KV #19905-9705 PR dated 02.04.2013.
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Innovative Processes
Oksenenko S. P. Problems of Development of National Innovation System (p. 7 - 11)
The dynamics of innovative development of industry of Ukraine is analysed in the last few years, its tendencies and reasons are exposed innovative technological lag. Directions modernization of industry are offered in the context of alteration of the national innovative system and measure of its state support. It is well-proven that innovative development of country, will give competitive edges in the conditions of the modern European and world market. Article is written in Russian
Gladenko I. V. Balanced System of Indicators in the Structure of Monitoring of Innovation Activity of Enterprise (p. 11 - 20)
The article gives scientific recommendations on the use of balanced system of in-dicators for monitoring of innovation activity of machine building enterprise. The criteria of interpretation of results of monitoring when making their statistic and dynamic assessment are substantiated. Article is written in Russian
Blyznyuk T. P. Problems of Formation of Innovation Potential of Ukrainian Enterprise (p. 21 - 26)
The peculiarities of formation of innovation potential of industrial enterprises of Ukraine have been considered. The factors of environment interconnected with in-novation potential of enterprise have been analysed. The scheme of management of innovation susceptibility as basic characteristic of innovation potential of industrial enterprise has been suggested. The stages of increasing innovation susceptibility of Ukrainian enterprise have been developed and presented. Article is written in Russian
Tishenko D. O., Kuleshova N. V. Substantiation of Expediency of Innovation Activity of Enterprises in the Regions of Ukraine (p. 27 - 32)
The paper assessed the level of innovative development of the regions, on the basis of which the expedience of the innovative activities of enterprises in region of Ukraine. Article is written in Ukrainian
BUSINESS INFORM №2-2011, Vol.1
Zhykhor O. B. Formation of Innovation Policy of Development of the Regions: Measures of Crisis Management (p. 21 - 25)
The model of innovation policy of development of the regions of Ukraine based on the conception of dual character of the policy of innovation development of the regions and namely the policy of managerial innovations and the policy of innovations in the economic system of the re-gions has been developed. Measures of overcoming the innovation problems in accordance with the types of the regions have been suggested. Article is written in Russian
Kalyshenko V. A. Formation of Environment of Development of Enterprise Innovation Potential (p. 65 - 68)
The generalized algorithm of development of enterprise innovation potential (EIP) has been presented. It has been proved that innovation culture is the necessary condition and environment of development of EIP. Article is written in Russian
Stepanenko N. V. The Innovation Economy as One of the Factors of the Country’s Crisis State Overcoming (p. 68 - 71)
The article analyses the modern state of the economy and develops recommendations for introduction of innovation economy as one of the factors of getting over the crisis situation of the country. The tactics and strategy for formation of effective innovation economy have been developed. The problems of introduction of innovation economy and measures of their solution have been revealed. Article is written in English
Talko A. V. The comparison characteristics of innovative processes in the tourism industry in Russia and Ukraine (p. 48 - 49)
The comparison characteristics of innovative processes in the tourism industry in Russia and Ukraine has been analyzed and the main influences to innovative activity of an enterprise has been defined. Article is written in Ukrainian
Morhachov I. V. Theoretical and Methodical Bases of Neutralization the State of Risk of Innovative Projects (p. 50 - 52)
In the article theoretical and methodical bases of neutralization the state of innovative risk are concretized. Article is written in Ukrainian
Sierikov A. V., Burlaka E. A. To Question about Innovative-Investment Attractive-ness of Management Subjects (p. 53 - 58)
The article is devoted creation of conception of construction inwardly of not contradictory and exhaustively complete indexes of innovative-investment attractiveness of management subjects without depending on their legal form and scales. The put task is successfully decided due to systemological approach. Article is written in Russian
Tutyk V. A., Tisagdio I. Y., Saf’yan P. P. Economic Efficiency of the Application of the Steam-Plasma Charge for Engineering of the Surface of Corrosion-proof Pipes (p. 58 - 61)
The calculation of the technological cost price of 1 working hour of the equipment is made. Economic efficiency of the created technology modifying the surface of corrosion-proof pipes by a steam-plasma charge is defined. Article is written in Russian
Shvets Y. Y. Innovative development as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of the region (p. 61 - 63)
The paper analyzes the impact of innovative development to enhance the competitiveness of the region. For efficient development of regional innovation activities, such as socio-economic system with active elements necessary to solve the problems of managing this area. Implementation of the management process requires the formation of the organizational structure of government that allows to realize the goals and objectives in this area, analyze and evaluate the results achieved, co-ordinate and predict innovation. Article is written in Russian
Pogryshchuk B. V., Chornodon V. I. Scientific support innovative capacity of domestic enterprises (p. 64 - 67)
The article reviewed and systematized form making elements of innovation capacity of domestic enterprises, the problem proved his scientific support, the factors of influence on the development of innovative enterprises. Article is written in Ukrainian
Aksonova I. V., Shapovalova V. O. Analysis of Integration Processes «Higher School – Business Community» in Kharkov Region (p. 67 - 70)
The article substantiates the necessity of formation of integration ties between educational institutions and business structures, considers the forms of cooperation between institutes of higher education and business communities in Kharkov region. Article is written in Russian
Kоiuda A. Typology of models of innovative development of economy (p. 23 - 26)
In the paper the basic types of national innovative systems, their features and an application condition in Ukraine are considered. Article is written in Russian
Koiuda V. O., Mazko T. I. The System of Informative Base is in Relation to Innovative Activity (p. 26 - 30)
The problems of informative base forming for innovative activity are analysed and generalized. Directions of the informative providing for innovative activity are considered and measures are offered for the improvements of statistical informative base forming that must represent the real innovative development of enterprise – region – country. Article is written in Ukrainian
Shvets Y. Y. Impact of institutional change on innovation development (p. 30 - 32)
The article analyzes the impact of institutional change on innovation development. Foreign institutional research is an abstract-methodological in nature and does not take into account national circumstances. The transition of Ukrainian social and economic system from a command to a market requires the study of the influence of institutional changes in the socio-economic and political relations. This is necessary for the formation of methodological approaches aimed at improving the competitiveness of the domestic economy, based on an innovative model of development. Article is written in Russian
Savenko К. S. Innovative project as a form of targeted innovation management company (p. 33 - 36)
The paper analyzes the economic approaches to assessing the effectiveness of innovative projects and identifies the main factors influencing it. The features of management of innovation projects, which are connected with a new concept which is based on look at the project as a change in the initial state of any system associated with the time and cost. Article is written in Russian
BUSINESS INFORM №5-2011, Vol.1
Danilenko S. V., Denysiuk O. V. Innovative providing production a sector in the conditions of economy of knowledges (p. 56 - 59)
New tendencies and requirements of economy of knowledges are brought in by changes in the financial and technological pattern of industrial production and dictate the necessity of changes for the production and organizational systems. The analysis of indexes which characterize activity of enterprises after separate directions of innovative activity rotined that basic direction in Ukraine is acquisition of machines and equipment. Insufficient sponsorship of the state and lack of own money by the leaders of domestic enterprises were adopted. Article is written in Ukrainian
Oglikh V. V. Modeling of Optimum Innovation Strategy of Investor (p. 59 - 61)
The article is dedicated to the problem of introduction and flexible management of investment project in conjunction with determination of optimum volumes of increase of consumer’s properties of company products which could secure increase of revenues for the investor and give the advantage over competitors. Article is written in Ukrainian
Piskun E. I., Khohlov V. V. Estimation of influence of innovative activity on economy of Ukraine by method of factorization simultant variables (p. 62 - 65)
In the article the estimation of influence of innovative activity is examined on the economy of Ukraine by means of model of single-plane equalizations with the use of stochastic factorization of endo- and exogenous variables. Article is written in Russian
Preobrazhenska O. S. Management of Enterprise Knowledge: Foreign and Domestic Experience (p. 65 - 72)
It is disscused in the article, that fundamental scientific subsoil has becoming of theory of management knowledges. Distribution of kodifikovanogo new knowledge within the limits of enterprise, in obedience to the cycle of Boysota, is characteristic for the stage of diffusion of knowledges. This stage is correlated with the processes of organization, motivation and control. Article is written in Ukrainian
Matyushenko I. Y., Vovk V. A., Moiseienko Y. M. Prospects of Development of Nanotechnologies in Russia (p. 17 - 25)
The article presents main directions of development, prospects of the use and key problems of development of nanotechnologies in Russia, considers the main federal purpose-oriented programs in the field of nanotechnologies and presents the main Russian producers of nanomaterials and nanotechnological products as of 2010. Article is written in Russian
Komelina O. V. Modern Methods of Determining the Priorities of Innovation and Investment at National and Regional Levels (p. 36 - 39)
The paper summarizes the international experience of the use of foresight methodologies, the basic methods of determining priorities for innovation and investment at national and regional levels. Proposed algorithm for determining the priority directions of scientific and technological development in Ukraine and its regions. Article is written in Ukrainian
Bogomolov A. I., Kostyunin V. I., Nevezhin V. P. Net Structures in the Sphere of Education and Innovations (p. 40 - 42)
Educational processes in information society more and more acquire network form and more and more focus on the requirements of innovation economy. Teachers and students in the network space get access to the «best» information resources and multiple-access centers which also may become the place of «meeting» of the theory and practical requirements of the economy. Article is written in Russian
Zakharova O. V. Ontologies in Knowledge Management Systems (p. 43 - 45)
The article considers theoretic and methodological aspects of building ontologies. It makes the analysis of peculiarities of the use of ontologies in various domains, gives examples of realization of instruction systems based on ontologies and presents the stages of the process of development of ontologies of business-processes on the basis of IDEF5 standard. Article is written in Russian
Merkulova T. V., Koschina V. A. Indicators of Economics of Knowledge: Analysis of Interconnections (p. 46 - 49)
The article considers the KAM methodology of assessment of the level of development of the economics of knowledge, makes the statistical analysis of interconnection of basic indicators of economics of knowledge by large sampling of countries, singles out clusters in accordance with the level of development of economics of knowledge with the help of neuronet modeling. Article is written in Russian
Mykhailichenko H. I. Innovation Changes in Development of the World Tourist Market (p. 49 - 52)
The article reveals directions of innovation changes in tourism, i. e.: changes in demand for tourist services, enquiries of tourists, recreation requirements; ways of development of new forms and directions of travels, changes in technology of service. Article is written in Ukrainian
Grachev A. B. Conceptual Bases of Definition of Innovation Potential of the Region (p. 52 - 54)
The article presents conceptual bases and key statements of the developed by the author methodology of quantitative assessment of innovation potential of a region, defines the corresponding ways of intensification of technological development of small and medium-sized towns. Article is written in Russian
Vitlinskyi V. V., Melnik G. V. Information risks management in the system of distance studing (p. 156 - 157)
The linguistic approach to the design of information risk management in the distance-controlled education system is offered in this article. The formalized description of fuzzy hierarchical model for quality evaluation of information risk management facilities is built. Article is written in Ukrainian
Gamaliy V. F., Nikolaiev I. V., Dmytryshyn B. V. Training of a Modern Economist with the Help of Distance Learning: Advantages and Shortcomings (p. 158 - 160)
This article contains information about the distance form of education: its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities for practical use in higher educational institutions of Ukraine to the training of specialists in economic fields. Article is written in Ukrainian
Danich V. N., Dibnis G. I., Derzhak N. A., Romakhova O. A. Practical Aspects of E-Learning of Training of Managers (p. 161 - 162)
In the article the features of preparation of managers are considered with the use of method of e-learning. Basic advantages and lacks of the controlled from distance educating are distinguished. Article is written in Russian
Diorditsa S. G., Ivashko L. M. Rating-based evaluation of competencies acquired as a result of independent study (p. 162 - 164)
When implementing educational programs based on competencies, a serious meth-odological problems – the problem of estimating the measure «of formation of competences». To assess the quality of build skills in the students' independent work is proposed to use well-known quality management system process approach. Article is written in Ukrainian
Zaporozhtseva L. A., Tkacheva Y. V. Possibility and Necessity of Application of Innovative Electronic Products of Diagnostics of the Financial Condition of the enterprise for educational Process (p. 164 - 168)
In article possibility and necessity of use of innovative techniques of diagnostics of a financial condition of the enterprise, ways and means of their realisation in the organisation of electronic training is proved by preparation of the modern economist. Positive sides of application of electronic products are shown at remote train-ing. Article is written in Russian
Nikitin N. V., Ignatieva M. V. Experience of the Banking Schools (p. 168 - 172)
The article includes the interpretation of the purposes, tasks and audience of the above course, description of its structure, forms of presentation of the contents, procedure of practical knowledge and skills auditing and the results of the course implementation by the system of educational institutions of the Bank of Russia. Article is written in Russian
Kvasniy L. G., Karambovich N. A. Electronic Education as a Factor of Ensuring Efficiency of Independent Work of the Youth (p. 172 - 174)
Grounded necessity of the use of electronic education as a factor of providing of quality of studies. Investigational problems of independent studies. Prospects and basic methodical terms of organization of electronic education of students, master's degrees and graduate students are analysed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Koldovskiy V. V. Urgent Problems of Transformation of Teaching Program-ming for Economic Specialities (p. 174 - 176)
The typical problems faced by students during the learning of the discipline «programming» were reviewed. Several innovative approaches to solving problems were offered, in particular, how to draw attention to discipline, to simplify the process of teaching, concentrating on the study of real-world problems and teach-ing students good programming practices. Article is written in Ukrainian
Levchenko V. V. Developing information competence while teaching foreign languages using web-quests (p. 176 - 177)
The given article deals with the issue of teaching information competency to ESP students with the help of Internet-technologies, to be more precise – integrating web-quests into the linguistic classroom. Article is written in Russian
Pushkar O. I., Lepeyko T. I. Pedagogical Design of Multimedia Educational Space (p. 178 - 180)
The concept of the multimedia educational space based on multimedia training complex (MTC) and instructional design are developed, the proposed methods and tools for implementation are justified. Article is written in Russian
Naumov V. N., Ulzetueva D. D. Evaluation of quality management systems of departments of educational institutions (p. 180 - 183)
The estimation of the quality management system of departments of educational institutions based on improvement model EFQM. Tested its performance and reliability. Article is written in Russian
Netkacheva E. I., Pokrova S. V. Assessing and ensuring the safety of web-service oriented e-learning systems (p. 183 - 186)
A fault tolerant service-oriented e-learning system architecture is presented. A relational database for storing vulnerability and patch information is developed to assist in identifying and addressing security issues. A web-service for vulnerability data analysis and software assessment is designed and implemented. Article is written in Russian
Oglikh V. V., Shapovalov A. V. Methodological Aspects of Development of Re-sources for Training and Retraining of Civil Service Employees (p. 187 - 188)
The article deals with methodological aspects of the development of multimedia e-learning resources for training and retraining of civil servants. Article is written in Russian
Ocheretyanyy A. A. On Educational Policy and Economic Knowledge (p. 189 - 193)
Based on the author's view of politics an attempt to analyze it in education, discussed the possible consequences of computerization educational process while emphasizing the educational policy in the electronic equipment is not as means but as an objective. Article is written in Russian
Panov I. O., Chernyauskas G. Экономика электронного образования – эффект масштаба и ассиметрия информации (p. 193 - 194)
The main problematic issues of e-learning economics: economies of scale and the asymmetry of information are considered. Practical approaches to the step by step implementation of new ICT methods in higher economic education as a part of the continuing education system are suggested. Article is written in Russian
Perkhun L. P. Principles of forming of electronic educational resources (p. 195 - 198)
Three groups of didactic principles of the formation of electronic educational resources for the three types of e-learning modules – information, control module and practical exercises, were characterized. Interpretation of the principles was held from positions of high education and possible accounting for individual char-acteristics of the student. Article is written in Ukrainian
Ryzhkova O. V., Stadnik I. P. Computing Cluster of «Beowulf» Type. Peculiarities of Architecture, Organization of the Network, Assessment of Reliability (p. 198 - 202)
The article makes the analysis of the reliability problems which arise when selecting and adjusting the components of the cluster as a system of highly productive economic calculations and possible variants of their solution as well. It develops the model and instrumental means of assessment of reliability of computing cluster with subsequent analysis of its functionality. Article is written in Russian
Sybirtsev V. V., Solovykh A. Y. Introduction of the System of Distance Learning in Institution of Higher Learning (p. 203 - 205)
Article is devoted the theory of introduction of systems of remote training in higher educational institutions which demand the system approach to structurization of components of maintenance of efficiency of innovative educationally-educator process. Article is written in Ukrainian
Chernova N. L., Prokopovich S. V. Controlled from Distance Education’s Paculiarities in the Different Forms of Student’s Learning (p. 205 - 207)
The integration model of the distance education system with the internal and extra-mural forms of teaching is offered. The practical results of distance education introduction into the modern university’s educational process are described. Article is written in Russian
Chernyak O. I., Chornous G. O., Rybalchenko S. A. ERP-Systems in Educational Process: Theory and Practice (p. 208 - 210)
Experience on practical implementing interaction of education and business has been analyzed (as an example is SAP UNIVERSITY ALLIANCES providing for active use of ERP-systems in the educational processes). The cooperation of Ukrainian universities and this program, its perspectives have been considered. Article is written in Ukrainian
BUSINESS INFORM №7-2011, Vol.1
Gonda V. Economy of Knowledge in the Light of Lisbon Strategy and Program “Europe 2020” (p. 37 - 38)
The article describes problems of knowledge economy and the EU programm of its development – the Lisbon Strategy (2000-2010), whose main objectives have not been fulfilled, and programm "Europe 2020", which is an attempt finding a way out of crisis and the new model of social market economy. Development of knowledge economy in Slovakia realized in the frame of design for project Minerva. Article is written in Russian
Grynevych L. V., Milevska T. S. Statistical Study of Dependence of Innovation Processes in Ukraine on the Volume of Investment (p. 39 - 41)
Factors which take effect on innovative processes development in Ukraine were researched in the article. The time and real investments were considered as the main factors. Article is written in Ukrainian
Piskun E. I. Peculiarities of Management of Innovation Activity of Large-Scale Economic Systems (p. 42 - 43)
The features of innovative activity of large-scale economic systems, that based on a priori analysis, are identified Article is written in Russian
Goncharenko T. V. Problems of Formation of Innovation and Investment Model of Development of the Economy of Ukraine (p. 44 - 48)
The article studies the modern condition of the economy of Ukraine and defines the perspectives of introduction of innovation and investment model of development. Article is written in Ukrainian
Toneva K. V. Statistical Analysis of International Market of Innovations (p. 49 - 50)
In today's performance innovation are crucial in determining the economic level of the state. In analyzing the relevant note in particular, output and export of high technology products, volumes and share of spending on R&D in GDP, the number of scientific and technical personnel and unit costs per one such employee. Article is written in Ukrainian
BUSINESS INFORM №7-2011, Vol.2
Dedikov O. I. Problems of Innovational Development of the Economy of Ukraine in the Context of Global Changes (p. 40 - 42)
The analytical and organizational aspects of identify of innovation activities areas of Ukraine are improved. Article is written in Ukrainian
Matyushenko I. Y., Moiseienko Y. M. Directions of Development of Nanotechnologies in the Countries of EU and Japan (p. 43 - 50)
The main directions of development, the perspective for using and financing of nanotechnologies in the EU and Japan were cited. The main projects and perspective wares for nanotechnologies at these countries were considered. Article is written in Russian
Piskun E. I., Kuropyatnik R. S. Problems of innovation development of Ukraine (p. 51 - 53)
The level of innovation development of Ukraine is investigated and its major problems are identified. Article is written in Russian
Tomakh V. V., Sigaeva T. Y. Tendencies of Development of the Economy of Knowledge in Ukraine (p. 53 - 55)
The article discusses the features of becoming a knowledge economy in Ukraine. The analysis of trends in the education sector, research sector, the scope of information and communication technologies, so their quality development is the foundation of becoming a knowledge economy. Article is written in Russian
Reznichenko A. V. State Administration of Technological Changes in Ukraine (p. 56 - 57)
In the article the modern Ukrainian state administration structure of scientific, technical and innovative activities is analysed at national and regional levels. On the base of this analysis are formed the suggestions for structure reforming in the technological modernization. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kryvanych M. V. Strategic technical idea of engineering organization and pre-condition of her realization (p. 58 - 60)
The article is devoted development the substantive provision of mission of engineering organization of determined an author, as is a strategic technical idea (STI). STI of two engineerings organizations of world level is formulated. Come to light and analysed necessary pre-conditions of realization of STI of domestic engineering organization. Article is written in Russian
Khalilov A. E. The Innovative competitiveness of national economy (p. 38 - 41)
The competitiveness of national economy is analysed in the article, the model of innovative competition initiations is offered. Innovative структуризация of region is examined in a global economy. Article is written in Russian
Bilenska Y. R., Bondarchuk M. K. Components of Innovation Potential Industrial Enterprises Economic Structure (p. 42 - 45)
The article essence of the concept of innovation potential, generalized approaches to the definition of its components is a necessity and its components complement system with information. The significance of information management software for innovative potential of industrial enterprises of economic structure. Article is written in Ukrainian
Bodrova N. E. The innovation activity management at the commercial banks (p. 45 - 48)
At the article the features of the banks’ innovation activity are reviewed. The primary manage-ment stages of the innovation activity with analyzing of the internal and external environment influence are studied. The role of the innovation activity management in the system of the bank’s development strategic management is viewed. Article is written in Russian
Korniienko V. I. Mechanisms of Distribution of Funds for Activation of Innovation Activity (p. 48 - 51)
The article presents the results of the analysis of functioning of domestic enterprises at modern level of development of economy and energy and directions of their innovation activity. Article is written in Ukrainian
Huk N. A. Negative Influence of Mass Media on Upbringing of Children and Family Relationships (p. 51 - 54)
The article focuses on the role of television and analyzes the influence of mass media and com-puter games on various ways of a child’s behaviour formation. It has been proved that irrational use of computers and mass media leads to the destruction of the relationship between parents and children. Article is written in Ukrainian
Matyushenko I. Y. Perspectives of commercialization of nanotechnology in industry branches of economy (p. 34 - 46)
The main peculiarities of the nanotechnology market were cited. The main directions in different branches of economy for commercialization of the nanotechnologies were considered. The prognosis of the nanotechnology market and the perspective nanoproducts to the 2020th were introduced. Article is written in Russian
Reta M. V. Analysis of modern methods of management of enterprise innovative charges (p. 47 - 50)
n the article the modern going is examined near the management of enterprises innovative charges. The purpose of management of enterprise innovative activity and certainly criteria of management charges is specified. The existent methods of management of enterprise charges are analysed from the point of view their use in the management of enterprise innovative charges. Article is written in Ukrainian
Lisovska N. V. An effect and leasing efficiency is in the innovative economy of Ukraine (p. 51 - 54)
Leasing as financial instrument of development of innovative economy is considered. A conclusion is done, that the model of the innovative leasing is contained by considerable potential of development of not only mutually beneficial partner relations for all subjects of national economy but also for all innovative economy of Ukraine on the whole. Article is written in Ukrainian
Khirnyi O. V. Efficiency of innovative-investment activity (p. 54 - 56)
In the article the results of analysis of efficiency of innovative processes are expounded on the enterprises of Ukraine, monitoring of expenses on directions innovative activity and distributing of sourcings innovative activity is conducted. Article is written in Russian
Judіna O. І. Economic mechanism of innovative activity on resource saving on an enterprise (p. 56 - 63)
The economic mechanism of innovative activity, providing the process of recourse saving and growth of work efficiency of enterprise is developed in the article. Tasks, functions and forms of this mechanism are certain, and also his basic stages are formulated. Article is written in Ukrainian
Matyushenko I. Y. Perspectives of Commercialization of Nanotechnologies in Various Branches of Economy (p. 30 - 40)
The culture of interrelation of business and science in the sphere of nanotechnologies includes various aspects and must at the same time take into consideration the peculiarities of scientific work, human psychology and business. The achievement of equilibrium in these complicated relations allows to build the fragile bridge between scientific research and commercial activity. Article is written in Russian
Klebanova T. S., Timoshenko Y. H. Analysis of approaches researching of counterfeit production (p. 52 - 54)
Spreading of a counterfeit production causes the big amount of negative consequences. Therefore the investigation of different groups of counterfeit is the important basis for selection the effective methods of struggling with infringement of intellectual property rights. In the work proposes the classification of the counterfeit production according to its origin. Article is written in Russian
Kotlyarov M. A., Tatarkin D. A. Prospects of development of the technology-innovative zones in Russia (p. 54 - 55)
The questions of the functioning of special economic zones of technology-innovative type created in the Russian Federation, as well as the results of their operations are explored in the article. The authors analyzed the problems of special economic zones operating activity and proposed directions for their further development. Article is written in Russian
Lapko O. O., Kramarev H. V. Innovative sustainable economic development priorities and financial capabilities of their implementation (p. 56 - 58)
Basic features, priorities and principles that are common in the world in context of a sustainable development of economy are considered. The financial possibilities of its realisation, using mechanisms of attraction of sovereign wealth funds are proved. Article is written in Russian
Litvinova E. V., Posylkina O. V. Innovative activity as the instrument of development of pharmaceutical company (p. 58 - 59)
It was analyzed efficiency of innovative activity of AIM research-and-production pharmaceutical company Ltd. The dynamics of patenting objects of intellectual property was characterized. Commercial benefits of the strategy of domestic innovative plant drugs patent protection were demonstrated. Article is written in Russian
Ankudovich T. Y. Methodological principles of indicator’s modeling innovational development of industry (p. 60 - 62)
The article provides an assessment of innovative investment opportunities for companies presented variant strategies of enterprises of machine building industry by means of algorithmic, mathematical models. Article is written in Ukrainian
Grynko T. V., Yermakova A. V. Meaning of an enterprise’s innovational activity and it’s estimation (p. 62 - 64)
In this article we considered innovation activity notion and methods of its’ estimation. Article is written in Ukrainian
Derenska Y. M. A process of initiation of innovative project in the conditions of pharmaceutical production (p. 64 - 67)
In the article the model of process of initiation of innovative project is offered in the conditions of pharmaceutical production, which takes into account successive implementation of nine subprocesses of initiation of project (with pointing of documents of entrances and initial and performers of subprocesses). Article is written in Ukrainian
Yemtsev V. I. Forming of enterprise's competitiveness due to innovative activity (p. 67 - 69)
The current state of innovative activity at Ukrainian food industry enterprises during the world economic crisis is enlighten. The actual ways of enterprise’s competitiveness improvement are defined as the main component of categories interconnection in the chain «product-enterprise-region-branch-economy of the country». Article is written in Ukrainian
Yokhna M. A., Prilepa N. V. Resource potential of organizational forms of innovative activity of an enterprise (p. 70 - 72)
Main reasons of low innovative activity of domestic enterprises are emphasized and their dynamics is analyzed. It is indicated that increasing of effectiveness of innovative activity can become the motivator of its growth. Thai is why it is necessary to choose those organizational forms, which increase resource and innovative potential of participants. Article is written in Ukrainian
Korovin G. B. Foresight as the Effective Form of Economy Innovative Development (p. 73 - 75)
In article problems of revealing and the coordination of priorities of economy innovative development are considered. The methodology Foresight is offered as the effective solution for this problem. Results of realized regional metallurgical complex Foresight project are described. Article is written in Russian
Kravchenko V. A. Synergistic effect of innovation activities of enterprises in the context of technological renewal of Economy of Ukraine (p. 75 - 77)
In the article developed a sequence of selection of industrial enterprises to invest. A priority set of businesses to determine those areas that belong to the Fifth and Sixth technological system. Finally, choose the appropriate funding for those enterprises that are most active innovation because innovation synergies will provide increased overall macroeconomic effect. Article is written in Ukrainian
Sidorova Y. N., Trynov A. V. Public-private partnership in innovation sector (p. 78 - 80)
In the article main factors holding back innovative development are described. Public-private partnership is shown as one of the solutions of existing problems. Essence of PPP is revealed and benefits for public and private sector are con-sidered. Most spread in Russia forms of PPP are described. Article is written in Russian
Sichkarenko K. A. Network models of innovation policy high-tech enterprises (p. 80 - 82)
The article discussed effective methods of proceeding innovation policy high-tech enterprises. Reveals the principles of their relationship with dealers, partners and competitors, the main approaches to the assimilation of new product markets. Investigated the consequences of the principle of open innovation by enterprises. Article is written in Ukrainian
Tertichna L. I., Ocheredko O. O. Innovative development of the enterprise as a factor to overcome the economic crisis (p. 82 - 84)
This article explores and proposes an innovative method of business development companies as a factor to overcome the economic crisis. Article is written in Ukrainian
Tomakh V. V. Analysis of the concept of «knowledge management» (p. 84 - 86)
The article analyzes and identifies term «knowledge management», «knowledge management system». Defined the basic stages in the development of knowledge management, knowledge management levels and components of knowledge management at the macrolevel. Article is written in Ukrainian
Dashkovska I. B., Stupak I. O. Forming of innovation strategy, based on the innovative potential (p. 86 - 88)
In the article the basic concepts of innovation potential and itsrelationships with the strategy of innovative development company are discussed. The algorithm development and implementation of innovative business strategy is exemplified. Article is written in Ukrainian
Stepanenko V. V. Analysis of institutional mechanisms for innovative development companies (p. 88 - 90)
In article the author investigates methodological approaches to mechanism creation of institutional designing of innovative activity, its economic essence, methods and the tools reveals, allowing to create the effective economic institutes promoting activization of innovative activity. Article is written in Russian
Gusev V. A. Problems of the Innovation System Development in Kharkiv Region (p. 31 - 33)
The article describes generalized results of the publich hearings «The current situation and prospects of the innovation activity in Kharkiv region» which were held at the end of 2009 – beginning of 2010 in Kharkiv. The main reasons for innovation process slowdown are shown, lack of the regional realistic innovation strategy and programs on its implementaation is given as one of the most important reasons. Article is written in Russian
Maksimiv B. M. Influence of Vagueness is on Forming the Innovative Strategy for Producting of Products (p. 58 - 60)
In the article the role of conflicts and vagueness is certain an author on forming the innovative strategy for development of industrial enterprises. Basic terms are also shown in relation to establishment of limits the use of complete antagonism game for the design of conflict of economic activity. At forming of innovative strategy for development of industrial enterprises run into such situations, where efficiency of making decision is arrived at due to the use of the clear mathematical settling and their analysis, modern mathematical methods, computer facilities, information technologies. Article is written in Ukrainian
Korniienko V. I. Management Innovation Activity Ukrainian Companies (p. 61 - 63)
We solved the factors using the results of research in industrial activity, highlighted the main factors hampering innovation, given the scheme of innovation and investment activities in the enterprise. Article is written in Ukrainian
Momot V. M., Ilchenko Y. N. Method of Estimation of Innovative Potential of Scientific Activity (p. 64 - 67)
The article is sanctified to consideration of questions of estimation of innovative potential of scientific activity. Actuality of theme is stipulated by that the estimation of innovative potential testifies to the degree of readiness of enterprise to the innovations and presence of necessary resources. The methodology of estimation of innovative potential, based on the numerical score of separate blocks making the internal environment of scientific organization, is offered. On the base of this methodology it is suggested to produce the estimation of intensity of innovative development of enterprise. Article is written in Russian
Zakharchenkov A. S. Problems of Industrial Enterprises Innovation Development in Ukraine and Formation of Innovation Transformations Strategies (p. 57 - 61)
This article analyzes the main problems of low efficiency of innovation enterprises in Ukraine and discussed possible strategies for innovation. Article is written in Russian
Klunko N. S. Classification of Innovations in the Field of Pharmaceutical Production of Ukraine on the Basis of Matrix Approach (p. 61 - 66)
In the article an author examines the problem of classification of innovations in the field of pharmaceutical production as basis of bringing in of investments. Author conception of such classification is offered to on will drop novelty of pharmaceutical products. Article is written in Ukrainian
Matyushenko I. Y., Buntov I. Y. The perspectives of Converging NBIC-technologies for the creation of technology platform for new economy (p. 66 - 70)
The perspectives of Converging NBIC-technologies, which are drive to revolution turns in industry, economy and sociality, were considered. The correlation of global human problems and possibilities and threats from blending processes of different sciences were introduced. Article is written in Ukrainian
Morhachov I. V. Basic Factors of Influence on Scientific and Technical Systems, Scientific and Technical Activity in Ukraine (p. 71 - 76)
In the article the features of influence of basic factors are specified on the domestic scientific and technical systems, scientific and technical activity in Ukraine. Article is written in Ukrainian
Besprozvannych O. O. Development the System Terms of Investment Innovation (p. 76 - 81)
In the article a theoretical analysis of the definitions of «investment», «innovation», «investment activity», «investment project», «innovative project», «innovation» and built terminosystem of these terms. Article is written in Russian
Yakovleva O. V. Strategic Management Innovative Potential of Industrial Enterprise (p. 82 - 85)
Today innovations become the major factor of competitive activity of enterprise at the modern market. The analysis of basic directions of strategic management forming and development of innovative potential of enterprise is in-process done. For this purpose selected and analysed four groups of strategic decisions which create control system by innovative development of enterprise. Article is written in Ukrainian
Yakovenko K. V. Business plan as a tool for decision making in the implementation of innovation activity of enterprise (p. 97 - 99)
The priority directions for improving the content characteristics of the business plan for the implementation of innovation activity had identified based at the study of the peculiarities of its elaboration. Article is written in Ukrainian
Dikhtyarenko K. V. Influence of innovative changes on receptivity of enterprise (p. 100 - 103)
The basic factors of influence of innovative changes on forming of receptivity of enterprise and estimation of his potential are considered in the article. Article is written in Ukrainian
Timoshenko Y. H., Klebanova T. S. The Model of Assessment of the Level of Intellectual Products Protection (p. 69 - 71)
Solving the problem of intellectual property rights infringement recently becomes an actual item for Ukraine. The question of the optimal level of intellectual goods protection is one of the most important in securing a balance between the interests of the owners (the losses from piracy) and society (access to «knowledge bank»). Article is written in Ukrainian
Gusev A. M. Threat Formed in Society by Means of Developed Information Technology (p. 72 - 75)
The essence of information security concepts, contents of information threats and types of weapons information, the effects of the negative impact of information technology on society, the necessiy of information confrontation are determined there. Article is written in Ukrainian
Piskun E. I. Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Formation of Innovation Activity Management Mechanism (p. 75 - 78)
The article considers the theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation of mechanism of the innovation activity management of industrial and economic systems in conditions of uncertainty which gives the possibility to raise the quality of the taken decisions. Article is written in Russian
Sorokina O. V. Social Aspects of Industrial Enterprise Innovation Development (p. 78 - 81)
The article considers the problem of mutual influence of socio-economic factors on the life cycle of innovation project, determines the bases of appearance of social tension at enterprise, suggests the socio-economic model built with the help of mathematical theory of catastrophes for description of the mechanism of impact of social protest on the life cycle of innovation project at the level of functional similarity. Article is written in Ukrainian
Ramazanov S. K., Vitkova T. O. Modern Innovative Technology – Main Source of an Effective Economic Facilities (p. 81 - 83)
The paper considers the use of innovative technologies for active efficient operation of economic entities. We consider the object-subject-oriented approach to managing economic systems as a model of economic development strategy of choice of object-entity, which is built on the principles of a systematic and logical approach. Article is written in Ukrainian
Klunko N. S. The Role of Innovation Factor in Economic Growth of Pharmaceutical Enterprises (p. 72 - 75)
In the article the definition of innovation, especially innovation in the pharmaceutical market, trends in the transition of domestic pharmaceutical innovation way of development, difficulties associated with it, and explored the opportunities open to domestic enterprises, provided the effective use of their own innovative potential. Article is written in Ukrainian
Yakovenko K. V. Features of Controlling of the Innovation Activity Process of Industrial Enterprises (p. 75 - 78)
The features of controlling of the innovation activity of industrial enterprises are determined, advisability to implement controlling to improving the quality of innovation activity management of industrial enterprise is substantiated. Article is written in Ukrainian
Voronkina N. V. Innovation Component of the Budget and Economic Mechanism of Regulation of Socio-Economic Processes of the Development of Ukraine (p. 79 - 81)
The article considers the innovation component of the budget and economic mechanism of regulation of socio-economic development of Ukraine and the efficiency of the use of such state mechanism as budget expenditures. It makes the assessment of the structural changes in the economy of the country. It was found that the innovation stage of development is inseparably connected with the search of sources of financial resources and the rise of efficiency of the financial factors use. Article is written in Ukrainian
Gavrilova O. Y. Conceptual Bases of Innovative Strategy of Development of National Economy (p. 82 - 84)
The article investigational the normative-legal providing of innovative development in Ukraine, it is grounded conceptual positions of innovative strategy of development of national economy. Article is written in Ukrainian
Zakharchenkov A. S. Technological Audit as Information Basis of Innovation Problem Industrial Enterprises (p. 66 - 69)
The article reviews the main advantages of technology audit to determine the most effective ways to transform problem enterprises. Article is written in Russian
Kolesnichenko V. F. An Approaches for the Educational Component of the Knowledge Economy Integral Estimation (p. 69 - 73)
In this article the measures to reform the education system in Ukraine are considered and the methodical approach for assessing the educational component of the knowledge economy in the regional is aspect is proposed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Matyushenko I. Y. Nanotechnology in Electronics and Information Technologies (p. 32 - 39)
Importance and attractiveness of development of nanosystems are characterised; the structure of nanotechnological research is specified; practical results of implementation of nanotechnology in the field of electronics and information technologies are shown; and rating of sectors of the world market of nanoproducts is given. Article is written in Ukrainian
Onishchenko S. V., Furmanchuk O. S. Technopark as innovative model of development of a building complex of the Poltava region (p. 40 - 43)
In article it is investigated scientific-theoretical features of functioning of technoparks taking into account the analysis of a modern condition of these structures in Ukraine. Influence of technoparks on development of a building complex of the Poltava region is defined. Article is written in Ukrainian
Milevska T. S. Innovative Economic Development Models (p. 44 - 47)
In this paper presented the relevance of developing an innovative model of economic. Typical models of innovative development of economy were analyzed and the perspectives of improvement of the innovation development of Ukraine were highlighted. Article is written in Ukrainian
Osmirko I. V. System of Financial Provision of Innovation Development: Concept, Structure and Principles of Functioning (p. 47 - 49)
The concept of the system of the financial providing of innovative development is considered in the article, a structure is principles of its functioning. Article is written in Russian
Kayira Z. S., Ivanova Y. V. Innovation management in health care: strategic alliances and relationships between organizations (p. 18 - 21)
Health care organizations should increasingly form strategic alliances with other groups and organizations. A variety of relationships between organizations are possible such as shared services, joint programs, umbrella organizations, health agency networks and mergers. As governments try to control health care costs, physicians will play an important role in developing and implementing these alliances. They will be expected to advocate on behalf of patients and communities to ensure that these new organizational arrangements facilitate coordinated care Article is written in Ukrainian
Gerasymyak N. V., Ivanchuk V. Y. Model of development for innovation potential of enterprise (p. 22 - 25)
The article deals with the content of the concepts of "innovation potential" and "innovation- adaptation strategies". A model of strategy for innovation is proposed. There are competitive strategy of innovation potential of the enterprise Article is written in Ukrainian
Samosyonok L. N. Investigation of the Innovative Integration as Economic Category (p. 127 - 132)
The ratio of the concepts determining processes of joint development of innovative systems of the various countries is investigated in article. The mechanism and princi-ples of joint innovative space formation is determined within the framework of inte-gration blocks. The expediency of use of innovative integration in researches of inno-vative interaction of the countries at the present stage of globalization is proved on the basis of definition of intrinsic attributes and properties of the given economic category. Article is written in Ukrainian
Dunska A. R. Background of Forming of Innovative Mechanism of Development of Industrial Enterprises (p. 63 - 67)
In this article is defined the background of innovative mechanism of industrial enterprises, namely: industrial specificity of innovative development; scale of innovative activity of enterprise; innovative potential of enterprises; the use of diagnostics in the field of innovation research object; ensuring an appropriate level of quality of innovation, the formation of adequate criteria for evaluate the effectiveness of innovation. Detailed the nature of each factor and its impact on the development of innovative mechanism of industrial enterprises. Article is written in Ukrainian
Labunska S. V. Formation of Methodological and Ontological Paradigms of Enterprise Innovation Activities (p. 68 - 71)
Based on the monographic analysis paper specifies paradigm of the research in sphere of formation and functioning of the innovation management as a component of overall management of the company. Paper describes a structural decomposition of paradigm on semantic levels. The author's definition of concept "paradigm of applied economic research" is proposed and particularities of this concept in research on the problems of effective innovation management are distinguished and discussed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Derenska Y. M. A Construction of Process Model of Implementation of Innovative Project in the Conditions of Pharmaceutical Production (p. 84 - 88)
In the article the process model of implementation of innovative project is offered in the conditions of pharmaceutical production, including realization of seven subprocesses of implementation of project (with pointing of incoming and outgoing documents and performers of subprocesses). Article is written in Ukrainian
Masalov Y. I. Methods to Improve Implementation of Innovative Projects (p. 88 - 93)
In the article the promote technique of innovative projects from inception to production ideas serial production is discussed. The author shows the advantage of project management as a tool to enhance the innovation activities of the enterprise and the success of innovations based on it. Step method is divided in accordance with the basic processes of the company in the implementation of innovative projects. Article is written in Russian
Savenko К. S. Morphological Classification of Innovation Considering the Proposed Signs (p. 93 - 96)
Article is devoted to the classification of innovation in industrial enterprise. Existing approaches to the classification of innovation differ primarily by the number embedded in them based classifications. Analysis of different typologies allowed the author to develop a morphological classifier innovation, the formation of which was based on the principles of comprehensiveness, the possibility of quantitative and qualitative determination criteria, scientific novelty and practical value. Article is written in Ukrainian
Ovchynnikova M. A. Analysis of Problems of Innovative-Investment Legislation of Ukraine (p. 96 - 104)
In the article the modern state of normatively-legal base of innovative-investment activity in Ukraine is analysed. Actuality of modernisation of innovative-investment legislation and his accordance are reasonable to the world standards. The list of basic home normative acts is formed in the context of directions of government control of innovative-investment development and the problems of the legislative providing are defined in this sphere. Conclusions about defects in the legal providing of innovative-investment activity were confirmed by the analysis of the advanced studies of leading specialists in this area. Article is written in Ukrainian
Ianchenko Z. B. Structure of Innovation Potential of Enterprises as a Set of Factors of Organisational and Economic Origin (p. 134 - 138)
The article considers alternative to popular resource approach representation of the structure of innovation potential of an enterprise as a set of factors of organisational and economic origin, conducts consideration and analysis of content of the most important structural components, in particular innovation climate, innovation culture, business processes and values of an enterprise. It also provides a scheme of identification and overcoming innovation barriers with the help of two-dimensional table-matrix. Article is written in Ukrainian
Bashta A. I., Ivanova A. S. Aspects of Stable Development on the Basis of Use of Innovation Energy-Saving (p. 96 - 99)
The article analyses the main strategic direction of reliability of energy supply of recreation systems with preservation of rates of economic growth under conditions of increase of efficiency of use of energy resources and reduction of energy losses at all stages. The main socio-economic conditions of development of energy-saving technologies in recreation systems are: common social prospects of renewable energy, training qualified personnel, requirements to energy industry under conditions of stable development and marketing of energy saving. The following tasks were set and realised: to form theoretical and methodological provisions of analysis of development of energy-saving technologies in a recreation system by groups of socio-economic conditions; to justify measures required for a technological breakthrough in the socio-economic sphere of energy saving in a recreation system; to reveal and analyse programmes on economic support of production of renewable sources of energy in Ukraine and Crimea and the legal base; to consider feed-in tariffs in Ukraine and EU countries; to reveal advantages of development of solar energy in Ukraine. At the modern stage it is necessary, first of all, to accelerate development of training and methodical complex of retraining and additional training of personnel, whose knowledge has approximate theoretical character or purely practical one. The scientific and technological breakthrough could only be possible in the event of objective growth of science intensity of the production process and intellectualisation of labour. Methodology of energy-saving innovations includes expansion of scientific cognition, development of the recreational sector in real time and use of methods of comparative and analytical assessment and benchmarking. Article is written in Russian
Firsova S. H., Makhinich A. A., Spirina I. G. Commercialisation of Innovation Products in the Real Sector of Economy (p. 100 - 105)
The article generalises practical experience of functioning of a domestic company in the market of Ukraine, studies effective combination of marketing and innovation activity of this company. It justifies expediency of identification of the strategy of managing innovations in the trade policy, assessment of results of marketing testing of innovation products by specific indicators. It offers methods of formation of a complex indicator of assessment of results of marketing testing of a new product for this company. It forms a matrix form of segmenting the market of an innovation product and implements it into practical activity of this company. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kravchenko T. I. Process of Promotion of Innovation Products to the Market: Essence and Specific Features of Organisation (p. 150 - 155)
The article uses analysis of theoretical and practical approaches to organisation of the process of bringing finished products to the final customer, used in the domestic and foreign practices, in order to identify the essence and goal of the process of promotion of innovation products to the market, specifies stages of promotion of innovation products, marks out specific features of their organisation with consideration of specific features of the object of promotion – an innovation product. Detailed consideration of stages that are connected with formation of the potential market of innovation products and identification of the subjects that take part in promotion of innovation products to the market allows application of the proposed algorithm when promoting innovation products developed for the first time ever. Stage-by-stage study of the process of promotion of innovation products to the market allowed establishment of the fact that realisation of this process cannot be performed without a continuous management of the process. Article is written in Russian
Androsyuk G. N., Kachur N. V., Maslov V. P. Modelling the Process of Scientific and Technical and Innovation Developments Depending on Financing Conditions (p. 155 - 159)
The issues of the search for the sources of financing and technology transfer and increase of volumes of high-technology industry are quite urgent for Ukraine. The goal of the article is development of a graphical model of the process of creation of innovations depending on financing conditions. The authors offered a logistical approach to modelling the process of creation of innovations depending on resources. Methods of graphical differentiation showed that the most efficient is the middle part of the second period of creation of an innovation. This period is also the most attractive for commercialisation and transfer of the results of scientific research. The article describes a prospective structure of virtual offices of technology transfer based on achievements of new information technologies that operate in a continuous mode. Article is written in Ukrainian
Pritulyak N. N. Infrastructure formations of venture capital as a form of integration of science into production (p. 154 - 159)
The article focuses on the problem of transfer of results of the scientific progress into production, solution of which would allow obtaining a socio-economic effect in the form of competitive advantages in the world market, economic security of the country and well-being of its people. The article offers to create technological park structures as possible and efficient ways of uniting the “science-production” cycle into a single whole. To achieve this, the article identifies essence and tasks of the innovation structure, goal, organisation forms and expediency of its creation. Using the results of the analysis of the world and domestic experience of technological parks functioning, the article identifies state measures that are capable of forming a favourable institutional environment in Ukraine. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kintoryak Y. N., Porohnya V. M., , Semenova L. S. Some Aspects of the System Approach to the Processes of Functioning of Intellectual Capital of a Higher Educational Establishment (p. 90 - 95)
The article studies the process of knowledge digestion by college students as a component of the intellectual capital. Instrument of the study is a system approach that allows a complex study of the process of knowledge digestion in a college. The article conducts analysis and summarises results with the help of system thinking, which activates the system analysis mechanism. The system view on the process of knowledge digestion by college students has its positive sides: it opens an integral character of the process of knowledge digestion, which allows explanation of a number of issues of quality of education and formulation of new directions and problems of work; the mechanism of applied methods of study also develops. Prospects of this study is as follows: further formation of the study mechanism; identification of the fields of study and volume of work; development of new methods and formation of messages to other sciences in this direction. Article is written in Russian
Zolotykh I. B. Development of the Knowledge Economy in Russia and Ukraine: Problems and Factors of Development (p. 95 - 100)
The article analyses reasons and factors of development of the knowledge economy in Russia and Ukraine. It justifies urgency of development of the knowledge economy, for which the following is typical: high index of economic freedom, the developed civil society and democracy, and knowledge economy. It considers problems of development of education, information and communication technologies, national innovation system, in particular, technology parks and increase of their efficiency. It analyses practical experience in this problem in the developed countries. It underlines the necessity of increase of the role of business in financing fundamental and applied research, and also activation of their activity with participation of the state academies of sciences. The education system should be directed not only at satisfaction of primary needs, but at provision of the socio-economic development of society. In order to create favourable conditions of development of the human capital it is required to: ensure innovation character of development of the higher education; create an optimal structure of training and re-training personnel for the needs of innovation economy; expand accessibility of higher education. Article is written in Russian
Ostroverkhova H. V. Innovativeness of Organisational Culture as an Instrument of Increase of Effectiveness of Innovation Activity (p. 101 - 105)
The article grounds influence of organisational culture of an enterprise upon effectiveness of its innovation activity, analyses the modern state of studies in the field of innovativeness of organisational culture of enterprises. It offers the author’s approach to definition of the organisational culture on the basis of a parallel morphological analysis of “culture” and “organisational culture” notions. It offers a structurisation of the organisational culture, which allows development of more effective instruments of management of innovation activity. It grounds a necessity of differentiation of the use of “innovation culture” and “innovativeness of organisational culture” terms. It develops a conceptual approach to analysis and methods of changing the level of innovativeness of organisational culture at an enterprise. Article is written in Russian
Zolotykh I. B., Zhernov Y. Y., Zhernova N. A. Purposefulness and Problems of Development of Technological Parks in the Process of Formation of the Knowledge Economy in Ukraine and Russia (p. 61 - 67)
The article considers problem aspects of development of technological parks in the process of formation of knowledge economy in Ukraine and Russia. It justifies urgency of full value innovation activity, which cannot develop without such principally new economic and territorial innovation-active formations as technological parks. The article underlines the role of a technological park as an efficient mechanism of revival and going out of crisis situations, since the result of its activity – socio-economically favourable regions and thousands of new working places. The article considers internal and external goals of creation of first technological parks in developed countries and makes a conclusion that each park is established for achievement of goals caused by local socio-economic conditions and available natural conditions of the territory. It gives classification of technological parks by types. It identifies main directions of creation of technological parks and conditions of their effective functioning. Article is written in Russian
Faychuk О. M., Faychuk O. V. Innovation Process as the Driving Force of Economic Growth (p. 66 - 70)
The article is devoted to definition of the functional value of the many-sided phenomenon of the innovation process in ensuring positive dynamics of economic development and appearance of cyclic fluctuations in the market economy. It differentiates component elements of the “innovation process” category and conducts its structurisation. It describes the essence of “novation”, “innovation”, “innovation activity”, “innovation project” and “innovation process” notions. It substantiates the key role of innovation projects in ensuring regular and periodic stimulation of processes of economic growth. It shows their place on curves of the life cycle of goods, which embodies cyclic fluctuations in economy. Article is written in Ukrainian
Khimchenko A. N., Mahnovych O. O. Economic Essence, Place and Classification of Innovation Processes in Public Production (p. 71 - 76)
The article studies the place and significance of innovation processes in public production. It offers hierarchy of the innovation theory. It presents the content levels of innovation theory notions as follows: the “innovation” notion is located at the first level; innovation activity, innovation process, objects and subjects of the innovation process – the second level of the hierarchy of notions. The widest among the third level notions is the innovation sphere, which includes: innovation infrastructure, innovation market and innovation products. “Innovation potential” is the fourth level notion. Innovation climate, innovation risk and innovation security is the aggregate of the fifth level notions. “Innovation policy” notion is at the top of the hierarchy. The article develops a classifier of innovation processes, in the basis of which there are the following classification features: the goal of the innovation process, degree of the radicality of execution of innovation processes, content of innovation processes, level of development and distribution of innovation processes, volume of execution of innovation processes, rates of distribution of innovation processes and type of the effect caused by innovation processes. Article is written in Ukrainian
Нoncharova S. Y., Honcharov A. B. Strategic Management of Innovations at Pharmaceutical Enterprises (p. 56 - 60)
The article is devoted to theoretical and practical issues of the use of the concept of strategic management of innovations at pharmaceutical enterprises. It studies main barriers, which restrict development of Ukrainian pharmaceutical enterprises. It analyses the state and tendencies of development of innovation activity of pharmaceutical enterprises and studies foreign experience of innovation activity. It marks out specific features of strategic management of innovation development in pharmaceutical industry. It specifies the role and advantages of methods of strategic analysis in the system of management of a pharmaceutical enterprise. It considers the essence of “innovation development” and “innovation model of development” notions and analyses their organisational and legal provision. It justifies strategic tasks of the pharmaceutical filed to focus on in order to achieve a breakthrough when building an innovation model of economic development. The article proves that the most important factors that ensure growth of efficiency of pharmaceutical production are: wide application of the concept of strategic management and creation of innovations. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kalashnyk T. Y., Lisna I. F. Problems of Innovation and Investment Development of Ukraine Today (p. 60 - 64)
The article justifies importance of innovation and investment activity as one of the ways of efficient development of the Ukrainian economy. It analyses specific features of innovation activity at the modern stage of development, which include low level of innovation activity of enterprises, out-of-date fixed assets, low specific weight of the sold innovation products in the general volume of industrial products, significant reduction of the volume of built and mastered new equipment, extremely small share of for the first time produced products in Ukraine, etc. The article analyses statistical data, which characterise innovation and investment activity under modern conditions of development. It reveals problems of carrying out innovation and investment activity in our country. It considers potential capabilities of our state, which should become the basis of successful development of innovation and investment activity in Ukraine. Article is written in Ukrainian
Grigorenko O. V. To the Issue of Development of the National Innovation System of Russia (p. 65 - 68)
The article studies specific features of formation and development of national innovation systems under conditions of the modern world economy and analyses the role of technology transfer as an instrument of innovation transformation of economy, which is caused by urgent problems of development of domestic economy in the part of formation of methodological approaches to development of the national innovation system. Technology transfer, being a tool of formation and development of competitive advantages of the subjects of Russian economy as full participants of international economic relations, should become one of the vectors of formation of the innovation model of the Russian economy under modern conditions. Article is written in Russian
Solona T. S., Garafonova O. I. Introduction of Innovations under Conditions of Changes in Activity of Domestic Enterprises (p. 144 - 148)
The goal of the article lies in the study of the process of introduction of innovations under conditions of changes. Analysing, systemising and generalising results of scientific activity of a number of scientists, the article compares “innovations” and “changes” notions, determines their interconnection and differences and studies the innovation process using example of introduction of the rail fastening Pandrol Fastclip at Ukrainian enterprises as an innovation. In the result of the study the article focuses on the increasing value of conduct of active innovation activity at domestic enterprises. It justifies expediency of production and application of sleepers with innovation rail fastening Pandrol Fastclip, which is better than Ukrainian analogues by constructive and economic indicators, at Ukrainian rail roads. Prospects of further studies in this direction are search for possibilities of production of the studied fastening Pandrol Fastclip by Ukrainian enterprises and minimisation of negative aspects of transition to the innovation rail fastening in Ukraine. Article is written in English
Garafonova O. I. Main Directions of Assessment of Innovation Development and Management of Innovations at Enterprises (p. 100 - 103)
The priority activity at an enterprise always is introduction of innovations, but organisation of introduction of innovations is not identified specifically. Under these conditions one of the main components of survival and development of domestic subjects of entrepreneurial activity is the capability to propose, develop, produce, market and promote goods with new consumer properties, which are oriented at satisfaction of existing consumer needs. Many factors influence successful realisation of innovations at an enterprise, including scientific and technical potential, production and technical base, main types of resources, large investments and the relevant management system. That is why there is a problem of correct correlation and use of these factors and also close interrelation through the system of management between innovation, production and marketing activity of the firm, which lead to a positive result of realisation of the innovation strategy. The article offers main directions of innovation development of enterprise organisation under modern conditions. Article is written in Ukrainian
Koiuda V. O., Osykova A. M. Organisational and Methodical Aspects of Managing Innovation Development of the Enterprise (p. 50 - 58)
The article considers innovation environment of the enterprise (IEE) as a changeable system of factors – sources of interaction of macro-, meso-, and micro-levels. It analyses the most influential factors of internal IEE upon innovation development (ID) of the enterprise under conditions of cyclicity of development of economy and potential possibilities of the economic subject in implementation of innovations on the basis of information and communication technologies and knowledge economy. It marks out determining functions of management of ID processes for achieving sustainable and stable socio-economic development under conditions of innovation and competitive environment. Accumulation of competitive advantages by means of intangible assets (human resources, professionalism, qualification, competence, creativity and knowledge) requires actualisation and ensuring favourably stimulating conditions of development of creative abilities, self-improvement, self-development of personalities on the basis of the knowledge economy. The balanced development causes a need in justification of the methodical approach of ID assessment, which was proposed for a specific enterprise on the basis of the generalising indicator by three components as the basis for development of a set of measures by resource potential, technical-and-technological and effective direction of growth of innovation development. Article is written in Ukrainian
Nosyk O. M. Theoretical Approaches to Identification of the Essence of the Socio-innovation Model of Economic Development (p. 59 - 64)
The article shows urgency and practical significance of development of a theoretical basis of the socio-innovation model of economic development, transition to which is one of the key factors of overcoming the modern innovation disfunction of the Ukrainian economy. Based on the analysis of interaction and interdependence of economic and social aspects in the essence of innovation development at the categorical level, the article justifies the conclusion that historical development of the essence of the “innovations”, “innovation process” and “innovation activity” is a process of interconnected transformation of its social and economic components with preservation of criterial (essential) economic characteristics. The article proves that innovations are a socio-economic phenomenon and are based not only on scientific-technical and economic but also on social factors of innovation development and have certain social results and consequences. The article justifies the essence and directions of socialisation of innovation activity: socialisation of innovation knowledge as their acceptance by society and transformation into the social knowledge, the leading role of human and social capitals in ensuring innovation development of economy, and social criteria of innovation development. It proves that the socio-economic organisation of knowledge is a component of the social capital. It reveals the essence and forms of innovatisation of social development. It shows that an important direction of formation of the socio-economic model is innovatisation of the social environment of innovation activity as the process of carrying out social innovations. Article is written in Ukrainian
Shevchenko O. M., Bratus Y. M. Economic Essence of Benchmarking and its Role in Innovation Development of the Enterprise (p. 64 - 68)
The goal of the article is the study of theoretical views on economic nature of benchmarking and justification of its role in innovation development of the enterprise. The article analyses, in this context, scientific views of researchers with respect to the essence of benchmarking. Based on generalisation of the existing definitions of economic nature of benchmarking, the article specifies essence of this category. In the result of the study of the essence and key elements of benchmarking, the article justifies its role in innovation development of the enterprise, which manifests itself in development and introduction of innovation ideas, growth of productivity and efficiency of business processes, improvement of product quality, improvement of enterprise activity in the process of indicative measurement, stimulation of employees to achieve new standards and aim at new development, and increase of the level of enterprise competitiveness. The prospect of further scientific studies in this direction is identification of benchmarking types and specific features of the technology of its conduct. Article is written in Ukrainian
Krush N. P. Improvement of the Model of Managing Innovation Activity of Corporate Enterprises in the Context of Innovation Openness (p. 69 - 77)
The article considers innovation activity management models in the context of changing the nature of innovation orientation and analyses their use with consideration of experience of companies of foreign countries. In the process of the study the article reveals that a big number of major firms and companies in the world are subject to transition from the traditional “closed” model of innovation activity, which envisages own development of innovations, to the model of “open” innovations. The article shows that the concept of open innovations is based on combinations of internal and external resources as sources of ideas and methods of their commercialisation, hence corporate enterprises become real resource opportunities for building up such schemes of interaction. The article proves that open innovations connect external and internal ideas into the system, requirements to which are identified by enterprise goals, its specificity and possibilities of transformation of the management model. Article is written in Ukrainian
Romanchyk T. V. Analysis of Innovation Activity of the Ukrainian Economy (p. 111 - 115)
The goal of the article is the study of scientific activity and innovation activity of enterprises and organisations of Ukraine, determination of dependence of competitiveness of the country at the world level on the said indicators and also analysis of negative tendencies. The article marks that leaders by the index of global competitiveness are those countries that position themselves as exporters of high-technology equipment and newest technologies. Ukraine is still unable to compete with innovation developed countries. The innovation way of development could be chosen by those subjects of economy that have a sufficient level of financial support, which Ukraine, unfortunately, lacks at the moment. And although Ukraine is considered to be the state with a significant scientific potential, the economic and geopolitical processes that take part in the country negatively influenced development of its innovation activity. The article provides a number of indicators that characterise the state of innovation activity of Ukrainian enterprises, dynamics of financing of science, dynamics of a number and structure of scientific personnel and analyses some problem aspects in this direction and justifies the ways of activation of scientific and innovation activity of the country with the aim of increase of the level of its global competitiveness. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kulyk A. O. Cascade-integration Method of Management of Strategy of Innovation Development of an Aviation Enterprise (p. 115 - 120)
The article studies modern theoretical developments and practical experience of innovation of competitiveness with the aim of formation of a complex methodical approach to managing innovation changes of business processes at high-technology enterprises of the air transport industry. Strategic analysis of directions and rates of scientific and technical progress, structural changes of external and internal environment of aviation enterprises under conditions of international globalization of air transportation and “open sky” policy testifies to a necessity of acceleration and deepening transfer of the best innovation developments (benchmarks) of leading enterprises. In the result of the study the article offers a cascade-integration method of search, development, adaptation and realization of innovations with permanent adjustment and synchronisation of innovation strategy of enterprise development in real time. Management of innovation transformation of strategies of functioning and development of aviation enterprises is carried out by their situation centres with the use of technologies of road maps of innovation programmes. Further studies should expand the sphere of application of the cascade method of accounting mutual influence of direct and induced innovation changes upon the strategy of partner enterprises that maintain and service the air transport activity. Article is written in Ukrainian
Tkachenko M. O. Approaches for Classification of Innovative Processes of Industrial Enterprise (p. 79 - 84)
The aim of the article is to reveal the essence of theoretical innovation processes of industrial enterprises and their classification. The paper reveals the essence of the categories of "innovation" and "innovation potential" that are basic in the study of innovation processes, and presented a three-tier structure of the innovation potential. By generalization and systematization of the existing approaches to the definition of innovative processes their essence and economic nature were disclosed, which determines their specificity. The paper found that innovative processes are to be explored from the viewpoints of values, theories and law margin and decreasing returns, which allowed improving their classification. In addition, during the issue of disclosure of the innovation process and the sequence of its steps a three-dimensional model of the flow of the innovation process was proposed, which takes into account the differences caused by different types of corporate communications industry. Article is written in Ukrainian
Bondar-Pіdhurska O. V. Mechanisms of Harmonization of National Interests in the Context of Innovative and Socially Oriented Industry Development in Ukraine (p. 84 - 91)
The paper aims to develop effective mechanisms to harmonize national interests in the context of sustainable innovation oriented industry development in Ukraine on the basis of research works of domestic and foreign scholars. The article analyzes the formation and implementation of the system of vital interests, as well as major issues of national security. The urgency of considering the industry as an innovative orientation for sustainable development, the foundations of social stability and economic security guarantees were grounded. The realization of interests of individuals, society and the state as a system of corporate governance through its main actors and the mechanisms of their interaction was proposed. One of these mechanisms of interaction, or a "mechanism of harmonization of interests", is recommended to consider the transfer of technology within the industry, where society as a potential carrier of intellectual property through the implementation of self-interest ensures sustainable development of the state and society to meet their interests and at the same time becomes the core model of innovative self-development. A flowchart of sustainable and innovative people-centered development of Ukraine's economy was developed, which is based on information and spiritual security as the primary cause, and transfer of technology within an industry as a promising mechanism for harmonization of interests between the society, the society and the state, which is intended to contribute to the sustainable existence of the state, welfare and stability of the nation. Article is written in Ukrainian
Chukhrayeva N. M. Innovative Development of an Enterprise and Ensuring its Efficiency and Sustainability (p. 92 - 97)
Basis for effective development, which is stable for a long time, is innovation. The innovative development is the essential basis of the stability and efficiency of the enterprise. Methodological region of task solution of sustainability and efficiency of development based on innovation intersect overlap, specifying areas of ongoing research. The paper proposes a formal structure of transformed model of sustainable development, the interrelation between the stability and efficiency of innovative development of Ukraine, the assessment concepts the effectiveness of enterprise development were considered and systematized. The key indicators for measuring the sustainability of food businesses were generalized and the method of estimating the stability of innovative enterprise development based on the matrix method was proved. It was concluded on innovation as the foundation of enterprise development, which initially violates the economic equilibrium, and then, under the influence of the processes of economic competition, restores stability to a new level. In the transition to a new state enterprise innovators will receive better economic results, which will tend to decline as the other companies introduce these innovations. That is, sustainability and efficiency update the permanence of innovative processes, which, in turn, are a source of enterprise development. Article is written in Ukrainian
Maslak O. O. Safety of the Innovation Development Industry as a Component of National Security (p. 93 - 97)
The notion of national and economic security of the country, refined their constituent elements (financial, foreign trade, investment, innovation, energy, demographic, social and technological security). The safety of innovative development of the industry was investigated as a component of national security. Its definition was improved as a specific condition of the company (in the region), which ensures the formation of conditions for increasing the possibilities of creating and commercializing innovation, the use of scientific and technological capabilities and is the result of purposeful activity for the implementation of an innovative model of development in all aspects of farming. Prioritized components of the economic (national) security, which is caused by the needs of the population, the presence of external dangers and threats, the political state of the country, international events and relationships, level of economic development, social and cultural status, and so on. Article is written in Ukrainian
Konashchuk V. L., Kromska L. A. The Time Factor in the System of Performance Management of Innovation Functioning Strategy of the Enterprise (p. 98 - 102)
The aim of the article is to study the theoretical and methodological aspects of the formation of a system of performance management of innovation strategy functioning machine-building enterprise, including the formation of the control subsystem temporary factor. The organizational and functional diagram of this system was proposed. The process of performance management of the innovation strategy in the context of the interaction of the structural units of the company and use the appropriate methodological tools. The role of the time factor in the operation of the enterprise on the basis of innovation model was analyzed. The possibilities of time factor management and the formation of the corresponding sub-system within the performance management system of innovation strategy functioning of the enterprise. The main problems of time management factor, particularly in terms of optimizing the timing of innovation and investment projects and identify cross-project lags, as well as suggested approaches to their solution. Article is written in Russian
Amіet-Ustaіeva D. M. The Management of Innovative Development of Travel Businesses (p. 103 - 108)
The main goal of this article is to study the specific traits of the management of innovative development of travel businesses on the basis of newest information technologies. The review of studies by local and foreign scientists allowed to create a new definition of travel innovations category. It offers to consider the travel innovations in respect tobusiness environment , management of information systems and development of travel products. The article adapts the model of innovative company development by L. Greiner for travel businesses. The model describes the stages of corporate development of an organization. The implementation of this model allows to define the major part of companies development traits in future. It outlines both the problems faced by a company an the range of actions needed to be taken during each stage. It defines the function of information systems and management technologies in the innovative development of travel companies. Their implementation favors the increase of the number of orders; the increase of employees working efficiency; the improvement of services level; the decrease of certain categories of expenses (communications and mail dispatch); the increase of company’s competitiveness and its travel products; the improvement of organization’s economical security; the advancement of organization’s image. Article is written in Ukrainian
Vasylchuk I. P. Social Enterprises: Characteristics of Organizational and Legal Structure and Funding (p. 61 - 65)
The purpose of the article is to investigate the features of formation and purpose of innovative forms of organization of social enterprises and especially funding for their activities. The study highlighted new types of commercial organizations with a hybrid form of organization, which have a dual purpose: business – profit and social – the creation of public goods. The features of the activities of a limited liability company with a low income, which are known in the USA as «L3C» (English.– Low-Profit Limited Liability Company) and companies of public interest "CIC" (English.– Community Interest Company), that are legalized in the UK. It is found that despite the active dissemination of new hybrid forms of social enterprises, there is a number of problems that limit their establishment and operation. The following constraints were identified: legal restrictions relating to compliance with the statutory purposes; limited opportunities to raise capital; the difficulty of the mission, including the achievement of social goals. It was revealed that the hybrid forms of social enterprises have features in financing due to the need to achieve a double mission. The experience of the UK in the financing activities of public interest was considered. It was proved that the obsolescence and uncertainty of the legal framework and judicial precedents have necessitated changes in legislation and the creation of new hybrid forms of organization of businesses with a social mission. Article is written in Ukrainian
Mosin O. O. Practical Aspects of Measuring of the Technological Innovation Potential of the Engineering Enterprise (p. 66 - 73)
The purpose of this paper is the practical testing methodology for measuring technological innovation potential of machine-building enterprises. To summarize the existing approaches to the definition of innovative potential of enterprise the techniques to systematize and compare were used; to determine the properties of technological innovation potential of an engineering enterprise – the method of deduction was used. An algorithm for the measurement of technological innovation potential of machine-building enterprises was created, which, in contrast to existing approaches (and resource management), enables to evaluate the state of potency of innovations, rather than the state of their actualization. This algorithm makes it possible to quantify the internal resources of an enterprise, which can be used for the implementation of product and process innovations. Implementation of the proposed algorithm enables enterprises of heavy engineering industry to assess their own technological innovation potential, which creates conditions for its more effective implementation. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kovtun K. S., Velyka О. Y. Analysis of the Impact of Innovation Introduction in Pharmaceutical Industry Enterprises of Kharkov Oblast (p. 73 - 77)
In modern conditions, the role of innovative projects that are affected by various kinds of factors, both positive and negative is increasing, that is why the process of innovation in domestic enterprises in most cases leads to delays in the project implementation process. Thus, the determination of the degree of innovation of the pharmaceutical enterprises of Kharkov oblast and the full implementation of quality assurance and compliance with international standards is a powerful argument for the continued existence of the market. The main task of an enterprise engaged in the implementation of innovation, is the production of radically new drugs with unique properties that are different from competitors. Article is written in Ukrainian
Danilov О. D., Paientko T. V. Venture Financing of Innovative Activities in Ukraine: Problems and Prospects (p. 92 - 97)
The article discusses the problems of intensification of venture financing of innovative activities in Ukraine. The objective of the article consists in evaluation of circumstances and determination of prospects for venture financing of innovative activities in Ukraine. The results of the conducted study indicate that the current stage of development of Ukrainian economy cannot be described as innovative. The problems of low innovation development and implementation rates are traditionally associated with shortage of the funding provided for innovative activities. This is especially typical of the initial realization stages of innovative projects characterized by a considerable need for venture investment. In the first 15 years of development of Ukraine as an independent state a shortage of venture financing was associated with an insufficient number of venture collective investment schemes and low value of their net assets. In order to encourage growth in the number of collective investment schemes and increase in the value of net assets achieved by venture collective investment schemes, a series of tax incentives were developed and implemented. One of the results of implementing such tax mechanisms was an increase in the number of collective investment schemes (including venture ones) and growing value of net assets of venture collective investment schemes. This means, there was a nominal increase in the financial potential of ventures. However, there was no actual increase in the volume of venture financing in the sphere of innovative activities. This is caused by the fact that most venture collective investment schemes invest money either in traditional processes or those involved in tax optimization schemes. We believe that a possible solution can be introducing changes to taxation of activities of collective investment schemes, namely: imposition of a tax on financial operations. This step will make utilization of collective investment schemes useless for tax evasion purposes and will encourage them to make real investments. Prospects for future studies consist in providing a rationale for the choice of objects of financial operations tax imposition and its rates. Article is written in Ukrainian
Hromyka R. P. Innovation and Enterprise Policy Changes (p. 98 - 102)
In the article the close relationship between the development of an innovative company and its organizational changes is grounded. Nature of innovation, especially innovation strategies determine the specificity of the relevant changes, which are often related to the structure of the enterprise, strategic management, policies, reward systems, labor relations, coordination, management information systems and controls, as well as accounting and budgeting. The process of innovation development provides a systematic approach to the development of strategy and structure of the enterprise, and their implementation in order to increase its efficiency based on the activation of creative intellectual activity, the creation and dissemination of innovations. It was defined that the innovation resources of the company’s development in today's economic realities are financial support, knowledge of workers (competence and technology), suppliers, partners, customers, competitors. Thus, there is an objective need not only to develop and implement innovative strategies, but also create appropriate institutional environment for innovation. Last involve changes in the structure, the active participation of enterprises in the integration processes, restructuring of business models and more. Article is written in Ukrainian
Syrotynska N. M. Strategic Planning of the Innovation Activity in the Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 103 - 108)
This article discusses the strategic planning of the innovation activity in the machine-building enterprises. When analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the scientific works of numerous scientists, various approaches of the domestic as well as foreign scientists to the interpretation of such categories as «strategy» and «innovation strategy» were examined; the role of the innovation strategy in the innovative development of the enterprise was investigated; the most common in the economic literature classification systems of innovative strategies were analysed. As a result of the study the essentials of the concepts «strategy» and «innovation strategy» were refined, also the author's own classification of the innovation strategies based on key characteristics of innovation was developed, on the basis of which the main features and possible types of innovative strategies within these features were determined. Prospects for further research in this direction are the establishment and implementation of the innovative strategies for the domestic machine-building enterprises, aimed at the enhancing of their competitiveness in the market. Article is written in Ukrainian
Pylypyuk Y. V. Conceptualization of the Substance of the Innovative Development of the State (p. 109 - 114)
In the article the necessity for transition to innovation model of development is proved. The study aims to determine the categorical content of the term «development», to distinguish between economic growth and economic development, to assess the views of scientists on issues of innovation development. The article focuses on the theoretical problems of substantiation the relationship and the differences between the concepts of «development», «growth», «innovation development». The use of innovations is noted to be a prerequisite to economic development. Based on the analysis and synthesis of scientific publications from many scholars, is demonstrated that the financial support mechanism of innovation development is useful to help new innovative capabilities and to encourage the economic growth. As a result of the research, the author proposes his own interpretation of the innovative development concept. Article is written in Ukrainian
Chizhov S. V. Problems of the Innovative Development of the Industry in Ukraine (p. 133 - 137)
The article discusses various approaches to initiation of the industrial competitiveness in the current context and to development of the innovative industrial competitiveness. The author goes into the details and interprets the concept of «innovation competitiveness» of industry. The relationship between the concepts of «innovation activity» and «competitiveness» are defined. Trends of development of the innovation activity in the industry and the priority development branches, oriented towards growth of the innovative competitiveness, are analyzed. Trends of the technological inferiority of the industrial production by reference to the major indicators are revealed. The main problems of the innovative development of the industry are summarized and the ways to enhance the innovation activity aimed at forming the model of the innovative development of the industry in Ukraine are highlighted. Article is written in Ukrainian
Romanchyk T. V. Innovation Theory: A Study of the Conceptual Apparatus (p. 138 - 142)
The aim of the article is to analyze the main definitions of the innovation theory and to determine the time period during which the innovation can be regarded as such. A comparative analysis of the conceptual apparatus of the innovation theory was conducted; distinctive features of interpretation of definitions by different authors were defined, definitions of key categories were given and a chain of logical dependencies between them was built. Attention is paid to the differences between innovation and the innovation process. The author has proved that when comparing the definitions of "innovation" and the stages of the innovation cycle some inconsistency can be traced. In the definitions of innovation, presented in the current literature, its time limitation and the degree of diffusion are not considered, which is why there are contradictions associated with the perception of a new for implementation in an enterprise. Thus, the author restricts the use of the definition of "innovation" only at the stage of its implementation, and proves that after that the first stage of the product life cycle begins. Thus, the author divides the economic cycle of a product into innovation and life cycle. The initial stage of the innovation cycle is to generate ideas, and the final stage – the introduction of innovations. All subsequent steps are the stages of the life cycle of product innovation. Thanks to this innovation cycle is an integral part of the economic cycle of the product, representing the stage of its creation. Article is written in Ukrainian
Snihur K. A. Implementation of Innovative Technologies in the Personnel Management System of the Hotel Enterprise (p. 143 - 147)
In the article the personnel management system of the hotel enterprise in the context of the innovation process was considered. The meaning of innovation as well as innovation in the field of human resources management was defined. The feasibility of application of HR consulting as the innovative and one of the most effective technologies of hospitality workers management, providing for the delegation of authorities to third-party organizations that will contribute to the creation of an effective system of attraction and development of employees and the transformation of the company's human resources capacity in its strategic advantage. It was determined, that a necessary condition for the increase of the service quality in the hotel enterprise is to work at the development of the business and personal qualities of employees, to search for new approaches to the effective HR management. After analyzing the worldwide experience of implementation of innovative technologies in the personnel management system of the hotel enterprise, specifics of efficient technologies in the sphere of personnel management were characterized, in particular: staff leasing, personnel audit and coaching, implementation of these tools into the activities of the hotel enterprises was proposed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Solntsev S. O., Gnitetskyi I. V. Features of Functioning of Innovative Development of Enterprises within the Frame of Technology Park (p. 69 - 74)
The aim of this article is to study the theoretical and methodological basics of innovative development of enterprises within the frame of technology park. During the study methods of system-structural analysis were used for allocation of stages of the innovative development of enterprises and their functioning within the frame of technology park; retrospective method was used for analyzing the evolution of concepts of the innovations theory. As result of the study was suggested to attract enterprises by means of market-based instruments and to evaluate the viability of innovations' implementation on basis of the sustainable development criteria. A study on functioning of enterprises within the frame of technology park has allowed to improve their functioning phases, based on complex interaction of the technology park members. Stages of innovative development of enterprises with a view to enhancing the efficiency of their interaction with the technology parks were allocated. A further study for the sector-specific issues of innovative development of enterprises within the frame of technology park is required. Practical significance of the obtained results provides an activation of innovation activity of enterprises. Social impact is seen in achieving the social and environmental effects from functioning of enterprises within the frame of technology park on the basis of elaborated stages. Value of the scientific work consists in use of market mechanisms for attracting enterprises to technology parks without involving of any State subsidies. Article is written in English
Voloshchuk L. O. Innovative Development of Industrial Enterprise: Substance and Problems of Analytical Support under Conditions of Indicative Management (p. 75 - 79)
In the article it is proved, that the problem of formation of analytical support of management of innovative development of industrial enterprise lies in uncertainty of its substance and contents as an object for management and analysis; definitions of the concept «innovative development of enterprise» are systematized by indices of its innovativeness; definition of innovation development of industrial enterprise as a management and analysis object from the view of result and the view of process is updated; expediency of formation of the analytical support of innovative development of enterprise on the basis of its decomposition is grounded; the key components of innovation development of enterprise, which may be presented as separate objects of management and analysis, are identified. Article is written in Ukrainian
Pylypenko B. G. Formation of Model of State Support of the Development of Venture Enterprise in Ukraine (p. 80 - 87)
The article is aimed at comparative analysis of the internationally recognized models of public-private partnership mechanisms for venture financing and identifying opportunities for formation of the national innovation model. Analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the scientific papers of many scientists whose work focuses on the theoretical and practical foundations of innovation development, the latest conceptions of «technological platforms», «joint technology initiatives», «innovative lift» were reviewed, which are associated with the assessments of modern technological systemic changes and ways of their simulation on macroeconomic and inter-State levels. The study identified new approaches to the development of public-private partnership in the innovation and venture capital activities, examined the use of collaborative technology and business initiatives, and defined practical ways of State involvement in capitalization of venture capital institutions in Ukraine. It is proved that, for many Ukrainian investors, venture capital investments are not the primary alternative to the classic forms of investment, that a significant barrier for informal venture capital investors is flawed business culture of Ukrainian companies as well as a small number of innovative projects that could be transformed into the promising future actors of venture activity. Further development of the research in the field of modeling of State support of venture enterprise in Ukraine would provide opportunities to better structuring the indicators of its efficiency, particularly in view of changes in the economic situation and the growing importance of institutional and informal venture capital investors in the financing of components of infrastructure support of global economic transforming of the region into the innovation-oriented one. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kopishynska K. O. Road Map as a Tool to Determine the Strategy of Innovative Development of the Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 88 - 94)
The article explores the essence and features of forming the road maps, which can be defined as a visualization strategy that reflects the relationship between strategic objectives, tactic decisions and business functions through the common element of time. Classification of road maps by such basic factors as purpose of creation and format of design is presented. Expediency of using road maps for the enterprises of the machine-building complex is substantiated with regard to formation of strategy of innovative development due to the negative influence of external environment and the need for rapid adjustments to the strategic plan of development of enterprise, when several alternative scenarios are used. The main elements of a road map of innovative development of the machine-building enterprises were analyzed, which include: timing (time periods covered by this strategy) and strata (areas of detailization as to current state and prospects of development of enterprises). A strategy of innovative development of the machine-building enterprises in the form of a road map is proposed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Telyshevska L. I., Ptashchenko O. V., Koliedina K. O. Innovation: Content and Legal Basis for Implementation (p. 142 - 146)
The article is aimed at synthesis of scientific views on the economic content of innovation and at studying the legal basis for its implementation. Scientific approaches to the definition of «innovation» were analyzed from the view of treating them as of change, process, and outcome. Interpretation of the term, according to which innovation can be understood as process of change, which results in a quantitative or qualitative technical, economic, environmental or social effect, has been revised. The legislative and regulatory framework in the sphere of innovation activity in Ukraine was considered. Special attention was given to the absence of an unified systemic legislative platform in the legal regulation of innovation relations and, consequently,– the need to improve the legislation in this area. The proposal for systematizing the innovative legislation has been substantiated and forming an unified codification act, namely – Innovative code of Ukraine, has been advised. Article is written in Ukrainian
Moiseienko Y. M. The Problem of Forecasting Research Areas and Implementation of Nanotechnology around the World and in Ukraine by 2020 (p. 147 - 158)
The main forecasting areas of implementation of nanotechnology in the spheres of economy are introduced, as well as 56 convergent nanotechnologies, of which 16 have a high probability of commercial application, have been selected. It has been determined that, when elaborating the innovation policy up to 2020 concerning the EU-countries, the United States and Japan, 40 priority innovative technologies were selected and 4 priority areas were established: nanotechnology, new materials (11 technologies); technologies of informational society (12 technologies); technologies related to the life sciences, genomics and biotechnology (8 technologies); technologies for sustainable development, global climate change and ecosystem (9 technologies). It was demonstrated, that analysis of the market for nanotechnology products, as submitted by the Russian specialists, helps to determine the components of the market for nanotechnology products, the bulk of the sales of which have formed nanomaterials, manufacturing, energy, medicine and biotechnology, as well as special equipment and instrumental base. Results of implementation of the target complex program of scientific research by the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine «Fundamental problems of nanostructured systems, nanomaterials, nanotechnologies» for 2010-2013, the State scientific and technical target program «Nanotechnology and nanomaterials in Ukraine» for the 2012-2013, as well as the expected results from implementation of these programmes are presented. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kiryk M. A. Paradigm of the State Innovation Policy in the EU Member Countries (p. 159 - 162)
The article is aimed at analysis of the existing modalities for activating innovation policy that are used by state innovation policy of innovative leaders among the countries around the world, and making proposals for adaptation of the international experience in the Ukrainian practice. In the article analysis of the international experience of innovation development is carried out. The current situation and features of the state innovation policy in the European Union are considered. The features of financing of innovation activity in individual countries are identified. The carried out analysis of the latest research and publications on this issue indicates a close relationship between innovation policy and the process of international integration. The analyzed world experience shows, that creation of an enabling environment for the development and efficiency of the research and innovation activities is a priority task for state innovation policy in the countries with developed innovation sphere. Activating of research and innovation serves as the mechanism for implementing the strategic ideas of the state innovation policy. Article is written in Ukrainian
Voloshchuk L. O. Basic Framework for Building a System of Indicators of Innovation Development of Industrial Enterprise (p. 163 - 168)
The article is aimed at substantiation of the methodological approaches and practical recommendations on building a system of analytical tools for management of innovative development of industrial enterprises. A schematic diagram of building the system of analytical tools for management of innovative development of enterprise is proposed. Expedience of the analysis and evaluation of innovation development of industrial enterprise has been substantiated from two perspectives: 1) the development itself, and 2) characteristics of its innovativeness, the main of which are innovation activity and innovative potential. The model of hierarchy of indicators of analysis of the innovation development of enterprise by directions and by levels of detailization has been proposed. The structural elements of the system of indicators and showings of analysis of development of enterprise, innovation activity and innovation capacity have been allocated, including: basic development indicators, development indicators, development showings. Basic recommendations on building systems of indicators and showings for analysis of the development of enterprise, its innovation and innovative potential, which could become the basis for further development of tools for indicative management of innovative development of enterprises on the basis of a more detailed decomposition of its components, have been introduced. Article is written in Ukrainian
Selutin V. M., Andriienko G. V. Substantiation of Efficiency Indicators in the System of Management of Innovation Activity of Tourism Enterprises (p. 169 - 175)
In the context of the novelty of the issue of evaluation and analysis of the innovative component in tourism activities, there is a need for the development of the criteria and procedures for their use, which would meet the relevant requirements of statistical analysis as well as directly reflect results of the innovation activity. The article is aimed to study the characteristics of the system of management of innovation activity at a tourism enterprise in the context of the evaluation of management efficiency. In the article, the external and internal influence of the mentioned system with allocating of qualitative nature of innovation at different stages of innovation management model is described. A spatial model for definition of innovation management styles, based on the proposed gradation of efficiency of the management of innovation activity, is presented. Article is written in Ukrainian
Sadchikov V. S. Factorial Analysis of Factors of the Innovation Development of the Plant Growing Enterprises (p. 175 - 181)
In the article, formation of factors of the direct and indirect influence, affecting the development of the plant growing enterprises, is analyzed. The factors have been classified by various characteristics, taking into account the internal and external stimuli of the enterprises of the plant growing branch. The identified factors were grouped by indices, calculated on the basis of statistical data. To account for these factors, it was proposed to introduce an integral index of factor influence, which is based on the use of Harrington's function. As the basis for calculation of the integral index of factor influence was put forth the idea of transforming the natural and monetary values of indicators, which form the factor influence into a non-dimensional scale. Use of the mentioned integral index of factor influence on innovative development provides an opportunity to summarize the effects of all the factors and to conduct an integral assessment of degree of their influence on innovation and efficiency in the production of innovative products at the enterprises of the plant growing branch. Article is written in Ukrainian
Oliinyk I. A. Theoretical Bases of Substantiation of Innovation Processes in Ukraine (p. 182 - 187)
The article is aimed at substantiation of the concept of innovation process in Ukraine. While analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the scientific works of many scientists, an analysis of the concept was carried out and the morphological characteristics of innovation process were presented. As result of the study conceptual approaches to the definition of «innovation» have been allocated, the existing views on the interpretation of the content of the system approach were analyzed, which is the starting point for rationale of the author's position on the concept of «innovation process». The proposed definition differs from the existing ones in combination of the system and the process approaches, taking into account availability of scientific knowledge, without which is not possible to create any innovation in its pure form, and a description of the purpose of innovation process, to which it is directed. Prospect of further research in this area is to determine the need for development of the conceptual frameworks of innovation processes in light of international experience. Article is written in Ukrainian
Tomakh V. V. Target Complex Program as a Tool to Motivate Staff for Innovation Activities (p. 188 - 193)
The article is aimed to identify the performers and stages of target complex program as a tool to motivate staff for innovation activities. By means of an analysis of structure of the target complex program the following stages have been allocated: stage of identifying performers for designing a TCP for staff motivation; a comprehensive analysis of the situation requiring a decision; formation of chain of the TCP-objectives; elaborating of alternative complexes of measures; determining the set of TCP-variants; optimization of totality of the program measures; program planning plus resource allocation among the performers; authorization of the program; inclusion of the program measures into plans; control of implementation of the TCP. Also, in the article the main purpose of TCP, the main performers and co-performers are determined. On example of the activity of enterprises of mechanical engineering of the Kharkov region, issues of motivating staff for innovation activities, as well as objectives of the programs were formulated and defined; a structure of system of objectives for increasing the staff motivation for innovation activities has been built. Article is written in Ukrainian
Tkachenko M. O. Theoretical and Methodological Approach to Restructuring the System of Management of the Process of Innovation Development of Industrial Enterprise (p. 193 - 199)
The article is aimed to develop a theoretical and methodological approach to the restructuring of system of management for innovation development of industrial enterprise. The essence of restructuring is disclosed and the need to use restructuring in the context of system of management of innovation development of industrial enterprise is underlined. The basic stages of restructuring as well as complex of tools for its implementation are considered, it is proved that as the main tool for restructuring the system of management for innovation development of industrial enterprise the reengineering of business processes should be chosen. Also the content and main stages of reengineering the system of management for innovation development of enterprise are disclosed and a list of managerial technologies is introduced, use of which during implementation of reengineering will provide an opportunity to improve the efficiency of process of the innovative development of enterprise. Article is written in Ukrainian
Pavlov K. V. Statistical Measuring of the Nanoeconomics Development (p. 111 - 116)
Contemporary socio-economic development of advanced countries is largely determined by effective use of the technology-oriented factors and resources. Therefore nowadays the great importance is attached to the development of nanotechnology – the science and technology direction at the interface between physics, chemistry, biology, medicine and materials science. It is estimated that in the foreseeable future, nanotechnology will be able to make a coup in society, by its scale exceeding even the consequences of the global spread of computers. Nanoindustry is engaged in the production of materials and products of ultra-small sizes based on studying the properties of various substances at the molecular and atomic levels. The article deals with a very relevant topic, which is of considerable importance for accelerating the functioning and development of nanoeconomics. For the effective development of nanoeconomics, very important is to elaborate and establish a system of indicators, characterizing in various aspects the current state and dynamic parameters of the nanotechnology development. The point at issue is about creating a system of indicators, where comprehensive approach is used and at least all of the major aspects and elements as to formation and development of nanoeconomics are considered. This system of indicators can become part of the national and regional innovation systems, emerging in Russia at the present time. In the article, expedience of forming a system of indicators that characterize the development of nanoeconomics is substantiated, as well as specific indicators, allocated in this system and reflecting various aspects of the process of creating a modern nanoindustry, are given consideration. Article is written in Russian
Varchuk O. А. Statistical Analysis of Innovation Activity and Innovation Expenditures of Industrial Enterprises in the Odessa Region (p. 136 - 142)
The presented article conducts an in-depth analysis of the innovation activity and innovative expenditures of industrial enterprises in the Odessa region for the time span of 2007-2013. In the context of the Odessa region and Ukraine in a whole, the following has been analyzed: innovative activity of industrial enterprises, amount of the sold innovation products, funding sources for innovation, volumes of innovation expenditures, innovation expenditures of industrial enterprises in the directions of implementing the innovation activity. On the basis of the conducted statistical analysis, patterns and relationships have been disclosed; the problematic aspects, both positive and negative factors influencing the innovation activity of the Odessa region, have been determined. The prospect of further research in this area is the analysis of innovation expenditures of industrial enterprises in the Odessa region in the directions of innovation activity and by types of economic activity. Article is written in Ukrainian
Mosiychuk T. K. Institutional Restrictions when Choosing the Policy of Innovative Development of Ukrainian Economy (p. 102 - 110)
The article is aimed to study the institutional features of Ukraine, which restrict the implementation of innovation policy. Process of changes in the current innovation policy in the developed countries, as well as key trends in its development have been explored. Tools of innovation policy have been systematized. In the process of economic and statistical analysis of public expenditures, the tension between the innovation policy in Ukraine and the policy priorities, which are determined in the legal documents, have been identified. Using the methodology of neo-institutionalism, institutional reasons for ineffectiveness of innovation policy are disclosed, the specific «market failures» in Ukraine are defined, that requires an active role of the state in regulating the innovation sphere. As result of the study, theoretic approaches to improving innovation policy in Ukraine have been determined. The institutional limitations of the tools for direct public financing of innovation sphere have been substantiated, as well as the need to shift to the non-selective tools for innovation policy, which at the present time is not given attention. Article is written in Ukrainian
Varchuk O. А. Improvement of the Classification of Innovation Costs of Industrial Enterprises (p. 111 - 116)
The article aims to study the classification of innovation costs of industrial enterprises based on different classification criteria and to improve it. The article proposes a theoretical study of the existing scientific works focusing on construction of a classification of innovation costs based on varying classification criteria. The conducted theoretical study allowed singling out three primary objectives of classification of innovation costs: determination of the cost of innovation; accounting, analysis, and control maintenance; managerial decision-making. The author studied the classification criteria and grouped them depending on the classification objective. The study describes an extended innovation costs classification based on the criterion of “the stage of the innovation process”, which will allow estimating innovation costs at each stage of the innovation process, that is spending on fundamental and applied research, experimental design development, experimental work and technological operations (industrial production), commercialization of innovation, diffusion of innovation. Prospects for further research in this area consist in more detailed study and analysis of the composition and structure of innovation costs at each stage of the innovation process at the level of the region or an enterprise. Article is written in English
Babych V. D. Contemporary Approaches to Development of the Innovation-Investment Policy of the State (p. 117 - 122)
The article is aimed to substantiate contemporary approaches to development of the innovation-investment policy of the State. During the analysis, systematizing and synthesis of scientific works by many scientists, the existing theoretical approaches to the public regulation of innovation-investment activities have been considered with a view to the implementation of economic, scientific-technical and social policy on the basis of the goals and indicators of economic and social development of Ukraine. The study has been proven an objective necessity to ensure the strategic innovation-investment transforming the national economy and its main components. Comprehensive interrelated tasks of the innovative-investment policy of the State have been formulated. A system of establishing the innovation-investment policy of the State has been proposed. Further research in this area should provide a basis for strategic innovation-investment transforming the national economy and its main components and, consequently, – constantly updating its basic properties such as competitiveness, energy efficiency, capacity for self-development, etc. Article is written in Ukrainian
Pysmak V. O. Management of the Innovative Development of an Enterprise Based on the Logistic Approach (p. 113 - 117)
The aim of the article is to substantiate theoretically the necessity of using the tools of logistics for management of the innovative development of an enterprise. The article discusses the theoretical foundations of management of the innovative development based on the logistic approach. The study proposes a critical analysis of the existing definitions of the term “innovative development”,specifies the notion of innovative development, formulates the primary goal of innovative development, namely enhancement of the competitiveness of an enterprise. The study also identifies the main factors of influence on the current state of the innovative activities of enterprises and singles out the primary functions of innovation management: planning, implementation, record keeping, control, and analysis. The author formulated the main tools that secure the process of management of innovative development. The study also singles out characteristic features of management of the innovative development of an enterprise based on the logistic approach and identifies the role of logistic innovation in management of the innovative activities of an enterprise. Article is written in English
Demchenko G. V. Intensification of Enterprise's Innovation Activity by Improving the Organizational Support (p. 117 - 122)
The article is aimed to determine the ways of organizational support of intensification of innovation activity at the enterprises of Ukraine. The article analyzes the level of competitiveness of the country in the world market and the current state of innovation activity of Ukrainian enterprises. Definition of «innovation activity» in terms of the modern approach has been revised. The necessity of intensification of innovation at the industrial enterprises of Ukraine has been substantiated. The content and structure of organizational support of enterprise's innovation activity have been determined. Understanding the definition of «innovation activity» by employees of enterprises of Kharkiv region has been analyzed. Ways to intensify innovation activity at enterprise have been proposed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Gaidabrus N. V. Analysis of Logistics Service and Innovation Activity of Enterprises of Ukraine (p. 123 - 129)
The article is aimed to study the current state of logistics efficiency and issues of innovation activity of enterprises, the designation of the place of Ukraine in the international rankings of logistics efficiency and Global innovation index, identifying ways to improve logistics efficiency and the quality of logistics services in Ukraine. The article analyzes the level of logistics service in Ukraine, in the countries of Europe and Central Asia, as well as dynamics of Global innovation index, on this basis the degree of their interdependence is determined. The problems, which cause the lowest positions by Ukraine in the countries ranking of innovation, have been identified. Also the level of innovation activity of domestic enterprises has been studied and ways to improve the quality of the logistics service has been proposed. Prospects of further research suggest detalization of the current problems and establishing a mechanism for the formation of a system of logistics service for innovative products in the enterprise. Article is written in Ukrainian
Melnyk A. G. Effects of Restructuring in the Financing Systems for Development of High Technologies (p. 109 - 116)
The article considers forming of a system for financing the development of high technologies in the complex of high-tech production and scientific research on example of the National scientific-technical space target program of Ukraine. Methodical approaches to organization of financing of innovation activity and the possibility of applying them in the processes of implementation of high technologies in Ukrainian industry as a whole have been described. As the most effective one, the differentiated approach to organization of financing the innovative and scientific-technical activity in the process of implementing high technologies has been proposed, on the basis of both existing effects of restructuring the financial resources and the effectiveness of the system for financing the development of high technologies, accompanied by formation of «structural proficit» in the process of growth of the financing systems. With a view to enhancing the effectiveness of financing systems for high technologies, use of the differentiated approach to organization of financing the high-tech production and the technical staff section of scientific organizations through the establishment of investment flows, with high yield from production of high-tech products and research, has been proposed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Filippova N. V. Specificity of the Innovative Development of Enterprises of the Building Industry Sector of Ukraine (p. 117 - 121)
The importance of continuous development of innovation activity for the construction industry sector is determined by the possibility of avoiding the use of expensive «old» production methods, equipment and technologies. This is what determines the need for the timely implementation of innovations at the enterprises of building sector. Importance is attached not only to the group of technological innovation, but also to innovation in the sphere of using the core resource of any today's organization – its human capital. Improvement of the innovative characteristics of the professionals with industry-specific education in building and construction is especially relevant at the present time. The innovation-oriented enterprises of the sector are highly demanding to the formation of its own staff potential. Thus, elimination of unprofitable «outdated» areas for manufacturing construction products leads to release of the workers, and therefore, to organizing their further employment, which is a task for the management. Regardless of the industry, activity of enterprises, focused on innovative development, is notable for dynamism, constant desire to implement new ideas. That is why the innovative staff component remains a sine qua non for introducing innovations at enterprises in the building industry sector. There is a workforce disproportion at the labor market for the building industry sector, namely: an overabundance of managerial staff and the shortage of qualified staff. Article is written in Russian
Zhaldak H. P. Formalization of Actions of Socio-Economic Mechanism in the System for Innovation Development of Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 122 - 127)
The article is aimed to explore the actions of socio-economic mechanism in the system for innovation development of enterprise. Essence of system for innovative development of machine-building enterprise has been defined. The basic provisions concerning formalization of actions of socio-economic mechanism in the system for innovation development of enterprise have been substantiated. Specific recommendations for balanced development of the economic and social components of enterprise's mechanism have been provided. As result of the study has been determined that the element, which links the social and economic sphere of innovative development of enterprise, is the social capital of innovation activity. Also a definition of this category has been proposed. Prospects for further research in this area will be determining the structure of social capital of innovation activity and formation of methodology for evaluating elements of social capital of innovation activity of machine-building enterprise. Article is written in Ukrainian
Rudenko H. R. Specific Features of Implementing Innovations into Activities of Agricultural Enterprises (p. 128 - 132)
The article is aimed to study the features of implementing innovations in all areas of activity of domestic agricultural enterprises. The essence of the concept of «innovation» in the agriculture has been disclosed, features of implementing innovations into activities of agricultural enterprises and the implementation entities have been determined. The problems of development and implementation of innovations in agriculture have been revealed. Technology of implementing innovations into activities of agricultural enterprises has been generalized. It has been determined that, when introducing innovations in the activities of agricultural enterprises, an important prerequisite will be existence of innovative potential. Experience of foreign countries in the development of agricultural enterprises as a result of timely implemented innovations has been studied. Article is written in Ukrainian
Yefimova S. A. Methods of Management of Innovation Potential of Enterprise (p. 86 - 91)
The article is aimed to develop theoretical and methodological foundations for provision and implementation of mechanism for management of innovation potential. The objective of management of innovation potential is defined as enhancing the innovation activity of all business entities operating in the concerned territory. The author highlights approaches to determine the components of innovative potential, structure of elements of the subject of innovative potential of enterprise is identified, the author's approach to systematize functions and methods for managing the innovation potential is proposed, a model of system of management of innovation potential is considered. It was determined that, when improving an enterprise management system, the main attention should be paid to the most important problems in the field of planning, implementing plans and control. In particular, innovative potential will be implemented to a greater extent if during the planning phase rigidity and sketchiness of plans are minimized, making them more approximated to contemporary conditions of functioning of enterprise. Article is written in Ukrainian
Brik I. Y. State Policy of Stimulating Innovation Activities of Small Enterprises in Ukraine (p. 92 - 96)
This article discusses the fundamentals of State policy of stimulating innovation activities of small business. The methods, leverages and tools of the State influence on innovative activities of small enterprises have been summarized, on the basis of which a model of innovative development of economy has been built. Structure of the model of innovative development of economy includes the following methods: forming an environment, conducive to realization of investment and innovation projects; development and integration of both research and innovative sectors and entrepreneurs; improving the resource and infrastructure security. In order to implement the methods the following leverages of State influence are used: institutional direct and indirect methods, financial-credit direct and indirect methods, as well as the following tools of influence: improvement of existing and enactment of new regulatory legal acts; improved strategic planning; investing in the progressive structural changes on the system-innovation basis; applying high-performance technical equipment and production technologies, information systems; predominance of responsibility of officials over their corruptive benefits. The following instruments of State regulating innovations of the direct and indirect influence have been explored: strategies and programs for business development, public procurement and public contracts, taxes, tax credits, national and sectoral industry standards and regulations, licenses. Article is written in Ukrainian
Molodozhenia M. S. Status and Problems of Economic Management of Innovation Activity at Enterprises (p. 97 - 101)
The article considers a wide range of scientific-practical issues that characterize the status and determine the problems of economic management of innovation activity. In the study the methodology of Enterprise Performance Management (EPM) was used, allowing to estimate indicators of activity of enterprises and offering opportunities to compare the results as well as determine the correspondence of Ukrainian enterprises to innovation sphere. The article is aimed at allocation of economic management of innovation activity from the general concepts of innovation management, studying its status at the present stage and the role in the accelerated economic development of enterprise. The results of the study, obtained during the analysis, prove the necessity of formation and development of theoretical bases and elaboration of applicable practical tools for economic management of innovation activity of enterprise, creation of conditions for increasing the economic potential as a factor of economic development in the perspective. Article is written in Ukrainian
Sobkevych O. V. Diagnostics of the Threats to Innovation Security in the Industry of Ukraine (p. 118 - 129)
In the article, on the basis of a common algorithm of diagnostics and management of economic security, threats to innovation security in the industry of Ukraine have been identified and systematized, specificity of their formation and manifestation has been described. It has been specified that the causes for threats to innovation security are both traditional risks of innovation activity in Ukraine, associated with low efficiency of State innovation policy, which leads to negative trends in the innovation development, and worsening of the political and economic instability (when the effect of the indicated factors makes companies refuse or postpone for the future implementation of innovative projects). Results of an analysis of threats to innovation security in the industry have provided data for composing a logical-structural scheme of the negative impact of innovation policies on the economic security of the State. It has been specified that this impact is being formed gradually, through the manifestation of effects initially in the form of negative trends of the innovative development of industry, further – threats to innovation security in the industry and, finally, – threats to the economic security of the State. To minimize the manifestations of threats to innovation security, a number of measures to be fulfilled by means of the public policies to enhance innovation processes and increase the use of scientific-technical potential of the industry has been proposed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Komarnytska N. M. Factors of Influence on the System for Management of Enterprise's Innovation Activity (p. 129 - 134)
The article is aimed to identify the factors influencing the system for management of enterprise's innovation activity. Analysis of scientific papers of numerous Ukrainian scientists provided the possibility to consider the factors, influencing the innovation activity of enterprise, and to allocate exactly the ones that have the greatest impacts on the innovation management system. On allocating the factors of influence, they should be assessed, providing the opportunity to determine, which of the factors can positively influence the management system and which of them cause negative impacts. Based on the results of such assessment, appropriate regulatory decisions are developed to be taken with the purpose of strengthening the influence of positive factors and reducing the influence of the factors, which cause negative impacts. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kryvenko S. V. Strategic Guidelines for the Use of Innovative Technologies for Waste Recycling in Ukraine (p. 134 - 138)
The article is aimed to examine the challenges of developing strategic guidelines for the use of innovative technologies for waste recycling. The article analyzes the possibilities of establishing a data bank of technologies for processing waste as well as use cases regarding the recycled products. Both positive and negative effects of the use of innovative technologies for processing waste have been considered. The pivotal terms of economic feasibility when introducing innovative technologies have been analyzed, focusing on the need to use the best world experience in the sphere of management of waste. The author has proposed the creation of an information data bank of technologies for processing waste and use cases for recycled products, has considered requirements and key characteristics of its operations. Article is written in Ukrainian
Luchyk S. D., Luchyk M. V. The Innovative Potential of the Carpathian Region: an Estimation of Development and the Economic Efficiency (p. 108 - 113)
The article is aimed to estimate the innovation potential of the Carpathian frontier region and determine the efficiency of its economic management in the modern system of the economic development. As result of the analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific publications by the leading domestic and foreign scientists, as well as use of the data the State Statistics Service of Ukraine for 2005-2014, an estimation of the innovative, intellectual and creative resources of the Carpathian region has been obtained. The study showed that in the region, despite the prevailing negative trends of staff reduction in the research institutions, inadequate funding of the scientific and scientific-technical works, a sufficiently powerful innovative potential has been generated. It has been substantiated that the low-tech model of the economy, which has been established in the Carpathian region, prevents the effective use of the available innovation potential. Prospects for further research in this direction contain estimating the investment climate in the Carpathian region and developing proposals to attract additional investments to enhance the innovative activity of economic entities. We consider this a priority direction to improve the competitiveness of frontier regions in the context of the European integration processes. Article is written in Ukrainian
Plieshakova N. А. Innovative Development as a Guarantee of the Financial Stability in Ukraine (p. 158 - 162)
The article is aimed at studying Ukraine's positions in the world rankings, which estimate the technological and innovative competitiveness of countries, substantiating of the necessity of innovation development to ensure financial stability. Essence of the notion of «financial stability» was considered, views of researchers on specifics of innovative processes were systematized. As result of the study, Ukraine's positions in the world rankings have been analyzed, in particular: the Global Innovation Index, The Global Competitiveness Index of the World Economic Forum, The Knowledge Economy Index of the World Bank Institute and global innovation index of the European Innovation Scoreboard. Prospect of further research in this area is to determine ways of development of the State innovation policy in order to ensure the financial stability of Ukraine. Article is written in Ukrainian
Valiullina Z. V. Influence of the European Integration Processes on the Scientific-Technological Development in Ukraine (p. 163 - 168)
The article is aimed at studying influence of European integration processes on scientific-technological development in Ukraine and formation of practical recommendations for their activating. Essence of the scientific-technological development at the present stage of formation of a new technological practice has been disclosed and substantiated. The current state has been analyzed and problems of the scientific-technological development in the contemporary context of integration in Ukraine have been discovered. Influence of challenges in terms of the European integration for the scientific-technological development has been determined. The carried out study of the influence of integration of Ukraine with the EU on the scientific-technological space suggests that, without being a member of the EU, Ukraine cannot get the ability to fully implement the economic, institutional and financial mechanisms for a joint scientific-technological development. The results obtained can be used to analyze the Ukraine's cooperation with the EU in the scientific-technological sphere. Further research in this direction will identify prospects for the scientific-technological development in Ukraine to strengthen the State's position on the world market and contribute to the establishment of competitive productive units in the national economy according to the new technological practice. Article is written in Ukrainian
Chorna M. V., Kushnir T. В., Bezghinova L. I. Methods for Assessing the Efficiency of Management of Innovation Activity of Machine-Building Enterprise (p. 182 - 186)
The article is aimed at developing methods for assessing the efficiency of management of innovation activity of machine-building enterprise. The use of methods for assessing the efficiency of management of innovation activity, provided in the article, involves several steps. The proposed approach was based on the calculation of efficiency indicators for management of innovation activity, the selected ones were: profitability of products of machine-building enterprise and the market share occupied. Proceeding from the author's vision of efficiency of management of innovation activity as well as of certain crucial points, a matrix based on comparing the indices of efficiency has been built. Using the matrix method for solving the formulated task allows to carry out an assessment based on some defined criteria of efficiency of innovation activity of machine-building enterprise (profitability and competitiveness) and availability of a large number of alternatives (appearing as a result of comparison of indices). Using the matrix, a clear identification of the status of management of innovation activity of machine-building enterprise is provided, which constitutes the basis for sound management decisions in the sphere of innovation. Article is written in Ukrainian
Bezkorovainyi A. V. A Linear Model of Innovation Process in Ukraine: Problems and Prospects (p. 86 - 89)
The article is concerned with the topical problems and prospects of development of the innovation process in Ukraine. The publication examines the current innovative potential of Ukraine, however, the emphasis is set on the communication infrastructure of the State together with the opportunities of economic growth and the competitiveness of the economy on the world-wide stage. The study includes a basic overview of the conceptual-categorical apparatus of innovative models. The major shortcomings of the domestic linear model have been examined: six conceptual problems of the current innovation process in the State, which hinder effective innovation and commercialization in the market, have been allocated. A new innovative ecosystem, the «triple helix» of University – Business – State, has been presented as a potential solution to the existing problems and a source of strengthening the inter-institutional cooperation in Ukraine, to increase the importance of innovation in production and employment of youth. Article is written in Ukrainian
Koiuda V. O., Slyusareva L. A. Fundamentals of Building the Scientific-Innovation Networks for Innovative Development of Regions (p. 90 - 101)
Building the scientific-innovation networks for production and marketing of competitive scientific knowledge is one of the unresolved problems in providing the innovative way of development of Ukrainian economy in general and its regions in particular. The article researches the chain of interconnected and interdependent concepts: network – network typology – innovative network, on the basis of an analysis of which the author's definitions of «network», «innovation network» and «scientific-innovation network» have been formulated. The key aspects of regional development have been analyzed in terms of knowledge-based economy, the factors influencing the formation of new knowledge have been summarized, as well as sources of knowledge flows in the regions. An effective implementation of knowledge-based economy depends to a large extent on the knowledge management systems at enterprises. The authors have generalized and systematized the determinant factors of influence on enterprise's knowledge management systems. Results of studying the features to ensure innovative development of regions in the context of knowledge-based economy have reaffirmed the importance of the task set: building the scientific-innovation networks in Ukraine. Article is written in Ukrainian
Shypulina Y. S., Stetsenko T. O. Influence of Innovation Culture on the Formation of Innovation-Supportive Environment (p. 77 - 82)
The article displays the role and place of innovation culture in the system of mechanisms for formation at the enterprise of an innovation-supportive environment. Relationships of innovation culture with other aspects of the potential of enterprise's innovation development have been identified. A methodical approach to the choice of options for innovative solutions by the grade of their radicalization on the basis of a matrix, which describes proportion of the status of innovation culture in the society and in the innovating enterprise in discussion, has been proposed. A methodical approach to the choice of a marketable innovation strategy of enterprise, depending on the status of its innovative culture together with its separate components, has been proposed in order to enhance the quality of innovation management, reduce the risk of selection of inappropriate strategies, increase the likelihood of their success. The scientific results, conclusions and recommendations of the article develop the theory of innovation management in the part of deepening the theoretical and methodological bases of the innovation management culture as the basis of innovation-supportive environment at the enterprise. Their practical use creates an opportunity to increase the level of validity as well as reduce risks when selecting trajectories of innovative development of enterprise. Article is written in Ukrainian
Illiashenko N. S., Riazantseva Y. M. The Main Tools of the State Support and Development of Innovation Activity in Ukraine (p. 82 - 87)
The publication is aimed at identifying the major strengths of the internal potential of country in the sphere of innovation activity and bringing it into line with external possibilities with a view to increasing Ukraine's competitiveness in the international market. The factors that impact the innovation activity of country nowadays have been identified, it has been proven that the most effective way to increase this activity is applying the experience of developed countries. Based on an analysis of the specificity of innovation in different countries, a simplified mechanism that is characteristic of all of them has been elaborated. On its basis, a further mechanism for the State support of innovation activity for Ukraine among other countries has been elaborated, with a subsequent allocation of distinctive and unique features. Further research should be aimed at the formation of linkages between the elements of the innovation system in the country and developing a mechanism of their interaction with international institutions. Article is written in English
Bubenko P. T. Strategic Planning and Management of Innovative Development: Theory and Practice (p. 77 - 80)
The article is aimed at examination of accelerating processes of innovation development and enhancing the role of system for planning and management. The article considers influence of three most essential components – institutional, organizational, and financial – on the dynamics of innovative transformations. The author examines the reasons, why the existing in the country planning and management system does not meet the requirements of the present time in some part of such transformations. It has been offered to implement a number of legal-organizational arrangements, in particular, transformation of the existing economic structure in favor of small and medium-sized innovation business, strengthening the role of the relevant State institutions in promoting innovative products to markets. Expedience of application of innovation- and network-based methods of planning and management of the development of economic structures has been proved, taking into consideration their significant regional differentiation. Article is written in Ukrainian
Vostriakova V. Y. The Entrepreneurial Context of Developing the Innovative Potential of Enterprise (p. 81 - 88)
The article is concerned with influence of business component on the course of innovation processes at the enterprise from the perspective of transition from the linear to the non-linear innovative models. The author describes in detail the components and levels of the innovation spiral model of the company Ernst and Young, namely: innovative backgrounds and incentives, external stakeholders, stages and scopes of the innovation process at the enterprise as well as the resulting competitive advantages. The resource, structural-functional, behavioral, process, and integrated approaches to defining the innovative potential of enterprise have been considered. It is suggested to consider the innovation potential taking into account achievements of the resource theory, i.e., as a dynamic combination of resources, capacities and competencies in the innovation activity. Impact on innovation activity is considered through the prism of the innovation value chain model by M. Hansen and J. Birkinshaw. Peculiarities of transformation of innovative ideas into commercial results at every stage of the chain have been considered, taking into account the specific tasks and factors of influence. Article is written in Ukrainian
Orlenko O. M. Innovation Activity by Enterprises of Ukraine and Odessa Region as a Means of Increasing Labor Productivity (p. 95 - 102)
The article is concerned with analysis of the level of innovation activity by industrial enterprises of Ukraine as a whole, and of the Odessa region in particular, as a key means of increasing labor productivity, growth of competitiveness of domestic business, and improving the well-being of population. Dynamics of the global competitiveness index of Ukraine for 2010-2015 has been provided, the main competitive advantages of our State have been determined. Place of Ukraine in the main rankings for innovation (Global Innovation Index, Bloomberg Rankings) has been presented, the related major strengths and weaknesses have been identified. Separately, an analysis of the level of innovation activity by industrial enterprises of Odessa region was conducted, which was supplemented by identifying major constraints on the innovation development in this sector of economy. The necessity of activating innovation at all levels of economy together with further definition of the top priorities for each region has been substantiated. Prospect of further research is to determine concrete measures likely to encourage the innovation activity by domestic enterprises. Article is written in Ukrainian
Pysmak V. O. Methods for Management of Innovation Activity Risks in the Current Conditions (p. 44 - 48)
The article considers theoretical foundations of management of innovation activity risks. Relevance of the selected topic of research in connection with both volatile external environment and crisis developments in the country's economy has been substantiated. A semantic analysis of the concept of «risk» has been done, showing the presence of both positive and negative sides of risk situations. A scheme for enterprise management in the light of implementing innovation activity has been elaborated. An improved classification of innovation activity has been provided, creating the opportunity to focus on identifying risks in the process of allocating a specific direction of innovation activity. The main stages of identification and analysis of risks of innovation activity has been allocated. Methods for management of innovation activity risks in the current conditions have been developed. A concept of «system for management of innovation activity risks» has been formulated, its major features for enterprise has been outlined. The main requirements for a system for management of innovation activity risks have been allocated. Article is written in English
Yermak S. O., Lisnichenko O. O. Studying the Aspects of Establishing the Definition of «Innovation Activity» and Its Determining Factors (p. 49 - 55)
The article considers interpretations of the essence of the category of «innovative activity» from the view of various scholars who demonstrate versatility and the really existing complexity of this category. An analysis of basic approaches has been conducted by means of grouping, systematization and generalization of scientific studies on this subject, which allowed to identify the main aspects of establishing of this category. The author's definition of the category of «innovative activity» has been provided, which takes into account three main aspects: intensity and complexity, ability to mobilize potential and effectiveness in the form of improved profitability and competitiveness of enterprise. The main groups of factors, which determine innovation activity of enterprise, have been considered with the focus on the external regional factors. Innovative activity of enterprises of Ukraine in terms of regions has been analyzed, characterizing the readiness of key elements of innovation system to upgrade, as well as perceptivity to everything new. Article is written in English
Shvydanenko G. O., Boyko T. L. Intellectual Potential of Enterprise as Basis for Its Innovative Development (p. 81 - 85)
The article is aimed at developing the conceptual scientific-theoretical and applied principles of intellectualization as the basis for innovative development of an actor of market relations. As a result of the system-structural, terminological analysis and generalization of scientific views, contents and essential characterizations of innovative development of enterprise have been substantiated. It has been determined that as primary prerequisite appears the intellectual basis, which is ensured through the formation, increment and use of intellectual potential. In the context of the considered problematics, a number of significant external factors has been determined, which influence the efficiency of implementing the strategy, which in turn is focused on innovative development. The correlation of an innovation process with the element groups of intellectual resources (human, structural, resources of relationships), which define the internal preconditions for its implementation, has been characterized. Detailing the specified mechanisms of influence and building on their basis an effective management system are the basis for further research in this area. Article is written in Ukrainian
Vasyltsiv T. G., Shekhlovych A. M. Priorities in Providing the Innovative Security of Ukraine in Terms of Foreign Aggression (p. 54 - 58)
The article is aimed at substantiation of the strategic priorities and measures to ensure the innovative security of the State, taking into consideration factors of weakening the innovative security in terms of foreign aggression, as well as the partial loss of innovation and scientific-technological potential, caused by hostilities in the Donbass and annexation of the AR Krym. Topicality of building a new development model based on high-tech, knowledge-intensive and energy-efficient production, deep integration of research and production spheres for the purposes of post-crisis recovery has been proved. Systemic problems of development of the domestic science-technological and innovation spheres have been identified. According to the results of an integrated assessment using the principal components method, a system deterioration of the status of the innovative security of Ukraine during the period of 2005-2015 has been demonstrated. The major causes, which in the face of external aggression hamper an efficient use of the domestic innovative potential as well as the development of innovation activity as a factor for providing the innovative security of Ukraine, have been identified. Article is written in Ukrainian
Galenko S. M., Ocheretnyi D. S. Innovative Entrepreneurship as an Instrumental Basis of the Fundamental Global Economic Transformations (p. 59 - 63)
The article is aimed at studying the creative nature of innovative entrepreneurship. The existing conceptual approaches to interpreting the economic sense of the innovative entrepreneurship along with its role in the economic system of society have been generalized. The specific features characterizing the business processes that are implemented by the innovative entrepreneurial structures have been determined. The methodological differences concerning the classification of substance of innovative entrepreneurship have been analyzed. The multilateral motivation of the contemporary innovative entrepreneurship in the global economic system has been characterized, on the basis of which its main results have been concretized, revealing the creative essential nature and the motivational-target orientation. Article is written in Ukrainian
Sytnik N. I. The Conceptual Foundations of Startups: their Essence and Classification (p. 64 - 68)
The article explores the essence of startups as a specific organizational structure. The existing theoretical approaches to defining startups have been analyzed and their characteristics have been allocated. An author's own definition of startup as a temporary organization with high intellectual potential, designed to build a sustainable, scalable business model by implementing some new ideas in the form of an innovative product has been proposed. A comparative characteristics of startups and small business enterprises has been carried out. It has been displayed that differences between these organizational structures relate to the level of product innovation, sectors of activity, trajectory of successful development, growth rate, ability to scalability of business model, market impact, infrastructure, investment sources and scope of activities. The available scientific data regarding the classification of startups have been generalized. Article is written in Ukrainian
Zamlynskyi V. A. Modifying the Tasks of Accounting-Analytical Ensuring the Management of Innovation Activity in the Current Business Space (p. 59 - 64)
The article is aimed at defining objectives of the accounting-analytical ensuring the management of innovation activities, according to the features of current business space and its impact on the innovation policies of enterprises for their subsequent practical implementation using the accounting policy of enterprise. The current status of innovation activity at the level of enterprise in Ukraine has been analyzed. Topicality of development of a methodology for the existing information superstructure of the system for management of innovations in the domestic companies to ensure the quality of management process has been substantiated. A definition of the modified tasks of the system for accounting-analytical ensuring the management of innovation activity has been proposed, implementation of which would create a management-based technological and socio-economic impact from the innovation activity. Article is written in Russian
Matyushenko I. Y. The Methodical Approach to Evaluation of the Innovation Potential of Ukraine as a Prerequisite for Implementing the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Association with the EU (p. 85 - 93)
In the article a methodical approach to evaluation of the innovation development of Ukraine and the EU Member States has been proposed, which involves in particular: evaluation of conditions for establishing and the level of innovation potential of countries; estimating the conditions and the implementation of the innovation potential of the studied countries; examination of components of the integral indicators of the conditions for establishing and the level of implementation of the innovation potential of countries. The carried out analysis of the integral indicators of the innovation potential of the EU Member States and Ukraine in 2014 has showed that, according to the integrated indicator of conditions for establishing and the level of innovation potential Ukraine was ranked 19 place compared with the EU Member States, and according to the integrated indicator of conditions and the implementation of the innovation potential of Ukraine – the last (28) place among these countries. It has been proved that the proposed structural analysis of components and integral indicators of conditions for establishing and implementing the level of innovative potential of countries would provide for more objective analysis as well as development of strategic directions of the country's development in the innovation sphere. Article is written in Ukrainian
Panevnyk T. M., Bolgarova N. K. Transnational Corporations in the Aspect of Developing Innovation Processes (p. 94 - 99)
The article considers the role of transnational corporations (TNCs) as a driving force for the global innovation process, their impact on the organization and conduct of research and experimental development (R&D). Innovative processes are considered as a factor of efficient operation, which ensures intense development of high-technology economic activities and innovative orientation of the traditional sectors of economy. The major factors forming the innovative strategies of TNCs have been determined. Innovation activities of the largest TNCS has been analyzed and its global nature has been substantiated. The spatial distribution of the largest TNCS investing in research and experimental development has been examined, the volumes of investments coming from the TNCs, aimed at research and development, have been analyzed. An analysis of the dynamics of innovation activity has been carried out. It is specified that intensifying of innovation processes will contribute not only to achieving and enhancing the competitiveness of domestic enterprises, but also to strengthening positive trend in all spheres of the national economy. Article is written in Ukrainian
Dziatkovska Y. O., Garafonova O. I. Features of Management of Companies using Open Innovations (p. 100 - 105)
The aim of the article is studying the concept of open innovation in modern management of organizations and defining features of such management. By analyzing, systematizing and generalizing scientific works of foreign and domestic scientists, open innovations and their relevance to the present time have been considered. In the course of the study the differences between the closed and open innovation models have been identified. Also the reasons of the wide use of the open innovation model in companies’ activities have been defined. Examples of the application of the open innovation model by foreign and domestic organizations are given and positive aspects of its introduction summarized. A list of the stages of transition of the enterprise to innovation activity within the concept of open innovation is proposed. The differences in innovation activity under the models of open and closed innovation are determined. Prospects for further research in this direction are to define the stages of introducing the concept of open innovation in the activity of modern organizations and to investigate the expediency of their use by domestic enterprises. Article is written in English
Melnyk A. G. The Methodology for Developing Innovation Systems: Preconditions to the Emergence of Optimization Effects and Some Solutions to Optimization Tasks (p. 106 - 112)
In the article preconditions for the emergence of optimization effects in developing innovation systems are formulated. The essential constraints regarding the setting optimization tasks in developing innovative systems have been outlined, taking into consideration the polyfunctional extension of optimizing the innovation systems, abandoning the formal statement of tasks of multicriterion optimization and partial restrictions for the vector definition of the target function of optimization. Three following directions for optimization of developing innovative systems have been determined: polystructural optimization, functional optimization and optimization effects of shift of technological productivity of the innovation systems of primary aggregation. A methodical approach to calculating the optimization function has been developed, based on dynamic model of technological shift in the national innovation system (NIS). A calculation of values for the criteria of optimal allocation of productivity of innovative technologies in the NIS has been proposed, with account of the structural unification of financial flows on the yield of intangible assets. Article is written in Ukrainian
Matyushenko I. Y. The Simulation Model of the Scientific-Innovation Development of the Economy of Ukraine in the Context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Association with the EU (p. 70 - 76)
The article proposes a model of relationship between the individual indicators of the scientific-technological activities, as well as between them and the level of per capita GDP (or national income), based on the conception of system dynamics. It has been displayed that the advantage of using this method for studying the scientific, technological and innovation development is the ability to identify the feedback paths and exercise the simulation experiments, modeling different management variants. A simulation model has been proposed, which includes 65 feedback paths, which further contain from 3 to 10 model variables and encompass the entire process, from the creation of an educational or institutional potential to the results of scientific-technological and innovation activity. As a result, the built simulation model provides to explore the impact of individual directions of development of the educational, scientific, institutional potentials and individual activities to enhance scientific-technological and innovation activity on the results for the economy as a whole, and to determine the most appropriate and efficient of these activities. Article is written in Ukrainian
Shtal T. V., Tyshchenko O. O., Pilipchatina O. I. The Strategic Innovative Development of Enterprises: Theory and Methodology (p. 76 - 80)
The article is aimed at studying the theoretical and methodological aspects of the innovative development in the economy and definition of the related concepts in the system of innovative development. The article provides a theoretical overview of approaches of scientists regarding the understanding of the concept of «innovative strategy», a classification of types of innovative strategies and their relationship, as well as the characteristic features of strategy. An authors’ vision regarding the identifying this concept as to other categories has been proposed. The changes that have intensified the innovation activity have been examined. The directions of development of the innovative strategy in the structure of the strategic management of enterprise have been considered. On the basis of generalization of scientific approaches used by the leading scientists in the field of economics, the authors’ position in understanding the category of «innovative strategy» has been introduced. Article is written in Ukrainian
Tymofeyev D. V. Dynamics of the Economic Effect in the Process of Managing the Life Cycle of Innovations in Terms of Their Commercialization (p. 56 - 60)
The article is aimed at studying the theoretical aspects of changes in the dynamics of economic effect in the processes of management of life cycle of the industrial innovations at the stage of their commercialization. On the basis of an analysis of the scientific papers by the domestic and the foreign authors on methods of commercialization of the innovative products, the current status and essence of the definitions of «innovation», «commercialization», and «economic effect» was researched. Possibilities of managing the duration of the stage of commercialization of innovations were researched. It has been proposed to implement extension of the maturity stage of the life cycle of innovation by reducing the phase of designing and creating the innovative product and, as a consequence, change of value of the cumulative economic effect. Further researches should focus on the interdependence of development costs, creating an innovation and time period for the implementing, as well as determine the mechanism for calculating the quantitative indicators of commercialization of innovations. Article is written in Russian
Babinska S. Y. The Conception of the Information Management of Innovation Project and the Stages of its Implementation (p. 61 - 66)
The informational support plays an important role in the development and implementation of innovative projects, is a prerequisite for development of its conception. Proceeding from this, the article considers approaches of scientists to components of the life cycle of innovation project, revealing that the most of them would allocate three phases (development, implementation, and completion). In terms of the information support for each of these stages were defined objectives, tasks, managerial decisions (selecting of an innovation object; choosing the economy sector; identifying sources of financing; costing; substantiating expediency as to implementing a project; choosing counter-parties; product pricing; selecting markets; further use of the property objects), information arrays, necessary sources of information, it was considered how the conception of information management of innovation project is being implemented in stages. Article is written in Ukrainian
Naychuk-Khrushch M. B., Gnylianska L. Y. A Study on the Innovation Approaches in the Management of E-Commerce of Industrial Enterprises (on Example of the OAO «Iskra») (p. 72 - 80)
The article is aimed at formation of the organizational-economic mechanism for improvement of the Internet trading of industrial enterprises on example of the OAO «Iskra», using the innovative e-commerce tools. It has been determined that, in the conditions of application of the model of B2B commerce, considering the necessity of the direct contact settings according to the B2C model, it would be practicable to use the organizational-economic mechanism of formation of the internal corporate electronic trading platform on the basis of an own Internet store. A model of such mechanism has been developed and proposed. A model of the main directions and specific measures, among which are organizational, financial, legal, and technical directions, for managing the Internet trading of enterprise in the process of application of the proposed mechanism, has been elaborated. Usage in the management process of such specific tools for the on-line product promotion as SEO-audit, contextual advertising, and SMM-promotion, has been suggested. The economic efficiency of using these instruments has been substantiated. Article is written in Ukrainian
Yermak S. O. The Conceptual Foundations for the Socio-Economic Development of Enterprise on the Basis of Innovation (p. 81 - 88)
The article is aimed at studying the conceptual foundations of the socio-economic development of enterprise on the basis of innovation by means of the analysis of theoretical studies, publications and practice activities of individual enterprises. The author researched the prerequisites for activating the processes of the socio-economic development on the basis of innovation; the factors affecting it (both internal and external); the mechanisms and tools directed towards developing the potential of enterprise (marketing, production, human, financial, innovation, information, and intellectual). Methods for estimating the competitiveness of enterprises, making use of the expert estimates method, have been considered. As the result, the conceptual foundations for the socio-economic development of enterprise on the basis of innovation have been presented as a model. The proposed conception of the socio-economic development of enterprise on the basis of innovation has the strategic direction and takes into consideration the dynamic development of enterprise, thus resulting in a more detailed study of elements of the organizational-methodical support, which will contribute to improving the functioning of enterprises in the future. Article is written in Ukrainian
Poliakova O. Y., Shlykova V. O. Ukraine: Resuscitation of Innovations (p. 123 - 129)
The article is aimed at identifying, generalizing and structuring the current problems in the sphere of innovations of Ukraine and development of proposals for their solution. The article analyzes the key indicators of innovation activity of enterprises of Ukraine for the period 2005-2015, carries out the international comparisons using data reports of «Global innovation index – 2016" and «European Innovation Scoreboard 2016», revealing worsening of negative tendencies in the sphere of innovations of Ukraine. The carried out study allowed to formulate three directions under which the key problems in the sphere of innovations of Ukraine and the ways for resuscitation of innovations were structured: financing, innovation activity of enterprises and its State regulation, organizational and infrastructural provision. As a matter of priority, development and approval of an integrated strategy for the development of innovation, science and education of Ukraine have been proposed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Zyza O. O. The Characteristics of Susceptibility of Innovative Products in the Domestic Economy (p. 129 - 136)
The article is aimed at studying the characteristics of susceptibility of innovative products in the domestic economy. On the example of the mobile communications market, an analysis of the diffusion of innovations and their acceptance in the context of business cycle has been carried out. On the basis of the mentioned analysis has been determined that the difference between the time of invention of a new product or technology and the time of its application, as well as diffusion into the domestic economy, is connected with different trajectories of business cycle. A comparative analysis of competitive advantages in the implementation of innovation in Finland, Switzerland and Ukraine was carried out through the prism of the factors, which determine the competitiveness of innovations, and the factors, which are not conducive to the implementation of entrepreneurial activity. It has been determined that entrepreneurial activity in the leading countries is most hampered by economic factors, and in Ukraine – by social and political factors. The low innovative capacity compared with Finland and Switzerland in the domestic economy is associated with a weak innovation infrastructure. Article is written in Ukrainian
Grytsulenko S. I. The Measurement of Intellectual Property: Evaluation of Technological Patents Based on the Integral Index (p. 136 - 142)
The acknowledged tools for solution of practical tasks of management of innovative processes is the measurement and analysis of results of the intellectual (scientific and technical) activities. To this end, the article defines an integral index of comparative evaluation of technological patents as one of analytical indicators of the innovation development of economy. The importance of system of information management for the efficiency of evaluation of technological patents, formed on the basis of the databases, accounted and not accounted in the balance of the intellectual property rights, has been substantiated. The characteristics of formation together with the specificity of economic use of the portfolio of technological patents have been explored, proceeding from which its particular estimates have been identified. Considering the accumulated positive experience in measuring the intellectual property, quantitative and qualitative indicators have been identified, which are the most significant for characteristics of portfolio of technological patents from the position of the contents and functioning of high technology in both the national and the global markets. The approach to calculating the integral index of technological patents has been outlined, directions for its practical application have been specified. Article is written in Russian
Vankovych L. Y. The Conceptual Definitions of the Diffusion of Results of Innovation Activity of Enterprises (p. 143 - 147)
The article considers evolution of the conceptual definitions of the diffusion of results of innovation activity of enterprises, systematizes and allocates the principles of implementing the indicated diffusion, in particular: information security, decomposition, specification of innovation as to the specific market sectors, optimizing the costs on diffusion, priority of quality, validity of strategies and appropriateness of tactics, informative advertising, creative activity, scientific validity, consistency, integrity, cohesiveness, flexibility, hierarchy, efficiency, alternative, purposefulness, informativeness, longtermness, consciousness, accessibility, and harmonization of interests. Compliance by diffusers with the totality of the above principles of the diffusion of results of innovation activity of enterprise comprises a system of visions (conception) of market adoption of the diffusion objects. Article is written in Ukrainian
Shvydanenko G. O., Boichenko K. S. Values as a Resource for the Innovation Development of Economic Entity (p. 148 - 153)
The article is aimed at studying the process of transformation and interaction of enterprise’s values, as well as impact of this process on the efficiency of innovation development of company. Essence of the definition of value has been analyzed by two components: the moral-ethic (important, meaningful, right, normal, etc.) and the economic (benefit, usefulness, use value). The necessity of allocating the core of the network of values of company, which contributes to formating a platform for the development of an efficient model of the value-oriented management of enterprise, has been substantiated. A model of the formation of company’s values with a view to an efficient innovative development has been proposed. The range of advantages of innovative development of enterprise has been considered through the prism of network of values. Both the alternative and the complementary options for the formation of company values in the process of innovative development of enterprise have been determined. The article provides some examples of experience by the leading companies that have increased the effectiveness of development on the basis of the value-oriented management. It has been found that development of any company according to the innovation vector should be based on an effective network of values, accepted both by separate individuals and the staff in general. Article is written in Ukrainian
Pysmak V. O. The Strategic Risk Management at Different Stages of Innovation Project (p. 154 - 159)
This article considers the theoretical principles of the strategic risk management at every stage of innovation project. Relevance of the selected area of research has been substantiated in view of the necessity to provide the theoretical and practical foundations for the strategic risk management of innovation activity. Principles of management of innovation at a contemporary enterprise have been allocated. Analysis of such concepts as «risk», «innovation», «strategic management» was carried out. The concept of «innovation project» has been considered, its features and characteristics have been allocated. The basic tools of the strategic management of enterprise in current conditions have been described. The basic principles of the strategic risk management of innovation activity have been formulated. A scheme with allocating the stages of innovation activity and the risks involved has been elaborated, taking into consideration the factors of occurrence of risks. The main groups of management strategies have been allocated. The tasks facing the managerial board in the process of the strategic risk management at every stage of the innovation project have been formulated. Article is written in English
Melnyk A. G. The Method of Relative Evaluations in the Analysis of the Innovation and Scientific-Technical Activity in the National Innovation System (p. 78 - 87)
The article suggests the methodical approach to calculation of the system of analytical indicators for complex analysis of the innovation and scientific-technical activity by defining indexes such as: implementarity of technologies; institutional fullness of the national innovation system (NIS); high technology grade of the industry branches and sectors of the NIS. Fundamentals on the interpretation of these indicators in determining the status of institutional and technological structures, as well as the investment ability of technologies in the NIS, have been formulated. An evaluation of status of the innovation and scientific-technical activity in the industry and in the sector of scientific organizations of Ukraine was carried out on the example of practical application of the methodical approach to the analysis of statistical data. A simulation of the calculation index of implementarity of technologies in terms of the hypothesis of a 10 x magnification of the number of patents for inventions was completed. The author’s own interpretation of values of the calculated indicators has been proposed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Plakhotnik O. О. The Methodological Foundations of the Economic Evaluation of the Level of Intensification of the Innovative Processes at Industrial Enterprise in the Part of Technical-Technological Subsystem (p. 88 - 94)
Regularities of technocratic changes define the change of technological methods of production and technological modes at the level of the stages of development of a production enterprise. An important role occupies the commercialization of technical-technological innovation. The article allocates the directions of impact on commodity markets and the production enterprises, which are operating there. It is using the exclusive rights tool will meet the challenges of changes in the structure of the national economy so as to increase the level of its competitiveness on the world market. The article proposes the improved methodological approach to forming a system of analytical indicators for evaluating the economic efficiency of the level of intensification of the technical-technological innovation processes at industrial enterprise, based on reasonable conditions and factors of innovation development of industrial enterprise, models of quantitative measuring the efficiency of innovative projects. Applying this approach would improve the efficiency of use of the technical-technological innovations of the industrial enterprises, having increased the profitability of intellectual activity. Article is written in Russian
Ianchenko Z. B. The Innovation Clusters. Adapting the Best Global Experience to the Domestic Realities (p. 62 - 66)
The article researches and generalizes the theoretical basics of clustering. The author’s own definition of the term of «innovation cluster» has been suggested. The feasibility of establishing and operating clusters in Ukraine has been substantiated, ways to adapt the best global practices in supporting the clustering processes to the domestic context have been proposed, taking account of the current realities. The obtained results of research can be used in the formation of the domestic innovation clusters. Article is written in Ukrainian
Nosovets O. I., Voloshchuk L. O. The Problematics of Implementing Innovation Activities by National Economic Actors in Conditions of the Currently Effective Legislation (p. 64 - 70)
The article reviews the problematics of current effective legislation on the issues of regulating the innovation activities as to assessing the extent of obstacles and the ways of eliminating them, along with encouraging enterprises to move from an innovative focus to the actual commercialization of innovations. Systems of facilitating as well as impediment factors for the corresponding economic activities in Ukraine are presented in the format of grouping and structuring the elements of influence according to the principle of subordination of relations between them together with description of «bottlenecks» in the legal support and institutional provision, in the financing and preparedness of business entities to implement innovations. The chain of appearance of the low quality innovation supply in the marketplace starting from actors in innovative processes and weak formation of innovation demand for the transition to an innovative type of entrepreneurial activity has been substantiated. Article is written in Ukrainian
Sytnik N. I. The Ecosystem of Startups as a Component of the Innovation Ecosystem (p. 89 - 94)
The article analyzes the current theoretical perceptions of the ecosystem of startups and presents the author’s own vision of this entity. It has been proposed to consider the ecosystem of startups as a subsystem of the innovation ecosystem, which aims at creating innovative products and services by startup companies. The ecosystem of startups is an open dynamic system in which the backbone subject is a startup company at various stages of the life cycle. The sustenance subjects in an ecosystem are the organizations, associations and individuals that cause impacts, to varying degrees, on the establishing or development of startups. The activities of the subjects are carried out in the following directions: public regulation, financing, training, information, and infrastructure support for startups. The ecosystem consists of a number of economic, material-and-technical, market, and socio-cultural factors that directly or indirectly influence the actions of the subjects. The vital activity of the ecosystem of startups is maintained by the active interaction of the subjects, connected by a network of internal links with the environment and between themselves. Article is written in Ukrainian
Riazanova N. O. The Organisational-Economic Support for the Innovation Development of Renewable Energy (p. 95 - 100)
The article is aimed at forecasting and analyzing the organisational-economic support for the innovation development of renewable energy and its impact on the related economic sectors. An analysis of the independence of renewable energy from fluctuations in energy prices has been carried out, dynamics of the ratio of both the traditional and the renewable energy sources (RES) has been provided, which is determined by competition within the RES sector and is illustrated by the dynamics of cheapening of innovation technologies. The dynamics in reducing the wind and solar energy costs has been substantiated, and the ratio of the reduction of the EU RES subsidies has been analyzed. The expected positive effects of an active introduction of RES in our country have been identified. The substantiation of mechanisms for the allocation of subsidies to stimulate the innovation development of RES is of fundamental importance, and thus the most effective measures to implement these procedures have been presented. The policy of supporting renewable energies has been reflected, the emission of the life cycles of various technologies has been analyzed, the schemes for supporting renewable energies have been highlighted, and the prospects for direction of development of the non-traditional renewable energy sources in Ukraine have been determined. Article is written in Ukrainian
Melnyk A. G. The Development of Innovation Systems as an Object with the State Regulation (p. 73 - 79)
The article examines the processes of structuring the environment for the development of innovation systems in terms of the formation of a State regulated object. A methodological approach to definition of the State regulation at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels of structuring the environment of innovation systems has been suggested, based on the premise of the objective nature of the integration of social environment and market mechanisms into the structure of an object with the State regulation for the development of innovation systems. The definition of innovative systems as an object with the State regulation in terms of structural-organizational and functional areas of their expansion has been presented. A model for the progressive extension of the State regulated object by means of the development of innovation systems at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels of the structuring of environment in the process of formation of the institutional and technological structures of innovation systems has been proposed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Storozhuk O. V., Zaiarniuk O. V. Staffing for the Innovative-Integrated Structures (p. 80 - 86)
The article is aimed at studying the status of staffing for the innovative-integrated structures of the regions of Ukraine. On calculating the coefficients that characterize the components of the indicator for assessment of the staffing for innovative development, it has been concluded that the level of staffing for the innovative-integrated structures of the regions of Ukraine is low and thus brings evidence about that science-technological and innovation activities are in a threatening and, in some regions, in crisis state. The article builds the regional ranking, based on a number of indicators that reflect asymmetry in the staffing of innovative-integrated structures at the region level. It has been substantiated that the results of such ranking can serve as a basis for the development of regional strategic documents. Prospect for further research in this direction is conducting a study on the staffing for development of the potential innovative-integrated regional structures in terms of the areas of science. Article is written in English
Garafonova O. I., Kulynych V. Y. The Main Tendencies in the Development of Startup Projects as a Form of Innovative-Creative Enterprises in the Ukrainian Computer Programming Market (p. 133 - 138)
The article is aimed at studying the main tendencies in the development of startup projects as a form of innovative-creative enterprises in the Ukrainian computer programming market. A definition of «innovative-creative enterprises» has been proposed, the main features of startups as a form of innovative-creative enterprises has been considered. The directions of development of the computer programming market were analyzed, considering the most significant future trends, products and services in the computer programming sector. An analysis of startups in the Ukrainian computer programming market, based on the volume of investments made, was carried out. A model for the development of startup projects as a form of innovative-creative enterprises has been designed. The unfamiliar promising spheres, wherein have not yet been launched startups in the Ukrainian computer programming market, have been indicated. Article is written in Ukrainian
Zakharchenko N. V., Kuznietsov E. A. The Formation of the National Innovation System as the Basis of Innovative-Investment Development in Ukraine (p. 139 - 143)
The article presents concepts and structure of the national innovation system (NIS), defines its main role in economic growth and the country's transition to the innovation-investment development path. It has been determined that the instrument of the strategic management of innovation process in terms of the State is the innovative mission that sets the overall direction and development priorities for the initiative project teachers and researchers’ teams’. The "triple helix" model and the conditions of its implementation in Ukraine are proposed. Three institutions – university, business and government – are committed to cooperation. At the same time, the innovation component does not come from the State, but from the interaction "university – business – government". The "triple helix" model of innovative development inspires its followers to developing new interdisciplinary knowledge, cooperating in the field of science, and creating joint ventures. Article is written in English
Otenko I. P., Komarkov D. V., Shkreben R. P. Organizing the Financial and Economic Security of Business Processes of Innovation Development of Enterprise (p. 144 - 149)
The article is aimed at analyzing ways and means of organizing the financial and economic security of business processes of innovation development of enterprise. The business processes of enterprise, which act as objects of managerial decision-making, are considered. It has been determined that the time for decision-making by directors is ensured as result not only of reactive but also proactive management, that is, one that involves modeling the problematic situations, related to business processes. It has been specified that this modeling is one of the most important tools for ensuring the economic security of business processes of innovation development of enterprise. A general diagram of the process of organizing the economic security of business processes of innovation development of enterprise has been provided. The most relevant tools for organizing the financial and economic security of business processes of innovation development have been defined. Article is written in Ukrainian
Mikaelian S. G. The Methodical Instrumentarium for Analytical Monitoring of Markets for High-Tech Products (p. 149 - 153)
The article is aimed at clarifying the essential characteristics of high-tech products and specifying the features of analytical monitoring of markets for high-tech products. The conceptual approaches to interpretation of the essence of high-tech products as a basic concept in the categorical apparatus for researching the systemic and complex processes of technological development have been clarified. The most efficient instruments for assessing innovation processes in the high-tech sphere have been systematized. The methodical instrumentarium for analytical monitoring of the markets for high-tech products has been clarified. The terminology of a high-tech product has been clarified in order to formulate the methodical instrumentarium for analytical monitoring of market for high-tech products. It has been determined that «high-tech products» are the original basic concept in the categorical apparatus for researching the systemic and complex processes of the high-tech market that needs to be concretized. Conceptual approaches to the essence of high-tech products have been systematized. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kravchenko N. V., Kovalchuk T. M. The Social Imperative of the Innovation Process: the Microeconomic Aspect (p. 139 - 145)
The article proves the relevance and practical significance of development of theoretical base for the construction of model of socialization of the innovation process as a necessary condition to overcome the innovative passivity of economic entities. Based on the analysis of content of innovation process, the role of social component has been defined through integrative integrity of two aspects: socialization of innovation activity and innovatization of social development. The main directions of socialization of the innovation process at the micro level have been disclosed: socialization of socio-economic relations; socialization of labor; socialization of the distribution of results. The emphasis is placed on the socio-cultural aspect of the innovation process and, in particular, on the «culture of poverty». It has been determined that the main instrument of implementation of the socialization of innovation process is social technologies, the practical significance of which is achieved through the performance of their functions. The directions and components of assessment of efficiency of innovation process have been disclosed. A model of socialization of innovative process with use of social technologies has been provided. Article is written in Ukrainian
Oganezova G. V. The University Clinic as an Innovative Form of the Health Care Development. (p. 146 - 152)
The article proposes implementation of an innovative model of health care by creation of modern university clinics providing competitive advantages at the expense of effective introduction in medical practice of scientific developments and preparation of highly qualified personnel who would unite scientific knowledge and experience of practical activity. It has been substantiated that implementation of the «University clinic» project would allow to resolve contradictions of interests between different actors in the health care as a result of creation of the new system of their interaction: medical science and education, medical practice, patient, the State. Studying activities of foreign clinics allowed the author to conclude: a combination of clinical, scientific and educational activities of university clinic provides high quality medical care to the population and educational process in accordance with international standards. On the basis of analyzing and systematizing the international experience of investment in health infrastructure with the use of the public-private partnership mechanism, three models have been allocated and their ranking is presented in descending order of efficiency – the providing, the specialized, and the integrated. Expediency of introduction of both the providing and the specialized models has been substantiated, allowing to provide development of university clinics with attraction of resources and competencies of private investors and to satisfy demand of the population in offering the high-tech medical care. Article is written in Ukrainian
Nikolenko S. S., Zavorotniy S. I. The Innovation Clusters: Essence, Nature, Theoretical-Methodological Bases of Definition (p. 153 - 158)
Innovation cluster in the modern economy is one of the most effective forms of integration of production, science and the State in order to ensure competitive advantages. Innovation clusters contribute to the formation of a new innovative model of economic development, which is characterized by high competitiveness. The article discloses the theoretical-methodological foundations of the nature of innovation clusters, essence of the concept of «innovation cluster», establishes the connection of the innovation cluster with the innovation system, defines the main participants of the innovation cluster, outlines competitive advantages of the innovation cluster, and describes the levels of innovativeness of cluster. The theoretical-methodological foundations of the nature of innovation clusters covered in the article can be used in further scientific researches on problems of innovative development of economy and its competitiveness. Article is written in Ukrainian
Ostrianyn S. O., Trifonova O. D. Defining and Analyzing Prospects of Development of the Economy of Common Use in Ukraine (p. 166 - 170)
The article is aimed at studying the phenomenon of the economy of common use, including the formation of a detailed definition of new concept, the prerequisites for its emergence and analysis of potential impact on the Ukrainian economy. The main companies that fall under the definition of the economy of common use and have recently started their activity in Ukraine are provided; their business models that form the economy of common use, including private services provision, general use of property and micro-investment in the form of crowd-funding, are characterized. The key features describing the newest business models are defined. The article analyzes development of the phenomenon of the economy of joint use in Ukraine, suggesting the qualitative forecast of influence on the Ukrainian economy of activity of the companies constructed according to the business models of economy of common use, in particular on the labor market, consumer markets for goods and services, employment and production. Article is written in Ukrainian
Berveno O. V., Artamonova A. Y. The Methodical Approaches to Activation of Innovative Potential of Enterprise (p. 171 - 176)
The article is aimed at developing theoretical provisions and practical recommendations on methods of management and activation of innovative potential of enterprises. Assessment of innovative potential of enterprise should be carried out from different positions, taking into consideration all external and internal possibilities of enterprise as to carrying out an innovation activity. The system of management of innovation activity and implementation of innovative potential at enterprise should be closely woven in the general management of the enterprise. Activation of innovative potential of enterprise foresees adoption of the whole system of strategic decisions, which are aimed at creation of the most favorable conditions for implementation of innovative potential with obtaining of planned results. The system of activization of innovative potential should develop a number of organizational decisions on interaction of elements of the most innovative potential in the process of innovation activity and cooperation of innovative potential with other subsystems of the enterprise. Results of these organizational decisions in many respects determine efficiency of innovation activity of the enterprise. Article is written in Ukrainian
Korepanov O. S. Analyzing the Urbanization Tendencies in the World and in Ukraine as a Push for Development of the National Concept of «Smart» Cities (p. 177 - 182)
The article is aimed at carrying out a comparative analysis of the tendencies of urbanization in the world and in Ukraine, as well as a scientific substantiation of the need to develop and introduce into the management activities of the State bodies the concept of «smart city» as in terms of the world countries, so in Ukraine. The main modern methodological provisions, statistical data on population size and density and urbanization, analytical materials and forecasts of both current status and world tendencies of urbanization were considered. The dynamics of the average annual rate of change in the share of urban population in the total population in the world and in Ukraine for 1950–2050 were analyzed. A comparative analysis of tendencies of processes of urbanization in Ukraine and world-wide was carried out. It has been concluded that global tendencies in urbanization and urban growth are vital to the identification of policy priorities, and are aimed at promoting comprehensive and sustainable urban development. Article is written in Ukrainian
Prokhorova V. V., Davydova O. Y. The Methodology of the Process of Formation of Innovation Management of Enterprises’ Development (p. 183 - 188)
The article is aimed at forming the methodology of process of innovation management of enterprises’ development in modern conditions. A study on formation of the essence of methodology was carried out, the stages of development of methods and means of scientific cognition were analyzed. The basic components of formation of methodology of innovation management of development of enterprises have been defined, i.e.: methods, types, principles, components, systematized aggregate. The relations of empirical and theoretical methods of scientific cognition were considered and defined. It has been determined that the increase of the volume and scope of scientific views, as well as the deepening of scientific knowledge in the disclosure of laws and regularities of functioning of real natural and social world, lead to the objective fact that is the desire of scientists to analyze methods and means by which modern innovative knowledge and views in the enterprise management system can be acquired and formed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Miasnykov V. O. The Integral Assessment of the Status and Level of Innovation Potential as the Basis of Adaptive Management of Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 85 - 92)
The article systematizes existing approaches regarding the structure of innovation potential and defines the main components of the innovation potential of machine-building enterprise (IPME) on the basis of adaptive management. A methodical approach to the integral assessment of innovative potential has been developed, the purpose and the basic tasks of research have been defined. The process of the integral assessment of the IPME is recommended to be divided into three main stages: formation of the database and selection of indicators characterizing the components of the IPME; stage of development of the model of integral index of the IPME level; stage of interpretation of results of an integral assessment of the IPME. As result of the study, it is proposed to assess the IPME using 12 indicators, providing a quantitative characterizing of capacity; financial component; effectiveness of potential. It has been concluded that for the integral evaluation of innovation potential it is most rational to use methods of multivariate statistical analysis on the basis of the indices, which reflect the quantitative indicators. The main stages of building of the economic-mathematical model of integral index of the IPME level are described. Article is written in Ukrainian
Buntov I. Y., Bielikova N. V. The Theoretical Provision of Formation of Components of Mechanism of the State Support for the Development of Biotechnologies in Ukraine (p. 93 - 98)
The article is aimed at substantiating the theoretical provision of formation of components of mechanism of the State support for the development of biotechnologies in the branches of economy of Ukraine. The foreign experience of organization of the State support for the development of biotechnologies has been analyzed and it has been determined that in most developed countries the main priorities of such support are stimulation of demand for the produced products, increase of its competitiveness, development of innovation infrastructure, including the strengthening of its scientific component, etc. It has been proved that a mechanism of the State support for the development of biotechnologies should meet such requirements as taking account of the interdisciplinary nature of biotechnologies and their potential ability to harm people, animals, and the environment; necessity of evaluation of the possibilities of obtaining synergetic effect from a combination of various methods, technologies, specific features of various biotechnological productions; constant search for possibilities of improvement of biotechnological production. It has been substantiated that the general stages of development of components of mechanism of the State support for the development of biotechnologies is initiation; substantiation and formation of methods and instrumentarium. Article is written in Ukrainian
Tomakh V. V. The Intellectual Property Management Through Assessment of Intellectual Potential of Scientific Organization in Conditions of Knowledge Economy. (p. 99 - 104)
The article is aimed at researching and improving the process of the intellectual property management through assessment of innovation potential of scientific organizations in the conditions of knowledge economy. Theoretical and methodical questions of management of innovation processes and methodical support to assessment of innovative potential were analyzed. A methodical support of assessment of innovation potential of scientific organizations has been proposed, which takes into consideration the following stages: description of goals and choice of indicators, development of work plan, definition of the necessary list of indicators of components of innovation potential, data collection, calculation and analysis of the obtained data for assessment, identification of «strong» and «weak» sides of enterprise, calculation of particular indicators and comparison with planned values, calculation of the integral index, adjustment of strategy for development of enterprise. Article is written in Ukrainian
Vasylyk A. V., Shkarban Y. P. The Management of the Human Capital of Innovative Type in View of the Theory of Generations (p. 70 - 74)
The article is aimed at researching such a category of employees as innovative workers. Analyzing the scientific works of many scholars, the views of researchers on the concept of «innovative abilities» were considered. The process of formation of innovative thinking in this category of workers was studied. The theories of generations are considered and the attitude of employers towards the so-called Generation Z are analyzed. Progressive approaches to staff management have been defined, which help to increase the employees’ abilities, their motivation, and create opportunities for their contribution to the company’s activity. Distinctions between different generations of workers have been identified, together with allocation of methods of motivation, expedient management methods and working conditions, which are attractive for innovative workers. It has been proved that there is a need to form an employee of a new type – an innovative worker, possessing knowledge, skills, representing a carrier of innovations. Article is written in Ukrainian
Melnyk A. G. The Main Directions of the Structural Defragmentation of the State Development Strategy of the NIS of Ukraine (p. 108 - 113)
The article considers the scientific-methodical approach to bridging of gaps on the main directions, in systems of mechanisms and instruments of the State strategy for development of the National Innovation Strategy (NIS), caused by breaks in the system of interactions by elements of its organizational, technological, and institutional structure. This situation in the innovation system is defined as fragmentation of the basic structures of the NIS, which is interrelated by fragmentation of multi-level development strategies for development of the NIS. The most fragmented directions of the State strategy for development of the NIS of Ukraine are defined, among which the system of transfer of technologies and absence of corresponding strategic priorities, technological modernization of industry, integration of the research sphere into the world innovation space, creation of the high-tech sector of NIS. The main directions of structural defragmentation of the State Strategy for Development of the NIS are proposed: organization of innovation process, formation of development institutions, clustering of scientific and production sectors of the NIS, formation of environment to achieve technological leadership. Article is written in Ukrainian
Korepanov O. S. On Establishing of the Concept of «Smart» Sustainable City (p. 114 - 120)
The article is aimed at carrying out a comparative analysis of different approaches to the definition of concepts of «smart city» and «smart sustainable city», as well as formalizing these concepts for their implementation, which will potentially contribute to spreading of both the concept and the national practice of sustainable urban development, including the economic, environmental, and general justice issues. The main reasons connected with the key role of cities in the social and economic aspects of people’s life over the world and the enormous influence on the ecological stability are considered; the main current scientific sources concerned with the research on «smart» cities are covered, and their comparative analysis is carried out. The definitions of other alternative concepts such as «digital» city, «intellectual» city, «virtual» city, etc., representing more concrete and less inclusive levels of development of city, are considered in detail and presented. The differences between the concept of «smart city» and other related terms in three categories are discussed. A detailed analysis of different keywords from different sources is carried out. Based on the carried out analysis, six primary categories have been identified: smart life, smart people, smart environment and sustainability, smart management, smart mobility and smart economy, which are important for understanding the essence of «smart» sustainable city. Article is written in Ukrainian
Bogutska O. A., Brukhovetskiy Y. S. The Priorities and the Optimal Structure of Financing the Innovation Costs of the Industrial Enterprises in Ukraine (p. 62 - 67)
The article is aimed at determining the priorities of investing the innovatively active enterprises and modeling the optimal structure of financing the innovation costs based on multi-criterion optimization. On the basis of applying of the method of analysis of hierarchies, the authors define the vectors of priorities in financing of the innovatively active enterprises of different kinds of economic activity by the criteria of development of external and internal market, employment, and environment-friendly productions. The optimal structure of financing of the innovation costs of enterprises in Ukraine according to the principle of coordination of economic interests of various economic entities such as the State, households and business, is calculated. The results of the research are aimed at optimizing the structure of financing the innovation costs and the structure of capital investments to increase the innovation component of production by types of economic activity in accordance with the objectives of the economic and investment policy of the State under certain institutional conditions. Article is written in Ukrainian
Zveruk L. А. The Financial Aspects of Implementation of Ukraine’s Innovation Policy (p. 68 - 73)
In the conditions of economic competition in the world markets, only those countries, which are providing favorable conditions for the scientific-technical and technological development, can become the winners. Strengthening of the role of the State stimulation of innovation implementation is caused by the existence of objective properties inherent in innovation processes. They are quite risky and capital-intensive, are determined by the level of development of the scientific environment in the country along with information infrastructure, are associated with the uncertainty of the results of their commercial implementation. The State support of innovative activity will allow to get profits from monopoly use of new technologies, therefore it is important to define priority directions of its financing. However, the analysis of financing of innovative activity on strategic priorities has displayed imperfection of the State innovation policy. In particular, there are significant delays in financing new technologies of materials production, creation of the nanomaterials and nanotechnologies industry. A conclusion has been made that the adoption of a complex of the governmental measures to concentrate resources on the strategic directions of innovative development would allow the transition to a new technological level. Article is written in Ukrainian
Tomakh V. V. The Technology Transfer System as Part of Innovation Infrastructure (p. 115 - 120)
The article is aimed at analyzing features of development of the technology transfer system as part of the innovation infrastructure of individual countries and Ukraine in particular, and developing proposals for its further development. Subjects, objects, and possible ways of interaction between them have been analyzed, which made possible to propose a scheme for interaction between the subjects of technology transfer. The stages of the creation of technology transfer departments at the universities of Ukraine are considered. The article analyzes the functions assigned to the technology transfer departments at Ukrainian universities. The carried out analysis of the essence, functions of the technology transfer departments (organizations) both at the enterprise level and at the country level has allowed to identify the main list of the most important functions, the implementation of which will provide to qualitatively and efficiently identifying and commercializing the intellectual property of organization. Article is written in Ukrainian
Lytvynenko N. I., Volosheniuk V. V. Innovations as a Source of Economic Growth of the Modern World Economic System (p. 121 - 127)
The article is aimed at researching the impact of innovations on economic development, taking into consideration the transformational processes taking place in the modern world economic system, namely, the transition from the industrial to the information society. Features of the circulation of capital in the information society are considered. On the basis of theoretical analysis, indicators for assessing the impact of innovations have been selected. The indicators have been formed into groups that characterize such factors of production as: «labor force», «information and knowledge», «capital», as well as economic results and social effects from innovation process. It is determined that the «information and knowledge» factor has a significant impact on economic growth, and, besides, the result of innovation process can be various social effects. The results of the analysis will form the basis for further research on the impact of innovations on development of the world economic system. Article is written in Ukrainian
Moskovkin V. M., Sizyoongo M., Zhuravka A. V. The European Regional Innovation Scoreboard (p. 128 - 141)
The research is aimed at providing the most complete analytical overview of all versions of the European Regional Innovation Scoreboard in view of its great importance for adaptation to domestic conditions. The analysis of all versions of the European Regional Innovation Scoreboard is made on the basis of the general report of the European Commission with a view to introducing all of its analytical tools into the domestic scientific circulation. It is shown that the Regional Innovation Scoreboard is formed on the basis of a matrix of partial indicators of innovation activity, distributed according to their classes and regions. On the basis of partial indicators, integral indicators of innovation activity of regions are calculated every two years, after which they are ranked in order of decreasing their innovation activity. Such a full description of the European Regional Innovation Scoreboard is being introduced into the domestic scientific circulation for the first time and will be very useful for all domestic developers of analytical instruments and methods for assessing the regional innovative activity. Article is written in Russian
Zorina O. A., Ksendzuk V. V., Hordopolov V. Y. The Use of Innovations and the Functioning of the System of Management of Foreign Trade Enterprises’ Activity (p. 142 - 148)
Transformation processes in the Ukrainian economy set new tasks for business entities. One of these is the introduction of innovative products and processes into the economic activity, which is declared in the Export Strategy as the main task for the coming years. According to the analyzed statistical data, the current status of innovation activity and its share in the export operations of Ukrainian enterprises is characterized by low indicators. The reasons of the low level of innovative activity of enterprises have been disclosed and a substantiation of necessity of their innovation development is presented. The relationship between the enterprise management system and the introduction of innovation activities has been defined. The article characterizes features of the implementation of each phase of innovation activity in the context of decision-making in the sphere of economic activities. This will contribute to meeting the needs of both external and internal groups of interested users in terms of formation of reliable information support in the enterprise management system, and will also provide the basis for forming new prospects in the sphere of strategic development of enterprise. Article is written in Ukrainian
Hutareva Y. V. The Conditions of Commercialization of Innovations and their Features (p. 134 - 138)
The article is aimed at providing a characterization and identifying the relationship between the individual conditions of commercialization of innovations and the factors on which these conditions depend. Three main blocks of factors are defined: types of commercialization models, existence or absence of a proprietary commercialization management institution, and management method. It is demonstrated that conditions can be both favorable and unfavorable. The author considers the sequence of stages of formation of the environment in which a process of commercialization of innovations is being implemented. It has been identified that the process of commercialization of innovations is associated with a large quantity of difficulties, so the enterprise should always carefully analyze the environment, in which it plans to implement commercialization, and adequately estimate its own capabilities. As for further studies, it is planned to develop action plans for businesses that are going to commercialize innovations, taking account of all possible environmental conditions. Article is written in Ukrainian
Davydova O. Y. The Innovative Management of the Development of Enterprises of Hotel and Restaurant Industry: the Conceptual Aspect (p. 139 - 144)
The article is aimed at forming the concept of innovative management of the development of enterprises hotel and restaurant industry as economic systems in modern market conditions. It is determined that the driving force of transformations within the enterprise is the innovative management of its development, the efficiency of which is defined by the nature of changes in the environment, the ability of the enterprise to adequately perceive these processes, and be able to readjust in accordance with objective regularities. The carried out theoretical analysis made possible to allocated the main features of adaptation from the standpoint of systemic, situational, and process approaches, and to present the basic elements of adaptation. It has been determined that the innovativeness of management of economic processes is a complex and underrated phenomenon, which includes change management, orientation towards both result and capability. According to results of the research, the conception of innovative management of the development of enterprises of hotel and restaurant industry as economic systems is proposed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Chernoivanova H. S. The Formation of Approach to Assessment of Macro-Environment Innovation Sphere of Enterprises (p. 145 - 152)
The article is aimed at forming an approach to the evaluation of macro-environment innovation sphere of enterprise. Logic of the process of assessing of macro-environment innovation sphere of enterprises is designed; approach to assessment of macro-environment innovation sphere based on comparative analysis of statistical data is substantiated; instruments of assessment of macro-environment innovation sphere are allocated; an assessment of international and national levels of the status of innovation activity on the basis of the Global Innovation Index is proposed; a detailed analysis of the components of the Global Innovation Index is carried out; the list of macro-environment factors influencing the innovation sphere of enterprises is provided and the corresponding statistical indicators which allow to carry out assessment are presented; assessment of innovative macro-environment of Ukrainian enterprises is carried out, which allowed to identify negative tendencies, directions, and priorities of development of innovative sphere of enterprises. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kravchuk A. V., Pererva P. G. The Current Status and Prospects of Development of Innovative Activity of Industrial Enterprises of Ukraine (p. 57 - 65)
The article is aimed at analysis and research on the current status and prospects of development of innovative activity of industrial enterprises of Ukraine, definition of tendencies of development and condition of their innovative activity. The relevance of issues of activation and support of innovative activity at national enterprises is substantiated, as well as the urgency of research and analysis on the status of the innovation environment in connection with its constant dynamism. The authors explore the indicators of introduction of innovations at industrial enterprises; total expenditure of enterprises according to directions of innovations; number of innovative active enterprises and innovative activity of industrial enterprises by the regions of Ukraine; sources of financing of innovative activity of industrial enterprises; the main countries-investors in the economy of Ukraine; map of industrial parks of Ukraine and dynamics of growth of their number. Both the positive and the negative tendencies of development of innovative activity of national enterprises are defined and the modern problematic issues preventing its activation are highlighted. Article is written in Ukrainian
Moskovkin V. M., Sizyoongo M., Zhuravka A. V., Mudashiru Tayo Musibau On Building a Unified System of Innovative Benchmarking in the Country (p. 66 - 72)
The article traces the semicentenial evolution of methodology and instruments of innovation policy of developed countries – from the conception of the National innovation system to the instruments of the European Innovation policy. The research is aimed at a further developing the instruments of European innovation policy in relation to domestic conditions, and its subject being the territorial and sectoral benchmarking instruments of this policy with their adaptation to the post-soviet conditions. As a result, the article substantiates creation of a Unity Sectoral Manufacturing Innovation Scoreboard for the production sphere, a Unity Sectoral Service Innovation Scoreboard for the services sector, and a series of Special Sectoral Innovation Scoreboards for each sector of the economy. For each innovative scoreboard it is proposed to build interactive matrices of territorial and sectoral innovation measures, distributed by classes and regions (or sectors). Construction of a complex of regional and sectoral innovative scoreboards allows talking about creation of a unified system of innovative benchmarking. One of the strengths of this system is that it allows to initiate the process of identification of the best innovation practice and its exchange. Article is written in Russian
Chernoivanova H. S. The Conceptual Foundations of Assessment of Innovation Activity of Enterprise (p. 72 - 78)
The article is aimed at forming an approach to assessing the innovation activity at enterprise. The logic of the process of assessment of innovation activity, built at the micro-level, is presented. The conceptual foundations concerning assessment of innovation activity at enterprise are substantiated. The author suggests the conceptual provisions on assessment of innovation activity at enterprise, which contain the following scientific results: a list of factors of micro-environment, influencing innovation activity of enterprises is allocated, the corresponding statistical indicators that allow an assessment to be carried out, are provided; an assessment of innovation activity of several contemporary Ukrainian enterprises is carried out, which has allowed to identify negative tendencies, directions, and priorities of innovation development of these enterprises. Article is written in Ukrainian
Nosach I. V., Bondarenko L. F., Vodolazska N. V., Khyl L. P. The Directions of Optimization of Management of Innovation Processes at Airline Enterprises (p. 78 - 83)
The main objectives of this article are identifying directions for optimizing management of innovation processes at airline enterprises in a competitive environment, as well as developing a model to assess the efficiency of innovations and their impact on the final result and the socio-economic potential of the company. Features of innovative activity of airline enterprises are indicated; volumes and dynamics of innovations in the basic funds of airline enterprises are analyzed; a mechanism for management of innovation efficiency is detalized; a methodology of assessment of innovative processes is proposed; the structure of innovation process at airline enterprise is designed; results of the developed conception of management of innovation processes at airline enterprises, based on the introduced mechanism, are researched. Article is written in Ukrainian
Biletska I. M. Generalizing the Informative Characterization of Innovation Activity and Peculiarities of its Influence on the Process of Development of Tourism Enterprises (p. 66 - 71)
The publication is aimed at generalizing the essential and informative characterization of the innovation activities of tourism enterprises and determining the peculiarities of its impact on the development of tourism enterprises. Scientific-methodological approaches to definition of theoretical essence of innovation activity of tourism enterprise are systematized. The influence of innovations on the efficiency of tourism enterprise functioning is highlighted. Three strategic directions of development of innovation activity of tourism enterprises are provided. The types of innovations of tourism enterprises and specificity of their application are characterized. The influence of innovation activity on providing support to the processes of tourism enterprise development is graphically depicted. Approaches to positioning the essential-informative characterizations of innovation activity and its role in ensuring the progressive development of tourism enterprises are defined. Prospects for further research are essential-informative and applied characterizations of the specifics of formation of organizational-economic instrumentarium of management of innovation development of enterprises of the tourism branch. Article is written in Ukrainian
Pylypyuk Y. V. Improving the Methodology of Estimation of Efficiency of Financial Provision of Innovative Development of Economy of Ukraine (p. 109 - 116)
The article is aimed at developing a model for determining the level of efficiency of financial provision of innovative development of the national economy based on the theory of fuzzy sets, as well as identifying the main factors that will have a high coefficient of influence on the defining integral parameter of the developed model. As a result of the research it was determined that the level of efficiency of financial provision of innovative development of the national economy (G) equals 0.5, which according to the scale corresponds to the average level (40–60%). The author systematizes the factors having the greatest influence on improvement of financial provision of innovative development of economy of Ukraine. Ways of increasing the level of financing of innovation activity of enterprises are suggested. This model of estimation of efficiency level of financial provision of innovative development of national economy in view of an updating of knowledge base and rules can be adapted at contemporary enterprises and companies of Ukraine which apply or are going to improve their innovation strategy. Also the developed model can be applied both at regional level and macro-level, with corresponding additions and clarifications in terms of input and intermediate modules. Article is written in Ukrainian
Pozdniakova A. M. Developing an Approach to Measure Smartness and Sustainability of Ukrainian Cities (p. 116 - 125)
The article is aimed to review international and national frameworks which measure smartness and sustainability of cities in order to suggest an approach for measuring smartness and sustainability of Ukrainian cities. In research we have considered several definitions of Smart Sustainable cities (SSC) and components included by different scholars. Based on the selected international indexes we have created a comparison table of components grouped within 4 dimensions: Smart People, Smart Economy, Smart Environment, representing triple bottom line and Smart Governance along with ICTs as a supporting tool. For Ukrainian cities framework we have outlined two stages and several dimensions within each of the stages: a) creating conditions for concept building; b) actual measurement of the sustainability and smartness of cities. The further research should contribute to actual Smart city index establishment that will serve as a comparison and benchmark tool on the national level. Article is written in English
Skyba M. V. The Main Stages of Development of International Methodology in the Sphere of Innovations (p. 89 - 94)
The article is aimed at researching scientific sources, including those relied upon by leading international institutions; allocating the main stages of development of international methodology in the sphere of innovations; clarification of features inherent in the modern stage of development of the methodological instrumentarium of analysis of innovations. Research of scientific sources defining theoretical and methodological foundations of innovations and covering the problems of innovative development of economy, testifies to existence of a stable tendency of development and constant process of improvement of the theoretical and methodological base of innovation policy. On the basis of researching and analyzing international scientific sources five main stages of development of international methodology in sphere of innovations are allocated. It is determined that the main features inherent in the modern stage of development of the international methodology in the sphere of innovations are: comprehensive role of global value chains; emergence of new information technologies and their impact on new business models; growing importance of knowledge-based capital; progress in understanding innovation processes and their economic impact. A special attention in the modern international methodology is given to measurement of innovations in the process of digital transformations. Article is written in Ukrainian
Burmaka T. M., Musiyachenko A. A. Substantiating the Managerial Decisions in the Projects of Innovative Development (p. 95 - 99)
The article analyzes the current tendencies of definition of efficiency of projects of innovative development of enterprises in the city life support system on the basis of scientific and technical, economic, social and ecological effects, taking into consideration factors of time, risk and uncertainty as to project implementation. Determination of the norm, with attention to dispersion of the effect of innovative development projects of the city life support system, was carried out by means of expert estimations. The proposed complex indicator allows to clearly and unambiguously evaluate the alternative options and make managerial decisions concerning the projects of innovative development of enterprises in the city life support system, taking into consideration all aspects of introduction and implementation. Article is written in Ukrainian
Skorobogatova N. Y., Hordiienko I. M. The Innovative Activity of Industrial Enterprises of Ukraine in the Context of Industry 4.0 (p. 84 - 90)
The article is aimed at analyzing the tendencies of innovative activity of industrial enterprises of Ukraine and developing ways to increase their competitiveness based on the Industry 4.0. As a result of analysis of statistical data the negative tendency of growth of the share of extractive industry along with reduction of processing in the general structure of industrial production of Ukraine during 2010–2017 is identified. It is determined that the innovative activity is given insufficient attention on the part of the national industrial enterprises. The share of enterprises engaged in innovation, from 2007 to 2017 has grown by only 2%, and the cost of production preparation for the introduction of innovations tends to decrease. The ways of increase of innovative activity of industrial enterprises are proposed to be carried out by means of introduction of conceptual bases of the Industry of 4.0, e.g.: Smart-Enterprise, Digitalization, Digital Economy, IoT, Big Data and others. The basic measures on elimination of problems connected with introduction of innovations in activities of enterprises are defined as follows: creation of a uniform network (association) for communication of both developers of innovations and business; the State support of innovatively active enterprises in the form of interest-free crediting, preferential taxation, etc.; stimulation of attraction of foreign investments in the processing industry of Ukraine; creating conditions for infrastructure development by pooling the efforts of the financial, information and consulting sectors; training of highly qualified personnel, etc. Article is written in Ukrainian
Matviichenko O. S. The Conception of Industry 4.0: Content, Opportunities, and Risks (p. 91 - 99)
The article is aimed at defining the main risks associated with the process of preparing and implementing the technology conception of Industry 4.0. The publication considers the conception of Industry 4.0, discloses the content of its key technological components and constituents. The author defines the changes that will occur under the influence of spreading the Industry 4.0 in both the production and the business processes, in the processes of organization of production, marketing, development and sale of products, in the forms of competition and formation of consumer value. The long tail business model is presented, allowing to disclose the advantages provided by the Industry 4.0. The key opportunities and perspectives provided by the conception of Industry 4.0 are determined. The three main groups of risks accompanying the Industry 4.0 are formulated as follows: risks of entering into the conception, risks of non-entering, and risks of its implementation. Features of each group are covered; the risks related thereto are allocated; their content and character of manifestation are determined. The risk of loss of business relations is considered separately and the reasons for its occurrence are substantiated. It is proved that the Industry 4.0 opens new horizons for enterprises and national economies and creates preconditions for qualitative changes in the global economic relations. At the same time, aside from new opportunities, it brings along a number of significant risks, exacerbates the need for balanced and timely decisions at the level of States, business and science, which would not only take attention of the positive impact of new technologies and technological concepts, but also prevent the probable negative consequences of both the introduction of the Industry 4.0 and the refusal from it. Article is written in Ukrainian
Khanin I. H., Polyakov M. V., Ryabokon M. V. The Conceptual Bases of Engineering Schools in the Context of Formation of the National Innovation System in Ukraine (p. 92 - 98)
In today’s world economy, the innovation model of economic development, covering all spheres of life of society, becomes dominant. The innovative economy necessitates improvement of the quality of training of specialists and develops new requirements to the educational system, actualizing the problematics of its improvement. Given that the change in the education system requires a long time to ensure rapid changes in this sphere, the authors propose the creation of a new type of educational institutions – the engineering schools (ES). This is closely related to the formation of a national innovation system in Ukraine, both in terms of training specialists and in terms of supporting innovation projects. The article substantiates the primary importance of education for intensification of innovative processes from the point of view of human capital development, dissemination of knowledge, support of innovative entrepreneurship, etc. The reasons for the need to create ES in general and especially in Ukraine are defined. A review of the theoretical and methodological bases of creation of the ES (noosphere approach, methodology of vertical integration of knowledge, model of the paradigm-based innovative development) is conducted. The basic elements of the conception of ES are formulated. They are presented as an element of the innovative infrastructure, the basic idea of their business model is defined. The directions of analytical work, directions of development and increase of efficiency of ES in the national innovation system are presented. Article is written in Ukrainian
Krasnostanova N. E., Pryvalova N. V. Control over the Development of the Innovatively Active Enterprises (p. 99 - 104)
The article covers the priority features of the innovatively active enterprises, such as: scientific-research potential; implementation of innovative activities on a permanent basis; ability to develop intellectual capital; increase of attention to motivation of the staff responsible for innovative development of enterprise; innovative efficiency (susceptibility to innovations, speed of decision-making according to changes, flexibility and mobility of actions, high adaptability to changes of external environment, capability to produce competitive innovative products with the best results); intensity levels of innovative processes at work, degree of dependence of a product or a company on innovation activity. The characteristics of the innovatively active enterprise are presented in the context of the following characteristics: purpose, development, market, resources, organization of labor processes, value, process of production, financial support, motivational component, social component. The differences of indicative control of the innovatively active and the innovatively inactive enterprises are determined. The indicators of spheres of activity of the innovatively active enterprise as an instrument of control of its development are provided, their positive differences are covered. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kvitka A. V., Balakleiets K. Y. The European Trends in the Innovative Entrepreneurship (p. 105 - 113)
The article is concerned with the currently topical need in scientific and methodical actions on disclosure, systematization and generalization of practical experience of the existing trends, tendencies in the modern world. Nowadays, more than half of the world’s population is connected to the Internet and has access to the total amount of knowledge at hand. The internet will cause further great transformational changes in the human civilization. The number of trends and tendencies in terms of the fourth industrial revolution is growing. The new opportunities dictated by today’s trends have already caused changes in the industrial and social structures and this progress will continue. The main content of the research is analysis of the models of innovative process and innovative technologies, on which trends and tendencies are based today. Special attention is paid to the relevance of technological trends, seismically influencing the economy, values, identity and opportunities for future generations. The characteristic features of such trends as Internet of things (IoT), big data, artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented Reality (VR/AR), blockchain and technologies of use of renewable energy sources are allocated and described. The authors trace the formation of technologies that are becoming more and more interconnected, as a result of which a convergence of digital, physical and biological spheres can be observed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Grudtsyna Y. V. Innovation Activity in Ukraine: Analysis and Forecasting (p. 78 - 84)
The article is aimed at researching the status and tendencies of developing the innovation activity in Ukraine, defining shortcomings and identifying development prospects. The research sets the task to analyze the indicator of volume of the innovative products sold, simulate it and build predictive functions. It is determined that the dynamics of the number of enterprises, which introduced innovations, and their specific weight in the total number of industrial enterprises tend to decrease. The dynamics of sales volumes of innovative products also tend to decrease. Building trend models of five kinds and defining the coefficient of determination for each of them have revealed that for further calculations on forecasting of the researched indicator it is expedient to choose a trend model in the form of a parabola of the 2nd order and an exponential trend model. Prospects for further research are the search for factors influencing innovation activity and determination of the degree of their influence by conducting correlation-regression analysis, elaboration of measures on development of innovative activities in Ukraine. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kornilova I. M., Rudenko Y. O. The Methodical Support of Substantiation for Technology Transfer (p. 85 - 94)
The article is aimed at developing the applied aspects of methodical provision of substantiation of expediency of technology transfer by enterprises within terms of the chosen model of its management. Models of technology transfer are considered, a complex approach to the analytical component of the technology transfer management is proposed to be fulfilled through the construction of an integrated three-stage model. A methodical instrumentarium of substantiation of expediency of decision-making as to realization of transfer of technologies is formed. The authors prove the necessity to include in the model of diagnostics the possibility of technology transfer through the definition of technological proximity of enterprises – potential counterparties by means of a GAP analysis based on the results of technological audit. It is proposed to evaluate the technology subject to transfer with the help of the adapted TAME system taking into view the specifics, caused by combination of factors. The result of implementing the methodology is strengthening the diagnostic basis of the technology transfer process in the context of possibility, feasibility and efficiency of implementation of the process. Prospects for further researches in this direction are development of organizational provision of realization of the integrated model of transfer of technologies, adaptation of the proposed model to specifics of functioning of enterprises of the separate sectors of economy, use of the instrumentarium of strategic analysis to substantiate adoption of managerial decisions on technology transfer. Article is written in Ukrainian
Illiashenko N. S. The Theoretical and Methodological Bases of Determination of Advanced Trajectories of Innovative Acceleration of Industrial Enterprises (p. 95 - 101)
The article is aimed at developing and scientific substantiating of theoretical-methodological bases of management of choice of perspective directions of the advanced innovative development of industrial enterprises. The article elaborates: a conceptual scheme of management of the choice, reflecting interaction of information flows in the process of management; sequence and content of the choice management procedures, for each of which the management methods, information provision and the nature of results are defined. The composition, systematization and scheme of interaction of mechanisms influencing the choice of perspective directions of the advanced innovative development are clarified. The criterion of choice is proposed, which reflects the enterprise’s possibilities to develop in accordance with both the global and the sectoral tendencies of innovative development, as well as tendencies of its target markets development. The obtained results allow to form methodical bases of the trajectory management of the advanced innovative development of industrial enterprises. Article is written in Ukrainian
Shestakov D. Y. The Method of Real Options as an Instrument to Evaluate Projects with High Uncertainty (p. 102 - 108)
The article analyzes the method of real options in terms of its ability to evaluate an investment project with a high level of uncertainty. The method of real options is compared with the classical approaches of project evaluation. The reasons for development of methods of evaluation of start-ups and innovative projects are described and substantiated. The advantages of the method of real options are highlighted by including in the evaluation of investor’s possibilities the implementation of managerial decisions in the process of creation of innovative products (project). The necessity of development of scientific and practical literature on evaluation of projects by means of complex options is substantiated. A three-year simple deferral option is described and evaluated for practical understanding of the financial advantages of the method of real options in making an investment decision, which results in the critical importance of correct investment solution at each stage of uncertainty scattering. Article is written in Ukrainian
Rakovich О. I. The Role of Smart Specialization in the Development of the Entrepreneurial Potential of Rural Areas (p. 69 - 74)
The article is aimed at substantiating the use of the mechanism for smart specialization in the development of entrepreneurial potential of rural areas. According to the results of analysis of theoretical and methodological approaches to smart specialization it is determined that in the process of its use entrepreneurs acquire knowledge, competences, experience in the development of strategies, plans, programs, projects, submission of grant proposals. The article proposes and substantiates a model of interaction of entrepreneurs of rural territories with the entities of regional development, using the smart specialization approach for evaluation of the entrepreneurial potential of rural territories, determining the region's competitive advantages for development of the kinds of activities with innovative potential. The algorithm of formation of goals-results of the strategic development of entrepreneurship of the rural territories of Ukraine allows to adapt methodologies of strategic planning processes to the peculiarities of region development, local territorial segments (rural areas), and entrepreneurial organizations. The involvement of local entrepreneurial agents in the development of strategies for rural areas will ensure the formation of databases on the entrepreneurial potential of these territories with specifying the entrepreneurial structures which form this potential. Further scientific research is expedient to carry out in the context of substantiation of intellectualization of systems of management of rural territories development and use of smart specialization in an integration of the systems of territorial, sectoral and administrative management. Article is written in Ukrainian
Shestakov D. Y. Specifics of Innovation Project as a Prerequisite for Risks Management of an Investment Portfolio in the Venture Capital Markets (p. 92 - 97)
The article is aimed at highlighting the need for a deep understanding of terminology in the sphere of realization and implementation of innovations for successful financial risks management and entry into financial markets, also to ensure sustainable innovation development of the national economy. On the basis of analysis of scientific literature different approaches to definition of the term of «innovation project» are systematized and the conclusion is made about existence of real problem of incompleteness and narrowing of the basic concepts in the sphere of innovations. Based on the existing uncertainty in the implementation of innovation as well as the characteristics of the final product, the most complete and comprehensive definition of innovation project is suggested, the author also presents the key difference between an innovation project and a conventional, traditional project for further quality management of investment and financial risks of projects with such an inherent feature as significant spread of future results. Article is written in Ukrainian
Letunovska N. Y., Syhyda L. O. Marketing Researches as the Instrument for Determining the Strategic Directions of Innovative Development of an Industrial Enterprise in the Sphere of Product Policy (p. 97 - 105)
The article proves that marketing research is an integral part of increasing the competitiveness of economic entities, in particular for those who work in the industrial market. It is specified that the traditional forms of market research are gradually losing their relevance, thus the non-standard, modernized approaches to conducting market analysis are becoming more and more popular. The article contains the newest classification of marketing researches. In addition, a classification of product-innovations along with provision of examples of enterprises that produce such products in the Ukrainian market, is prepared. The authors have developed a matrix, which gives an opportunity to clearly define the role of marketing researches in terms of rollout of new or improved products for different segments of the market. Details of implementing marketing researches in B2B market are listed. In the course of the marketing research carried out in the sphere of machine-building production a map of consensus of consumers’ expectations and possibilities of manufacturer is composed with allocation of problem zones for further development of parametric provisioning of product items. Article is written in Ukrainian
Bondarenko S. A., Zerkina O. O. Smart Grid as the Basis of Innovative Transformations in the Electricity Market of Ukraine in the Context of Integration Processes (p. 105 - 114)
The article is aimed at researching the role and place of Smart Grid in the innovative transformations on the Ukrainian electricity market in the context of integration processes. The essence of the category of «intellectualization of electric power system» is defined, allowing to allocate features of innovative transformations in the electric power industry. On the basis of a systematization of the foreign experience on materialization of Smart-strategies in the process of intellectualization of electric power system, practical possibilities of implementation of basic provisions in conditions of economy of Ukraine are considered. It is determined that due to introduction of «intellectual» networks in 2020 the EU countries plan to increase efficiency of the energy resources consumption by means of reduction of the specific energy consumption per unit of GDP, which is equal to the foreseen reduction of harmful emissions into the atmosphere. It is also expected that during this period, the electricity supply through smart networks will exceed one fifth of their total volume. Studying of Ukraine’s experience in the implementation of Smart Grid showed that this direction is a priority for the formation of the electricity market. Thus, the Smart Grid system enables energy companies to manage the entire electric power supply network as a single system. Implementation of Smart Grid is designed to solve current tasks with the help of smart network that, following increase in volumes of consumption, allows to enhance profitability, reliability and uptime, reduce technical and commercial losses, increase manageability and efficient operation of networks. Within terms of the concept and methodology of implementation of the Smart Grid system, requirements of all interested parties should be taken into consideration: the State; the generating, network and power supply companies; consumers; manufacturers of equipment. This direction is allocated as prospect for further research. Article is written in Ukrainian
Skrypnyk N. Y., Sydorenko K. V. The Key Components in Forming a Modern Innovation Basis of Competitiveness in the Context of Globalization Transformations (p. 115 - 123)
The article is aimed at substantiating the modern most important components of the innovation base of competitiveness in the conditions of globalization transformations. Features of management of global competitiveness of countries are considered; the key components of formation of a modern innovation base of competitiveness in conditions of globalization transformations are defined; the role and importance of the infrastructure of international airports in the system of socio-economic well-being and increasing the global competitiveness are substantiated; instruments for increasing competitive advantages of the airport infrastructure are defined. The research applied both general scientific and special methods of scientific cognition: descriptive-analytical method, method of analysis and synthesis, methods of quantitative and qualitative comparisons. The information basis of the article are monographic researches and periodical publications by domestic and foreign scholars-economists, materials and analytical reports of the World Economic Forum, the International Institute of Management Development, OECD, International Civil Aviation Organization, International Air Transport Association, aggregated data provided by the International Council of Airports. The main provisions of the article will help to accelerate the solution of issues of identifying modern innovative factors, as well as substantiating the conditions and directions of increasing the global competitiveness of countries. The novelty of the research is the development and substantiation of methodical provisions of scientific provision of global competitiveness of countries in the world-wide economy. This work provides an opportunity for further research into the management of international competitiveness of airport infrastructure and enhancing the global competitiveness of countries. Article is written in English
Zalizko V. D., Starynets O. G., Mykula R. V. Innovative Means of Digitalization of Services in United Territorial Communities (p. 62 - 66)
The state of decentralization in Ukraine and the innovative achievements of various united territorial communities are considered. The analysis of possible implementation of these technologies in management of a united territorial community is carried out. The foreign experience in implementing the technologies is considered, and specific examples of the ones which have already been implemented or are being implemented are given. The article will be useful to community leaders, politicians, and middle-level managers of the government apparatus, as well as teachers and students of higher educational institutions. The question is raised about the possibility of digitalization and untapped opportunities. The issue of introducing products of these technologies within the communities is considered. Article is written in Ukrainian
Shevchenko B. O., Nepokupna T. A. The Factors in Formation of the Human Potential of an Innovative Economy (p. 48 - 53)
The article is aimed at defining and theoretically substantiating the factors that influence the formation of the human potential of an innovative economy. The interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of existing scientific developments in this area has identified a lack of depth in scientific analysis of the problem. The article outlines the features of the formation of the human potential of an innovative economy: complexity of the process, duration, unevenness, uncertainty of the final result; it is determined that qualitative characteristics of human potential depend on the intensity and effectiveness of a number of socio-economic, cultural and ideological as well as other processes throughout a person’s life; at least three main groups of the factors influencing the formation of the human potential of an innovative economy are allocated: psychophysiological, professional-qualification and spiritual-moral components; the contents of these factors are disclosed. Prospects for further research on this problem should be the definition and analysis of the institutional conditions of intensification of the process of human development of the innovative economy at a qualitative level. Article is written in Ukrainian
Moskovkin V. M., Sizyoongo M., Zhuravka A. V. The Conception of Innovation Systems: Their Emergence and Development (p. 53 - 59)
The evolution of national and regional innovation systems since their emergence is researched. It is shown that the conception of national systems of innovation (NSI) was originally developed in Japan in the 1950s. The Japanese experience was first presented in the late 1980s by Christopher Freeman, whereafter the conception of NSI began to develop rapidly in Anglo-Saxon countries, and then all around the world. This conception, together with the concepts of regional innovation networks and regional innovation infrastructure developed in the same year, led to development of the conception of a regional innovation system (RIS) in the 1990s. Further on, the conceptions of urbanized and rural innovation systems emerged. All this allowed the authors of the article developing a scheme of innovation systems of different levels and scales embedded in each other, based on at the lowest level, which constitute the interactive production and service innovation clusters. This scheme provides an understanding of how the strong fragmentation of innovation territories should be overcome. Article is written in Russian
Koleshchuk O. Y. The Fundamental Basis for the Formation of Innovation of Enterprises (p. 59 - 65)
The article is aimed at systematizing the basic views on the process of forming a fundamental scientific basis for innovation of enterprises. The views of the scientists who shaped the theories of innovation and the essence of these theories are considered, namely: C. Freeman (Science Policy Research Unit at University of Sussex, UK); B.-A. Lundvall (University of Uppsala, Sweden) and R. Nelson (Columbia University, USA). The author studied the main directions of work of scientists, which composed the basis of research, namely: J. Schumpeter (1883-1950) - the theory of economic dynamics; F. Hayek (1899-1992) - the concept of distracted knowledge; D. Norton (1920-2015) - institutional theory; R. Solow (1924 - to the present) - the role of the STP in economic growth; P. Romer (1955 - to the present) and R. Lucas (1937 - to the present) - a new theory of growth. It is defined that each of the founders of an innovative direction offers his vision of development, focusing on individual elements and relationships. All of them adhere to the general methodological principles of enterprise innovation, i.e.: knowledge plays a special role in economic development; competition is a major driver of economic dynamics based on innovation; the institutional context of innovation directly affects its content and structure. Article is written in Ukrainian
Usherenko S. V. Activating the Innovation Activities of Enterprises in Ukraine: Imperatives and Principles of the State Support (p. 72 - 81)
On the basis of a comparative analysis of the ranking positions of Ukraine among the world’s advanced countries in the system of indicators of sustainable development, including: Human Development Index (HDI), Global Competitiveness Index (GCI), Global Innovation Index (GII), Legatum Prosperity Index (LPI), it is argued that Ukraine’s entry into the sustainable development trajectory is related to the imperative of achieving the competitiveness of the national economy through activating the innovation activities of enterprises in the context of global development trends. It is defined that the developed countries of the world are characterized by a high level of competitiveness, sustainable socio-economic development, achieved through active innovation efforts. Upon the results of an analysis of the structural elements of the GCI for Ukraine (rating position 83, which is outside the group of developed countries) and in view of the statistics showing low innovation activity of industrial enterprises in Ukraine, the factors that hinder their innovation activities are identified. First of all, they are related to: imperfection of institutions, of innovative infrastructure, of financial and credit system; macroeconomic instability; lack of financial and credit resources to ensure innovation activities, as well as insufficient scientific support. The author formulates the principles of the State support for innovation activity of enterprises, in particular enterprises of the corporate sector of the national economy, which are aimed at eliminating or reducing the impact of these factors and which are sensible to be implemented in the format of a national innovation system. Article is written in Ukrainian
Alyabieva O. M. The Economic-Organizational Mechanism for Innovative Development of Seaports (p. 81 - 86)
Making informed strategic decisions about innovative development of enterprise requires application of the most effective methodical approaches to assessing its innovation potential and forming a mechanism for innovative development of enterprise. In order to define the optimal strategy for innovative development of seaports, the article proposes an economic-organizational mechanism presented in the form of a precise logical and structural scheme. In addition to determining the object and subject of innovation activity, goals and tasks, the proposed mechanism includes principles, functions, forms, methodical approaches to evaluation of innovative development, efficiency criteria, directions, indicators, integral assessment and implementation paths. The formation of the organizational-economic mechanism for innovative development of seaports is carried out on the basis of a scientific-methodical approach, according to which the diagnosis of the status of development of seaport takes place stage-wise, taking into account both the resource and the personnel potentials, investment attractiveness of enterprise, possible risks, and includes a comprehensive system for assessing the innovative development of the maritime industry. This approach allows, along with setting an assessment of the company’s innovative development in accordance with certain indicators, to ensure the optimal decisions on the direction of the investment efficiency of innovation. In turn, strategic management of innovative development ensures the economic profitability of seaports and increases the competitiveness of the State’s maritime industry. Article is written in Ukrainian
Prokhorova V. V. The System of Management of Industrial Enterprises: the Innovative Directions of Formation (p. 86 - 92)
The article improves the system of management of industrial enterprises in terms of innovative directions of formation. It is defined that the system of innovative management of changes and the directions of formation in enterprises is represented by competitive regulators of the processes of adaptation of industrial enterprises to short-term changes in the conditions of volatility of the market environment. The process of forming potential opportunities for the development of industrial enterprises is one of the dominant directions of its innovation strategy, requiring the creation and activation of organizational-economic opportunities and managerial competences to achieve strategic, tactical and operational objectives. The introduction of innovations in the production process and on the delivery of services is closely related to marketing and logistics activities, is conditioned by the adaptation of novations in order to form the value-oriented directions called to meet the needs of consumers. The innovation phase is characterized by the basic-determinating need to define the market segment that the potential consumers are focused upon. During the phase of implementation of marketing as one of the fundamental links of the enterprise's market activity, key instruments of the nature of the change in performance parameters are substantiated. In today's economic environment, the dominant interests of enterprise are the basis for the development of a mechanism for ensuring innovative development. The decision-making mechanism in terms of the innovative directions of formation of a system of management of industrial enterprises is considered as a set of managerial-financial, economic-legal, organizational-oriented means to meet the enterprise's objectives, taking into account interests of the external environment. This, taking into attention the peculiarities of the enterprise's innovation activities, ensures a profit, the amount of which is sufficient that the enterprise operate in an economically functional security. Article is written in Ukrainian
Sharko V. V. The Principles of Formation of a Competitive Strategy for Innovative Development of Enterprise (p. 92 - 98)
The article is aimed at exploring the status of economic activities and defining the principles of formation of a competitive strategy for innovative development of machine-building enterprises. The branches of the engineering complex of Ukraine are grouped; volumes of expenditures are analyzed according to the directions of industrial innovation of industrial enterprises and to the indicators of innovation at industrial enterprises; key principles of formation of a competitive strategy for innovative development of machine-building enterprises are allocated. The expediency of forming a competitive strategy for innovative development of machine-building enterprises is substantiated, which is based on the following principles: purposefulness, objectivity, adaptability and mobility, hierarchy, strategy, scientific validity, systemicity, optimality, complexity and coherence, competitiveness, sustainability, participativity and social orientation, balance, innovation and development, efficiency, validity of the indicator support, economic efficiency. Measures to address the problems of innovative development of machine-building enterprises are proposed, e.g.: developing and implementing effective programs to support and stimulate innovative development; providing governmental guarantees for projects that involve introduction of modern technological processes; creating a favorable investment climate that will attract means of foreign investors from the global financial market; introducing a system of benefits for enterprises; establishing a system of progressive taxation for entrepreneurs; developing a credit support system; creating an efficient regulatory framework; refocusing foreign economic activity on high-tech exports. Article is written in Ukrainian
Sytnik N. I. The Innovative Technologies in the Organizational Training of Staff of Modern-Time Organizations (p. 99 - 103)
The article is concerned with reviewing the innovative technologies of informal training at modern-time organizations. In the information age, new opportunities are emerging in the management of human resources, prompting organizations to rethink traditional patterns of organizational training, in particular to change the balance between formal and informal training. The potential of informal training is still underestimated by domestic companies. This article analyzes the new possibilities of informal organizational training related to the use of innovative personalized and e-training technologies. The benefits of informal training are determined and compared to traditional formal training methods, which enable organizations to efficiently build up their knowledge in view of a tight budget. With the growing need for organizational training, there is a significant diversification of informal training technologies, and their arsenal is constantly growing with the emergence of both new personalized training technologies and the e-training instruments. Existing informal training technologies are suggested to be systematized as depending upon: 1) the way the participants in the training process are connected (according to the principle of «teacher – pupil» subordination or partnership); 2) the way of communication between subjects of training (personalized or electronic communications). A general characterization of the informal training technologies is provided; special attention is paid to innovative technologies that have not been spread in Ukraine. Prospects for their use in domestic organizations are considered. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kryvorotenko A. V., Levchenko A. O. The Mechanism of Knowledge Transfer in the Conditions of Innovative Transformations (p. 104 - 109)
The article is aimed at studying the mechanism of transfer of relevant and qualitative knowledge at the current stage of development of the national economy as one of the main principles of cooperation of the main actors in the economic market. Achieving such a result is possible only if the resources and powers of central, regional governments, local governments, scientific institutions, educational institutions and enterprises are co-operative, as well as target objectives are combined into a single system. The article carries out a structural analysis of the current status of the mechanism of transfer of knowledge in the world and in Ukraine. The domestic and foreign scientific-methodical basis for the transfer of knowledge in the higher education system is researched. An analysis of the main commercial forms of transfer of realized knowledge is carried out. The essence of leasing mechanisms, patent and licensing trade in rights to industrial property and joint entrepreneurship are explored. The essence of the concept of technopark and its key characteristics are defined. The cycle of transfer of quality knowledge between higher education institutions and the production sector is considered and a classification of the main types of knowledge transfer is provided. Also considered is the model of quadruple helix and its constituent elements. The relationship between the key participants in the transfer process of knowledge according to the quadruple helix model is researched. Alternative definitions of knowledge transfer concepts and knowledge transfer center are suggested. The essence and main advantages of creating knowledge transfer centers on both the commercial and the State basis are covered. Article is written in Ukrainian
Antonenko E. V., Garafonova O. I. Innovations as an Instrument for Development of the Organization’s Anti-Crisis Management (p. 110 - 116)
The article explores the definition of the main instrument of anti-crisis management. The contents of the terms of «innovations» and «innovation activities» are defined. The relationship between innovations and the organization’s anti-crisis activities is substantiated. Available statistics such as the Global Innovation Index are researched. Ukraine’s place in the global innovation market is defined, as well as the distribution of innovations by category, the dynamics of development of innovations and their influence on organizations. The indicators reflecting the dynamics of innovations in each country are provided. Examples of successful innovations, which in the future will become an important aspect of management of the organization’s anti-crisis activities, as well as examples of application of innovations in different crisis situations and overcoming them, are presented. In Ukraine, innovation is only now beginning to be actively used to improve all processes in the organization. The structure of introduction of innovation in different spheres of organization is one of the important issues explored in this publication. The dynamics of innovation indicators at the domestic enterprises, obtained on the basis of statistics, are traced. Conclusions on innovation activities as an element of anti-crisis management are proposed. Having researched the structure of introduction of innovation in different spheres of the organization’s activities, we can come to the conclusion that increase in the enterprise’s innovation activities allows to ensure the anti-crisis activity of the entire organization. Article is written in Ukrainian
Hrynko P. L. Innovatization as a Predictive Idea of Business Development in the Context of Digital Economy (p. 57 - 63)
The article solves an important scientific and practical problem regarding identifying tendencies of innovative business development in the context of digital economy. It is specified that the process of innovatization is formed through the building an investment policy of the State, which evaluates the potential, determines the priorities in development tasks, taken into account during the allocation of resources. It is ascertained that scientific thought is firmly committed to the dominant influence of innovation and investment in innovation, which puts the challenge of improving the investment climate at the top priorities, especially in the context of the establishing digital economy. It is proved that the concept of «innovation activity» nowadays is being transformed into the concept of «innovatization», the essence of which is much broader, as its global scale is justified by the emergence of the information-communication paradigm of digital economy development. It is defined that the transition to an innovative model of economic growth is one of the main tasks of the State in the near future. Indicators of Ukraine's innovative development for 2014–2018 are analyzed to assess its innovation potential using the Global Innovation Index, allowing to identify the strengths and weaknesses of our country's innovative development. Article is written in Ukrainian
Dobroskok I. B. Innovation Strategy as the Basis for the Development of Foreign Economic Activity of Enterprise (p. 93 - 98)
The article explores different interpretations of the definition of the enterprise’s innovative development strategy. The main problems of forming an effective mechanism for managing the innovation activities of the enterprise’s foreign economic activity (FEA) are researched. A relationship between the innovative development of enterprise with the components of the enterprise’s intellectual capital is determined. It is proved that strategic management is a complex of actions that ensure the development and implementation of the enterprise’s mission, the most important key goals of the organization and the means to achieve them, providing its development in a competitive and unstable external environment. It is identified that the innovation strategy in terms of the enterprise’s FEA in the conditions of a rapidly developing modern market is the basis of its development. The main difference of innovative strategic management is the obligatory presence of novelty, especially for the organization in question, for the market industry, consumers, the country as a whole. In its content, the innovative strategy takes into account the basic processes in the organization and in its external environment, the possibilities of growing the innovative potential of the organization. The conclusion is that each enterprise considers, first of all, the issue of developing its own strategy for managing innovative development. It should take into account the existing resources of the enterprise, facilitate the systemity in the process of developing the most innovative strategy, create the conditions for the organization of innovation management and allow for the formation of an efficient instrumentarium to implement it. The result of the innovative development of the enterprise’s FEA will be positive changes that have an innovative focus. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kornilova I. M., Olikh L. A. Organization’s Intellectual Property Strategic Management in the Context of the Process Approach (p. 99 - 107)
The purpose of the article is summarizing and further development of the theoretical provisions of the strategic approach to managing the organization’s intellectual property, in particular, through the lens of conceptual foundations and implementation stages. The article substantiates the need to develop the efficient system of the innovation-oriented organization’s intellectual property strategic management in the conditions of increasing competition in the markets for knowledge-intensive products and intellectual property transformation into a key strategic resource of economic growth. The intellectual property strategic management definition is given. Its value and place in the modern organization management system are substantiated. The intellectual property strategic management features and conditions for ensuring its efficiency are allocated. The main attention is paid to the intellectual property strategic management essential characteristics studying when formulating a strategic vision in the intellectual property sphere, to diagnose internal and external influence factors, to develop and substantiate the strategic alternatives choice for the intellectual property strategies portfolio formation, their implementation and strategic control realization. The intellectual property strategies types’ systematization according to different classification traits is carried out. Prospect for further research is the issue of analytical, methodological support for the choice of strategies from possible development alternatives to enhance the soundness of the organization's intellectual property management. Article is written in Ukrainian
Arefieva O. V., Poberezhna Z. M. Strategic Management of Innovativeness of Business Processes of an Enterprise in Competitive Markets (p. 108 - 116)
In the market conditions, the necessary advantages in competition are provided to an enterprise through formation of an innovative economy and the ensured scientific, technical and innovative development. In view of current tendencies, winning the competition can be guaranteed by the transition to an innovative development path, in which namely the strategic management of innovativeness of business processes of enterprise in competitive markets plays an important role. The article explores and generalizes the concepts and essence of strategic management of of innovativeness of business processes at enterprise. The specifics of strategic management of them are considered. The list of tasks that form the basis of the strategic business processes management is generalized; the instruments of strategic management of the business processes of innovative development are allocated. A procedure for the strategic management of innovativeness of business processes of enterprise in competitive markets is proposed. A model of creating and implementing the strategic management of innovativeness of business processes by innovative development of the enterprise is suggested, which focuses the enterprise on effective operation on the basis of the introduction of the latest technologies in the productive and management activities in the implementation of a totality of business processes. An organizational and economic algorithm is developed to form their integrity and consistency in competitive markets. Thus, in order to efficiently manage business processes in the enterprise, it is necessary to form a management system that will allow to evaluate first the strategic goals and then the efficiency of all business processes of the enterprise as to achieving these goals . One of the management instruments is to develop and implement comprehensive performance indicators for the enterprise's business processes, which describe the full scope of the business. The optimization of business processes will provide competitive advantages and will allow to maximize the potential of enterprise. The adoption of fundamental managerial decisions will increase the attractiveness of enterprise to attract investment and will provide an opportunity for efficient implementation of innovative technologies. Article is written in Ukrainian
Mykhailichenko H. I., Zhuchenko V. G. Assessing the Innovative Development of Tourism Enterprises (p. 117 - 122)
The article is aimed at researching the tools and parameters of assessing the effectiveness of innovation activity, increasing the competence of tourism enterprises, improving the competitiveness of innovative enterprises, international tour-operator-ranking. The system of tourism multipliers is substantiated, which special constituents are: an innovation multiplier, which represents an increase in income in the tourism economy, possible as a result of the implementation of a new product, changes in service technology, in the marketing, process, service, organizational or other innovations; also the company’s sustainability growth multiplier as an indicator of the estimated business reputation of the tourism company as part of the overall corporate strategy, market share and participation in the distribution/redistribution of tourist flows. Article is written in Ukrainian
Chala T. G., Tumanova O. V. The Main Barriers to the Introduction of a Patient’s Electronic Medical Card in Ukraine (p. 122 - 127)
The article is aimed at studying the main barriers to introduction of the electronic medical card for patient in Ukraine and the readiness of the population to use it. To achieve this goal, the results of a telephone survey of patients at a private medical center in Kharkiv are analyzed. It is defined that a personal medical electronic card is an electronic, life-long resource of health information supported by private persons. Personal medical electronic records that are used or being developed in the world today support a multitude of different functions. To conduct the research on the basis of collection of primary data from the center’s patients’ questionnaire was created a random list of patients, which included both citizens of Ukraine and foreigners who were permanently or short-term present in our country. The study focuses on the reasons for the lack of registration and the identification of benefits of the patient portal for visitors at the studied center. Information about the characteristics of the survey participants - patients of the medical center is provided. Based on the analysis of the responses received, the main reasons that prevented the clients of the medical center to register through the electronic portal are allocated. On the results of the study the main barriers in the perception of the patient’s e-card are identified and analyzed; the results of a telephone survey of patients about registration through the electronic portal are described. Article is written in Ukrainian
Orlov V. M., Petrashevska A. D., Drahan K. Y., Statirova K. V. Factors of the Formation of Strategic Alliances (p. 76 - 81)
Global tendencies in recent decades have increased competition in world markets, so there is a need to create an organizational form that can respond as quickly and efficiently as possible to changes in the external environment. One of these new forms of enterprise organization is strategic alliances, the development of which has significantly influenced changes in the structure of many industries. By building strategic alliances, companies are combining efforts and resources to maintain their competitive positions and create new opportunities. The article is aimed at defining the factors of the formation of strategic alliances at the current stage of development of the world economy. Definitions of this concept and signs, the presence of which indicates that the alliance can be called strategic, are provided. The features of strategic alliances as a form of an inter-organizational cooperation are characterized. A comparison of the strategic alliance with such concepts as «cluster», «technopolis» and «network» is made, a number of their differences are allocated. The factors of forming strategic alliances, the advantages and disadvantages of their creation are defined. It is substantiated that the synergistic effect of the creation of strategic alliances allows through the expansion of the assortment, range of services, improved technologies, combined marketing efforts to bypass their competitors and become a market leader. Prospects for further research in this direction is to analyze the existing strategic alliances in Ukraine, their status, number and area of their formation, as well as estimation of the readiness of the legislative framework for their successful development in the country. Article is written in Ukrainian
Koleshchuk O. Y. Formation of an Integrated Mechanism for Strategic Management of Innovativeness of Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 81 - 87)
The article is aimed at forming an integrated mechanism for strategic management of innovativeness of machine-building enterprises in the modern economic environment. It is defined that in today’s problematic economic environment, the formation and making of managerial decisions on the introduction of innovativeness at machine-building enterprise requires a thorough analysis of external and internal factors and represents a complex process that has successive interconnected stages and is also characterized by the notion of a procedural invariant for an effective strategic managerial decision-making. The process of innovativeness at machine-building enterprise should have an innovative and creative structure to meet the needs of consumers. At the stage of implementation of strategic management of innovativeness of enterprises, measures to flesh out the solution and bring it to the workers are developed, the progress of its implementation is monitored, the received result is adjusted and assessed. It is defined that the strategic management of innovativeness of machine-building enterprises should have its own concrete result, so the goal is to find such forms, methods, means and instruments that could contribute to the achievement of the best result in the introduction of innovativeness of enterprise in certain conditions. The article allocates the main factors and conditions for ensuring high quality and efficiency of strategic management of innovativeness of machine-building enterprises. To address these issues, an integrated mechanism for strategic management of innovativeness of machine-building enterprises has been proposed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Umanets T. V., Butenko A. I., Grynevych L. V. The Economic Determinants of Structural Changes in the Global Market for Innovative Technologies (p. 51 - 62)
The article is aimed at evaluating the global tendencies in the development of market for innovative technologies, based on the economic determinants of its structural changes, and identifying the reasons that reduce efficiency of this process. The main tasks and instrumentarium for achieving the goal are indicated. The relevance of research on the global tendencies in the development of market for innovative technologies is substantiated. In accordance with the purpose and tasks of the article, the essential filling of the category of «market for innovative technologies» is defined. The research on the global tendencies in the market for innovative technologies is based on both the regional and the sectoral criterion in the context of three groups of countries: North and South America, Europe, Northeast and East Asia. A system of indicators of global tendencies in the development of the market for innovative technologies in the context of four blocks is formed. The identified tendencies for the period 2010-2018 are analyzed and summarized according to the directions such as global economic development, exports of high-tech goods, research and advanced development costs, and human capital. Five main tendencies in the development of this market are substantiated and the reasons for a reduction in efficiency of this process are defined. In order to develop the market for innovative technologies, each country is suggested to pay special attention to the key production asset of the creation of advanced production, that is – digital platforms, both from the part of the State and from the part of entrepreneurs. Article is written in Ukrainian
Koleshchuk O. Y. Structural Transformations as a Priority Vector for the Development of Innovative Potential of Machine-Building Enterprises (p. 62 - 68)
The article is aimed at forming structural transformations as a priority vector for development of the innovative potential of machine-building enterprises. The publication, upon the results of a carried out research, identifies that knowledge management has always been an integral part of quality strategic management. Enterprises must initiate innovative knowledge management projects to search ways to find, interpret, organize, spread and use the intellectually-creatively-innovative knowledge they have gained. It is proved that the innovative potential of machine-building enterprises includes not only the potential capabilities of an economic organizational system, but also the degree of attracting innovative technologies to their activities, as well as contributes to the growth of the the level of enterprises development. It is defined that the transfer of technologies is a strategically significant component of the innovative potential of a machine-building enterprise. Through the effective implementation of the technology transfer mechanism, machine-building enterprises will be able to step up the implementation and development of knowledge-intensive developments in the production activities and gain additional competitive advantages. The process of forming the transfer of technologies has been developed and a methodology of defining the process of innovativeness in domestic machine-building enterprises with the help of technology transfer has been proposed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Khymenko O. A. Development of Innovation Activities and Public Administration: Some Methodological Aspects (p. 69 - 77)
The article is concerned with consideration of «development of innovation activity» as a separate category, researching it as a phenomenon and as a process, defining strategic goal, tasks, subject, object, goals and values of public administration in the context of innovation activity. Today, studying the government participation in innovation activity, both in the case of «innovation for public administration» and in the case of «public administration for innovations», focuses mainly on various aspects of government management inherent in the innovation activity phenomena and processes, or on the specifics of creation, implementation and application of innovation, or is narrowed down to the consideration of government regulation of innovation activity. Based on the application to innovation of the three-part model of management process «action-act-action*», the specifics of its progress at the micro-economic level are formulated, differences between the concepts of «development of innovation activity» and «innovation development», as well as the key role of a motivated employee in «development of innovation activity» are noted, the process of introduction of «managerial» is examined. It is proposed to consider «development of innovation activity» as a separate category and to define categories of «managerial innovation», «development of innovation activity», «innovation development» as determinants of innovation activity. Taking into account the current legal doctrine and the theory of competitive advantage of countries, a hierarchy of values and specific goals of public administration has been proposed in the context of innovation activities as stratified by levels (political, economic, structural, social, individual) of a certain decision-making. «innovatization of human capital» is defined by goal, «providing motivation for the subject to increase the competitiveness of the results of its activities» – by task, «development of innovation activity» - by object, and the «creative person» – by the subject of government administration in the context of innovation activity. The «innovativeness of human capital» has been chosen as a specialized factor of competitiveness and the key role of the State and the higher education system in its provision is indicated. Article is written in Ukrainian
Silenko O. E., Pulina T. V., Khmara N. O. Management of the Innovation Activities of a Research and Production Enterprise (p. 78 - 84)
The article is aimed at determining directions to improve the management of innovation activities of a research and production enterprise on the basis of assessing its innovation potential. The concepts of «innovation» and «innovation potential» have been explored and it has been proved that continuous innovation is a key part of ensuring the competitiveness of enterprise in both the short and long term perspective. An analysis of the research and production enterprise SOE «Ivchenko-Progres», which successfully applies the latest innovative technologies and introduces the latest developments in the engine-building sub-sector of the aviation industry, is carried out. A system of assessing the innovation potential of a research and production enterprise by the following indicators: personnel, intensity of turnover rates by professional group, materiel and technical support, level of development of the system of science and technology information, research and advanced development, organizational and managerial characteristics - is proposed. Based on the evaluation of the innovation potential of SOE «Ivchenko-Progres», ways to improve the management of innovation activities of a research and production enterprise have been defined. Article is written in Ukrainian
Chernoivanova H. S. Innovative Strategy as an Provision Element of Ensuring the Management of the Innovation Component of Enterprise (p. 85 - 90)
The article is aimed at substantiating and elaborating a theoretical-methodological approach to the formation of an innovative strategy as a provision element of ensuring the management of the innovation component of enterprise. In the context of the financial-economic crisis, the issues of developing such a mechanism of organizational-economic provision of management of the innovation component of enterprise, taking into account the peculiarities of the formation of an innovative strategy that would improve the efficiency of the entire management system, are especially relevant. Conceptual provisions have been formulated to create an innovative strategy as an element of ensuring the management of the innovation component of enterprise. The theoretical provisions on the essence of the category of «innovative strategy» are generalized. Approaches to the systemization of types of innovative strategy and features of its formation in the structure of the management mechanism are substantiated. The features of innovation strategy and its differences from other strategies are characterized. The main advantages and disadvantages of existing approaches to the formation of an innovative strategy as an element of ensuring the management of the innovation component of enterprise are defined. The essential characteristic of the innovation component of industrial enterprise, which, unlike existing approaches, defines it as a combination of innovations and innovative work, is substantiated. Article is written in Ukrainian
Protsenko A. V. Conceptual Bases for Managing the Structural Transformations of the Innovative Potential of Industrial Energy Enterprises (p. 91 - 99)
The article defines that the current economic condition of most Ukrainian industrial energy enterprises is characterized by the qualities typical of transition to market conditions: general financial-economic instability, cyclical phases of recession and depressions, slight increase in production volumes. In these circumstances, the performance of any enterprise is significantly fluctuating. Nevertheless, the amount of financing is considered today as the main criterion for sustainable development of each individual enterprise, and the national economy as a whole. Improving the efficiency of economic entities depends on improving the information provision of managerial functions on the basis of use of modern software products. All the levers of control require quality changes. The financial-economic situation of industrial energy enterprises depends to a large extent on the rationality of building the conception of management of the structural transformations of innovative potential, which requires an appropriate evaluation and elaboration of certain management actions. It is concluded that a significant conceptual role in the strategic analysis of the management of structural transformations of the innovative potential of industrial energy enterprises is assigned to the identification of parameters, that is, the identification of the considered parameter’s degree of matching with certain values that can be critical, marginal, or maximum possible. Defining these values represents the final stage of the analysis of the evaluation results as to efficiency of the use of innovative potential. However, it should not be assumed that the maximum possible ratios are the limit ones, they will grow as the market relations improve, same as the optimal level of innovative potential of enterprises, that will constantly change and depend on external and internal factors. Article is written in Ukrainian
Fadeyeva I. H., Gryniuk O. I., Kucheriaviy V. A. Scientific and Methodological Approaches to Assessing the Efficiency of Research and Development Works (p. 66 - 73)
Scientific research gives new knowledge, a part of which can lead to significant profits. However, assessing the efficiency of scientific activities is a challenge. The entry price for such researches can be measured in the number of years of efforts of a scientist, research team, department or program, or in terms of the required amount of funding for research. However, it is problematic to assess the performance of scientific activities. The article is aimed at elaborating an authors’ approach to determining the efficiency of research and development results based on modern evaluation instruments. In the course of the study, the authors described and analyzed existing approaches to assessing the efficiency of research and development works in order to find the best instrument that allows to take into account not only the theoretical and applied results of the research, but also the possibility of their commercialization in the future. We believe that the most efficient and informative method is the key performance indicators (KPI) method, which allows to assess not only the quantitative, but also the qualitative results of research. Nine generalized key performance indicators to assess the effectiveness of research are proposed. Also the performance indicators of research in terms of application of the earned value method are proposed. The consistent and comprehensive application of the instruments and methods reviewed in the article will allow to assess the efficiency of the research and development both at the beginning of the project evaluation and in the implementation process for adjustment purposes. This will help to avoid inefficient activities, save resources, both financial and material, and intellectual. Article is written in Ukrainian
Hrynko P. L. The Conception of Managing the innovation Development of an Organization in a Digital Economy from the Perspective of Innovation Culture (p. 73 - 80)
The article solves an important scientific-practical task in developing the conception of managing the innovation development of an organization from the perspective of the innovation culture in a digital economy. It is specified that the developed innovation culture in the form of the application of modern ways of organizing the workspace, efficient interaction of staff and the system of motivation should become a solid foundation, allowing organizations effectively introduce innovations and avoid copying the competitors’ strategies, turnover of staff, loss of profitability. The place of innovation culture in a digital economy is considered, as the leading role and importance belongs to the staff of organization, and the success of innovation is, first of all, ensured by the existing efficient innovation culture in the organization that provides an innovation and creative way of thinking to its employees and top management. The contentual details of the category of «innovation culture» at macro- and micro levels as a significant component of the potential of innovation development of organizations are defined more exactly. The principles of building an innovation culture in organizations are proposed, united by three components: «efficient communication», «comfortable working conditions» and «motivation system», which include measures to improve management efficiency. The conception of innovation progressiveness in the form of a survey to determine the innovation and technical development of an organization is recommended for use by entrepreneurs and top management. Article is written in Ukrainian
Oberemchuk V. F., Samilo T. O. Features of Planning the Introduction of a New Product to Market (p. 81 - 87)
The article is aimed at substantiating the theoretical-methodical bases for planning the introduction of a new product to market and elaborating practical recommendations for its implementation in enterprises. In order to achieve the goal, the importance of such projects for domestic enterprises in terms of innovation activity is proved; the main stages of planning the introduction of a new product are identified; the key measures to develop, introduce and promote a new product are provided. The results of a practical approval of the proposed measures for the researched enterprise and their impact on the enterprise’s activities in general are described. As result of the research, the key stages of planning the introduction of a new product to market are defined, namely, analysis of internal and external tendencies and opportunities; analysis and testing of product samples; evaluating the efficiency of the project to introduce a new product to market; identifying the potential risks when introducing a new product; planning the volumes of release of the new product; planning the activities of informational-marketing communications to support the promotion of new product in the market; monitoring the implementation of the designed plans, analyzing the results and setting tasks for future periods. The most efficient measures in terms of the described stages are considered. The results of the authors’ research were approved on the basis of the enterprise «Pirana» Trading House» LLC. The carried out evaluation of efficiency of the recommended measures indicated a positive impact on the enterprise’s development process. It is determined that planning the introduction of a new product to market contributes to strengthening the competitive position of the enterprise, achieving its goals, and improving the efficiency of innovation activity. Further research should be directed towards finding new ways to improve efficiency of innovation in domestic enterprises, in particular in the plane of product innovations and the creation of conditions for their development, as well as improving the methods and instruments of shaping the innovative strategy of enterprise. Article is written in Ukrainian
Doroshkevych K. O., Ivasyuk V. V., Iskiv O. V. Strategy and Tactics of Innovative Development of Enterprises: The Essence and Relationship of Concepts (p. 88 - 94)
The article examines the strategy and tactics of innovative development of enterprises: the definition of concepts and their relationship are define more exactly, which is presented as follows. Tactics are a logical continuation of the strategy and are developed for short periods of time. It is a means of implementing the strategy that uses management methods, different ways of managerial influence, ensuring the implementation of strategic goals based on the use of enterprise resources, knowledge, skills, and information. As part of the chosen strategy of innovative development of enterprise, it is possible to form and implement a number of tactical approaches and provide the feedback effect on the strategy. In accordance with the above characterized nature of relationships, in order to develop the tactics of innovative development of enterprises, the article recommends the use of elements of the suffix tree method, which involves the following order: definition of attributes (characteristic features) of the enterprise’s chosen strategy in the conditions of innovative development and formation on their basis of the T array; identification of suffixes (Т [i ..., n]) of the n-length data array, the essence of which determines the enterprise’s strategy in the context of innovation development, i.e. the T array; building a suffix tree (saving the array of data in the shape of a tree, allowing to search for the necessary messages (information) that are part of the array); choosing the enterprise’s tactics in the context of innovative development, moving from the root of the suffix tree to any of its leaves. As a result of the use of this order, a suffix tree of enterprise differentiation strategy is formed in the context of innovative development. Article is written in Ukrainian
Hrynko P. L. The Digital Transformation of Business in the Context of Development of Innovative Processes in Ukraine (p. 53 - 58)
The article solves an important scientific-practical task in terms of studying the impact of innovative processes in Ukraine on the transformation of business in the context of digital economy. Problems arising from the innovation activities of organizations often have an economic, even macro-economic, nature, are expressed in the imbalance of economic processes, slowdown (during the period of transformation) of economic growth, and mismanagement of resources. It is specified that today a significant number of indices and rankings are used in the world, with which it is possible to assess the innovative development of the country in various directions of public life. The carried out analysis of Ukraine’s ratings in the world showed both positive and negative trends of their dynamics, timely accounting of which will allow to form a strategic vector of stable functioning and development of business. However, it is digital transformation that has the greatest potential, so we look at the digital transformation model of business, which defines approaches to transforming business models, business processes and transforming the customer service. It is defined that online commerce is one of the most progressive directions for trade organizations nowadays. The carried out research proves its slow development, which confirms imperfection of Ukrainian regulatory framework for the digitalization of business, weakening of the economy as a whole, passivity of the leadership of organizations in regard to the introduction of innovative technologies for business development. Therefore, the problem of business transformation in the context of digital economy can be solved by gaining new knowledge, transition to a managed socio-cultural evolution, building up a socially oriented economy. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kuzmin O. Y., Zhyhalo O. Y. The Innovative Capability of Enterprises: the Methodical Provisions for Analysis and Evaluation (p. 59 - 66)
The article considers the capability of enterprise as a complex of its implicit capabilities, which exist in the plane of the technologies used, equipment, knowledge, skills and aptitudes of employees. With reference to the essential content of the concept, the article defines that the innovative capability of enterprises cannot be measured only by component content indicators (concentration, area, mass) or functional variables that have a correlation with component characteristics. To evaluate and analyze the capability of the enterprise, the article identifies two groups of methods: 1) related to the study of individual components of capability, namely: information, resource, budget and debt, financial capability and capability of premises (warehouses) of the enterprise; 2) providing a comprehensive evaluation of the capability of enterprises, for which it is possible to use the AHR model (analytical hierarchical model), to develop a deployed chain of enterprise development, to apply an ANP model (model of analytical network process) or to provide a comprehensive analysis of both the enterprise’s capability and the demand. The article proposes recommendations on the formation of a method of evaluating the innovative capability of enterprise. In particular, in order to improve the performance of evaluation processes, the enterprise should ensure the following: credibility of the evaluation process, which is determined by the use of additional evaluation criteria, consistency indicators, etc.; operational efficiency; multicriteriality and hierarchiality of the evaluation process, which is possible by forming a system of indicators (hierarchy), identifying their criterion values, methods of generalization, etc.; completeness of the evaluation process, which arises from the use of quantitative and qualitative indicators, the integration of indicators with different levels of aggregation; simplicity, clarity, unity of evaluation requirements; economic efficiency. Article is written in Ukrainian
Husakovska T. O., Rybalko-Rak L. A., Kyzhel N. L. The Intellectual Property Market in Ukraine: Problems and Prospects (p. 71 - 79)
The article is aimed at analyzing the structure and indicators of the intellectual property market in Ukraine, identifying major problems and prospects for their solution. The market of objects of intellectual property (OIP) is being formed in the process of their commercialization and is a system of economic relations regarding their purchase or sale. Results of estimation of main indicators of the functioning of market of OIP allowed to reach the following conclusions. There is a positive dynamics of growth of innovation activity by mastering the new types of products at industrial enterprises for a significant lag in the implementation of progressive technological processes, in particular resource-saving technologies. The improving and often «borrowed» innovations are introduced most often. The level of financing the research and development is extremely low and does not reach even 0,5% of the gross domestic product. The inventive activity of domestic developers has a negative tendency, while the number of the registered OIP on the part of foreign applicants is increasing. To ensure the effectiveness of the intellectual property market in Ukraine, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for all its participants to maximally transparent implementation of all operations and to gain benefit with minimal participation of public administration and control bodies. The State should ensure investment in scientific, technical and innovation spheres due to the increase of financial support, use of privatization, tax, depreciation and financial credit policy mechanisms. Article is written in Ukrainian
Zalizko V. D., Nowak Dariusz Wojciech, Kukhta P. V., Mykula R. V. COVID-19's Impact on the Innovation Development of Economies of Ukraine and Poland: Current Status and Prospects (p. 79 - 87)
The article systematizes the experience in identifying and assessing the impact of epidemics and viruses on the development of national economies. It is proposed, to strengthen the national economy of Ukraine, to mobilize internal potential of light industry for activating the domestic manufacturers of personal protective equipment. The example of Poland and Ukraine showed a negative impact of COVID-19 on the innovative development of their national economies and outlined the prospects for the development of modern technology telecommuting in the most sectors of the national economy and education. As a result of the coronavirus COVID-19 epidemic, a logistical collapse took place, production processes stopped for an indefinite period, the financial and economic crisis was provoked, and the innovative development of national economies was slowed down. The whole world has to mobilize human and financial resources to counter the spread of this disease. Poland and Ukraine have already taken a number of serious steps to minimize the impact of the coronavirus COVID-19 on both economic and social life. According to the authors of the article, minimization of the impact of COVID-19 on the economy of Poland and Ukraine is possible only by introducing modern technologies of telecommuting in most sectors of the national economy and education. Following the scientific thought and joint research of the Poznan University of Economics and the International Innovation Center in the framework of the formation of the «Central European Network of Continuous and Innovative Economy», the new Prime Minister of Ukraine D. Shmygal approved an enhanced plan to combat the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 in Ukraine, which provides mobilization of the domestic potential of light industry for the activation of domestic manufacturers of personal protective equipment in the framework of implementing the law on economic competition and the protection of the rights of patients in the retail trade with protective equipment. Article is written in Ukrainian
Koliedina K. O. A Methodical Approach to Evaluating the Level of Innovative Development of Enterprise (p. 88 - 95)
It is determined that in order to ensure the competitiveness of domestic enterprises it is necessary to activate their innovative development. It is defined that making effective management decisions in the innovative sphere requires the formation of a instrumentarium for comprehensive evaluation. Therefore, the article is aimed at developing a methodical approach to evaluating the level of innovative development of enterprise on the basis of an integral indicator, based on the measurement of the generalizing indicators of the financial, economic, production and technology, scientific, technical, market, labor, information, ecological and social components of innovative development. The ultimate sequence of evaluating the level of innovative development of enterprise is presented. Each of the seven stages of the evaluation, from setting a goal to building up an integral indicator of development, is reasoned and detailed. A methodical approach to evaluating the level of innovative development of enterprise, which consists of three blocks, is proposed. The preparatory block includes an aggregate of all activities that precede the immediate calculations. The implementation unit consists of selecting the most resulting indicators for each of the eight functional subsystems, establishing an algorithm for calculating them and substantiating critical values. The resulting block is a set of measures to calculate the chosen system of evaluation indicators, systematize and analyze the results, and provide recommendations to improve the status of innovation activity of enterprise. The feasibility of applying the proposed methodical approach, which allows to thoroughly examine the process of innovative development the enterprise and to make informed and grounded managerial decisions regarding this process, is substantiated. Article is written in Ukrainian
Tomakh V. V. The Influence of Innovation Activities of Enterprises on the Development of the National Economy of Ukraine (p. 96 - 102)
In modern conditions, the steady development of any of the national economies is not possible without timely and qualitative introduction of innovation activity. The timely use of innovations is the key to obtaining new and preservation of existing competitive advantages of individual enterprises and the economy in general. The article is aimed at researching the impact of innovation activity on national economies in individual countries. The article examines the influence of indicators of innovation activity on change of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita in Ukraine for the period from 2010 to 2018. With the use of correlation analysis, four indicators were selected from the list of indicators of innovation activity, namely: percentage of innovation-active industrial enterprise to the total number of industrial enterprises; percentage of financing the innovative activities of industrial enterprises to GDP; percentage of industrial enterprises that have introduced innovations (products and/or technological processes), to the total number of industrial enterprises and the percentage of sales of innovative products to the total volume of sales of industrial products (goods, services). With the help of regression analysis, the model of dependency of GDP per capita on the indicators of innovation activity was built, which showed the necessity of control over the targeted use of financing the innovation activity. Article is written in Ukrainian
Medvedovskyi D. G. The Era of the Digital Technologies: Financial Copywriting (p. 112 - 117)
In the 21st century, digital finance is the leading industry in the global economy. With the development of cryptocurrencies and their possible implementation in the future world economy, it is advisable to study the issue related to the financial copywriting in digital finance, because it is financial copywriters who create and provide information to the world community. Since cryptocurrency is a kind of digital currency, we believe it is timely to research this issue, because the digital economy, first of all, is connected with search engines. Semantic technologies are the main sphere of search engines: with the help of these technologies, the necessary information can be searched. The requests sent are handled by search engines. All government as well as private financial institutions associated with cryptocurrencies have their own web page on the Internet. When web pages are indexed through search engines, it is based on keywords. These keywords are part of a semantic core that plays a significant role in content. We consider it necessary to analyze the activities of financial copywriters, as well as provide them with recommendations on creating content for search engines. This will make algorithms more effective, and search engines will be able to better index web pages. In turn, it will help copywriters to understand how to create financial content in the digital finance era. Unfortunately, this issue remains under-explored to date. In addition, the article examines modern innovative technology, which, in our opinion, can be used in the financial sphere. This will significantly improve the work of financial institutions, as well as will organize time management in many corporations. Article is written in Ukrainian
Brych V. Y., Bytsyura L. O. Innovative Measures for Energy Efficiency at Heating Enterprises (p. 62 - 69)
The article is aimed at organizing the database of sources concerned with studying the composition of energy efficiency management models of communal enterprises, analyzing their implementation in Ukraine. The scientific base on the issues of evolution, directions and energy efficiency problems in the management of the development of heating enterprises in Ukraine is analyzed. It is defined that a list of the main models for the development of heating enterprises in Ukraine can include the following: 1) vertical hierarchical traditional model of management of the development of heating enterprises in Ukraine, based on the provisions of the planning and program approach; 2) innovative model for managing the development of heating enterprises in Ukraine, which provides for two areas related to the efficient consumption of thermal energy and efficient energy supply. On the basis of an analysis, it is determined that the researched subjects of this sector used during 2015–2019 an innovative model that is associated with the efficient thermal energy consumption and energy supply. It is proved that the level of energy efficiency from the implementation of this model into the operating conditions of these enterprises depends on their potential, approaches to management by structural areas, and so on. Article is written in Ukrainian
Brych V. Y., Barna S. S. The Problems of Innovative Development of Energy Service Enterprises (p. 69 - 76)
The article is aimed at identifying, organizing and classifying the most pressing problems of innovation development inherent in the activities of energy service enterprises in Ukraine, together with substantiation of the directions of their solution. The feasibility of improving energy efficiency in Ukraine is substantiated; the importance of the energy service in this process is specified; its status and conditions of implementation are determined. Problems of the operation of energy service enterprises are identified and structured, and their classification is carried out on a number of signs. The importance of such classification and its significance for the problem management is substantiated; the essence of energy service enterprises, which are assigned the role of the main initiators and moderators of the energy efficiency improvement in enterprises, in the residential and social spheres, is defined, which has led to institutional recognition and the creation of a regulatory framework for their efficient activities. It is noted that the problems inherent in the development of the energy service in the early stages, can be solved over time, but new problems arise or are formulated, which indicates a good dynamics of institutional development, wherein the progress of the energy service system is taking place. However, the existing problems require identification and structuring in order to formulate a holistic mechanism for solving them. It is proved that at the moment in Ukraine there are many enterprises that position themselves as energy service, but their activities, as a rule, concern the supply of accounting devices, energy-saving equipment and materials, carrying out energy-related surveys or providing the supply of energy resources, which is not directly connected with energy saving and energy efficiency on the part of customer, or with obtaining energy savings. A number of measures aimed at solving certain problems of the energy service and its activation have been proposed. The greatest focus is put on the financial and institutional problems, as well as the primary problems and the problems of systemic nature. Article is written in Ukrainian
Klymchuk M. M., Ilina T. A., Klymchuk S. A., Khomenko N. Y. Modern Technologies of Enterprise Management Based on Digital Economy and Innovation (p. 59 - 65)
The article is aimed at developing a functional-structural model for evaluating the impact of digital technologies on the activities of enterprise taking into account the contour of economic policy implementation based on digital transformation. Intensifying the pace of digital transformation at all levels of the economic system, increasing competition in the domestic and foreign markets, limitedness of the traditional growth resources determine an actualization of the problems of ensuring a sustainable development of industrial-economic systems. Defining the factors of progressive development, the scholars are unanimous that the key to the economic growth of enterprise is the introduction of digital technologies. That is why the key condition of development of production-economical systems is management of investment into digitalization. Systematization and generalization of scientific developments of leading domestic and foreign scientists provided an opportunity to isolate directions of digital technologies development, advantages of their incorporation in the production-commercial activities of enterprise and provide the theoretical and instrumental basis for research problems of investment into the process of digitalization. The theoretical basis of the management of investment into digital transformations in the enterprise in the context of a comprehensive approach are the system economic theory and the integrated theory of IT-risk management. A contour of economic policy implementation on the basis of digital transformation is suggested, within its structure a characterization of the levels of implementation of digital technology is given from the standpoint of the architectonics of economy system. A functional-structural model for evaluating the impact of digital technologies on the activities of the enterprise depending on functions, digitalization effects and terms of the investment management is developed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kudriavets Y. V. Approaches to Development of the Category of «International Innovation Cluster» (p. 65 - 76)
The last decade of the international economy was marked by the emergence of industry 4.0 – a fundamentally new concept of functioning of society, which requires countries to update material and technical base, intensify the scientific-technical research and create the breakthrough technologies on the basis of sustainable development. The issue becomes especially relevant for developing countries, which must form their own adaptive mechanisms and instruments for the process of innovative development of their economies. One of the instruments for turning the economy innovative, which has already proved its high efficiency in the most developed countries, is the cluster approach. Also, the most progressive form of cluster associations is the international innovation cluster, whose main goal is to create, implement, promote and commercialize the innovative solutions. However, despite the wide range of scientific works and studies on the cluster theory, the identification of the essence of both the cluster per se and the international innovation cluster has not received the unambiguous coverage among foreign and domestic scientists, which hinders the development and implementation of the complex concept of the cluster’s efficient functioning in Ukraine. That is why the purpose of this study is the author’s own constructing of the categories of «cluster» and «international innovation cluster». The study resulted in formulation of the category of «international innovation cluster», which refers to the network of interrelated institutions around the world with the dominant role of research or educational institution, which carry out common research and innovative activities and are involved in the international transfer of technology to obtain synergy and increase competitiveness on the basis of sustainable development. The formed category will allow to propose new models and mechanisms of cluster functioning in order to increase its sustainability and efficiency on the basis of sustainable development. Article is written in Ukrainian
Stadnik L. I., Shevchenko A. O. Consulting Activity in the Futures Trading System as a Form of the Organization of Innovative Product and Price Policy (p. 46 - 52)
The article researches the issue of pursuing the innovative product and price policy based on futures trading. It is specified that under the current conditions of destabilization of the economy, the development and use of efficient forms of financial and economic activity in the sphere of product and price policy is particularly important. It is noted that for countries that implement innovative policies for the development of market economy, futures trading plays an important role in the system of formation of transparent and competitive pricing. It is defined that futures trading is an organized form of trade and acts as a key element of ensuring price equilibrium in the market. It is noted that for successful futures trading its participants cannot avoid mastering the techniques of fundamental and technical analysis of the financial, economic, analytical and exchange activities, studying the risk management issues, etc. Knowledge on this issue can be expanded by no other but consulting companies that will provide qualified assistance in relation to this type of entrepreneurship. Therefore, there is currently a problem regarding the in-depth research of the issues of conducting and providing consulting services for the organization of futures activities as a form of innovative product and price policy. The example of consulting activity in the sphere of futures trading of the exchange broker «Svit Invest» is considered and analyzed. The advantages of using futures trading in the product and price system are determined. Practical proposals on the formation of consulting activities in the system of organization of innovative product and price policy on the basis of futures trading are provided. As a result, it is noted that the use of consulting services in futures trading as an innovative form of economic activity will allow entrepreneurial structures to deepen knowledge on this issue, concentrate resource efforts on the most important tasks of the innovation process and save time and money on additional costs. Article is written in Ukrainian
Panevnyk T. M., Bolgarova N. K. Formation of Innovation Systems as Environment of Open Innovations (p. 53 - 59)
The article examines the essence and provides its own definition of the concept of open innovation. The need to implement and spread the open innovations in order to form modern innovative systems is substantiated. It is proved that socio-economic development causes the transformation of innovative processes on the basis of openness and spread of cooperation with external partners, scientific institutions, suppliers and consumers. The factors influencing the spread of open innovations are defined. The main subjects of the environment of open innovations that contribute to the formation of modern innovative systems are considered. An integrated assessment of the status of development of the innovative system of Ukraine using indicators of the Global Innovation Index is carried out. The dynamics of innovation processes both in Ukraine and in the EU countries is analyzed. The authors have identified a decrease in the number of employees involved in the implementation of scientific researches and developments, which have a scientific degree, and a decrease in the number of organizations that carried out research and development against the backdrop of simultaneous reduction in the number of innovatively active industrial enterprises. It is determined that the dominance of the closed model of innovation in Ukraine causes a slowdown in the development of innovative processes and further technological and economic lag from highly developed countries. The consequences of the development of the open innovation environment are outlined. A gradual transition to new open innovative systems and search for promising innovative interactions in the external environment have been identified. The main measures of intensifying the environment of open innovations in the national economy are proposed. Article is written in Ukrainian
Khanin I. H., Bilozubenko V. S., Shablii S. Y. Features of the Innovative Model of Economic Development and the Growing Role of Education Therein (p. 56 - 64)
The growing importance of innovations in the economy has turned them into a more important factor in production and consumption, structural changes, economic dynamics, competitiveness, and social development. This has gained a paradigm importance and has led to the emergence of an innovative model of economic development, the peculiarities of which being the topic that the article is concerned with. Taking into account the dependence of innovations on the generation and dissemination of new knowledge, the article emphasizes the critical importance of the productivity of science and the quality of education. This is confirmed by global trends and finds a manifestation in the development strategies of the countries and companies. In this context, a modern understanding of innovations and the basis of their emergence, which is connected with knowledge and creativity, has been closer defined. The authors characterize the main features of innovation, in particular: cumulativeness, chain character, integration of practical and theoretical knowledge, duration of «maturation» and emergence of innovation, uncertainty, collectivity, uneven appearance in time and concentration in space, propensity towards conflict. A vision of the process of developing innovations by stages covered by system management is proposed. The main models of emergence of innovation together with the model of innovation process (the model of extraction through demand (market); the model of «needs seekers»; the model of «readers of market information»; the model of technological nudging; the cyclical model of innovations; the model of open innovations; the chain and interactive model of innovation process; the innovative model of «funnel»; the network model of innovation) are described. A number of features of the innovative model of economic development are allocated: recognition of innovation as the most important factor of economic growth; constant interaction of production, science and market, focused on the development of innovations; defining role of human capital; structural changes in the system of social production; domination of the innovative nature of competition in the modern economy; development of innovative entrepreneurship. On the basis of the formation of an innovative model of development, the growing role of science and education, the modern economy is characterized as an economy of knowledge; the main points of its concept are considered. An increase in the influence of education in the innovation model of the economy in terms of generating and disseminating new knowledge in order to intensify innovation is substantiated. Article is written in Ukrainian
Salikhova O. B., Kurchenko O. O. The Conceptual Bases of the Strategy for the Advancing of Technology-Oriented Startups in the Interests of Innovative Development of Ukrainian Economy (p. 65 - 75)
The purpose of the article is to define the conceptual bases of the Strategy for the advancing of technology-oriented startups (TOS) in the interests of innovative development of Ukrainian economy, based on modern challenges and threats, as well as global tendencies in the development of technologies. In view of the findings of an analysis and on generalization of scientific achievements of Ukrainian scholars and practitioners, as well as taking into consideration the preliminary results and conclusions of the authors’ own researches, the article provides both the endogenous and the exogenous barriers that prevent the development of TOS in Ukraine. It is substantiated for the first time that a startup is not only a human institution that creates new products or services in the face of extreme uncertainty, but a multi-device mechanism that provides technology transfer from the academic, educational and scientific spheres to the business environment through the establishment of an economic entity; accelerates the commercialization of technology and the introduction of the new product, process, service to the market; ensures the international technology transfer through the involvement of foreign pioneering entrepreneurs to commence and develop a startup in another country, as well as through the acquisition of a current startup by a foreign company (mergers and acquisitions, foreign investments); provides access to foreign technologies, infrastructure, databases. It is shown how technology-oriented startups are able to turn the limited opportunities of a novice company into advantages in a competitive struggle with leaders and lead to structural changes in the economy. The goals, priorities, key tasks of TOS development in Ukraine, as well as ways of their implementation are defined, aimed at: formation of personnel and scientific-technological resources; encouraging the commencement of TOS; launching corporate incubators and accelerators; ensuring stable sources of funding for the establishment and development of TOS; promoting technological innovations and facilitating the TOS’s access to the public procurement market and foreign markets; protection of TOS from «unfriendly» investors; introduction of monitoring of TOS activities and popularization of innovative entrepreneurship. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kuznetsova M. A., Drahan K. Y. The Use of Strategic Alliances in an Innovative Economy (p. 75 - 80)
Global tendencies in recent decades have strengthened competition in world markets, so it is necessary to create such an organizational form that could respond as quickly and efficiently as possible to changes in the external environment. One of these new forms of organization of enterprises is strategic alliances, the development of which has significantly influenced changes in the structure of many industries. Through the creation of strategic alliances, companies join forces and resources to maintain their competitive positions and create new opportunities. In the article, the strategic alliance is seen as an effective form of the companies joining that best meets the criteria for strategic goals. The authors examine types of strategic alliances, the development of which should provide enterprises with access to certain innovations; the goals of creating strategic alliances are specified. It is proved that a case of strategic alliance means conducting joint research, sharing production facilities, exchanging technologies, marketing each other’s products or joining efforts to produce components or final products. It is noted that partnership in strategic alliances is based on flexible organizational forms of cooperation. The authors allocate the problems that interfere with innovation; actions to resolve them are suggested. Prospects for further research in this direction are the analysis of existing strategic alliances in Ukraine, carrying out a study on their status, number and sphere of formation. Also in the future it is planned to distinguish the problems of determining the advantages and disadvantages of creating strategic alliances in Ukraine, and most importantly – to analyze the readiness of the legislative base for their successful development in the country. Article is written in Ukrainian
Khaustova V. Y., Reshetnyak O. I., Kramarev H. V., Kriachko Y. M. Evaluating the High-Tech Industries in the Progressive Structure of the Economy of the World Countries and Ukraine (p. 81 - 98)
The article is aimed at defining and evaluating the place of high-tech industries in the progressive structure of the economy of the world countries and Ukraine. Research methods: structural analysis, graphical analysis, analysis of structural shifts, cluster analysis. A structural analysis of the economy of Ukraine and OECD countries is carried out in terms of gross output, gross value added and the share of GVA in terms of output in four sectors: agriculture, hunting, forestry and fisheries; industry, including energy industry; construction; in general with regard to the service sector. A further structural analysis of the processing industry of Ukraine compared to OECD countries is carried out. A rating of the world countries is carried out by the share of costs for R&D in the field of production of basic pharmaceutical products and pharmaceuticals; production of computers, electronic and optical products; production of aerospace equipment. The positioning of the the world countries is made in the quadrants of the matrix in the coordinate plane of «Share of costs for the R&D of high-tech sectors of the economy and GVA per capita». Structural shifts in research and development costs in high-tech sectors of both the OECD and Ukrainian economies are computed. The structure of the export market of high-tech sectors of the economy is analyzed and Ukraine’s place in this market is evaluated. The carried out cluster analysis allowed to divide the world countries into groups taking into account the data by the following indicators: share of costs for the R&D in the pharmaceutical industry; share of costs for the R&D in the computer, electronic and optical industry; share of costs for the R&D in the aerospace industry; share of costs for R&D in the service sector; share of the export market of the pharmaceutical industry and GVA per capita. Ukraine entered the cluster, whose countries have such a costs structure for R&D in high-tech sectors of the economy, which does not provide a high level of GVA per capita. Recommendations on the development of high-tech industries of Ukraine in order to increase the socio-economic development of the country are provided. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kukharska N. O. The Innovative Component of Economic Growth of Ukraine (p. 57 - 66)
It is illustrated that the basis of economic growth for Ukraine and the only opportunity to take its own place among developed countries is to embark on the path of innovative development. The evolution of conceptions describing the impact of innovation on the process of economic growth within the limits of a country is traced, the existing models of innovative development are explored. The statistical relationship between the level of development of the economy and the amount of financing for innovative processes is specified. The theoretical studies on the impact of financing for innovation on economic growth are justified by the results of the author’s own econometric analysis. On the basis of the comparison of international ratings, the main problems are identified and the peculiarities in the formation of an innovative economy in Ukraine along with the factors influencing its development are analyzed. It is substantiated that Ukraine still has sufficient innovation potential (in particular, high quality of human capital, wide coverage of the population with higher education, growing level of exports of IT services, development of both fixed and cellular communication, dynamics of patent activity), constituting the main and necessary component of modernization of the economy and its transition to a new technological level. However, due to the difficult socio-economic and political situation, the lack of imperative and vector of scientific-technological development and modernization of the country in terms of public policy, as well as an adequate strategy for innovative development, Ukraine loses a number of its competitive positions in the world market, especially in the market of high-tech products. The author substantiates the necessity to move in the nearest time from theoretical design of the «problematic field» of priorities of the State innovation policy to the strategizing processes, which include: choosing the most adequate model of innovation development; elaboration of a methodological instrumentarium for allocation from a wide range of scientific-technological and organizational-economic innovations the most significant for the growth of the economy and, on this basis, selection of the main priorities for the scientific-technological development of the country; development of a realistic strategy taking into account the interests of all stakeholders: representatives of government, business and science; ensuring financial, institutional, infrastructure and other mechanisms of its implementation; strict control over the mechanisms for strategy implementation. Article is written in Ukrainian
Koliedina K. O. Analyzing the Innovative Activity of the Industrial Enterprises of Ukraine in Kharkiv Region (p. 67 - 73)
It is defined that the important role in the development of Ukrainian economy belongs to the industrial production sector, wherein the scientific-technological progress and innovation are generated, presenting this very sector as a «driver» of economic growth. It is determined that the largest number of innovatively active industrial enterprises of Ukraine is located in Kharkiv region. Hence, the article is aimed at researching the status of innovative activity of industrial enterprises of Kharkiv region. The analysis of the main indicators of innovation activity of industrial enterprises of the region was carried out. It was identified that the share of enterprises that introduced innovations is insignificant, and the share of innovative products sold by them is generally little tangible in the total volume of the products sold. It is reasoned that this situation may indicate a negative tendency of deterioration of the quality of innovative products and its uncompetitiveness in the market. The distribution of the total costs of industrial enterprises of Kharkiv region by the directions of their innovation activity is researched. It is defined that the bulk of innovation costs are directed by enterprises to purchase machinery and equipment, and the share of costs for the internal and external R&D is extremely small, which indicates the imperfection and irrationality of the existing structure of costs. It is determined that the key factor in stimulating innovation activity at industrial enterprises of Kharkiv region is the attraction of the governmental and foreign investments for the development, creation and implementation of innovations, since the main source of innovation financing at present is the own funds of enterprises. It is proved that without changing the present day situation with regulation in the field of innovations, an increase in the competitiveness of industrial enterprises of Kharkiv region in the near future and an acceleration of the pace of their innovative development is problematic. Article is written in Ukrainian
Lisovska L. S. Substantiating the Essence and Components of the Value of Interaction in Innovation Processes (p. 73 - 80)
The article is aimed at researching the processes of establishing and developing interaction in innovative processes. The reasons for the low efficiency of innovation activity in Ukraine are analyzed and the importance of increasing the indicators of interaction in innovative processes to overcome the causes of low innovativeness of the economy is substantiated. The main elements of conceptual bases of formation of interaction systems in innovative processes are defined: formation goals, expected results, conditions for establishing interaction. Particular attention is paid to determining the range of potential participants of interaction systems and their systematization into four groups: the State, science, business, consumer. For each group, the prompting factors of establishing interaction in innovative processes and possible contribution in the course of formation of systems of interaction in innovative processes are determined. It is specified that the interests of groups of participants of interaction systems can be multidirectional and have their own criteria for the effectiveness of satisfaction. Therefore, in order to avoid conflicts and with purpose of rational mutual understanding of interests, it is proposed to evaluate the feasibility of participation in innovative processes through the indicator of the value of interaction. On the basis of the carried out study, the concept of the value of interaction in innovative processes is substantiated and the fundamental components of this concept are determined, namely: the usefulness and the cost of interaction. According to the author, the value of interaction for the participant is formed through the comparison of the received usefulness from participation in the systems of interaction to the expected costs associated with this participation. In connection with the acceleration of the dynamics of world economic processes and, in particular, innovative ones, the importance of taking into account the factor of time when assessing value is emphasized. Firstly, the interaction in the innovation process is developing, taking new forms both for partners and for different market participants. Secondly, the impact of time on the usefulness and cost of interaction can take different meanings: increase, decrease or not affect the level of value (usefulness, cost) of interaction. Article is written in Ukrainian
Mnykh O. B., Lozynskyj V. T., Dalyk V. P. The Activation of Deglobalization Processes and System-Forming Role of High-Tech Companies in the Modern Market Fragmentation Processes (p. 81 - 88)
The search for answers to modern challenges to both the global and the national economy is reflected in the focus of scientific and applied researches, their object and subject analysis. Such a search requires studying of qualitative changes in the processes of globalization and their combination with the origin in different countries of the trend of deglobalization. This trend is strengthened by the political influence of the countries with the use of policy of economic and technological protectionism, sophisticated rules of the game and instruments for gaining market advantages in both high-tech and financial markets. The present scientific research is aimed at analyzing the reasons for activating the structural policy of deglobalization, building up a related contentual model. The main reasons for accumulation of corporate debts by giants of global business are defined and their dual role in the development of both industrial and financial markets is reflected, the interaction between which is intensifying in the digital economy and with the emergence of new sources of crisis. The characterization of the gaps between the volume of exports and imports, the coefficient of coverage by exports of imports, the value of which depends on positive structural changes based on the processes of deglobalization and innovative activity of high-tech markets, are provided. Dynamic trends were built up to reflect the interdependence of volumes of foreign direct investments and the level of openness of the Ukrainian economy. The relationships of fragmentation factors of industrial and financial markets under the influence of the growing role of high-tech companies in the implementation of the policy of economic protectionism are shown. A contentual model of diffusion of threats to the development of high-tech markets and their consequences in the new environment of forking out material and digital economy is built up, which deepens understanding of the reasons for the combination of globalization and deglobalization processes both in the world and in individual countries. Article is written in Ukrainian
Sobolieva T. O., Holionko N. H. Dynamics of Global Technological Trends in the Context of Patent Data (p. 84 - 89)
In modern dynamic digital conditions of interaction with external stakeholders, the future success of companies directly depends on their innovative activity, effective implementation into business processes of research and development results in the field of new technologies. The rapid development of technologies in recent years accelerates the spread of innovations, which leads to increased competition, so the organization’s ability to implement process innovations to increase its own competitiveness will determine its effectiveness and efficiency in the future. The article explores the main global technological trends by fixating on the technological spheres with the maximum number of published patent applications, as well as the average increase in the number of applications for a ten-year period in the context of technological industries. A comparison of business areas, whose representatives hold the highest rating positions in the annual world researches of innovation and success (brand value) of companies, is carried out. According to the results of the research, the most patentable technological industries are identified, which included, speaking of electrical engineering, the following: electric machines, devices, energy; digital communication and computer technologies. Among chemical technologies, the largest number of published applications was recorded in such sectors as: pharmaceuticals; chemistry of basic materials, chemical engineering. In the field of machine building, the largest number of applications was published in the transport industry sector and in relation to other special machines. The highest values of the average growth of the mentioned indicator are observed in such areas as IT methods in management, food chemistry, ecological technologies, chemical machine building, other special machines and machine-tool building. The regional aspect of technology patenting is also specified, which consists in shifting innovation activity in the emerging technological spheres towards Asian countries. The most active companies in patenting were State Grid Corp of China, Mitsubishi Electric Corp, Toyota Jidosha KK, IBM, Huawei Technologies, Samsung Electronics. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kustrich L. А., Gomeniuk M. O. Logistics and Innovation: Conception, Management Strategy and Interaction (p. 89 - 96)
Innovation is a major factor in the future development of humanity in general and the economy in particular. Ukrainian economy is currently going through a difficult period, which requires the search for innovative ways out of this situation. One of the possible ways to solve this problem is to build an innovative logistics strategy. The article examines the conceptual foundations of innovative and logistical activities in Ukraine. The essence and significance of the logistical approach in the activities of enterprises are defined. It is noted that the essence of the logistical approach is the integration of individual links of the commodity chain into a single system that will ensure the most effective management of the continuous material flows. The relationship of logistics with innovative activity of enterprises is identified. The place of logistical approach to management of innovative activity of enterprise is determined. Management aspects of innovation and logistics development are researched. It is specified that in conditions of openness of implementation of innovative processes, those enterprises that can quickly implement an innovative idea do gain a competitive advantage. The basic components of the conception of innovation logistics are outlined. The main provisions of the logistic conception in the development and management of innovative activities of enterprises are distinguished. It is summarized that innovative activity on the basis of logistics forms an effective mechanism for innovative management of enterprises. The use of a logistical approach to the management of innovative activities contributes to the achievement of the goal and strategic targets of the enterprise, in particular, with its implementation, the efficiency of economic, financial, economic and sales activities increases; the target audience is expanding, resulting in an increased demand for products (goods) and services; profit increases; competitive positions in the market are strengthened. Article is written in Ukrainian
Luchko H. Y. Innovative Development in the Sphere of Trade (p. 41 - 47)
The article is aimed at examining the innovation activity of the world-wide and domestic companies in the sphere of trade; identifying global trends in the innovative development of trading companies in the context of the coronavirus pandemic; development of recommendations for further development and increase of the level of innovation by domestic companies in the sphere of trade, taking into account world trends. The latest data on Ukraine’s positions in the competitiveness and innovation activity ratings are considered and analyzed. The peculiarities of innovative development of both world-wide and domestic companies in the sphere of trade are researched. By analyzing activities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic of the world’s most successful companies in the sphere of trade along with the companies – innovative leaders among retailers, it was possible to determine the main directions of innovative development in the world. It is also defined that companies seeking to become the strongest in innovation, taking into account the situation caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, mostly prefer the frontline analytics, digital design and technology platforms. The article analyzes the current status and defines the main trends in the innovative development of domestic business entities in the sphere of trade. In the context of the crisis associated with the coronavirus outbreak, only those companies that are capable to create sustainable competitive advantages will take hold on the market. Trading companies need to focus on being open to innovation and digital transformation and changing existing business models accordingly to a more sustainable ones. The article develops recommendations for further development and increase of the level of innovation by domestic business entities in the sphere of trade, taking into account world-wide trends. Article is written in Ukrainian
Borysiak O. V., Ivanechko N. R. Formation of a Digital Communicative Environment for the Provision of Energy Services on the Basis of a Climate-Neutral Development (p. 44 - 50)
The setting of sustainable development goals is directed towards improving the level and quality of life of the population by reducing anthropogenic impact on the environment and transition to a climate-neutral development. One of the ways to address this issue is to popularize alternative energy sources, introduce energy-efficient technologies and energy management. In view of this, the article is concerned with determining the peculiarities of the formation of a communicative environment for the provision of the climate-neutral energy services as result of the use of digital technologies. The expansion of the range of innovative energy services is due to the diversification of energy sources. As a result of the analysis of the dynamics of the development of «green» energetics, on the basis of statistical data, positive dynamics of energy production from renewable sources is established (wind, solar, hydroelectric power plants, biofuels, and waste). In turn, in terms of considering aspects of digitalization of production processes and provision of services, a low level of information and media activities on the possibilities of obtaining «green» energy services by the population is identified. In view of this, the value of using digital technologies such as mobile (social) platforms is increasing. It is proposed, concerning the content component of the formation of a digital communicative environment for the provision of energy services on the basis of climate-neutral development, to use a rating assessment of energy service companies, the level of digitalization of business processes of enterprises and the formation of digital skills among consumers of different segments of the energy market, as well as a cybernetic approach to determining the ability to provide innovative energy services. Article is written in Ukrainian
Lahun A. I. Corporate Venturing as the Basis for Development of Ecosystems in the Global Coordinates of the World (p. 50 - 55)
In recent decades, we have all witnessed the emergence of qualitatively new trends in the development of corporate venturing, which justify its dynamic structural dynamics, global character, as well as diversified implementation mechanisms and a powerful influence on the dynamics of global scientific-technological progress. Corporate venturing is a system of measures, mechanisms and instruments for financing by the business structures, belonging to the corporate sector, of the processes of development, support, incubation, introduction and implementation of venture capital startups, innovative programs and projects materialized mainly among small innovative firms under the care of the parent divisions of multinational enterprises (MNE) and underlying the development in global coordinates deeply integrated at the horizontal and vertical levels of corporate venturing ecosystems. First of all, worth noting is the dynamic increase of the value scale of innovative venture capital financing of corporations and the growth of interregional asymmetry in its accumulation. Meanwhile, the activity of MNE in the field of corporate venturing indicates the growing inconsistency of the private monopolistic form of innovatizing the global production with the objective needs of national economic development in the context of technoglobalism. As a result, at the interstate, regional and supranational levels, the issue of the development of qualitatively new forms of scientific-technical cooperation of economic entities becomes actualized; the same is valid for the development of global innovative and professional networks of researchers, scientists and research staff; also the efficient combination of production resources, as well as the socialization of labor and the concentration of innovative capital in order to promptly solve the most relevant scientific and technical problems for the world community. Article is written in Ukrainian
Shkurenko O. V. Circular Economy as a Prerequisite for the Formation of Innovative Platforms in the Sustainable Development of Entrepreneurs (p. 323 - 330)
The article is aimed at defining, substantiating and justifying the economic feasibility of forming a new circular economy model as an innovative platform for sustainable development. As a result of the research, it is determined that the strategic priority of sustainable development of the State is the formation of a qualitatively new model of development of the national economy on the basis of a symbiosis of the circular and environmental economies, facilitating the use of local resources to meet the needs of the economy and ensuring the formation of the closed material and resource cycles. It is proved that the circular economy is a new approach based on the possibility of reproduction, reuse of labor results after their modernization. The principles of closed-loop economy are distinguished as follows: production of durable and reliable products; possibility of repair; reuse; modernization and upgrades; recycling; compatible use; virtualization of production. The general features and differences of the theory of circular economy are singled out. It is emphasized that when forming a new model of circular economy, it is necessary to take into account and link the development of environmental innovations and, accordingly, the ecological economy. However, determining the impact of the environmental economy on the new model of circular economy requires further thorough research. Article is written in Ukrainian
Parkhomenko N. O. Trends in the Innovative Development of International and Domestic Business Systems in the Global Business Environment (p. 64 - 73)
The research is aimed at defining trends in the innovative development of international and domestic business systems and forming on their basis the principles of development management. When analyzing trends in the innovative development of international and domestic business systems, the main indicators of innovativeness are considered through integral indices characterizing the innovative development of countries; the geographical and sectoral structures of innovators and leading innovative companies of the world and Ukraine are determined; a comparison of the ratings of innovative world companies as presented by Boston Consulting, Clarivate Analytics, Fast Company, and Vlada Hroshey is carried out. As a result of the study, it is determined that the positive dynamics of business systems development can be observed in the activities of companies that constantly carry out scientific research, conduct developments, introduce various innovations, receive patents, etc. It is substantiated that the innovative development of international and domestic innovative business systems ensures the competitive advantages of companies in both the international and the domestic markets, facilitates the development of the economy of both the country and its regions, promotes the social development of business systems. Researching the trends in the innovative development of business systems in the global environment allowed to form the principles of managing their development. Prospects for further research in this direction are the development of methodological provision for the evaluation of innovative development of business systems and the formation of a mechanism for managing their development in the global business environment. Article is written in Ukrainian
Bitner I. V., Viazovyi S. M., Morozova N. L. Modeling the Development of Modern Digital Innovative Technologies in the Banking Sector (p. 74 - 81)
The article is aimed at studying the introduction of innovative technologies on the example of a commercial bank by developing a model of simulation of the development of modern digital technologies of bank using a system dynamics apparatus in order to assess the scale and speed of digital technologies processes in terms of improving the theory of decision-making processes for creation, promotion and implementation in the market. A conceptual modeling scheme for the development of banking digital technologies is built, containing five phased blocks and involving the development of a model for simulating the development of modern digital technologies in the banking sector together with analyzing scenarios within the framework of the built simulation model to improve the performance. The built model allows to evaluate the efficiency of the commercialization of digital technologies depending on the implementation of internal managerial decisions and the impact of external environmental factors, as well as the scale and speed of innovation diffusion processes. The conducted simulation experiments under separate scenarios of stimulating and destimulating influence of the internal and external factors and parameters prove that the volumes of demand for banking digital technologies are significantly influenced by internal factors, so the banking institution must constantly increase the significance of these factors and be the initiator of changes and innovative solutions. On the basis of the detected regularities and connections of the simulation model, the results characterizing the conduct of the process of introduction of modern digital technologies are obtained. The implementation of modeling results will allow banks at the stage of making a managerial decision as to the economic feasibility of introducing the innovations and using certain digital technologies in their practical activities. Article is written in Ukrainian
Shelest T. M. The Theoretical-Conceptual Aspects of Clustering as the Basis for Innovative Development of Industrial Enterprises (p. 82 - 88)
The article is aimed at forming the theoretical-conceptual aspects of clustering as the basis for innovative development of industrial enterprises in modern transformational conditions of economic management. According to the results of the research, it is identified that the clustering process is directed towards forming an innovative system, that is, a combination of science and production, which ensures the transformation of new knowledge into competitive goods and services. The creation of cluster associations will enable the State and local governments to stimulate the innovatively oriented development of domestic industrial enterprises through the formation of a regional economic system in which economic entities of various industry sectors and forms of ownership create organizational-economic associations of suppliers and consumers of products and services based on international management standards. Innovatively oriented development of Ukraine shows that with the existing scientific potential, we are unacceptably lagged in terms of the share of intellectual property in public wealth and GDP. The primary causes are the following: insufficient budget financing; low demand for innovations on the part of business; low level of development of innovative entrepreneurship and innovation infrastructure; taxation which is fiscal rather than stimulating; high level of corruption; inaccessible lending and unstable system of insurance of technological and commercial risks. On the basis of the carried out research, the concept of clustering is proposed as the basis for innovatively oriented development of industrial enterprises. The clustering process solves many problems, forms the institutional foundation for the creation of a post-industrial information-based economy, strengthening the financial competitiveness of the regions and solving their socio-economic problems. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kraus K. M., Kraus N. M., Marchenko O. V. Formation of Industry X.0 on the Basis of Innovative-Digital Entrepreneurship and Virtual Mobility (p. 50 - 58)
The article attempts to present a number of key technologies that determine the new quality of life of people. The following content is specified and disclosed: autonomous artificial intelligence in a smartphone, professional robot assistants, available satellite intelligence, podcasts, digital urban planning tools. In the article, the authors hypothesize that Industry X.0 is by far the highest stage of digitalization and represents a concept of innovative and digital production, the components of which are «smart assets», «smart services», «smart business», and «smart government». Structural elements of the authors’ concept of X.0 Industry are indicated, its visual cut in virtual reality conditions is provided and the functioning of this Industry exclusively within the framework of the 7th technological mode is characterized. The authors have developed and presented the protocol of formation of the X.0 Industry through the prism of innovations, technologies in both the industry sector and business management. 4 stages of implementation of this protocol are defined, namely: determination of the innovative landscape of «technological breakthrough» in a particular industry within the formation of industry X.0; assessment of threats; determining the course of further development and the action plan (four main approaches to which organizations can apply: protection, adoption of innovations, initiation of subversive innovations, retreat); implementation of structural changes at the DNA level of the organization. The authors on the basis of a number of factors bring forward the argument that today’s realities of the digital space require the development of a new logic of running a platform business in terms of its digitization. It is concluded that in practice it is necessary to form a broad coalition of educators, government officials, analysts, high-tech specialists, economists, industrialists, scientists who will join the formation of the X.0 Industry on the basis of digitalization and innovatizing. The authors concluded that Industry X.0 is a new approach to the organization of production in the context of virtual reality, which is based on highly intelligent integrated new products and digital ecosystems that form an innovative digital value chain, add new competencies and implement deep cultural changes in the direction of the formation of a new virtual reality. Article is written in Ukrainian
But-Gusaim O. H. Strategies for Innovative Development of Business Structures (p. 49 - 55)
This article is concerned with researching the strategies for innovative development of business structures. The article is aimed at developing a classification of strategies for innovative development of various business structures. The publication discloses the essence of the innovation development strategy, taking into account three approaches. Conclusions have been drawn on the essence of the strategy for innovative development of business structures. According to the results of the critical analysis of the literature, the classification of existing business structures was carried out and the main directions of strategic innovative development were determined. The research highlights two key areas of strategic innovation development based on active and passive positions. An active innovative strategy involves the use of new technologies that have not yet been used in the market. This strategy can be followed by all business structures without exception, but depending on their type, achieving the goal will be more difficult or easier. In particular, business structures with a mixed form of ownership are more likely to stay in the market using active innovative strategies. At the same time, business structures formed by one person will experience much more difficulties in implementing active innovative strategies in the market. Another type of strategy is passive (imitation), which consists not in the development of new technologies, but in the use of already developed ones. The main conceptual task in building such a strategy is to study the market, competitive advantages and disadvantages of completed innovative technologies in order to enter the market with a similar but more market-adapted solution. We can confidently say that developed business structures can more easily implement the imitation strategy, since it requires a quick reaction and development, more rational solutions, which is associated with the use of more resources. However, despite this, innovation is the only way to enter and hold on to the market with a unique product, since they do not depend on the size of the enterprise, its finances or the number of personnel. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kobernyk A. O. Regional Innovation Ecosystems in Ukraine (p. 56 - 61)
The article substantiates the prerequisites, prospects and advantages of creating an innovation ecosystem at different levels of its formation. The main approaches to defining the essence of the concept of innovation ecosystems in both domestic and foreign specialized literature and their adaptability to the regional level are analyzed and grouped. The harmonious innovation ecosystem is a sign of a progressive society, which is identified by the symbiotic functioning of people and organizations, the result of which is the production of conscious innovations. The author outlines the stages of formation of the regional innovation ecosystem, the circle of its participants and ways of their interaction. For each stage, the procedures for its implementation, the main characteristic features and processes of transition from one to another are determined. The main feature of the creation and functioning of the regional ecosystem is the stable, constant interaction of its participants with educational and scientific institutions, as well as the adaptability of these institutions to the variability of the external environment. The article describes certain elements of foreign experience in the development of regional ecosystems and their implementation in Ukraine. Awareness of the existence or prerequisites for creating an effective regional ecosystem is the first step towards effective regional management and activation of the potential of the national economy. On the one hand, in the context of decentralization, local self-government bodies get maximum freedom in creating organizational elements of the regional innovation ecosystem, supporting scientific and human resources and the communication business environment. The author emphasizes that without the State support it is impossible to create conditions for the protectionism of innovation activity, to activate investment potential, to stimulate the necessary forms and methods of financing the relevant activity. Therefore, work at the regional level in terms of innovation should be carried out simultaneously following two directions of the hierarchy: from bottom up and from top to bottom in constant cooperation and coordination of own actions. As a result, priority directions of the State and regional support for the development of regional innovation ecosystems on the basis of the main specific platforms or technologies are substantiated. Article is written in Ukrainian
Sosnovska O. O. Innovatizing the Insurance Business in the Development of Digital Economy (p. 62 - 69)
The article defines the current trends of innovatizing the insurance business in the digital economy. The stages of development of modern insurance technologies (InsurTech), which are innovative products in the insurance sector of financial infrastructure, are provided. The instruments of digitalization of business processes for sale of insurance products, settlement of insurance claims, bookkeeping and tax accounting, risk underwriting, document flow are presented. The dynamics of global investments in technological innovations of insurance companies on a global scale have been specified. The volume of global investments and concluded agreements in InsurTech sector by insurance sectors is analyzed and it is proved that 2020 is a period of awareness of the importance and role of digital technologies implementation in the insurance industry, recognition of the value of the digitalization vector of insurance business and global investments in InsurTech development with the highest recorded values. It is identified that the leader in attracting investments in the processes of innovatizing is the property insurance industry (P&C), which has compiled 53% of the total financing and 63% of the concluded agreements. The individual health insurance industry (L&H) ranks second in terms of indicators, maintaining overall investment attractiveness, high amounts of financing and the introduction of insurance technologies. The economic, technological, organizational management, and legal factors that stimulate or inhibit the innovative activity of insurance companies in Ukraine are systematized. Based on the generalization of problems and weaknesses that are relevant and impede the desired pace of innovatizing the insurance business in the digital economy, a SWOT analysis matrix of the feasibility of InsurTech implementation is proposed. It is determined that the introduction of innovations and the development of insurance on the basis of digitalization are currently a catalyst for the strategic development of the insurance business, improving the quality of insurance products and successful activities in an increasingly customer-oriented financial sector. Article is written in Ukrainian
Hlynska A. Y., Korchevska L. O., Kokorieva O. V. The Types and Risks of Communicative Relations of Staff in the Formation of the Innovative Environment of Tourism Enterprise (p. 70 - 75)
The article is aimed at analyzing the role of communicative relations and their types in the formation of an innovative environment of a tourism enterprise, to identify risks that may arise as a result of their existence. The impossibility of generating innovative approaches without creating an appropriate communicative space based on the relevant psychological principles is determined. The staff should learn to respectfully listen to the ideas of other participants, convince in the prospects of their own ideas, cooperate in solving emerging problems, use a creative approach and readiness to experiment in any issues. The article pays much attention to possible communicative instruments that can be used at different stages of the innovation process, which in complex implementation create an innovative communication network and space. For each stage, probable risks are allocated that can create obstacles to achieve the goal. Based on existing research, four models of communicative relations were allocated depending on the size of the tourism enterprise and the role of management in innovative processes. They are: 1) «Support Center», which originates in the general office of the tourism network or in a specific department of a large travel corporation. 2) «Creative team» is a team in which communications are carried out on the principle of matrix organizational structure. 3) «Core of innovative changes» is the format of creating a separate R&D department responsible for finding new ideas and creative formats for the provision of services, with separate funding and own organizing structure. 4) «Tourism startup» is a small enterprise, the business model of which is a creative approach for the market. Article is written in Ukrainian
Chaika I. P. Research and Innovation Strategies of Smart Specialization (RIS3) in the Context of Interaction between Education, Science and Small Business (Example of Tourism in Poltava Region) (p. 57 - 62)
The article is aimed at developing approaches to regional innovation policy within the framework of the model of innovative interaction of the quadrangle: power – science (education) – business – civil society. Based on the analysis, systematization and generalization of data on the tourism industry of Ukraine in general and of the Poltava region in particular, it was found out that, primary, it has significant potential for economic development, especially for small business enterprises; secondly, the potential to become a platform for the development of innovative interaction of the quadrangle: power – science (education) – business – civil society. The publication proposes an algorithm of development of strategic approaches to development of the tourism potential of Poltava region on the basis of RIS3 methodology. These strategies facilitate the economic transformation through cooperation in the field of innovations of regional governing bodies, small business enterprises, NGOs and representatives of the scientific and educational environment, that is, take into account local conditions for conducting tourism business. On the basis of the typical RIS3 management system, the management structure at the local level has been worked out and the priorities for the development of the tourism potential of Poltava region for the near future are determined. At this, all participants of such a system are tasked with a certain cultural change, namely: formation of practices of openness, mutual trust, interaction, mastery of new knowledge. The prospect of such interaction is to provide new opportunities for business representatives (including small businesses), NGOs, and the scientific community to participate in the processes of preparation and decision-making through establishing communications with relevant local authorities, building new horizontal economic and social cooperations, sharing knowledge and experience. RIS3 proposed for Poltava region is a platform for the formation of new economic and social relations in the tourism sector. Article is written in Ukrainian
Yukhnov B. Y., Korsakov D. O., Yukhman Y. V. Actualization of the Use of the Cluster Model in the Innovative Development of the Economy of Ukraine (p. 63 - 69)
Unfortunately, one of the main problems of the Ukrainian economy is the State’s inability to concentrate available resources on the main, promising directions and involve Ukrainian businesses, both large and medium-sized, into this process. Therefore, the creation and development of clusters as an element of an innovative model is necessary, and the study of the issue of their functioning is quite relevant. The article is aimed at further studying the processes of clustering in Ukraine. An attempt was made, based on the theoretical basis for the development of innovative processes, as well as coming from the worldwide and domestic experience of cluster formation and development, to give an own vision of the essence and classification of clusters, to determine their priority types for the Ukrainian economy, to offer certain cluster strategies and criteria for evaluating the efficiency of cluster formations. The results of the study are presented as follows. First, the authors’ own definition of the cluster as a voluntary association of geographically concentrated, independent economic entities and public authorities without the formation of a separate legal entity for joint activities in the field of entrepreneurship for the more effective use of resources and stimulation of innovative development is proposed. Secondly, on the basis of this definition, an appropriate classification of clusters has been developed. Thirdly, the order of formation of an innovative cluster is suggested, which should consist of several stages: emergence of the idea of the cluster and substantiation of the need to create it; defining the territory for the creation of the cluster based on the assessment of its competitive potential; formation of cluster management system; evaluation of the efficiency of its performance. At this, specific actions are recommended that must be taken at each stage. Fourth, assessments of the effectiveness of the cluster functioning under the conditions of using certain indicators are provided. Article is written in Ukrainian
Bilenko D. V., Kaliazina V. A., Lukashenko O. C. The Innovative Public-Private Projects as a Direction of Strengthening Local Finance (p. 69 - 75)
The article is aimed at substantiating the need to introduce innovative public-private projects in order to strengthen local finance. The article presents a definition of the concept of «innovative public-private project», based on the analysis of literary sources, generalizes the main problems of integration of science and business within the innovative public-private projects together with the reasons for their occurrence. Using the methods of analysis of root causes and regression-correlation analysis of statistical data referring to European countries, it was concluded that, despite the financing of research and development costs affects the volume of high-tech exports and the number of researchers in the field of research and development, however, a greater number of researchers does not guarantee a greater volume of high-tech exports, which, in turn, means that the main problems of integration of science and business within the innovative public-private projects should be addressed not by increasing the funding of scientific research, but introducing new, effective mechanisms of public-private partnership at the regional level. It is proved that the transfer of part of the functions of public-private partnership to the regional level of their distribution will contribute to the socio-economic development of the regions. According to the results of the carried out research, the authors allocate such directons of implementation of innovative public-private partnerships at the local level as participation of the State regional authorities in the development of educational programs of local universities and the formation of an innovation network with regional industrial enterprises, as well as information promotion of innovative centers that unite science and business, in the plane of organization of training seminars, conferences, etc.. Article is written in Ukrainian
Dymchenko O. V., Yesina V. O., Rudachenko O. O., Tararuiev I. O. Substantiating the Recommendations for the State Financing of Innovative Economic Development (p. 90 - 96)
The article is aimed at substantiating the practical recommendations for defining the amount of financing for innovative economic development by type of economic activity of economic entities. The article analyzes actual works on the chosen topic and formulates a conclusion on the need for scientific recommendations on defining the amount of the State financing for the innovative development of economic entities. Based on the analysis of official statistical information, the publication calculates the indicators reflecting the innovative activity of enterprises, the efficiency of their innovation activities, the introduction of new products and their interaction with European partners. To ensure the correctness of the comparison of computed indicators, the article determines the indices, which represent the ratio of indicators and their average values for Ukraine. Based on the generalization of indices, the integral indicator of financing the innovations is determined. The results of ranking the types of economic activity, depending on the values of this indicator, allows to determine that the most promising of them are the mining and processing industry. According to the results of the application of the integral indicator of financing innovations as a base for the distribution of the State funds, the article defines structural indicators for calculating the absolute value of the State-owned funds directed towards the innovative economic development by types of economic activity. A promising direction of research is the formulation of recommendations for assessing the innovative potential of the economy, subject to the addition of official data describing the innovative activities in Ukraine. Article is written in Ukrainian
Shpilevskiy V. V., Kostenko D. M., Shpilevskyi O. V., Filatova T. A. A Methodical Approach to Substantiation of the Optimal Technical and Economic Characteristics of Production of Biodiesel from Microalgae (p. 96 - 104)
Global experience shows that one of the important directions in overcoming the external energy dependence and mitigating its negative consequences for the country is the intensification of the use of its own resource base. Such a measure for Ukraine can be production of analogues of petroleum motor fuel from biological raw materials, namely biodiesel and biobenzine. A significant obstacle in the course of intensification of the use of the existing resource base is the lack of a scientifically based vision of the inland development of technologies for the cultivation and conversion of energy biofeedstock into motor fuel. The article is aimed at developing a methodical approach (based on the provisions of economic theory) to the gradual substantiation of optimal technical and economic characteristics of production for the cultivation and processing of microalgae to biodiesel under the conditions of existing climatic restrictions. The developed methodical approach includes the substantiation of the following: choice of raw materials, choice of method and technology of cultivation, characteristics of cultivation technology, and directly the technical and economic characteristics of production. According to the developed methodical approach, it is proved that microalgae is considered as the energy raw material of the future, while the types of microalgae of the genus Chlorella, and above all the species Chlorella vulgaris, meet the requirements of industrial cultivation the most. The more acceptable for use in the climate of Ukraine method of microalgae cultivation is cultivation in photobioreactors (PBR). The technical and economic indicators of the industrial complex for the cultivation and processing of microalgae in biodiesel indicate the expediency of practical application of the developed methodical approach. The gradual substantiation of the choice of raw materials, the method and technology of cultivation of microalgae when applying the traditional conversion of the biomass allowed to ensure the optimality of technical and economic characteristics of biodiesel production in the climatic conditions of Ukraine. Article is written in Ukrainian
Rudachenko O. O., Yesina V. O., Tararuiev I. O. Proposals for the Creation of a Roadmap for Innovative Development of Sectors of the National Economy (p. 16 - 25)
The article is aimed at substantiating proposals for the development of a roadmap for innovative development of sectors of the national economy. The roadmap is described as a visualization of a strategy that reflects the relation between strategic goals and tactical decisions over a defined period of time. The basis of such a map is the introduction of innovations and innovative technologies. Considering the very interpretation of such a strategy, we can conclude that the roadmap is an algorithm with sequential actions (stages), as presented in the article. The distribution of priority sectors of the national economy of Ukraine into four sectors is proposed: industrial; life-supporting; agricultural; trade. The authors identify four key factors that directly influence the innovative development of sectors of the national economy, i.e.: development of human potential; interaction of scientific and educational institutions with industry; improvement of the regulatory framework; development of the innovative ecosystem. The list of participants in the innovative development of sectors of the national economy that may be involved in strategic planning and participation in planned events is substantiated as follows: government; research and educational institutions; support and innovation services; economic entities; investors. A roadmap for innovative development of sectors of the national economy is developed, which enables direct participants of innovative development to form, control and influence short-term, medium and long-term actions aimed at achieving the strategic goals of the State, city, and community. Article is written in Ukrainian
Khaustova V. Y., Reshetnyak O. I., Khaustov M. M., Zinchenko V. A. Directions of Development of Artificial Intelligence Technologies in Ensuring the Country’s Defense Capability (p. 17 - 26)
Artificial intelligence belongs to the rapidly developing technological spheres and in the future will have significant consequences for both national security and defense capability. For many countries of the world, artificial intelligence has become one of the key priorities for the development of the defense complex. The article is aimed at identifying the main directions of the use of artificial intelligence in ensuring the country’s defense capability. The methodological basis of the article is literature review and analysis of general trends in the development of artificial intelligence technologies. The evolution of artificial intelligence was researched, which allowed to determine the following stages: the emergence of expert systems; development of machine and statistical training; development of the conception and technology of deep learning and contextual adaptation. Gartner’s predictions on the development of artificial intelligence technologies are analyzed and it is defined that the influence of deep learning methods, neuromorphic computing that simulate the neural structure and work of the human brain, competitive machine learning methods, analytics methods known as «small data» and «broad data» will increase in the future. The article analyzes the report «Science & Technology Trends 2020-2040» by the NATO Science and Technology Organization, substantiating the importance of using artificial intelligence to develop military capabilities, form strategic priorities in the sphere of weapons development and political decision-making. It is determined that the formation and development of military potential is expected to experience an increased impact of embedded artificial intelligence in the nuclear, aerospace, cybernetic technologies, technologies for the development of new materials and biotechnology; virtual/augmented reality; quantum computing; research of materials, etc. The authors determine possible directions of use of artificial intelligence in such areas as: C4ISR, weapons and their effective use, UxV, capability planning, CBRN, military medicine, logistics, cyber and information space, etc. The advantages of the use of artificial intelligence for the development of the defense capability of the world countries and significant threats that require further research of technologies and methods of artificial intelligence along with directions of their practical use in the sphere of defense and protection are identified. Article is written in Ukrainian
Syhyda L. O. The Advantages and Gaps of the Existing Models of Innovation Commercialization (p. 34 - 44)
Reducing the number of failures in the implementation of innovations is the goal of most enterprises engaged in innovative activities. This should allow them to get higher performance and move to the level of innovative leaders. This can be facilitated by a well-organized and introduced at the enterprise model of commercialization of innovations, which would contain a minimum number of «bottlenecks». Accordingly, the purpose of the article is to establish the main advantages and gaps of existing models of innovation commercialization. In the course of the study five models of commercialization were examined. The essence and specificity of each of these models are described. A critical analysis of the models was also carried out. Grouping of advantages has demonstrated that the directions of strengthening commercialization models are as follows: 1) preliminary valuation of innovation ideas from different points of view, for example, the technical possibility of developing an innovation, its market and marketing values and commercial feasibility of its implementation; 2) presentation of the idea of innovation as a valued proposition with a consumer component; 3) taking into account the influence of external groups of factors on the process of commercialization, in particular economic, ecological and social; 4) prediction of various options for commercialization and further spread of innovations. It is determined that the common gaps of most models are: 1) insufficient attention to the opinions of consumers; 2) separateness from the participants of the commercialization process; 3) lack of intellectual property protection. In addition, the following «bottlenecks» are identified: the model is focused on the rapid introduction of innovation, otherwise it may lose relevance; a large number of stages, which can complicate and delay the process of commercialization; high dependence between participants, which can delay decision-making. Further research will be aimed at developing a new model for the commercialization of innovation. Certain advantages of models can be used in the construction of a model in order to strengthen the result. The identified gaps will reduce the number of weaknesses in the model. Article is written in Ukrainian
Chernoivanova H. S. The Scientific and Methodological Approach to the Management of Innovative Labor at the Enterprise (p. 44 - 49)
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the scientific and methodological approach to the management of innovative labor in the enterprise. Innovative labor as a component of innovation activity is considered as one of the important prerequisites for ensuring economic growth and obtaining competitive advantages. The methodology of management of innovative labor as a dynamic component is proposed to be considered on the basis of an integrated approach. The theoretical basis of enterprise management, focused on innovation, is based on a modern understanding of the essence of innovation labor management as a system that requires the substantiation of the principles and functions of management based on an understanding of the new nature of innovative labor and the features of the modern stage of economic system development. The relationship between the stages of the life cycle and the types of organizational structures that can most effectively provide labor at these stages are substantiated. It should be noted that at such stages as scientific research, design developments, and the acquisition of innovations – the best, preferred organizational structures are linear, functional, and linear-functional. As result of the generalization, it is concluded that at all stages of the life cycle, the best possible are the following organizational structures: matrix, project, divisional. To ensure the most effective management of innovations at the enterprise, scientific and methodological provisions for the management of innovative labor are formed, based on an integrated approach, which represents an integration of the process, functional, systemic, situational and strategic approaches to management. The methodological provisions of this approach are developed taking into account the construction of organizational structures and their susceptibility to various types of innovations. The use of an integrated approach facilitates the substantiation of a set of organizational structures for different stages of the life cycle of innovation and the choice of adequate methods for assessing the efficiency of innovative labor. Article is written in Ukrainian
Chernoivanova H. S. The Conceptual-Methodological Approach to the Organizational-Economic Provision of Innovative Labor (p. 27 - 32)
The current difficult situation in the sphere of innovative labor in Ukraine causes the need for further development and deepening of research on the state of the organizational-economic provision for innovation activity and innovative labor. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the conceptual-methodological approach to the organizational and economic foundations of the provision for innovative labor. It is determined that innovation activity and innovative labor can be considered in modern conditions only in combination and represent altogether an innovative component of enterprise. To ensure the most effective management of innovations at the enterprise, conceptual provisions are developed on the organizational-economic principles of ensuring innovative labor, which are based on an integrated approach that is an integration of the process, functional, system, situational and strategic management approaches. It is concluded that the organizational-economic provision of innovative labor should take into account both the generalization of the theoretical foundations of organizational-economic provision in modern conditions, as well as the substantiation of its elements and relationships according to individual management subsystems, which must be presented in the form of a mechanism. The conceptual-methodological approach to the organizational and economic provision of innovative labor is formed, the methodological basis of which is the provisions of the modern theory of organizations, the humanistic concept of management together with the innovative paradigm and which is based on the system approach. The subjects of organizational-economic provision are innovative labor and innovative component of the enterprise. And the objects, respectively, are special requirements, as result of the transformation of which (in the process of innovation activity) an aggregate of rules and norms, tools and levers of their interaction is formed, aimed at achieving the efficiency of innovative labor. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kniazevych A. O. Innovative Entrepreneurship in the Creative Management System (p. 33 - 39)
Creativity is becoming an increasing source of competitiveness for countries’ economies in a global context. This has led to the need to develop a methodological instrumentarium for assessing and analyzing creativity as a system of innovative entrepreneurship in both global and local contexts. The article examines the essence of innovative entrepreneurship as a key element of the creative management system, which ensures its effectiveness and commercialization opportunities. The categories of «creative management» is defined as a type of management activity aimed at creating an appropriate socio-psychological climate in teams together with the adaptive innovation infrastructure that will ensure an efficient process of development, generation and implementation of innovations. A classification of types of creativity is carried out as follows: technological, economic, artistic, and cultural. The methods of evaluation along with international indicators for rankubg creative activity are considered in detail: Global Creativity Index; Creative Productivity Index; Global Innovation Index; Index of Creativity of Cities; Hong Kong Creative Index. The development issues of the creative economy are highlighted in international rankings in various aspects and depend on the goals and priorities of researchers, as well as the factors identified for analysis. However, all indices share the same conception of creating an ecosystem to encourage more creativity. The factors that form the structural elements of the creative ecosystem can include the following: human resources; innovative infrastructure; institutional and legal environment; creative results; social capital and the degree of tolerance. In combination, this powerful intangible interaction of factors generates a phenomenon of creativity, which manifests itself in social and economic effects, creates values for the business environment and serves as the basis for innovative development of countries in the long term. The directions of further research are the analysis and development on the basis of international rankings of methods for assessing and stimulating the manifestations of creativity at the macro and micro levels. Article is written in Ukrainian
Chernoivanova H. S. Developing a Mechanism for Organizational-Economic Provision of the Management of the Enterprise’s Innovative Labor (p. 177 - 183)
The mechanism for organizational-economic provision of the management of innovative labor at enterprise requires the development of certain principles, functions, means, factors and management instruments. The study is aimed at developing such a mechanism for organizational-economic provision of the management of innovative labor at enterprise. Based on the results of research of the modern conception of management and the essence of the category of «mechanism», the mechanism for organizational-economic provision of the management of innovative labor at enterprise is methodologically substantiated together with the determination of the composition of its elements, which are grouped into four constituents. It is determined that it is necessary to distinguish four constituents: the organizational one, which includes organizational structures, regulations and instructions; the economic one, i. e. – norms, standards and incentives; the managerial one, based on both functional and target subsystems; the provisional one, where information provision (regulatory, legal, and regarding the state of the external environment) and resource provision (information, financial, material, technological, and human resources) are separately allocated. Such systematization allows to clearly define the constituents of the mechanism for organizational-economic provision of innovative labor, to differentiate the instruments and levers of the mechanism in accordance with the characteristics of the defined constituents. Based on the account and sequencing of the constituents of the organizational-economic provision of the management of innovative labor at enterprise regarding their interaction as parts of the relevant mechanism, the list and content of individual constituents are arranged. It is proved that the elements of the subsystem of provision of the organizational-economic mechanism include staff, principles, instruments, information, organizational structure of management in conjunction with approaches and methods of management, resources and standards. Based on the generalization, the content of all types of provision is determined, which are: economic, organizational, informational, functional, and resource. Article is written in Ukrainian
Bondar-Pіdhurska O. V., Khomenko I. I., Konovalova N. S. Innovative Attractiveness of Organizations in Situations of Wartime and Post-War Economic Development of Ukraine: Corporate Relations and Intellectual Property (p. 36 - 46)
The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical and scientific-methodical foundations of the management of the innovative attractiveness of organizations as an indicator of the effectiveness of corporate relations in situations of wartime and post-war economic development of Ukraine, as well as the development of proposals for increasing its level. The essence and meaning of the "innovative attractiveness of the organization" is revealed from the standpoint of assessing the interests of all stakeholders. The author's interpretation of the category as a set of characteristics of the organization's activity in the process of forming its innovative potential during the implementation of innovative activity determined by existing or available intellectual property objects, taking into account the conditions of the innovation climate, is provided. It is recommended to use the innovative attractiveness of the organization as an indicator of the effectiveness of corporate relations. The system-structural elements of corporate relations are visualized in the context of increasing the level of innovative attractiveness of organizations. The scientific-methodical aspects of the evaluation of the management of innovative attractiveness of organizations, and the possibility of increasing its efficiency in situations of wartime and post-war development due to the use of rights to intellectual property objects, are substantiated. In particular, a mock-up of management evaluation of the innovative attractiveness of organizations has been developed. Intellectual property objects are positioned as the basis of the innovative potential of organizations today. Amendments to Clause 1 of the Law of Ukraine dated April 1, 2022 No. 2174-IX «On the Protection of the Interests of Individuals in the Field of Intellectual Property during the Martial Law Introduced in Connection with the Armed Aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine» are recommended, which will allow scientific (budgetary) institutions to submit applications without documents about the payment of fees in terms exceeding 2 months, and keep priority. Prospective directions of research on this issue are highlighted as: 1) development of recommendations on the transformation of marketing communications in the activities of organizations; 2) use of non-traditional tools of marketing communications; 3) improvement of the quality management system of organizations in the context of their harmonization with international standards as a factor in increasing the level of their innovative attractiveness; 4) practical implementation of the methodology of the management evaluation method of innovative attractiveness of organizations in situations of wartime and post-war development. Article is written in Ukrainian
Khaustov M. M., Danko A. T., Bondarenko D. V., Yurchenko O. K. Examining the Startup Ecosystems, Ensuring the Economic Growth of the World Countries (p. 47 - 59)
Startups have recently become an important component of the modern economy, leading to an increase in its innovativeness and providing opportunities for a country to reach the best possible position in the competitive world market. The article is aimed at examining the ecosystems of startups of the countries around the world, their grouping and defining the key driving forces for the development of startups. The methodological basis of the article includes: an overview of international indices and rankings of startup ecosystems; the correlation, cluster, graphic, and statistical analyses. The structure and composition of the main international indices and rankings that characterize the conditions for the development of startups are examined. A correlation analysis of the main indices characterizing the level of development of startup ecosystem and the socioeconomic development of the world countries was carried out. This allowed to determine a noticeable relationship between: indicators of the Index of the most startup-friendly countries around the world and the Global Innovation Index; the number of startups per 1 thousand residents and the Global Startup Ecosystem Index; GDP per capita and the Global Innovation Index. A grouping of countries of the world was carried out using the cluster analysis, which was carried out in accordance with two groups of indicators. The analysis of the first group of indicators (the Index of the most startup-friendly countries in the world, the Global Startup Ecosystem Index and the number of startups per 1 thousand residents) allowed to allocate three clusters according to the level of development of the startup ecosystem: leading countries, potential leaders, and catching up countries. A group of countries that, according to the classification, are leaders in terms of both the development of startup ecosystems and socioeconomic development is defined. The main directions of bridging the gap in the development of startups in both the catching up countries and the developed countries of the world are identified: ensuring the transparency of startup ecosystems and their mutual coordination with the country’s innovation policy; promoting entrepreneurial and startup-based thinking in science and research; promoting the formation of a more friendly attitude of society to startups; attracting more employees from the academic, scientific and entrepreneurial spheres, whose activities, in cooperation with the government, should be directed to the development of science-intensive and technological startups. Article is written in Ukrainian
Bedyk O. V. Analyzing the Innovation Activity in the Development of Solar Energy and Its Impact on the Energy Security of Ukraine (p. 33 - 40)
The presented article analyzes innovative activity in the development of solar energy and its impact on the energy security of Ukraine. In particular, the innovative processes taking place in the global alternative energy sector and their impact on the management of the Ukrainian energy complex are researched. It is emphasized that innovations in the technological process of manufacturing polycrystalline silicon and increasing the volume of its production made it possible to exponentially reduce the cost of production of photocells from polycrystalline silicon (C-si). An evaluation of the current state of innovation activity and its management in the global alternative energy sector as a tool for ensuring Ukraine’s energy security, competitiveness and economic independence of the country is provided. The world total installed capacity of photovoltaic power plants is outlined with a forecast until 2025. The current legislation of Ukraine on alternative energy, energy conservation, efficient use of energy resources, development of renewable and alternative energy sources is analyzed. It is underlined that today the high self-cost of electricity production is a serious problem of the Ukrainian electric energy sector, so the current trend of reducing the cost of solar electricity production against the background of a constant increase in nominal prices is a positive signal for investors. The outlined statistics of increasing energy production from renewable sources indicate that the government sees its independence in the development of renewable energy sources, and companies developing solar energy are becoming competitive owing to the rapid reduction in the cost of electricity production compared to traditional types of energy, which is a promising direction of work in today’s conditions. The investment attractiveness of electricity production using silicon solar panels is emphasized. Article is written in Ukrainian
Tkalich D. K., Iakovenko V. S. The Features of the Mechanism for Management of Innovative Processes of Enterprise (p. 93 - 98)
The purpose of the article is to study the features of the mechanism for managing innovative processes of the enterprise. Applying the analysis of scientific literature, the concepts of «innovation process» and «management of innovation processes» are examined. The elements of the innovation management mechanism in the enterprise are determined, the problems related to the issues mentioned in the article are researched. It is demonstrated how the functional elements of the innovation management mechanism interact with each other. To effectively manage innovation, the following elements can be used: information management; management of proprietary resources; staff management; management of financial resources; investment management; quality management; intellectual property management; risk management; marketing management. The basic principles of effective management of innovative processes are defined and the main functions of their management are studied. Since the main role in the innovation process is assigned to its participants, it is determined which types of participants are involved in the management of innovative processes. Proposals have been made to improve the mechanism for managing innovative processes of enterprise. The success of introduction of innovation is largely determined by the speed of the logical chain of operations. It is achieved by coordinating the actions of interrelated units during the transition from one operation to another. Thus, effective management of innovative processes is closely connected with the combination in the process of enterprise activity of all elements of the system «science – technology – production – consumption», which should allow creating a distributed sales and service system to stimulate research and inventions based on the introduction of a new type of relation, which are reverse relationships in the innovation process. The results of the work were used at the studied enterprise. Article is written in Ukrainian
Vakhovych I. M., Matrunchyk D. M. Innovative Transformation of the Post-War Economy of the Regions of Ukraine: The Prospects for the Integration of Education, Science, and Business (p. 68 - 78)
The theoretical-methodological basis for the integration of education, science and production as a basic prerequisite for the innovative transformation of the post-war economy of the regions of Ukraine is formed, providing for the restoration of manufacturing, infrastructure and residential objects destroyed by the warfare, the formation of modern poles of growth of regional economic complexes and the creation of a favorable living environment (raising social standards and improving the quality of the environment) on innovative principles. Studies have shown that the recovery of the personnel and material-technical potential of educational institutions and scientific institutions, as well as the restoration of the pre-crisis interconnection of these institutions with enterprises of the real sector of the economy, is of paramount importance in developing promising directions for innovative transformation of the post-war economy. Programming of priorities of innovative transformation of the post-war economy of the regions should be based on the identification of territorial heterogeneity of the level of research and innovation component of the development of regional economic complexes through the calculation of the integral index of innovative transformation of the regional economy, which is determined on the basis of a number of individual indices of scientific research and innovation activity. The results of the calculation of the integral index of innovative transformation of the regional economy in 2017–2020 showed that a relatively high level of development of research and innovation components of the development of regional economic complexes is observed only in the Kharkiv region, where an extensive network of research institutions and educational institutions is concentrated, most of which have actively cooperated and continue to cooperate with industrial enterprises. Studies have shown that in most regions of Ukraine in 2017–2020 there was a relatively low level of development of research and innovation components of territorial socioeconomic systems. It is found that the positioning of the regions of Ukraine in the pre-war period (2017–2020) in terms of the level of development of research and innovation components of regional reproduction should be a prerequisite for differentiation of instruments and methods of innovative transformation of the post-war economy of the regions of Ukraine, which will ensure the restoration of residential, infrastructure and industrial facilities destroyed by the war and create new poles of economic growth on an innovative and technological basis. Article is written in Ukrainian
Prokhorova V. V., Chobitok I. O. The Foresight-Innovation Mechanism of Enterprise Management in the Context of Digitalization: The Theoretical Aspects (p. 78 - 85)
The purpose of the article is the formation of theoretical aspects of the foresight-innovation mechanism of enterprise management in the context of digitalization. The realities of today set ambitious tasks before domestic enterprises to implement cardinal scientific, technical and socioeconomic development, increase the level of development, create comfortable conditions, as well as form conditions and opportunities for self-realization and disclosure of the talents of each employee. The instruments for achieving these goals are national projects and complexes of planned activities for the formation of a foresight-innovation mechanism for managing enterprises in the context of digitalization. The article forms the theoretical aspects of the foresight-innovation mechanism of enterprise management in the context of digitalization – this is the process of improving or contriving innovative products or services in order to switch to paperless technologies, robotization, the use of artificial intelligence, blockchain, identification technologies and other advanced technologies, which are formed under the influence of the active development of scientific-technological progress and in accordance with changing market challenges focused on satisfaction of consumer needs. These technologies provide increased efficiency and achievement of competitive advantages based on the identification of possible alternatives to the future and on the choice of the most profitable option. The introduction of the foresight-innovation mechanism of enterprise management in the conditions of digitalization should be built in a certain order, since when building a mechanism for each enterprise, it is necessary to take into account its specifics of activities, to develop in detail and implement a strategy in order to organize the process of creating an innovative product and implementing it in the market. Article is written in Ukrainian
Rybchuk A. V., Pavlyukh R. M. Tools for Ensuring a Sustainable Innovative Development of the National Economy (p. 88 - 93)
The article examines the imperatives of the formation and application of innovative tools for the sustainable development of the national economy. It is noted that the formation of the innovative economy is connected with the formation of a new segment of the modern economy – the national innovation system (NIS), which is a set of the State innovation policy, subjects of innovation activity, innovation infrastructure, innovation processes and resources, where all elements are equivalent and are in close functional interdependence. It is emphasized that the most important condition for the modernization of the domestic economy is the formation of NIS, which should eliminate institutional and organizational gaps between the fundamental, applied, branch, educational and corporate sectors of science; to concentrate the necessary material, financial and personnel resources on strategic areas of innovative development. It is noted that the key task in the field of creating the infrastructure of the innovation system is to fill the missing links, which involves the development of institutions and mechanisms for financing innovations, production-technological information and consulting infrastructure, the network of which is developing at an extremely slow pace. The structure of the innovation mechanism is presented, which includes three management contours that provide the legislative basis for innovation activity; national competitiveness; management of sustainable development of the country through activation of human capital. It has been proven that the functions and tasks of the State regulation change in the conditions of the transition to an innovative model of development. The task of developing an effective policy, which plays the role of a catalyst in the formation of general conditions for the development of entrepreneurship and innovative activity, is put forward. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kaschuck K. M., Mosiichuk I. V., Saukh I. V. Modern Management Technologies in the Hotel and Restaurant Business: Practices and Innovations (p. 93 - 99)
The article is aimed at acquaintance with new technologies that can be used to improve the efficiency of hotel and restaurant management, customer service, and ensuring competitive advantage. Analyzing, systematizing and generalizing the scientific works of many scholars, the current management technologies in the hotel and restaurant business were considered and the best practices and innovations in this area were presented. As a result of the study, the main trends in the development of the hotel industry are identified. The list of well-known companies offering modern management technologies is determined, general classification approaches to innovative technologies are developed. It is substantiated that innovative technologies help restaurant industry enterprises to improve work efficiency, provide better guest service and create a competitive advantage in the market. The list of innovative technologies that are recommended for use at restaurant industry enterprises together with the companies that use them in order to increase efficiency, improve guest experience and remain competitive in the hotel and restaurant business market are determined. The use of digital technologies such as mobile reservation apps or online reservations of rooms has been proven to lead to more bookings and an improved guest experience, and innovative technologies such as robotics, process automation and artificial intelligence can enable more efficient operation, reduce errors and increase guest satisfaction. Prospects for further research in this direction are to study of the most promising and innovative forms of organization of hotel business – apart-hotels, to refer to their economic essence, types and advantages, also to study foreign experience and explore the problems of development of this form of organization of hotel business in Ukraine. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kulikov O. P., Kvashyna Y. A., Kryvonis K. V. Formation of the Innovative Potential of Enterprises in the Digital Economy (p. 99 - 105)
The article analyzes the features of formation of innovative potential of enterprises under conditions determined by the transition from industrial-market to information-network economy, which combine different regularities and mixed forms, have signs of emerging digitalization of traditional business processes, application of innovative tools for production, support and development of business. The signs of economic models of development today are digitalization (integration of digital technologies into business processes), inclusion (taking into account the social factor), circularity (use of high technologies for the production of alternative types of energy, environmental protection). The results of scientific and technological progress provide companies and project teams with strategic opportunities to respond quickly to market demands, create innovative products, ensure flexibility and uniqueness of decision-making and, thus, predetermine the appearance of new business systems and business processes, create a new value essence of innovative products and services (for example, Uber, Airbnb, digital banking, etc.). The carried out analysis of conditions, status and prospects of innovative development of the world-wide leading companies and of their experience provided an opportunity to highlight the best practices of the top-ranking countries in the field of industrial innovations and priority directions for improving traditional management techniques and methods, to identify relevant strategizing tools for the integration of domestic enterprises into the international business environment. Article is written in Ukrainian
Pavlov V. V., Bondar D. V., Nazarova K. O., Kopotiienko T. Y. Innovative Development of the IT Sphere in Ukraine (p. 105 - 112)
The development of strategic guidelines in the IT sphere deserves considerable attention in view of the efficiency and long-term consequences that certain decisions and actions have for the development of IT business in the country. Strategic management of innovation activities in the IT sphere should involve policies and procedures available for implementation in the conditions of specific companies that ensure the protection of the assets of the entity, efficiency and effectiveness of management. The above requires the definition of basic forms of implementation of the IT development strategy in Ukraine, which indicates the relevance of this study. Among researchers of the innovation process today, the prevailing belief is that innovations in the modern economic environment arise and be spread in the networks that connect individual actors. This position is formed on the basis of the evolution of views on the problems of the course of innovation processes and finds expression in the conception of feedback models, integrated models, as well as the concept of «open innovation environment». The researchers have also identified the following components of innovation development: social activity, creative activity, intellectual capital and entrepreneurial initiative. At the same time, studies of the problems of implementing the innovation process in the IT sphere in the reviewed works relate primarily to the micro level and much less to the macro level, that is, taking into account the need to solve the problems of development of this sphere and the economy of the country as a whole. The creation, assimilation and dissemination of innovations in the modern economic environment should be implemented in the form of a certain development strategy, within which it is possible to manage, control and stimulate the course of this process. The article is aimed at substantiating strategic guidelines for innovative development of the IT sphere in Ukraine under current conditions, under the influence of factors of the business environment and specifics of the national innovation system. The informational basis of the carried out study is the normative legal acts of Ukraine on the issues of conducting economic activity of enterprises, the implementation of innovation activity; scientific publications of leading foreign and domestic scientists. The study uses general scientific and special methods: induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis; dialectical method – in identifying specific features of strategic innovative development of the IT sphere in Ukraine; abstraction, generalization, system, functional methods – when developing a strategy for the development of the IT sphere in Ukraine and the forms of its practical implementation. Based on the results of the study, the authors conclude that the strategic management of innovation activities in the IT sphere should use instruments available for implementation in the conditions of specific companies that ensure the protection of the assets of an economic entity, efficiency and effectiveness of management. The configuration of such instrumentarium is formed taking into account the problems of development of the IT sphere, country-specific development factors, global trends in the development of IT technologies, i. e., the limitations and opportunities that determine the form and content of the instruments used. The basic forms of implementation of the IT development strategy in Ukraine are determined. Prospects for further research are to deepen and structure the instrumentarium for managing innovation activities in the IT sphere of Ukraine, which can be applied to specific directions of such activities. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kholodnyi G. O. Integrated Design Solutions in the Current Mechanism of Product Innovation Policy (p. 66 - 73)
The main task of modern design is to create new consumer values through the renewal of the subject-process environment. Thanks to system integratedness, design solutions are considered in a strategic perspective, ensuring the achievement of long-term goals of the innovative development of enterprise. The article is aimed at defining the essence and considering the features of integrated design solutions in the modern mechanism for implementing the product innovation policy. The article considers the essence of product innovation policy as an economic category and its place in the overall system of innovative development of an enterprise. It is proved that owing to the high integration of design into innovation processes, enterprises receive a wide range of benefits, in particular, in terms of customer satisfaction, market position of the company and financial-economic results of the introduction of innovative products. The article describes the essence and evaluates the importance of design, details the structure of the design solutions program – a practical form of system design implementation that combines the aesthetic and artistic, socio-cultural and technological conceptions of a complex innovative object into a holistic process of developing a complex innovative object. A contentual definition of software integrated design solutions is proposed as follows: a system of interaction between different types, tools and design programs, a synthesis of management principles and design conceptions, where each of them can be integrated with other design tools and supported by them to achieve maximum efficiency. The carried out research and the results presented will increase the theoretical and subject matter validity of the essence and structure of integrated design solutions in the modern mechanism of product innovation policy. Article is written in Ukrainian
Khaustov M. M. Analyzing the World Experience of Building Indices for Assessing the Development of Startups and the Supporting Infrastructure (p. 93 - 106)
The purpose of the study is to generalize the global experience of building indices for assessing the development of startups and the supporting infrastructure. It is determined that the world experience in building indices for assessing the development of startups and the supporting infrastructure is quite diverse. The article analyzes most famous indices, among which: Global Startup Ecosystem Index, Most startup friendly countries in the world, Global Startup Ecosystem Report, Startup Index of Nations, Cities, Startup Ranking. The structure of their construction, the peculiarities of collecting and processing information for computing, and the list of countries (cities, regions) under study are considered. The countries leading in the rankings and Ukraine’s place in them are identified. Based on the summarized information on the indicators used in the rankings that characterize the conditions for the development of startups, it is concluded that there is no single approach to defining such indicators. This leads to ambiguity in assessments of the preconditions for the emergence and promotion of startups. Thus, composite indicators allow to establish ratings of countries, but based on the heterogeneity of methodologies for compiling indices and the choice of indicators that form them, they provide contradictory results and make it impossible to analyze trends and growth points in the development of startup ecosystems, and differentiate the quality of startup development. This does not allow us to unambiguously identify strategic drivers of success for the development of startups in highly developed countries and countries that are catching up in their development. Identification of these drivers justifies the directions for further research in this area. Article is written in Ukrainian
Korsunova K. Y. Global and Ukrainian High-Tech Markets: Features of Development, Marketing Strategies and Trends in the Context of Rapid Transformation (p. 106 - 113)
In a world where technological advancements shape not only markets but also societies, understanding the nuances of the high-tech industry is crucial for any stakeholder. Whether it’s global giants or emerging ecosystems like Ukraine, the common features are innovation, competition, and the relentless pace of change. Both operate in an environment characterized by stiff competition, rapid innovation, and a complex regulatory landscape. However, their individual growth and marketing strategies differ under the influence of local trends, existing skills, and government policies. McKinsey’s Technology Trends Forecast up to 2023 is a reminder of the acute talent shortage affecting the sector around the world. This adds another layer of complexity, making human capital as valuable as technological innovation. Clearly, both in Ukraine and elsewhere, the ability to attract, retain and develop talent is becoming a crucial factor for success in this sector. The marketing strategies employed in this sector are as complex as the technologies they aim to promote. From the need for thought leadership and content marketing to the benefits of partnerships, each approach has its own set of opportunities and challenges. Companies must constantly update their methods to adapt to new technological trends, as well as take into account the different regulatory and cultural landscapes in which they operate. The high-tech industry will continue to remain a key player in shaping the future economically, socially, and ethically. Policymakers and industry stakeholders must work in tandem to navigate this complex web of opportunities and challenges, keeping local needs and global shifts in mind. The only constant in the high-tech industry is changes, and success belongs to those who know how to adapt, innovate, and grow. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kovalchuk T. H., Zaharii V. K. The Directions for Improving the Strategy of Innovative Development of Ukraine in the Context of Technoglobalism (p. 85 - 91)
The aim of the article is to develop recommendations for the formation of an innovative strategy for the development of Ukraine in the context of technoglobalism. The necessity of innovative development of the economy of Ukraine is proved, which involves the production of new knowledge that can be embodied in real economic practice, based on intellectual capital and the production of innovations, which will ultimately ensure the improvement of the processes of production of the products both high-tech and competitive in foreign markets. The features of the scientific and innovative capacity of the Ukrainian economy in accordance with the indicators of the leading world rankings are highlighted. A general characterization of each of the main indices in recent years is provided and both the leaders and the place of Ukraine are determined. It is noted that Ukrainian results in terms of innovation indicators have deteriorated compared to the previous year, which is due to the full-scale war of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine. It is determined that the war has caused a crisis in the development of scientific, technical and innovative activities in Ukraine, since the number of institutions and employees engaged in such activities has significantly decreased, and the amount of funding for such activities, despite their growth in value terms, remains extremely low for a country with such a large population, the number of scientific and educational institutions, as well as industrial enterprises. It is underlined that our best indicator has traditionally been the high quality of human capital, and the worst indicator is the state of institutions and infrastructure. A number of shortcomings that should be eliminated in order to effectively develop innovations in our country have been identified. The ways to improve the directions and methods of implementing the tasks set for the development of innovation activity in Ukraine, elaborated in the Strategy of the country until 2030, taking into account the difficult conditions of today, which will allow to solve these problems more effectively, are proposed. The use of the proposed measures will make it possible to create an effective mechanism for promoting innovative development to ensure the recovery of the domestic economy in the conditions of war and the post-war, and to deepen integration into the world community. Article is written in Ukrainian
Markovych I. B., Demkura T. V. Behavioral Economics in the Implementation of Social Initiatives on the Example of Eco-Solutions (p. 91 - 97)
The purpose of the study is to identify opportunities for changes related to social initiatives in the field of environmental preservation and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, through the application of the achievements of behavioral economics. The article analyzes the features of the formation of the architecture of choice as an element of behavioral economics by the tools of nudging in the context of eco-solutions. It is shown that in the formation of the global goals of sustainable development, much attention is paid to the tasks of preserving the environment and saving resource consumption. In view of this, the development of programs and projects that will accelerate the achievement of these goals is extremely important both for Ukraine and for the world community in general. The expediency of applying such approaches to the formation of the architecture of choice, which can increase the level of intensity of the transition to ecological solutions, is substantiated: the option of «default» should include the element of «eco»; the importance of applying the principles of eco-design; access to eco-solutions should be at least no more difficult than traditional ones, and, speaking of an ideal, much easier; eco-solutions should be beneficial for the consumer, and the benefits are not limited to purely economic ones. The theoretical conclusions are justified by practical cases that have already been implemented and are demonstrating their effectiveness in Ukraine. The difficulties that become obstacles in the processes of environmental conservation and can be overcome by climate incentives are outlined. In general, it has been proved that behavioral economics is able to offer its tools for forming the habit of making eco-decisions in a balanced way, taking into account the need to preserve the environment. Promising directions of research are the analysis of the possibilities of implementing the principles of behavioral economics in decision-making processes in the field of education, personal development, finance, etc. Article is written in Ukrainian
Pasichnyi M. D., Nepytaliuk A. V. Innovations and Competitiveness as Dominants of Economic Growth (p. 102 - 111)
The aim of the article is to assess the interdependencies between economic growth and indicators of competitiveness and innovation, substantiate the system of measures to stimulate the innovative development of the country. In the course of the study, a sample of Central European and Baltic countries was studied, including Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Hungary, Ukraine, Croatia, and the Czech Republic. As a parameter of competitiveness of enterprises in international markets, the median share of the medium-tech and high-tech products in the overall structure of gross value added of material production is chosen. The relationship of this indicator with the real growth of real GDP per capita during the period 1996–2020 is studied. In addition to the rates of economic growth, net investments in public non-financial assets (according to the methodology of the World Bank), the share of medium-tech and high-tech products in GDP, medium-tech and high-tech exports in its overall structure are considered, as well as environmental and innovative competitive parameters of national economies: carbon dioxide (СО2) emissions and renewable energy consumption (as a share in the final consumption of the latter). The Global Competitiveness Index for the mentioned sample of countries is also studied. A system of measures to stimulate innovative development has been proposed. It is found that it is important to continue the policy of deregulation and digitalization of administrative public procedures; promoting the registration and activities of innovatively active enterprises, providing them with incentives; formation of a stable, understandable and transparent tax environment in the country; improving the efficiency of public administration; ensuring the protection of investors’ property rights. In addition, it is important to develop a culture of entrepreneurship based on the Sustainable Development Goals and the latest principles of socially responsible business. Article is written in Ukrainian
Serhiienko O. A., Sosnov I. I., Samus P. O. Research on the Problems of Development and Support of Startups in Ukraine: Investments, Catalysts, Barriers (p. 119 - 132)
The article examines the problem of development and support of startups in Ukraine, which is relevant for the Ukrainian economic present. A review of various studies by economists on startups and their management is carried out. The factors of the micro and macro environment influencing the launch and development of startups in Ukraine are identified. On the basis of the carried out research, the catalyst factors and barrier factors for the development of startups in Ukraine have been defined. Among the priority problems identified are the following: macroeconomic instability; fragmentation of innovation infrastructure; lack of the State support programs; increased business risks. It is proposed to promote the chain «education – business – the State», which provides for the introduction of programs to stimulate small business, strengthen the regulatory framework, stimulate international participation and increase public investment in entrepreneurial and infrastructure projects. The significant role of higher education institutions in stimulating startups is also substantiated, an analysis of the experience of higher education institutions in different countries is provided. As an example of successful stimulation of startup activity, the experience of the National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (NTU «KhPI») is presented, which is the pioneer of numerous startup projects, each of those aimed at solving unique problems in different sectors of life activities. The article discusses in detail some of the projects of NTU «KhPI», highlights their goals, potential advantages and limitations. Prospects for further research in this direction are: deepening the modern understanding of startup management; studying the relationship between management experience and startup success; study of the role of the State support in promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in the startup sector and determining the level of «favorability» of the economic environment for the development of startups in Ukraine. Article is written in Ukrainian
Malуarets L. M., Lebediev S. S. The Life Cycle of Innovations and Kondratiev Waves in the Context of the Conception of Industry 4.0 (p. 133 - 141)
The nature of long Kondratiev waves, reflecting the cyclical nature of economic development, has attracted the attention of scholars for more than a hundred years. This problem becomes especially relevant in times of global crises. And although this theory do not belong to the mainstream of economic thought, the great theorists of the twentieth century have tried to either prove or disprove the reality of the very existence of long waves. The very idea of the non-linearity of the development of a system of any nature was impossible within the framework of the science of the nineteenth century, therefore, in order to understand the revolutionary nature of Kondratiev?s ideas and his contribution to changing the paradigm of economic science, the work compares the epistemological principles that were inherent in the science of the nineteenth century and at the beginning of the twentieth century. In particular, the main attention is paid to consideration of the fundamentals of thermodynamics of non-equilibrium processes, which examines the processes of self-organization in open systems, and synergetics, one of the cornerstones of which is the axiom of the non-additivity of the properties of the whole as an aggregate of the properties of its parts. The paper demonstrates the application of such a system of scientific views to determine the features of the life cycle of innovations. This approach makes it possible to apply the mathematical apparatus of non-linear dynamics to study the evolution of non-equilibrium economic systems and to determine the final state of the system by studying its possible trajectories in phase space. The respective analysis of the development of endogenous theories of long cycles made it possible to investigate how views on the place of innovations in determining the nature of Kondratiev waves changed. It is shown that it is not the presence of innovations that is essential, but the formation of an innovation cluster. Such a cluster consists of the so-called improving innovations, the use of which contributes only to the quantitative growth of economic indicators, and the catalyst is the basic (or systemic) innovations, the implementation of which determines the transition of the economic system to a new industrial type. In further research, it is expedient to use such an approach to the analysis of the ways of evolution of the economy in the context of sustainable development. Article is written in English
Shysh A. M., Kovtun I. I., Sheveria Y. V. Business Information Management and Innovative Approaches to Business Process Optimization (p. 142 - 147)
The aim of this article is to demonstrate the current state and prospects for the use of innovative technologies for business information management to optimize business processes. The authors analyzed, systematized and generalized scientific works of many scholars, who consider the components of business process management, innovative methods of optimizing business management, which a significant number of companies are still forced to resort to. For a successful optimization, the head of the company needs to find a competent specialist who is familiar with all the complexities of optimization, who is directly participating in the process and personally controls all the actions of the employees involved. Innovative technologies make a fundamental contribution to the transformation of business process structures, business process changes, and modeling according to environmental requirements. Among them, in order to optimize business processes, special attention is paid to the technology of benchmarking the business processes. Benchmarking is an extremely useful tool, especially when it is necessary to review the internal performance of the company and identify new priorities. It is worth remembering that foreign investment also plays an important role in the optimization system. It is determined that the development of innovative technologies and the aggravation of competition require enterprises to effectively manage their processes, provide high-quality products or services and meet the needs of customers. The use of business process management systems can help companies achieve higher efficiency and productivity, reduce costs, improve product or service quality, and improve customer satisfaction. It is worth understanding that the use of innovative technologies should be synchronized with the strategic planning and budget system of the enterprise. It is necessary to create an effective mechanism for managing business processes, taking into account the possibilities and limitations of resources, so that the enterprise can reach a new level of quality. In the future, it is necessary to consider the issue of investment support for the introduction of innovative technologies in the management of business processes of the enterprise. Article is written in Ukrainian
Vnukova N. M., Hryhorian O. O. Incentives for the Transformation of Innovative Development in Conditions of Limited Activity (p. 147 - 160)
The search for incentives for the transformation of innovative development in the context of limited activity is an urgent issue in the conditions of martial law and post-war recovery. Through the government support, grants, tax incentives, and the formation of innovation funds, the State takes an active part in the process of transformation of the economy. Innovation is seen as a direct indicator of the impact on the profitability of an enterprise. Foreign markets remain a priority in export-import activities, especially in the context of a limited activity of the latter. Achieving the indicators of profitability and competitiveness affects the state of export-import activities. The aim of the article is to present the theoretical principles and provide practical recommendations for finding incentives for the transformation of innovative development in conditions of limited activity – taking into account the experience of the EU, research of scholars, legislative norms in the field of economics; substantiation of the feasibility of their implementation during martial law and in post-war conditions with limited activities. In the analysis, systematization, generalization of scientific works of both domestic and foreign scholars, the relevance of views on innovative processes, their significance in the development of the State economy during martial law and prospects for development in the post-war period is considered. The views on «tax incentives of the investment and innovation process», which are constantly being improved in accordance with the requirements of the time, are systematized. It is defined that in Ukraine the State, in comparison with the EU countries, is not an active participant in the innovation and investment process, the indicators of its participation in expenditures on innovation and public investment in relation to GDP are much lower than in the EU. The current approaches of the EU to funding expenditures on innovations, the development of various platforms, the search for mechanisms for intensifying innovation activity, in particular through startups, are considered. The Google-supported assessment of the level of interest in startups showed that the English-speaking audience searches for this topic most often. As for Ukrainian-speaking users, the search trends for startups and innovations coincide. Prospects for further transformation of innovation and investment development are the introduction of mechanisms and forms of the digital economy. Article is written in English
Otenko I. P. Formation of an Innovating Culture for International Companies in the Context of Global Development (p. 65 - 76)
For the third year in a row, according to the results of research by global consulting agencies, international companies-leaders consider innovation to be the number one priority among their corporate goals. Most companies declare their readiness to invest in breakthrough innovations related to digital technologies, artificial intelligence, and smartization of business processes. The criteria for the readiness of such companies are: intensification of the search for talents that generate new ideas and have the ability to implement them into reality, turn investments into results; use of new business models and a wide range of strategic tools; strengthening innovative platforms of knowledge and practice; organization or participation in ecosystems with the involvement of external partners and competitors. Leadership is based on a strong culture of innovation, which is represented by the principles, norms and rules of strategic thinking, flexibility, mobility in decision-making and implementation of decisions. The article analyzes the features of the formation of a culture of innovation by international companies that are established as leaders in creating new sources of income and values, products and markets; the common attributes of innovation culture are defined – compliance with the principles of social and environmental responsibility, possession of elements of leadership and teamwork, readiness for effective implementation of innovations, productivity and resilience to threats. Article is written in English
Andriushchenko I. S., Skydan V. L. Digital Transformation of the Banking Sector in Ukraine (p. 77 - 82)
The aim of the article is to assess the key aspects of digital transformation in the economy, with a special emphasis on the banking sector of Ukraine. An attempt is made to consider digital transformation as a complex phenomenon that includes not only the introduction of the latest technologies, but also strategic changes in the organizational structures of banks. As a result of the study, changes in traditional business ecosystems have been identified, which have led to the creation of new digital business ecosystems that affect the strategic decisions of banks. The main barriers hindering the implementation of digital initiatives in the banking sector of Ukraine are identified and the best practices that can be applied for the successful implementation of digital transformation are systematized. It is determined that in the context of digital transformation, one of the key obstacles is resistance to change on the part of staff and management, often due to fear of the unknown and concern about preserving jobs. It is determined that digital transformation requires of banking institutions effective management, a new attitude towards employees, increased innovation and flexibility, greater cooperation and readiness for constant change, which in turn requires the mastery of new digital competencies not only by management, but also by all employees. Scientific examples in the field of digital transformation are also analyzed and the main factors that have a significant impact on the success of digital transformation are identified: digital strategy and management skills, relevant digital competencies of employees, access to modern business information, management flexibility, digital organizational culture, investments in artificial intelligence, analysis of large databases, blockchain, sufficient digital maturity of banks to implement digital changes. It is concluded that digital transformation involves change management, the use of new methods, the encouragement of innovation and the introduction of new business models, including the digitization of assets and the much greater use of technology to increase employee productivity, meeting the demands and requirements of customers, suppliers, partners and other stakeholders. Thus, digital transformation has become a cultural challenge that the banking system is already facing. Article is written in Ukrainian
Krasnomovets V. A. Regenerative Tourism: General Characteristics and Specifics of Interpretation (p. 83 - 89)
The aim of the article is to theoretically analyze and define the concept of «regenerative tourism» as an innovative type of tourism. In the analysis, systematization and generalization of scientific works and materials of many foreign scholars and specialists, the essence of the concept has been considered, identical names have been determined as transformational, restorative; its place among other types of tourism as one of the newest types has been established; the views of researchers are systematized and its categorical features are defined. As a result of the study, it is found that the concept of regenerative tourism is based on the idea of creating a positive impact on the places that people visit while traveling. It goes beyond plain sustainability or minimization of negative impacts and seeks to actively contribute to the restoration and improvement of the local environment, communities, and cultures. The time intervals of regenerative tourism in comparison with other types of tourism are determined. The definitions of the essence of regenerative tourism analyzed in the study give grounds to assert that, in its essence, regenerative tourism embodies a holistic approach that goes beyond not only traditional, but also sustainable tourism. Its main purpose and essential feature is to recreate the places of stay of tourists. That is, in fact, an another step up from sustainable tourism. It is noted that the regenerative approach involves the transition of humanity from an exploitative, or degenerate, mindset, where the nature and resources of the community are «to be taken», to a system and set of practices that allow our ecological, social, cultural, and political systems to recover. Practical steps for the implementation of regenerative tourism are presented. Prospects for further research in this direction are to determine the boundaries and differences between regenerative and sustainable tourism. It is also important to substantiate the principles of regenerative tourism and develop practical steps to implement the basic principles of regenerative tourism in domestic tourism practice. Article is written in Ukrainian
But-Gusaim O. H. Innovative Development of Business Structures (p. 72 - 81)
The study is aimed at creating scientifically based approaches to understanding and analyzing innovations in business structures, which contributes to the further development of this important field and will help solve the problem of the lack of a comprehensive understanding of these processes. The aim of the article is to carry out a critical analysis of domestic and foreign literature to systematize and summarize the available data. The article systematizes, according to the results of the carried out study, approaches to the definition of innovative development through the improvement of business processes, the use of new technologies and system innovations. The practical bases for this is that the importance of new technologies for business efficiency and competitiveness has increased, and system innovation has become essential for adapting to a changing environment. The carried out study improves the conceptual and categorical apparatus and offers its own definition of innovative development of business structures. The study shows that the concept of innovative development of business structures can be considered from different points of view. This includes improving business processes, using the latest technology, and applying system solutions. The proposed own definition of innovative development of business structures emphasizes that this is a complex and complex process. This process involves continuous improvement of business processes in order to improve the quality of products, services and activities. To achieve this, it is necessary to actively use the latest technologies, develop and implement new products and services. In addition, innovative development implies a willingness to adapt to changing market conditions and needs. Thus, the innovative development of business structures is recognized as multiaspectual and inseparable from the process of continuous improvement and growth in the modern economic environment. The practical significance of this study is manifested in the improvement of the theoretical approach to the creation of innovative development strategies for enterprises. Article is written in Ukrainian
Oliskevych M. M., Stasyshyn A. V., Kravchuk M. O. The Dynamic Scenarios of Development of the Innovative Segment of Public Administration (p. 81 - 90)
The article examines dynamic scenarios and features of the development of innovative technologies in public management and administration. Attention is focused on studying the nature of the distribution of resources both material and labor, aimed at the creation of new technologies and the accumulation of knowledge. The process of creation of innovative technologies is analyzed as one of the types of knowledge created in the research and development sector, used by all economic agents and is an innovative component of public administration. The aim of the article is to identify the features of the process of accumulation of knowledge and creation of new technologies on the basis of a system analysis of the process of development of innovative products in the public services sector. The systemically dynamic approach presented in the article, in contrast to the existing studies, is carried out on the basis of empirical system scientific analysis, as well as the on the basis of experience of researches on the efficiency of work organization, taking into account technological trends. The influence of the parameter, which characterizes the elasticity of the speed of development of new technologies in relation to the amount of available knowledge in the research sector, on the dynamics of development of the innovative component of public administration is analyzed. A study of three different scenarios has been carried out, and it has been determined under what conditions long-term stable development and growth are possible. The effect of the results of public administration is often manifested only in the long run. A systemically dynamic approach to the study of the innovative component of the provision of public services makes it possible to identify the key components that play a central role in the performance of public administration functions. The formation and development of the innovation sector and the creation of new technologies, the State policy of its support and cooperation are necessary and important in the difficult realities of today. Although developments in the research sector are not the only source of technological change, they are one of the main sources of innovation and the main center for the creation of new innovative products and processes used in public administration and most sectors of the economy. Article is written in Ukrainian
Prokopchuk L. M., Shabanov R. M. The Innovative and Ecological Aspects of the Development of Domestic Entrepreneurship (p. 91 - 97)
The aim of the article is to provide a theoretical substantiation of the formation of innovative and ecological aspects of the development of domestic entrepreneurship in conditions of turbulence. The main motives for the introduction of ecological innovations at domestic enterprises are considered, the possibility of creating a new management system on the basis of innovation policy and synergetic space is considered. The ways and mechanisms of increasing innovation and ecological activities are described and methods of implementation are proposed. It is analyzed that the improvement of the innovation management system and the development of the internal business environment involves changes in the sphere of planning, employment of the population of the region, promotion of products, interaction of the authorities, domestic entrepreneurship, as well as knowledge management. Innovations in the field of business management will provide a long-term competitive advantage to specific areas and contribute to their development, taking into account and combining scientific and technological solutions with administration and innovation management. Particular attention is paid to domestic enterprises in the ecological aspect – for the implementation of innovative and ecological activities, business strategies and the search for a balance between profit, ecological protection and social justice. On the basis of the carried out analysis of the ecological aspects of innovation activity, important characteristics of innovative development of domestic enterprises have been allocated and an understanding of this economic category has been provided. Based on the results of the analysis of scientific papers, the main directions of innovative development of enterprise are determined, as well as the main motivational principles in this area are considered. Today, in order to overcome the innovation and ecological crisis, it is important to develop and implement ecologically friendly and cost-effective innovations. Ecological innovations, like other types of innovation, are aimed at making a profit and reducing costs, but their specificity is manifested in social, cultural and ethical contexts. Article is written in Ukrainian
Hudyma L. O. BIM-Technologies in Construction: Modern Challenges for Ukraine (p. 97 - 104)
In accordance with the important needs of our time, it is relevant to study the methods, the use of which is most appropriate for the restoration of damaged construction sites as a result of military aggression. Improving the quality of work control at each stage, reducing the cost and ensuring the safety of construction requires the use of innovative technologies, in particular building information modeling (BIM). The article analyzes in detail the features of BIM technologies, reveals the essence of BIM modeling and BIM model. In the work, the building information model is considered as a three-dimensional model, the task of which is to unite all participants in the construction process at each stage. An analysis of the differences between CAD design technology and BIM is carried out, the factors that determine the complexity of the implementation of BIM design in Ukraine are presented, the main points of the development of an effective BIM conception are structured. In addition, a study of foreign practices on the use of BIM to work with damaged objects requiring reconstruction is carried out. The results of the carried out study indicate the need to introduce BIM technologies as one of the basic steps towards digitalization of the construction industry. BIM technologies in modern realities are gradually becoming a priority of sectoral policy on the part of the State. In particular, the article presents the Conception, which contains the main provisions and mechanisms of the State policy aimed at laying the foundation for digital transformations of the construction industry. The importance of BIM technologies for improving the efficiency of construction is economically substantiated and confirmed by statistical data. The need to introduce BIM technologies as an innovative and more effective tool in the reconstruction and restoration of buildings is emphasized. Article is written in Ukrainian
But-Gusaim O. H. A Conceptual Model of Organizational Support for the Formation of a Strategy for Innovative Development of Business Structures (p. 102 - 109)
The article is devoted to the development of a theoretical model that allows to optimize the interaction of organizational elements to stimulate innovation: resources, finance, innovation, management. The purpose of the study is to develop a conceptual model of organizational support for the formation of innovative strategies by business structures in the context of globalization. The general scientific research methods used to achieve this goal include literature analysis, information synthesis, modeling, induction and deduction methods. The paper examines the essence of organizational processes, reviews business resources and defines the essence of organizational support. This definition is interpreted in the context of innovative development, which resulted in a set of data for modeling the organizational support of the innovation strategy. The novelty of the study lies in the development of a conceptual model of organizational support for the formation of a strategy for innovative development of business structures. It is an integrated approach that takes into account the need to integrate various resources and processes to stimulate innovation activity in companies. The model is based on a balanced combination of tangible and intangible assets and requires effective management of financial resources, development of innovation policy and efficient management of organizational processes. The interaction between different elements of the system is central to this model, which contributes to the generation of innovative ideas and their implementation. An innovation strategy aimed at ensuring business success considers financial resources as a key factor in supporting innovation activities. Optimization of equity capital, attraction of credit programs and cooperation with investors require flexibility in financial planning and the ability to adapt to changes in the market. The practical significance of the article lies in the fact that it provides business structures with tools and methods for the effective formation of an innovation development strategy. This helps to increase competitiveness, ensure stability and market promotion through the creation and implementation of innovative products and services. Article is written in Ukrainian
Vinnikova V. V., Vinnikova V. A. Innovations in Public Administration: A Bibliometric Analysis (p. 109 - 116)
The article presents the results of a study on the problems of innovation in public administration. For this purpose, the dynamics of publications on the subject of innovations in public administration, the activity of publications with account of educational institutions are analyzed; the researchers who have published the largest number of papers have been identified; clustering has been carried out and the main directions of research have been identified for each of the clusters of publications on the subject of innovations in the field of public administration. The study was carried out using bibliometric and cluster analysis based on the data of the OpenAlex scientometric database, using the WOSviewer program. As a result of the analysis of publication activity and the thematic direction of the publications, the relevance and significance of the issues of innovation in public administration are justified, a wide range of opportunities for further research and practical application in this direction is identified. Based on a study of 1398 articles from 2015–2023, it is concluded that there is a stable interest of the scientific community in the issues of innovation in the field of public administration. The results of the carried out analysis showed the active participation of universities and scientists in the study of the problems of innovation in public administration. It is specified that the topics of the articles include consideration of issues of co-creation in the public sector, joint innovative developments of economic entities of the both private and public sectors, motivation of civil servants. It is shown that the problems of innovation in the sphere of public administration are of multiaspectual nature. Nine thematic clusters have been identified, covering a wide range of issues, including data management, strategic management, and citizen involvement in social initiatives. A significant number of publications and the active use of terms related to digital technologies have testified to the high relevance of digitalization in the field of public administration. Article is written in Ukrainian
But-Gusaim O. H. Instrumental Support and Control of Adaptability of Formation of Strategy for Innovative Development of Business Structures in the Context of Globalization (p. 72 - 79)
The article is devoted to a review of the instrumental support for the formation of innovation development strategies at different stages of its implementation, taking into account the needs of adaptability to a changing environment. The aim of the article is to clarify the critical role of instrumental support in improving the strategic planning processes of business structures, which allows them to effectively navigate and adapt to the rapid transformations caused by globalization. The study shows a toolkit for developing and implementing innovations that ensure the adaptability and sustainability of enterprises in a dynamic environment. The use of specialized tools at each stage of the strategic innovation process allows organizations not only to survive but also to thrive, turning challenges into opportunities. At the stage of identifying the need for innovation, analysis tools such as SWOT and PESTEL help organizations gain a deeper understanding of the internal and external factors that affect their operations. Analyzing the external environment using competitive analysis and market research provides critical insights into industry trends, competitor behavior, and changes in consumer preferences. This allows businesses to adapt to changes in a timely manner, optimize their strategic initiatives, and find niches for innovation. When it comes to calculating the cost of an innovation strategy, financial modeling and cost-benefit analysis become indispensable tools that provide a clear understanding of the potential ROI and help management make informed investment decisions. At the stage of implementing an innovation strategy, project management and co-working tools become critical for coordinating teams, managing resources, and tracking progress in implementing innovative projects. Prototyping and modeling allow to test new ideas and conceptions, minimizing risks and costs in the early stages of development. The practical significance of the study is to obtain systematized and grouped data, making use of various tools at different levels of strategic innovation planning. Article is written in Ukrainian
Kramchaninova M. D., Kasatkina M. V. Features of the Impact of External Effects of Innovation and Innovative Entrepreneurship on Economic Growth and Development of Society (p. 104 - 111)
The aim of the article is to determine the features of the relationship between innovative entrepreneurship and external effects arising from the introduction of innovations, from the standpoint of understanding under what conditions the losses that society bears, also the numerous complex risks from the introduction of innovations, can be acceptable, justified and properly compensated. In a complex, dynamic world, innovative technology and entrepreneurship play a crucial role in overall economic development. Along with this, the carried out study of many aspects of the impact of innovation and innovative entrepreneurship on economic growth and development of society has also revealed a significant number of negative external effects that arise at different economic levels and which today are almost not regulated. These external effects accumulate, transform, and give rise to other additional effects. Despite a large number of studies, various attempts by scholars to advance in the elimination of negative externalities have not yet provided an adequate organizational and methodological approach to such an internalization of these effects, which could be considered quite effective. Based on the analysis of scientific sources, one of the main reasons for the imperfect mechanism for eliminating the negative consequences of externalities of innovation activity is the insufficiency of the development of the taxonomy of externalities – due to the lack of progress in the establishment and distribution of property rights to external effects and the appropriate differentiation of possible types of externalities in terms of their significance and scale. The existing institutional possibilities of such regulation are not satisfactory and should be transformed in accordance with the new socioeconomic needs of society. The authors also note that due to the increased complexity and lack of a universal approach to the valuation of external effects, the development of an appropriate mechanism for regulating externalities actualizes the study of a broader issue of management accounting in the context of the above problem. Article is written in Ukrainian
Vitovshcyk T. S., Bazavluk N. G. The Essence and Significance of Eco-Innovations in the Circular Economy (p. 159 - 165)
The article is devoted to the consideration of the main provisions and substantiation of the essence of eco-innovations as the main competitive advantage in a closed-loop economy. In the course of the study, the authors consider the features of the development of eco-innovations, taking into account the features of a closed-loop/circular economy. The paper describes the genesis of the concepts of «innovation» and «eco-innovation» in scientific literature and regulations – both international and national. The study is supplemented by an analysis of the domestic legislative field. When synthesizing the existing definitions of the essence of the category of «eco-innovation», two essential approaches (as process and as product) have been identified for the first time. The erroneous interpretation of the essence of «eco-innovation» as process under the condition of the simultaneous existence of the category of «innovation process» has been proved. A theoretical distinction is made and the cause-and-effect relationships between the concepts of «innovation process» and «eco-innovation» are studied, the results of which are presented graphically. The authors propose their own definition of the concept of «eco-innovations» (which does not contradict the norms of the current legislation) within the framework of the essential approach «as product» of newly created (applied) and (or) improved competitive technologies, products or services, as well as organizational and technical solutions of production, administrative, commercial or other nature, created by the company itself or other external structures in order to reduce or prevent eco-destructive impact on environment throughout its life cycle, while ensuring the profitability of economic activity. The classification of «eco-innovations» is considered; technological, organizational, social, and institutional innovations are allocated, and the essence and features of each of the subordinate types are described. Two modern ecosystems – open and closed-loop – are characterized, their distinctive features are presented. The expediency and necessity of production and implementation of eco-innovations for economic entities and the State are substantiated. Article is written in Ukrainian
Otenko I. P., Kvashyna Y. A. Methodical Approach to the Formation of the Strategy of Innovative Development of the Enterprise (p. 166 - 175)
The task is to develop a methodical approach to the formation of a strategy for innovative development of enterprise. The methodical principles are based on theoretical approaches to the management of innovative development of enterprise, their main provisions, which are the basis for monitoring and evaluating the organizational conditions for the implementation of the strategy. These are the provisions of institutional, system, process, and competence approaches. The institutional approach operates with provisions that correspond to the measures of State regulation, the use of mechanisms of State influence on the innovative development of an individual enterprise, the directions of strategic priorities of innovative development of the State. The process approach focuses on innovative business processes that allow the implementation of product, technological, marketing, and organizational innovations through the implementation of the necessary organizational changes. The system approach is aimed at creating an effective innovation-oriented business model, the formation of an innovative environment based on the active interaction of all management levels. The competency-based approach focuses on the development of knowledge, increasing the intellectual capital of the enterprise for the formation of sustainable competitive advantages in the market, etc. The article analyzes and identifies the factors of digitalization of the economy as key for the formation of the innovative potential of enterprises in Ukraine. The results of the analysis of the experience of the world’s best practices and successful businesses testify to the variety of means of their response to innovative changes in the external environment and allow us to identify trends and the most relevant strategic instruments. In the areas of formation of the strategy of innovative development, a system of indicators has been developed and an assessment of the level of their organizational support at the enterprises «Spetsvuzavtomatyka» and «Ekvud-Bud» has been carried out. Article is written in Ukrainian
Vitovshcyk T. S. The Importance of Innovations in the Formation of the Competitiveness of an Economic Entity (p. 207 - 215)
The article is devoted to the study of the importance of innovations in the formation of competitiveness of an economic entity. The methodological foundations of different approaches to assessing the competitiveness of enterprise are described. The level of competitiveness in the current conditions of Ukraine’s development is carried out on the basis of the data of the joint Polish-Ukrainian enterprise «Modern-Expo», which is one of the top 5 largest equipment manufacturers. Comparison of competitiveness of several large enterprises (which are defined by the author as the main competitors of the firm at the supranational level) allowed to prove that innovation is one of the competitive advantages of enterprise. The value of the presented scientific research lies in the simultaneous study of the impact of innovations on ensuring competitiveness within the national market and in the international economic environment. A methodical approach to determining the level of impact of innovations on competitiveness on the basis of the «matrix of levels of influence» (assessment indicators) according to a seven-level assessment has been proposed and approbated. The results of such an analysis make it possible to determine the needs for a certain type of innovation. A multi-quadrant of the impact of innovations on competitiveness has been developed and presented on the example of JV LLC «Modern-Expo», which is a graphical reflection of the analysis of the level of impact of innovations on the competitiveness of an individual economic entity. A close direct connection between innovation and competitiveness of enterprise is proved with the help of correlation analysis, which is proposed to be supplemented by graphical factor analysis. By analyzing modern forms of reporting of domestic enterprises, groups of factor and effective indicators of factor analysis of the impact of innovations on the competitiveness of enterprise in the current conditions (conditions of martial law) have been allocated. Article is written in Ukrainian
Krysovatyy I. A. Intellectual Specialization as an Environment for the Development of Innovation Parks (p. 215 - 221)
Intellectual specialization is an important mechanism of modern economic development, in particular in the context of the creation and development of innovation parks. This approach involves the concentration of scientific and technological resources in certain areas that have the highest potential for innovative development. Innovation parks play a key role in creating a competitive environment where the latest technologies and scientific research are integrated into production processes, contributing to the creation of new products, services and businesses. They provide the necessary infrastructure for R&D activities, support start-ups, and promote collaboration between academic institutions, businesses, and government agencies. Intellectual specialization, as a strategic approach, not only stimulates innovation, but also forms priorities for sustainable economic growth, contributing to the development of the regional economy and increasing its competitiveness on the global scale. In this context, intellectual specialization acts as a catalyst for the development of innovation parks, creating a favorable environment for their activities and successful functioning. That is why the aim of the presented study is to determine the essence and main aspects of intellectual specialization as a special environment for the development of innovation parks in the context of transformational changes. The following methods were used in the study: the method of comparison, the method of generalization, the methods of induction and deduction, the logical method, the methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as the graphical method for the structural display of the results of the study. Intellectual specialization plays a crucial role in the development of innovation parks, creating favorable conditions for the concentration of resources and knowledge in key areas of science and technology. Thanks to this approach, innovation parks become centers of economic growth, where scientific research is integrated into production processes, which contributes to the creation of new technologies, products and services. Fostering collaboration between academic institutions, business, and government organizations is one of the key aspects of intellectual specialization, allowing for the effective use of scientific potential and innovative resources. Intellectual specialization also supports the development of innovation clusters, which contributes to the faster implementation of scientific achievements in production, reducing the cost of developing new technologies and increasing their competitiveness in the world market. It creates conditions for access to financing and support on the part of the State and international organizations, which is an important factor in the successful development of innovation parks. Article is written in Ukrainian
Chikov I. A. The Theoretical and Methodological and Conceptual Foundations of the Formation of an Innovative Mechanism for Increasing the Competitiveness of Agricultural Enterprises (p. 221 - 239)
The article is devoted to the study of the theoretical and methodological and conceptual foundations of the formation of an innovative mechanism for increasing the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises. In order to form the theoretical basis of the innovation mechanism, a thorough study of such key concepts as «competitiveness», «innovation» and «mechanism» is carried out. The analysis of the allocated concepts has made it possible to structure approaches to building an effective management mechanism, which will contribute to increasing the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises in an innovative environment. The necessity of defining a new economic category of «innovative mechanism for increasing the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises», which reflects the integration of innovative approaches into all aspects of the activities of enterprises in the agricultural sector of the economy in order to ensure their sustainable development and adaptation to the challenges of the present day, is substantiated. With the help of the logical-structural and system analysis of the content components of the category of «innovation mechanism», its essence, system-forming components and functional features are defined. It is determined that the innovation mechanism is a system of precise organized actions, which, on the basis of accumulation of competitive advantages and bringing them to a qualitatively new level, lead to an increase in the quality of functioning of an economic entity. Within the framework of this study, the functional features of the innovation mechanism have been formed, which are manifested in the ability to form the resource potential of enterprises in accordance with the stages of their life cycle, to realize the innovation potential to create innovation-oriented competitive advantages, to accumulate resources for the implementation of relevant innovation projects, as well as to develop and adjust the innovation strategy for the development of economic entities. Based on the results of the study, it has been determined that the innovative mechanism for increasing the competitiveness of agricultural enterprises is aimed at the formation of functional support for entrepreneurial structures in the context of the stages of the life cycle of economic entities. In particular, it means the innovation, investment, financial, logistics, environmental and marketing support. This forms a comprehensive management system for the economic entity, allowing to effectively adapt to changes in the external environment, optimize internal processes and increase competitiveness in the market. Article is written in Ukrainian
Guryanova L. S., Lypovetskyi B. H. Analysis of Industrial Cluster Management Models in the Context of the Development of the IT Sector of Ukraine (p. 175 - 181)
The article examines the models of management of industrial clusters in view of the development of the IT sector in Ukraine. The efficiency of models in the context of stimulating innovation, increasing competitiveness and promoting economic growth is analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages of each model, also their impact on the development of IT infrastructure and attracting investment, are considered. On the basis of the carried out analysis, recommendations are formed for choosing a model of technology parks with elements of support for startups as the most suitable one for Ukrainian conditions. The implementation of this model will have a positive impact on the development of the IT sector in the country. First, it will contribute to the creation of a favorable environment for cooperation between universities, research institutions and private companies, which will ensure the exchange of knowledge and technology, and, in turn, will lead to the rapid implementation of innovations and increased competitiveness of Ukrainian companies in the international market. Second, supporting startups through accelerators and incubators will contribute to the development of new businesses and job creation. Young entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to implement their innovative ideas, while receiving the necessary financial and mentoring support. This will assist increasing both the level of employment and the development of human capital in Ukraine. Third, the development of technology parks will allow Ukraine to create a modern IT infrastructure, which will become the basis for the further development of high-tech industries. This contemporary IT infrastructure will be able to attract foreign investment and contribute to the country’s overall economic growth. Prospects for further research include the following key aspects: adaptation of successful international cluster management practices to Ukrainian realities, taking into account local economic, social and political conditions; expansion of the State support programs that will stimulate the development of technology parks and startups; development of cooperation between government, business and research institutions; development of human capital by increasing the level of education and training of highly qualified specialists in the field of IT. The implementation of the proposed model of industrial cluster management with an emphasis on supporting startups opens up wide opportunities for sustainable development of the IT sector in Ukraine. Article is written in Ukrainian
Deineka T. А., Shkurupii O. V., Dyvnych О. D., Zahrebelna I. L. Intellectual Potential of Technological Leadership and Competitiveness of Countries (p. 182 - 188)
The aim of the article is to prove the scientific thesis that the embodied intellectual capital of a person in its primary and generalized forms is a determining resource of technological leadership and the potential for competitiveness of countries. The article examines the role of a person and the intellectual capital accumulated by people in the technological leadership of countries. Intellectual activity is considered in the context of the creation by a person of an information and knowledge resource and the production of innovations. It is proved that the embodied intellectual capital of a person in its primary and generalized forms (intellectual capital of individual communities and society as a whole) is a resource of technological leadership and the potential for competitiveness of countries. It is found that the intellectual and innovative trend is inherent in the globalized economy principally. The presence of innovative countries can be observed in each of the global regions. However, the level of technology development and the degree of involvement of intellectual capital in the process of producing innovations are different depending on region. This is the definitive reason for the diverse competitive opportunities of countries at present. The level of competitiveness is determined by the mutual dependence between technology and people’s talent – the emergence of a synergistic effect of enrichment. Under these conditions, development acquires the features of a new and higher quality; the basis for economic and social progress is being established. That the economies of developed countries with signs of a post-industrial, knowledge-intensive economy are the most competitive appears verified regularity. Further on, it is substantiated that the aggregate factor of development of «technology + talent» is of key importance for Ukraine. Human intelligence and the possibility of creating/applying advanced technologies with its help are becoming key for Ukraine in conditions where most of the resource components of development (territories, able-bodied population, natural resources) are lost and financial support is insufficient. Consistency, mutual enrichment and mutually conditioned influence of these components of development can provide a positive effect in the economic life of the country and become the main prerequisite for its future economic progress and strengthening of competitiveness on the international stage. Article is written in Ukrainian
Khitsan D. V. Innovative Technologies in the Financial Sector: Generalization of International Experience (p. 189 - 195)
The introduction of innovations makes it possible to ensure a stable economic situation for the business entity – both at the level of the national financial sector and in the international financial services market. The spread of financial technologies in the world continues to evolve through the emergence of new products and services. Despite different approaches to the development of enterprises and organizations in the financial sector, the common features remain the desire for innovation, ensuring the security of the financial system and protecting consumers. The contemporary tendency towards the introduction of flexible models of response to changes in the economic environment is one of the major strategies for creating favorable conditions for the development of innovative technologies in the financial sector. The aim of the publication consists in a theoretical generalization of the international experience in the implementation of financial innovations and to develop recommendations for its implementation in domestic practice. Financial innovation technologies are an important component of the development of the national economy of Ukraine. Our country has significant potential for the development of financial technologies, but its regulatory framework still needs significant changes to create a favorable environment for innovation. Unlike the UK or the EU, where regulations are aimed at accelerating the introduction of financial technologies, in Ukraine this process is just beginning. The article analyzes the international experience in the introduction of innovative technologies in the financial sector. The experience of fintech innovations in the USA, Great Britain, China, Singapore, South Korea is considered, the features of implementation and the possibility of their adaptation to activities of the business entities in Ukraine are determined. The existing regulatory obstacles to the possibilities of generation of fintech startups in Ukraine are identified. The National Bank of Ukraine (NBU), which is the key regulator of the national financial sector, is gradually introducing new rules and conditions for the development of financial technologies. However, at present, the limited legal framework for cryptocurrencies, blockchain technologies and other innovative solutions remains a problem, which hinders the development of such instruments. An analysis of the experience of implementing innovative technologies in the leading countries of the world proves that Ukraine already has a fairly flexible regulatory system, which creates potential advantages for the generation of financial startups, but at the same time there are certain risks of an imperfect regulatory system. Article is written in Ukrainian
Shepelenko S. M. Innovative Conceptions of Actualizing the Impact of Employee Introspection on the Dynamic Development of Enterprises in the Context of Digitalization (p. 195 - 202)
The aim of the article is to form innovative conceptions for actualizing the impact of employee introspection on the dynamic development of enterprises in the context of digitalization. According to the results of the carried out study, it is found that the process of transformation of human views, which includes the transition from a low level of education up to the era of digitalization, has become the basis for the formation of a new type of thinking. Today, access to knowledge and learning resources has expanded significantly owing to open access to Internet resources and digital platforms. This creates conditions for the development of creative and critical thinking of the company’s employees, which is an integral part of the development of introspection. The evolution of the development of human intellectual potential is a complex and multifaceted process that includes significant changes in the social, economic and technological aspects of the life of society. In the initial stages of human history, access to knowledge was limited, and educational opportunities were the privilege of a narrow circle of elites. The majority of the population was engaged in manual labor and did not have the opportunity to receive basic or systematic education. On the basis of the carried out study, it is determined that one of the main directions of introspection of employees at the enterprise is design thinking, which focuses on a deep understanding of needs and desires, which allows creating products and services that really meet the demand of consumers. This approach includes the stages of empathy, problem definition, idea generation, prototyping, and testing, providing a systematic approach to innovative problem-solving. The conception of formation of introspection of employees at the enterprise in the context of digitalization is proposed. A mathematical model of the formation of wages is presented, taking into account the introspection of employees at the enterprise in the context of digitalization, which will take into account the main criteria influencing the formation of the level of wages. Article is written in Ukrainian
Novoselets A. I. Bibliometric Analysis of the Concept of Innovative Management Activity (p. 171 - 179)
The article considers the conception of innovative management activity and the need for new management methods to improve business efficiency. The aim of the study is to identify trends in the development of theories of innovative management activity through a bibliometric analysis of the conception in the Scopus scientific and metric database. Although most studies focus on transformational leadership or human resources, the conception of innovative management requires a comprehensive approach, and there is no single approach to measuring innovation in management. To study the trends and prospects of innovative management activities, a bibliometric analysis was conducted. The analysis focused on scientific papers, articles and studies that explore the factors and strategies that affect the competitiveness of enterprises in the market. Using the Scopus database, it was found that the number of studies on innovative management activities has increased significantly. In addition, it was found that the phrase ‘innovative management activities’ is most often found in articles in the fields of engineering, business and ecology. This classification allows us to understand the distribution of research on innovative management activities in different subject areas. The study examines a bibliometric map that identifies four clusters in different areas of research in the field of innovation management. Cluster 1 focuses on technology, education, economics, and social issues. Cluster 2 is dedicated to natural resources and ecological systems. Cluster 3 is related to medical research and practice, while cluster 4 focuses on healthcare management research. The analysis also identified the main stages and trends in the development of innovation management theory around the world, formed a thesaurus of the theory, and revealed the insufficient representation of Ukrainian research on the topic in global scientific databases. Article is written in Ukrainian
Denchyk I. S. Digitalization and Digital Transformation in the Context of Innovative Development and Managerial Innovations (p. 179 - 186)
The article explores the content of the concepts of “digitalization”, “digitization” and “digital transformation”, as well as their meaning in the context of innovative development and managerial innovation. The author examines the interconnection, differences, and correlation between these categories. The author proposes to consider digitalization as a sub-process of digitization, while digitization is considered to be the technological driver of digital transformation. The study substantiates the interdependence of digitization and innovative development, emphasizing the role of digitization in enhancing innovation activity. The study also analyzes how the effectiveness of digital transformation depends on the relevant organizational and managerial innovations. The article provides examples of the impact of digital technologies on various spheres of society, such as production, commerce, and interaction between society and the State. It is emphasized that digital transformation encompasses not only technical aspects, but also social changes that affect human behavior and interpersonal relations. The article also underlines that the current stage requires new approaches to understanding innovation activity in the economy, which is becoming a necessity for enterprises in a rapidly changing external environment. The research covers the analysis of terms and their application in scientific and practical literature, identifies the main components of digitalization, digitization and digital transformation, and considers their impact on the innovation process. The results of the study can serve as a basis for further development of the theory and practice of digitization in Ukraine, as well as for the formation of effective management strategies that will promote the innovative development of enterprises in the context of the digital economy. Article is written in Ukrainian
Krysovatyy I. A. Determinants of Urbanism in the Context of Industry 4.0 Development (p. 186 - 192)
The main determinants of modern urbanism in the context of the development of Industry 4.0 are identified in the presented article. Attention is also focused on the fact that in the context of the rapid development of Industry 4.0, urban planning as a science and practice is undergoing significant changes. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, which includes the integration of cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence, is becoming a powerful catalyst for the transformation of cities and urban processes. These new technologies contribute to the creation of «smart cities», which make it possible to increase the efficiency of resource use, optimize transport infrastructure and improve the quality of life of citizens. The aim of the presented article is to determine the determinants of urbanism in the context of the development of modern Industry 4.0. Methods used in the work are: analysis and synthesis – to determine the main determinants of urban planning; induction and deduction – to establish modern aspects of the development of Industry 4.0; generalization, comparison, graphical and tabular methods – to visually reflect the presented research results. It is also proved that modern urbanism covers a wide range of determinants of development, including digitalization, environmental sustainability, social inclusion, and economic competitiveness of cities. For example, digital technologies allow cities not only to better manage energy and water resources, but also to create innovative solutions to improve the safety and comfort of residents. At the same time, environmental factors, including reducing emissions and using renewable energy sources, are becoming key aspects of urban infrastructure development. Industry 4.0 also contributes to the creation of more flexible and adaptive urban management systems that allow us to respond to the challenges of our time in real time. Thus, the determinants of urbanism in the context of the development of Industry 4.0 cover a wide range of innovative approaches and technologies that form new standards of the urban environment and management. Article is written in Ukrainian
Tiutiunyk I. V., Konovalenko V. I. Place of Financial Innovations in the System of Coordinates of Innovation Activity (p. 192 - 202)
The article examines the place of financial innovations in the coordinate system of innovation activity. Based on the analysis of the etymology of the concept of «innovation» in the scientific works of both domestic and foreign scholars, the concept of innovation is defined as a process and/or the final result of human intellectual activity in the form of a new or improved product, a new organizational and technical solution of a production or commercial nature. This approach makes it possible to take into account the characteristic features inherent in innovations, which, in turn, are simultaneously interpreted as their classification features (approaches), by which the main types of innovations could be distinguished. The article considers and analyzes the approaches of domestic and foreign scholars to the classification of innovations, provides the modern structure of their division, which affects most of the characteristic features of innovations and, accordingly, the classification features by which they can be analyzed. The authors have allocated and analyzed the existing approaches to the classification of innovations «by kinds of object (content)» and «by scope of application». These categories of division were supplemented with the allocation of the element of institutional innovations (in relation to the first feature) and a list of spheres of activity not only of the enterprise, but also of the State as a whole (in relation to the second classification feature). It is determined that the category of «financial innovations» is in the coordinates of the classification division of the spheres of activity of innovations, combining the characteristic features of the object (content) of the concept of «innovations» (in this case, the types/kinds (elements) that are part of financial innovations, and the forms in which they are manifested) and the spheres of their application (spheres of financial relations). The article emphasizes the importance of taking into account the technological aspect of the development of financial innovations. This made it possible to form the authors’ own interpretation of financial innovations, where special attention is paid to financial technologies, under the influence of which financial innovations acquire the concept of a new category – fintech innovations, or innovations in the financial sector based on innovative technological solutions. The analysis of the relationship between financial innovations and financial technologies demonstrated the interdependence of the concepts of «financial innovations» and «fintech innovations» and allowed us to conclude that it is expedient to generalize them under the concept of «financial engineering». Article is written in Ukrainian
Hryhaluinas D. V. The Role of the State in the Innovation Development of Enterprises (p. 202 - 210)
The aim of the article is to study the role of the State support in the innovation development of enterprises. The article discusses the main problems that hinder innovation activity, such as insufficient funding for scientific research, limited access to advanced technologies, weak interaction between scientific institutions and business, as well as imperfection of mechanisms for commercialization of innovations. The war in Ukraine creates additional challenges, leading to funding cuts, infrastructure destruction, and the outflow of specialists, making it difficult to develop innovations. Analyzing and summarizing the scientific works of both Ukrainian and foreign researchers, it is determined that the State policy plays a key role in creating a favorable environment for innovation activity. Important instruments to support innovation potential are national funding programs, tax incentives, grants and subsidies, the development of innovation clusters and technology parks, as well as participation in international programs such as "Horizon Europe". As a result of the study, it is found that despite the existing support mechanisms, the State financing of innovation activity remains insufficient and needs to be expanded. Recommendations for improving the State support are proposed, including: expanding the list of tax benefits, creating innovative clusters, promoting cooperation between business and science, as well as adapting existing programs to wartime realities. Further development of innovation activity in Ukraine requires a comprehensive approach aimed at strengthening the State support, attracting international partners and creating a favorable innovation environment for enterprises, which will facilitate the country’s integration into the world economy and promote long-term economic growth. Article is written in Ukrainian
Sosanidze M. O., Mshvidobadze T. I., Osadze L. T. The Role and Prospects of Innovative Entrepreneurship in the Economic Progress of Developing Countries (p. 74 - 79)
Nowadays, the role of innovation in the economy is rapidly growing. It is impossible to imagine the modern world without innovations that have already taken place and contribute to further evolution. Most scholars agree that innovation has become a major driver of economic and social development. In a rapidly changing global economy, technology has become a prominent factor in changing the world, both by improving connectivity and by shaping production, distribution and service. Innovation is widely recognized as a critical driver of economic growth, competitiveness and societal progress. The global economic landscape is evolving rapidly, and innovation is at its core. Innovative entrepreneurship, like innovation itself, is increasingly recognised as a key driver of economic development, especially in developing countries. This article explores the nature of innovation, the importance of entrepreneurship and its impact on economic growth. Through case studies, we highlight the challenges and opportunities faced by innovative entrepreneurs in developing countries. The results emphasise the need for supportive ecosystems that foster innovation, build skills and facilitate access to finance, thereby paving the way for sustainable economic development. Developing countries face significant challenges, including poverty, unemployment and limited access to resources. Understanding the role of innovation and innovative entrepreneurship in this context is critical to designing effective policies and strategies that promote sustainable development. The aim of this study is to provide information on how innovation and innovative entrepreneurial activity can stimulate economic growth, job creation and improved living standards in emerging regions. It is analysed how innovation contributes to competitive advantage and economic sustainability. Given the current global economic uncertainty, understanding the role of innovative entrepreneurship becomes crucial for policy makers, investors and entrepreneurs. The results are expected to provide information on the promotion of innovation-driven economic development, especially in regions where traditional business models are failing. The research methodology used in this study includes a comprehensive literature review of academic articles, reports and case studies related to innovative entrepreneurship. Data were collected from academic journals, reports from international organisations and interviews with local entrepreneurs and policy makers. The analysis focuses on identifying key themes, challenges and success factors related to innovative entrepreneurship. Article is written in English
Krysovatyy I. A. Modern Market Infrastructure: High-Tech Clusters, Strategic Alliances, Greening (p. 80 - 87)
Modern market infrastructure is an important element of economic development, which contributes to increasing the competitiveness of national economies in a globalized world. This article discusses the key components of modern market infrastructure, in particular, high-tech clusters, strategic alliances, and greening of business processes. High-tech clusters act as centers of innovation and development, uniting enterprises, scientific institutions and government agencies to achieve common goals. Strategic alliances, in turn, allow companies to leverage the synergy of their resources, reducing risks and costs, which is especially important in the face of rapid changes in the market. Greening, as an integral part of modern business strategy, not only responds to the challenges of climate change, but also opens up new opportunities for the development of sustainable business models. High-tech clusters play a central role in shaping the innovation environment. By concentrating resources, talent and knowledge within a single geographical space, such clusters stimulate cooperation between enterprises, scientific institutions and investment funds. In the face of constant global competition, strategic alliances are becoming key tools for companies seeking to adapt to changing market conditions. Cooperation with other enterprises allows not only to exchange experience and knowledge, but also to implement joint projects, reducing costs and risks. An important component of strategic alliances is flexibility in decision-making and the ability to adapt to new conditions, which is especially important in the field of technology and innovation. Greening of business processes is becoming an integral part of the modern market infrastructure. Doing business sustainably not only responds to the challenges of environmental challenges, but also contributes to the creation of new markets and opportunities for growth. Businesses that implement environmental innovations not only increase their reputation, but also attract new customers who value environmental responsibility. The introduction of sustainable practices becomes a competitive advantage, allowing companies to stand out from rivals. The analysis of modern market infrastructure through the prism of high-tech clusters, strategic alliances and greening shows that innovative approaches and cooperation are becoming the main drivers of economic growth. Article is written in Ukrainian
Denchyk I. S. Methodological Approach to Assessing the Level of Innovative Business Development (p. 88 - 94)
The article surveys a methodological approach to assessing the level of innovative business development in the context of the digital transformation of the economy. Particular attention is paid to the formation of the innovative potential of enterprises, which is the basis for increasing their competitiveness and sustainability in the context of globalization and dynamic market changes. The author proposes a comprehensive algorithm for assessing innovation potential based on the use of the Innovation Scorecard system to determine the level of innovation, as well as to assess individual components of innovation development, such as information, scientific, technical, financial, and human resources potential. The article examines the key factors that determine the success of an enterprise's innovation activity, including organizational and management mechanisms, strategic planning, flexibility of adaptation to digital changes, and the use of the latest technologies in business processes. In addition, the article analyzes the impact of corporate culture on the innovative maturity of enterprises and also considers the importance of implementing standards of innovation management and effective management of social security in business. It is shown that the introduction of innovative approaches allows enterprises not only to increase productivity but also to function sustainably in a changing environment, achieving long-term success. The presented results of the study can be used to develop strategies for innovative development aimed at improving economic efficiency and reducing risks in the process of enterprises' adaptation to the digital economy. The conclusions are of practical importance for scientists, managers and policy makers who are interested in developing effective mechanisms to support innovation in the current conditions of digital transformation. Article is written in English
Yemelyanov O. Y., Oliinyk S. H., Hasymov R. A., Sadovyi V. V. Innovative Business Development: Essence, Features, and Criteria (p. 95 - 101)
The purpose of the article is to improve the theoretical foundations of evaluation and management of innovative business development, first of all, to clarify the essence of this development, as well as to allocate its features and criteria. The article defines that innovative business development is a type of its economic development. The innovative development of business entities should be interpreted as an aggregate of changes in the volumes and consumer properties of economic resources used by these entities, as well as in the ability to manage these resources, which is reflected in the growth and implementation of the innovation potential of these entities and, ultimately, causes a steady increase in the financial and economic results of innovation activities. It is found that the main features of innovative business development are the following: implementation of changes in the internal environment of business entities; growth of the innovation potential of entrepreneurial entities, i.e. increasing the ability of these entities to develop and (or) implement innovations; realization of the innovative potential of business entities; growth of financial and economic results from the implementation of innovative activities by business entities, which is caused by the realization of the innovative potential of these entities; sustainable nature of increasing financial and economic results of innovation activities. The results of the conducted study also show that both the features of innovative business development and the criteria for this development form certain hierarchies. As for the criteria, the most generalizing of them is the difference between the gain in the market value of the entrepreneurial entity at the end of the reporting period compared to its beginning and the volume of investments that caused this gain. An empirical analysis conducted on a sample of industrial enterprises of Ukraine showed that for all the studied types of economic activity, the transition to more generalized criteria for innovative business development leads to a decrease in the values of indicators corresponding to these criteria. It follows that the results of the evaluation of innovative business development are largely determined by the selected criteria for such development. The results of the study can be used in the practice of business entities when evaluating their innovative development and developing its strategies. Article is written in Ukrainian
Grynko T. V., Pererva B. K. Innovative Technologies for Improving the Efficiency of the Enterprise Management System During the Economic Crisis (p. 96 - 102)
In today’s global economy, enterprises face challenges that threaten their stability and competitiveness. Economic crises caused by political, social and environmental factors require companies to adapt quickly and implement new approaches to management. In this context, innovative technologies become not only useful, but also a vital part of ensuring the efficiency and survival of the business. The article is aimed at generalizing the introduction of innovative technologies in the areas of activity of enterprises to increase the efficiency of the management system during the economic crisis. The article studies the role of innovative technologies in the management system in the conditions of economic crisis. It is analyzed how modern technologies can significantly increase the efficiency of management processes, reduce costs and increase productivity. Various instruments and tools that are discussed such as cloud technologies, automation, data analytics, and digital platforms contribute to the agility and adaptability of businesses in the face of change. The article provides examples of successful adaptation of Ukrainian enterprises using innovations to overcome the problems associated with the crisis. Enterprise management systems that do not integrate modern technologies risk becoming uncompetitive, as their processes may not be agile and adaptable enough. The introduction of innovative solutions such as automation, data analytics, digital platforms significantly increases the efficiency of management processes and reduces costs. Article is written in Ukrainian
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