to eliminate the negative impact of unemployment on the labor market. A retrospective analysis of unemployment in Ukraine was carried out in the context of gender segregation, age groups, degrees of education, professional-qualification structure, duration of unemployment, reasons of unemployment, types of economic activities. The main reasons and factors influencing its dynamics were studied. The negative consequences of unemployment together with some positive externalities have been allocated. The author considers dynamics of the unemployment rate, registered unemployment, the ratio of the total number of unemployed population of Ukraine and the population, which become accounted by the State employment service. A detailed analysis of the labor market development in the coordinates of the unemployment rate and vacancy norme using the Beveridge curve was carried out and five stages of its transformations have been allocated. The priority directions of development which can facilitate an improvement of the situation on the labor market and the transition to productive and innovative employment are provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Semenchenko A. V.
Researching the Influence of Factors of Differentiation on Distribution of Incomes of Population (p. 209 - 214)

The article is aimed at researching the impact of differentiation factors on both primary and secondary income distribution and substantiating of analyzing these factors by the stages of the income distribution. The author believes that the factors listed in the publication should be supplemented with those related to the condition of the country’s economy as a whole. The transition to the socio-market relations leads to changes in labor, financial-credit, legal, investment, technical, socio-domestic spheres of activity of the society. Demonopolization of the economy, development of various forms of ownership leads to changes in the distributive relations. The general socio-economic situation largely determines the direction and strength of other factors influencing the stratification of workers by income level. Achievement of the goal set has stipulated the necessity to solve some problems, the main ones are: studying of the income differentiation; determination of influence of factors of differentiation on the primary on secondary distribution of the incomes of population; analyzing of the factors of differentiation by the stages of the income distribution.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ihnatenko T. S.
The Policy of Formation of the Middle Class: Essence, Components, and Priority Directions in Ukraine (p. 214 - 221)

The article is aimed at formulating the essence of policy of formation of the middle class and defining its priority directions in Ukraine. The determination of prerequisites for the formation and development of the middle class made it possible to make an assumption about the synthesized nature of the policy of formation of the middle class, which combines (as its subsystems) the income policy, employment policy, entrepreneurship support policy, policy of formation of proprietary class, and humanitarian policy. The algorithm of solving the problem of low share of the middle class in Ukrainian society has been developed. The priority directions of the policy of formation of the middle class in Ukraine, directed on creation of necessary economic, social and legal conditions and guarantees for increase of a share of this social group in the Ukrainian society are defined. Prospect for further research in this direction is development of a strategy for the formation of the middle class.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Matsikanych I. M.
The Factors of Influence on the Efficiency of Using of Labor Resources in the Enterprises of IT Sphere (p. 221 - 228)

The article is aimed at considering the main characteristics of the personnel composition of the IT industry enterprises and determining the factors influencing the efficiency of use of labor resources at IT enterprises. The factors which can be considered at definition of labor standards in enterprises of IT industry are allocated. The nature and priority of influence of factors on the efficiency of use of labor resources at enterprises of IT sphere with account of peculiarities of innovative labor are defined. Factors of influence on efficiency of labor at IT enterprises are analyzed using the method of the main components. Prospect for further research in this direction is the use of factors influencing the efficiency of the use of labor resources at IT enterprises to determine the standards of labor at the enterprises of IT industry. The development of norms and standards for the regulation of innovative labor can lead to higher profitability at enterprises as a whole.

Article is written in Russian


Yermachenko V. Y., Mirzoiev D. S.
The Research on Economic Activity of the Population in the Context of Recreational Infrastructure Development of Socio-Economic Systems (p. 207 - 216)

The article is aimed at analyzing the factors of formation of a stable status of socio-economic system, taking into account needs of the economically active population and consumers of final products, using the example of tourism industry. Based on the study results, a morphological analysis of the category of "socio-economic system" was carried out and its main components were identified; a classification of socio-economic systems by spatial and functional characteristics was suggested; shortcomings in the practical implementation of the methodology for assessing the economic activity of the population were defined; a comparative analysis of the indicators of income and employment by types of economic activity was performed; the branches with low efficiency of labor were allocated; the use of tourist potential of the problem and depressive regions instead of measures stimulating the migration of population were proposed; problems of budgetary decentralization and determination of regional policy priorities were highlighted; a number of internal and external factors were named, which have a significant impact on the status of the country’s socio-economic development. It is confirmed that forecasting the economic activity of the population in the long-term period should not only include an assessment of the current status of employment, but also serve as a basis for social development strategies.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Antoniuk V. P., Shchetinina L. V., Rudakova S. H.
The Social Equity as to Remuneration of Internally Displaced Persons (p. 161 - 165)

Social equity is a public phenomenon. A society that does not pay due attention to the issues of achievement of social equity will never be able to achieve the desired development. It is quite natural that injustice leads to conflicts, reluctance to obey institutional requirements, corruption manifestations, general pessimistic sentiments, political instability, reduction of labor motivation, etc. The domestic history «faced» with the armed conflict in the east of the country, in view of which 1,5 million people were forced to move to the territory controlled by Ukraine. It seems clear that these processes were not painless, there were problems related to: employment in the profession and employment in general, discrimination, obtaining sufficient to meet the housing needs of earnings, psychological discomfort of internally displaced persons (IDPs), etc. In terms of achieving social equity for IDPs in the field of remuneration, the following guidelines should be considered: provision of earnings, which is close to its size before the displacement, or meets the average level on the territory of the stay, or allows to keep the quality of life similar to that before becoming displaced, on condition of payment of rental (purchase) a housing.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Gnatenko I. A., Rubezhanska V. O.
The State Regulation of Labor Market from the Standpoint of Strategic and Stakeholder-Oriented Approaches (p. 100 - 105)

The article is aimed at studying the process of the State regulation of the labor market from the standpoint of strategic and stakeholder-oriented approaches. The strategic approach to formation of the conception of the State regulation of labor market is researched. Within the framework of the strategic approach the selective strategy of formation of the mentioned conception is considered. The basic criteria of formation of the selective strategy are defined. The stakeholder-oriented approach to formation of the conception of the State regulation of labor market is explored. A definition of the concept of stakeholder of labor market is formulated. The process of interaction of stakeholders in the labor market is characterized with the help of the bridging model based on bipartism, tripartism and multipartism. It is concluded that the process of forming the concept of the State regulation of labor market should be based on strategic and stakeholder-oriented approaches. The strategic approach involves the implementation of a selective strategy. A stakeholder-oriented approach emphasizes the need to achieve a balance of interests, which consists in organization of the public and economic space of the labor market through the efficient implementation of joint-distribution relations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tiutiunnykova S. V., Pyvovarova K. L.
The Inclusive Development of the Economy as a Factor of Overcoming Poverty (p. 105 - 111)

The article is aimed at studying the theoretical and methodological foundations of inclusive development as a means of overcoming unnecessary inequality and countering poverty. The issues of inclusive development of the economy are being actively discussed all over the world. The slowdown in economic growth is not limited to a number of developing countries, but also to developed ones. This, in turn, stimulates changes in social and economic policy instruments. This number includes the search for a new model of social and economic development, which will be able to answer the current challenges facing the world society. The authors prove that a model of economic growth based on neoliberal principles leads to a sharp polarization of society on the poor and the rich, and refute the claim that economic growth automatically leads to a reduction in inequality. It is substantiated that inclusive development is the key to the humane development of society and the most important factor in overcoming poverty. The index of inclusive development is considered as an adequate alternative to GDP and index of human development. The general conditions of creation of inclusive institutions are suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lantukh K. О.
The Features of Budgetary Financing of Social Functions of the State at the Present Stage of Ukraine’s Development (p. 247 - 254)

The article is aimed at determining the essence and specificity of budgetary financing of the State-guaranteed social services, substantiating the directions of improving the mechanism for budgetary financing of social functions of the State at the present stage of Ukraine’s development. Features of budgetary financing of social functions of the State in Ukraine are considered. The dynamics of financing of expenses of the consolidated budget of Ukraine in recent years are analyzed. In view of the results of the analysis based on the mathematical model, in accordance with a number of dynamics, the author calculates nominal and real size of the budget to ensure sustainable development of social functions in Ukraine. It is proved that in recent years budgetary financing of social functions of the State in Ukraine has gradually increased. Much of the expenditure is directed towards social protection and social security of the population, which leads to further budgetary exertion. The progress of further research is directed towards bringing the need to focus on the quality of living conditions of the country's citizens in the development of future budget projects, taking into consideration the system of budgetary planning because the amount of budget execution depends on the proportional definition of the planned indicators.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Movchun S. V.
On the Issue of Prospects for Realization of the Causal Relation Between Pension Provision and Socio-Economic Development (p. 265 - 271)

The article is aimed at finding ways to realize the causal relation between pension provision and socio-economic development of the State. The relation between economic functions and principles of the State that directly impact both pension provision and socio-economic development is analyzed. On the basis of results of the carried out analysis a conclusion is drawn that there is no harmonious combination of functions and principles of the State in Ukraine. It is substantiated that the calculation of wage replacement coefficient does not meet international standards and does not take into account the guaranteed lost income replacement coefficient, which impacts the size of pension payments. The author suggests to expand the terminology apparatus by introduction of the scientific concepts of «adequate pension» and «constancy of pension system».

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shvets I. B., Sled O. M.
Evaluating the Internal Forced Migration in Ukraine and Its Influence on the Labor Market (p. 272 - 278)

The article considers modern features of the internal forced migration in Ukraine and its socio-economic consequences. The main challenges associated with forced displacement of population as a result of the political and military conflict are determined. Relevance of the State regulation of the processes of internal forced migration is substantiated. The phenomenon of migration and its problematics in the scientific works of foreign authors are considered. The authors analyze the scope and directions of internal forced migration, indicators of the composition and structure of internally displaced persons (IDPs), the distribution of internally displaced persons on the territory of Ukraine. The influence of internal forced migration on the status of labor market and the structure of unemployment in Ukraine is researched. The authors prove that there are positive effects of migration on the regional labor markets. On the basis of defining the socio-economic features of internal forced migration, the article proposes measures in order to regulate supply and demand of manpower of IDPs and to strike a balance between them in regional labor markets of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kryvoshlyk T. D.
Impact of Tendencies of Social Insurance on Development of the Insurance Protection System in Ukraine (p. 239 - 245)

The article is aimed at researching the current tendencies of social insurance and their influence on the development of insurance protection in Ukraine. It is determined that the existing system (model) of social insurance in Ukraine belongs to the social-democratic, which presupposes active participation of the State in social security and social insurance and, unlike similar systems in other countries, is State-operated. The current status is researched and tendencies of development of social insurance both abroad and in Ukraine are defined. It is determined that the social insurance system established in Ukraine is insufficiently effective, informationally closed, opaque and poorly controlled, which leads to large-scale abuses. It is emphasized that among the measures to improve the system of social insurance in Ukraine public-private partnership is quite weighty, able to ensure the attraction of additional financial resources to the system. The author suggests reform of social insurance in general and of the pension system in particular by intensifying development of the third level of pension provision, based on the non-State pension funds and the combination of opportunities of both social and personal (commercial) insurance for the implementation of pension and health insurance.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Perepeliukova O. V., Mokh Mohamad Al Jawad
The Model of Organizational Provision of the Process of Population Employment (p. 246 - 250)

The article allocates priority areas of interaction between the State, business and population through increasing the competitiveness of job seekers, improving the quality of life of the population by means of structural changes in the economy. It is determined that the main directions of activity of the model to overcome unemployment and thus to increase employment are the following: formation of professional-qualification composition of the workforce in accordance with the needs of the economy and the labor market situation; maintaining the effective jobs and creating new jobs; improving the quality of workforce; increasing the motivation for legal productive employment. It is proved that, to increase the level of employment of the population on the part of the State, it is necessary to harmonize the training programs for specialists in modern technologies with the State-funded programs to stimulate innovation activities of enterprises and with the investment development programs. There is also a defined necessity of time matching of the activities of institutions of higher and dual education (taking into consideration the time of training and retraining of personnel) regarding the level and category of training according to the needs of concrete enterprises both in view of current interest and for the future.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Sydorchuk O. G.
The Directions of the State Regulation of the System of Social Security of Person, Society and the State in the Conditions of Increased External and Internal Threats (p. 209 - 217)

The article is aimed at researching the problems of social security of person, society and the State in the conditions of increased external and internal threats, as well as substantiating the directions of the State regulatory policy of Ukraine towards their prevention and minimization. The internal and external threats to social security of human, the State and civil society are defined, their negative consequences are covered. The emphasis is placed on the threats to social security, which are related to the influence of negative factors in the sphere of public administration. The author substantiates possibilities of the State regulation in provision of conditions for strengthening of social protection of person and ability of civil society to perform protective functions in conditions of worsening of socio-political and socio-economic situation in the country. The directions of regulatory policy in provision of multilevel social security system are proposed; criteria of achievement of social security of person, the State, and society are defined; the request for introduction of a scientifically grounded system of diagnostics and monitoring the estimation of social safety for prevention and minimization of the threats to social safety in Ukraine is updated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Sotnikova Y. V., Stepanova E. R.
The Problem of Gender Equality Provision in Ukraine in the Context of European Integration (p. 239 - 245)

The article analyzes peculiarities of the settlement of issues of gender discrimination by the international organizations, such as UNO, UNESCO, ILO. The normative-legal base for achievement of gender equality in Ukraine is analyzed. The conformity of the national legislation with international norms in the field of gender equality is identified. On the basis of the provided statistics the necessity of strengthening of control over observance of gender legislation in the context of the European integration of Ukraine is identified. The following main directions of gender issues in the Partnership Framework Program are highlighted: «Sustainable economic growth, environment and employment»; «Equal access to quality inclusive services and social protection»; «Democratic governance, rule of law and public participation»; «Security of citizens, social unity and restitution with special emphasis on Eastern Ukraine».

Article is written in Ukrainian


Chatchenko T. V., Davydova I. A.
The Labor Market in Ukraine: the Current Status and Prospects for Development (p. 170 - 175)

The article is aimed at analyzing the current status of the Ukrainian labor market and summarizing both the world-wide and the national experience in the sphere of human resources management. The labor market is an important part of the country’s national economic system. Issues of the population’s employment, wages and other problems of development of labor market do not belong to the sphere of exclusively economic issues, but also to the sphere of socio-political interests of both the general public and politicians. Sellers in this market are economically active population of the country, they provide revenues to budgets of various levels through taxes and fees. At the same time, these actors may move to another countries or regions, causing losses in budget revenues, reduce in the gross domestic product of the territory concerned, outflow of highly skilled personnel, etc. The possibilities of people traveling across borders increase with the growth of globalization processes, the reduction of barriers both physical and formal: abolition or simplification of visa regimes between countries, increase in the number of carriers of different kinds, simplification of labor laws of different countries, allowing the business entities of these countries to hire foreign citizens. The article defines the negative features inherent in the Ukrainian labor market and proposes specific directions and measures to eliminate them.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shchetinina L. V., Rudakova S. H., Troian Y. I.
Payment for the Students’ Labor in Ukraine (p. 176 - 181)

The article is aimed at identifying the «weak» spots of payment for the students’ labor together with types of violations of labor legislation by employers in the employment of students, elabortating recommendations to prevent violations on the part of employers. The article also estimates the wages of students in our country. To analyze the current status of employment of students in the city of Kyiv and the employers’ compliance with labor legislation in the employment, the authors conducted a sociological study. It is determined that 62% of students earn less than they need to provide decent living conditions. It is also defined that the majority of respondents faced violations of the labor legislation. Among the threats of employment of students, the authors allocate the following: unpaid test period (probation), non-payment of wages for the work done, unpaid overtime, reduction of wages without good reason, refusal to pay official salary at dismissal, informal employment with salary in envelopes. A list of norms that every employer should know and comply with in the employment of a student is drawn up. Still the best way to «insure» any student from violations is their formal employment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tul S. I.
The Status and Prospects for Development of the Digitalized Labor Market in Ukraine (p. 182 - 189)

The article is aimed at evaluating the formation of a digitalized labor market in Ukraine and defining the degree of involvement in the system of labor relations of the economically active population through atypical ways and forms of employment. The article explores the characteristic changes taking place in the Ukrainian labor market. It is substantiated that the digitalized labor market, which is characterized by an increase in the number of electronic labor exchanges, virtualized platforms, online platforms around the world, is also actively developing in Ukraine. It is noted that the negative macroeconomic tendencies inherent in the real sector of the Ukrainian economy today encourage the economically active population to look for employment opportunities in the digitalized labor market. It is proved that Ukraine is an active participant in the global market for outsourcing and freelancing services. According to the results of the research, the largest category of employees in the digitalized labor market in Ukraine are freelancers – self-employed workers, performing work on a freelance basis through the Internet and not necessarily seeking a long-term cooperation with a certain employer.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bulavchenko O. S.
A Methodical Approach to Improving the Monitoring of Status of Labor Market in the Conditions of Systemic Transformations (p. 203 - 209)

The article considers the basic methodical principles of the monitoring of labor market in the conditions of systemic transformations. It is defined that by means of monitoring the government authorities are able to adjust their actions to reduce negative influences on the labor market. It is defined that the Ukrainian labor market begins to look like the Brownian movement: enterprises are forced to curtail production, reduce sales, save and, as a result, freeze vacancies, lay off staff. The carried out monitoring identified the riskiest industries in terms of balancing supply and demand. The industries, which delay wages and reduce its level, stop paying bonuses, suspend the opening of new offices of companies and recruitment of staff, are allocated. It is determined that, despite high social benefits for the unemployed, the power of European countries in various ways stimulates the creation of new jobs and the preservation of old ones. The directions to increase the objectivity of the analysis and forecast of the situation in the labor market in connection with the persistence of the consequences of the crisis developments are defined. It is determined that it is appropriate to monitor the implementation of activities of Ukrainian subjects to promote employment and reduce tension in the labor market – in terms of employment and forecasted distribution of graduates of educational institutions at all levels through employment channels, including those registered as unemployed. The principles allowing to form an efficient system of monitoring the labor market have been allocated. It is defined that the result of monitoring is obtaining the information necessary to make managerial decisions on policy formation in the sphere of employment. An algorithm for monitoring the employment sector in the labor market in Ukraine has been proposed. It is defined that use of multidimensional comparative analysis, in particular the method of taxonometrics, is feasible in building an integral indicator. It is determined that the resulting system of quantitative assessments of the level of employment of the population sets the task of their qualitative interpretation, one of the ways of solving which is the application of desirability functions. Based on the carried out calculations, it is determined that the social indicator had the greatest impact on the employment rate. On the basis of monitoring, the main factors influencing the formation of the labor market in Ukraine are allocated. In developing ways to increase employment of the population, regulating these factors should be considered as a priority. It is proved that monitoring is appropriate to carry out according to the proposed indicators, as they have the greatest impact on the employment rate of the population.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Palamarchuk V. I., Pryvalova N. V.
The In-Enterprise Policy of Labor Remuneration of the Enterprise Security Specialists: Technology of Formation (p. 155 - 160)

The article covers the labor remuneration of security employees of enterprise from the point of view of the internal policy of enterprise and the technology of its formation. The following aspects are defined. First, in the practice of national enterprises, the level of salaries of the enterprise security specialists is set in accordance with the labor market conditions, but the financial capacity of the organization, based on the existing regulatory environment, plays a decisive role. Secondly, the policy aimed at maintaining the achieved level of salaries of the enterprise security specialists is implemented in the event of an unfavorable economic situation in the organization and the absence of preconditions for its improvement in the near future. Thirdly, there are the following instruments for implementing a labor remuneration policy aimed at increasing the salaries of the enterprise security specialists: a) an increase in the average monthly wage by increasing the first-class tariff rate; b) increase in incentive payments included in the production and sales costs (works, services); c) increase in the payout from the profits remaining at the disposal of the enterprise. Fourthly, the directions for improving wages management are defined as follows: a) based on the analysis of the labor remuneration regulatory framework, when the legislative capacity to change the labor remuneration level has to be defined more closely; b) based on an analysis of technical tariff rationing, forms and labor remuneration systems; c) taking into account the optimal amount of wage money; d) according to the results of the sociological survey. Prospect for further research is to study the accounting of significant structural shifts in the composition of the organization’s products (works, services) associated with the change in its specific labor intensity, as well as the development and introduction of quantitative indicators of the quality of work of the enterprise’s security departments.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Romanika T. K.
Institute of Government as a Factor of Influence on Youth Unemployment in Ukraine (p. 161 - 169)

The article is aimed at identifying the influence of the institute of government on the labor market and youth unemployment by means of econometric research (modeling) and statistical analysis, as well as defining the main directions of improvement of institutional regulation of the youth labor market. Youth unemployment has been shown to be a complex socio-economic phenomenon, influenced by many factors, from the technological restructuring of the modern economy up to the features of the mental nature in adaptation of youth to the challenges of unemployment. An econometric modeling of youth unemployment in Ukraine for the period 2006-2019 was carried out. In the first stage of the modeling, the institutional status of government was specified, in the second a statistical analysis of the youth labor market was carried out for the relevant periods in the context of domination of the institute of presidency as the main political institution. The influence of the institutional factor (institution of presidency) on the regulation of the youth labor market is studied in detail. This influence occurs indirectly, through the development and implementation of relevant laws and programs at both the State and the regional levels. It is proved that, along with the influence of common factors (technological revolution, cyclical nature of development, structure of economy, geopolitics, etc.), the institutional environment plays a significant role both in growth and in overcoming youth unemployment. Institutional actions must be comprehensive, effective, covering all youth population groups. This can be achieved by establishing an inclusive institutional regime, integrating young people into the socio-economic reproduction process and their quality education.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Heidor A. P., Kurachenko A. Y.
The Freelance Resources in the System of Business Processes of Enterprise (p. 251 - 258)

The article takes into consideration classic approaches to the interpretation of the concept of «business process», the basis of which is the transformation as a result of the input-to-output business process. Based on the upgraded scheme of the business process, its essence is defined taking into account the creation of value for the internal or external client. The typology of scientific approaches to improving the efficiency of the enterprise’s business processes is presented, which is supplemented by the need to optimize the use of the resources involved. This article also explores the concept of freelance resources that allow enterprises to redefine their relationship as an employer with workers to improve its own performance as a business process system. Features of the remote form of labor organization are considered. Tendencies in attracting freelancers both in Ukraine and the world are analyzed. The issue of the education level, gender inequality and age distribution in the sphere of freelancing is considered. It is identified that a domestic freelancer is usually a man under the age of 35 with higher education, and the rapid development of freelancing in Ukraine is caused by demographic changes, new technologies and the transformation of the working paradigm. The income of freelancers, their average monthly earnings, compared to full-time employees, is specified, on the basis of which the authors specify the possibility of saving wages for enterprises attracting freelance resources. The main set of business processes of the sales department of a wholesale enterprise is researched, on the basis of which the technical possibility of attracting freelance resources into the implementation of almost all business processes of the department is identified, but of expediency are only those that involve direct contact with buyers. The terms of implementation of the freelancer’s work potential, features and problems of remote employment are analyzed. Using the system of key performance indicators for the financial and non-financial valuation has identified the positive effect created by freelancing sales specialists for the wholesaler according to all the indicators proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vonberg T. V.
Remote Employment: New Challenges and Opportunities (p. 259 - 265)

The article is aimed at researching remote employment in the new conditions of the State’s functioning. The author substantiates the relevance of transition to remote employment by the companies’ employees. Remote employment is defined as the only acceptable form of further functioning and possible development of companies under the quarantine conditions. Analyzing and generalizing scientific studies of scholars, the interdisciplinary relationships in researching remote employment are proved. The article allocates the main advantages for the employer when switching to remote employment. The main obstacles and risks on the way to a rapid transition to remote form in Ukraine are researched. Taking into account the importance of an urgent and mass transition to remote employment to be fulfilled in the State under quarantine conditions, a program to introduce this form of employment into the activities of companies is proposed. This program provides for the gradual implementation of the main stages of the introduction of remote employment, which are characterized by the author. Among the many steps towards the introduction of remote employment, the most important are the development and approval by the management of the program of actions, as well as bringing it to attention of the the company’s employees. At these stages occur most errors, which subsequently destroy the entire program. The program should be absolutely clear to all members of the team – from the average employee to the management of the company. The huge role of the HR manager in this process, in particular, with the support of the socio-psychological climate, establishing communications in working groups and the company in the conditions of remote employment, is emphasized. The importance of taking into account the risks associated with the company’s security is defined. Examples of a set of instruments for remote employment are provided in terms of the functional responsibilities of the employee, in particular, the Zoom software is defined to be the best in organizing video conferencing. Prospect for further research in this direction is development of an instrumentarium for improving the efficiency of remote employment and building up of a strong regulatory framework.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Poplavska O. M., Poliak N. O.
The State-Controlled Employment Policy: Achievements and Obstacles to Overcoming Poverty in Ukraine (p. 233 - 241)

The article examines the current status of the State-controlled employment policy and evaluates its efficiency in the context of implementation of the current Strategy to overcome poverty in Ukraine. In particular, the authors consider the efficiency of the impact of the employment service’s activities on reducing unemployment, as well as employment opportunities for the workforce in Ukraine. An evaluation of the efficiency of employment service was carried out in the plane of analyzing the implementation of the Strategy to overcome poverty for the period 2016-2019 by the following directions: helping citizens to select suitable work; providing employers with recruitment services; participation in the organization of public and other works of a temporary nature; helping citizens to organize their business; conducting the professional orientation of the population; additional assistance in the employment of certain categories of citizens who are not competitive in the labor market. The study identified major achievements and obstacles regarding the State-controlled employment policies in the course of overcoming poverty in Ukraine. Among the achievements are the following: establishing an effective interaction between the State-controlled employment service and the business as to information exchanging; improving interaction with the unemployed; increase in public confidence in the employment service. It is identified that the obstacles in overcoming poverty belong in the sphere of management, governing both the country’s economy and the enterprises’ activities. It is substantiated that in order to increase the well-being of the population and reduce poverty in the future, the State-controlled employment policy should be aimed at creating new jobs with high science intensity, the development of small and medium-sized businesses, of service sector (creative spheres of the economy), etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rudakova S. H., Shchetinina L. V., Shevchuk O. V.
Legislative Initiatives in the Sphere of Labor: Expediency and Consequences (p. 241 - 246)

The article is aimed at evaluating the feasibility of adoption of the Ukrainian law «On Labor», as well as substantiating the desired approaches to the development of a new Labor Code (or supplementing the effective Code of Labor Laws). As a rule, only practitioners pay attention to the issue of the new legislative document in the sphere of labor, that is, the scholars who study the essence of phenomena and processes are virtually not involved in such an activity. It is not justified to take into account views of practitioners alone, due to their focus on the result and the underestimation of using either comprehensive or systemic approach. There are different approaches to the new basic labor legislation, which can be systematized. Some of «those who care» defend the opinion of adoption of a new legal document, and the main argument is the outdated provisions of the Code of Labor Laws, approved in 1971. Other participants in the discussion believe that the regulation of the socio-labor relations is not worth a separate code, and the format of the law will be sufficient. In their opinion, the relations between employees and employers in the current conditions are individualized, do not require such significant intervention of the State and other subjects of the socio-labor relations, as before. There is also a further opinion that the effective articles of the Code should remain in force, which will provide relatively strong social protection for workers. We consider the last point of view to be appropriate. First, the year the document is not a convincing argument – for example, the U.S. labor law is based on the legislation acts passed between 1935 and 1974 that changed the interpretation of the regulations in accordance with the requirements of practice. Secondly, the adoption of a new legal instrument could lead to undue additional efforts, as well as destroy efficient management technologies and practices.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kramchaninova M. D., Vakhlakova V. V., Liedovska A. I.
Analyzing the Labor Conditions and Ways of Their Improvement (p. 247 - 252)

The article is aimed at studying labor conditions in the enterprise and defining possible directions to improve them in the context of optimizing the working efficiency of employees. The authors examined in detail some components of labor conditions: sanitary and hygienic, aesthetic, physiological and socio-psychological. The properties of labor conditions are defined, which clearly show the impact of labor conditions on the production environment in which the employee works, and on the employee himself, his state of health, well-being and working efficiency. The interdependence and interrelationship between the elements of labor conditions are identified, and the feasibility of complying with a comprehensive, sine qua non, improvement of conditions in order to achieve synergistic effect is underlined. Analyzing elements of labor conditions by the signs of existing reinforcement of them with the relevant regulatory documents, it is proposed to divide the conditions into normative and not normative. It is defined that only sanitary and hygienic labor conditions are subject to norming, and these conditions should be evaluated with the help of a certification commission. The physiological, aesthetic and socio-psychological labor conditions are classified as not normative due to the lack of any regulatory not norms, so the evaluation of these conditions is carried out using the experimental, psychodiagnostic and other methods. The article emphasizes that only through holistic improvement and betterment of all constituent conditions can significantly improve efficiency and productivity of labor.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stoliaruk K. S.
Analyzing the Need for Professional Reorientation of Adults in Ukraine (p. 252 - 259)

The article raises the actual problem of re-choice of profession in adulthood. The emphasis is placed on the importance of developing the career adaptation skills in a dynamic professional environment and the importance of ensuring a continuous process of professional self-determination at different stages of labor potential development. The turbulence and dynamism of the modern labor market necessitates a constant improvement in the level of one’s own qualification, to develop not only professional skills, but also career competence, which includes: ability to manage one’s own professional life; to maneuver quickly and efficiently in the labor market; to make efficient and quick decisions about the career trajectories; to adapt to changes in the professional sphere; to diagnose career problems; to be able to use the self-coaching techniques; to define one’s own educational orientations, and to have a well-formed professional «self-concept». The focus is on the normality of the phenomenon of changing profession in adulthood, which is not necessarily due to an ill-fated primary professional orientation. The article highlights a complex set of problems that necessitate taking decisions on change of the professional trajectory. The economic, social and personal factors of professional re-orientation in the ever-changing labor market conditions are substantiated. Differences in professional re-orientation and unemployment of managers are defined. The key statistical information on determining the need of the adult population of Ukraine in professional re-orientation is analyzed. The directions for ensuring the efficiency of providing appropriate qualified professional reorientation assistance are identified. A model of career coaching in the analysis of the need for professional re-orientation in adulthood is proposed, based on three levels: individual, corporate and national.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pasinovych I. I., Kindziur O. S.
Assessing the Labor Productivity in Ukraine and the Factors of its Increase in the Context of Ensuring Sustainable Inclusive Growth (p. 260 - 268)

The article considers methodical approaches to calculating the labor productivity at the national and regional levels. The public productivity indicators are generalized. Regardless of the productivity level, this indicator shows the efficiency of using labor as a resource. In a market economy, the task of increasing the labor productivity is shifted to the level of the economic entity, and the role of the State is to create conditions for attracting investment, demand for innovation, and the formation of a high quality human capital. It is emphasized that productivity is a partial indicator for calculating the index of inclusive growth. This indicator is calculated by the World Bank and illustrates the development and well-being of the State better than traditional GDP. A comparative analysis of the level and dynamics of the labor productivity of Ukraine and other countries is carried out. It is proved that the working time factor is not relevant to increase the labor productivity. Activities carried out by enterprises in the countries with high rates of productivity growth are allocated, among them ? the use of artificial intelligence, robotics, increasing the digital competence of workers. The latter forces enterprises to allocate funds for staff training. A system of the State-wide measures is presented, the implementation of which will contribute to the growth of the public labor productivity. A comparative analysis of the labor productivity and costs per employee on the example of Lviv region is made. Among the proposed measures that will improve the labor productivity at the macro-level are investment in staff training, as well as the gradual modernization of the technological base through attraction of investment. It is concluded that it is impossible to significantly increase the public labor productivity without eradicating monopolism and forming a modern sectoral structure of the economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vasylyk A. V., Boichuk N. S., Omelchenko K. S.
The Gender Aspects of the Professional Self-Realization in Ukraine (p. 268 - 274)

It is substantiated that a comprehensive and system approach, with the participation of both the State and the public, is needed to address the impact of gender stereotypes on the professional self-realization. The publication is aimed at a comprehensive studying and analyzing of the gender aspects of the professional self-realization in Ukraine. The article explores the definitions of «gender» and «gender stereotypes», analyzes the modern transformations of the gender factors that affect the professional self-realization. In order to evaluate the impact of gender stereotypes on the possibility of professional self-realization, a sociological study was carried out and the gender stereotypes inherent in Ukrainian society were analyzed. The results of a survey identified manifestations of gender stereotypes and/or discrimination in employment, in job advertisements, in decision-making on career advancement of employees, in labor payment, in the perception of women leaders, in the representation of women in the highest levels of government, etc. An analysis of Ukrainian legislation on equal rights for women and men in the professional sphere is carried out, examples of social and cultural events and initiatives to draw attention to the problems of gender discrimination in Ukraine are provided. It is displayed that so far in both developed countries and Ukraine there are manifestations and consequences of gender stereotypes that hinder the personal and professional self-realization of men and women. Directions to reduce the impact of gender stereotypes and gender discrimination on the possibility of professional self-realization of the individual are proposed. It is substantiated that measures against gender discrimination should be implemented at all levels and in all spheres of public life – from personal, family-based to the State and international, from education and culture to political, social, economic, etc. It is emphasized that educational work, information and educational campaigns, education in school and family, example of parents for children are important.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bulygina A. V., Zagorska D. M.
The Pension Fund of Ukraine and Improvement of Pension Provision (p. 160 - 165)

Beginning of reforming the system of pension provision in Ukraine started over 15 years ago, but now there are many questions and problems related to the improvement of the Ukrainian system of pension provision. The article is aimed at studying the issues related to the problems and ways of improving the system of pension provision in Ukraine. The current status of Ukrainian pension provision is examined. Advantages and disadvantages of the solidarity system are determined. The inefficiency of using the first pillar of the pension system only is substantiated. Attention is emphasized on the modern system of pension provision to identify a number of problems: increasing the retirement age; deficit of budget funds; complex demographic situation that is reflected in the imbalance between the working population and pensioners; shadow payments to employees etc. Negative consequences of the Ukrainian tendency of aging of the population are defined. The main economic indicators of pension system, such as level of pension payments, wages, coefficient of substitution of these indicators etc. are analyzed. Statistics are analyzed and the dynamics of economic indicators characterizing the status of the Ukrainian pension system during 2017–2019 are outlined. Statistical data on revenues and expenditures of the pension fund of Ukraine is considered. The main problems of Ukrainian pension provision are identified. The necessity and feasibility of development of the accumulation pension system and the system of non-State pension provision are substantiated. The ways to improve pension provision in Ukraine are determined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zub M. Y.
Transformation of Labor Market Infrastructure under the Influence of Artificial Intelligence (p. 146 - 153)

The purpose of the article is to substantiate the development of a timely policy for the transformation of labor market infrastructure in the regions of Ukraine under the influence of artificial intelligence. The article discusses the theoretical features of the concept of «artificial intelligence». Three categories of artificial intelligence are distinguished: artificial narrow intelligence (ANI), which specializes in decision-making in only one area; artificial general intelligence (AGI), which reaches and exceeds the level of ordinary human consciousness; artificial super intelligence (ASI), which is smarter than all of humanity put together. The analysis of basic global risks of the nearest decade is conducted, the spectrum of threats is exposed from the point of view of business-leaders on the way of the economy growing in Ukraine and world. The basic constituent elements of politics of transformation of infrastructure of labor market for the regions of Ukraine, able to redistribute the freed workers, soften the negative consequences of transitional period, warn the swift height of unemployment and and ensure the rapid spread of benefits. The article examines the main trends in the development of the labor market infrastructure under the influence of artificial intelligence. A list of professions in demand for the next 10 years is presented. Competencies for employees in the regions of Ukraine for the future are determined. The definition of the concept "artificial intelligence" is proposed. On the basis of the multifaceted introduction of artificial intelligence in the regional economy, the expediency of developing a model of the infrastructure of systems for the innovative development of the regional labor market in Ukraine is substantiated.

Article is written in Russian

Shvets O. V.
Modern Paradigm of Economic Activity of Youth in the Labor Market of Region (p. 154 - 160)

All the strata of the population, both the State and the interstate institutions are interested in solving structural problems of employment and unemployment, reforming the labor market and its segmentation, eliminating illegal migration and reducing the share of the informal economy. Therefore, it is no coincidence that many scholars consider the causes and problems of global changes in the structure of employment as a factor in the transformation of modern national and international labor markets. Finding ways to create favorable conditions for the optimal functioning of the single labor market is now one of the main problems in the practice of both the interstate and the supranational institutions. The article finds that the problematic aspect of the effective functioning of the youth labor market is the imbalance between labor supply and demand. Factors influencing the labor market of the region’s youth have been identified, and young people are structured into groups according to their characteristics (by age, place of residence, by areas of activity, etc.). The structural distribution of youth by economic activity has been carried out. The basic factors of the competitiveness of youth are formed; the general causes of youth unemployment in the labor market of the region are defined; problems with unemployment statistics in Ukraine, which do not allow to objectively assess the realities of its level are determined. The main directions of solving the problem of youth unemployment in the country are substantiated. The study of theoretical approaches to the regulation of the regional labor market of young people allowed to make certain generalizations. The specificity of the regulation of the youth labor market as an object of the State regulation is due to the characteristics of the young workforce: lack of work experience, professional immaturity, mobility, social dynamism, innovativeness, etc. Factors influencing the state of the youth labor market are determined: demographic, economic, social and labor, educational, institutional, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Stetsyk M. R., Bala R. D., Drymalovska K. V., Bala O. I.
The Dual Education and Employment of Modern Youth in Ukraine: Problems and Prospects (p. 137 - 142)

The article is aimed at studying the problems of employment of the young population of Ukraine, exercising a decisive impact on labor indicators in the domestic labor market. In particular, the authors carried out the study on employment of young people under the age of 29, among which the unemployment rate is high, which causes the outflow of personnel to foreign markets. Also, the structure of the status of work of the young population as of the first half of 2020 is examined; problems with youth employment are identified and the main ways to reduce youth unemployment are considered. According to the results of the accomplished research, it is determined that a significant contribution to solving the problems of youth employment can be carried out by the development of dual education in higher education institutions (HEI) and professional higher education institutions (PHEI). The publication defines the content of the dual educational component for the institution of higher education, the main advantages that the applicant of higher education with the dual system of education will receive. An important aspect of the carried out research is the strengthening of the role of employers in the system of educational and professional training of applicants of higher education, which will ensure a high level (not only theoretical, but also practical) of training of graduates of a HEI. Prospect for further scientific searches on this topic is to identify the main factors that create preconditions for the introduction of dual education in higher education institutions and the development of DE in technical HEIs.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Soboliev V. M., Musiiuk I. O.
The Trends of Employment in the Digital Economy (p. 143 - 148)

The article examines the impact of digitalization on the labor market. The transition to the digital economy is a natural process and requires modernization of employment. Therefore, digital employment is formed, which is implemented through online platforms. The new forms of employment are evolving, due to innovative processes and transformation of the economy as a whole. The non-standard employment gains wide spread in such forms as: freelancing; tv work; borrowed employment (personnel leasing, outsourcing, outstaffing). The positive and negative consequences of such a transition for the labor market are reflected in the presented publication. The experience of mass implementation of the remote format of work during the isolation regime caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is also considered. The economy’s focus on digital development leads to the reduction and further disappearance of some specialties, accompanied by the emergence of new ones. Already, internet banking, e-government, automatic accounting programs, etc. are becoming widespread. Rapid response to technological challenges can eliminate some of the negative consequences of these changes through training and retraining of employees. Automation and robotics of production processes will undoubtedly lead to an increase in unemployment, so now it is important to develop an effective employment policy. However, professions such as engineers, actors, teachers, managers, social workers are still impossible to replace with robots. Therefore, such activities require a high level of human capital, which becomes the most important resource of economic growth. Countries should be prepared to solve problems inherent in the digital economy. Stimulating investment in information and communication technologies (ICT) and additional innovations will contribute to the growth of productivity and employment.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lychkovska M. R.
Assessing the Impact of Coronavirus Crisis on the Nature and Trends of Remote Employment in Ukraine (p. 139 - 145)

The article is aimed at generalizing the essential content of the concept of «remote employment» in the context of components that form it, analyzing the main factors of influence on these components, determining trends and features of development and spread of remote employment in coronavirus crisis. Analyzing and summarizing the scientific works of many scholars and practitioners, the sequence of development and implementation of the novel alternative forms of employment is researched. The tendency to change their essential content is defined as being dependent on the development and introduction of modern technologies. The main factors influencing the possibility of transferring novel forms of employment into a virtual mode are analyzed. The main advantages and disadvantages of spread of remote employment in lockdown conditions are allocated and analyzed. It is specified that a significant part of them can be formulated as follows: the first ones – as an advance that needs to be shared; the second ones – as problems to be solved. Doing this is quite feasible and necessary in order to develop the appropriate policy. As a result of the research, the main obstacles to the development of remote employment are identified, which include a large-scale downturn in the economic attitudes of business entities and the growth of social tension. It is reasoned that under such conditions, the strong-willed orders on the part of government can only worsen the existing situation. It is proved that only strengthening the partnership between the State, business and civil society on the basis of restoring mutual trust of all economic actors will provide an opportunity to develop a deliberate policy of recovery, part of which is the large-scale proliferation of remote labor. Remote labor will become not only a mechanism for overcoming coronavirus crisis, but also a mechanism for large-scale renewal of Ukraine’s economy on the basis of the use of the latest technologies. Prospects for further research in this direction are the creation and adapting of novel forms of remote labor, their formalization, institutional and legal support, the construction of new models of full-fledged social partnership between the State, business and civil society in the sphere of labor and employment, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shlykova V. O., Levanda O. M.
The Role of Social Standards in Social Policy of the Country (p. 146 - 151)

The article is aimed at defining the role of social standards in the formation of social policy of the country. The peculiarities of interpretation of social policy in scientific literature are analyzed, key agents of the social policy interaction are identified as follows: economic policy, health policy, education and fiscal policy. Education policy provides the economy with human capital and thereby creates preconditions for economic development. Economic policy interacts with social policy in terms of distribution of access to goods, services and resources, as well as in terms of providing employment. In turn, fiscal policy carries out the secondary distribution of income through transfers. Social policy, aside from social protection of the population, aims to create conditions for access to education and services of the health care system. The structure of social standards and guarantees enshrined in the Law of Ukraine «On the State Social Standards and the State Social Guarantees» is considered in terms of definitions of terms, aim and purpose. A brief overview of the world practice of implementation of social welfare programs is specified, in the development of which social standards are taken into account, as well as existing approaches to the formation of social security in Ukraine. As a result of the carried out research, it was found that through preventive, restorative and compensatory interventions, social security allows beneficiaries to maintain their standard of living, find work or improve their own prospects in the labor market, as well as create conditions for social integration and preservation of physical and mental health. In this context, social standards are the criteria for the need for intervention and play the role of the norm on the amount of interference for the implementation of social policy of the State. On the other hand, social standards can act as targeted benchmarks of this policy, agreed with the goals of the country’s development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Mykhailenko D. H., Hrypich O. V.
New Quality of Life as Part of Social Security (p. 225 - 230)

An important function of the socially oriented State is the formation of its social security. The implementation of a number of measures that guarantee the protection of interests in the social sphere of both an individual citizen and the country as a whole is a task of social security. The purpose of the article is to develop a conceptual approach to the formation of a new quality of life as part of social security. The provisions of the conceptual approach to the formation of social standards of a new quality of life as part of social security in Ukraine are formulated. One of the steps towards the systematic transformation of social policy is the development of a conceptual scheme for the formation of social standards of a new quality of life in Ukraine, which closer defines and details its components: principles, techniques, directions of use, sources of funding, forms of financing, system of provision. It is noted that the basis for the construction of a conceptual scheme for the formation of social standards of a new quality of life in Ukraine is the use of two groups of techniques: the first group directly reflects the provision of citizens: determining the norms and standards of quality of life of the population, determining the normative standard of living, determining the budget limits; the second – indirectly, through the tariff policy in the sphere of social insurance and benefits influences the welfare of citizens. It is also emphasized that in the formation of social policy in terms of determining the social standards of a new quality of life it is necessary to combine and gradually move from the administrative-subsidized to the insurance system of provision. Formation of social standards of new quality of life of the population of Ukraine in the context of social security requires the State to form a balanced socio-economic policy, which aims to implement structural changes in the economy in the context of the implementation of social priorities of society, to form a socially fair and effective system of distribution of created amenities, to ensure social orientation of expenditures of the State Budget of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lagodiienko V. V., Shvets O. V.
Current Trends of the State Regulation of International Labor Migration (p. 231 - 237)

The problem of labor migration in Ukraine has become relevant in recent years, as it significantly affects the socio-economic development of both donor and recipient countries. As a complex economic phenomenon, labor migration changes the composition of labor resources, creates a new situation in labor markets, exacerbates the demographic situation in the country. The article is concerned with the analysis of problems of labor migration of economically active population in Ukraine and aspects of formation of the State policy of regulation of migration processes. The purpose of the article is theoretical substantiation, development of scientific and methodological bases and practical recommendations aimed at improving the system of regulation of international migration of economically active population in the context of globalization in order to obtain socio-economic benefits from the State participation in migration processes, etc. In the process of detailed analysis of the characteristics of migrants, clear trends in modern migration processes have been identified: migrants mainly are from rural areas of the west of the country; migrant workers are mostly men; younger people and rural residents predominate among migrant workers; people with higher education are less likely to migrate, while people with vocational education are overrepresented among migrant workers; migrants risk losing skills, etc. The mechanism of regulation of migration flows is substantiated – as a set of measures of influence of the State bodies on migration objects in order to ensure the optimal level of migration that meets the needs of the national / regional labor market and helps stabilize the macroeconomic situation in the country / region; tasks of the mechanism are defined. Functioning and effective development of mechanisms for regulating labor migration processes, as a special tool for the transformation of regional labor markets – combines socio-cultural, research and economic functions, necessitates an interdisciplinary approach to substantiate the increase of the competitiveness of the latter. The scientific basis of this approach is the methodology of institutional analysis – a set of concepts, principles and provisions based on the theories of human, intellectual and migratory capital, institutional economics, the theory of territorial migration systems and more.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bondarevska K. V.
Strategy for Ensuring Social Security in the Labor Market of Ukraine: Directions of Development and Implementation (p. 238 - 244)

The article defines the directions of development and implementation of the strategy for ensuring social security in the labor market of Ukraine, taking into account the current state of the sphere of labor and employment. In particular, the main structural elements of the strategy are defined, including its purpose and objectives; subjects, object and subject matter; fundamental principles of strategy; characteristics and assessment of both external and internal threats to social security in the labor market (in particular, by means of SWOT analysis); criteria and indicators of social security in the labor market; priority directions, measures and mechanisms for ensuring social security in the labor market, taking into account its multilevelness. The author’s own vision of the concept of a multilevel strategy for ensuring social security in the labor market of Ukraine is substantiated and the priority directions of its implementation at the State level are characterized. Among the strategic priorities are defined the directions and measures of public policy that will contribute to the neutralization of major threats and negative phenomena at the national level. In particular, measures have been characterized that will contribute to the achievement of key goals for ensuring social security in the labor market: balance of its development; deshadowing of employment; reducing unemployment, primarily among the least competitive categories of the workforce – young people and older people; increase in the level of remuneration and labor incomes of the population. As result of the implementation of the proposed measures, it is expected to improve the state of social security in the labor market, which will have an expression in the growth of the level of balance of the labor market; reducing the scale of the manifestation of major threats to its development, including informal employment, the spread of unemployment, low level of real wages; as well as in ensuring the increase in income and welfare of the population of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Poliakova O. Y., Hrypich O. V., Levanda O. M.
Analyzing the Factors of Influence on Life Quality of the Population of Ukraine (p. 199 - 206)

The article is concerned with developing methodical recommendations for assessing the factors of influence on life quality of the population of Ukraine. The algorithm for analysis of factors of influence on life quality of the population of Ukraine is proposed, which includes the following sequence of stages: formation of an information array of data on the level and quality of life of the population in the context of Ukrainian regions; identification of the factors influencing the quality of life of the population of Ukraine (selection of the method for extraction of factors, determination of the number of factors, assessment of factor loads, rotation of factors (if necessary), interpretation of factors); development of proposals for modifications of social standards. A generalization of the results of factor analysis for 2004–2018 allowed to allocate the factors of influence on life quality of the population of Ukraine: material well-being; demographic development; safety; stratification of the population; availability of medical care; ecological security. When forming social standards, it is necessary to take into account not only the norms of material wealth (income per person) and the provision of basic needs of the population (food availability), but also the availability of medical service, educational services and secure living conditions. In Ukraine, the stratification of the population has increased, so social standards should be aimed at reducing this stratification, including in the regional context, by stabilizing local budgets. The close relationship of employment and material well-being indicators justifies the need to stimulate employment of the population. Protecting the population from the negative consequences of ecological deterioration should be one of the areas of interaction between social policy and environmental policy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rudakova S. H., Shchetinina L. V., Danylevych N. S., Kohdenko A. S.
Mixed Working Hours in the Conditions of the COVID-2019 Pandemic (p. 207 - 212)

The article is aimed at valuating the experience of using mixed modes in the context of the COVID-2019 pandemic based on the results of sociological studies as well as substantiating the potential for the development of legal and regulatory provision. In the context of the pandemic, many enterprises switched to remote work and the working hours changed. For Ukraine, this is a new experience in implementing online work and a more flexible working day, so it is important to study this issue. During the COVID-2019 pandemic, enterprises faced the only legal opportunity to organize their activities through work at home. The authors carried out a sociological study on the use of mixed modes in the context of the COVID-2019 pandemic, which found out that 69.6% of respondents work remotely, 60.9% work on a flexible schedule, and 43.5% of respondents account for part-time work. 73.9% of the respondents faced mixed working modes. Regarding the preparedness of business owners to work in the new conditions, it is found out that the majority of respondents are satisfied with how their organization has switched to a remote or mixed form of work. Remote work can be combined with other modes, such as part-time or flexible working hours and full-time work. This combination can be considered as a mixed working time mode. According to the outcome of sociological researches, the use of mixed working hours is already a common reality, not an exception. Use of them has its own peculiarities in various spheres of activity, which requires further research. The survey identified the respondents both satisfied and dissatisfied with mixed working hours. It should be noted about the available potential to improve the legal and organizational-economic principles of using mixed modes of working time organization.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stepanova E. R.
Gender Unemployment Caused by the COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Consequences in Ukrainian Society (p. 212 - 217)

The article is aimed at studying how the pandemic crisis affects women and men, i.e.: the issues of employment and wages, as well as the related consequences. The article focuses on the issue of gender unemployment in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is researched that, according to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the majority of women are employed in institutions whose functioning falls on temporary quarantine restrictions of the government, namely: food, postal and courier activities, financial and insurance activities, education, healthcare, art, sports and entertainment, activities in the field of creativity and functioning of libraries and archives. Several consequences of the coronavirus crisis are distinguished – quarantine and self-isolation significantly influenced the statistics of appeals for cases of domestic violence and the occurrence of stressful and depressive disorders in the population. There are facts speaking in favor of that the number of people identifying manifestations of depressive disorders and increased levels of stress in themselves has increased significantly. In combination with unemployment and depression, this is a potentially dangerous social manifestation, i.e.: in conditions of economic and social crisis, a significant part of working-age people can abuse alcohol or drugs, fall into depression, think about suicide and even develop aggression. It is concluded that the quarantine situation also exacerbates the problem of distribution of gender roles in the family, since the main burden of performing unpaid care work during quarantine rests upon women.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khandii O. O., Kramchaninova M. D., Liedovska A. I.
Intellectual Work as an Instrument to Ensure the Achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (p. 217 - 223)

The article explores the role and contribution of intellectual work to the process of ensuring and improving the main aspects of human life in accordance with the Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Intellectual work is considered as an important resource for the creation of high-quality, innovative production, which provides for solution of important global problems of sustainable development. As part of a multilateral integrated approach, the impact of intellectual work results on the achievements of SDGs is researched. It is determined that the SDGs are interconnected and reinforce each other in the process of achievement, which is why their results are also comprehensive, that is, the result of improvements in the field of one goal is the way to achieve another one. A reflection of the dominant role of intellectual work in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals is the ninth SDGs – innovation and infrastructure. The development of technologies, creation of innovations and breakthrough solutions are crucial in the context of achieving the SDGs, and, accordingly, intellectual work, intellectual property and innovations are increasingly becoming socially significant and, due to the increased importance, need developing and implementing the policy of the integrity of scientific research along with protecting their results. Prospect for further research in this direction can be the issues of enhancing the efficiency of intellectual workers and increasing the opportunities to use the potential of intellectual activity for the further development of society.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Huk L. P.
Standard and New Forms of Employment: Diversification of Opportunities in the Context of Digitalization and Globalization (p. 224 - 231)

The article is aimed at examining the current trends in the formation of employment structure and the peculiarities of both the standard and the «new» models of labor to determine the risks and opportunities for using various forms of employment in Ukraine in the conditions of the crisis of instability. The factors of demand (regulation of employment, creation of conditions for the development of highly intellectual employment and individual economic activity, technological development, economic cycles, etc.) and supply (personal characteristics of employees: age, gender, education, level of qualification) are analyzed, which influence the choice of employment forms and determine their use in the national labor market. The peculiarities (employment mode, remuneration and qualifications of employed people, their socio-demographic characteristics) of certain forms of employment in Ukraine are disclosed on the basis of the analysis of microdata of a sample survey of the population on issues of economic activity. It is determined that in Ukraine the most common was a permanent form of employment, other more flexible or even precarious forms of employment developed and functioned along with it, the regularities of usnig them were determined by the interaction of factors of the labor supply and demand. The results of the research justify the existence of a link between the stability of the form of employment and the factors of the labor supply, which include age, gender and educational qualification level. It is proved that the achievement of competitiveness of the national labor market will be determined by the complex use of various forms of employment to balance the demand and supply of labor in the conditions of digitalization and globalization of the economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Khandii O. O., Amosha O. O., Mosiichuk D. O.
The Gender Features of the Labor Market in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic (p. 176 - 182)

The article is aimed at exploring the gender features of the labor market in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, along with the impact of quarantine restrictions caused by the introduction of anti-epidemic measures to counteract the spread of coronavirus disease in Ukraine, on the existing balance of gender equality in Ukrainian society. The identified gender inequality manifestations in the labor market have intensified and received negative dynamics during the COVID-19 pandemic. Quarantine restrictions and the limited activities of enterprises in the sphere of trade, culture, art, education, hotel business and others, in the structure of employment of which the women’s labor force prevails, have caused an increase in the number of unemployed and a decrease in the social protection of employees involved in these sectors. An increase in the wage gap between women and men during the period of quarantine restrictions both by type of economic activity and by region is identified. The proposals and recommendations are directed towards: taking into account gender needs in overcoming the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic; reducing gender inequality and injustice in employment and income; ensuring support for political activity of the female population, involvement in decision-making in the life of both the community and the State; strengthening liability for direct or indirect discrimination and gender inequality; taking into account in the programs of socio-economic development of territories of gender needs as to different age groups; introduction of training aimed at ensuring gender approach and gender equality in organizations and enterprises; financial, economic, legal and educational support for the development of women’s business. Prospect for further research in this direction is to determine the impact of the existing level of gender equality and the structure of employment by gender in the sectors on the possibilities of economic development of the country.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shyfrina N. I.
The Adequacy of Setting the Level of Minimum Wage in Ukraine (p. 183 - 189)

The article is aimed at examining the adequacy of setting the level of minimum wage to modern conditions of economic management in Ukraine. At the heart of the State regulation of Ukrainian economy, as in most countries of the world, are social standards, the justified establishing of which allows to stimulate the economic growth of the country, control the redistribution of income in the economy, ensure an adequate level of reproduction of labor and quality of life of the population. One of the key levers of socio-economic policy of the State is the setting of a minimum wage in the legislative order. The author systematizes the basic factors on the ground of which the minimum wage should be determined: subsistence minimum; relation to the average level of wages, taking into account its unevenness in the regions of Ukraine; growth rate of the consumer price index. The level of minimum wage and its compliance with the above specified factors, taking into account the practice of developed countries, is analyzed. The author determines an inadequacy of this indicator of the economic situation and the inconsistency of its dynamics from 2016 to the present time with the basic factors studied. The negative impact of raising the minimum wage on the dynamics of the number of people transferred to part-time and those who were on vacation without wages is defined. Several directions of improvement of the State policy on setting the level of minimum wage are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bondarenko О. M., Tardaskina T. M., Bogatyryova L. D.
Researching the Development of Remote Work in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic (p. 190 - 197)

The article considers the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the process of implementing technologies for the organization of remote work both in management and in the technical sphere. The COVID-crisis is seen as a factor that has facilitated, accelerated and intensified the introduction of remote forms of work, because precisely due to the problem of new jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic both remote work and information-technological improvement of enterprises become relevant. The article is aimed at researching the development of remote forms of work under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The object of the research is the process of introducing remote forms of work at Ukrainian enterprises. The subject of the the research is the organization of remote forms of work at enterprises during the COVID-19 pandemic. The article presents the results of the study (based on a survey) of the demand for a remote form of work and training among Ukrainians during the COVID-19 pandemic. 150 Ukrainians took part in the survey. Among them are women and men aged 18 to 65 who work and study both traditionally and remotely. The analysis of the data was carried out using a Google survey. The survey participants were asked topical questions about their possibility and desire for a complete transition to a remote form of work; level of development of the remote form of work at their enterprise or place of study. As result, the most positive and negative, according to the respondents, traits of a remote form of work are identified; also the most frequently used programs to provide remote work. The conclusions emphasize that Ukrainians are not only ready to accept new forms of work organization, but also actively adapt to them and, despite the shortcomings, the remote form of work is in demand and promising, especially in the context of quarantine measures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vasyltsiv T. G., Sadova U. Y., Makhoniuk O. V.
The Problematic Aspects and Directions of Development of the Migration Services Market in Ukraine (p. 252 - 260)

At the present stage of development of migration processes in Ukraine, the problem of improving the domestic migration services market has been actualized, turning it into a system of socio-economic relations to meet the needs of the population in services related to the possibility and improvement of conditions for migration movements, obtaining related services related to migration, minimizing risks (both for citizens and the State) related to migration processes. The research is aimed at identifying problematic aspects, as well as substantiating the directions and means of the State policy for the development of the migration services market in Ukraine. The object of research is the processes of improving the State policy of functioning and development of the migration services market in Ukraine, legalization of its subjects and improvement of institutional-economic opportunities in relation to the provision of high-quality migration services. In the process of research, general scientific and special methods were used: synthesis and system analysis, logical generalization, strategic management, and comparative analysis. The article identifies the current systemic problems in the functioning and development of the migration services market in Ukraine, in particular in terms of the predominance of unlicensed subjects – providers of migration services; low level of satisfaction of migrants with intermediary services; limited practices of bringing to justice shadow intermediaries in the migration services market; low level of socio-economic protection of migrant workers, etc. The authors define directions and means of improving the functioning of the migration services market of Ukraine in the areas of: legalization and licensing of activities; introduction of a monitoring system for the migration services market; conclusion of intergovernmental bilateral agreements to protect the rights of migrant Ukrainians; implementation of the Concept for regulating the development of the migration services market in Ukraine. Prospects for further scientific research in the analyzed sphere concern the substantiation of directions and means of implementation of positive foreign practices for the State-based regulation of the migration services market in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tiutiunnykova S. V., Shpak I. A.
Transformation of the State Social Policy in the Current Context: The Lessons of the Pandemic (p. 261 - 265)

The issues of social policy of the State have recently been in the discourse, in search of its new format. They acquired particular relevance in the context of the globally unfolding coronavirus crisis. The article shows that precisely the coronavirus pandemic has become the impetus for understanding the role and content of social protection of the population, has opened up new opportunities to transform it in search of true goals and instruments of implementation. It is proved that health becomes an urgent object of protection, that the health of society and an individual are mutually conditioned and complementable. Modern risks requiring an adequate response on the part of the State to overcome them are analyzed. In addition to the coronavirus pandemic, digitalization seriously affects humans and society, leading to the displacement of humans from the spheres of employment, transformation of the labor market and blurring of employment boundaries, precarization and unsteady employment. The growing inequality in the world leads to many problems in the social sphere and requires its solution. We are certain that in the conditions of modern, constantly complicating socio-economic development, increasing uncertainty and riskiness, there is an urgent need to develop a new type of social policy in which the most important values should dominate: health of human, access of human to sources of education, health care, consumption of clean water and other socially significant benefits, to decent income and living conditions. Such a system of social protection is in development, its sprouts to varying degrees of dimension and efficiency are formed in different world countries. The lessons learned in the process of combating the pandemic can become a good help in its formation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Furdak M. M.
The Pension System in Ukraine – Some Aspects of Reforming (p. 176 - 183)

This publication is aimed at studying the processes and defining the main problems in reforming the pension system of Ukraine. The article analyzes the state of functioning and development of three levels of pension provision at the present stage of socio-economic development of the country. It is determined that only level 1 actually works in Ukraine – the solidarity system of compulsory State-controlled pension insurance, while the mandatory accumulation system has not acquired its development, and the voluntary accumulation system has an extremely low share in the general pension system. Some financial results of the Pension Fund of Ukraine for 2020 and the approved budget for 2021 are analyzed. Substantiated conclusions have been drawn about the problems of the solidarity system, such as: the existing budget deficit of the Fund, which leads to the formation of its debts; low, socially unadapted level of pensions; disparities in the size of pensions assigned in different years. The rating of currently operating non-State pension funds of Ukraine (the third level of pension provision) are analyzed according to the criteria of asset value, number of participants, amounts of pension payments and profitability, as well as the dynamics of some basic indicators of their activity. It is determined that the functioning of the non-State pension system in the country is hampered, in particular, for psychological reasons due to the population’s distrust of non-State institutions. Since the second level of pension provision – the mandatory accumulation system – has not yet started working in the country and taking into account the problems of the first and third levels, a reasonable conclusion has been made on the inhibition of the pension reform in Ukraine and the need to intensify the work on the implementation of all three levels of pension provision in order to achieve a sufficient level of social protection of citizens.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lupak R. L., Polishchuk V. V.
The Analytical Characteristics of Internal and External Vectors of Migration of the Population of Ukraine (p. 54 - 60)

The historical prerequisites for the formation of migration waves of the population of Ukraine are analyzed as follows: the first wave («old migration» – the second half of the nineteenth century with the predominance of migration of workers); the second wave («new migration» – the end of the nineteenth – the first half of the twentieth century. with the predominance of migration of poor peasantry); the third wave («political» – after World War II until the 1980s, with a predominance of low-skilled workers and intellectuals); the fourth wave («migrant workers», since the mid-90s of the twentieth century.). It is noted that the fifth, «intellectual» wave (since the 2010s) can be transformed into a «corporate», which provides for the withdrawal of business abroad in the context of increased tax burden in Ukraine. The likelihood of a «corporate» wave also strengthens the stimulating policy of European countries to attract businesses that offer stable economic conditions. Ukraine’s place on the global migration map confirming its inclusion in the international space as a democratic and legal State has been studied. The number of international migrants from Ukraine is gradually increasing, reaching 6.1 million people in 2020, but the problem of such dynamics is exacerbated by the declining dynamics of immigration and threatening depopulation processes: in 2020, the share of international expats in the population reached 11.9%, when in 1990 it was equal to 10.8%. Studying the migration processes of the population of Ukraine, scientists and experts often focus on the problem of human losses due to emigration. However, the modern world, even during the pandemic, is developing in the context of globalization. Many countries have an effective policy of attracting human potential, thus ensuring positive development dynamics. Therefore, the authorities of Ukraine are forced to intensify the State regulation of migration processes, guided by the consequences of their impact on socio-economic development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Levanda O. M.
Social Insurance in the Countries of the World and Prospects for Ukraine (p. 194 - 200)

The article is aimed at denfining the perspective approaches and evaluating the feasibility of using the world experience of social, in particular pension, insurance in Ukraine. On the basis of the analytical approach, the essence and content of social insurance are considered. In particular, social insurance schemes were studied, among which are distiguished the following: social security that covers all workers and is controlled and funded by the State authorities; scheme for the employed population – includes the relationship between the employer and the employee, which are provided as part of the conditions of employment; individual insurance scheme – concluded solely on the initiative of the insurer. It is determined that common schemes against the background of the COVID-19 crisis among the countries of the world (including Ukraine) are assistance in case of illness, unemployment benefits, pensions and disability payments, health insurance provision, social insurance contributions. It is proved that social insurance performs a protective function for society against external risks. In particular, in the context of the spread of coronavirus infection, thanks to the social insurance system, the degree of impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the income of vulnerable groups at the expense of public policy programs has been reduced. The experience of countries around the world as to social insurance programs, including pension schemes is researched along with their further consideration, namely: schemes with defined contributions (DC); schemes managed by non-governmental institutions; notional defined contributions (NDC) schemes; schemes managed by the public administration sector; schemes of defined benefits (DB); hybrid schemes that combine the characteristics of DC and DB pension schemes; schemes administered by an autonomous pension fund. It is determined that pension schemes are being implemented within terms of three systems: solidarity, accumulation and hybrid. In general, the results of the research indicate that the management of the social insurance system in the countries of the world in general and in Ukraine in particular is carried out under regulatory and legal control by the State, which acts as a guarantor of protection of the population in the conditions of national peculiarities of the economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vasylyk A. V., Kupriian M. V.
The Current Trends in Recruitment Processes in the New Socio-Economic Conditions (p. 200 - 207)

A generalization of changes and challenges formed by the novel socio-economic reality allowed to systematize trends in hiring of personnel, in processes and methods of recruitment in the context of pandemic restrictions and increasing digitalization. Among these trends are the following: use of artificial intelligence and robots; automation of processes; use of aggregation; use of social networks; application of HR analytics; the consequently wider use of freelance; simultaneous work with generations XYZ; focus on employee experience (EX), etc. These changes affect the competence model of a recruitment specialist, in which traditional competencies are supplemented with new, they become updated and acquire new features. In the pandemic conditions flexibility, adaptability and stress resistance are being activated. Along with this, general psychological competence remains relevant, which involves the use of appropriate methods and instruments in remote work; the role of emotional intelligence increases. The new socio-economic reality also requires the ability to find and implement innovative solutions, to perform related functions – promote the employer’s brand, attend the processes of onboarding and adaptation of newly accepted employees in the context of remote work or hybrid labor regimes during pandemic restrictions. In conditions of remote and mixed modes of work, the role of the ability of a recruitment specialist to maintain high productivity, compliance with optimal time, ensuring the result at optimal costs grows. The developed analytical abilities and dynamics of thinking, communicative competence in new conditions, ability to independently organize working day, work environment and recruitment processes, compliance with work-life balance also become key competencies. Accordingly, the role of a recruitment specialist today cannot be boiled down only to the search, selection, involvement of candidates, but is also supplemented by related functions and requires the use of a wide range of personal competencies. In modern conditions, a recruitment specialist should also combine the roles of HR for freelancers, a leader in the formation of new positions, an agent for collecting HR data, a HR for generations XYZ, a leader of well-being-oriented staff management, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khandii O. O.
The Formation and Development of Employee Competencies in Modern Digital World (According to the Results of an Expert Survey) (p. 207 - 214)

Digitalization of the economy and society, on the one hand, creates new opportunities for the development of human potential and an increased efficiency of its use, and on the other hand, it requires the acquisition of new professional and super-professional competencies demanded in the modern labor market. The article is aimed at expounding the issues of formation and development of competencies of an employee in modern digital world according to the results of an expert survey on the quality of working life in the conditions of digital transformations. The article estimates the employers’ demand for competencies and their significance for employees. The priority of formation and development of competencies from the position of employers and employees is determined. It is identified that the most important competencies for both the employer and the employee are digital, professional, social, personal, educational, and the least important are civic competences and competence of cultural awareness and self-expression. According to the survey results, the influence of higher and vocational education on the competitiveness of the employee in the labor market, the willingness of employees to independently invest in their professional development and the impact of the lack of digital skills on employment opportunities are characterized. The results of experts’ answers on the frequency of raising of qualification in the conditions of digitalization of the economy are provided. The impact of professional development opportunities in the workplace on the quality of working life for employees of different generations is evaluated. The emphasis is made upon that creating conditions and opportunities for professional growth in the digital economy should become an important strategic direction for the formation of a new quality of life in the context of digital transformations in Ukraine, and ensuring lifelong learning conditions for the citizens of the country is the most effective form of the State-based regulation of the digital segment of the labor market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bil M. M.
Quality of Life of the Population: Content and Specifics of the Regional Level (p. 214 - 220)

The article is aimed at developing the theoretical-applied provisions of the quality of life of the population with the identification of the specifics of assessment and provision at the regional level. Based on accounting the definitions of quality of life operated by international and government structures, domestic and foreign scholars have proposed to understand this category as an indicator of the degree of provision of the population with benefits in both the quantitative and the qualitative assessment, taking into account the environmental conditions and its stability for long-term satisfaction of material, cultural and spiritual needs. As a result of the study, the difference between the concept of quality of life and other evaluative indicators of human activity was identified, namely: standard of living, well-being, human and sustainable development. The quality of life involves the combination of both the quantitative and the qualitative assessment of the degree of provision of benefits and meeting the needs of the population, taking into account the environmental conditions and achieving a stable state along with the properties of resiliency. It is indicated the relativity of the analysis of the quality of life at different levels, and therefore the specifics of its understanding at the global level and at the levels of the State, region, community, household, person are determined. The criteria for assessing the quality of life are systematized, which allows to distinguish the specifics of its provision at the levels of the State and its regions. The main objectives of the policy of ensuring the quality of life of the population are determined in the context of creating an environment of opportunities to motivate the market environment to produce benefits, creating a competitive environment in the conditions of global mobility, ensuring stability, providing high-quality social services and developing social infrastructure. Prospect for further research is to determine the system of mechanisms of regional policy of ensuring the quality of life of the population, the formation and implementation of which in Ukraine requires scientific substantiations in the course of further decentralization.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bondarevska K. V., Metlytska V. O., Bozhko A. S.
The Standard of Living of the Population and the Directions of its Increase in the Conditions of the COVID-19 Pandemic (p. 221 - 226)

The article considers the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on living standards in Ukraine and countries around the world. The status of the indicators of labor market development and the macro-economic indicators reflecting the standard of living of the population are evaluated. Negative tendencies of changes in unemployment rate during 2013–2020 and its exacerbation during the COVID-19 pandemic are determined. The authors analyzed changes in GDP levels in Ukraine and in Central and Eastern Europe, trends in the decline in the real wage index in Ukraine are highlighted. It is noted that the COVID-19 pandemic and quarantine restrictions have led to significant socio-economic consequences that have negatively affected the standard of living of the population of Ukraine. This is evidenced by the growth of unemployment of the population and a decrease in the level of real wages, the deterioration of macro-economic indicators, in particular gross domestic product. In order to increase the standard of living of the population in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, measures have been identified that include: enhancing the amount of financial support for small and medium-sized businesses, providing tax benefits to enterprises that employ graduates of educational institutions; raising minimum social standards taking into account their corresponding level in the EU countries; development and implementation of the State-based social programs aimed at supporting socially vulnerable categories of the population in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic; improving the investment climate and attracting investments to the real sector of the economy; stimulating the development of youth entrepreneurship, introducing dual education, forming an effective dialogue in the spheres of education and business; use of reserves for the introduction of innovative forms of employment and self-employment of the population (freelance, part-time work, etc.).

Article is written in Ukrainian


Rudyk V. K.
Development of Private Pension Provision in the Conditions of Reforming the Pension System of Ukraine (p. 235 - 240)

The efficient functioning of the non-state pension system, which forms the third level of the domestic pension system, is essential for increasing the incomes of citizens of retirement age. The article is aimed at defining the main ways of further development of the non-state pension system in the context of reforming the national pension system, creating favorable conditions for attracting an increasing number of the population to participate in voluntary accumulation pension programs. The article provides an assessment of the status of the non-state pension system in Ukraine, analyzes its main indicators for the last three years. The results of the study showed that today voluntary accumulation pension programs, which form the basis of the system of non-state pension provision, are not popular among the population. The main challenges and factors that hinder its development in our country are determined. The main directions of development of the system of non-state pension provision for the near future are proposed. Particular attention is paid to the expediency of introducing the tax-free voluntary automatic individual savings pension accounts in banks. Among the priorities for improving the functioning of the third level, an important place is to find ways to further develop the non-state pension funds (NSPFs), among which an increase in their reliability is to be highlighted. To assess the reliability of NSPFs as a socio-economic system, it is necessary to analyze such parameters as: presence of public trust in the fund; the fund’s ability to cash payments; financial condition of the fund. It is proved that the improvement of the legislative framework of the third level of the domestic pension system should ensure the protection of property rights and interests of participants in the non-state pension provision, as well as ordering the taxation of participants in the accumulation pension system. An extremely important direction for the further development of the third level of the national pension system is the reduction and optimization of the costs of administering individual pension accounts of participants in the accumulation pension programs.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Makhsma M. B., Chub O. V.
The Assessment of Socio-Cultural Infrastructure Impact on the Rural Population Employment in Ukraine (p. 241 - 248)

This article generalizes the arguments and counterarguments within the terms of scientific discussion on promoting the employment of rural population and improving the quality of its life through the development of social infrastructure. The main purpose of the carried out research is to assess the impact of the level of development of the socio-cultural infrastructure on the number of employed population and define the prospects for increasing employment of peasants. A systematization of literary sources and approaches to solving the problem of ensuring employment of rural population showed that in the analysis of employment problems, the use of methods of economic and mathematical modeling is effective. The relevance of solving the problem of rural employment is that in rural areas it is sharper than in cities, and manifests itself in a higher level of unemployment. The study of the influence of factors of social infrastructure development on rural employment in the article is carried out in the following logical sequence: the available statistical database of indicators of social, educational, cultural, household infrastructure is analyzed; the most influential indicators of social sphere development are determined; an econometric model of influence of these factors on the volumes of employment is built. On the basis of the built model, measures for the development of rural social infrastructure are proposed. The methodical instrumentarium of the research are methods of economic and mathematical modeling. Ukraine was chosen as the object of the study in the context of 24 regions, as this made it possible to form a representative data array to build an adequate model. The article provides the results of modeling the interrelationship of employment with factor indicators, which showed that the most influential factors in the development of rural employment in the non-agrarian sphere are the number of schools, preschool and club establishments, trade organizations and Internet subscribers. The results of the carried out research can be useful for substantiating managerial decisions on ensuring the employment of rural population and improving the level and quality of its life.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Smokvіna G. A., Moisei A. V.
Experience of Developed Countries on Labor Market Development: Analysis of the Current State and Prospects of Development in Ukraine (p. 248 - 254)

The article examines the experience of developed countries on the functioning and regulation of the labor market in order to determine the prospects for development in Ukraine. The key indicators of the labor market of Ukraine, USA, EU, China and Canada are analyzed, which include: unemployment rate, unclaimed professions, average salary, employment requirements for foreigners, social package. The reasons for the instability of the labor market in modern conditions are considered, which include: migration, declining birth rates, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused a global economic downturn, after which even economically developed countries recover within a year. Another problem of the labor market, which plays a key role in the instability of the labor market of each country – unemployment, which currently has a negative trend due to the pandemic COVID-19. A comparative analysis of the main features of the labor market in developed countries defined priority directions of our country’s development. The identified main driving force in the labor market is labor productivity. The analysis of influence of factors of development of productivity of a labor force of Ukraine is carried out. Taking into consideration the experience of developed countries, priority tasks and directions of regulation of the labor market of our country are defined, which will provide stability of economy, low level of unemployment and competitiveness of the State. Prospects for further research are the deepening of identified issues related to the labor market of our country and further development of this market, as well as the analysis of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the labor market solely on the part of qualification and professional trends.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Baranyak I. Y.
The Socio-Economic and Demographic Processes in the Context of Researching the Youth Mobility in the Carpathian Region: Statistical Provision, Suggestions for Improvement (p. 254 - 259)

The available analytical and statistical provision for the study of youth migration mobility in the regional dimension is quite fragmentary, which does not allow to conduct thorough econometric research. The analysis of the quality of information support and the availability of statistical data on youth mobility shows the presence of significant gaps of the methodological nature in the process of collecting statistical data and distributing them at the national and regional levels. Low quality of statistical information, weak level of the age-sex-adjusted detailing of them do not allow to comprehensively assess the current state of youth mobility, identify the socio-economic parameters that affect the mobility of young people in the Carpathian region. The purpose of the article is to identify the existing gaps of informational, analytical and statistical provision for studying the youth mobility in the Carpathian region and to substantiate proposals for improving the monitoring of migration processes. The article substantiates the need for significant reform of the existing system of statistical provision through the implementation of measures in the context of the All-Ukrainian population census; borrowing experience in organizing the collection, analysis and sharing the statistical information on the example of statistical services of the EU countries in terms of creating nationwide and regional registers of citizens, foreigners and emigrants; conducting annual regional selective surveys of young people on the state of its socio-economic provision, level of employment and remuneration; establishing inter-departmental cooperation on the exchange, verification and addition of statistical data between the Main Departments of Statistics of the Carpathian Region regions with the territorial departments of the State Migration Service and the Border Guard Service of Ukraine; creation of analytical centers in subordination of territorial departments of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Litvinova O. V., Posylkina O. V., Kovalenko S. M., Bratishko Y. S., Lisna A. G.
Actual Problems of Medical Waste Management in the Context of COVID-19 in Ukraine (p. 260 - 267)

The purpose of the publication is to analyze and systematize statistical data on the resulting waste (including medical) in Ukraine in the context of COVID-19 and problems of medical waste management. On the basis of the analysis on waste management in Ukraine, a number of problems were identified. There is an increase in the volume of waste every year, including the household waste and low percentage of medical waste, but the association of the latter with COVID-19 be in no doubt of their danger. It is studied that the introduction of modern methods and technologies in the field of household waste management in Ukraine is carried out, but with an increase in waste growth, including medical waste with a high risk of danger, the number of all available systems for the disposal is clearly insufficient. According to the State Sanitary and Anti-Epidemic Standards, medical waste is divided into four categories that have their own requirements for utilization. Waste sorting is an important element in the effectiveness of medical waste management and reducing the level of their danger to the environment. An improved algorithm for sorting medical waste under COVID-19 conditions has been proposed. Introduction of the medical waste management system includes: assessment of waste categories together with the existing practice; selection of waste disposal options; development of a waste management plan; adoption of institutional policies and guidelines; creation of a waste management organization; distribution of human and financial resources; implementation of plans in accordance with the established deadlines, as well as the introduction of a training program, monitoring, evaluation and continuous improvement of the system. Solving these problems regarding waste disposal, including medical waste associated with COVID-19, is a socially significant and urgent task for all regions of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mykhailenko D. H., Rudyka O. V., Filatova T. A.
Evolution of Scientific Views on the Definition of Social Standards of Life of the Population in the Context of Changes in Economic Systems (p. 268 - 274)

To achieve the position of European countries, Ukraine needs to focus on the following: raising social standards of quality of life, material well-being of citizens, attracting investment, and economic growth of the State. Ensuring conditions that raise social standards and increase the opposite impact on macroeconomic reproduction processes is the most important position of the modern model of economic growth. Thus, a modernization of the economy will contribute to its qualitative renewal, which has to be accompanied by the turn of the economic policy of the State to a citizen. The article is aimed at forming a theoretical and methodological support for the definition and evaluation of social standards of life of the population in the context of changes in economic systems. The carried out analysis of scientific views of different times and practical experience of countries showed that improvement of social standards of quality of life of the population is possible with the accumulation of real and human capital, scientific and technological progress. Theory and practice show that there are factors that can both facilitate the improvement and interfere with the processes of both accumulation of these capitals and scientific-technological progress. The experience of countries that have success in terms of rapid growth of economic indicators proves that conditions that contribute to the growth of income per capita play an important role. Nowadays, we have gained extensive experience in analyzing the impact of social standards on macroeconomic processes, but we need to improve measures directed towards promoting the implementation of the action strategy developed by Ukraine to overcome poverty and renew production. The strategy must provide for the implementation of certain steps to form new standards of quality of life of the population, which are ensured with a sufficient level of budget financing. This requires the development of a system of indicators of modeling of standards of quality of life of the population, as well as a general (integral) indicator. The development and approbation of such a system is a difficult task, since it should ensure the methodological unity of all private indicators of the system and an unambiguous assessment of the level and dynamics of the process under research.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Saiko V. R., Luchko H. Y.
The Main Aspects of Motivation and Interaction with Generation Z in the Modern Labor Market (p. 177 - 183)

The purpose of this article is to research Generation Z, which presently enters the labor market, to determine its strengths and weaknesses, expectations, and factors of motivation, as well as to study the main aspects of motivation and to develop recommendations for establishing the interaction of employers with representatives of this generation. The article determines that one of the key problems of modern companies is the high level of personnel turnover. The increase in the level of personnel turnover is a serious threat to the efficient activities of companies, because the dismissal of employees leads to additional financial losses associated with the search and training of new staff. It is defined that in order to build effective relations with staff, employers need to determine the basic needs of employees, their values. Currently, representatives of four generations are present in the labor market as part of the staff of modern companies – each one with unique requirements and different motivations. The article provides a characterization of these generations and specifies that every year the expansion of generation Z in the labor market is becoming more and more noticeable. The views on the theory of generations and the determination of belonging to generation Z on the basis of the period of birth of persons are considered. The dynamics of the level of unemployment on the population aged 15–24 both in Ukraine and in the European Union are also analyzed. Based on the carried out research, the strengths and weaknesses of Generation Z are considered and highlighted, its main expectations are formulated. Based on K. Hurrelman’s research, the authors of the article formed recommendations on how to better establish cooperation with Generation Z. The key aspects of Generation Z motivation highlighted by the results of the research will be useful for managers of modern companies in forming effective methods of communication and establishing effective cooperation with representatives of this generation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shchetinina L. V., Rudakova S. H., Danylevych N. S., Bidna T. O.
The Governmental Regulation of Remuneration: World Experience, Comparisons, Opportunities for Implementation (p. 224 - 230)

The purpose of writing the article is to analyze the nature of the transformation of governmental regulation of wages both in the world and in Ukraine in epidemiological conditions. In the vast majority of countries, there is currently a profound transformation of governmental regulation of remuneration at the macro level. The Ukrainian labor market is also gradually adapting to changes, innovations and modern socioeconomic realities. For example, the Law of Ukraine «On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Aimed at Providing Additional Social and Economic Guarantees in Connection with the Spread of Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)» was adopted as a kind of reaction of the State to the need for changes in the field of remuneration. To compare the results of the State’s policy in the field of remuneration, as well as the relationship between social partners in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, the average monthly wage in 2019-2021 can be used. It should be noted that not always the growth of average monthly wages indicates the economic growth of the country. The main indicator of the country’s economic development is gross domestic product (GDP). The coronavirus pandemic, quite naturally, had a negative impact on the economies of countries – in most countries there is a decrease in GDP. Ensuring growth of wages in these conditions is an indicator of strong social policy and/or social and labor relations in the field of labor remuneration. By means of social policy in the country, the State regulates the minimum wage. Most countries have increased the minimum wage to stabilize labor incomes during the pandemic. The main instrument of the State’s influence on wages in Ireland, Germany, Norway, Finland and the United States during this period is the provision of temporary subsidies for wages, which are introduced to save jobs and support the income of employees. Also, the experience of governmental regulation of wages in developed countries during the pandemic includes payment of subsidies to employers, tax crediting, and reduction of the tax rate. At the same time, the implementing of foreign practices in the field of remuneration requires taking into account Ukrainian realities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nazarova G. V., Baliasnyi V. O.
The Theoretical Foundations of Flexible and Non-Standard Employment (p. 230 - 238)

The article is aimed at studying theoretical approaches to understanding the essence of flexible employment policy in modern enterprises. The article analyzes approaches to understanding the essence of the definition of «employment of the population» by domestic and foreign scholars. Modern trends in the field of employment of workers are identified, interpretations of the terms «non-standard employment» and «flexible employment» are studied, their common features and differences are determined. The main trends in the use of labor force are aimed at reducing the costs of structural restructuring of the economy by: the use of various forms of hiring employees and their labor engagement, flexibility in regulating working hours (ensuring a flexible schedule with irregular working hours), flexibility in matters of remuneration (using a differentiated and individual approach), flexibility in the use of forms and methods of social protection of workers. The article analyzes the peculiarities of using the flexibility model in the context of employment problems. Based on the analyzed theoretical approaches, the definition of a flexible employment policy at the State level and the level of individual enterprises is provided. At the State level, flexible employment is defined as a form of labor market regulation, which takes into account and does not oppose the interests of both subjects of social and labor relations, i. e.: employers and hired employees. At the level of individual enterprises, flexible employment policy is the company’s policy towards employees, which gives the latter the opportunity to choose between working and free time – both in terms of the amount of time and the mode of its use. Thus, the introduction of a flexible employment policy both at the level of individual enterprises and at the State level as a whole will make business more responsible, increase the level of economic activity of the population, make enterprises and organizations more competitive in the labor market in the context of informatization and digitalization of modern society.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Makhsma M. B., Chub O. V.
The Active Policy of Ukrainian Youth Employment (p. 238 - 244)

This article generalizes the arguments and counterarguments within the framework of the scientific discussion on the issue of increasing the level of employment of young people in Ukraine by increasing the students’ motivation for employment and developing professional and social skills demanded by the market. The main purpose of the research is to assess the current state of the youth segment of the labor market and determine the directions of intensification of youth employment policy in the face of challenges of the present time. A systematization of literary sources and approaches to solving the problem of youth employment showed that the use of sociological survey methods is effective in analyzing employment problems. The relevance of solving the problem of youth employment lies in the matter that this category of the population belongs to the vulnerable ones, which is manifested in the highest level of its unemployment. The study of the problem of youth employment in the article is carried out in the following logical sequence: the existing statistical base of indicators of labor force, employment, youth unemployment is analyzed; the results of a sociological survey of working student youth are studied; the main features of the portrait of a modern working student are identified, and the reasons for the low motivation of a certain stratum of students to employment are determined. Based on the analysis, measures to promote youth employment are proposed. The object of the research is the able-bodied population of Ukraine aged 15–35 years, in particular, age groups 15–24 years and 25–30 years. The article presents current measures to intensify youth employment in the face of present time challenges, in particular, it proposes a wider involvement of employers in improving the quality of labor training, increasing the students’ motivation for employment, developing social competencies among young professionals to ensure their competitiveness, etc. The results of the research can be useful for substantiating managerial decisions on improving the quality of training of young professionals and to promote the level of youth employment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shavurska O. V.
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the State of the Labor Market in Ukraine (p. 244 - 251)

The purpose of the article is to examine the peculiarities of establishing equilibrium in the labor market and to outline the prospects of labor market regulation using equilibrium models. The state of the labor market illustrates the level of social development of the State and the current balance of interests between market participants, namely: the State, employers, workers, unions and intermediaries. The situation on the labor market in 2019-2021 was significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, which led to the closure of many businesses and rising unemployment and declining employment in Ukraine. The main provisions of the models of reaching equilibrium in the market are considered and the tools of influencing the equilibrium are singled out. The dynamics of the level of employment and unemployment in Ukraine for 2018–2020 are analyzed and the main factors that led to the imbalance in the labor market are identified. It is established that the labor market in Ukraine is characterized by a lack of balance, caused by exacerbation of socioeconomic problems in the country, lack of stability of economic development, low level of remuneration of labor. To ensure the well-being of the population of Ukraine, it is necessary to ensure balance in the labor market to create productive employment and reduce unemployment. The level of employment reflects the state of the macroeconomic environment in the country, the structure of the national economy, the level of development of market forms of management, institutional support of social and labor relations, the level of entrepreneurial activity of the population. The directions of the State policy for establishment of balance in the labor market are formed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Novikova O. F., Khandii O. O., Shamileva L. L., Pankova O. V.
The Methodological Approaches to Assessing the Impact of the Process of Digitalization of the Economy on the Supply and Demand of Jobs (p. 251 - 261)

The publication valuates the changes that are expected regarding the supply and demand of jobs in the national labor market under the conditions of digitalization of the economy. The contradictory forecast data and the reasons that cause them are determined. The necessity and possibility of carrying out forecast estimates of labor force supply and demand according to the scenarios of development of the national economy are substantiated. According to forecast estimates, changes in employment by certain types of economic activity in 2025-2030 according to the inertial and targeted scenarios are computed, the consequences of their implementation and the impact on the supply and demand of labor force are defined. The ratios of the demand and supply of labor force and the employed population in the labor market for 2025 and the excess number of employed population in different scenarios of economic development are determined. It is concluded that if the inertial scenario is implemented without accelerated digitalization, the supply of labor force will be 7% more than demand. With the implementation of modern digital and information-communication technologies, almost 29.1% of the potential supply of labor force may remain outside employment. Subject to significant economic growth, taking into account the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), without accelerated digitalization, the demand and supply of labor force will practically be balanced according to the results of computations. Taking into account the implementation of digital and information-communication technologies, the surplus of labor force among the employed can reach 20.9% of the total supply. It is noted that imbalance in the labor market, which arises under the conditions of the implementation of intensive digitalization processes, along with other social risks in the field of employment, will be accompanied by an increase in the volume of labor migration. Attention is focused on the assumption that without the introduction of modern information and digital technologies, Ukraine can remain on the sidelines of world economic and scientific-technological progress, while under such conditions the implementation of the target scenario will be practically impossible.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skibska K. O.
Recruiting Trends in the Context of a Pandemic (p. 261 - 266)

The purpose of the article is to study changes and transformations in the field of recruiting in the current conditions of the functioning of the economy. The relevance of the use of modern methods used in recruiting is substantiated. It has been proven that the latest transformations in the field of recruiting are not sufficiently calculated, studied and covered in scientific sources, hence, as a result, the constant demand of business for changes in this area. It is noted that Ukrainian companies, as a rule, use standard methods of personnel search, without using modern and targeted search channels, limiting themselves to the number of candidates. The transition of recruiting from standard to virtual is considered, recommendations are provided for remote communication with candidates and the general rules of netiquet are considered. A scheme for the distribution of roles and responsibilities in the recruiting department is proposed in connection with the development and launch of a new sourcing direction and the role of the recruiter in attracting candidates. Recommendations are proposed for building a recruiting process in a company, to which should be paid more attention, determining the focus and resources. The presented list of digital instruments in the recruitment process continues to expand, every year new products and programs are released, which are aimed at facilitating the work of the recruiter. Nevertheless, the market is experiencing a slow pace of implementation of these instruments due to the fact that these are financial costs that companies are not ready to bear, in conditions of economic instability and pandemic. Recruiters are encouraged to continue to increase their technical skills and knowledge in order to increase their professional efficiency and respond to changes in the market. It has been proven that companies need to pay more attention to the issue of employee retention, the correct construction of a recruiting strategy, to establish a training process for recruiters, to provide all the necessary tools for work, because without this they can lose their positions in the market.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Demianenko A. A., Ivanisov O. V.
The Methodological Provision for Measuring the HR Department Efficiency (p. 81 - 88)

Modern trends in the development of enterprise are associated with an increase in the role and significance of the staff management system, which led to an increase in the role of HR services. To achieve high performance of the division, it becomes necessary to assess its activities. Therefore, the article is aimed at generalizing theoretical provisions, forming and developing methodological provision for assessing the efficiency of the HR service. The publication examines the scientific-theoretical approaches to assessing the work of HR service, which allows to substantiate the need to use HR metrics and propose a system of HR metrics according to the directions of HR processes: selection and location, adaptation, assessment and certification, professional training of staff, formation of personnel reserve, and motivation. The proposed HR metric system takes into account the specifics of the enterprise’s activities, as well as the balance that remains between short- and long-term goals, financial and non-financial indicators, main and auxiliary parameters, etc. Another feature of the proposed methodological provision is the determination of standardized (threshold) values, which was carried out on the basis of the benchmarking method. The analysis of the obtained evaluation results is proposed to be carried out using the HR service performance matrix. The developed matrix is a tool for analyzing the efficiency of the HR service, identifying the main problems according to various directions of HR processes and planning the budget of the HR service. The proposed tool is theoretically substantiated and is based on two indicators: the proportion of the budget for working with staff in the total amount of staff costs and the integral indicator of the efficiency of performance of the HR service.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pustovit B. O., Shandar A. M.
Social Development in Ukraine in the Context of Intensifying Social Business (p. 60 - 66)

The relevance of the study is due to the necessity to deepen the theoretical and methodological analysis of social development. The article is aimed at substantiating and generalizing the impact of social entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility of business on the level of social development of Ukraine. The components of social development, upon which the greatest influence occurs, are determined. The current trends in the development and spread of social business are analytically substantiated, the growth of the number of socially responsible business entities is proved. Thus, it is substantiated that social entrepreneurship overwhelmingly affects the solution of social problems of the population, in particular, employment; helps vulnerable groups of the population, including persons with disabilities; improves the state of community social infrastructure, etc. Instead, within the terms of corporate social responsibility, the social effect concerns ensuring decent work for its employees; responsible behavior toward stakeholders and society; solving social problems through the implementation of social projects or other social initiatives (in particular, charity and volunteering), as well as ecological problems. It is emphasized that the effectiveness of social influence largely depends on the coordinated interaction between business, the population and the State. The examined aspects of the activities of social entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility allow to further substantiate a more efficient mechanism for increasing the level of social development of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Novikova O. F., Khandii O. O., Shamileva L. L.
Losses of the Labor and Educational Potential of Ukraine During Martial Law (p. 62 - 69)

Martial law in Ukraine causes changes in all spheres of ensuring the life of the population and the country as a whole. Active hostilities in a large area of many regions have led to a mass displacement of the population both on the territory of Ukraine and abroad. Obtaining either the status of an internally displaced person (IDP) or refugee status, puts forward requirements for the State to develop a policy of keeping IDPs from external migration and returning refugees to their homeland in order to preserve the human potential of the country, in particular, labor and educational potential. Making urgent managerial decisions in the social and labor sphere is of strategic importance for the restoration of territories in the postwar period and tactical importance for the integration of IDPs into host communities. Uncertainty of the terms of hostilities, constant change of the territories in which active military actions are conducted, require a quick response on the part of the State together with the adoption of relevant regulatory documents and amendments to the current ones aimed at protecting and supporting both internally displaced population and internally displaced businesses, returning refugees to Ukraine. The article is aimed at assessing the losses of labor and educational potential during martial law in Ukraine. The publication identifies the main risks in the labor sphere associated with martial law, examines the main imbalances determined by the socioeconomic risks and dangers. According to the authors’ methodology, an assessment of the losses of the labor and educational potential of Ukraine during the period of martial law is presented, which provides a substantiation for the directions of managerial decisions on its preservation and restoration. The main directions of prevention and minimization of risks in the labor sector and in the labor market are proposed. Attention is focused on the issues of long-term social integration of IDPs along with the development and implementation of measures to promote the return of refugees on the principles of social justice and non-discrimination.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kurovska N. O., Nedilska L. V.
Strategic Directions for the Development of Social Responsibility of Business (p. 69 - 74)

The article is aimed at theoretical-methodological substantiation of the problems of formation and development of recommendations on strategic directions for the development of social responsibility of business. The article substantiates the need to create a favorable business environment in society on the basis of the formation of a holistic system of social responsibility and consistency of interests of all economic entities. It is determined that in the process of increasing business activity of enterprises, focusing only on economic problems, humanity loses other important issues, in particular: spirituality, social justice, lean attitude to the environment, etc. It is specified that the social responsibility of business is based on making effective managerial decisions in the process of meeting the needs of consumers with high-quality goods and services, providing appropriate working conditions for employees, interaction with stakeholders, preserving the environment, etc. Attention is focused on improving the level of corporate reputation of business, which consists in refusing to discriminate against employees on the following features: limited physical capabilities; sexual orientation; gender identity and sexual characteristic. In particular, the findings of an assessment of the level of corporate reputation demonstrate a strong positive connection between the results of financial and economic activities of business structures and their ability to effectively integrate efforts from the sphere of corporate social responsibility into the management system of the corporation. Strategic guidelines for further development of social responsibility of business, which is based on the implementation of the conception of sustainable development of society in terms of social, economic and ecological components, are proposed. Prospects for further research are the formation of corporate social responsibility as a component of the management system in corporations.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Rybalko-Rak L. A., Husakovska T. O., Kyzhel N. L.
The Labor Market of Ukraine in Modern Conditions: The Problems and Ways to Solve Them (p. 58 - 63)

The purpose of the article is to identify problems in the labor market of Ukraine in the difficult conditions of today, to find effective directions for their solution and conditions for optimizing the supply and demand of labor. To solve the set tasks, general scientific and special research methods were used, i. e.: generalization, analysis and synthesis, comparison and systematization, observation. The article considers the factors that influenced the emergence of disproportions in the labor market before the war, and expands the list of factors due to those added to the indicated ones after the onset of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation and negatively affect the labor market of Ukraine. A number of functions that the labor market performs during its formation and functioning are listed. The problems that have arisen in the situation with work and internship among the population of Ukraine since the onset of the full-scale war have been identified. The difficulties faced by the respondents when looking for a new job are considered; the priority of actions for the possibility of further employment is specified. Uneven indicators of demand and supply of vacancies in the labor market are indicated. The performance indicators of the State Employment Service after the onset of the war are analyzed and compared with the indicators of the previous period. The article substantiates the importance of a quick reaction on the part of the State, employers and the population to uncontrolled environmental factors. Directions for solving problems to reduce unemployment, achieve a balance between demand and supply of vacancies, and adjust the employment system are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Khrystoforova O. M., Tatar M. S., Serhiienko O. A., Babenko M. V.
Opportunities of Ukrainians’ Adaptation in Germany and Positive German Experience Implementation in the Development of Social Programs in Ukraine (p. 97 - 107)

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine Germany is among the countries that have accepted the largest number of refugees from Ukraine. Despite the financial support of Germany to Ukrainian citizens, the solvency of Ukrainians, the sufficiency of their savings accumulated in Ukraine for living in Germany, the opportunities and problems for adaptation in Germany associated with the language barrier, the need for retraining of specialists in many specialties, problems for buying own housing in Germany, etc. remain a topical issue. The main indicators of the development of Germany and Ukraine, the comparison of living standards of the population in these countries, and the level of social security are considered in the article. The results of the study showed that the Ukrainian system of providing social assistance is imperfect, as there is no single Social Code, in contrast, there is an undeveloped institution of social inspection, and a low level of social benefits. At the same time, the level of protection of citizens in Ukraine is much lower than in Germany. In Ukraine, the wage level is not competitive. Ukrainians spend almost half of their income on the basic food needs. Therefore, there is no doubt that the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine should include both the necessary financing and the necessary reforms in Ukraine. The authors analyze the characteristic features of the German social assistance system, among which are: financing of the vast majority of social benefits at the expense of insurance contributions; unity and orderliness of social legislation; high level of development of the institute of social inspection, which is a guarantee for the objective assignment of social assistance; high level of social protection of refugees, which is a prerequisite for public peace and social stability; individual approach to the assignment of unemployment social assistance, which contributes to a lower level of unemployment compared to other European countries. The carried out research makes possible to substantiate the directions of the introduction of the German experience into the Ukrainian system of providing social services.

Article is written in English

Zhukovska V. M.
The Labor and Health Security of Staff During the Wartime: Developing a HR Project (p. 108 - 113)

The article analyzes the essence and factors influencing the labor security and health of staff in the process of work. The factors of danger to the health of workers in conditions of war are determined. The purpose of the article is a theoretical generalization of approaches to the use of analytical instruments in the formation of key HR tasks at the stages of project management in the field of labor security of staff in the enterprise. The methodological basis for the implementation of a HR project are formulated; attention is paid to the upgrade by companies of mandatory regulatory and legal regulations in the field of labor protection and arrangement of workplaces. A characterization of factors influencing health in the process of professional activity of workers in the wartime is presented. A checklist is proposed in the context of the functional tasks of HR managers at the stages of project management for the security and health of employees in the workplace. Among the key tasks of a HR manager in project management, the following components are outlined: goals and indicators of efficiency and implementation of the project are formed; the main risks in the event of hazards to staff are identified; probable risks are identified and measures to level the risks of the HR project are formulated; estimated indicators are provided. Emphasis is placed on the communication interaction of staff and the capabilities of the enterprise, which in the first line include: means of operational, remote and emergency communication; organizational regulations on labor protection as the regulatory framework of the project. The indicators and criteria for evaluating the performance of staff in the field of labor protection and fire safety during the implementation of the project are specified. The need for further research to identify the causes of professional and ecological security of personnel of companies is substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bondarevska K. V., Tkachenko Y. O., Onyshchenko V. A.
Poverty in Ukraine, Prospects for Overcoming (p. 162 - 168)

The article illuminates current tendencies in the spread of poverty in Ukraine and substantiates the prospects for overcoming it, taking into account the necessity to increase the level of well-being of the population. Analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the scientific works of modern researchers, the theoretical aspects of the concept of «poverty» are considered and its substantive content is determined. As a result of the study, current tendencies in the spread of poverty in Ukraine are identified, taking into account the diagnosis of the impact on the standard of living of the population of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, hostilities and temporary occupation of territories. Thus, among the negative tendencies affecting the well-being of the population, it is worth noting the low level of incomes and their significant differentiation, a decrease in the level of employment and the shadowing of the economy. Therefore, first of all, to overcome poverty, it is important: to optimize the level of differentiation of incomes of the population based on the principle of social justice; to ensure the development of entrepreneurship, which will provide opportunities to create new jobs; to form effective mechanisms for price regulation and anti-inflationary policy; increase minimum social standards and create conditions for decent wages. The up-to-date statistical information on poverty levels, incomes and expenditures of the population, and other indicators of living standards is highlighted. The authors’ vision of the prospects for overcoming the problem of poverty of the population in Ukraine is substantiated on the basis of the determined directions for the implementation of leading foreign experience. In particular, the need for prospective measures aimed at reducing poverty in Ukraine has been identified, including the following measures: revising the minimum social standards and bringing them in line with the social standards of the developed EU countries; reducing the tax burden on the wage fund; development of entrepreneurship; improving the mechanisms for providing social support on the basis of increasing the targeting of payments and control over the targeted use of funds; deshadowing of employment and remuneration, development of non-traditional forms of employment and self-employment of the population; introduction of lifelong education, improvement of educational and scientific spheres; reimmigration of Ukrainians and creation of conditions for the realization of their potential in Ukraine; formation of effective mechanisms of the State regulation; budget financing, taking into account the priority of the social sphere. Prospects for further research in this area are to determine the priorities for improving the level of well-being of the population at the stage of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ivanisov O. V., Lebedinska O. S., Luhova V. M.
The Real Situation and Prospects of Reforming the Social Security System (p. 184 - 189)

The article analyzes the theoretical approaches and features of the definition of the concepts of «social security», «social work». Two main theoretical models of social work are considered, namely: a socially-oriented model based on assistance on the part of the State, from trade unions and social protection bodies, and a psychologically-oriented model, which is based entirely on optimizing clients’ own efforts to overcome a crisis situation. The peculiarities of street social work in the field of social security both in the domestic space and abroad are examined. The presented work is regarded as: a method of social work; the main direction of the social policy of the State; social assistance and support of citizens; a method consisting in providing social services to their customers on the street. The main directions and principles by which social work should be carried out are indicated. Prospects for further research at the level of analysis are the study of the peculiarities of the organizational foundations for the implementation of street social work in wartime. In the applied aspect, specific mechanisms and technologies of social work in the field of social security remain insufficiently studied. It is necessary to develop a system of the State-controlled standards of social services and a classifier of social services, which will allow in the future to clearly define the main components of each social service and calculate its cost. It is also necessary to improve the reform of the current system of social protection and social security in terms of taking into account the provision of assistance by categories of expenditures.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ushakova N. G., Shevchenko K. H.
Ukraine in the Processes of International Labor Migration (p. 189 - 196)

The purpose of the article is to study modern migration challenges for Ukraine and the problems of re-immigration of Ukrainians in the post-war period. The processes of globalization and integration of the world economy have their share in the growth of the dynamism of the international labor movement. International labor migration helps to overcome cultural, ethnic and traditional borders, but simultaneously creates risks regarding the development of the economies of recipient countries. In the history of migration processes in Ukraine in the twentieth century and up to the present one may allocate six stages of external labor migration. The current period includes two waves of forced migration: as a result of obtaining a visa-free regime with the EU and the russian invasion of Ukraine (2014 and 2022), as well as a wave of decline in the number of migrant workers due to pandemic restrictions during 2020–2021. The problem of labor migration existed in Ukraine even before the start of a full-scale russian intervention, because of the unregulated and imperfect legislation, low wages, and the lack of a policy of re-immigration of Ukrainian workers. The growth of external labor migration of Ukrainians can lead to an outflow of labor force, which is especially risky in the context of a demographic crisis. A higher level of wages in European countries creates a risk of Ukrainians losing their desire to work in Ukraine. This is true of both the recipients of remittances on our territory and those who have decided to change their country of residence forever, which may become an obstacle to the post-war recovery of the national economy. Therefore, already now, even in the conditions of wartime, the government should begin to implement measures for the re-immigration of Ukrainian labor. The implementation of the experience of other countries in similar situations in full is impractical due to the outdated approaches, other location, behavior of the authorities, reputation of forced migrants, etc. Thus, Ukraine should develop its own re-immigration policy with the involvement of European countries, international organizations and its own migrants.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mykhailenko D. H., Tur O. V.
The Problems of Organization of the State Support of the Population in the Conditions of Military Aggression (p. 196 - 201)

The probation caused by the military aggression launched by the Russian Federation against Ukraine on February 24, 2022, necessitate a revision of most spheres of Ukrainian public life. The system of the State support of the population did not avoided these changes. More than 11 million citizens of Ukraine were forced to move to safer regions of our country or went to seek refuge abroad. The purpose of the article is to define the main problems of organizing the State support for the population in the conditions of military aggression. The government has identified three following directions of support for internally displaced persons (IDPs): money, work, housing. In the direction of «Money», monthly payments are provided to persons who have moved from the zones of active hostilities; to parents with children who, because of the military aggression of the Russian Federation, were forced to move to safer regions; to disabled persons. In the «Work» direction, payments were offered to employers for each employed IDP. In the direction of «Housing», compensation for utility payments for each IDP is provided to the families who sheltered them for free. The set of measures has a positive effect on the ordering of life of IDPs in their new place of residence, contributes to a faster search for work and housing. However, the actions of the authorities aimed at organizing the State support for the population in the conditions of military aggression have certain limitations: The Government of Ukraine works quite efficiently under martial law, but it should be noted that the objectively determined speed of decision-making, bypassing standard procedures, raises certain concerns in the medium and long term; there are certain problems with the placement of IDPs, as well as their provision. The burden on the State budget increases with an increase in the number of IDPs. The state of Ukraine’s economy is low-competitive, in this regard, the reliability and organization of the State support for the population depend on the assistance of international partners. However, the vector of development of social support of the population in the period of the post-war period should have a European integration orientation of Ukraine’s development. Such a focus will contribute to a faster transformation of the socioeconomic environment and strengthen the reliability of the social protection system.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Reznikova N. V., Chugaiev O. A., Ptashchenko O. V., Ivashchenko O. A.
The Influence of the Features of the Development of Generation Y on the Formation of the Modern International Labor Market (p. 86 - 94)

The digitalization of society and of economic processes in general has significantly influenced the formation of the modern labor market, which has led to the emergence of new social needs and necessities for new specialists and new market niches. In the peresented publication, the features of the modern labor market are considered from the point of view of demographic windows and features of the perception of modern generations. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, six generations have been distinguished, at present three generations are most involved in labor relations. Representatives of generation X are used to relying primarily on themselves. The opportunity to be realized, to express this very independence is important for such people also regarding their careers. Representatives of generation X will be more willing to do work that gives space for creativity and breadth of thought. If you do not give them such an opportunity, then they lose interest. For such people, it is important to always have a choice, an open perspective. One of the most notable features of Generation Y is the dependence on knowledge, which they find not in books from libraries, but on Internet resources. This is a generation that loves to learn, because studying for millennials is something interesting and peculiar. What used to be learned exclusively from teachers and tutors becomes easily accessible to the «upsilons». This leads to another feature of this generation – excessive trust in the information provided by online services, especially when there is no censorship. For this generation, self-realization comes to the fore. This is not to say that they are not interested in the family, but career growth still remains in the first place. Generation Z is characterized by the absolute absence of a well-defined life position. Unlike all their predecessors, the «zetas» are not motivated by either money or any career growth. Moreover, they are completely dependent and have constant need of someone to point them out what they should do. They love to learn, quickly acquire new knowledge. Large amounts of information appear of no difficulty for them. «Zetas» are distinguished by their incredible multitasking and creativity. They love to find solutions in difficult situations and solve the most complex problems. Having identified the main features of generations, it can be noted that the formation of the modern labor market depends on many circumstances of the formation of the modern digital world. Thus, this process is significantly influenced by the digitalization strategy implemented by national governments to ensure the competitiveness of national economies. At this, too, a digital economy with a significant focus on inclusiveness can increase the influence of natural monopolies and promote concentration, which in the absence of effective and transparent institutions in society can lead to increased control on the part of the State and subordination of politics to the interests of the relevant elites.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rudakova S. H., Shchetinina L. V., Poplavska O. M., Danylevych N. S., Lazarieva I. Y.
Gender Balance in Ukraine: The Indicators, Problems, and Digital Format of Support (p. 94 - 101)

The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical and practical principles of ensuring gender balance in the country as a prerequisite for gender equality. Gender equality is a state of equal access to resources and opportunities, regardless of gender, in particular equal participation in economic activity and decision-making, as well as a state of valuation of different aspirations and needs equally, regardless of gender. Ensuring gender equality in all spheres of human activity is also regulated by Art. 24 of the Constitution of Ukraine, the Law of Ukraine «On Ensuring Equal Rights and Opportunities for Women and Men», ratified by the ILO Convention No. 100 on equal remuneration of men and women for work of equal value and the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU. The article explores the gender balance in domestic enterprises. The ratio of the average wages of women and men in the period 2016–2021 has the dynamics towards reducing the gender gap. In 2021, the gender gap in Ukrainian organizations amounted to 70.8%. In general, in the rankings for 2020, Ukraine ranks 60th out of 160 countries. The most problematic in achieving gender equality in wages are the following areas of activity: agriculture, forestry, fisheries, arts, sports and recreation, financial and insurance activities, postal and courier delivery. In Ukraine, as in other European countries, there are gender stereotypes of professions, due to the nature of work. More «male» are considered the sphere of construction, transport, agriculture, forestry and fisheries, as well as manufacturing industry. More «female» areas of activity include the sphere of health care and social assistance. An important indicator of gender discrimination is women’s participation in politics. As of the beginning of 2021, the number of women in the parliament was 20.8% (in 2020 – 12.8%). Women are often discriminated against in an interview with a potential employer. In particular, there are many advertisements in the media regarding hiring, which contain requirements regarding the age and gender of the employee. Sex screenings are especially often used when it comes to highly paid and prestigious positions. The pandemic has further exacerbated the problems of gender inequality in Ukraine. Almost 40% of women surveyed began to earn less income, and there was also a gap of 20% between the salaries of women and men in the same positions. An equally important role in establishing a gender-balanced approach in the country is knowledge. An important aspect of gender equality is women’s self-education and development. Another problem in Ukraine and in the world in general is to ensure gender balance in the culture of those organizations that, according to stereotypes, are suitable only for men, in particular, law enforcement agencies. Thus, it is determined that there are still manifestations of gender inequality in Ukraine. Obstacles to the gender approach arise not only because of the low level of awareness of gender issues or the lack of political will to implement policies, but also because of the very slow process of public policy development along with the political reality in Ukraine. Therefore, a rapid reform is the best opportunity to integrate the instruments of gender equality and gender approach. Among the main instruments should be tax incentives for maintaining a gender balance among staff, implementing gender quotas in the composition of staff of various categories, using digital reporting of enterprises, promoting the development of remote employment, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stepanova E. R.
Social Security of Internally Displaced Persons (p. 101 - 107)

The purpose of the article is to analyze the ways of social security for internally displaced persons in the ongoing wartime context. To achieve the article’s purpose, the author used the methods of analysis (to analyze the current state of social protection and social security of internally displaced persons); monographic method (to reflect the situation with internally displaced persons in the ongoing wartime context); abstract-logical method (to summarize the collected material). Under current conditions, there is an increasing need for social protection and social security. Beginning with the Russian military aggression of 2014, such a group of the population as internally displaced persons appeared in Ukrainian society. According to Ukrainian legislation, as such person is treated a citizen of Ukraine, a foreigner or a stateless person who stays legally on the territory of Ukraine and has the right to permanent residence in Ukraine, who was forced to leave or abandon her/his place of residence as a result of/in order to avoid the negative consequences of armed conflict, occupation, widespread violence, human rights violations and natural or man-made emergencies. Internally displaced persons are people who have been forced to flee their homes suddenly as a result of armed conflict, internal hostility, systematic human rights violations or natural disasters, but stay on the territory of their own country. Currently, there are a number of social benefits for internally displaced persons on the territory of Ukraine, as well as international aid programs, in particular: the Ministry of Social Policy Program, the UN Government Program, the UN World Food Program, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Program, the Ministry of Social Policy Program in cooperation with UNICEF, the International Committee of the Red Cross in Ukraine, working together with the Ukrainian Red Cross Society.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Perehudova T. V.
Filters in Providing Social Assistance to the Working Population: Possibilities of Institutionalization (p. 91 - 97)

The purpose of the article was to study the social protection of the able-bodied population in the context of the systematization of filters when determining the target group of beneficiaries with an outline of the ways of further reforming social protection with the optimization of the filtering process. In the process of researching legal acts that regulate social protection, we discovered the following filters, which are used to screen out applicants and form an address group of aid recipients: insurance case; conditionality of social assistance; financial capacity of a person or a family; a person's participation in the mandatory State social insurance; participation in active employment programs; tying the amount of assistance to social standards and/or the presence of previous uniform contributions to the mandatory State social insurance, taking into account insurance experience and the amount of wages. As a result of the study, debatable aspects were revealed in the formation of the population filtering process from the standpoint of defining the target group of persons. In order to institutionalize the system of social protection of the able-bodied population, the following proposals have been formulated: the assessment of a person's financial capacity should be based on fair social standards; the system of social protection for able-bodied persons should be built by encouraging them to make social contributions, to be a member of the mandatory State social insurance; mandatory participation of able-bodied persons in employment programs to support their competitiveness on the labor market, formation of motivation for social participation in social-labor relations in order to help a person get out of the status of a beneficiary; simplification of procedures and restrictions that hinder the receipt of assistance; in some types of aid, its conditionality should be strengthened to improve the quality of human capital formation; strengthening supervision and application of relevant norms regarding informal employment, in particular through better coordination of actions of relevant government structures; conducting social awareness campaigns regarding the negative consequences of informal employment for social protection.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bannikova K. B.
Impact of Forced Migration on the Labor Market in Ukraine (the Analytical and Predictive Aspect) (p. 127 - 133)

The article examines the peculiarities of migration processes that occurred in connection with the full-scale military intervention on the territory of Ukraine. In particular, it was found that a significant number of migrants who settled in European countries already work today and pay taxes in the countries of residence. Also, the study showed that forced migration led to a decrease in certain professional groups in Ukraine, which are mostly women. Further, it was found that the labor market in Ukraine has shown flexibility and adaptability to the challenges of wartime. Undoubtedly, the economic crisis has dealt a significant blow to the labor market, but, despite the expectations of the aggressor neighbor, it has not destroyed it. A separate estimation is given to internal forced migration of the population, the regions of Ukraine that have experienced the greatest load in connection with these processes are identified. The problems in the labor market, which were provoked by the massive uncontrolled movement of citizens, are considered. The unemployment rate was estimated according to the results of 2022, which, according to official data, was less than at the time of the outbreak of war. It should be noted that such information should be perceived critically, because not all persons of working age are registered as unemployed. At the same time, due to the analytical and prognostic aspect of the study, it was found that the future of Ukraine lies in the latest educational programs, innovations and investments, which as a result will improve the microclimate in the labor market. However, the implementation of these ambitious plans should be preceded by effective government decisions and the development of real mechanisms for change, as well as, of course, reducing pressure on business, in particular by eradicating corruption in public authorities. The systematic analysis conducted during the study led to an unequivocal conclusion: economic recovery and, accordingly, stabilization in the labor market should begin today in those regions that are not in the combat zone. This will allow identifying and examining weaknesses, also testing the system for flexibility to external factors. After the end of the war, these regions will become a reliable economic rear for those territories that need recovery and adjustment of the labor market.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tkachuk A. M.
Modification of the Employment Structure: The Global Trends and National Features (p. 223 - 230)

The article is devoted to the topical problems of employment modification at both the global and national levels. The aim of the study is to clarify global trends and allocate national features of modification of the structure of employment of the population. In the course of the study, the following methods were used: analysis and synthesis – to clarify the characteristic features of employment at the present stage of civilizational development; general and specific – to define key trends and features of employment modification at the global and national levels; induction and deduction – to identify factors influencing changes in the structure of employment and the content of labor in modern conditions. The key trends in employment modification at the global level are allocated as follows: changes in the content of work under the influence of the latest technologies, remote work, the growth of creative and intellectual industries, the growth of employment in the field of ecology, increase in demand for retraining and training, demographic changes. The author analyses features of modification of the sectoral structure of employment in Ukraine under the influence of globalization factors, world instability, the ongoing war, national features of functioning in an open economy. It is generalized that Industry 4.0 intensifies transformation processes and significantly modifies the structure of employment. The necessity of forming a new system of education and retraining of the workforce for the formation of modern skills and competencies is substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Stepura T. М.
Analytical Methods for Researching the Quality of the Labor Market in Ukraine (p. 208 - 217)

In the context of diversification of characteristics and conditions of employment, qualitative parameters of labor market development are recognized by international organizations as a priority, which is reflected in numerous conceptions (for example, decent work) and methodological approaches – both scientific and institutional (research on the quality of work, quality of employment). Quality assessment is based on analytical approaches, the implementation of which in Ukraine faces a number of difficulties: lack of information support, no uniform approaches to assessment, insufficient methodical elaboration of a complex category of quality within the framework of qualiology and qualimetry. To overcome these gaps in the study, it is proposed to apply factor analysis (main components, with the rotation of solutions of factors), while using the information obtained as a result of processing microdata files of surveys on the labor force of the regions of Ukraine. The inclusion of qualitative features of the labor market development (gender parity, opportunities to combine work and family responsibilities, guarantees of formal employment, decent wages and acceptable working hours, in particular for persons with a high level of education, and others) in the factor analysis allows to identify problem processes that have the greatest impact on the formation of the quality of the labor market. The results of the calculations indicate the decisive influence of the existing deprivations on the formation of the quality of the labor market in Ukraine. The deprivations refer to compliance with decent wages and the existence of informal employment, including among people with higher education, opportunities for economic activity, as well as gender restrictions in the labor market. The problem of acceptable working hours, in particular for married women, is also significant. Such results should be taken into account when developing a policy of labor market regulation in the context of Ukraine’s post-war recovery, aimed at forming a qualitative maturity of the labor market.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tsymbaliuk D. I.
The Current Determinants of the Integration of Ukrainian Migrants into the EU Labor Market (p. 235 - 242)

The aim of the publication is to substantiate the modern determinants of the integration of migrants into the labor market of the recipient countries. Based on the study of literary sources, the consequences of migration for the donor country and the recipient country are determined. The contentual characteristics of the concept of «integration» are substantiated and it is proved that integration is not a one-sided process, since it involves the interaction of different parties. The key spheres of integration of migrants are identified, on the basis of which economic, professional, educational, social, cultural, political, and civic kinds of integration are allocated. Indicators of economic integration are defined, which include: status (employed, unoccupied); form of legal regulation of employment; type of employment (employee, independent professional activity, entrepreneurial activity); social status (worker, technical employee, professional/specialist, manager); form of organization of working time (full-time, part-time employment); stability of employment (permanent, temporary, seasonal); form of organization of workplaces (standard, non-standard); salary level; correspondence of work (profession) to the level of qualification (education) and professional mobility (changes in professional career). Based on the comparison of studies conducted by different organizations in different periods of time on the share of employed Ukrainian migrants in the EU countries, it is concluded that there has been progress in economic integration. At the same time, the share of employed people is small in most countries. Among the main problems hindering effective economic integration is the discrepancy between the professions in which Ukrainian migrants work and the level of their qualifications. The prerequisites for the economic integration of Ukrainian migrants into the EU labor market are defined as follows: creation of an appropriate legal framework; improvement of the EU policies and programs; bringing the professional and educational qualifications of Ukrainian citizens in line with the EU qualifications; development of language competencies; creation of conditions for doing business, remote employment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vasyltsiv T. G., Levytska O. O., Gres B. A.
Strengthening the Competitiveness of Regional Labor Markets in Ukraine as a Mechanism for Countering Security Challenges (p. 242 - 248)

The article updates the issue of ensuring the competitiveness of regional labor markets of Ukraine in conditions of critical instability caused by the consequences of the full-scale war. The aim of the study is to substantiate the priorities and tools for strengthening the competitiveness of regional labor markets in Ukraine as a mechanism for confronting security challenges. It was noted that the war became a systemic challenge not only to the functioning, but also to the preservation of the civilized labor market. It has been proven that, in the current situation, the State administration and local self-government bodies should activate, first of all, the economic tools of regulation in order to preserve the key structural characteristics of the labor market, existing jobs and opportunities for employment, self-employment, available human and, in particular, labor-resource capital, but also rational use of potentially new opportunities. At this, the main focus should be on preserving the human potential of the country and its regions against the background of high migration activity of the population. Four key directions of the regional policy of strengthening the competitiveness of the regional labor markets of Ukraine have been identified: 1) structural; 2) normative and legal; 3) infrastructural; 4) security. It is shown that from the point of view of subjects of regulation, regional policy should be oriented towards overcoming the main challenges, risks and threats to the functioning of the labor market and their impact on the regional economy. From this position, the entire range of economic levers and means of management is contrasted with the factors and consequences of: 1) the full-scale war; 2) post-war reconstruction of national and regional economies; 3) the preservation of systemic problems and obstacles to the functioning of the labor market; 4) the development of its structural asymmetries, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, the specifics and impact of migration processes on the regional socioeconomic system. It is decided that this method is characterized by timeliness and systematicity, adaptability to the existential challenges of the existence of Ukraine, its integrity and security.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vasyliev O. V., Huriev V. O., Uvarov I. S.
Methodological Approaches to Analyzing the Level of Territorial Development in Ukraine (p. 182 - 188)

The article examines methodological approaches to the analysis of the level of territorial development in Ukraine. The main approaches to the analysis of the level of territorial development, which are contained in official documents and serving as bases for development of methodological recommendations, are allocated, in particular: 1) methods of preparing a socioeconomic analysis of community development; 2) development of profiles of communities; 3) methods of formation and implementation of forecast and program documents of socioeconomic development of the united territorial community; 4) methodology for taking into account the Sustainable Development Goals in the development strategies of territorial communities. The territory as an object of development is considered from various aspects: economic, socio-cultural, ecological, and political. The concept of «territory» is usually associated with spatial characteristics and is considered as a limited part of the land surface with a certain area, geographical location and other spatial features. However, in the case of interpreting the territory as an object of development, this concept should be considered as a separate, identified by geospatial features and administrative subordination territory with the appropriate structure, conditions, properties and characteristics. The main principles on which methodological approaches to the analysis of the level of territorial development should be based are allocated, i. e.: consistency; integration; focus on the needs of the local community; public participation; scientificity; validity and objectivity; sustainability; rational use of resources; monitoring and evaluation. It is emphasized that in Ukraine there is currently no single methodological approach to the analysis of the level of territorial development, and the existing methods turned out to be imperfect and require revision. In particular, only certain methodologies of analyzing the level of territorial development are in use, as well as certain methods of taking into account the Sustainable Development Goals in the development strategies of territorial communities, although this does not comply with the principles of consistency, sustainability, and integration. The necessity of developing a unified methodological approach to the analysis of the level of territorial development in Ukraine, which would take into account a comprehensive analysis of the current state of territorial communities and the compliance of their development with the Sustainable Development Goals, is substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Frydel V. I.
Methodological Aspects of Developing a Career Planning System Using IT-Sector Enterprises as an Example (p. 189 - 200)

The Ukrainian IT sector remains the most dynamic sector of the economy, despite the geopolitical challenges of the ongoing full-scale war, and continues to develop rapidly. At this, the demand for qualified IT specialists is only growing, creating both opportunities for young professionals and competition in the market. This requires IT companies to significantly increase the efficiency of talent management. Accordingly, the development and implementation of new career planning strategies is an important task for Ukrainian IT enterprises, since the extant generally accepted approaches to personnel management do not always take into account the specifics of this industry. Effective career planning is an important aspect for organizational development and business stability, as it helps to increase the level of employee engagement and motivation, as well as reduce staff turnover. The main purpose of this article is to focus and prioritize the career planning system as an effective tool for personnel management. At this, the main task is to reveal the practical aspect of building the system on the example of companies in the IT sector. The article uses the methodology of generalization and systematization through methods of comparing differences and common features in the interpretation of the concepts of «career» and «career growth», analyzing the types of career movements on the example of companies in the IT sector, synthesizing the formation of career maps for employees of different departments and developing common approaches to building career plans, concretizing the key stages of career planning, inductive and deductive description of career transitions within the department and cross-team movements. The article analyzes scientific and practical approaches to understanding career planning, reveals the understanding of vertical and horizontal career movements. The key elements of the career planning system are disclosed. The methods of creating career maps are characterized and steps for building a career growth system on the example of IT companies are developed. The importance of creating job profiles in establishing a career planning system is indicated. Approaches to building career plans through the establishment of development goals are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pavlova O. M., Baryliuk S. A., Bardas V. P., Shyrshykov N. O., Holubchuk I. M.
Transformation of the European Labor Market in the Context of Russian Military Aggression Against Ukraine (p. 251 - 262)

The purpose of this research work is to provide an in-depth analysis of the impact of the war in Ukraine on employment in the European Union, in particular in Poland, as well as to identify possible ways to support this market in times of crisis. The paper conducts a thorough analysis of the impact of the war in Ukraine on the labor market of the European Union countries, in particular in Poland; the main trends in the migration of Ukrainians to the EU countries and their participation in the labor market are studied; the main political and economic measures aimed at supporting the labor market during the wartime, in particular in Poland, are analyzed; the number of Ukrainian refugees and the share of those who will remain in the EU and other Western European countries in the medium term has been determined, which will depend on the duration and severity of the ongoing war. If hostilities continue or escalate, the number of fugitives will increase. A prolonged and more intense armed conflict is also likely to reduce the proportion of return Ukraine refugees. The distribution of refugees by age will be important for their impact on the supply of labor in host countries. Since Russia’s invasion, Ukraine has imposed country-wide martial law, preventing men between the ages of 18 and 60 from leaving the country. As a result, the first waves of refugees included the elderly, children and women of working age. In the future, the attitude towards Ukrainian refugees in the labor market will be determined by the economic situation in different countries. Rising unemployment, inflation, and slowing economic progress can be perceived by a part of society as a consequence of the mass migration. However, despite rapid policy measures, barriers in and out of the labor market remain serious obstacles for refugees, making it difficult for them to integrate into the labor markets of their host countries, especially in the medium term. Uncertainty about the further development of the war makes it difficult to accurately assess its possible impact on the labor market. The percentage of Ukrainian refugees of working age will determine their impact on the workforce of the countries that host them.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kopylyuk O. I., Muzychka O. М.
Accumulative Pension Provision in the System of Transformational Priorities of the Post-War Recovery of Ukraine (p. 263 - 269)

The aim of the article is to disclose a systematic approach to the formation of mandatory accumulative pension provision on the basis of the object-subject approach in the coordinates of «effectiveness – risks». The system of mandatory accumulative pension provision is proposed to be considered as an aggregate of interrelated elements, in particular, such as: objects, subjects, tasks, principles, sources of financing and other components that ensure effectiveness and focus on achieving social and economic effect, taking into account the existing risks of external and internal nature. The main objective of such a system is specified, which is to accumulate a sufficient amount of pension contributions to ensure appropriate pension payments, taking into account the need to form investment income adjusted for the inflationary component, existing risks and restrictions on the placement of pension assets. It is noted that the accumulative mandatory pension provision in the conditions of wartime and post-war recovery of Ukraine should be considered as an element of the transformation of the pension system. The social effect is achieved in the form of accumulation of a supplement to the basic old-age pension for pensioners, which reflects the receipt of pension payments both immediately and in installments under the agreement and depends on the diversification of investments in cash on deposit pension accounts, assets in securities and other assets not prohibited by current legislation. It is expedient to consider the economic effect as a source of financing economic transformations through stock market instruments that activate the mobilization of financial resources for investment in various sectors of the economy. It is proposed to identify specific risks of accumulative pension provision, which include: operational, investment, risks of unbalanced liquidity; environmental, social and governance risks associated with the pension portfolio and its management, interest rate risk. Further research will be aimed at developing a conception for the development of pension provision in Ukraine in the post-war period, taking into account the legal, financial and organizational foundations for the introduction of mandatory accumulative pension provision.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kyryliuk V. V., Koliadych O. I., Shevchuk O. V.
Quality of Life of the Population of Ukraine: State, Trends, Prospects (p. 328 - 334)

The aim of the article is to study the state of quality of life of the population of Ukraine under martial law, to determine the main trends and prospects for its post-war development. The article identifies and analyzes the main components of the quality of life of the population on the basis of generalization of various scientific approaches, taking into account the availability, relevance and accuracy of statistical data. Several scientific approaches to the essence and components of the quality of life of the population are reflected: all these approaches are united by the understanding of the quality of life as a dualism of external factors and one’s own subjective assessment. The main groups of indicators of the quality of life of the population, on the basis of which the integral indicator can be calculated, are defined: demographic, incomes of the population, employment and unemployment, educational services, access to medical services, housing conditions, environmental. On the basis of the above mentioned groups of indicators, analytical and statistical data are analyzed and the problems are allocated. The biggest problem for Ukrainians, which affects and exacerbates problems in other areas, is the ongoing war, and our victory is a starting point for the restoration, development and improvement of the quality of life of the population of Ukraine. Significant obstacles to the development of the quality of life of the population are problems related to demography and the economy. Demographic problems are associated with the decline in the population of our country as a result of migration, the deaths of military and civilians in combat zones, attacks by missiles and Shahed drones of peaceful Ukrainian cities, the aging of the nation, and a decrease in the share of young people. Economic problems are caused by rising prices, inflation, a decrease in the purchasing power of the population, the destruction or closure of small and medium-sized businesses, and the loss of large industrial enterprises in the south and east of Ukraine. In the period of post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, there is a prospect and forecast for the growth of most components of the quality of life of the population, though this process requires a number of measures, implementation of practical actions and social programs. First of all, it is necessary to develop the economy and labor market, support young people and small and medium-sized businesses. Secondly, it is necessary to direct the efforts of the State and relevant institutions to the development of education, culture and the social sphere in general. We should not forget about the development of the housing stock, improving the living conditions of citizens and ensuring environmental safety. All this is possible under the condition of high-quality interaction between the State, business and society.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Fomenko O. O.
Subsidizing Housing and Communal Services and Social Stability of the State: The Theoretical and Problematic Aspects (p. 335 - 341)

The problems of subsidizing housing and communal services in the context of ensuring the social stability of the State are considered. It is substantiated that subsidizing housing and communal services is a key tool of social policy, which allows to ensure the availability of basic communal services for socially vulnerable strata of the population. This helps to reduce social inequality and improve the standard of living of citizens. The tasks of social policy in the context of ensuring a decent standard of living of the population are analyzed. It is also argued that subsidies are a significant burden on the State budget, so it is important to find a balance between social support and financial stability of the State, since an increase in the volume of payments to the population may cause inflationary pressure, which will reduce the purchasing power of citizens and the efficiency of subsidies. The key aspects of such subsidizing are studied, in particular its impact on economic inequalities, efficiency of public funds, financial and ecological sustainability. The mechanisms for the distribution of subsidies, the problems of targeting and transparency in their provision are considered. Both the State-based and regional programs are analyzed, which, together with subsidies, reduce the burden of households on paying for utilities and increase energy efficiency in the use of natural resources. A structural diagram of the mechanism of the program of «warm loans» within the framework of the program of cooperation with the State-owned banks has been formed. At the same time, the environmental consequences of subsidies can also lead to certain problems, since reducing energy costs can lead to an increase in resource consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The positive aspects of the impact of subsidizing housing and communal services at the macro and micro levels, as well as the directions of the impact of subsidies on the social stability of the State, are allocated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


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