


KV #19905-9705 PR dated 02.04.2013.



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Education and Science


Komarova O. A.
Advancing Education: Development Goals and Priorities (p. 22 - 28)

The article is aimed at reasoning the priorities, goals and principles of the advancing education from the perspective of compliance of structure and quality of training with the current and future production requirements and demands of the labor market. The article substantiates the necessity for development of advancing education on the basis of changing human involvement in the production under conditions of the information society. Such priorities of the advancing education model as: continuity, fundamentalization, openness, versatility, variability, integrity, activity orientation, informatization, and natural conformity have been determined. The conditions of transition to advancing model of education at the macro, meso and micro levels have been identified. It has been substantiated, that a condition for practical implementation of the advancing education model is securing the natural mutual complementing of science and education. Principles of advancing education have been formulated in accordance with the levels of its implementation: the principle of advancing level of the population – at the State level; the principle of advancing training of human resources in the region – at the region level; the principle of advancing self-development of person – at the person level. The role of advancing education in alleviating social tensions at the labor market through mechanisms of updating the social partnership of educational institutions and enterprises and improving the quality of education has been disclosed. Prospect of further research in this direction is development of an organizational-economic mechanism of forming a model of the advancing education.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Nikolaiev I. V.
Problems and Prospects of Implementing Distance Education Technologies in Educational Process (p. 46 - 51)

The article is aimed to analyse the experience of implementation and use of distance education based on Internet technologies, adapted to the educational process of the Kirovohrad National Technical University (KNTU) to systematize the emerging problems and the further solving them. On conducting the analysis and synthesis of scientific works by many scientists, having considered the domestic educational institutions, where distance education is now widely developed, a number of problems that hinder and impede the implementation of technologies of distance education were identified and systematized. The factors directly influencing the quality of education by using system of distance learning, without personal contact with the lecturer, have been substantiated. A software platform for the earliest launch of distance education at the institution has been chosen, taking into account the specific range of problems. The structure of a distance learning system has been proposed, which involves placing the individual plans of students, e-learning courses and provides companionship of «teacher – student». Prospects for further research in this area is the need to develop clear requirements for the listeners of the distance courses, system of estimation of the tasks, which are fulfilled in distant mode, improving motivation of all participants of the process of distance education. Further development and implementation of technologies of distance education may lead to substitution of the part-time education form with the distance education.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Maguta O. V.
Problems of Reforming and Financing Education and Science as Fundamental Elements of a Knowledge-Based Society (p. 27 - 32)

In today's world, one of the main factors in the development of knowledge economy is education, which is considered as a basic «producer» and «distributor» of knowledge. Conversion of both knowledge and human capital in one dominant factor of economy development determines an increase of synergy between education and economic processes, enhances its role in the formation of knowledge economy. At the same time, further development of education and science is impossible without upgrading the financing system and establishing a conducive institutional framework. In the world practice, financial support for education is based on a combination of budgetary and extra-budgetary resources. This combination is able to provide financial autonomy of educational institutions. Subjection of the education goals to the knowledge economy, creating innovative products and formation with this aim of institutional, legislative and financial frameworks will allow to achieve high results in development of countries and raising social standards for the citizens. Particular attention should be given to finding financial resources for development of education as knowledge economy-oriented sphere. Along with public sources, an important role can be assumed by charity, enhanced by the endowment mechanism.

Article is written in Russian

Shchetinina L. V., Rudakova S. H., Danylevych N. S.
Quality of Vocational Education in Ukraine: Legal Aspects (p. 33 - 37)

The article analyzes the contents of basic normative documents regarding the responsibility for both quality of vocational education and control over their use in practice. It has been determined that one of the main features of a professional standard is participation of employers in determining the requirements to the competencies of workers. It has been specified that development of qualification characteristics in Ukraine is implemented by the Ministry of social policy. This means either unsatisfactory development of occupational standards or formalist approach to this process. Professional standards should comply, firstly, with the qualifying characteristics of profession and, secondly, with the original level of graduates. It has been suggested to inculcate expert estimating of documents' quality by efforts of concerned parties – employers, principals of educational institutions and students. The most important estimation should be given by consumers of educational services, i.e. by employers. Carrying out field studies of effectiveness in the use of legal instruments appears reasonable as well.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Reshetnyak O. I., Zaika Y. A.
The Prospects of Development of Ukraine’s Economy through the Creation of Integrated Educational Clusters (p. 48 - 53)

The aim of this article is to analyze the prospects for economic development of the Ukrainian economy by creating the integrated educational cluster structures. Authors of the article propose to implement the formation of integrated educational clusters in Ukraine as a method for the orderly development of Ukraine’s economy. For the control of sustainable development in terms of the formed integrated educational cluster, the main components should represent a combination of economic, organisational, motivational, coordinating, controlling methods and ways to manage the balanced development of economic system of individual regions and the State as a whole. In the course of the theoretical study of the development prospects of Ukrainian economy, basic functions, tasks and methods of managing the integrated educational cluster have been determined. A model for formation of a single integral educational cluster has been proposed, which includes five levels: individual educational institutions, regional education systems, business-structures-oriented, regional education systems, regional educational clusters, which take into account the sectoral specificity; unified integrated educational cluster of Ukraine. A model for improving the educational system of Ukraine according to the innovation development model, which involves the implementation of the cluster approach, has been presented.

Article is written in English

Salo A. V.
Current State of Higher Education in Ukraine (p. 54 - 61)

The article is aimed at a study of the state of higher education in Ukraine. The main trends of development of the higher education in Ukraine are considered in the context of transition to the innovative economic model, or the «knowledge-based economy». Special attention is paid to the tendency to substitute the dominant position of labor with knowledge. The main directions of advances in the higher education and the problems of the sector, which require urgent intervention, have been analyzed. A description of the main components of a quality higher education has been provided. In the course of the study, a complex analysis of the most significant indicators for the functioning of education sector was carried out. The analysis included the quantitative and qualitative performance indicators of Ukrainian higher education institutions, indicators of material and technological base, staffing. A direct influence of ratings of higher education institutions on their popularity among the entrants has been explored and proven. The article focuses on the importance of the role of lecturer and the need to update the lecturer training and retraining programs. Considering the conducted studies, the article suggests priorities for development of the higher education sector, based on the requirements of the innovative model of economy towards the educational system.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Salo A. V.
Problems of Graduates' Employment in Ukraine (p. 64 - 69)

The article is aimed at a study of employment of young people in Ukraine. Young specialists are considered as a special segment of the employment market. The main trends, status and dynamics of the labor market for graduates were analyzed. An analysis of the current legal framework for regulating the employment of youth has been conducted, the main problems of employment of university graduates and increasing their competitiveness in the labor market have been researched. Attention is drawn to the problems of relationships of both graduates and employers. A comprehensive study of the labor market in Ukraine in the context of college graduates' employment was carried out. Dynamics of the number and proportion of youth in the composition of the economically active population of Ukraine as well as the youth employment indicators have been analyzed, the areas of activities that are most appealing according to the views of young people have been determined. The problem of instability of the country's economy and its impact on the graduates' employment has been emphasized. Priority directions for development of the graduates' labor market at the present stage of the country's development have been suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Goltіaіeva L. A.
Statistical Analysis of Development Trends and the Financing Structure of Higher Education in Ukraine (p. 79 - 83)

The article is aimed at studying the main development trends and the financing structure of higher education in Ukraine by means of statistical methods. A statistical study of the major indicators of financing higher education in Ukraine has been conducted. The structure of costs by the sources of financing, by the form of property of the financing organizations and by the functions of higher education has been studied. The main international parameters of a financial autonomy of higher education institutions have been allocated and their implementation in the higher education of Ukraine as well as some world countries has been examined. Constant research and analysis of the contemporary trends in higher education will continue to optimize the distribution of resources at all levels of State Government to identify and meet the needs of consumers of educational services, in order to improve competitiveness, accessibility and transparency of the financing of higher education. Studying of the international parameters of the higher education quality helps to define the criteria for the worldwide integration of the national education.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Boiko S. V.
Financial Thought in Ukraine as an Academic Discipline and a Component of Formation of the Professional Competence of Future Financiers (p. 84 - 90)

The article discusses issues of the necessary improvement of quality of training students in the direction of greater attention to the evolution of the financial economy in Ukraine, the formation and development of financial thought in Ukraine. Importance of the academic discipline «Financial thought in Ukraine» for the formation of professional competence of future financiers has been displayed, objectives, tasks and content of the discipline have been substantiated. Objective of the academic discipline «Financial thought in Ukraine» contains studying and creative interpretation, which are directed at the basic stages of formation, development and features of current status of financial thought in Ukraine in the context of a critical analysis of the scientific heritage of Ukrainian scientists-financiers. The main tasks of the academic discipline «Financial thought in Ukraine» are as follows: exploration of the features of the both formation and development of financial thought in Ukraine; determination of the effect of the Western financial thought on its formation and development; determination of the specific features and characteristics of the Ukrainian scientific school of the State (public) finance; exploration of the theoretical developments by Ukrainian scientists in the area of budget, taxation, public credit, corporate finance, insurance, etc.; substantiation of proposals on how to use the existing theoretical provisions with a view to enhancing the efficiency of the public finance as well as the further development of the domestic financial science. Studying views on financial economy of the State was an integral part of the papers on finance and teaching of the theory of finance in the pre-revolutionary period. With the 1990's begins the period of an active revival of research in the financial thought of Ukraine, which continues today.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Salo A. V.
Conceptual Foundations for the Development of Higher Education in Ukraine (p. 91 - 96)

The article is aimed at studying the priority directions for the development of higher education in Ukraine. The author has conducted a comprehensive study on the impact of the quality of educational system on the major economic indicators of the countries development. Direct influence of the level of functioning of high school on the overall status of the country's economy has been proven. The extremely low indicators for the higher education sector of Ukraine and the urgent need for reform have been emphasized. A comprehensive study on the status of the current higher education in Ukraine was carried out. On the basis of the results obtained, a prospective model of higher education has been formed together with a step-by-step plan of actions aimed at its modernization. Particular attention is drawn to the indicators of material support, financial independence of higher education institutions, quality of educational programs and the poor indicators of the international activities of higher education institutions. Some priority areas of work for the formation of a forward-looking and competitive model of higher education have been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dmytriv A. Y.
Identifying the System Characteristics of Marketing Activities and Structural Trends in Development of the Sector of Higher Education Services (p. 97 - 101)

The article identifies prerequisites for applying marketing tools in both the management of educational activities by higher education institutions and in improving the structure of marketing complex to enhance own competitive advantages. Functions of marketing of higher education services have been defined and divided into two groups: functions arising from elements of the marketing complex; functions of marketing management. An analysis of dynamics in terms of development of market for higher education in Ukraine was conducted, on the basis of which was concluded that high demand for prestigious university education has resulted in the paradoxical situation where against the background of the economic crisis of the 1990es, with reducing the number of existing population and closing enterprises, which had required trained staff, the number of students in Ukraine increased almost threefold. An econometric analysis of the main factors in the development of higher education in both Ukraine and Lviv region was carried out. The influence of pricing policy on demand development at the market for higher education in Lviv region has been examined, it has been determined that education institutions in the region were applying different approaches to pricing.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yevtyshenko H. I., Kutcenko V. I., Ptashchenko O. V.
Theoretical-Methodological Aspects of Strategic Management of Quality of Education (Problems, Searching and Finding Solutions) (p. 102 - 106)

The article is aimed at a synthesis of scientific views about economic essence of managing educational processes and studying of the theoretical foundations for their implementation. Scientific approaches to defining the notion of «management» were analyzed from the position, which considers the latter a change, process, and outcome. Essence and meaning of management in general and strategic management of quality of education in particular have been defined. The article emphasizes importance of respecting fundamental principles of management, ensuring its effectiveness. Considerable attention has been focused on finding ways to ensure the quality of strategic management. Experience of other countries in achieving high-quality education as well as possibilities of its use for Ukraine have been highlighted. A proposal for systematization of management of education quality has been substantiated, formation of common educational standards to ensure the quality of educational process has been suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Semchuk Z. V.
Synchronization of the Economic Development of Market of the Education Services by Enterprises under High-Risk Conditions (p. 107 - 111)

Principles for synchronization of educational services in accordance with the needs of the labor market for enterprises of Ukraine under conditions of economic instability have been proposed. Importance of indicators, which are relevant to research sphere and the innovations in the system of educational projects have been specified. The project of an integrated information system for educational services by enterprises of Ukraine under conditions of economic instability has been improved. Particularly relevant for domestic enterprises is diagnosing of educational projects, programs, academic disciplines, taking into account the subsystem of «risk management». A structural scheme of the relationships between project resources and enterprise products has been elaborated considering the information flows, associated with educational activities of the competent institutions and enterprises, taking into account the principles of synchronization of educational services in accordance with the needs of the labor market of Ukraine under conditions of economic instability. A system of simulation modeling and an approach to the analysis of the project educational resources, which uses the concept of analysis of structural deformation of the indicators, which characterize clarification of investment projects, considering the employment of innovative type, social resources and scientific-technological progress, have been generalized.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ushakova N. G., Pominova I. I.
Institutional Transformations of Education System in the Era of Globalization (p. 114 - 118)

The article is aimed at studying the processes of formation of intellectual capital, as a definitive competitive advantage of the era of the global knowledge economy, based on transformations of national education systems. It has been proven that increased globalization trends in the intellectual sphere led to the exit of the processes of formation and development of national intellectual capital across national boundaries and to their transformation into constituents of the global intellectual capital. It has been substantiated that the current structural-functional complexity of education sphere is a response of national education systems to the challenges of globalization. It has been proven that the formation of a hybrid global education system, embedding in which requires the transformation of national educational systems, brings along contradictory effects for the latter: on the one hand, unprecedented conditions for the development of international cooperation in education along with formation of new educational institutions are being created, on the other, various forms of «educational imperialism» are appearing. It has been substantiated that reducing the negative effects of globalization processes on the domestic education system requires implementation of the State policy on the formation of institutional environment that will enhance the quality of higher education, as well as the effective use of intellectual capital within the country and prevent its outflow abroad.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zagorodnia A. А.
Analyzing the Approaches in Researching Development Trends of Professional Economic Education (p. 122 - 126)

The article is aimed at analyzing the approaches in researching development trends of professional economic education. The author specifies that under circumstances of the rampant development of economy, the rapid pace of both globalization and innovation changes, every society strives to ensure its own competitiveness in the world market of intellectual resources. Therefore, reforming education to ensure the quality of educational services in the contemporary, rapidly changing conditions of the European integration processes, becomes a priority in educational policies for most countries in the world. Among the analyzed approaches the following ones have been highlighted: holistic, synergistic, cultural, achmeological, and activity approach. It is emphasized that economic education is the elaboration in the students of clarity about scientific patterns of the development of economy, specifics of the market relations; purposeful, systematic formation of high discipline and creative initiatives in the future specialists of economic knowledge; preparation for professional work; a skillful, careful attitude to nature; developing habits of practical use of the acquired economic knowledge in real life.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Reshetnyak O. I., Pentsova N. V.
Regulating the Processes of Financing the Postgraduate Pedagogical Education (p. 119 - 124)

The article is aimed at developing recommendations as to regulating the processes of financing the postgraduate pedagogical education. The current status of economic development of the education in Ukraine has been analyzed, the system of the State regulation of postgraduate pedagogical education has been considered, its basic forms has been determined. A description of the system of the State regulation of postgraduate pedagogical education has been provided. An evaluation of the budgetary financing the postgraduate pedagogical education, as well as a comparative analysis of the mechanisms of financing the education in the economically developed countries and in Ukraine, has been carried out. Directions of improving the mechanism of financing the postgraduate pedagogical education by means of attracting extra-budgetary sources and determining their optimal structure have been proposed. On the basis of a synthesis of the existing global practice of financing the education sphere, directions of improving processes of financing the postgraduate pedagogical education have been proposed, which will help to significantly reduce the budgetary burden and improve the quality of educational services by institutions of postgraduate pedagogical education.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Komarova O. A.
Actual Problems of Financing the Education in Ukraine (p. 116 - 122)

The article is aimed at generalizing the problems of financing the educational institutions of different types and determining possible impacts when preserving negatives in the education financing policy. On analyzing statistical information concerning the amounts of financing the education sector, a conclusion has been made about the dominance of residual principle of financing in terms of educational institutions of different types and the conversion of their budgets into the «surviving» budgets. It has been determined that, under conditions of limited public spending for the education sector, commercial activities by the educational institutions are intensified, which transforms them into full-fledged subjects of market relations and imposes on them characteristic features of industrial enterprises. The core problems of financing the pre-school, general secondary, vocational and higher education have been identified, effects of further under-funding the education sector have been formulated. The prospect of further research in this area is developing a new organizational-economic mechanism for establishing the educational potential of society.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kalenyuk I. S.
Influence of Vocational Education on the Development of Organizational Knowledge (p. 115 - 120)

The article is aimed at the theoretical substantiation of influence of vocational education on the development of organizational knowledge. The views by the contemporary authors on the meaning of vocational education for the development of organizational knowledge have been systematized. An analysis of the existing issues in the sphere of vocational education has been done, including the issues related to the processes of reforming this sphere, among which the most important are the incoherence of volumes of training as to the various categories of graduates by the occupational groups towards the needs of labor market, outflow of Ukrainian students after studying abroad, inadequate financing for vocational education. Proposals are concerned with the matter, how the solution to these problems will contribute to the development of organizational knowledge.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Glukhova V. I.
The Public Financing of Expenditures on Vocational Training in Ukraine (p. 121 - 125)

The purpose of the article is to study the state of the public financing of expenditures on the system of vocational training in Ukraine at the present stage of the reformation of the given sector and to develop suggestions for its improvement. The analysis of budget financing sources showed that the gradual transfer of financing vocational institutions from the state budget to local ones under conditions of their deficit causes a threat to the development and existence of this sphere of education. The need for an increase in the financing of expenditures on vocational education at the expense of the special budget fund has been substantiated. The prospects of the further research are in determining powers of the state authorities at various levels in the field of vocational training and possible sources of their funding; developing standards of budget financing of public vocational institutions under conditions of transferring their financial support to the regional level; search for additional non-budget sources of financing and optimization of all the existing ones for training highly skilled workers.

Article is written in English


Korepanov O. S., Lazebnyk I. O., Ponomarova T. V., Chala T. G.
The Ranking Evaluation of Kharkiv Higher Educational Establishments (p. 99 - 105)

The aim of the article is to provide methodological support for the monitoring of higher educational establishments in view of the ranking of higher educational establishments. The application of the proposed methodology is demonstrated by the example of higher educational establishments of the Kharkiv region. The article considers the evaluation methodology for the ranking of higher educational establishments of the city of Kharkiv by the level of education quality. It is suggested to use the ranking methodology based on the expert evaluation of the chosen criteria. It is proposed to form the ranking of Kharkiv higher educational establishments on the basis of 4 criteria complying with the modern international approaches. The formation of information and analytical support of the research was performed, in particular, a system of statistical indicators according to the objectives of the study was formed and their information filling was carried out on the basis of the selected sources of statistical information. The ranking scores and places of higher educational establishments of the ІІІ.-ІV. accreditation level of the city of Kharkiv in the general ranking were determined.

Article is written in English


Girman A. P., Zemlianoy D. А., Gnatchenko K. S.
The Analysis of the Market of Educational Services in Ukraine in the Context of the Socio-Economic Security (p. 113 - 118)

The article is aimed at studying the topical problems of the educational services in Ukraine and finding solutions to them. The article considers at the national level the problem of training of graduates with the qualification level, which is adequate towards the demand for workers in certain professions, as well as the need to determine the change in volumes of the demand for educational services with a view to an appropriate adaptation of the education system. The supply and demand indicators, the methods for diagnostic of conjuncture of the market of educational services have been substantiated. The analysis of the proposed indicators will provide for determining the place of institutes of higher education in the market of educational services and predict the status of this market in the future, as well as measuring the proportionality between the market of educational services and the labor market. Prospects for further research in this area are the developments, related to interaction between the labor market and the market of educational services by studying their status as well as building both current and strategic projections taking account of the socio-economic security of the country. Transformation of society on the basis of market relations, establishing the information civilization require new educational concept, rethinking its role, forms of organization and financing.

Article is written in Russian

Stankevych I. V.
Assessing Quality of Both the Higher Education and the Educational-Production Activity of Educational Institutions on the Basis of Accreditation Criteria (p. 119 - 125)

The article is concerned with generalizing the national and global experience of assessing quality of both the higher education and the educational-production activity of educational institutions on the basis of accreditation criteria. The author of the article has substantiated that, among the existing approaches and models for assessing the higher education quality, the accreditation model takes a specific place, its criteria are mandatory, fixed at the national level through relevant legislation and regulations. The current model of accreditation of educational institutions in Ukraine makes possible to evaluate, first and foremost, the resource supply of educational process together with education results with relation to personalities, while ignoring the entire results of evaluation of higher education as well as satisfaction of the requirements by all parties interested. At the same time, the accreditation models for assessment of the higher education quality in the other world's countries are evaluating both processes and resources, as well as correspondence of the obtained results with the declared purposes. Such approach to assessment is provided by carrying out internal and external evaluation of the quality of higher education. The research results can be applied in the future for development of the system of criteria and indicators for assessing both the quality of higher education and the educational-production activity of educational institutions and concretization of them.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kovnir D. A.
The Analytical Provision of the Educational Services by the State Higher Education Institutions (p. 52 - 57)

The article is aimed at identifying advantages in providing the educational services by the various SHEI of Ukraine. On the basis of the positions of scholars, as well as legal acts, etymology of the concept of «educational service» has been studied. In accordance with the law of Ukraine «On the higher education» has been found that educational services are determined by the five constituents of the financial flows to ensure their activities: a) the State budgetary financing; b) extra-budgetary financing for the provision of paid educational services to citizens of Ukraine; c) financing in the foreign currency, which the SHEI are receiving from the contractual training of foreign citizens; g) self-sustaining financing from performing the contractual services for enterprises and organizations; d) extrabudgetary financing for the provision of resources (land, equipment, facilities) to the legal entities. The structure of the educational services by the SHEI has been determined. A comparative characterization of the leading public universities of the Poltava region and the Kyiv National Economic V. Hetman-University has been carried out. Suggestions to improve quality of the educational services by the State higher education institutions have been made.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Rayevnyeva O. V., Goltіaіeva L. A., Milevska T. S.
A Methodical Approach to Surveying Targeted Groups of Users of Services, Provided by Higher Educational Institutions (p. 81 - 87)

The article is aimed at developing methods of surveying the target groups of users of services, provided by higher educational institutions. The developed methods are proposed to identify the needs of users of educational services and is a component of the university system for monitoring the attractiveness of a higher educational institution, directed to establishing its positive image in the educational space. The proposed methods involve five stages, for each stage a task orientation, objectives and ways to achieve them have been formulated. The article analyzes and provides the basic requirements for educational services, imposed by the target groups of higher educational institutions. Introduction of the developed methods will provide reasonable and timely adjustment of the educational profile of a higher educational institution, to carry out modernization of curricula, programs for the training of masters and bachelors, contents of the relevant subjects; it is aimed at eliminating the imbalance between the capabilities of higher educational institutions in the preparation of competent specialist, on the one hand, and the needs of employers, on the other.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Selivanova N. M.
Scientific and Research Activities by Students of Economic Specialities: Status, Problems and Ways to Improvement (p. 87 - 91)

The article presents an analytical slice of the current status and problems of scientific and research activities by students of economic specialities, which today is characterized by a decrease in the interest of applicants towards studying economic specialities. Thus, a situation is created in which scientific and research activities by students of economic specialities lose material and technical base and full funding, that would mean in perspective that the results will have only a theoretical novelty. Due to the nature of certain issues, the main focus of which is the State policy aimed at the institutional and financial reduction of scientific and research activities, the author proposes organizational ways to improve scientific and research activities by students of economic specialities.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bojinov B. V.
Trends in the Use of Information and Educational Technologies in Universities: Preliminary Results of CEE Universities Survey 2016 (p. 71 - 76)

The article aims at revealing trends in the use of information and educational technologies in universities. It presents the preliminary results of the international study “Challenges for the management of information technology in universities” conducted between 31 October to 30 November 2016. It is demonstrated that IT technologies have deeply penetrated into the sphere of higher education. It is found that the personalized adaptive learning, open educational resources and Massive open online courses (MOOC) have an essential impact on activities of universities. The main technological changes taking place in universities are related to the introduction in education of mobile and cloud technologies, as well as social networks with consideration for increasing demands for information security. The findings of the study indicate the need to rethink the approach to the management of information technologies in universities as well as the business model of higher education.

Article is written in English


Lebedeva L. V., Mytrofanova A. S.
The Problems of Commercialization of the Higher Education in Ukraine in the Conditions of the Postindustrial System (p. 65 - 71)

The article is aimed at analyzing the economic problems arising from the contradictions of commercialization of the higher education in Ukraine, as well as formulation of recommendations for the State policy in the sphere of higher education. The contradictions between the contemporary postindustrial technological method of production and the market industrial relations have been formulated. The contradictions between the general cultural purpose of higher education and its commercialization in the conditions of postindustrial system have been disclosed. The article analyzes the problems of commercialization of the higher education of Ukraine, such as: disparities in the labor market, problem of common accessibility of knowledge, problem of maintaining the quality of education, imbalance of the interaction of science, education and production; problem of depreciation of higher education, reduction of its quality. The practical significance of results of the study is developing an integrated program for reforming the State regulation system of higher education that involves considering the interrelationships between problems, challenges and recommendations for the State policy and is disclosed in two following spheres: 1) educational standards and 2) organization of activity of the higher education system.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kravchuk I. I.
The Tendencies and Prospects of Teaching the Discipline of «Managerial Consulting» in the Agrarian Institutions for Higher Education (p. 97 - 102)

Teaching the discipline of «Managerial consulting» in the higher education institutions of Ukraine is characterized by a wide range of thematic issues and depends on the structure of the educational programs of specializations. The article is aimed at substantiating the prospects for contents of the discipline of «Managerial consulting» and proposing innovative approaches to its teaching in the agrarian higher education institutions. The article substantiates the algorithm of the content formation of the discipline of «Managerial consulting» in the agrarian higher education institutions, based on the object-subject approach and using the principle of sectoral differentiation in the process of its teaching. As innovative approaches in the course of teaching the discipline of «Managerial consulting» should be considered the interchangeability of contents, the possibility to group topics, the concentration of information as to institutional regulation, the information support of the agrarian consulting, the development of the system of agricultural consulting, the implementation of mechanisms of educative consulting.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Terovanesov M. R., Terovanesov A. M.
The Main Directions of Improving the Management of the Higher Education System (p. 157 - 162)

The article is aimed at determining the mechanisms of improving the management of the system of higher education in the context of the current regulatory support, which will be the means to solve the problem of inefficient functioning, lack of financing, and low quality of higher education. The factors, causing negative impact on development of the higher education system were analyzed, the most important of which are the lack of financing and the shortcomings of the legal support of the education sector. It has been determined that a shortage of funds and lack of communication between the education sphere and employers reduces the efficiency of management of the system of higher education. The legal support of the educational activities requires improvement due to the declarative nature of individual provisions on the management of the system of higher education. Consideration of the legal factor is necessary for regulating the decentralization of management in the education sphere, improvement of financing, perfection of the system of control of the education quality. Ways for decentralizing the management of the education sphere, increasing its effectiveness, and improving the economic status of higher education institutions, have been suggested. The scientific-practical recommendations have been formulated to attract potential consumers of educational services to reforming the higher education system and increasing its effectiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhuravka A. V., Mudashiru Tayo Musibau
The Cross-Correlation Analysis of Indicators of the Scientific-Innovation and Educational Activity of the Regions of Ukraine (p. 163 - 170)

The article is aimed at exploring the cross-correlation dependency between the 11 selected indicators of the scientific-innovation and educational activity of the regions of Ukraine over the past years using the standard features of the MS Excel software. The calculated values of the pairwise coefficients of Pearson correlation changed from 0,66 to 1. The worst-case correlation coefficient, which changed from 0,7 to 0,8, was observed only with the number of students at the beginning of the academic year 2015/16. The article provides seven selected equations of linear regression and their graphs, with the latter equation corresponding to the worst correlation coefficient between the number of students and doctoral candidates (R = 0,6574). The first five equations of linear regression conform to correlations between financing the costs for completing scientific and scientific-technical works by the regions of Ukraine and various indicators of the scientific-educational potential of personnel. In all five cases, there was a high correlation dependency. As result of the study, fairly high correlation relationships among all indicators have been obtained. Prospect for further research is accounting for a larger number of indicators of the scientific-innovation and educational activity of the regions of Ukraine.

Article is written in Russian


Semenets I. O.
The Ways to Improve the Provision of Resources for Higher Education Institutions in Ukraine (p. 100 - 105)

The article is concerned with an assessment of the allocation of financial resources of universities in terms of both the current and the capital expenditure by means of analyzing the public procurement of the important higher education institutions in Ukraine and elaboration of proposals for improving efficiency of the provision of resources for the national higher education system at the university level. To achieve the purpose set, an analysis of public procurements for 50 leading Ukrainian universities, ranked in the «Top 200 Ukraine» from August 1st, 2016 to July 31st, 2017, has been carried out, using the ProZorro analysis module. It has been found that the share of capital expenditures of Ukrainian universities is lower than in European countries, which has a negative impact on the resource potential of higher education. As a result of the carried out analysis, most of the purchases for higher education institutions are before-threshold and are implemented in a noncompetitive procurement process through the conclusion of a direct contract with the supplier (contractor), which indicates the insufficiently efficient use of financial resources. Recommendations to improve efficiency of the use of funds in terms of public procurement have been made, which would contribute to an increase in the level of the material-and-technical provision of universities and to an improvement of the provision of resources for higher education.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kovalenko S. O., Koskina Y. О.
The Financing of the Costs of Education under Decentralization. (p. 105 - 109)

The article is aimed at determining the major problems in the financing of education sphere in the current context of the reform of decentralization of power in Ukraine and developing directions for solving them. The main directions and results of educational reform have been analyzed, and the ranking of Ukraine according to the Global Competitiveness Index has been defined. The positive points of the decentralization of education have been noted. The expenditure of the budget of Ukraine have been analyzed and the proportion of expenditure on education has been determined as to the total budget expenditure. Along with this, the main circle of problems of the budget provision for the education sector has been outlined. It has been proposed: to increase the efficiency of allocation of budgetary means at all levels of the budget system; to enhance the possibilities of educational institutions to attract additional financial resources through educational innovation, and to expand the list of paid services provided by such institutions; to decentralize education, taking into account the characteristics of development of regions, their productive potential, the demographic situation, and the interests of the territorial communities.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Stankevych I. V.
The Rating System for Assessing the Performance of Employees in Terms of the Quality Assurance of Activity of Educational Organization (p. 93 - 100)

The article is aimed at improving and developing a rating system for assessment of employees, in particular scientific and pedagogical workers, as an instrument to ensure the quality of activity of educational organization. The author has substantiated that a rating system both encourages the activities of higher education workers to provide quality training to higher education applicants and coordinates their efforts to raise the level of loyalty to the educational organization of consumers together with other parties interested, as well as to enhance its image in the market for educational services. The development of a rating system for an employee’s performance, as proposed by the author, should be accomplished not only at the expense of the assessment indicators, but also of the incentive methods, both direct and indirect. The publication provides an example of the practical application of the provisions of the rating system for assessing the performance of employees of educational organization, as proposed by the author.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zhehus O. V.
The Integrated Complex of Marketing of Higher Education Services (p. 159 - 165)

The article, on the basis of generalization of scientific views of foreign and domestic scientists, substantiates the integrated model of marketing of higher education products and services with consideration of their specificities. The obtained result is the «5Р + S» model, which includes the newly introduced poli-element «proposition», combining the interrelated and indivisible elements of «product», «people» and «process», as well as the traditional elements of the service marketing complex: «price», «place», «promotion», «physical evidence». The «social-marketing» element has been added to the integrated model on the basis of the high societal importance of educational services. Altogether, the proposed integrated model of the complex of marketing of higher education products and services is a symbiosis of commercial and non-commercial marketing, which will enhance social and economic efficiency of functioning of higher educational institution.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kuzmin O. Y., Zhuk L. V.
The Formation and Use of the System of Scientific Activity in the Higher Educational Institutions of Ukraine (p. 168 - 173)

The article is aimed at studying the scientific activity of a higher educational institution as a complex system. The backbone components are the following: carrying out scientific researches, providing of creative activity of participants to educational process, preparation of scientific personnel of the highest qualification, use of the received results in educational process. The main criteria (parameters) of assessment of system and subsystems have been formulated; it has been shown that the optimal quantitative values of subsystems of scientific activity are individual characteristics of a certain higher educational institution. The quantitative values of the subsystem parameters determine the need to regulate processes in the system of scientific activity, reflect the efficiency and effectiveness of each subsystem, determine its contribution to the formation and functioning of the system of scientific activity and to achieving the main objectives. The synergistic effect of the system depends on many factors and is achieved by combining individual capabilities of individual elements of the system, wherein the result of the process of system is better than the simple sum of the results of an individual item from outside the system.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Aksonova I. V.
The Statistical Monitoring and Assessment of Academic Autonomy of the Higher Education in European Countries and Regions (p. 174 - 182)

The article is aimed at assessing and analyzing the level of academic autonomy of the higher education systems in the countries (regions) of Europe and determining the peculiarities of academic autonomy of universities of these countries based on the results of monitoring and research by the European University Association (EUA). The factors determining the academic autonomy have been considered. Based on the data of monitoring the status of the academic autonomy of the higher education systems in the countries (regions) of Europe, a list of indicators, measures, and weights of each measure by the indicator of academic autonomy has been provided and a comparative analysis of the education systems of specified countries (regions) according to these indicators has been carried out. The educational systems of the countries (regions) with different level of academic autonomy have been allocated and the basic characteristic of each system in this sphere has been presented. Prospects for further research in this direction is clustering of educational systems of countries (regions), including Ukraine by the level of autonomy, defining the representing country by each cluster, allocating advantages and disadvantages for each system, increasing and inhibiting the formation of autonomy of universities, with a view to a sound management of the process of autonomization of Ukrainian universities.

Article is written in English

Zhuravka A. V., Mudashiru Tayo Musibau
The Dynamics of the Scientific Potential of Personnel in Terms of the Regions of Ukraine (p. 183 - 189)

Innovation development as well as economic growth of the country and its regions depend on the availability of scientific potential of personnel and its effective use. A brief review on this issue has been undertaken. The dynamics of scientific potential of personnel for the period of independence of Ukraine (1991–2015) in all its regions was studied. The scientific potential of personnel is considered in the context of all specialists, performing research and advanced development, and also separately in terms of candidates and doctors of sciences. It has been shown that the number of specialists, performing research and advanced development, across all Ukraine considering the period under review has decreased more than five times. During the same period, the decline in the number of candidates of science was 3,7 times, and in the doctors of science – 1.6 times. A forecast calculation of the number of specialists, performing research and advanced development, on the regression exponential dependence at the level of 2020 showed that it will reach 43,3 thousand persons, which is less than the considered number at the beginning of the «Dobrov period» (46,7 thousand people in 1960).

Article is written in Russian

Andriichenko Z. O., Chmutova I. M.
The Analysis of the National Legal and Regulatory Grounds for the Institutional Autonomy of Higher Education Institutions (p. 190 - 196)

The article identifies and systematizes the existing legal obstacles to the autonomy of higher education institution and develops recommendations to overcome them. The approaches to establishing the legal status of institutions of higher education in the current legislation of Ukraine are characterized. The impact of the legal status of higher education institution on its legal personality and the institutional autonomy has been determined. Views of scholars together with foreign experience of property titles in the imposition of property on higher education institution, were analyzed. Directions for the development of legal regulation of the system of public law legal entities in Ukraine have been defined. In order to ensure the development of the model of public administration in the sphere of higher education, it has been proposed that most of the higher education institutions should change the legal status of public legal entity – budgetary institution to the status of private legal entity – profitable or non-profitable higher education institution of the public / communal form of ownership, for which the founder would regularize property on the right of ownership. This will eliminate the conservatism, strict regulation on the part of the State, that is linked to the status of publicity, and, in order to develop the autonomy of higher education institution, will allow to take advantage of dispositivity inherent in private law entities in determining their legal personality.

Article is written in English


Yermachenko V. Y., Berest M. M.
The Formation of Methodical Approach to Estimation of Scientific-Research, Scientific-Technical, and Innovative Activity of Institutions of Higher Education (p. 195 - 200)

The research is aimed at developing a methodical approach to the construction of an innovative system of estimation of research, scientific, technical, and innovative activities of higher education institutions (HEI) on the basis of elaborate structured system of indicators. The proposed methodical approach contains five stages, the research discloses the content of each of them. Based on the results of a comparative analysis of international and national systems of HEI-rating, as well as the usage of economic and mathematical instrumentarium, a list of indicators for estimating their scientific activities in terms of the selected factors and directions of estimation was formed and substantiated. An approach to formation of cluster aggregates of HEI by the criterion of their scientific performance has been suggested. Proposals on formation of a HEI-rating within the limits of the allocated homogeneous groups by means of the system of integral indicators were developed. Prospects for further scientific researches in this direction imply formation of directions of development of managerial decisions in accordance with the obtained results of rating, which will be directed on strengthening and search for new ways of development of scientific activity of HEI, increase of its level of competitiveness and image, and also strengthening of its contribution to the solution of actual problems of economy and society.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Markov V. V., Lapkin O. I., Onyshсhenko S. Р., Koskina Y. О.
The Conceptual Staging of the Business Game-Training «Imitation of the Process of Organization of Transportation of Foreign Trade Cargoes by Sea Transport» (p. 201 - 208)

The article is aimed at developing the business game-training «Imitation of the process of organization of transportation of foreign trade cargoes by sea transport» for students of the speciality of «transport technologies (sea and river transport)» at the Odessa National Maritime University. Given the complexity of organization of the process of cargo transportation by sea, a large number of participants in this process together with complicated document circulation, the game is offered for senior students, completing the cycle of professional-oriented disciplines. The article describes the order of organization of the game, the main participants and the involved persons from the number of teaching staff, the rules of the game and the procedure for evaluating the actions of players’ teams are set out. The basic scheme of the game is provided, in which the teams of participants are specified and their main actions are indicated in accordance with the stage of organization of transportation. Since the game imitates the transportation process, the organization and implementation of which requires a large number of documents, a list of such documents is provided, which are partially original data for players, and partially the form sheets, to be filled independently. The proposed game should become the basis for development and implementation of more detailed games imitating individual stages of transportation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Karpinskyi B. A.
The Financial-Organizational Foundations of Assessment and Comparison of Scientific-Publication Activity of the Employees of Scientific Sphere in Terms of the Paradigm of the Public-Creative Patriotism of Nation (p. 209 - 217)

The article is aimed at allocating both the specific features of financing the scientific sphere of Ukraine in the current period of transformation and the reform of sectors of the national economy, as well as the development of financial-organizational foundations of assessment and comparison of scientific-publication activity of the employees through conformity of the occupied position, proceeding from the paradigm of public-creative patriotism of nation. It has been proved that, in its fundamental essence, the paradigm of public-creative patriotism of nation is manifested and materialized through the physical participation of every citizen in formation of the own state, and is most fully implemented in the simultaneous interaction of individual dominants of such a patriotism: qualitative and quantitative (tax). A characteristic manifestation of such a patriotism in the scientific sphere is the increase of productivity of scholars on the basis of scientific-publication activity, which was for the first time suggested to be assessed on the basis of the Hirsch index for employees in view of the hold position with the relevant rating. The financial-organizational foundations of assessment and comparison of the public-creative patriotism of both the scientific and the teaching staff, allowing to increase potential of scientific sphere of the State in the context of basics of behavioral economics, have been substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Doronin S. A.
The Methodological Approaches to Formation of the Internal System of Quality of Education of Higher Education Institution (p. 218 - 223)

The necessity of creation of a national conception of formation of the internal system of quality assurance of higher education institutions with obligatory introduction of methodological approach in its structure is substantiated; the variant of its terminological provision with clarification of the content of concepts of «quality of education», «internal system of quality of education», «methodological approach» is proposed; positioning of the approach in the system of other standard scientific instruments (method, methodology, program, algorithm) is done; arguments for the orientation of the methodology of formation of the internal system of quality assurance of higher education institutions towards the socio-cultural model of paradigm are provided; a hierarchical classification of methodological approaches with allocation of the philosophical, scientific, concrete-scientific, technological levels and the characteristics of their purpose and contents is presented.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rayevnyeva O. V., Derykhovska V. I.
The Technology of Self-Assessment of the Quality of Scientific Activity of Higher Education Institution as a Factor of Increase of its Academic Autonomy (p. 223 - 232)

The article is aimed at building a technology of self-assessment of the quality of scientific activity of higher education institution as one of the main directions of development of scientific potential of the national higher school, search for effective ways and measures of stimulation of the scientific-research, scientific-technical, and innovation activity of universities of Ukraine with purpose of integration of the national system of higher education in the European educational space for ensuring a sustainable development of society. It has been specified that the priority direction of development of the scientific potential of the national higher school is the need to assess the quality of scientific activity of higher education institutions, in particular by introducing a system of international and national ratings. A generalizing scheme of the main stages of the technology of self-assessment of the quality scientific activity of higher education institution has been presented. Using the system approach, three organizational levels of self-assessment have been allocated: individual; of department and faculty. Implementation of the technology of self-assessment of the quality of scientific activity of higher education institution on the level of individual departments of university has been accomplished.

Article is written in English

Grynevych L. V.
Defining the Global Tendencies of Transformation of National Systems of Higher Education (p. 233 - 239)

The article is aimed at generalizing and systematizing the general world tendencies of the development of higher education, as well as their adaptation to the introduction into national practice. Topicality of research and monitoring, of both the processes common to civilization and the processes of functioning of world educational systems with the purpose of coordination of their basic parameters with tendencies of development of higher education system, has been substantiated. As a result of the research it is proved that the development of higher education system is possible only in case of taking into consideration tendencies of development of education system. They are the only determinants of the main trends that will need to be implemented in the near future. Prospects for further research are to determine the evolutionary stages of the development of higher education system in order to define the factors that will influence the strengthening of the institutional autonomy of university.

Article is written in English

Lutsenko N. L.
Foresighting the Development of Higher Education: the World-Wide Experience and Relevance for Ukraine (p. 239 - 243)

Globalization is one of the biggest issues of the modern world. The system of higher education has not evaded the issue of globalization, and in this connection, the Ukrainian society encounters the question of the future fate of this sphere. This publication is aimed at proving that Ukraine needs to have a long-term prognosis of the higher education system. The world forecasts of development of higher education were considered, the world trends of development in the given area were generalized summarized, and the forecasts of models of the university of future were analyzed and compared. The conclusion about necessity of deep and radical transformation of the Ukrainian system of higher education has been made. The relevance of a long-term foresight of development of the world branch of higher education, along with understanding of possible scenarios of its development, has been indicated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Serbin O. O., Sitnicki M. W.
Evaluating the Strategy for Development of Academic Library of Research University in the Context of Practical Implementation and Determining Further Prospects (p. 117 - 127)

The article presents the development of scientific thought through the prism of an analysis of the works by authoritative scientists of the world level concerning approaches to evaluation of the strategy of development of libraries of universities of research type. The comparison method was applied to allocate the differences between the traditional academic library and a modern academic library as the contrasts that slow down the course of strategic development. The article defines and systematizes the criteria, according to which an academic library of a research university be evaluated. The authors have proposed an approach on the basis of applying the method of SPACE analysis in order to provide evaluation of strategy for development of Mykhaylo Maksymovych Academic Library of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, the strategic recommendations for the further reforming have been suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mrykhina O. B.
The Essence and Meaning of Technology Transfer in the Conditions of Strategic Development of Universities (p. 128 - 139)

The technology transfer is one of the main components of the strategic development of contemporary universities, the source of their self-sufficiency and the development factor of both region and country. In Ukraine there is a significant imbalance between the possibilities and the results of technology transfer from universities to the business environment. In the development strategies of universities, technology transfer is considered fragmentary. Bearing in mind the above said, the purpose of this publication is substantiating the essence and meaning of technology transfer in the current conditions of strategic development of universities. For this purpose: the prerequisites of transfer of technologies from universities to business environment have been researched; a conceptual model of the system of strategic development of university with the definition of the place and role of technology transfer has been developed; importance of technology transfer in the systems of strategic development of universities has been substantiated. The scientific significance of the results of research is, based on the strategic approach as the dominant logic, the possibility to determine essence of the conditions in which university operates, substantiate them as part of system, and define the place of technology transfer therein. The author’s own conceptual model of the strategic development system has been tested at a number of Ukrainian universities.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Horbal N. I., Naumchuk S. I., Romanyshyn S. B., Sikorska K. O.
The European Guides of Ukrainian Education (p. 75 - 80)

The article is aimed at researching possibilities of development of the national educational sphere in conditions of the integration into European space. The obstacles and opportunities of development of education of Ukraine are studied, in particular, by using international ratings. The international educational and scientific programs and projects effective in Ukraine, in particular the programs of «double diplomas», the EU programs – «Horizon 2020», «Tempus», «Erasmus+» and others were analyzed. The results of the students’ survey about the reasons of choice of the international programs, in particular «double diplomas», are provided. The need to create adequate economic and social conditions to avoid certain negative consequences of increased international mobility and migration (brain drain, labor depletion, misuse of knowledge) was indicated, concluding that graduates should implement their potential in the territory of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kholiavko N. I.
The Higher Education in the System of Factors Influencing the Formation of the Information Economy (p. 121 - 126)

The article is aimed at a systematization of scientific approaches to definition of stages of formation and development of the information society, and also definition of vectors of influence of higher education on the processes of its formation. Scientific approaches to periodization of the development of information society are analyzed. Two groups of approaches to the definition of origin and development of the information society are identified as: 1) evolutionary; 2) transformational. The views of Ukrainian and foreign scientists regarding the identification of key features of the information society are explored. The defining role of higher education (in particular, results of educational, research and innovation activities of higher educational institutions) in the development of information society at the present stage is substantiated. It is proposed to supplement the aggregate of attributes of the information society (modernization of higher education, activation of the processes of invention, patenting, transfer, commercialization of the results of scientific research, generation of knowledge, information, innovations, etc.). Prospects for further researches in this direction is research on the theoretic-methodical bases of formation of the information economy as a component of the information society with identification of vectors of influence of the system of higher education on the relevant processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kryvusha S. H.
The Features of Definition and Analysis of the Labor Productivity in Education (p. 127 - 132)

The article is aimed at analyzing the features of definition and the tendencies of labor productivity changes in the education sector at the macro level. The need to study the problem of labor productivity in the sphere of education is substantiated. Several contemporary researches on the economic nature of non-market educational services are provided. A comparative analysis of the dynamics of labor productivity in the sphere of education, market and non-market services, and the sphere of production of goods was carried out. The tendencies in the ratio of productivity and increase of wages are analyzed. Emphasis has been given to increasing the role of education, which has a significant impact on the overall indicator of productivity growth at the macro level.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sitnicki M. W.
The Research University as a Social and Economic Phenomenon (p. 133 - 140)

The study rethinks the role of research university as a social and economic phenomenon. It has been determined that the phenomenon of research university consists in a versatile disclosure of innovation potential of talented personalities, capable of scientific inquiry. 45 literary sources, representing the opinions of authoritative scholars of the international level in the sphere of creation and development of research universities in different time periods, are systematized and analyzed. As determined by the author, research university had evolved and acquired new forms through the centuries, but its fundamental importance in the development of society remained unchanged, having no alternative. The development of 21st century is characterized by rapid expansion of digital technologies and, at the same time, there’s a new era of trials and transformations for the university phenomenon. Those universities, which lead the processes of development, implementation and wide use of digital technologies, can expect a successful strategic perspective along with consistent development. Regarding those which ignore digital technologies, the author notes that they will be bound to technological backwardness and gradual curtailment of their activities.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kuzmin O. Y., Zhuk L. V.
Classifying the Systems of Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activity of Universities (p. 87 - 95)

The article is aimed at classifying the systems of scientific and technical activity of higher educational institutions (universities) by various attributes. A classification of such systems is conditioned by necessity of thorough research and carrying out a correct comparative analysis of scientific effectiveness of higher educational institutions. The following basic classification attributes for division of systems are proposed: sectoral orientation of university, number of subjects of both scientific and technical activity, sources of financing of scientific and scientific-technical activity, degree of complexity of the scientific-organizational structure, territorial coverage of the market of the scientific-technical products. For example, it is proposed to distinguish by the number of subjects of the scientific-technical activity large systems (with more than 15 thousand persons), average systems (from 5 to 15 thousand persons), small systems (up to 5 thousand persons). The examples of universities assigned to each of the classification groups are provided and substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sitnicki M. W.
The Mission and Areas of Manifestations of the Phenomenon of Research University (p. 96 - 101)

The article substantiates the author’s vision of the mission of modern research university, which is based on the combination of scientific research, training, service to the State, and disclosure of competence of innovative thinking, which represents an effective synthesis of the processes of cognition and creation. The author proposes to add the fourth stage and component to the development of the research university mission, which has begun in 21st century and is characterized by rapid expansion of digital technologies. The new mission reflects the full divertissement of the university phenomenon, which synthesizes the research and training activities. The author’s definition of the category of «research university» and the suggestion of the author’s own understanding of the categories of «world class university», «national university», and «corporate university» have provided for disclosure of their comprehensive content in accordance with the real situation of the contemporary development of science and education at the global level. The generalized areas of manifestations of the phenomenon of research university have allowed to determine ten indicators of internal purpose for the social and economic benefit, which are carried out by research universities for the benefit of mankind. The author presents his own vision of the hierarchy of universities in the modern global environment, which is based on the dominant advantage of high-tech digital universities, which are already elaborating the future of science and education and create possibilities to perform new functions, which classical universities cannot implement.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sokolovska A. M.
The Ways to Expand the Financial Autonomy of Universities (p. 102 - 108)

The article is aimed at comparative analysis of financial autonomy of Ukrainian and Western European universities and determining, on the basis of this analysis, possible directions of expansion of such autonomy in Ukraine in connection with the introduction of legislative changes in the definition of the status of universities. The possibility of granting the State universities the right to choose one of the following statuses is substantiated: budget institution; State-owned non-commercial institution (organization) of non-market type; State-owned commercial institution organization) (i.e. entrepreneurial university). It has been determined that expansion of financial autonomy of the State-owned non-commercial institutions of higher education is possible on the way of transition from the budgeted to the grant financing; releasing the incomes from the provision of paid services from the restrictions imposed by the Budget Code of Ukraine; granting the right of not returning to the State the budgetary funds not used during the year; independently determine the norms of the number of persons receiving higher education for one position of scientific and pedagogical-scientific workers, as well as the norms of time for the educational and other work of pedagogical and scientific-pedagogical workers; establish enterprises for the production of innovation and/or production activities. Further scientific researches are required as to the issues of increase of the time horizon of budgetary financing of the Ukrainian universities in connection with the full-fledged functioning of the medium-term budget planning, and also conditions of introduction and principles of functioning of the State-owned entrepreneurial universities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kholiavko N. I.
The Conceptual Aspects of Commercialization of Scientific Research Results in Conditions of Establishing of Information Economy (p. 109 - 115)

The article is aimed at identifying conceptual aspects of commercialization of scientific research results in conditions of establishing of information economy. The theoretical and applied aspects of commercialization of results of scientific researches in conditions of information economy are identified. The concept of commercialization of results of scientific researches is considered as a complex economic-legal category, covering the processes of organization and implementation of the transfer of objects of intellectual property, results of scientific researches into the real sector of the economy on a contractual basis. The author indicates relevance of establishing efficient communications between higher educational institutions and enterprises within the framework of the four-stranded spiral Quadruple Helix – by activating the processes of commercialization of scientific research results in the real sector of the national economy. It is proposed to supplement the system of specific principles of commercialization with the principles of synergy, adaptability, information capacity, and operational updating. Prospects for further research are the identification of commercialization of research results as part of the development of partnership in terms of Quadruple Helix in the context of the current tendency of establishing of the information type economy, on the basis of analysis of foreign experience and at adaptation of the best world practices to the national socio-economic realities.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Miroshnychenko T. M., Frunt I. B., Khanova O. V.
The Influence of Innovative and Scientific Activity on the Economic Development of Ukraine in the Context of Implementation of its Educational Policy: a Methodology of Estimation (p. 93 - 102)

The article is aimed at defining the role of education through the innovative and scientific factors in enhancing the economic development of Ukraine in the context of the need to transition of the national economy to an innovative path of development. It is proposed to use certain indicators to assess the influence of innovation and scientific activities on the economic development of Ukraine and to conduct cluster and correlation analysis for the territorial differentiation of scientific and innovative activities in Ukraine. The groups of regions of Ukraine have been allocated according to the status of economic and innovative-scientific development, their comparison has been performed. The attention is focused on a significant regional diversification of the studied components, the regions of low, insufficient, middle and high levels of development are defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Oliievska M. H., Petrukha S. V.
The Financing of Educational-Scientific Activities in the Countries with Low Income Per Capita (p. 103 - 109)

The article is aimed at studying the correlation of the income per capita level with the financial support of the educational-scientific sphere, and determining on this basis the directions of improving the efficiency of education financing in the countries with low income per capita, with attention to its potential regulatory-institutional adaptability to the current conditions of Ukraine. The current economic development of foreign countries is analyzed, the countries are grouped according to the criterion of GDP per capita; a correlation between the level of per capita income and the level of the State expenditure on education is determined. It is identified that Ukraine belongs to the countries with low income per capita. Directions of improvement of management and financing of education are suggested, the main of which are: optimization of distribution of financial resources; diversification of funding sources by expanding the range of educational services and attracting resources from the private sector, etc. Prospect for further research in this direction is to determine the interdependence between the level of income per capita and the State expenditure on health, social protection to substantiate proposals for financing at a sufficient level the main activities in which human capital is being reproduced.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Romanov A. D.
The Vocational Education in the Context of Decentralization of Power in Ukraine: Achievements and Threats (p. 110 - 115)

The article is aimed at analyzing and estimating the achievements and threats to the development of vocational education in the context of decentralization of power, defining of directions of improvement of efficiency of administration of vocational education in Ukraine. The status of vocational education development is analyzed, achievements and threats to the development of vocational education are identified. The necessity of decentralization of education administration is substantiated and, on the basis of studying of foreign experience and system analysis of legislative initiatives of the profile ministry, a number of directions of improvement of administration efficiency of vocational education in Ukraine are proposed (introduction of a new model of financing; change of administration system of vocational education; activation of local self-government bodies on administration and financing of vocational education; development of dual form of education and others). Prospect for further research in this direction is to estimate the financial and non-financial benefits of reforming the vocational education for employees, employers, regions, and the State.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Panasenko I. V.
The Factors Influencing Economic Growth in the Sphere of Education: the Statistical Aspect (p. 116 - 121)

The article is aimed at researching the factors of economic growth in the education sphere of Ukraine. It is determined that the result of activities in the sphere of education, provision of educational services at the macro-economic level can be the volumes of gross added value of education, and factors of economic growth can be the number of employees and the amount of capital investments in the researched sphere. The use of the mentioned indicators is substantiated taking into account the modern system of providing information by the State Statistics Service of Ukraine. Tendencies of changes in the factors of economic growth for 2007–2016 are analyzed. The model of economic growth in education with exogenous inclusion of the factor of scientific-technological progress is built. The indicators of efficiency are calculated by correlation of factors of the economic growth function in the sphere of education. The necessity to increase the volume of capital investments in the sphere of education for modernization of material and technical base, use of the newest software, forms and methods of training is substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Orlov P. A.
The Important Factors of Quality Improvement of Students’ Training, Marketing of Educational Services, and Image of Institutions of Higher Education of Ukraine (p. 122 - 127)

The research is aimed at a comparative analysis of the criteria published in 2017 in terms of three ratings of institutions of higher education (IHE) of Ukraine and developing of theoretic-methodical approaches to the detection at macro-, meso- and micro-levels of important factors of quality improvement of students’ training, marketing of educational services, and image of IHE. It is substantiated that corruption should be countered on macro- and meso-levels in every institution of higher education. The publication contains an analysis of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 347 of May 10, 2018, which approved the changes, favorable for IHE, but there is no clear order of their implementation. It is substantiated, that for the large-scale improvement of quality of of students’ training together with marketing of educational services it is necessary to considerably increase quality of economic system of the country along with the State regulation of the economy. The author’s own conception of social responsibility of enterprises of all kinds of activity and forms of ownership (including IHE), as well as their marketing, has been improved.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shchetinina L. V., Rudakova S. H.
The Remuneration of Scientific Workers: Peculiarities of Both Legal Regulation and Provision of the Requirements of Dignity (p. 128 - 133)

The article is aimed at researching peculiarities of legal regulation of remuneration of scientific workers, finding possibilities of its improvement to meet the requirements of dignity. The achievement of the goal set should form a powerful innovative potential of Ukraine and accelerate its innovative development. It is determined that changes in the amount and organization of wages of scholars are necessary. But in view of unreadiness of the Ukrainian economy to fundamental changes in financing research activities, these changes should be implemented in stages: increase in the salaries of scientific workers due to accounting of the degree and academic title; development and approval of the Handbook of qualification characteristics of employees of research institutions of NAS of Ukraine; substantiation of job coefficients (tariff discharges); change of the official salary of scientific worker of I. tariff rank; bringing the scholar’s work income to the level of developed countries.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Sotula O. V., Opalko V. V.
The Inequality of Access as a Risk to the Economic Security of Ukraine’s Higher Education System (p. 84 - 89)

The article is aimed at researching the factors that cause inequality of access to higher education and defining their impact on the economic security of higher education. Analyzing the conceptual documents and policy recommendations in the sphere of higher education, generalizing the scientific work of other scholars, two approaches to measuring inequality of access to higher education are considered: primary and deferred. Separate factors of inequality of primary and deferred access to higher education are allocated. The influence of factors of inequality of primary access on the economic security of higher education in Ukraine is determined. Prospect for further research in this direction is elaboration of such separate components of the risk of inequality of access to higher education as the ambiguity of achieving the goal by different social groups; probability of receiving losses; possibility of deviation from the chosen target; probability of achievement of the desired result; attitude toward risk of a particular individual and of society as a whole.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pukala R., Lysytsia N. M., Prytychenko T. I., Gron O. V.
International Marketing of Economic Educational Services in Ukraine and Poland (p. 77 - 85)

The observed imbalance in the demand for and supply of economic educational services became the basis for studying the reasons for this phenomenon. The number of applicants wishing to enroll in universities is decreasing. One of the reasons for this tendency can be considered the professional and geographical heterogeneity of the provision of educational services in general, and economic educational services in particular. The fact that Poland is geographically closest to Ukraine became a stimulus for the increasing outflow of entrants and students to Poland. The aim of the article is to carry out a comparative analysis of peculiarities in the perception of economic educational services by students in Ukraine and Poland. Based on the determination of ratings of the motives for choosing a specialty, there identified the criteria for choosing a university, the role of sources of information about the university, professional values, areas of the future professional activity, specific features of the perception of economic educational services in Ukraine and Poland. Prospects for economic educational service in these countries are suggested, which will provide ways for their fruitful cooperation in the future.

Article is written in English

Verbytska A. V.
The Franchising of Educational Services as a Direction of Diversification of Financial Sources of Higher Educational Institutions (p. 85 - 91)

In conditions of activization of processes of internationalization of activity of higher educational institutions consideration of the best foreign practices of export of higher education services in the form of educational franchises and opening of university affiliates abroad is relevant. The article is aimed at defining mechanisms, conditions, factors and risks in franchising of educational services when opening of branches of universities abroad as instruments of increasing exports of higher education services in the context of integration into the European scientific and educational space. Foreign affiliates are considered as an opportunity for higher education institutions to expand their international presence in another country and to increase their prestige in new markets of educational services. The necessity of development of mechanisms of the State management in the sphere of quality control of higher transnational education is substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Palamarchuk N. O., Halliamova M. A.
The Global Partnership as a Means to Improve the Quality of Education in the World (p. 126 - 131)

The article is aimed at researching global partnership as a means of improving the quality of education in the world in a way of providing sustainable development. The carried out research helped to define the essence and features of global partnership in order to improve the quality of education in the world, together with defining the mission, principles and objectives of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), analyzing the main indicators of the GPE activities in 2013–2017. It is determined that thanks to global partnership as to improving the quality of education in the world there is an increase in the number of children receiving education, also there is an increased funding for education and improving the quality of the latter. The main strategic objectives remain ensuring further growth in the number of children receiving education, addressing gender issues in education, the need to improve teacher training, efficient use of financial resources and the further development of global partnership in the sphere of education to attract more partners. Prospects for further research in this sphere are analysis of details as to activity of the Global Partnership for Education in different countries.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Zelenin Y. M.
The Essence and Principles of Building a Business Model of Adult Education Institutions (p. 114 - 122)

The article considers approaches to definition of essence of business model by leading experts of science. On the basis of the complex theoretical-methodological research concerning content of the concept of «business model», the author substantiates expediency of applying to the process of formation of business models of adult education principles of dynamics, competence, universality, and innovation. According to the allocated principles, the definitions of the term of «business model» are systematized. The interrelation of the basic elements of business model is analyzed with attention to the key principles. As a result of the critical analysis of polysemy of the concept of «business model of organization», the main advantages and disadvantages of the existing scientific definitions are defined and generalized. The author clarifies that, when interpreting the essence of the business model of organization, it is advisable to focus on polyfunctionality and on multi-vector nature of the indicated term. It is substantiated that adult education institutions are oriented towards working-out of a quality educational product as indisputable value for the key consumers, i.e. top managers. It has been determined that an efficient business model is the key to successful implementation of all processes in the internal and external environment of organization. The author’s own definition of the concept of «business model of adult education institution» is proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yermachenko V. Y., Derykhovska V. I.
The Features of Interaction of Management Entities of the Organizational Autonomy of Higher Educational Institution (p. 123 - 132)

The article is aimed at analyzing the features of organizational structure of management of higher educational institution, responcible for introducing an organizational autonomy. Relevance of expanding the institutional autonomy of higher educational institution and its constituents is determined. The system of management of organizational autonomy of Ukrainian universities is considered through the prism of adaptation of the national legislative base in the sphere of higher education to the indicators of estimation of the organizational autonomy level in accordance with the methodology of the European Association of Universities. Introduction of the fundamentals of expansion of organizational autonomy into the national higher education system was analyzed in the context of the following system of indicators: procedure for electing and dismissing the head (rector) of higher educational institution, selection of criteria for election rector, his term of office, possibility of including external members in the board of the higher educational institution, definition of academic structure, and the possibility of creating legal entities. Also. the recent changes amendments to the draft law «On amending the Law of Ukraine «On higher education» concerning the change of the management system of higher educational institution are analyzed, and it is specified that the majority of novations contradict the basic principle of the institutional autonomy – self-sufficiency, independence and responsibility of higher educational institution in making decisions on the development of academic freedoms and internal management.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bondarenko О. M., Zakharchenko L. A., Oltyan І. P.
Introducing the Dual Education in the Training of Economists and Managers of the Telecommunication Sphere on the Basis of Competence Approach (p. 119 - 124)

The specificity and advantages of introduction of the dual education in the training of economists and managers of the sphere of telecommunications on the basis of competence approach are considered. The research is aimed at considering the theoretical-methodological bases and practical aspects of the introduction of dual education on the basis of competence approach in the training of specialists in economics and management of telecommunications. The object of research is the process of improvement of professional training of economists and managers of telecommunication sphere in higher educational institution. The analysis of empirical data, obtained as a result of the sociological research conducted by the author, identified the need of the labor market in the specialists who receive practical-oriented education on the basis of competence approach. The conclusion is made about necessity and possibility of introduction of the dual form for development of the higher education system of Ukraine. Methods of the research are theoretical analysis of the psychologic-pedagogical literature, surveying; system, complex and historical methods; methods of comparison. Special methods are structural, factorial, and structural-functional analyses.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kholiavko N. I.
The Approach to Financing Higher Education in Ukraine Using the Quadruple Helix Conception (p. 125 - 131)

The article is aimed at studying the theoretical-methodical and applied aspects of formation of an integrated approach to financing the higher education system of Ukraine through the prism of the Quadruple Helix model. The specificity of interaction of subjects of the Quadruple Helix model is analyzed (sectors: higher education, entrepreneurship, the State, and public). The main planes of their interaction are allocated: personnel, science, innovations, management, social plane, with description of the character of cooperation of subjects according to each plane; perspective sources for obtaining synergistic effects are identified. The emphasis is placed on defining the potential sources of formation of financial resources of higher education institutions in the context of the subjects’ interaction planes of the Quadruple Helix model. On the basis of harmonization of interests of stakeholders, the author proposes an integrated approach to financing of higher education system. The perspective of implementation of the developed approach is substantiated in view of the current conditions of resource restrictions and in accordance with modern tendencies of formation of information economy. Prospects for further research are to develop the conceptual bases for the formation of a comprehensive model of competitiveness of the national higher education system, with inclusion in its structure of the presented integrated approach to financing.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Sitnicki M. W.
The Legal Support for the Institutional Formation and Development of Research Universities in Ukraine (p. 189 - 198)

The article allocates and systematizes the stages of legal support for the institutional formation and development of research universities in Ukraine. For this purpose 40 of normative-legal acts are researched that in different periods formed economic preconditions for regulation of development of research universities in Ukraine. The author’s own vision of the stages of development is as follows: the first stage (1991–2007) – «origination» of the main legislative documents regulating relations in the scientific and scientific-technical spheres of the independent and democratic Ukraine; the second stage (2007–2014) – «formation», when the relevant normative legal acts were adopted, legalizing research universities in the institutional environment of Ukraine; unfortunately, between 2014 and 2015, passed the third stage – «decline». The government was forced to abolish the research status of higher education institutions in order to balance the State financial system; from the first half of 2015 began the fourth stage - «revival», characterized by the adoption of a number of important regulations for the entry of the Ukrainian system of education in the market environment of the EU and the world; after accomplishing of the above mentioned tasks there will be the fifth stage – «strategic development» that will ensure the gradual granting of the status of the research university to higher education institutions corresponding to such level. It is substantiated that at the stage of strategic development it is necessary to start formation of the national scientific service centers of research universities of Ukraine on the basis of innovative principles. For this purpose it will be necessary to develop a comprehensive nationwide program of development of the national research universities of Ukraine, which should become the center of creation and commercialization of modern technologies. In this context, there is an urgent need to adopt a new law of Ukraine «On transfer of technologies», which will provide modern opportunities of the civil-legal relations in the formation of an open market of products appeared as a result of intellectual activity.

Article is written in English

Antoniuk V. P.
The Higher Education in Ukraine on its Way Towards Modernization (p. 198 - 204)

The article is aimed at analyzing modern tendencies of development and reforming of higher education system of Ukraine and determining ways of its modernization. The analysis of dynamics of personnel training in the system of higher education is described, negative tendencies of reduction in the volumes of specialists training, deformation of the training structure on the educational levels, decrease of quality of education and its insufficient compliance with the needs of the economy are discovered. An analysis of the reasons of these tendencies, including worsening of financial support of higher school, is conducted. The progressive shifts in the organization of higher education activities carried out by the government in recent years are systematically discoursed. Proposals as to directions of further development and modernization of higher education for accumulation of human capital are substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pliashko O. S., Lybak I. A.
Influence of Environment Factors on the Activities of Higher Education Institutions (p. 108 - 114)

The article carries out a study on the influence of environment factors on the activities of higher education institutions. Based on the analysis of statistics, it is determined that the formed external environment does not contribute to their full-fledged development. The political, socio-cultural, economic and technological factors of influence of the external environment on the activities of higher education institutions are allocated. It is determined that the main modern features of the development of national education are: decrease in the number of educational institutions; increase in the number of aided persons; demographic processes of decline of population and student-age residents; increase in the number of unemployed with higher education; external labor migration; low level of financing this economy sector, both at the expense of the budget and at the expense of the population; reducing the scientific and innovation activity of higher education institutions; reducing the attractiveness of Ukrainian institutions of higher education for foreign students.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lutsenko N. L.
The Global Tendencies in Development of Higher Education and Plausible Models of Universities of the Future (p. 115 - 120)

In the process of globalization, which is now actively expanded all over the world, such sphere as higher education is not left aside. Rapid changes in the economic, political, cultural, religious and other spheres induce changes also in the process of training professionals who will work for the same spheres in the future. In this regard, the higher education around the world exists in a status of uncertainty. The main task of higher education institutions today is the capability to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills in the shortest possible time to effectively prepare them for practical work. This publication considers the global tendencies in development of higher education, helping to determine the direction of development of this sphere in Ukraine. Plausible models for building the future universities are also considered. It is concluded that national institutions of higher education (HIA) should closely monitor the world trends in the development of higher education and adapt them to their own policies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khaustova V. Y., Reshetnyak O. I.
Analyzing the Legislation of the State Support for Development of Science and the Scientific-Technical Activities in Ukraine (p. 120 - 134)

The article is aimed at analyzing the legislation of the State support for development of science and the scientific-technical activities in Ukraine. The retrospective of the legislative support for scientific-technical activities in Ukraine is considered, allowing to define the following stages of its development: the initial (preparatory) stage, the stage of formation of the State policy of development of science, the (bureaucratic) stage of innovation and investment support, the stage of stagnation of the national science, the stage of reform of scientific activity. The advantages and disadvantages of the legislative support for development of science in Ukraine within the terms of the allocated stages are defined. An analysis of the regulatory support for the scientific sphere showed its non-systemicity, inefficiency of declared principles and models, inability to contribute to the improvement of the situation in the scientific sphere and to increase of the scientific potential. The need for structural reforms to create prerequisites for the sustainable scientific-technological development and economic growth is substantiated. It is defined that the main emphasis of the transformational reforms should be on the innovative and technological modernization of infrastructure and industrial complex, and this modernization should be based on an active innovative policy of the State, implemented through promoting scientific development and creating a national network of the innovative growth poles. Analysis of the strategic documents of development of Ukraine’s economy in various spheres demonstrated the high importance of development of the scientific-technical potential. Prospects for further research in this direction is substantiation and elaboration of a long term strategy for development of science.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Drymalovska K. V.
The Peculiarities of International and Domestic Experiences in the Development of Inclusion in Higher Education Institutions (p. 108 - 114)

The publication is aimed at researching the peculiarities of domestic and international experiences in the development of inclusion in higher education institutions (HEI). On the basis of studying the works of scholars, the stages in development of education for persons with special needs in Ukraine are presented; forms of education for students with special needs are presented; differences in the inclusive forms of learning from others are specified. The international experience in the development of an inclusive approach is studied on the examples of universities in Canada, the United States, the European University Viadrina, the University of Oslo, the Masaryk University. The peculiarities of the introduction and implementation of inclusion in the Ukrainian HEI are considered using such examples as the National University «Lviv Polytechnika», the Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University, the National Technical University «Igor Sikorsky Polytechnic Institute of Kyiv», the State University of Sumy. A plan for the development of inclusion in the HEI is formed together with the identification of its main directions and ways of implementation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dybach I. L.
The Role and Essence of Educational Services in the Context of Socialization and Informatization of the Economy (p. 115 - 122)

The article considers the prerequisites for the formation of the educational services market as answers to threats and challenges, faced by our country in the context of the integration of the national economy into the global economic system. It is defined that, despite the availability of different approaches to the interpretation of the term of «educational services», researchers define a number of traits that are inherent in them. It is noted that socialization and informatization of the economy have a special influence on the formation of the national education market. The socialization of the economy is considered as a factor in improving the quality of life and efficiency of management of labor relations. The directions of implementation of the socialization of the economy are explored. It is determined that the informatization of the economy is a process of creating conditions for meeting the information needs, the center of which is a human. The process of development of the knowledge economy is studied and the stages of formation of an information society are allocated. In the context of socialization and informatization of the economy, it is proposed to consider educational services in accordance with the conception of triple spiral, which helps to balance the relations between the State, business and higher education institutions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khaustova V. Y., Reshetnyak O. I.
The Features of Organization of Scientific Activities in the EU and in Ukraine (p. 122 - 137)

The publication is aimed at analyzing the organizational models of management of the scientific sphere of the EU countries along with defining the priorities of development of Ukraine’s scientific activities. A characterization of the organization of scientific activities in the EU and its individual countries is provided. The essence of the European research space is characterized. A comparative characterization of the EU framework programs is provided. The features of the organization of scientific activity in Germany, France and Great Britain are considered. The general structure of the organization of scientific research in Germany is presented. The main elements of the system of management and development of scientific activities in Germany, France and Great Britain are defined. The main strategic documents directed towards promoting the development of science in the separate EU countries are described. In order to compare the organization of management of scientific development of the EU countries with Ukraine, the authors provide a brief characterization of the national model of organization of management of the scientific sphere. The scheme of management of scientific-technical development in Ukraine is provided. A comparison of systems of science development in several EU countries and in Ukraine is carried out according to separate attributes. It is defined that Ukraine’s scientific-technical development should ensure maximum compliance of technological progress with overdue public needs and stimulate scientific research aimed at building innovative knowledge with the goal of implementing them into everyday practice. The need to reform the system of organizing the scientific activities in Ukraine is substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Khanin I. H., Bilozubenko V. S.
The Role of Education in the National Innovation System (p. 95 - 101)

In the modern era, the growth, development and competitiveness of national economies and, ultimately, the well-being of nations, depend crucially on the scales, paces and impacts of innovations. Therefore, the intensification of innovative processes, which has reached the national level and was manifested in the creation of national innovation systems (NIS), has become crucial. Nowadays, education is considered to be one of the most important components of the NIS. Understanding the role of education for the NIS enables the development and management of this sector in the context of improving the efficiency of the entire system and other elements. The role of education is defined not only in terms of training specialists, but also from the perspective of the structure of the NIS and the special functions of the education sector. The article examines several models that emphasize the importance and role of education: «Triple Spiral», «Third Mission», «Smart Specialization», and «Knowledge Triangle». The positions of education (universities) in the NIS subsystems are characterized. The presence of education in various functional blocks as well as in basic processes is displayed. The role of education in the NIS is also disclosed in the allocation of functions. Attention is drawn to the overall economic importance of the education sector, as well as to several groups of functions in the following spheres: specialists training; generating new knowledge; organizing an innovation process; supporting innovation; commercialization of innovation; ensuring a relationship with the environment. The framework of NIS is integrating science, education and innovation, which involves harmonious interaction, development and balance. The integration of science, education and innovation requires a qualitatively new innovation infrastructure, new forms of organization of scientific, educational and innovation activities. In general, education is important in the intensification of innovative processes, plays an important role in the formation of the NIS, its structural perfection and improvement of efficiency.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Reshetnyak O. I., Sakhnenko O. I.
Features of the Management of Scientific-Innovation Systems in the Context of Knowledge Economy (p. 225 - 235)

The economic growth of the world’s countries depends on the creation of knowledge, the ability to increase knowledge and use it in economic activity. The article is aimed at defining the features of the management of scientific-innovation systems in the context of knowledge economy together with the directions of its improvement. The objectives of the article are: studying the evolution of conceptual models of scientific policy and defining the place of knowledge economy in the management of scientific activities; defining the feature of the management of scientific-innovative systems in the context of transformational changes influenced by the emergence and dissemination of new scientific knowledge; developing directions to improve the management of scientific-innovation systems in the context of knowledge economy. The research methods are: logical analysis, literature review, comparisons. The article researches conceptual models of scientific policy formation. It is defined that a model of scientific policy, which is based on a knowledge-based economy, has recently been spreading. It is proved that the development of the knowledge economy is characterized by the complexity of processes of management of scientific activities, determines the need to improve existing management technologies. A model of the national scientific-innovation system from the perspectives of the system-self-organizational and the institutional-evolutionary approaches has been proposed, allowing to identify attractors that can be used in practice in the process of managing the country’s scientific activities in the context of knowledge economy. It is defined that in the current conditions of transformations it is advisable to introduce quantum control, which is considered as a promising direction of improving the development of science in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Sitnicki M. W.
The International Competitive Potential of Ukrainian Research Universities (p. 170 - 181)

The article is concerned with the issues of diagnostics of the status and identification of tendencies in the development of the international competitive potential of research universities of Ukraine. The dynamics of rating positions of the higher education institutions of Ukraine in the international rating system QS World University Rankings 2012–2019 is researched. It is determined that among seven national research universities present in the global rating for 2019 the undisputed leader is V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. An analytical assessment of the international competitive potential of research universities in Ukraine has identified significant disparities in: the overall contingent of Ukrainian students; the proportion of the number of Ukrainian students as to the education and qualification levels (EQL) of «Bachelor» and «Master»; the general contingent of foreign students; the proportion of the number of foreign students as to the EQL of «Bachelor» and «Master»; the total number of Ukrainian scientific and pedagogical workers; the proportion of Ukrainian and foreign scientific and pedagogical workers. The analysis of the number of institutions of higher education in Ukraine of the III.–IV. accreditation levels allowed to identify a tendency towards their reduction, which in turn will lead to higher quality education at those universities. The author presents fourteen Ukrainian higher education institutions with significant research potential, with the status of a research university in the period of 2009–2014. These institutions should become objects of a promising development, in order to increase their international competitive potential. It is necessary to develop clear criteria for obtaining and verification of the status of research university in Ukraine. It is important that these requirements correlate with the requirements of the world-class universities that are leaders at the international level. After that, work should begin on the formation and implementation of a strategic program for the development of international competitive potential of research universities in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kraus N. M., Kraus K. M., Manzhura O. V.
The Economic Vocational Education for the Generation of Digital People in the Functioning of Innovation-Entrepreneurial Universities (p. 182 - 191)

The article attempts to present the evolution of generations of people of the 20th and 21st centuries through the prism of economic, institutional and professional substantive peculiarities. The professional qualities and features of each generation’s training are specified. The skills of the classical employees of the baby boomer generation are generalized and compared; the contents of the new progressive skills inherent in the digital generation are disclosed. The authors specify the economic and organizational benefits for the company from the work of digital specialists, including the following: ability to scale the business; increase in income; exit from the routine without having to check every action of employee. The professional flexible/soft skills of a digital person gaining knowledge at an innovative-entrepreneurial university are defined as follows: ability to effectively communicate with the surrounding; emotional intelligence; time management; flexibility and creativity; stress resilience. It is reasoned that there is an urgent need for the all-round advance with regard to equipping and providing with the most recent capabilities for every employee in their digital workplace. The benefits of a digital workplace for a generation of millenials, buzzers, and alpha people are presented via the prism of the matrix structure of advantage of the Office 365 along with the challenges it poses. It is concluded that the innovation-entrepreneurial universities are exclusive in producing innovations, educating active and progressive youth, entrepreneurs. The economic vocational education gained by the generation of digital people at an innovative-entrepreneurial university will cause influence on: salaries of developers; presence of high-level professionals in the labor market; transparency of the rules for selecting IT companies as contractors, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dybach I. L.
The Information and Communication Flows of Higher Education Institutions in the Context of Corporatization (p. 191 - 199)

Efficient management of information is becoming a prerequisite for the higher education Institution (HEI) in the conditions of formation of the educational services market. The publication is aimed at studying the theoretical-methodological aspects of the formation of information and communication flows in the context of introduction of corporate methods and management technologies into the practice of their activities. The information environment is considered as a totality of information and communication mechanisms, technical means, channels and flows of information distribution. Features of the information environment of the HEI as an instrument of the corporate organization management by means of the system of organizational communications are studied. It is proposed to understand the information-communication structure of higher education institution as the organized and managed interaction of people, technical means, software, data and system resources that collect, transform and distribute information in educational institution. It is proved that information and communication structure is functioning through information and communication mechanisms which perform four basic functions: control, motivation, emotional expression, and informing. The nature of the information flow in the HEI structure is studied, which acquires formal and informal forms. The basic functions of management in the context of communication relations are considered, the directions of communication relations depending on the belonging of the organizational structure to either bureaucratic or organic types are worked out. The general model of information communication interaction of the HEI which includes elements of such interaction and several interrelated stages of information exchange between the sender and the recipient is proposed. The main components of the annual report of higher education institution, which is the defining source of information for the stakeholders on the efficiency of the institution are elaborated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bulkina I. A.
International Ratings as the Main Characteristics of the International Educational Services Market (p. 266 - 273)

Ratings have become an integral attribute of the global market for educational services. Despite the fact that none of them fully reflects the real picture, it is the ratings that today form the social reality. The main factor of the university’s success is its reputation in the national and international educational markets. In this process, ratings play a key role: getting into the world or national rating for the leading places, the higher education institution (HEI) significantly increases its attractiveness not only for applicants, but also for employers, investors and the State, which can provide it with additional subsidies. The main rating groups, which in today’s conditions form the impression of higher education institution and determine its place among similar institutions in the world, are allocated. The features of each of the allocated ratings are specified, the top of each rating is analyzed. The main difference between international ratings is, first of all, in the preponderation of the valuation of research activities over the valuation of educational and social missions of universities. This explains the position of the Ukrainian HEI in them, because the national educational institutions are still focused on the educational process. Because of this, the organizations that form ratings are positioning the Ukrainian HEI as those being outside the market of educational services. The participation of Ukrainian HEI in each of the allocated international ratings is analyzed. It is defined that the international academic ratings include only classical and technical universities of Ukraine. The same situation is typical for the scientific component of educational activities. At the same time, according to the results of the carried out analysis of Internet ratings, which are now gaining popularity among entrants, Ukrainian HEI do not give due attention to the role and capabilities of the Internet environment, which puts them a few steps lower compared to their global competitors.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dybach I. L.
The Corporate-Entrepreneurial University in the Context of the Higher Education Market Development (p. 273 - 279)

The article considers the need to transform Ukrainian higher education institutions in the context of development of the knowledge economy and formation of the market for educational services. It is noted that, given the problems in higher education, namely the lack of financing, the decrease in demand for domestic educational services, etc., it is advisable for the management of higher education institutions to restructure the management structure towards a capability to adequately respond to changes in market conditions and provide for financial independence. It is defined that in such circumstances it is advisable for higher education institutions to consider their work as an entrepreneurial activity, which should be carried out on the basis of corporate governance. The article is aimed at developing a scientific-methodical approach to defining the essence of the term of «corporate-entrepreneurial university» in the context of improving its management in the face of increased competition in the educational services market. It is proposed to consider two capacities of this term: entrepreneurial and corporate. The article analyzes the approaches to identifying the essence of the term of «entrepreneurial university» and ascertains the ambiguity of scientists as to its interpretation. It is determined that the vast majority of authors identify the business activities of universities with innovation activities. It is found out that the term of «academic entrepreneurship» is widely used in the scientific plane, the meaning of which is similar to the meaning of «entrepreneurial university». It is proposed to consider academic entrepreneurship as a set of actions that is focused on profit, while the entrepreneurial university be defined as an educational organization that operates on the basis of academic entrepreneurship, the efficiency of which is ensured by the interaction of such elements as education, science, business and innovation. It is defined that a corporate-entrepreneurial university is a higher education institution that carries out a comprehensive activity to form and develop the educational and entrepreneurial potential of society on the basis of corporate management in order to generate profit and gain social effect along with ensuring the academic freedom of teachers and students.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skrypnyk A. V., Kostenko I. S.
Econometric Analysis of the Supply and Demand of Educational Services Concerning the Specialty 051 «Economics» (p. 279 - 288)

The article uses econometric methods to build the models of supply and demand for educational services concerning the specialty 051 «Economics» and the educational program «Economic Cybernetics». Samples in the models include almost the entire list of higher education institutions, providing studies in the specialty 051 «Economics» and the educational program «Economic Cybernetics», according to data as of 2019. As a quantitative indicator of the offer, the article uses the cost of educational services for the first academic year under the terms of the contract, the demand – the number of applications submitted. As explaining variables considered as a number of objective characteristics of higher education institutions (HEI) are used the following: the number of budget-financed and licensed places, status, form of ownership, and others. As a subjective characteristic, the concept of «elite» is used, defined by binary change. Using quantitative experiments (based on assessments of the adequacy parameters of the models) it is determined that the elite ones should include the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, the National Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», the National University of «Kyiv-Mohyla Academy». The hypothesis of use by the State-owned HEI of the dumping price strategy has been justified in the modeling of the proposal. Differences have been found in attitudes towards the objective and subjective characteristics of HIA by the administration of HIA (supply) and by applicants (demand).

Article is written in Ukrainian


Voskresenska T. І.
Formation of Motivative Activity of Students of Accounting and Economic Specialties in the Results of Educational Activity (p. 289 - 294)

The basic aspects for motivation of students of accounting and economic specialties in learning outcomes are disclosed in the article. The overall effectiveness of learning outcomes was studied by the level of satisfaction of their needs (from primary to secondary) in the accordance with A. Maslow’s theory. The factors which influence the learning outcomes of students of accounting and economic specialties are spectrally determined. It is argued that the nature of the student’s educational activities, including the form of its conduct, significantly affects his interest in learning outcomes. Possible types and forms of stimulation, primarily material, of Ukrainian students in achieving high results of study abroad, on the example in Poland, are fragmented. European universities have a prerogative before domestic ones in improving the effectiveness of student education by guaranteeing students a high level of education and social guarantees, scholarships and successful employment in the specialty after graduation, that is indicated in the article. It is emphasized that one of the important factors in improving the students’ own learning outcomes in Poland is adequate financial support, as students can receive different types of scholarships that are comparable with the results of studies. Relevant recommendations that will help increase the motivational activity of students in their learning outcomes, which is to develop and maintain a cross-cutting educational policy both at the national level and at the level of the respective university are provided. The recommendations as to stimulation of students in learning outcomes mainly relate to financial security and further employment in the chosen profession as listed in the research.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kostenko I. S.
The Role of Indicative Self-Cost in the Formation of the Market of Educational Services in Ukraine (p. 295 - 305)

The publication takes into consideration the current status of the Ukrainian educational services market, it is focused on the competitive relationship between public and private higher education. The dominant tendencies in the transformation of higher education sphere are shown. A detailed analysis of the mechanism for the formation of a minimum tuition fee for higher education is carried out in the context of the introduction of indicative self-cost. Based on the statistics observations of the distribution of the level of average monthly wages in the regions of Ukraine and the city of Kiev, a comparison of the minimum wage (minimum indicative self-cost) for tuition in the specialty 051 «Economics» (ES «Bachelor», day form of training) with the average cost of education in the same specialty for 2019 is carried out. It is displayed that only in three regions the minimum cost is less than the cost of training under the contractual terms in the specialty 051 «Economics», and for two of these three regions the figures are almost equal. Based on the graphic representation of supply and demand curves for private and public education, the possible consequences of the introduction of indicative self-cost of educational services (training) are presented. It is shown that for three regions the introduction of indicative self-cost in 2020 can have a moderate impact on the redistribution of students studying according to the contractual form in favor of private education. However, for all other regions, and especially for the city of Kiev, there will be significant changes in favor of private education, provided there are licensed places in the private HEI, both the existing ones and the established in 2020.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Reshetnyak O. I.
Problems of Selecting the Priority Directions of the Science and Technology Development in Ukraine (p. 50 - 58)

The article is aimed at studying the normative-legal and methodological problems of substantiation and selection of priority directions of the science and technology development in Ukraine. The research methods: analysis of legislation and scientific literature, generalization, systematization. It is substantiated that setting priority directions of the science and technology development is an important aspect of scientific and innovation policy of the leading world countries. On the basis of the carried out analysis it is defined that the main problems of legislative and methodological support for selection of priority directions of the science and technology development in Ukraine are: inconsistency of the normative and legal support of the development processes and implementation of priorities; mismatch of priority directions of scientific and innovative activity; absence of forecast documents on the basis of which it is necessary to substantiate development priorities; determination of priorities in the sphere of fundamental scientific researches is non-specific. To adapt the procedures for selecting the priority directions of science and technology in the spheres of fundamental or applied research, it is proposed to differentiate appropriate methodological approaches to their selection depending on the specifics and directedness. Selection of priority directions of applied researches should be brought into accordance with the priorities of the country’s innovative development, scientific and technical research and development potential, demand for innovation and the relevant scientific developments by entrepreneurial structures, requirements to ensure ecological conditions for production, etc. The methodology for selection of priority of fundamental researches should be based on the following determinants: structure and retrospective dynamics of national scientific potential in the fundamental sphere; ability to forecast the effects of using the knowledge gained; the stakeholders’ interests and goals; trends in the development of world science; systemacity and interdisciplinarity of studies; public opinion; opportunity to evolve over time. It is concluded that legislative and methodological support of processes of substantiation and selection of priorities of the science and technology development needs to be improved in view of the interests of stimulating Ukraine’s economic growth.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kyzym M. O., Khaustova V. Y., Reshetnyak O. I.
The Hierarchy of Guiding Documents of the State Policy on the Provision of Scientific and Scientific-Technological Activity in Ukraine (p. 37 - 45)

The article is aimed at studying approaches to the hierarchy of guiding documents of the State policy in Ukraine, as well as researching the provision of strategic documents for the management of scientific and scientific-technological (SST) development in the country. The used research methods are: logical analysis, systematization, generalization. It is defined that at the official level there is currently no established hierarchy of guiding documents of the State policy; none of the regulatory acts in Ukraine relating to strategic planning at the State level consider the possibility of developing such strategic documents as doctrines and conceptions. The analysis of the hierarchy of the current guiding documents of the State policy on the provision of scientific and scientific-technological development of some world countries showed the existence of one of two conceptual and doctrinal regulations (doctrine or conception), which at the abstract and conceptual level determine general approaches to strategic regulation of NNT activity. The carried out analysis allowed to more accurately define the essence, content and overall structure of the documents of long-term State planning, namely: «conceptions» and «strategies». Consideration of the main strategic documents regulating scientific and scientific-technological activity in Ukraine showed that the conception of NNT development was adopted more than 20 years ago (in 1999), and the main program documents, which were aimed at forecasting scientific and scientific-technological development, had lost validity before 2012. There is no present strategy of NNT activity. The system of strategic planning and regulation of NNT activity requires significant improvement, updating of the conception and elaborating a development strategy of NNT activity. The authors substantiate the necessity of elaborating strategic documents on regulation of NNT activities for the more effective operation of the country’s innovation system, which is required by the general state of the national economy and the need to find the most efficient methods of using the knowledge generation subsystem.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Nosach I. V., Vodolazska N. V.
Aspects and Methods of Teaching International Economic Relations in Higher Educational Institutions of Ukraine (p. 105 - 110)

The article is aimed at studying aspects and methods of teaching international economic relations in higher education institutions of Ukraine. On analyzing the latest research and publications by scholars, the general theoretic foundations of professional training of future economists of international relations were considered. The article highlights and theoretically substantiates the problem of training future specialists of international economic relations in higher education institutions of Ukraine; the main aspects and methods for elimination of this problem are defined. The methods of teaching economic disciplines in universities, which are directed towards improving the educational process, are presented; the application of information technologies in the process of mastering the material is analyzed. Thus, the professional activity of the student is primarily connected with the analysis of specific factual material, figures, analysis, etc. However, such is the picture at first glance, and if you delve into the essence, it becomes clear that a professional – economist of international relations has to be able of figuring out people, actions and specific events in accordance with the information analyzed. In general, one can say that the purpose of economic education is to form modern economic thinking in the context of combining the ordering of economic reality and awareness of one’s place therein. In this regard, special attention should be paid to higher education, in particular the study of international economic relations, training of competitive specialists of this specialty. To do this, new approaches to the introduction of remote studying technologies in the conditions of credit and transfer system of organization of educational process should be implemented.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Rayevnyeva O. V., Aksonova I. V.
The Higher Education System of Ukraine in the European Educational Space: Place and Development Prospects (p. 97 - 109)

The article is concerned with defining the international position of the higher education system (HES) of Ukraine in the European educational environment. It is proved that the current stage of development of the world higher education system is characterized by significant transformations that change the paradigm of the functioning of the traditional university to the paradigm of the formation of an innovative-active higher education institution (HEI) of the entrepreneurial type. The article is aimed at developing a methodical approach to determining the attractiveness of the national system of higher education in the European educational space, taking into account modern trends of transformation of universities into entrepreneurial business entities. The approach, which on the basis of search experiments allows to cluster Ukraine and 27 European countries and determine not only the overall level of attractiveness for the period 2013–2017, but also (due to spatial clustering for 2013, 2015 and 2017) separately allocate the latent trends (both positive and negative) in the attractiveness levels of the analyzed countries, is proposed. The information space of grouping of countries is formed, which due to the combination of indicators (mental readiness of society to obtain higher education; financial readiness/government opportunity to support the development of the higher education system; readiness of universities as structural elements of the higher education system to provide high-quality educational and scientific services) allows to get a systematic idea of the phenomenon of attractiveness of the higher education system. The carried out computations showed that the national HES is losing its high international positions and requires deep systemic modernization in the direction of creating a stimulating basis for the development of autonomous, innovation-active HEIs of the entrepreneurial type.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rayevnyeva O. V., Malyshko Y. О., Brovko O. I., Chernyshov V. V.
The Factors of Competitiveness of the Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine (p. 109 - 116)

The article is concerned with studying the factors of external and internal environment that ensure the competitiveness of higher education institution (HEI). It is proved that the competitiveness of HEI is expedient to consider as an innovation-active activity, which acts as a critical condition for the long-term and sustainable economic development of education in the modern global knowledge economy. The article is aimed at identifying the competitiveness factors of the HEI of Ukraine as the basis for the formation and further development of an innovation-active university in the current conditions of transformation of the national higher education system. The carried out systematic and morphological analysis allowed to group the factors by the degree of influence on the competitiveness of HEI (client-orientedness; source of financial resources; innovation and investment potential; strategic management; rationing of labor; internationalization; monitoring; informatization; quality of training of applicants) and to build a graph of the relationship between these factors. An hierarchy of the university’s competitiveness factors is proposed, which allows to combine goals and objectives directed towards forecasting, improving, solving, modeling, analyzing educational processes. This, in turn, will act as an instrument for comprehensive assessment of the level of competitiveness of an HEI. The carried out analysis and application of the problem-oriented approach allowed to define five levels at which the mutually conditioned hierarchical influence between factors was determined, which would be the basis for the formation of conceptual measures directed towards increasing the competitiveness of HEI.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rayevnyeva O. V., Yermachenko V. Y., Berest M. M.
The Conceptual Principles for the Creation and Functioning of Innovation-Active University (p. 117 - 127)

The article is aimed at developing the conceptual principles for the creation and functioning of innovation-active university (IAU) as a modern strategic model of higher education institution in conditions of transformation and digitalization of society. A number of problems and contradictions are allocated and systematized, causing the need to transform the traditional university into an innovation-active, entrepreneurial structure, the activity of which consists in the interaction of the university with the economy, public administration bodies and society. It is determined that the formation of a new paradigm for the development of the higher education system raises the need for innovation-active universities in the form of entrepreneurial organizations that have a resource willingness to promote accelerated development of both the economy and society through intensive transfer of new, generated at the university knowledge and technology on the basis of partnership with key stakeholders. On the basis of studying the conceptual basis of the emergence and development of the IAU, a number of hypotheses of building an innovation-active university were developed, a system of conceptual provisions and principles of its functioning was formed. The purpose and objectives of the innovation-active university are defined, the system-forming directions of its innovation activity are allocated and characterized. On the basis of the carried out researches, the framework for the creation and development of the IAU was formed, containing a list of components of the internal environment and the factors that ensure their support on the basis of development of entrepreneurship and innovation. Prospects for further research in this direction are the development of a mechanism for the functioning of an innovation-active university, which will ensure the effective transformation of higher education institution on the basis of innovation and entrepreneurship development and will contribute to maintaining a high level of its competitiveness in the educational space.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Riadynska I. A.
The Innovative Teaching Methods in the Study of Economic Disciplines in Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine (p. 134 - 138)

The article is primarily aimed at considering the essence and significance of innovative methods of teaching economic disciplines in higher education institutions, their use in professional activities with students during educational work. The article considers innovative methods of learning in the teaching of economic disciplines used in the system of modern educational process in higher education institutions of Ukraine. The peculiarities of forms and methods of innovative learning are defined, the specifics of their use during classes with students in economic disciplines are covered. The author specifies application of such methods, forms and methods of educational work as: audiovisual method of training; analysis of errors, collisions, incidents; discussion with the invitation of specialists; brainstorming; «decision tree»; business (role-playing) game (students try the role of a teacher in economics, an accountant, auditor, a broker, manager, etc.); «take a position»; Socratic dialogue; interview method; public speaking; commenting, evaluating (or self-evaluating) of the participants’ actions; training ground; method of analysis and diagnosis of the situation; method of cooperative learning; problematic methods; partially search methods; research methods; method of projects; modeling; trainings; the program-role method of generating ideas; work in small groups; «competence» game; simulation games; PRES formula, etc. The essence of the case method, its principles, structure, features, influence on the formation of qualitative characteristics of the future specialist in economics is covered. It is emphasized the use of new technologies in learning, such as multimedia, computers, etc. and the combination of innovative methods with classical, traditional ones.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kovalchuk V. A., Kovalchuk T. M.
The Prerequisites for Educational Training of Specialists in Economics and Entrepreneurship on the Basis of Mathematical Statistics Knowledge (p. 139 - 145)

According to the purpose of the article, which is aimed at substantiating the compliance of the acquired competencies of higher education applicants in the field of economics and entrepreneurship with the content and the amount of program knowledge in mathematical statistics, a number of publications on this issue are analyzed. The existing competency-based approaches and peculiarities of training mathematics, as well as the essence of propedeutic knowledge and requirements for their subject matter are highlighted. The narrowed application of propedeutic knowledge and the lack of a systematic approach, taking into account interdisciplinary connections, are indicated. On the basis of the educational and professional program «Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities» the content of the working program of the discipline «Quality Management, standardization and certification» is analyzed. The essential tasks of the discipline are determined using statistical methods for the control and management of quality of products and services that require deep knowledge about mathematical statistics. The mechanism of establishing compliance of basic knowledge of the subject matter in mathematical statistics with applied tasks of quality management is proposed. The authors have elaborated the algorithms of systematization, evaluation and analysis of sampled data together with determination of type and parameters of their statistical distribution, corresponding to the main tasks of mathematical statistics. The presented algorithm of research is accompanied by visual diagrams, which step by step reflect the course of solving statistical tasks with the relevant formulas, tables and recommendations, which contributes to better and more conscious assimilation of the material. On the example of studying a particular professional discipline, a systematic methodical approach to the formation of propedeutic knowledge of an interdisciplinary nature with the setting of tasks in certain types of economic activity is substantiated. It is proposed to extend the use of developed approaches to other areas of knowledge in the sphere of education.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Didukh O. V., Chubka O. M., Chushak-Holoborodko A. M.
Development of Creatively Active Students on the Way to Staff Formation of all Spheres of the Economy (p. 145 - 150)

The article is aimed at researching, studying and substantiating the advantages and problems regarding the creativity of students in the process of obtaining professional education. In accordance with the aim of the research, the following tasks are set: to define the concept of «creativity», the prerequisites for the emergence of creative abilities; to characterize the conditions for stimulating the creative abilities of students; to identify obstacles and reasons for the lack of a creative component in the process of higher education; to build up an algorithm for the development of creative abilities in students; to outline the conditions for creating a favorable environment wherein the student’s creative inclinations will be manifested. The object of research is the processes of reforming higher education in the direction of compliance with modern European trends in education development; formation of an environment favorable for the development of creativity of student in the process of obtaining higher education through the algorithm of purposeful pedagogical activity. The subject of the study are theoretical and applied provisions on the formation of an environment favorable for the development of the student’s creativity in the process of obtaining higher education. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the formation of a single aggregate concept of creativity of students and in the formation of ways to overcome problems in the process of developing the creativity of students in obtaining professional education. The practical implementation of the research results will allow reforming higher education in the direction of forming a creatively active environment for teachers and students; will allow to bring the system of national education closer to the formation of such specialists in the labor market, which will be in high demand among domestic and foreign employers.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shchetinina L. V., Rudakova S. H., Danylevych N. S., Monastyrska K. R.
Digitalization of the Educational Process: The Views of Students (p. 94 - 98)

The article is aimed at exploring the students’ views of the process of digitalization of the educational process, comprehending the consequences of digitalization, defining its capabilities in modern conditions, as well as proving the need for its use for the development of the individual and the acquisition of professional competencies. In domestic higher institutions of all forms of education, digitalization is rather forced than weighted and voluntary in nature. Compared to european colleagues, digitalization in Ukraine is but a forced, temporary step in counteracting the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. But, given the unforeseenness of the pandemic, it may be necessary to digitalize the educational process over a long period. Therefore, in our opinion, it is necessary to identify directions for improving online learning in higher education institutions. Students are faced with the peculiarities of organizing the educational process online, in particular: the need to independently allocate time; digital format of communication with classmates; individual performance of not only independent work, but also tasks at seminar classes; lack of sufficient digital competencies among teachers, etc. At the same time, the online training regime generates in the students the development of high self-discipline for the rational distribution of educational time for the study of lecture material and the preparation of individual and other types of work; self-control over the timely performance of basic gymnastic exercises in the periods between double classes; as well as self-development and self-education, that is, the possibility of online visits to additional webinars / trainings / lectures, etc. That is, at the second stage of digitalization of the educational process, after adapting to its features, it is easier to feel the potential of positive opportunities for participants. However, it is impossible to complete the search for directions of the online learning optimization, which, for example, are associated with psycho-emotional, physiological negative changes in health, ensuring high quality of the educational process, uniform educational load during working periods, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kiriukhina M. V., Vodolazska N. V.
Gender Equality Among Cadets and Students of Aviation and Technical Higher Education Institutions (p. 99 - 103)

The article explores and analyzes the problem of gender equality among cadets and students of higher educational institutions, in particular aviation and technical. The appropriate methods and main aspects of solving the problem are defined. In addition, various methods for introducing gender equality into the educational process are provided and the relevant work of the teacher during classes is presented. At present, gender equality among cadets and students of aviation and technical universities is an urgent problem in Ukraine, because the humanization and democratization of modern society envisage the orientation of our State towards establishing universal human truths and standards. First of all, gender theory should be integrated into the system of scientific knowledge and educational disciplines. Educators should implement planned educational activities aimed at identifying and neutralizing gender stereotypes that form the basis for non-compliance with gender parity and discrimination. Thus, teachers should ensure gender equality among students of higher educational institutions, including cadets and students of aviation and technical higher educational institutions. It is also worth noting that observance of human rights is being formed as a certain ideal, the main means for which is the achievement of the general principles of law, and its fundamental principle is the multi-aspect principle of gender equality. However, given the aforesaid matters, equality of genders does not mean only their biological identity or ignoring physical capabilities along with the mental and psychological characteristics. On the contrary, differences should not be negatively reflected in the living conditions of both men and women, thereby causing discrimination.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shepel T. V.
Educational Migration of Student Youth: Challenges and Consequences for Ukraine (p. 104 - 110)

The article considers the geographical dimension and the main problems of educational migration in Ukraine. The main problems of mass departure of Ukrainian citizens abroad are identified, since they are the most concerning. The analysis of manifestations of educational migration is carried out. It was found that in addition to the decrease in quality of education and the difficult socio-economic situation in the country, the strengthening of external educational migration is caused by the systemic policy of the countries of Europe, Russia and the United States to attract Ukrainians to study under various programs (scholarship, bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, postdoctoral). The legal regulation of academic mobility in Ukraine as an institutional form of educational migration is studied, the dynamics of the migration movement of Ukrainian youth of the current population of the country is determined. The main trends of educational migration from Ukraine are analyzed, the list of the world countries that are the most popular among Ukrainian students is defined. Current trends and dynamics in changes in migration priorities of the youth Ukrainian population are considered. The popularity of the western vector of the migration movement among intellectual migrants is emphasized. The statistical analysis of regularities of migration processes in Ukraine and around the world is carried out. The main tendencies, factors and relevant institutions that determine directions and intensity of educational migration are identified. Recommendations for the State policy of Ukraine in this direction are offered. The causes and positive/negative consequences of educational migration for Ukrainian society in the future are summarized. The main components of the institutional environment as a technological basis for the management of educational processes migration in European countries are defined. The directions of the State regulation of educational migration in Ukraine in the interests of preservation and development of intellectual capital and ensuring competitive positions in the international market of educational services are formulated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skrypnyk A. V., Nehrey M. V., Petrenko A. A.
Analyzing the Demand for Educational Services of Higher Education Institutions in Terms of Individual Specialties (p. 111 - 118)

Ukrainian higher education is in a state of reforming, which aimes at improving its quality and is accompanied by a reduction in its generality. During the admission campaign in 2020, the concept of «indicative self-cost of educational services» was for the first time used, the purpose of which was to reduce the demand for training at the expense of individuals (contract) in the State-owned higher education institutions. The publication considers the study of the efficiency of the State regulation of qualifying for a government scholarship as to certain specialties. For this purpose, data on the results of the 2020 admission campaign from the unified State electronic database on education were used. The educational space was divided into several subspaces, for each of these the ratio between the number of applications submitted and the license volume was obtained. It was found that the most in demand for a long time are specialties related to jurisprudence, in the smallest demand are specialties of engineering, where the competition is two applications for three budget places (1.50). The publication uses econometric methods of analysis of digital information, assessments of the elasticity of the introductory score according to the general competition and its marginal value are carried out. Recommendations on refusal of expert assessments in the regulation of the students’ admission and redistribution of financial resources in favor of high-demand specialties are provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kozyrieva O. V., Shut O. Y., Svitlychna K. S.
Researching the Topical Issues of Competence Approach in Pharmaceutical Education (p. 59 - 65)

The article is aimed at examining the emergence of a competence approach in higher pharmaceutical education due to the need to bring program requirements closer to the future specialist, society’s requests and the necessities of personal practical professional activity. The problems inherent in the development of professional training of specialists in the pharmaceutical industry in Ukraine are generalized. In particular, the growing need for the development of the pharmaceutical education system and insufficient attention to this sphere at both the State and local levels; imperfection of the regulatory framework for the professional training of specialists in the pharmaceutical industry; lack of foreign experience in professional training of specialists in the pharmaceutical industry. Etiology and interpretation of the concept of «competence» are studied. The lack of a unanimous approach to understanding the concept of «competence approach in education» is defined, various authors’ approaches to its content are explored. The reasons for the relevance of higher education development on the basis of competence orientation are determined. The problematic issues of the competence approach in the process of developing the higher education standards are researched, since pharmaceutical education cannot be separated from the strategic tasks of reforming the content of the educational process in Ukraine. Prospects for further research in this direction are the substantiation of methodological principles and organizational mechanisms for the formation of competence standards as a leading vector in the modernization of higher pharmaceutical education.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tymoshenko I. V., Moroz S. E., Kalashnyk O. V.
Commercialization of Higher Education: The Balance between Benefits and Risks (p. 72 - 77)

The article is aimed at studying the peculiarities of commercialization as a modern global trend in the development of higher education and analyzing the main strategies for reforming universities. The relevance of the publication is due to the reform of the sphere of higher education in Ukraine and the need for competent borrowing of best practices of educational systems from the leading foreign countries. It seems important to find answer to the following question: thanks to which educational model western universities have received significant achievements in all directions of activity? Ambiguous evaluation of commercialization processes both among the Western and Ukrainian academic community causes the expediency of this study. As a result of the study, it is defined that commercialization means the transition of the higher education system to market relations on the basis of the introduction of new management methods that change its position in society, contribute to the capitalization of knowledge and research results. The peculiarities of formation and manifestation of the process of commercialization are determined, among which the most significant are the change in the role of the State in the sphere of education financing, transformation processes in the forms and types of provision of educational services, diversification of the funding sources. The essence of the concepts of «commercialization», «comodification» and «managerism» is identified and characterized, their relationship in the approaches of transformation of educational institutions into institutions for educational services, and students into consumers, is substantiated. The detection of commercialization of higher education in the context of «academic capitalism» is considered. The content and forms of «academic entrepreneurship», tasks and functions of the «entrepreneurial university» are analyzed. It is concluded that the entrepreneurial university is the most financially successful model of the educational institution, which combines modern requirements and traditional values of higher education on the basis of innovative activities. The carried out analysis of scientific articles and researches allowed to identify differences in the process of commercialization in American and European educational systems. Prospects for further research are to study the best world practices of commercialization of higher education institutions and determine approaches to their adaptation and directions of efficient implementation in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Panasenko I. V.
Distance Learning in Ukraine: An Analysis of Threats and Challenges (p. 78 - 83)

The article is aimed at studying and analyzing the factors influencing the functioning of the education sphere, as well as evaluating the threats, challenges and opportunities for the introduction of distance learning as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The article analyzes the main problems of the education system of Ukraine during the transition to distance learning during the pandemic: lack of a sufficient number of teachers who would have experience in distance learning; problems with digitalization of educational institutions and applicants; lack of access to training facilities and Internet coverage in small towns/rural settlements; extensiveness of remote lessons in time; lack of national guidelines for the organization of distance learning; increasing the level of social tension among both teachers and students; nutritional problems for vulnerable population groups; decrease in academic mobility and others. A SWOT analysis of distance learning in Ukraine in modern conditions was carried out. The presence of weaknesses of distance learning is noted and directions of using the opportunities and advantages of distance education are outlined, i.e.: increasing the level of education of the population as a whole; obtaining education in leading educational institutions; a likely reduction in student migration, which will facilitate an increase in the standard of living of the country’s population. It is noted that distance learning has certain threats – high competition with well-known higher education institutions that have long and successfully offered educational services online; lack of copyright protection mechanisms for developers of distance courses at the State level, etc. Some directions of the State support for distance education in Ukraine are proposed, which, first of all, should include measures to provide educational institutions with computer equipment and modern software, the development of high-quality educational material for use in distance learning, and so on.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Hutareva Y. V., Didenko I. S., Libenko Y. S.
Formation of a Culture of Social Digital Responsibility in the Context of Educational Inclusion (p. 84 - 89)

The article is aimed at describing the formation of a culture of social digital responsibility, taking into account educational inclusion. Statistics and studies on the quantity and quality of personal time spent by the population of the planet on the Internet are analyzed. Analyzing and systematizing the work of various NGOs, scientists and specialists, digital citizenship rules are formed; the issues of digital responsibility, the formation of culture, inclusion in education are considered. In addition, the features that should be taken into account during inclusion in education are defined. The types of personality temperament are also considered; the relationship between the types of tasks for students and the peculiarities of their temperament, world perception and preferences is determined. The means, rules and principles of the culture of social digital responsibility and digital instruments that should be used in educational institutions in conditions of inclusion have been formed, because they help in attracting as many students as possible to the learning process and in easier assimilation of information. It is determined that the modern culture of social digital responsibility in the context of educational inclusion should contain not only the rules of conduct during communication or the use of the world wide web and the means of involving all students in the educational process, but also the basic principles of activity. The main problems of formation of a culture of social digital responsibility in the context of educational inclusion are also specified. The problem of forming a culture of social digital responsibility in the context of educational inclusion contains two components: the problem of digital behavior culture (students/teachers), and the problem of digital learning. The latter outlines the need to create conditions for the conscious perception of educational information by students/pupils, to attract their maximum number to the educational process through the use of effective digital instruments, the development of the authors’ own educational methodological approaches for any form of education (remote/full-time)

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pochynok N. V., Benko I. D., Sysіuk S. V.
Financial Provision of Institutions of Professional Pre-Higher Education: The Essence, Normative, Organizational and Accounting Aspects (p. 84 - 90)

The article is aimed at studying the main features of institutions of professional pre-higher education (colleges) as structural subdivisions of higher educational institutions and the peculiarities of their financial provision, as well as developing proposals for its optimization and accounting display, including in the direction of development of sources that are viewed as a structural subsystem of the financial mechanism. As a result of the study, the need to optimize the financing of education and its further development is proved. On the example of institutions of professional pre-higher education, the problem of reducing the number of applicants for education and educational institutions is identified, which negatively affects the level of supplying the Ukrainian labor market with specialists. The connection of the level of financing with the State policy on the development of education in Ukraine and the use of a new budget mechanism in this area, which stipulates the transfer of a number of pre-higher educational institutions to financial provision from local budgets, is determined. A significant impact on the functioning of pre-higher education on the part of the adopted Law of Ukraine «On Pre-Higher Education» is identified, which, among other things, defines the possibility of not only budgetary support, but also funding at the expense of other sources that are not prohibited by law, with the obligatory observance of the principles of targeted and effective use of funds, publicity and transparency in decision-making. The authors examine the problems that have occurred in the system of professional pre-higher education and it is concluded about absence of a comprehensive, scientifically based program of financial provision for the activities of educational institutions, which would create a financial basis for the strategic development of pre-higher education in Ukraine in the context of globalization and informatization of society. In its development, it is proposed to take into account all possible sources of financing, as well as to improve the accounting system in the direction of separate display of its revenues in the context of relevant sources and to form a working plan of accounts accordingly. The expediency of applying such a form of financing of social projects and target programs of educational institutions as fundraising, which represents a specially organized process of gathering monetary means for the implementation of projects of non-profit organizations, is substantiated. Financial provision of colleges based on fundraising can be carried out using instruments such as grants or payment for services on a contractual basis. Innovations in financing affect their accounting, and this issue is currently under-researched. Therefore, research on the issues of improving both the synthetic and the analytical accounting of financial provision from various sources, as well as the development of a system of documentary support of fundraising relations between counterparties, are perspective.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Khomenko I. I., Krauchanka U. U.
Organizing the Management of Creation, Protection of Objects of Intellectual Property Rights and Technology Transfer in Scientific Institutions (p. 40 - 47)

The successful implementation of the Strategy for the development of the sphere of innovation activity for the period up to 2030 involves taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of management of the creation, protection of intellectual property rights objects (IPRO) and technology transfer. Therefore, the article is aimed at studying these aspects in scientific institutions and developing effective proposals in this context. The article considers the importance of the role of objects of intellectual property rights in the activities of scientific institutions and the need for full functioning in these institutions of the units for technology transfer, innovation activity and intellectual property. The authors examine the problems that hinder the development of such units in scientific institutions and institutions of higher education. Based on the research of the experience of the aforementioned units in both domestic and foreign scientific institutions, it is recommended to introduce and develop in Ukraine mechanisms of the State support for innovation activities, technology transfer, commercialization of research results, intellectual property objects taking into account the experience of the EU Member States, technologically developed countries, directed towards developing innovations in business; combining business and scientific institutions, higher education institutions for research and development for transfer of technologies in the interests of enterprises; support of high-tech industries; development of innovative activities at the regional level. Important issues, in particular, are the development of model agreements for research and development with various options for the distribution of intellectual property rights between scientific organizations and national or foreign counterparties, which would take into account the international practice of concluding such agreements; development of provisions defining the peculiarities of creation and use of intellectual property objects by employees of the NAS of Ukraine who work in foreign projects and scientific institutions, as well as foreign specialists conducting research and development in institutions of the NAS of Ukraine. The nuances of management of the creation, protection of objects of intellectual property rights and technology transfer in scientific institutions related to the innovative attractiveness of enterprises are planned to be highlighted in further scientific research.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Riabokon I. O.
Impact of the Spread of Remote Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Quality of Labor Life of Scientific-Pedagogical Employees (p. 28 - 33)

The article is aimed at identifying the impact of remote learning during the COVID-19 pandemic on the quality of labor life of scientific-pedagogical employees. The article examines changes in the norms of working time for certain types of labor of teachers in both the mixed and remote modes compared to the norms of working time in the traditional (classroom) mode of teaching. A survey of scientific-pedagogical staff on the empirical dimension of the change in the time spent on the implementation of types of work in the pandemic period was carried out. The analysis of the study findings showed that the norms of working time for certain types of labor performed by scientific-pedagogical employees under the conditions of remote learning need to be increased taking into account the working peculiarities and conditions. Additional types of labor of scientific-pedagogical employees, which appeared as a result of the introduction of mixed form of training, are identified, these are associated mainly with the organization of various forms of remote learning. Based on the results of the research, the conclusions about the impact of the pandemic on the quality of labor life of scientific-pedagogical employees are formulated and the main ways to increase this quality are determined. The need for significantly new forms of labor organization in the conditions of a remote format of training is determined. New challenges that can lead to professional burnout and stress of scientific-pedagogical staff in the absence of timely correction of working time standards are outlined. It is substantiated that bringing the norms of working time in line with the new realities of the pandemic period through the rational use of working time will improve the working conditions of scientific-pedagogical employees, and, accordingly, the quality of their labor life.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Karpenko O. O., Gorban A. V., Kovbatiuk M. V., Shevchuk V. O., Kovbatiuk G. O.
The Role of International Cooperation in the Process of Reforming the Higher Education System of Ukraine (p. 34 - 40)

The main purpose of this research work is to substantiate the need for international cooperation of Ukrainian higher education institutions as an important factor in reforming and modernizing the national education system, its successful integration into the global educational space and increasing competitiveness in the market of educational services. The basic method in the study is system approach. Methods of scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis are used to form a theoretical synthesis and conclusions, graphic-analytical method is used for a clear illustration of the economic phenomena and processes under study. Internationalization of higher education is one of the main directions of the new conception of higher education reform in Ukraine. New demands and needs in the market of educational services, growing competition between higher education institutions, implementation of innovations in the educational process require changes in approaches to reform in the field of higher education in order to improve quality. International cooperation in the State University of Infrastructure and Technologies is considered as a process of formation and development of equal and mutually beneficial partnerships between educational institutions of different countries. International cooperation will give the State University of Infrastructure and Technologies the opportunity to participate in international projects in an equal and full manner, increase the number of foreign students, invite foreign lecturers to become a fully recognized university in the world, which provides high quality education.

Article is written in English


Shkurat M. Y., Zavydovska A. O.
Implementing a Dual Education System at the Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises (Example of «Metinvest» LLC) (p. 76 - 81)

The article is aimed at studying the dual education system at the mining and metallurgical enterprises (on the example of «Metinvest» LLC), highlighting the main trends and significance. As a result of the study, the process of introduction of dual education on the territory of Ukraine is considered, the main advantages of obtaining the dual form of education (ODFE) are determined. The main aspects of carrying out the large-scale pilot project on training specialists in the dual form of education with the support of the Foundation named after Frederick Ebert and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine are highlighted. The list of enterprises participating in the pilot project on the implementation of ODFE in Ukraine is analyzed, comprised of the employers conducting various types of economic activity and representing almost all regions of our country. In particular, these are enterprises of various forms of ownership, design bureaus, banks, enterprises of food industry, machine-building, agriculture, energy, transport, metallurgy, IT sector, etc. It is noted that metallurgical enterprises subordinated to «Metinvest Holding» LLC were among the first to take the initiative to introduce a dual system. The actions of the principal partner of «Metinvest Holding» LLC, the State Higher Educational Institution of the Azov State Technical University, on the implementation of the ODFE on the territory of Ukraine, are indicated and determined. The activities of «Metinvest Politekhnika», a non-governmental mining and metallurgical university, and its impact on the development of the dual education system in Ukraine are researched.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Labunska S. V., Sobakar M. V.
Approaches to the Formation of Intangible Resources Based on the Innovations Introduction in the Higher Education System (p. 81 - 90)

The article is aimed at determining approaches to the identification and formation of evaluation indicators as to the production, availability and use of intangible resources, including intellectual ones, as a result of innovative changes in the activities of higher education institutions and their reform on an innovative basis. The role of introduction of innovations in the higher education system for improving the innovative capacity and competitiveness of enterprises and the national economy as a whole is defined. Based on the analysis of statistical data, the need to reform domestic higher education institutions on an innovative basis is identified. The role of implementation of the key performance indicators (KPI) system for identification and evaluation of intangible assets of both intellectual and information nature as a result of innovative changes is substantiated. A general approach to assessing the results of innovations on the basis of giving a tuple look to the model for computing KPI indicators is proposed. The analysis of strategies of innovative development of leading higher education institutions of Ukraine for the implementation of innovative changes is carried out. The identified innovations are grouped into the main types according to the Oslo classification: product-related, technological, marketing and organizational. Each type of innovation is considered in the plane of educational, scientific and international activities. The main directions of innovative changes for each of these groups are allocated and technologies for innovative changes are determined. It is noted how the changes in question affect the formation of the intellectual resource of higher education institutions and business environment entities.

Article is written in English

Bilokonenko H. V., Yermachenko V. Y.
The Instrumentarium for External Assessment of Autonomous Innovative Universities and Their Effectiveness (p. 91 - 115)

The article is aimed at studying the potential of the Autonomy Scorecard instrumentarium (based on the EUA methodology), the world ranking methodologies for assessment of autonomous, innovatively active universities and their effectiveness. The relevance of the research is increasing due to the transition to a new generation university with a change in models (from the academic model (University 1.0) to an innovatively active research model (University 2.0) and an innovatively active model of entrepreneurial university (University 3.0). As a result of the study, 1) the features and limitations of the assessment of the components of university autonomy of the innovatively active research and entrepreneurial universities using the Autonomy Scorecard instrumentarium (based on the EUA methodology) are defined and systematized; 2) an in-depth analysis is carried out and recommendations on the possibilities and/or limitations of both the academic and the independent ratings for evaluating the effectiveness of autonomous, innovatively active universities are provided. The next steps of research are: 1) development of a system of indicators of autonomy of university, which will take into account the peculiarities of the activities of innovatively active research and entrepreneurial universities; 2) taking into account the components of academic freedom (according to the AFi index) in the external assessment of the effectiveness of autonomous, innovatively active universities.

Article is written in English


Azizova K. M.
The Theoretical Aspects of Marketing Innovations in Educational Activities (p. 105 - 111)

The article is aimed at theoretical substantiating the essence features of marketing innovations in educational activities, defining their features in the current conditions and identifying their characteristics. It is proved that marketing innovations play an important role in the development of educational activities of a university. The introduction of an innovative product or service into the university’s activities allows to make the latter more successful. The use of modern research methodologies, the involvement of stakeholders will ensure the development of the university’s entrepreneurial activity, increase its competitiveness in the educational services market. In order to determine the essence of marketing innovations in educational activities and its manifestation in the educational services market, the article analyzes its constituent elements: actors of marketing relations and the functions of these entities in the market; scope, goals and objects of marketing of innovations in educational activities; principles, instruments and peculiarities of implementation. It is proved that the marketing of innovations in educational activities should be understood as a management conception focused on the effective use of the university’s potential and resources to satisfy consumers and make a profit by developing and implementing innovations. It is defined that the main task of marketing innovations is: determining the ways and actions to ensure that innovative products as ware represent value and usefulness for potential consumers, informing consumers about this, and ensuring the availability of ware. Solving these tasks is provided by using the following marketing methods: research of the market and the needs of potential consumers; search for possible applications of an innovative product; organization of its promotion to the market; use of pricing methods, along with various forms and methods of sale. The use of marketing orientation when introducing innovations in educational activities involves continuous analyzing the needs of consumers of educational services, determining the structure of consumer motives, researching their reactions to a new or updated service, and constantly monitoring both the existing and the potential opportunities of the university. Therefore, the prospects for further research in this direction are the definition of directions and instruments for monitoring the innovation and marketing activities of the university.

Article is written in English

Rayevnyeva O. V., Brovko O. I., Aksonova I. V., Nemashkalo K. R.
Comparative Analysis of the Types of Organizational Structure of Higher Education Institution Management (p. 111 - 118)

The modern stage of modernization of both the national and the world higher education system necessitates the transformation of higher education institutions into entrepreneurial, innovatively active organizations that are able to quickly adapt to volatile changes in the external environment. In this regard, many issues require a new solution regarding the management of higher education institutions (HEIs), i.e.: ensuring the quality of higher education, training the personnel, appropriate to labor market, providing various educational services, ensuring the continuity of education, and improving the organizational and economic mechanism of management of HEI. From the point of view of the system approach, a HEI is seen as an open system, a mechanism for converting input information or resources into final products, where effective organization of internal processes becomes one of the most important ways to obtain its competitive advantages. Based on the analysis of the main properties of HEI as an open dynamic system, it is defined that the most important systemic characteristic of university is its organizational structure, which includes four main aspects: description of the structure of subdivisions and departments; connections between them and the external environment; information circulating on these connections; functions performed by structural units and departments. The article is aimed at studying various types of organizational structure of management of higher education institution, determining the specifics of their application in the activities of the university, which operates in an open informational and educational space. The main types of organizational structure of management of HEI, built on the classical principle, are distinguished; weaknesses and strengths of their application for the management of HEI are determined. It is proved that the organizational management structures, built according to divisional and matrix types, are promising, since only they are able to adequately and promptly respond to changes both in the internal and external environment of HEI. A list of requirements to meet the contemporary, effective organizational structure of a higher education institution is formed, the highlighted requirements are: optimality, operational efficiency, reliability, economic efficiency, flexibility and stability of the management system. The carried out study allowed to conclude that a higher education institution in the process of its life cycle should timely adjust its strategic goals of activity and make adequate changes to the organizational structure in accordance with the new conditions in which it functions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Liashenko V. I., Pidorycheva I. Y., Trushkina N. V.
Improving the Institutional Support for Ukraine’s Further Integration into the EU Research and Educational Spaces (p. 119 - 130)

The purpose of this research is to define and summarize the competent opinion of representatives of both the academic science and the higher education of Ukraine as to the level of involvement, opportunities, prospects and forms of expanding the presence of Ukrainian scientific institutions together with higher education institutions in the EU research and educational spaces, substantiating on this basis proposals for finalization of international agreements and legislation of Ukraine to increase the effectiveness of European integration processes in the educational and scientific spheres. The expert survey method was used as an instrument for identifying the opinions of representatives of the Ukrainian scientific and educational expert community. The general conclusion that can be drawn from the survey results is that Ukrainian higher education institutions and academic research institutions are interested, have successful experience and potential to expand educational, scientific and scientific-technical cooperation with the EU universities and research organizations. It was found that most experts support the idea of creating branches and representative offices of scientific institutions as well as institutions of higher education of Ukraine at research organizations and universities of the EU Member States. Based on the results of the survey, in order to form favorable institutional conditions for the further integration of Ukraine into the EU research and educational spaces, it is proposed to amend the Association Agreement with the EU, the laws of Ukraine «On Scientific and Scientific-Technical Activities», «On Higher Education» in terms of assigning rights to the scientific institutions of the NAS of Ukraine, the national branches of academies of sciences, regional scientific centers of the NAS of Ukraine and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, higher education institutions of Ukraine to establish branches/representative offices at research organizations and universities of the EU Member States. Prospects for further research are to substantiate organizational and institutional proposals to increase the level of involvement of Ukrainian organizations and enterprises in the EU research and educational spaces according to the strategic priority areas of educational and scientific-technical cooperation, based on the global challenges, potential and achievements of Ukrainian education and science systems.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Khaustova V. Y., Reshetnyak O. I., Zinchenko V. A., Kryvanych M. V.
Identifying the Main Problems of Education and Science Development in Ukraine in the Context of Global Instability (p. 131 - 143)

The article defines that the economic growth of the world countries today depends on their ability to create and augment new scientific knowledge, as well as make use of this knowledge through the elaboration and implementation of innovative products and technologies that bring to the fore the development of education and science in the countries. At the same time, scientific and educational activities in Ukraine remain insufficiently in demand, which negatively affects the socio-economic development of our country. Thus, the purpose of the research is to identify the main problems of education and science development in Ukraine in the context of global instability. According to the results of the carried out analysis, the list of problems of development of educational and scientific activities in Ukraine is determined, their catalog is formed (which includes 63 positions), as well as a grouping of problems in six separate blocks is made, including: inconsistency of content and quality of scientific and educational activities to the actual needs of society and the national economy; inefficiency of management in terms of science and higher education; insufficient level of funding and unsatisfactory logistical support of higher education and science; deterioration of personnel support of scientific institutions and higher education institutions; weak integration of science and education of Ukraine into the global and the European educational and scientific space; distortion in the formation of a contingent of students of the higher education institutions of all levels. After allocating the main problems of the problem field and constructing the primary cognitive map, the importance of problems and relationships between them was assessed on the basis of the Saati hierarchy analysis method. Based on the calculation of the coefficients of weight of the problem in each group, the types of problems (resulting, root, nodal) are determined, as well as primary cognitive maps of the problems included in each group are built and the relationship between them are researched. The analysis of the composition of the main blocks of problems in educational and scientific activities in Ukraine allowed to prove that most of them are caused by an imperfect management system in these areas, as well as the lack of mechanisms of interaction between all stakeholders of the educational and scientific process.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Khaustova V. Y., Reshetnyak O. I., Zinchenko V. A., Kryvanych M. V.
Integral Assessment of Educational, Scientific and Innovative Activities and Research of Their Impact on the Economic Development of Ukraine (p. 114 - 123)

The article is aimed at carrying out an integral assessment of educational, scientific and innovative activities in Ukraine and researching their influence on the economic development of the country in dynamics. Research methods are: logical, statistical, correlation, graphical analysis, matrix method, T. Saati’s method of analyzing hierarchies, comparison. The article proposes a methodical approach to the integral assessment of educational, scientific and innovative activities, which includes: standardization of indicators, determination of weight coefficients of each of the indicators, and calculation of integral indicators according to individual elements of the chain «training of bachelors – training of masters – training of scientific personnel – scientific potential – scientific results – innovative activity – economic development», as well as calculation of the degree of their mutual impact. The integral indicators that characterize educational, scientific and innovative activities are calculated; the impact of training is assessed as follows: bachelors on the preparation of masters; masters on the training of scientific personnel; scientific personnel – on scientific potential; scientific potential – on scientific results; scientific results – on innovative activity; innovative activity – on the economic state of the country. The dynamics of changes in the provision of these activities is examined. The calculations made it possible to determine tendencies in the development of education and science in Ukraine and the main problems to cause them. One of the significant problems is the inconsistency of the chain between educational, scientific and innovative activities and the real sector of the economy, which has led to a decrease in the scientific and scientific-technical potential of Ukraine, low scientific results and low rates of innovative development. It is defined that further inappropriate attention to these problems on the part of the authorities can lead to the complete destruction of both educational, scientific and innovative activities in the country. All this accounts for the need to develop a clear vision of the directions of development of the domestic educational and scientific spheres, which will take into account both the real opportunities of the domestic economy and global development trends along with global challenges.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Khomiak O. V., Kiriukhina M. V., Kosheva Y. V.
Introduction of European Innovations in the Teaching of Social and Humanitarian Disciplines at Aviation Universities (p. 179 - 184)

The article covers and theoretically substantiates the methodologies of teaching in higher educational institutions and the introduction of various innovations there including the experience of European countries. The context of the problem set is determined by a wide range of scientific research, but the introduction of European innovations in the teaching of social and humanitarian disciplines at aviation universities requires constant study and research, taking into account constant changes in the educational process. It should be noted that innovative teaching methods are given considerable attention due to the fact that they provide the necessary «innovative climate» in higher education institutions. That is, they contribute to the development of creative activity and research initiative of students, create the basis for further comprehension and development of legal knowledge, successful application of acquired knowledge in practice. In addition, the introduction of innovative technologies in the teaching of social and humanitarian disciplines makes it possible to train highly qualified, competitive workers who are able to perform complex research, professional-applied and creative tasks. Thus, in order to reform and modernize higher education and science in Ukraine, it is necessary to create an effective innovative educational environment in higher educational institutions through progressive novations, the introduction of the latest technologies, as well as the model of training. At the same time, the educational process should be built taking into account the possibilities of modern information technologies of training.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tkachenko N. E., Olshanskyi O. V.
Development of Soft Skills of a Modern Specialist in a Higher Education Institution (p. 185 - 191)

The article is aimed at studying soft skills that need to be developed by a modern specialist, taking into account trends in their demand both in the domestic and international labor markets and forecasts for their changes in the future, as well as skills that will help a modern specialist to be more confident and competitive in the labor market, will contribute to successful employment, further professional development and career growth. Analyzing, systematizing and summarizing the information of reports and forecasts of the World Economic Forum on the skills in demand in the labor market for the period 2015-2025, as well as information from job search sites, the dynamics of changes taking place as part of the soft skills demanded in the international labor market and the composition of skills that are important for the employment and career of a modern specialist were defined. Based on the generalization of the skills in demand for a modern specialist, the main thematic directions for the formation of the structure of the training course for the development of soft skills are identified, the course itself is focused on mastering specific soft skills in demand both in the current conditions and for the future until 2025, upon which it is necessary to focus more attention in the process of training higher education applicants. Prospects for research in this direction are to determine the dynamics of further changes in the demand for the development of soft skills of future specialists and the development of approaches and technologies for the development of specific soft skills of students in a higher educational institution.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuznyetsova A. Y., Maslov V. O.
The Organizational and Economic Aspects of Implementing a Public-Private Partnership Project in the Field of Education (p. 192 - 197)

The article summarizes the arguments and counterarguments within the framework of the scientific discussion on the need and expediency of implementing public-private partnership projects in the field of education. The main purpose of the carried out research is to distinguish and analyze the prerequisites along with organizational and economic foundations for the formation of experimental projects of public-private partnership in the educational sphere. The systematization of literary sources and approaches to solving the problem showed that the creation and functioning of higher education institutions on the basis of public-private partnership is a good future alternative to budget-based financing. The relevance of solving this scientific problem lies in the matter that the introduction and implementation of the organizational and economic mechanism of public-private partnership in the field of education justifies the key role of higher education institutions in the development of an innovative economy, since their services are socially important and affect the formation and development of society. The article lists the problems in higher education institutions that will have a positive solution in the implementation of public-private partnership projects; the benefits that the State and the educational institution will receive from the implementation of public-private partnership projects have been singled out and characterized; attention is focused on the instrumentarium and mechanisms for its implementation. The methodological instrumentarium of the carried out research include: methods of scientific abstraction – in the formation of organizational and economic foundations for the implementation of the public-private partnership project in the field of education; method of economic experiment – in determining the mechanisms, instruments and indicators of the implementation of public-private partnership; historical and logical methods – in determining the main problems of the development of the education sector in Ukraine. The object of the research is an experimental form of implementation of the public-private partnership project in the field of education. The results of the research can be useful in solving the problems of financing the education sector in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Korotkova K. O.
Hybrid Learning Strategy: The Theory and Practice of Use (p. 40 - 44)

The National doctrine for the development of education provides for the active introduction of modern information-communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as ICT), which could ensure further improvement of the educational process and contribute to improving efficiency. The use of ICT in the educational process is no longer a fashionable innovation, but a vital need. At this, the experience of complete transition to online learning has revealed a number of considerable shortcomings that significantly reduce the effectiveness of the educational process. That is why the purpose of the article is to study the digitalization of the educational process, to define the optimal ratio of the use of ICT in the educational environment to achieve the greatest effect that can be expressed in the creation and use of a hybrid learning strategy, as well as to demonstrate successful practical experience on the example of a business organization. For the study of the identified problems and solving the set goal, methods of analysis and synthesis, systematization, scientific abstraction, comparison and generalization were used. In the course of research, it was found that the digital transformation of education is an integral part of its development and consists in the introduction and use of ICT-based electronic digital devices in the educational process. Still, a full-fledged transition to an online education system for Ukrainian educational institutions is currently impossible, since it is necessary to take into account the factors of digital skills of teachers and students, the availability of technical equipment, tools and support technologies that require significant improvement. Therefore in order to ensure maximum efficiency of the educational process, it is advisable to apply and expand the boundaries of the use of a hybrid learning system that combines traditional and online learning in the proportions necessary for a particular group of students. The hybrid learning system eliminates the shortcomings that can arise when using either only classroom-based or only e-learning. Also a significant advantage of the hybrid learning system is that it can be applied in various forms, adapting to the requirements of a particular student. The hybrid learning system is already successfully used in business organizations, for example, at the Academy of Corporate Education of the Ukrainian company «DniproM», but in the State-owned educational institutions such a system is still not widespread, which is the basis for further scientific research.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Riadynska I. A.
Education as a Factor in the Formation of Human Capital and Economic Growth (p. 33 - 37)

The main purpose of thе presented article is to outline the role of the education system in the formation of human capital, the development of which is a prerequisite for the economic growth of the country. The article carries out a study of the theory of human capital as a defining component that ensures the process of development and accumulation of human capital, on which, in turn, the competitiveness of the country and its place in the world environment depend. The importance of educational resources in the creation of human capital is disclosed. The role of investments in human capital, and, in particular, in the educational process, is revealed. The relationship between the level of education and the employee’s salary is characterized. The main directions of influence of human education on the economic growth of the country are distinguished. The article specifies some recommendations that will ensure guarantees of the preservation of the education sector as a factor in the formation of high-quality human capital of the country. Education is defined as a fundamental form of investment in human capital. Lifelong education provides conditions for the formation of a qualified young worker as an individual and a professional in the chosen direction of training and further work at any enterprise. The main task of education is to provide the country with high-quality human capital for effective economic growth. Education has a positive influence on the labor market not only because it increases the competitiveness of workers, but because it accumulates potentially unoccupied young people. It is emphasized that the development of education and training contributes to solving such important tasks of socioeconomic development as accelerating the pace of economic growth, mitigating inequality in the distribution of incomes, improving the quality of the national labor force, directly reducing unemployment and preventing it in the future.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dmytryshyn L. I., Kondratska A. S.
The Impact of Non-Formal Education on the Development of an Efficient Economy in Ukraine (p. 57 - 61)

During all the years of independence, Ukraine has been taking certain steps towards the introduction and formation of modern trends in education at the official level. The article is aimed at analyzing non-formal education in Ukraine from two perspectives: as workplace training, when formal education is supplemented by non-formal education due to partnerships between universities and companies; and as training in the process of work, when employers recognize the need to invest in human resources and explore novel ways to provide training opportunities for their employees. The relationship between non-formal education and productivity is also emphasized and, according to the conclusions made, proposals for Ukrainian companies have been formed. Education, both formal and non-formal, has a significant and direct impact on the formation of human capital, on which the growth and development of the State largely depends. Formal education is obtained mainly through the system of education at primary, secondary and higher levels, and non-formal education has a direct connection with professional experience in the workplace. Both options of education are considered long-term investments, because educational activities are indirectly related to the degree of preferences in terms of the passage of time and are directly connected to the efficiency of the functioning of the learning system. Non-formal education contributes to the formation of the individual and has a great influence on the level of its productivity. People often face a choice: what is more rational to spend time on – work or education? However, there is an alternative that reduces the need for replacement through the time factor and facilitates the accumulation of knowledge through productive activities. And this is non-formal education. The implementation of non-formal education for employees in Ukrainian companies can be a big and powerful step in their development and increase of competitiveness in both domestic and foreign markets.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Oriekhova T. V., Kalenyuk I. S., Uninets I. M.
Modern Challenges of the Development of Higher Education in the Conditions of the Formation of a Smart Economy (p. 67 - 74)

The purpose of the article is to analyze the trends in the development of higher education in the context of the formation of a smart economy, academic mobility and substantiate the directions for strengthening the role of higher education institutions in Ukraine in the context of modern challenges. The article generalizes the world experience in the implementation of smart cities, on the basis of systematization of the main ratings of smart cities, key indicators of intellectual activity are identified, also the characteristics of the activities of universities that contribute to the success of smart city. Based on the data of current information, an approximate estimate of the scale of outflow of young people, researchers and teaching staff from the country is provided. The currently available information on the scale of support for Ukraine by European countries both at the level of governments and at the level of individual universities is generalized. Losses and threats to the development of Ukrainian higher education in the conditions of military aggression, destruction of infrastructure and mass displacements of the population are outlined. The major directions of perspective development of universities in Ukraine in the context of modern challenges and post-war recovery are defined. The need to restore the country on fundamentally new principles is emphasized, that is building a new, smart economy, in which the goals of sustainable development and digital transformation will become key and the education and science systems must play an important role. This is possible only on the basis of real mechanisms for the return of our youth and highly qualified personnel back to the country, the transformation of higher education institutions into powerful financial actors of educational, scientific and economic activities, the creation of real competitive advantages for attracting foreign students.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Illiashenko S. M., Shypulina Y. S., Illiashenko N. S.
The Development of Higher Education Institutions in the Context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (p. 60 - 67)

The purpose of the article is to identify and systematize promising directions and problems of development of higher education institutions in the context of the fourth industrial revolution (IR4.0), taking into account the influence of its main technologies and the innovations created on their basis for both the labor market and the personel training system. According to the results of the carried out analysis, in accordance with the proposed sequence of procedures (technologies; innovations created on their basis; consequences of their introduction; impacts on the labor market and the personel training system), the possibilities and threats to the development of higher education institutions caused by the introduction of IR4.0 technologies are identified and systematized. Taking account of them, promising directions for the development of higher education institutions are defined, the problems of their implementation are outlined. A systematization of the selected directions is carried out according to the incentives that create conditions for their implementation. A schematic diagram of the functioning of a higher education institution in the conditions of IR4.0 as a self-managed system is proposed, which, by analogy with industrial enterprises, allows combining with the help of IR4.0 technologies into a single complex the following: human potential (staff and students); resource potential (tangible and intangible resources); processes (scientific, educational and auxiliary), etc. The practical aspects of using favorable opportunities for innovative development based on IR4.0 technologies by leading universities of Ukraine are considered. The obtained results together deepen the fundamental aspects of innovative management of a higher education institution in terms of improving the approach to the formation of the methodological base of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing strategies for its innovative development in the context of IR4.0. Further research should be aimed at developing methodological approaches to management according to formalized procedures for the selection and implementation of strategies for the innovative development of higher education institutions in the context of IR4.0, which is rapidly gaining strength.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Chentsov V. V., Hryhorash O. V.
Indicative Self-Cost as a Factor in the Formation of the Educational Services Market: The Regional Aspect (Example of Specialty 072 «Finance, Banking and Insurance») (p. 123 - 129)

The article assesses the impact of the introduction of indicative self-cost on the volume of recruitment of regional universities (on the example of higher education institutions of the Dnipropetrovsk region, which recruit applicants for education on the bachelor’s degree on the basis of complete general secondary education in the specialty 072 «Finance, Banking and Insurance»). The carried out analysis of the indicators of the admission campaign for the specialty in Ukraine showed that during 2019-2022 the volume of the State procurement decreased, and the volume of recruitment of applicants for the contract increased during 2018-2020, and in 2021-2022 it had a significant decline. This is explained by the implemented norm for setting prices for educational services not lower than the calculated minimum cost of education. The analysis of prices for educational services in the HEIs of the city of Dnipro in 2020-2021 showed that prices for education in accordance with the new system in public universities increased 1.17–2.05 times, with the exception of private HEIs and higher education institutions of agrarian orientation, which is non-profile for the analyzed specialty. In addition, prices turned out to be higher than those of leading universities, which are leaders in recruitment for specialty 072 in Ukraine. The evaluation of the results of the admission campaign in in the HEIs of the city of Dnipro in the context of the introduction of indicative self-cost showed that recruitment indicators decreased in all universities (except for those where there was a significant increase in prices). In addition, the share of the region’s recruitment in the number of admitted to studying according to the specialty in Ukraine has also decreased. This indicates negative trends towards a shift in the preferences of applicants from admission to public HEIs to admission to private ones as well as non-profile universities (usually in a technical direction) due to the lower price of educational services. In addition, as result of a sharp increase in prices in regional higher education institutions, they have lost a competitive advantage over prestigious universities in the capital city. Until the end of martial law, the related resolution was suspended, which affected the results of the admission campaign in 2022, but the reduction in recruitment is associated, in particular, with a decrease in the number of outbound applicants to Ukrainian universities.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Hehedosh K. V.
The Prospects for Recognition of Economics Specialties and Digital Assessment of a Scientist in Ukraine (p. 53 - 62)

Scientific research on the prospects for the development of education and science in Ukraine in the context of European integration and information transformation is considered at almost every scientific conference and is present in government decisions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. However, there are still many unsolved questions (and often debatable) about the prospects for recognizing economics specialties in the new system of adaptation to the International Standard for the Classification of Education, which requires detailed revision. Simultaneously, given the positive trends in the development of the digital economy in Ukraine, we believe that it is worth exploring the possibility of developing a methodological approach to the digital assessment of a scientist. The article considers the analysis of economics specialties that were enshrined in the system of higher education in Ukraine before 2015 and further on, taking into account adaptation to international standards. However, blind copying of foreign standards has buried alive the economic science itself, which was based on marketing, accounting and auditing, and finance. Therefore, the publication presents a graphical model of the relationship between economics specialties through the analysis of the fundamental understanding of its individual directions. It is also emphasized that it is necessary to enshrine in the economic science the specialty «Management (by kinds of economic activity)» at the master’s and doctoral levels of higher education. This can be justified by the fact that not all specialists in a particular sector of the economy (educators, employees of health care institutions, etc.), although they are professionals in their field, due to the lack of knowledge in various disciplines of management and economics, can be efficient managers. Management is one of the directions of economic science, the subject of study of which is the search for methods of rational organization of the production system on the basis of marketing, financial and accounting support for the creation and realization of consumer value and obtaining the planned profit. The number of higher education institutions in each region allows creating new and improving traditional educational programs directly for the specific features of regional business. Thus, further research should be aimed at studying individual educational programs of economic specialties in the regions of Ukraine in order to form a national strategy for the development of higher education for subsequent years. Regarding the development of scientific research in the context of the formation of a digital society, we propose to create a web platform for assessing the scientific activities of scientists based on the results of conferences, seminars or forums on the basis of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MES) in cooperation with other educational and scientific organizations. The algorithm of actions should be as follows: an educational and scientific organization coordinates with the MES the relevant scheduled conference; a scientific platform is created on the website of the MES, where interested conference participants register personal pages and which are open to other registered participants; the latter send materials to the educational and scientific organization holding the conference; the educational and scientific organization forms a scientific manual in electronic format, each article of which is displayed simultaneously on the personal page of the conference participant; in the future, each registered participant may, if desired, express his own scientifically based comment and rate for this material (0–100 points). Therefore, further scientific research should be aimed at determining the classification criteria in establishing points for scientific material in accordance with the assessment «Excellent, can be implemented (90–100 points)» to «Unsatisfactory, requires significant revision (up to 50 points)».

Article is written in Ukrainian


Marchenko V. M., Hrechko A. V., Kavtysh O. P., Makaliuk I. V., Osetskiy V. L., Shutyuk V. V.
Assessment of Differences in Perceptions of Consumers of Educational Services about the Image of Universities (p. 149 - 156)

The purpose of the study is to quantify the level of divergence (similarity) of perceptions of potential consumers of educational services regarding the image of universities in order to strengthen their competitive position in the market of educational services. Within the terms of this purpose, the authors were given the following tasks: to assess the level of differences in the perception of the image of the university by consumers of educational services; to identify the sources of formation of their ideas about the quality of educational services. The article solves the problem of forming a positive image of universities in Ukraine in the context of determining its components, which, according to the results of a survey of students, had the most significant impact on the choice of a higher education institution (HEI), as well as determining the level of divergence of the criteria for its choice by consumers of educational services. An assessment of the image of higher educational institutions in the city of Kyiv is carried out according to the totality of external and internal local components, making it possible to identify the main priorities for choosing a future consumer of educational services. It is determined that the main components of the image when students make a decision to enter one or another from the studied higher education institution are: scientific cooperation with foreign higher education institutions; international partnerships; the scale of educational activities; infrastructure of the university. Based on the results of the study, matrices of perception of the image of universities have been developed and distances between them have been determined, which allow to identify the level of divergence of perceptions of consumers of educational services about the image of universities. Distinctive features of the obtained results are that they allow to determine how the perceptions of consumers of educational services change in the process of obtaining them in the studied universities, also to allocate those components of the image that should be given the greatest attention by HEIs in the process of forming a further strategy for attracting and retaining consumers of basic services. The sphere of practical use of the obtained results is the system of public administration bodies in the field of higher education, management bodies of higher education institutions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Chaika I. P., Khursa O. V.
Improvement of the National System of Lifelong Learning (p. 123 - 129)

The aim of the article is to update the current state of the national lifelong education system and to formulate proposals for its improvement through the wide involvement of higher education institutions (HEIs) in this process. On the basis of the analysis, systematization and generalization of official documents that in recent years regulate the sphere of lifelong education in Ukraine, also the plans on the part of the national state-based structures for the further development of the direction of «Adult Education», the main problem areas, the current state and vectors of development of this sphere are identified. As a result of the study, it is proposed to develop the system of adult education in Ukraine, including through the creation of creative hubs in higher education institutions, accessible to different categories of the adult population (by age, level of previous education, skills). University hubs as centers of creative entrepreneurship should be built on the interaction of human creativity, ideas, knowledge, technologies, protection of intellectual property; they should gradually alter the economic life and social climate of local communities for the better through joint intellectual, emotional, and material practices. At that, university creative hubs as centers of cooperation between institutions and individuals will contribute to the formation of practices of openness, trust, and the development of professional associations of local communities. The prospect for the development of creative hubs of HEIs is the impact on other spheres of public life, such as employment policy, social, humanitarian policy, Euro-Atlantic integration (through advanced training and retraining of the population, promoting its employment, better informing communities, opening new opportunities for representatives of business, public organizations, etc., international cooperation, and so on). Therefore, further research in this direction should be the development of practical recommendations for the formation of a platform for horizontal economic and social interactions of the university creative hub with the local community.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Skydan M. I.
Improving the Quality of Higher Education as the Main Direction of Strategic Development of Higher Education Institutions (p. 129 - 135)

Higher education in today’s economy plays an important and integral role in all aspects of social development. Its importance lies in the formation of highly qualified personnel, the development of innovations, the support of scientific research and the increase of the country’s competitiveness. Higher education provides an opportunity for students to acquire specialized knowledge and skills that they can be used in economics. Qualified graduates contribute to increased labor productivity and the creation of innovative products and services, which fosters economic growth. In addition, universities are important centers of scientific research that produce new knowledge and technologies that affect the development of the economy. They contribute to the commercialization of innovation and the creation of startups. Overall, higher education is a key to creating a knowledge-based economy that is becoming dominant in the modern era. Therefore, investment in higher education should be considered as a strategic step for sustainable economic development and improving the quality of life of citizens. Improving the quality of higher education is a necessary and urgent task in the modern world for a number of key reasons. High-quality higher education forms a highly skilled workforce that meets the needs of the labor market. Changes in the economy and technology require new skills and knowledge, and only higher education can ensure their acquisition. Higher education stimulates research and innovation, which supports a country’s economic development and competitiveness in a global context. Higher education also contributes to the development of critical thinking, creativity and civic engagement, being important aspects of the formation of civil society and democratic governance. Quality education increases the level of social equality by providing equal educational opportunities for different social groups. All these aspects verify the importance and necessity of improving the quality of higher education as a pivotal factor for the development of society, increasing the efficiency of the economy and preparing citizens for the challenges of the modern world. Improving the quality of higher education is important for ensuring competitiveness, developing innovations, supporting research and preparing citizens for global challenges, ensuring the sustainability of society’s development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shkurko Y. L.
Development of Professional Competence of Future Specialists in Transport Technologies in Maritime and River Transport through Professionogenesis (p. 135 - 146)

The purpose of the article is to conduct research and analyze the issue of forming the social and psychological competence of future specialists in transportation technologies in the maritime and river transport industry. The overall goal of the study is to identify key aspects and factors that influence the process of applicants’ professional development and their readiness to perform professional duties in the modern conditions of transportation industry development. The article explores important aspects of training future specialists who will work in the field of transport technologies, in particular, in maritime and river transport. The author of the article analyzes the theoretical foundations of the formation of professionogenesis and socio-psychological competence of applicants aimed at creating a basis for the professional development of future specialists. In order to achieve this goal, the scholars have developed a methodology for organizing an experimental study that allowed to determine the level of readiness of applicants of higher and vocational education institutions to obtain technical education and form competencies for further professional growth in the transport industry. The study identified the key components that affect the readiness of applicants to work in the transport industry, in particular in the field of maritime and river transport. Practical recommendations for the implementation and improvement of the professional qualities of applicants in the field of preparation for professional activities in the transport industry, in particular in the water transport sector, are elaborated. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that through this research, the scientific community has the opportunity to obtain new data regarding the formation of professionogenesis and professional growth of applicants specializing in transportation fields, particularly in maritime and river transport. The research findings can be used to improve educational programs and teaching methods aimed at providing more effective training for future professionals in the transportation industry. Overall, this article represents a significant contribution to the development of scientific thought in the field of professional preparation for future specialists in transportation technologies, and it also provides practical recommendations for their successful professional development in the transportation sector, fostering the further growth and enhancement of this industry.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zaitseva A. S.
The Consolidation of Educational and Scientific Technologies as an Imperative to Ensure Transparency of Enterprise Development (p. 146 - 151)

It is determined that the economic nature of such a phenomenon as recession of any economy always outlines the alternative choice: the model of institutional inertia for the sake of protecting the internal ecosystem of a national economy or changing its configuration for the purposes of transformation and strategic development. It is concluded that the need to overcome the system challenges facing the Ukrainian economy and ensure sustainable development in the current conditions proves the expediency of intensifying the formation of a public system of innovations and, too, of strengthening the strategic scientific and technological forces. By deepening the reform of scientific and technical education, it is necessary to form a system of technological innovations, which considers enterprises as subjects of the innovations, which is market-oriented and provides an in-depth integration of production organizations, universities and research institutions. It is expedient to strengthen support for small and medium-sized enterprises in their innovative activities, to stimulate the commercialization of the results of scientific and technological activities, to form an innovative culture, a culture of protection and use of intellectual property rights. It is necessary to train a large contingent of strategically valuable scientific and technical personnel of the international level, leaders of scientific and technological activities, young specialists in the field of science and technology, to create high-level innovative teams. The creation of a modernized economic system is an urgent requirement due to the need to overcome barriers and the strategic goal of development. It is necessary to put quality first, giving priority to efficiency.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shapoval O. V.
Managing Transformations in Higher Education in Ukraine: Challenges and Opportunities (p. 184 - 190)

The aim of the article is to study, identify and analyze the problems that arise in the context of transformation processes in higher education in Ukraine, also identifying the areas of research that remain understudied. The article provides a comprehensive overview of the challenges faced by higher education institutions (HEIs) of Ukraine during the transformation, and their comparison with similar processes in foreign HEIs. To achieve the set aim, the method of thematic analysis was used. This method is usable for systematic identification, classification and analysis of the main problems that arise in Ukrainian HEIs, taking into account the existing research of Ukrainian scholars. In addition, a secondary study was undertaken to collect additional data for further classification and categorization. The article provides information on the main challenges that arise in HEIs of Ukraine within the framework of their transformation processes, and compares them with similar phenomena in foreign HEIs. This creates a basic framework for understanding the main aspects that need attention in the context of the transformation of higher education in Ukraine. In addition, the article highlights specific challenges that have a limited amount of research in the scientific literature of Ukraine, which paves the way for further research in this direction. These results are of practical importance for further research on the challenges associated with transformation processes in Ukrainian HEIs, as well as for filling gaps in scientific research. This involves moving on to the practical aspects of addressing these challenges and developing effective solutions. Potential areas for further research may include the creation of a comprehensive, holistic approach to the management of transformation processes or a separate consideration of each challenge, taking into account the unique context of higher education institutions in Ukraine.

Article is written in English


Khaustova V. Y., Petrykiva O. S.
Modern Trends in the Development of Innovative Technologies in Education (p. 174 - 180)

The relevance of the study of innovative technologies in education is gaining importance, as it is aimed at improving the quality of education and preparing a new generation of specialists for the requirements of modern society. The rapid changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the military aggression of the Russian Federation, the spread of digitalization processes have led to the modernization of the higher education system and the introduction of innovative approaches based on the use of electronic educational resources and distance learning. The article examines the use of the latest tools, such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and others, in the educational process. The authors consider the implementation of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, online platforms as instruments for individualizing learning and providing access to educational materials in any place and time. The study is aimed at systematization of data on the benefits and risks that are characteristic of the introduction of innovative technologies into the learning process. It is determined that it is necessary to constantly improve pedagogical skills through the integration of innovative technologies in order to achieve a qualitatively new level of education. Overall, the article emphasizes the role of constant adaptation to the rapid pace of technological development to ensure effective and efficient learning.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shkolnyi O. O., Novak I. М., Verniuk N. O.
Introduction of the Principles of Development of Regenerative Entrepreneurship in the Process of Training Management Specialists (p. 154 - 160)

The aggravation of economic, social and environmental problems of today necessitates their reflection in the research sphere and in the educational process of higher education institutions. Nowadays it is important to ensure the restoration of the regenerative properties of the natural resource potential and the development of a circular economy. The aim of the article is to highlight the possibilities of introducing the principles of development of regenerative entrepreneurship and the implementation of the circular economy in Ukraine in the training of future managers. Currently, the theoretical provisions of management and economic science are being criticized; there is an urgent need to bridge the gap between theory and management realities. The practice of regenerative entrepreneurship is becoming more and more widespread, which, in relation to business, is combined with the positive impact of entrepreneurial activity on the environment, primarily natural. The dynamism of market conditions requires continuous improvement of methods and techniques of teaching students in accordance with the requests of stakeholders and trends in the development of the higher education system. The article reflects the need for the development of responsible management education and the reflection of the principles of regenerative entrepreneurship in the process of training management specialists. The interest of business entities in solving individual management problems contributes to the establishment of close ties between the research, training and production spheres, which is a prerequisite for attracting effective methods in the training of management specialists. At present, along with traditional teaching methods, the use of interactive teaching methods, in particular the analysis of specific situations, has become widespread in the training of future managers, which provides a combination of mastering theoretical provisions and acquiring practical skills in the field of management. The authors consider possible objects for the use of the method of analysis of specific situations regarding the development of regenerative entrepreneurship in the training of specialists in agrarian management. The method of analysis of specific situations is successfully combined with other innovative technologies for training managers (simulation modeling, immersive learning, experimental method, etc.), capable of reflecting the implementation of the principles of regenerative entrepreneurship in the practice of organizations.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Saukh Y. P., Saukh I. V.
Diagnostics of the Personal Creativity of the Head of the Educational Institution: Definition and Readiness for Innovative Managerial Activity (p. 117 - 128)

The article presents the results of the analysis of the phenomenon of creativity of managerial activity, which is objectively due to the change of the educational paradigm in the discourse of new challenges of civilization development. The authors state that in modern conditions it is important to substantiate the essential principles of the need to move to a new architectonics of economic reality, which is characterized by a change in the content and nature of managerial activity, transformation of management technologies and the very philosophy of management on the basis of recognizing the priority of the conception of creativity. Creative competence is considered as a managerial problematic issue, which is included in the top issues of scientific research in various spheres of society as generally recognized and extremely relevant. The necessity of comprehensive use of the creative potential of the individual and a holistic, fundamental, systematic, problem-based approach to the educational process is proved. The need to develop new theoretical, methodological, methodical and practical methods and approaches to activation, rational and effective use of creative and intellectual human potential as the main source, as a strategic tool for the effective use of the main productive force – people – in the post-industrial society is substantiated. The phenomenon of creative management activity is defined as an essential feature of the national economy, which reproduces specific forms of transformation of intellectual potential into dominant predictors of positive changes in socioeconomic processes of the educational system. It is stated that the theory of creative management activity and the analysis of its components have not become widespread in the educational sector due to the lack of skills and experience of creative management among the heads of educational institutions, also due to the lack of unified approaches to creative management in organizations in the educational sphere. Proving the importance of the scientific and practically-oriented problem of creativity determines the expediency of determining the criteria according to which the creative management activity of the head of an educational institution demonstrates an ability to generate sustainable competitive advantages, a high level of innovation activity. It is found that the diagnosis of creativity should be approached as a «miniature model of the creative act», while the choice of approaches to the problem of diagnosis can no longer be determined by «na?ve reflection». It is proposed, in the context of the problem field of diagnosing the creativity of the head of an educational institution, to actualize the phenomenon of «intellectual activity», as well as to apply a system of coefficients that characterize creative managerial activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhelezniakova E. Y., Zmiivska I. V.
Digital Platform as a Tool for Digitalization of Education (p. 129 - 135)

Under the influence of digital transformation, which consists in the digitalization of various spheres of human life, a new technological phenomenon is emerging – a digital platform. In the context of economic development, rapid changes in information technology and a new quality of society, modern education is based on high-tech educational tools, i. e. mobile and universal digital platforms. The authors of the article analyze the concept of «digital platform» in the context of its use in the digital educational environment in the context of digitalization of education. The current approaches to the interpretation of digital platforms, proposed by various scientists, are considered. It is determined that the digital platform should be considered as one of the digital learning tools in the course of the educational process in the context of digitalization of education. Also, a digital platform is a virtual spot, an information and communication environment that provides academic content, productive activities, communication and interactive interaction of participants in the process, also a software and hardware tool that provides access to the digital educational environment of all participants at any time from anywhere in the world and ensures the educational process in distance learning. The problems, advantages and disadvantages associated with the functioning of digital platforms are identified. It is also noted that the digital educational environment, thanks to the capabilities of digital platforms, should be a center for various information flows due to the active information interaction of all participants in the educational process. Hence, digital platforms are one of the most important tools in the digitalization process and are considered perspective for the digitalization of education. They are made up of technological, productive and communicative elements. This allows for the effective development of such a form of education as distance learning, which has become especially relevant in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the full-scale invasion of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Illiashenko S. M., Shypulina Y. S., Semeniutin A. O.
Problems and Prospects of Distance Learning in the Conditions of Post-War Recovery and Technological Transformations of the Economy of Ukraine (p. 79 - 88)

The article is devoted to the identification of topical problems and prospects for the development of distance learning in the context of post-war recovery and innovative growth of the national economy of Ukraine, taking into account the technological transformations caused by the introduction of digital technologies of the fourth industrial revolution. The identified problems are grouped according to the reasons for their manifestation: caused by the war, which limit or make it impossible for students/trainees to study in classrooms; caused by changes in the labor market under the influence of digital technologies of the fourth industrial revolution; caused by the need to adapt higher education institutions to changes in the conditions of the external macro- and micro-environment. The important role of distance learning in solving each of these groups of problems is outlined. A SWOT analysis of the prospects and problems of distance learning development in Ukraine in the conditions of wartime and post-war reconstruction is carried out. A quantitative assessment of the factors influencing the external and internal environment has been carried out, i. e.: respective market opportunities and threats, strengths and weaknesses of distance learning. The results of the carried out assessment can be used as information and analytical support to substantiate strategies for the development of distance learning in the system of higher education in Ukraine. Recommendations on ways to improve distance learning in post-war Ukraine in the context of its individual characteristics in the context of adaptation to the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution and the formation of a digital economy are presented. The results of the study deepen the fundamental aspects of higher education management, in particular from the standpoint of improving approaches to choosing priority trajectories for the development of distance learning on the basis of its digitalization to solve urgent problems of staffing post-war recovery and innovative development of the Ukrainian economy in the context of technological transformations caused by the fourth industrial revolution.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lola Y. Y., Nesmiian D. M.
Research on Youth Awareness of Tools of Influence on Local Self-Government Bodies (p. 112 - 117)

The article presents the results of a social study on the readiness of young people of the Kharkiv community to be involved in making socially important decisions under the influence of global crises. Three hypotheses have been proposed. First, global changes encourage a content-based transformation of civic values of student youth in Kharkiv towards their strengthening. Secondly, the dangers of wartime lead to an increase in the civic activity of young people in Ukrainian society. Thirdly, the level of civic education remains low. To evaluate the hypotheses put forward, the method of online survey of students and pupils of the Kharkiv community has been used. The results showed the following: 1) insufficient awareness of young people about the tools of influence on the authorities; 2) the farther the respondents are geographically, the more desperate they are in the possibilities of influencing local authorities; 3) a fairly high level of potentially active youth, since 28.2% of students and pupils feel empowered to take the initiative to interact with local governments. In addition, a high percentage of young people trust NGOs and consider them effective, and most of the students and pupils positively assess the democratic changes that have taken place in Ukrainian society (42.5% of students and schoolchildren positively assessed the results of the decentralization reform). Based on the results of the carried out social study, the importance of raising the education of young people regarding their influence on the government is emphasized, which is an important step for strengthening democracy and civic participation in community development. The findings of the social study of civic literacy of the youth of the Kharkiv community and the proposed recommendations actualize the discussion on the need to strengthen civic education and stimulate the activity of young people in interacting with the authorities and involving them in decision-making will be useful in finding ways to solve existing problems, ways to support the community in planning youth policy in the post-war period.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kim T. I.
Formation of Intellectual Resources of the Global Economy in the Context of Sustainable Economic Development (p. 182 - 192)

During the global transformations of the modern world, due to rapid technological progress, changes in the geopolitical order, the formation of modern socioeconomic systems and other factors, the role and importance of education is growing. One of the relevant processes that determine the modern world reality is the formation and development of intellectual resources that ensure the introduction of technological innovations in all spheres of life, and are also an important factor in sustainable economic development. The basis for the development of intellectual resources is education, in particular higher education, which forms the modern worldview of a person, contributes to the assimilation of basic knowledge/achievements of mankind, the development of modern cognitive skills, the development of technologies, professional activity, and forms the creative potential of the individual. The study is devoted to highlighting current trends in the development of the educational potential of intellectualization of the economy in the global, regional and national dimensions, and also focuses on the diversity of creating conditions for the intellectual development of the population in regions and countries of the world with different socioeconomic structure and per capita income. An analysis of statistical data is carried out, in particular, an analysis of the number of students and financing of higher education in regions, groups of countries by income level and individual countries of the modern world during 2012–2022; systemic and regional trends and features of building intellectual potential in the modern world are identified. The countries with the largest number of students have been defined, with a steady trend of its growth. The tendencies of growth and decline in the number of students in the group of developed countries, in the group of countries with economies in transition and in the group of developing countries are analyzed. It is concluded that there is a steady increase in the number of students in countries with high rates of economic growth. These include China, India, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Chile, Turkey, Egypt and others. In the regional context, the leaders in terms of the number of students are the countries of Europe, East Asia, and Latin America. At the same time, the downward trend in the number of students is observed in countries with economies in transition, where education and enlightenment were considered one of the main social values. In accordance with the requirements of technological transformation, the whole world invests in the development of human capital, increasing funding for education. An analysis of expenditures on education in groups of countries by income showed that these expenditures are unevenly distributed and in terms of per capita are very different from each other. General, State-owned and other sources of financing education are considered. It is found that the largest share of public spending on education belongs to the group of high-income countries, while household spending in these countries is several times lower. The opposite is the trend in the ratio of funding sources in low-income countries, where public private spending is comparable, and official development assistance has recently declined sharply. It is concluded that there are significant differences in educational opportunities between countries and regions of the world, which have created different educational conditions in terms of access and quality. Among them are both developed and developing countries characterized by high rates of economic growth. Competitiveness in the modern global environment is obtained by those countries where education is a priority, and those countries where the formation of human capital mostly falls on the shoulders of the population lag behind, respectively.

Article is written in Ukrainian


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