


KV #19905-9705 PR dated 02.04.2013.



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Economics of Trade and Services


Zhvan V. V.
Technology of Quality Assessment of Management by Objectives in Housing and Communal Services (p. 141 - 143)

The technologies of quality rating for management programs in housing and communal services, based on purpose methods are researched. There also are suggested the principals of the monitoring indicators system building for the businesses, that are related with housing and communal services.

Article is written in Russian

Leontyeva Y. Y.
Estimation Level Development of Areas Kharkiv Regional Tourist Destination (p. 144 - 148)

In the article estimation development of Kharkov regional areas tourist destination is spent. Level developments of areas there are considerable disproportions are established.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dyachek V. V.
Foreign Trade in Goods by the Enterprises of Kharkiv Region: Statistical Overview and Desirable Ways of Development (p. 149 - 158)

The article is dedicated to investigation of the current status of foreign trade in goods by enterprises of Kharkiv region and identifying the desired direction of development of this type of trade. It was conducted the statistical analysis of the data of the Main Statistical Office of the Kharkiv region, calculated rates of development, carried out a structural analysis and identified major trends in foreign trade by the enterprises of the region, carried out a comparative analysis with similar trends in Ukraine generally. As a result, there were defined the desired ways of development of this type of activity and the direction of its regional governance.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kunitsin S. V.
Strategic Planning of Cluster Integration Interrelation Development of Professional Participants of Tourist Market (p. 108 - 111)

The article offers the methodic approach to the development of the coordinated strategy of tourist and recreational cluster development which peculiarity is the account of the presence of competitive and cooperation interrelations of the professional participants of the tourist market. The distinction of the author’s proposals lies in the expanded understanding of the cluster through the range of institutional agreements acting in relation to the tourist and recreational resources connected with the particular territory.

Article is written in Russian


Leonova Y. A.
Optimization of Warehouse LLC «Fidlife» (p. 88 - 91)

In the article placing of the goods in Limited liability company «Feedlife» warehouse is investigated. Recommendations about optimization of warehouse activity of the enterprise through placing of the goods in «hot» and «cold» zones are developed. Results of research also are represented schematically.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Anistratenko O. V.
Optimization of the Crimea Tourist-Recreational Complex’ Financing on the Basis of State Regulation (p. 91 - 95)

The problems of Crimea tourist-recreational complex’ financing were analyzed in the article. The authors’ opinions about improvement of the financing of tourist-recreational complex were studied. The directions of the improvement and development of the financing of the Crimea tourist-recreational complex state regulation were proposed.

Article is written in Russian


Krasnokutska N. S.
Reputation potential as a factor of trade enterprises development in Ukraine (p. 97 - 100)

The article suggested information and methodological support for the research of reputation potential of trade enterprises. The problems of formation and the main trends of development of goodwill, brands and private labels of Ukrainian trade enterprises are identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kovalenko A. N.
Improvement of Trade Enterprise’s Consumer’s Service with Account of Specific Requirements of Customers (p. 174 - 177)

The key factors of authentication of special purpose segments of most perspective consumers are investigate in the article. The recommendations on the improvement of trade enterprise’s consumer’s service with account of the individual approach to a customer were given.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Leontyeva Y. Y., Vlashchenko N. M.
Applied Aspects of the Interregional Clustering in Tourism. (p. 177 - 183)

Possibility of tourist clusters formation is investigational in a interregional scale. The model of tourist clusters is offered; recommendation of principle determination contours is developed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Prokopishyna O. V., Kozubova N. V.
Accounting and Analytical Support of State Development Programs for Tourism (p. 184 - 190)

The paper presents a proposal for composition of information and analytic support system for state regulation of tourism. On the base of proposed indicators the paper reveals tourism impact on gross domestic product, international balance of payments and national accounts. The proper estimates and analytical findings on international tourist arrivals for Ukraine are given. Also the paper discloses the main problems of national travel market and potential leverages of state regulation of tourism in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tityaev V. V.
Problem Questions of the Formation Costs of Housing and Communal Services (p. 190 - 193)

The article analyzed the dynamics of growth of cost of services at the enter-prises of water supply, sewerage and heating of Ukraine for 2002-2012 years. The extremely high growth rates require more cost effective management of costs. We proposed mechanism, which may stimulate reduction in the cost of housing and communal services.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Piatnytska G. T., Raksha N. V.
Strategic and Tactic Tasks of Beveregies Trade Organization on Petrolium Stations (p. 139 - 144)

Is analised the structure of trade chain, which is doing trade of beveregies in Ukraine. The result of investigation characteristics of trading beverages in petrolium stations in Ukraine identifies strategic and tactical tasks, which will be directed on improving the efficiency of its organization.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pylypenko A. A.
The Tourism and Recreation Cluster Strategic Management Development Organizing (p. 145 - 149)

Scheme of hierarchical representation of the strategic management of tourism and recreational cluster developed. As the basis of the strategic process at the selected cluster activation integrative trends and consistently using multyagent and reflexive control models. The contours of strategic management are defined in the components of the business model of the tourism cluster and subject of attractiveness factors.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dvirko Y. V.
Methodical Fundamentals of Consumer Cooperatives Trade Enterprises Benchmarking Management (p. 150 - 154)

The article deals with organizational and methodical fundamentals of Ukrainian consumer cooperatives trade enterprises benchmarking management. There was offered the author’s approach upon essence, objects, aims, principals, tasks and benchmarking management models under conditions of modern business.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yezhelyi Y. A.
Performance Improvement of Consumer Cooperatives in Ukraine as a Necessary Condition for Overcoming the Current Crisis and for Successful Development in the XXI Century (p. 155 - 159)

This article shows main features in dynamics of retail trade industries of consumer cooperatives in Ukraine over the last decade. A research of the general effectiveness in economic and financial activities of Ukoopspilka was conducted by considering absolute indices, functional and economic activity calculation, which eventually allowed the determination of the economic efficiency integral indicator. Analysis result is shown as a generalization of the main consumer cooperatives tendencies and highlights of its’ main problems.

Article is written in Russian


Vlasova N. O., Mikhaylova O. V.
Theoretical Aspects of Determining Effectiveness of Policies for Current Assets’ Formation in Trade Enterprises (p. 166 - 170)

The essence of the notion «effectiveness of current assets’ formation» and «effectiveness of policies for current assets’ formation» is determined in the article on the basis of researching concept approaches to the understanding of economic nature of the enterprise as an economic subject.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Korsak V. I.
Assessment of the Level of Commercial Establishments’ Procurement of Ukrainian Regions Population (p. 170 - 175)

An analysis has been carried out to assess the level of support of the regions’ residence with the retail outlets of various formats has been carried out. It was established the imbalance between support of urban and rural residences in different regions with «emergency purchases» retail establishments.

Article is written in Ukrainian

But S. Y.
Project Management Innovation Development Trade Enterprises (p. 175 - 178)

The article considers the scientific basis of project management innovation of commercial enterprises. An analysis of project management was done. The recommendations regarding professional project management are propsed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Skripnik L. V., Kornilova N. V.
mproving Management Technology of Tourism Enterprises (Travel Companies in Cherkasy Region) (p. 142 - 144)

The paper analyzes the current state of management of tourist enterprises in Cherkasy, identifies internal and external factors that influence the effectiveness of management, suggests ways to improve technology of management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

TankovKonstantin N., Chepurda H. M.
Personnel Technology as Key-Element of Management System in Tourist Organization (p. 145 - 147)

The article deals with the main aspects of personnel technology realization in the system of tourist organization management. Actuality of method of aim’s personnel management, which is based on integration of individual and common interests of tourist organization workers is defined.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kunitsin S. V.
The Rating Score and Ranking of Tourism Market Professional Participants for their Cluster-Integration Interaction Institutional Design (p. 151 - 155)

Creating ratings of the tourism market participants in an iterative mode in the information and communication environment interaction was suggested. Ranking procedure is focused on the qualitative characteristics of tourist product, indicative of the cluster development plans and taking into account economic parameters of its participants. The difference of the proposals is the introduction of the context of rating review procedures in accordance with the level of the architectonics of the cluster. We prove the relevance of «cloud computing» and the reflective framework for the formation of a system of indicators.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Podkamennyy I. N., Sovershennaya I. A.
Innovative Development of Retail Businesses. (p. 156 - 159)

Retail sales in the world and in Ukraine are developing rapidly, which is not only the investment, but also to innovation. Innovations become the main trend of many retail businesses, and therefore the study and summary of experience of their use in the world is of particular relevance to national experts in the field of trade. In this regard, the article highlights the main trends of innovation leading trading companies, which include the introduction of a variety of process and marketing innovation, the constant focus on the changing needs of consumers. For further growth of retailers that operate in Ukraine, offered innovative areas of their development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vodovozov Y. N.
Controlling the Flow of Material Resources of Restructuring Actions of Enterprises in the Housing (p. 160 - 164)

The article elaborated methodological support to control the flow of material resources in the event of restructuring enterprises in the housing in terms of reforming the property. The model of flow control material resources of restructuring activities is proposed, that, unlike existing ones, can analyze all departures on schedule control and make changes to eliminate them.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gayday Y. V.
Guidelines Determine the Stage of the Life Cycle of the Organizational Culture of Trade (p. 164 - 166)

In the article the guidelines definition stage of the life cycle of the organizational culture of trade is investigated. The main trends of forming the organizational culture of trade is defined. The basic approaches to the formation of the matrix determine the stage of the life cycle of the organizational culture of trade are grounded.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bielova O. I.
Methodological Approach to Formation of Contents and Structure of the Motivational Mechanism of Strategic Management of Trade Networks (p. 155 - 163)

The article analyses modern approaches to the process of formation and realisation of strategic management at enterprises. It studies methodical approaches to motivation of strategic management and to formation of motivational mechanism of personnel. It substantiates urgency of establishing conditions for stimulation of strategic management through stimulation of the staff potential. It defines the notion of the motivational mechanism of strategic management of enterprises, which is a realisation of a body of factors, rules, principles, incentives, causes, motivators, and methods that are designed to stimulate the process of development and realisation of strategy at an enterprise, in the basis of which the process of motivation of staff potential is laid. It offers a scheme of formation of an algorithm of construction of a motivation mechanism of strategic management of an enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kozub V. O.
Formation of the System of Monitoring Financial Results of a Trade Company (p. 163 - 168)

The article substantiates an order of formation of the system of monitoring financial results of a trade company and identifies contents of its basic stages. It spe4cifies informational, methodical, technical and organisational principles of realisation of the system of monitoring of financial results. It determines conditions and order or submission of results of monitoring financial results of a trade company.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vysochan O. S.
Correlation of Notions «Traveler», «Visitor» and «Tourist»: International Statistical Approach (p. 200 - 206)

The article studies individual provisions of international regulatory documents on economic statistics, which represent terminology of the tourist branch. It analyses differences between such notions as traveller, visitor and tourist in the international practice of statistics. It generalises separate categories of travellers that are excluded from the stock of visitors in accordance with the international practice of statistics of tourism. It improves definitions of the terms, connected with the tourist activity, represented in the Law of Ukraine “On Tourism”, on the basis of international experience. It identifies prospective directions of further research for development of the economy of tourism.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Iastremska O. О.
VIP-Tourism: Essence and Prospects of Development (p. 207 - 212)

The article analyses intensity of tourist flows of inbound and outbound tourism in Ukraine, identifies essence of vip-tourism and its types, the main of which are individual and group tourism. It proves that vip-tourism is one of the most stable types of tourism, which least of all depends on fluctuations of the world economy and political situation in countries and regions – in other words: its development facilitates stabilisation of profit from tourism independent of external factors. It specifies main tendencies of vip-tourism development, which lie mainly in increase of diversity of services, their unique nature and technological effectiveness. It makes a conclusion about expansion of vip-tourism due to gradual post-crisis development of the world economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bubenko P. T., Dymchenko O. V., Prasol V. M., Dvorkin S. V.
Ways of Solving Problem Issues of Personnel Policy of the Housing and Community Amenities (HCA) under Conditions of Reformation (p. 212 - 217)

The article analyses modern state of personnel provision of HCA of Ukraine. It substantiates urgency of formation of the modern system of education, training and retraining of personnel on the basis of integration integrity, institutional orderliness and innovation orientation. It shows main tasks and principles of construction of the National strategy of organisation of education, training, retraining and advanced training of specialists for introduction of the market conditions of management in the sphere of housing and community amenities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Novozhilova M. V., Chub O. I., Zhuravka A. V.
Management of Resources of a Water Supply Utility With Consideration of Uncertainty of Influence of Internal and External Environment (p. 217 - 221)

The article checks factors of influence on the forms and essence of the production process of the repair utility in the sphere of water supply and drain of a megapolis. It analyses the economic category “resource potential” of a utility. It gives a classification of main types of uncertainties, which are generated by external and internal environment of a company. When considering activity of a company in a certain interval of planning as a multitude of construction and repair projects, the article identifies means of mathematical modelling and solution of tasks of various stages of management of limited resources of a repair utility with consideration of uncertainties. At the stage of planning of a resource potential of a company, these uncertainties are modelled as variables of the characteristics of works of repair and reconstruction projects of a company.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koposov G. A., Semenenko O. A.
Use of the Functional and Cost Analysis for Assessment of Prospects of a Product Development (p. 222 - 225)

The article considers a necessity of development of a competitive product line as a method of increase of profitability of a company. It substantiates urgency of search for new technical ideas and solutions on improvement of a basic product. Achievement of optimal correlation between its usability and costs on its production and use is considered to be the basis for new modifications of a product. In order to solve the task, the functional and cost analysis is offered and tested on the example of tomato paste production

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sagaidak M. P.
Use of International Experience in Formation of the System of Internal Marketing at Domestic Companies of the Service Sphere (p. 226 - 230)

The article studies world experience of managing hired personnel and forming a system of internal marketing. It was revealed during the study of experience of American, Japanese and European companies that, in order to increase sales of products and services, they develop and implement programmes directed at increase of qualification of the contact personnel. It analyses the modern state of the process of realisation of new principles of conducting business and efficient organisation of labour of the contact personnel by domestic companies engaged in the service sphere. It identifies the main goal of realisation of the concept of internal marketing in operational activity of domestic companies of the service sphere and substantiates main vectors of their development with the use of internal marketing tools and HR management.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zavarzina T. V.
Perfection of Assessment of Efficiency of Financing Innovation Development of Trade Companies (p. 230 - 234)

The article studies modern approaches to identification of essence of the notion “efficiency of financing” and uses it for defining the notion “efficiency of financing innovation development of a company”. It presents systematisation of indicators of assessment of efficiency of financing innovation development of a trade company. It is offered to use an integral indicator, which would allow assessment of an aggregate effect, in order to make an assessment of efficiency of financing innovation development of a company.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kovalchuk K. F., Khimenko Y. A.
Structural Analysis of Wholesale Intermediary Activity in Ukraine (p. 237 - 242)

Efficient functioning of the modern economic system depends on a developed market infrastructure, which unites various forms of product movement channels. An intermediary company is a central subject of any channel of distribution of goods and services. Availability and necessity of intermediary organisations is justified by a necessity to solve a fundamental economic contradiction between efficiency of mass production and efficiency of individual consumption. The article analyses the modern state of wholesale trade in Ukraine: it traces dynamics of volumes of wholesale goods turnover during 2005-2011; considers the regional structure of wholesale goods turnover and concentration of companies of wholesale trade in regions; illustrates dynamics of volumes of wholesale goods turnover for one company; analyses the structure of wholesale companies depending on volumes of wholesale goods turnover and dynamics of volumes of storehouse facilities. The article offers a classification of functions of wholesale intermediaries and conducts a morphological analysis of these functions. Volumes of the wholesale intermediary activity in Ukraine have increased during the past years, regional aspect inheres in wholesale trade, leaders in volumes of wholesale goods turnover are the City of Kiev, Donetsk Oblast, Dnipropetrivsk Oblast and Kharkiv Oblast. Commercial functions significantly prevail among all other functions of intermediaries, however, availability and evidence of production, financial and information functions confirm that a wholesale intermediary is a support of a producer, professional activity of which results in reduction of cost and increase of quality of goods, since the producer does not deal with functions not typical for it.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lola Y. Y.
Training Technologies in the Process of Training Specialists for the Tourist Industry (p. 242 - 247)

The article considers specific features of training specialists for the tourist sphere, studies the modern approach to formation of a complex of professional and general competences, development of professionally important personal qualities and also formation of psychological readiness of students to work in the selected specialty. It determines the place of trainings in the modern system of education, establishes a number of specific features of conducting trainings within the framework of the process of education. It proves that the competence approach in education requires formation of experience, which could be obtained on the basis of introduction of training technologies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mykhailichenko H. I.
Innovation Development of Integrated Tourist Companies (p. 247 - 253)

The article considers topical issues of producing and distribution of innovations by corporate structures in tourism. Systems of managing consolidated structures are identified in the course of analysis: directions of changes and regularities of development of subjects of the tourist business, organisation and legal and economic base of distribution of innovations within integrated companies; factors of influence on the processes of implementation of innovations. It justifies directions of changes of managerial hierarchy, importance of innovations in economic development of companies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Muzychka Y. A.
Interaction of Main Participants of Sales Channels in Tourist Industry (p. 253 - 258)

The article considers specific features of co-operation of main participants of a channel of sales of a tour product in the process of its bringing from supplier to consumer; and studies principles of sales concept of tourist companies. It conducts classification of tour operators depending on the place of performance of activity and functional characteristics. It reveals specific features of formation of the counteragent sales network of a tour operator and analyses main segments of the virtual sector of distribution of tourist services. It studies significance of electronic systems of reservation in activity of tourist companies.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Korsak V. I.
Influence of Socio-demographic Factors and Changes of Consumer Preferences on Formation of Regional Networks of Sales Outlets (p. 259 - 265)

The article studies the world experience of influence of socio-demographic factors on formation of regional retail trade networks, which are significantly differentiated in different regions, which is caused by natural-resource, climate, historical and cultural conditions. In order to have better understanding of processes that accompany formation of such networks, factors that are determining in the process of formation of retail trade in different countries were systemised and extrapolated on the regional level. In accordance with modern theories a region is considered as a quasi-state and not just as a concentration of natural resources and population, production and consumption of goods. It analyses reaction of retail trade operators on the change of consumer preferences. Significance of this problem for economy of the state and constant appearance of new factors, which might significantly influence development of retail trade, require permanent monitoring of this issue, which would provide the domestic retailer with a possibility to overcome the current lag from global leaders.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Manzhura O. V.
Improvement of Co-Operative Policy in Consumer’s Co-Operation of Ukraine (p. 265 - 270)

The article defines essence of co-operative way of life as a socio-economic phenomenon, systemises principles, which lie in the foundation of the co-operative policy. It analyses distribution and dynamics of a number of shareholders by regions of Ukraine, reveals regions with their biggest and lowest numbers and also rates of reduction. It gives an assessment of the state of realisation of the co-operative policy in the part of participation of shareholders in managing consumer’s societies (unions), specific weight of sales of goods by shareholders, and availability of co-operative payments and payments for shares. It reveals defects of the co-operative policy and substantiates recommendations on their elimination. It develops proposals on activation of organisation and co-operative activity and propaganda of co-operative ideas and values, formation of shareholders motivation to actively participate in activity of co-operative organisations, stimulation of consumer demand and loyalty of shareholders-consumers to the goods and services of companies and organisations of consumer’s co-operation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chepurda L. M.
Assessment of the modern state and tendencies of development of the service market of Ukraine (p. 270 - 274)

The article analyses the modern state and tendencies of development of the market of services in Ukraine, including tourist, social, hotel and restaurant, telephony, advertising, marketing, telecommunication, international trade and other services, such as insurance, financial, business and household services under conditions of the recent financial crisis. Service market of Ukraine during this period experienced significant changes, however, preserved stability with minimum losses. A significant impact for its development was EURO-2012 in Ukraine, which brought the service sector to the foreground. Development of the service sphere in Ukraine needs to attract additional investments, including foreign ones. This would ensure both receipt of financial resources and increase competitiveness of domestic producers of services, which would significantly strengthen positions of Ukraine in international exchange of services. Conclusions have prospects of Ukrainian service market development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pakulina A. A.
Perfection of Strategic Management of the Service Sphere Development (p. 197 - 201)

The article reveals and justifies principles of creation and functioning of the system of strategic management of the service sphere development. It justifies theoretical provisions of formation of the composition of technological elements of the system of strategic management of prospective development of the service sphere. It reveals and analyses resource and competitive specific features of long-term development. It identifies the composition of strategies of economic growth by means of internal factors and justifies selection of an alternative strategy of the service sphere. It justifies selection of the strategy of economic growth by means of external resource provision of development of components of the service sphere. It justifies expediency of application of outsourcing as a tool of external management of types of the current activity and achievement of strategic goals of economic subjects and components of the service sphere.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krasnokutska N. S., Kruhlova O. A., Androsov V. Y.
Influence of Resource Potential on Formation of Value by Trading Companies (p. 202 - 207)

The article shows results of the study of influence of resource potential on formation of value by trading companies. It marks terminological and metrical problems of introduction of value-oriented management, justifies limitations and conditions of application of EVA indicator as a quantitative measure of value, which is created in a company. It reveals tendencies of formation of economic added value in big, medium and small trading companies during 2005 – 2011 and proves expediency of use of various EVA models, which are based on indicators of net profit or net operation profit, depending on the scale of activity of a company. It provides a correlation analysis of dependency of economic added value on the cost of the formed resource potential and confirms the hypothesis that increase of EVA in trading companies by means of accumulation of the cost of resource potential takes place with two or three years lag.

Article is written in Russian

TankovKonstantin N., Guslistyy A. S.
Outsourcing as a Tool of Effective Management of the Process of Tourist Services (p. 207 - 210)

The article considers main provisions of increase of effectiveness of the process of tourist services by means of attraction of outsourcing. It provides a model of the system of management of such a process, which determines main stages of creation of the biggest consumer value of tourist services. It shows that the priority in creation of effective management of the process of tourist services should be realisation of measures on the most productive attraction of internal and external resources. It states that selection of aims on creation of the system of management of tourist services is based on the results of complex assessment of its own capabilities and the most effective variants of attraction of a supplier of outsourcing-services.

Article is written in Russian


Vlasova N. O., Smolnyakova N. M., Mikhaylova O. V.
Principles and Main Stages of Optimisation in the System of Management of Circulating Assets in Retail Trade Companies (p. 202 - 208)

The article is devoted to the urgent problem of identification of the optimal requirements in circulating assets of trade companies on the basis of a system approach. It specifies economic content of the process of optimisation as a priority direction in the system of management of circulating assets. It identifies that the minimal, maximal or middle value of circulating assets could be optimal depending on certain conditions. It systemises principles of optimisation of circulating assets and reveals their essence. It develops a structural and logical model of optimisation of circulating assets in the form of a certain consequence of stages. The first two stages envisage identification of direction of optimisation on the basis of its principles in accordance with goals of management and approach to formation of circulating assets and also assessment of changes and reserves of operational and financial activity. The content of the central stage is justification of standards by criterion of sufficiency of circulating assets for provision of turnover and calculation of the basic parameters. The article provides conditions of selection of methodical approaches and methods of regulation. It offers adjustment of basic standards at final stages by criteria of liquidity and profitability, formation of standards of management and optimisation of sources of financing circulating assets.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sinyakova Y. N.
System of Resource Provision of Tourist Companies in Global and Regional Dimensions (p. 209 - 214)

The article provides comparison of regional, national and world parameters of development of the tourist sphere: it provides a characteristic of the state of resource provision of companies of the tourist sphere of Ukraine, identifies problems of their development within each resource of the presented system – land, capital, labour, entrepreneurial talent and information. It offers to consider staffing as a strategic competitive advantage and develops a number of measures on improvement of functioning of the system of resource provision of tourist companies.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Boyko M. G.
Methodological Foundations of the Study of the Socio-economic Value of Tourism (p. 208 - 215)

The goal of the article is in scientific justification of the methodological foundations of the study of the socio-economic value of tourism. Using results of the theoretical analysis, the article identifies essence of the socio-economic value of tourism as a type of economic activity. It establishes that the aggregated character of carrying out the tourist activity has impact on the socio-economic value of tourism, which is generated in different links of the production chain of the tourist activity. In the result of the study the article justifies that the tourist added value is a collective indicator, which reflects influence of tourism upon economic and social spheres and identifies its socio-economic value. The article generalises and determines the methodical essence of approaches to calculation of the tourist added value. The prospect of further studies in this direction is development of satellite accounts of tourism for determination of inter-branch connections, which, while influencing development of the tourist infrastructure and accompanying types of activity, identify the socio-economic value of tourism for the national economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Gavrish E. S.
Cluster analysis of companies of the hotel industry of Ukraine (p. 216 - 224)

The goal of the article is a cluster analysis for determination of stable unions between 20 hotels in the City of Donetsk on the basis of such indicators as: productivity, income per one employee, level of the labour payment fund, share of bonuses and quality level of the personnel. Having conducted a cluster analysis with the help of the STATISTICA 8.0 software, the article justifies a necessity of use of several methods of clusterisation, namely: hierarchical method and k-averages method. It conducts calculation of assessment of the quality level of the hotel personnel on the basis of a developed computer application, which includes the following indicators: attitude to work; level of knowledge and working experience; organisational abilities; ability to work with people; ability to work with documents and information; ability to make and realise decisions in time; ability to develop and implement innovations; and moral and ethical character features. The article marks out 6 clusters and conducts a comparative analysis of the obtained clusters for the 2010 and 2012 years and analyses mean values of indicators in the years under question. The prospect of further studies in this direction is the conduct of a cluster analysis among hotels of the City of Donetsk using the two-way joining method for determination of the most optimal stable union of hotels and its further development at the national level, which would facilitate development of the adjacent sectors of economy and sphere of services.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Koliesnik T. S.
Specific Features of Formation of Financial Strategy of a Retail Company at Different Stages of its Life Cycle (p. 225 - 230)

The article presents a four-stage model, which envisages the following main stages a retail company has to pass: creation (origination), growth, maturity and decline. It identifies processes and characteristics of a retail company at different stages of its life cycle and main criteria of consequent replacement of stages. It uses the relevant provisions to formulate main characteristics of the life cycle stages in the context of their connection with the priorities of financial activity of retail companies. It develops proposals on differentiation of goals, characteristics and directions of financial strategy of retail companies depending on the stages of their life cycles.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuzmin P. P.
Formation and Development of Intellectual Systems of Self-servicing: Basic Definitions (p. 231 - 235)

The article considers problems of formation of systems of self-servicing of customers. These processes take place in different branches of service and are determined by development of information technologies. History of development of systems of self-servicing is rather long, but they became to develop actively during formation of social networks and spontaneous solution of social tasks. Specific feature of the process of self-servicing is the fact that its participant plays both the role of the producer and customer. The condition of formation and development of systems of self-servicing is their complete information openness and voluntariness. It is necessary to create special systems of knowledge for development of this type of service systems. Functioning of the systems of self-servicing is an important element of ensuring stability of an economic system.

Article is written in Russian


Chorna M. V., Chatchenko O. Y.
Concept of Assessment of Demand on the Products of the Catering Industry Companies (p. 185 - 191)

The article presents the author’s concept of assessment of demand on products (services) of the catering industry companies. A specific feature of this concept is the vision of assessment of demand on products (services) of the catering industry companies under modern conditions of development of the national economy with consideration of specific features of demand in the domestic market of culinary products through the prism of the aggregate of goals of assessment. In accordance with the specified aggregate of goals, the article clearly identifies the aggregate of necessary (system, complex, process, target) and expedient (structural and functional, dynamic) approaches; justifies the system of mandatory principles consisting of three sub-systems – common, market, special principles; offers criteria of assessment of demand (correspondence, stability, intensity); creates a system of its information support that includes sub-systems of external and internal information. Implementation of this concept would allow the catering industry companies to identify availability, level and specific features of demand in the market of culinary products, which would correspond with formation of effective competitive strategy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Korzh R. V.
Effectiveness of Activity of Food Companies of Ukraine (p. 192 - 198)

The article provides results of assessment of effectiveness of activity of the food industry companies. It presents the assessment logic in the financial projection and covers the following substantial aspects: structure of the capital, profitability and business activity. The structure of the capital of food companies is assessed from the point of view of financial risk, which is identified with a degree of dependence on external investors and lenders and level of securing reserves with own circulating assets. The article makes a conclusion about a high level of the financial risk, which was typical for the food industry companies during 2007 – 2011 and caused by reduction of the share of long-term sources of financing in the structure of the capital. A positive characteristic of the structure of the capital of the studied companies is a relatively low value of the weighed average cost of their capital. However, despite this fact, the functioning capital of food companies ensured assets profitability less than the cost of capital, which resulted in destruction of the fundamental cost of the food industry companies during the studied period. The main factors that had negative influence upon the change of the level of economic profitability of food companies: reduction of profitability of products sales, deterioration of liquidity and slowing down of turnover of receivables. Analysis of business activity allowed making a conclusion about the extensive character of development of the technological base of food companies and reduction of their innovation activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tyagunova N. M.
Factors that Determine Competitive Strategies of Trading Companies of Consumer Co-Operation (p. 199 - 203)

The article studies internal and external factors of functioning of trading companies of consumer co-operation. It offers author’s vision of the essence and specific features of influence of these factors upon further development of competitive strategies of development of companies under modern economic conditions. In particular, the external factors that influence formation of competitive strategies of trading companies of consumer co-operation are as follows: state of the macro-environment, market situation, direct competitors, state of the public opinion and consumer behaviour. The internal factors that influence formation of competitive strategies of trading companies of consumer co-operation are as follows: parameters of strategic alternatives of companies, communication orientation of activity of trading companies, skills and resources, strengths and weaknesses of the use of marketing possibilities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Darchuk V. G.
Advertising Routes through Manor Sites as one of the Factors of Development of Rural (Green) Tourism in Ukraine (p. 204 - 214)

The goal of the article is to identify prerequisites of development of rural (green) tourism in the territory of Ukraine by the following directions of analysis: state of the rural districts, size of rural population, number of registered rural (green) manors and proposed routes through manor sites of the rural (green) tourism. The conducted analysis of the state of rural settlements of Ukraine revealed that 641 rural objects (40 settlements and 601 villages) disappeared from the map of Ukraine during 1991 – 2013. The author used Vizicom 3.5.11 software to develop 9 routes, namely: Crimean, Carpathian, Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi, Kyiv-Poltava, Lviv, Poltava, Khmelnytskyi-Vinnitsa-Cherkasy-Odesa-Mykolayiv and Chernigiv manors of the rural (green) tourism. The prospects of further studies in this direction is building up a model of development of rural (green) tourism of Ukraine, which includes imitation forecasting of basic components of the sphere of tourist services (providing tourists with a set of tourist services).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mykhailova M. V.
Improvement of the Marketing Complex of Restaurants With Consideration of Specific Features of Restaurant Services (p. 215 - 219)

The article considers approaches to formation of the marketing complex of the catering industry companies. It conducts a theoretical analysis of views of foreign and domestic scientists with respect to the structure of the marketing complex, which allowed identification of all possible elements, the number of which is more than 30 components. On the basis of the results of expert assessments, the article establishes importance of the elements of the marketing complex for catering industry companies, which allowed justification of its optimal structure, which consists of traditional elements, and also offers to supplement them with specific ones, namely: personnel, including service, and emotions. In the result, it offers a model, which has a modified configuration “5P + E”. It emphasises a necessity to organise internal marketing with the aim of a better satisfaction of external clients of a catering industry company through satisfaction of requirements of internal clients – personnel.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Miniailo V. P.
Methodological Grounds of Control of Purchases of Goods, Works and Services Using Public Funds (p. 190 - 196)

The article identifies factors that influence effectiveness of state purchases. It identifies elements of the system of control of purchases of goods, works and services using public funds, which is based on symbiosis of components of financial control as a function of management and state purchases. It identifies subjects, objects and forms of control and principles of its organisation. The number of forms and methods of control of purchases using public funds is caused by the fact that the check of state purchases could be carried out both in the process of inspection, state financial audit, monitoring and individually. Control of purchases with the use of public funds should cover effectiveness of application of acquired items and their purposeful application and storage. The article identifies internal factors, which reflect availability of the crisis situation in the system of state purchases. In order to make internal control effective, it is necessary to adjust information links between internal and external subjects of control and counter-agents of the bidding procedure.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lisitsyna I. I.
State-Private Partnership in Tourism: Foreign Experience (p. 196 - 203)

The article describes examples of realisation of the mechanism of the state-private partnership in tourism industry of Ukraine, considers experience of some countries in introduction of projects of state-private partnership in tourism (SPPT), conducts analysis of geographical zones of partnership, composition of participants and results of realisation of the said projects. Also the article marks out and generalises problems of realisation of SPPT projects in the countries experience of which is analysed. Moreover, the author of the article offers to consider recommendations of SPPT participants on efficient development of similar projects in other countries or destinations and also formulates own recommendations for bodies of authority and business representatives that are interested in realisation of similar projects in Ukraine, which have to do with composition of participants, nature of their co-operation, project budget size, problems that can be solved within realisation of the SPPT project and the plan of their overcoming.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Serdyuk V. M., Akayeva T. S.
Complex of Key Instruments of Management of Operation Activity of a Small Business Trade Enterprise (p. 203 - 211)

The article offers a complex of key instruments of management of operation activity of a small business trade enterprise, including: 1) budgeting of operation activity; 2) its accounting by norms and deviations from them; 3) monitoring of operational activity of an enterprise, which envisages analysis of revealed deviations. The article shows the most efficient way of realisation and practical use of the presented concept – application of the “standard-cost” scheme within the framework of which the following tasks are solved: 1) budgeting of income from operational activity; 2) establishment of standards of costs; 3) accumulation of data on factual income and expenditures; 4) analysis of deviations and reporting; and 5) introduction of necessary amendments. The article also offers an imitation model of analysis of dynamics of trade processes, which allows detection of key spheres of management of operation activity of a small trade enterprise and principles of carrying out an efficient and well thought over financial policy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chorna M. V., Chatchenko O. Y.
Methodical Approach to Assessment of the Structure of Demand on the Products of the Restaurant Industry Enterprises (p. 212 - 216)

The article presents a methodical approach to assessment of the structure of demand on the products (services) of the restaurant industry enterprises and results of its approval. A characteristic feature of this approach is clear identification of stages and their logical consequence in the process of assessment (identification of the period of assessment – day, week, holidays, seasons; formation and systematisation of the information base by cost, quantitative and qualitative indicators; calculation of relative indicators of demand and income; building a matrix; and interpretation of results) and application of the “demand level / income level” matrix. Use of the proposed approach allows identification of an assortment structure of the restaurant industry enterprise by correlation of the realised demand and obtained income, which gives a possibility to form managerial decisions on its improvement and also allows assessment of efficiency of these measures.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Grosul V. A., Fylypenko O. M.
Structuring the Resource Potential of Trade Enterprises (p. 192 - 197)

The goal of the article lies in justification of the structure of resource potential of trade enterprises on the basis of allocation of their specific features. Systemising and generalising scientific works of many scientists, the article considers resources of retail trade enterprises and reveals their branch differences. Due to requirements of the economic practice of modern enterprises, the article specifies types of intangible resources of trade enterprises and identifies their role, essence and composition in the resource potential of enterprises. In the result of the study the article justifies structuring the resource potential, which corresponds with the modern tasks of formation, development and assessment of the resource potential of trade enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stoyka S. O.
Innovations in Tourism as a Factor of Stimulation of Development of Small and Medium Business (p. 197 - 201)

The article studies directions of stimulation of development of small and medium business in the sphere of tourism. It reveals barriers that interfere with development of the subjects of small and medium entrepreneurship in Ukraine. It considers main organisational and legal forms of entrepreneurship of the innovation type in the tourist industry. It describes conceptual measures of development of innovation processes: within the innovation infrastructure; within innovation products; within organisational innovations; within technological innovations and within marketing innovations. It offers the ways of increase of competitiveness of tourist enterprises and main directions of innovation development of small and medium business in the modern tourist industry. It identifies that the basis of development of the tourist industry is highly qualified specialists who can develop qualitatively new tourist products and apply in practice principally new approaches to managing tourist enterprises and also new forms and types of consumer servicing in the market of tourist products.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Naidiuk V. S.
Methodological Grounds of Managing Innovation Development of Restaurants (p. 201 - 208)

The goal of the article lies in identification and further development of methodological grounds of managing the innovation development of restaurants. Based on the data of the critical analysis of existing scientific views on interpretation of the essence of the “managing innovation development of an enterprise” notion, the article conducts clarification of this definition. In the result of the study the article builds up a cause-effect diagram of solution of the problem of ensuring efficient management of the innovation development of a restaurant. The article develops a conceptual scheme of development and realisation of the strategy of innovation development in a restaurant. It experimentally confirms the hypothesis of availability of a very strong density of the feedback between resistance to innovation changes and a variable share of qualified personnel that is capable of permanent development (learning) and generation of new ideas, in restaurants and builds a model of dependency between them. The prospects of further studies in this direction could become scientific studies directed at development of methodical approaches to identification of the level of innovation potential and assessment of efficiency of managing innovation development of different (by type, class, size, etc.) restaurants. The obtained data could also be used for development of a new or improvement of the existing tools of strategic management of innovation development at the micro-level.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Malynka O. Y., Ustenko A. O., Hevka N. I.
Specific Features of the Study of Consumer Behaviour in the Students Catering Market (p. 148 - 153)

The article studies consumers in the market of students catering on the basis of the method of cluster analysis, which is a many-sided statistical procedure, which envisages collection of data, which keep information about the sampling and ordering objects into relatively homogeneous groups, as a result seven main segments of food consumers are allocated. Using the method of factor analysis the article identifies main factors that influence consumer behaviour when selecting catering establishments. The article studies consumer behaviour in the students catering market in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk using the method of polling and semantic differential. The article identifies main shortcomings in the activity of the studies students catering establishment. The article offers measures for achieving the desired level of satisfaction of clients with the quality of service in the selected catering establishment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kravchenko O. S., Brahina O. S.
Place of Budget Management in the General System of Trade Enterprise Management (p. 154 - 158)

The article grounds urgency of identification of the place of budget management in the general system of trade enterprise management. It analyses points of view of economists with respect to definitions of the “budgeting” and “budget management” terms. It considers main functions of budget management. It identifies the place of budget management in the general system of enterprise management. Pursuant to definition of the budget management as a managerial technology, which should meet a number of requirements, which would be determined by specific features of enterprise practical activity, the article identifies its main principles. It groups principles of budget management in accordance with the functions it performs.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Korzhylov L. I.
Specific Features of Infrastructure Provision of Tourism in the Kharkiv Region (p. 159 - 164)

The article considers main features and tendencies of development of the tourist infrastructure of the Kharkiv region and reveals main prospects and problems of infrastructure provision. It characterises specific features of development of tourism in the region. It conducts statistical analysis of distribution of the Kharkiv region population by age groups. It conducts analysis of volumes of tourist flows and sold services of activity of hotels and restaurants for the recent years. It studies the volume of investments into restaurant and hotel activity in the Kharkiv region. It analyses main problems the tourist infrastructure faces and shows their specific features and offers possible ways of their solution. The conducted analysis allows formation of prospective directions of support of the tourist infrastructure for intensification of development and increase of competitiveness of the domestic market of tourist services.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Klymeniuk O. M., Grudtsyna Y. V.
Concept of Assessment of Quality of State Services (p. 192 - 195)

The goal of the article lies in development of an approach to assessment of quality of state services using example of law-enforcement activity. In the result of the study the article offers a concept of assessment of quality of law-enforcement activity. While developing the concept, the article takes into account specific features of quality assessment, since results of law-enforcement activity cannot be measured so clearly as products. In this connection the article offers an approach based on measuring changes both in the results of law-enforcement activity and in expenditures for obtaining these results. The considered methods of assessment of law-enforcement activity give a possibility of characterising the quality of legal regulation both from the point of view of efficiency of expenditures and from the point of view of the set goal. Increase of the legal level of the state, in its turn, is a necessary condition of socio-economic reformation of society.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Frolova L. V., Rozhenko O. V.
Analysis of Tendencies of Development of Trade in Ukraine (p. 189 - 197)

The article analyses economic state of trade in Ukraine in general and in Donetsk oblast in particular. It justifies significance of modern trade in carrying out economic activity and in creating the gross and regional product. The article analyses the following structural indicators of trade for 2010 – 2012: a number of economic subjects, number of employed workers, volume of sold products (goods, services), average monthly wages of workers, and arrears of wages at the end of the year. It shows the place of trade in economy of the state and region in the context of large, medium, small and micro-enterprises and physical persons entrepreneurs. It studies dynamics of financial results before taxation of enterprises, including the trade ones, of Ukraine and Donetsk oblast with distribution into large, medium, small and micro-enterprises. It marks out main reasons that influence this situation. It shows tendencies of development of trade, which exist under modern conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Aldoshyna M. V., Brusilseva A. N.
Cross-culture Communications in Tourism under Conditions of Globalisation (p. 197 - 202)

The article is devoted to the study of cross-cultural specific features of interaction within social and business communication in the international tourism. The goal of the article is analysis of the cross-cultural environment of Ukraine in the context of the world globalisation for efficient interaction in the sphere of international management and marketing. The article shows a necessity of a study of influence of national cultural features upon business activity of tourist enterprises with consideration of their international and cross-cultural nature of activity. The article identifies functions of culture and presents basic classifications of the world cultures by Geert Hofstede, Fons Trompenaars and Edward Twitchell Hall Jr. It considers specific features of activity of tourist enterprises in the spheres of cross-cultural management and marketing, formulates problems of manifestation of cultural differences in these spheres. It offers main advertising strategies in the international communication policy, which help enterprises to promote their tourist products to international markets more efficiently.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Budnik M. M., Dvalishvili L. V.
Managing Behaviour of Retail Trade Consumers (p. 202 - 207)

The article is devoted to the problem of management of behaviour of retail trade consumers. It shows importance of this topic at the stage of market changes in economic and social spheres. Generalising theoretical provisions about models of consumer behaviour, the article marks out three main groups of factors that influence them: external, internal and situational. The authors offer to allocate sensor forms of communications into a separate group of factors due to a distinctive property of their impact – orientation at subconsciousness of consumers. The article analyses a psychological process of making a decision on purchase of a commodity and draws a conclusion about necessity of exerting subconsciousness influence upon consumer behaviour using the modern marketing instruments. It develops an improved model of consumer behaviour, which takes into account innovation means of impact on the buyer. The prospect of further development of this direction in science is creation of theoretical methods of managing consumer behaviour on the basis of co-operation of specialists in the field of economy, management, marketing, sociology and psychology, which would be applied in practice of management of trade enterprises.

Article is written in Russian

Lohunova N. A.
Formation of Strategy of Efficient Development of Cruise Tourism (p. 207 - 212)

The article presents conceptualisation of basic provisions on formation of strategy of efficient development of cruise tourism in Ukraine. Based on the study of problems of the cruise sector development, the article identifies the main goal and structures relevant tasks, justifies main reference points and strategic priorities of development of the cruise industry, specifies principles, mechanisms and expected results of realisation of the designated strategic course. The article states that efficient development of cruise tourism requires creation of an effective system of regulatory and legal, organisational, scientific and methodical, financial and information support. The article offers methodical recommendations on preparation of statistical reports and submission of statistical information about the state and development of the cruise market to the bodies of state statistics, which would allow identification of its quantitative and qualitative parameters, carry out monitoring of the process of creation of the cruise tourist product, analyse practical consequences of measures on stimulation and regulation of the cruise sphere and assess results of realisation of priority directions of strategic development.

Article is written in Russian

Stoliarchuk H. V., Druz O. O.
Managing Transaction Costs of Trade Enterprises with the use of the Process Approach (p. 212 - 216)

The article generalises approaches to the enterprise transaction costs management. It marks out advantages and justifies expediency of application of the process approach to management of transaction costs of trade enterprises. In the result of the study it offers distribution of transaction costs by business processes and application of modern efficient management tools in cost management at trade enterprises. The prospect of further studies is development of a system of analytical indicators of assessment of transaction costs management efficiency by business processes of trade enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

TankovKonstantin N., Chepurda H. M.
Conceptual Task Setting for Defining the Tourist Product Notion (p. 216 - 220)

The article set the conceptual task of defining the tourist product notion as one of the key notions in the tourism theory. It justifies conception of the tourist product as a “complex thing”, which includes a variety of tangible and intangible properties, including functional, social and psychological advantage or benefit. It shows that the conceptual foundation of presentation of the tourist product notion is the idea of formation and development of production interrelations of the product participants, which reflect system processes of interaction of tangible and intangible elements of the tourist product, their mutual conditionality and production of one element by another.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rudenko O. I., Mezentseva O. O., Terekh O. M.
Efficiency of Introduction of Innovation Energy Saving Equipment at Ukrainian Housing and Public Utilities (p. 220 - 224)

The article considers application of innovation energy saving equipment for energy housing and public utilities of Ukraine, namely – use of economiser-utiliser made of flat oval tubes with partial cross finning. The goal of the article is justification of efficiency of use of the economiser-utiliser, heat-exchange surfaces of which are made of packs of flat oval tubes with partial cross finning. The article shows economic efficiency of use of the economiser-utiliser for heat supply for tenement houses of the city of Dnipropetrovsk. It shows annual saving of natural gas from application of energy saving equipment and its pay-back period in housing and public utilities of Ukraine. Introduction of heat utilisers with efficient heat-transfer elements of principally new geometry and design is caused by the fact that it allows enterprises to reduce general costs of production by means of saving natural gas, increase of the ratio of fuel heat use and, thus, reduction of cost value of heat production.

Article is written in Russian


Tranchenko L. V., Lopatiuk R. I.
Socio-economic Efficiency of Functioning of Tourist Enterprises (p. 230 - 235)

The article is devoted to the study of theoretical and scientific and methodical grounds of formation of an efficient system of methods of identification and assessment of social and economic effects from establishment of the tourist sphere in the region with consideration of specific features of the state of local market development. The article analyses the state of development of the tourist sphere in the Chernivtsi oblast and shows a necessity of identification of the socio-economic efficiency of establishment of the tourist sphere. It identifies socio-economic pre-requisites of its functioning in rural areas of the Chernivtsi oblast. It conducts calculation of social and economic effects from establishment of tourism in the region. It considers an integral assessment of foreign tourist flows in the city of Chernivtsi. It analyses main problems on the way of increase of efficiency of functioning of tourist enterprises. It conducts a detailed analysis of various groups of objects of tourist infrastructure of the region, in particular, state and prospects of development of the hotel business. It identifies main directions and problems of development of tourist activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Frolova L. V., Alieksieiev S. B.
Strategic Observations in the Process of Analysis of the Strategic Potential of a Trade Enterprise (p. 235 - 239)

The article studies theoretical issues of formation of the mechanism of strategic observations as an element of analysis of the strategic potential of a trade enterprise. Based on the analysis of economic literature the authors offer own definition of strategic observations as an element of analysis of external strategic potential of an enterprise required for identification of long-term tendencies of change of its elements and provision of the process of conduct of strategic analysis with required information. The article develops a mechanism of conduct of strategic observations in the process of analysis of strategic potential of an enterprise, which includes the goal, principles, functions, stages, methods of collection of information and methods of forecasting. The article conducts analysis of use of methods of obtaining information in the process of strategic observations and use of channels of obtaining information for conducting strategic observations using the examples of five trade networks of Donetsk oblast.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Androsova T. V., Grinko A. P., Hrynko P. L.
Use of the Balanced Scorecard on Economic Management of the Trade Enterprise Cash Flows (p. 240 - 244)

The article shows urgency of formation of information support of economic management of the enterprise cash flows. It offers a procedure of building a balanced scorecard of cash flows, the main goal of which is collection, processing and interpretation of information about cash flows and processes of their attraction, which is required for making managerial decisions. The authors study and group possible relations of the pure cash flow indicators by the balanced scorecard components when marking out stages (state) of enterprise activity. The article shows that an enterprise could be either in the stage of development, characterised with high probability of future functioning, or in the stage of survival under the current conditions. It shows that there are two types of strategic development: sustainable strategic development and standard strategic development; and two types of state: pre-crisis and crisis. It offers a definition of the strategy of economic management of the enterprise cash flows.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Milash I. V., Krasnousov A. V.
Methodical Instruments of Assessment of Effectiveness of Strategic Management of the Trade Enterprise Expenditures (p. 245 - 250)

The article presents methodical instruments of assessment of effectiveness of strategic management of expenditures of a trade enterprise. A specific feature of the developed methodical instruments is the use of a balanced scorecard as a basis of assessment of effectiveness of strategic management of the trade enterprise expenditures. The balanced scorecard of assessment of effectiveness of strategic management of the trade enterprise expenditures is developed by four planes (components): finances, clients, internal business processes, training and development of personnel, each of which is characterised with the proposed set of indicators. The use of developed methodical instruments provides the enterprise owners, investors, clients, competitors and third parties with an idea of effectiveness of strategic management of expenditures and also provides the enterprise managers with instruments for assessment and achievement of effective results of activity and increase of competitiveness of the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nesterenko O. O., Korobkina I. S.
Classification of Catering Services for Organisation of Their Accounting (p. 251 - 256)

The article studies appearance and development of catering services in Ukraine. It considers issues of regulatory and legal regulation of activity of enterprises that provide catering services. It shows that many issues that are important for further development of catering stay outside the legal framework of the Ukrainian legislation and require immediate solution. Based on the analysis of definition of the “catering” notion in regulatory and legal documents and scientific literature, the article gives theoretical justification of its economic essence. The article develops a systemised classification of catering by the following features: place of providing catering services, contingent of customers, type of the enterprise, price segment, place of food preparation, type of measures, type of provided services and fullness of provided services. The article pays attention in the classification to economic characteristics of catering services, which are of primary importance for formation of the information system of their accounting. Prospects of further studies are justification of elements of accounting policy of enterprises that provide catering services and study of issues of documenting catering services that would facilitate organisation of their accounting and further development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Mishchuk I. P., Hradyuk N. M.
Assessing Social Responsibility of Trade Enterprises: Search for Methodical Approaches (p. 200 - 204)

The goal of the article is consideration of existing methodical approaches to assessment of social responsibility of enterprises, their critical analysis and reflection of the authors’ methods of assessment of internal social responsibility of trade enterprises. In the result of the study the article allocates main groups of methodical approaches to assessment of social responsibility of enterprises and conducts their critical analysis. The authors offer their own approach to assessment of internal social responsibility of trade enterprises: development of a scorecard by assessment directions, formation of a modified complex matrix of strategic state and assessment of SPACE activity, and identification of the strategic position of a trade enterprise in the sphere of socially responsible activity and a possible strategy of development. Prospects of further studies are the study of methods of assessment of external social responsibility of enterprises and their adaptation to specificity of activity of trade enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kis O. P.
Institutional Development of the Sphere of Public Administration of the Tourism Industry in Kharkov (p. 181 - 185)

The aim of the article is to study the development of public administration of tourism in Kharkov. The meaning of the so-called "free rider problem" in the field of tourism and its impact on the development of the sphere of hospitality was analyzed. The stages of institutional development of public administration of tourism in the city were allocated, namely: the first stage – the public administration is carried out mainly by the local authorities, the second stage – the engagement of tourism activities on a voluntary basis, the third stage – the creation of a local tourism organization. The problems to be solved in the second stage, in particular, the problem of motivation involving entities in the development of the industry. The use of the diffusion model to determine the auspicious moment of the transition from the second to the third stage was suggested. Initial calculations indicate that the third year from the start of the Tourist Board at the Kharkov City mayor as the period of the most intense involvement of the tourist activity subjects.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shymanska V. V.
The Demarcation of the Algorithm of the Organizational-economic Mechanism of Development of the Tourism Industry of Ukraine of Closed Type (p. 186 - 190)

In the current economic conditions the development of the tourism sector in general, and related economic activities, in particular to ensure the needs of tourists in high-grade (quality) of the holiday, restoring psycho-physiological forces and the formation of new experiences, are becoming increasingly important. However, the effectiveness of the development of tourism industry of Ukraine (TIU) at this stage is much lower than in most European countries. That is why the purpose of the article was to rationalize for the construction of the organizational-economic mechanism of development of the tourism sector and the allocation of the main stages of its formation and implementation. On the basis of comparative analysis of proposed definition of "tourist complex", its specific function was outlined. The definition of "organizational-economic mechanism of development of the tourism industry of Ukraine" was formulated, it was suggested to consider it in terms of a combination of the two components of the potentially-factorial nature: organizational (system of institutions) and economic. Based on the analysis of statistical information and the allocation of negative trends in the development of the tourist industry of Ukraine the necessity of building the organizational-economic mechanism of development of TIU was reasoned and the main stages of its formation were identified. It was suggested to implement the mechanism of action in a closed loop.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Alieksieiev I. V., Trusova T. S.
Socio-economic Conditions and the Effects of Tourism Activities (p. 191 - 195)

In the article the categories called "functions of tourism" were analyzed from the standpoint of control theory and it was shown that the functions are inherent to the activities of business entities, in particular for tourism companies. It was proposed to consider the impact of the tourism sector on regional development, in particular reproduction, employment, increasing income, smoothing, stabilizing the balance of payments of the region as a socio-economic conditions and the effects of tourism activities. This approach will allow a clear demarcation of actions aimed at the implementation of certain measures to ensure ongoing operation and development of enterprises, and the evaluation of the performance of enterprises, so that the conditions for a qualified formation and implementation of the state policy in the sphere of tourism are created, coordinating and regulating the activity of this sector of economy.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stoika V. O.
The Role of the Tourism Industry in Providing Expanded Economic Reproduction of Economy of Ukraine (p. 195 - 199)

The article focuses on the main aspects of the functioning of the tourism industry. The share of services in the gross domestic product (GDP) of the world was determined. The variation of tourist flows in the tourist market of Ukraine and a tendency to change the structure of tourist flows were examined, which indicates the relative instability of the national tourism market. The factors that constrain the pace of development of the tourism industry in Ukraine were defined. The current state of the national hotel industry and the prospects of its development were considered, taking into account international experience. The basic factors to stimulate the development of tourism industry in Ukraine and promising areas of functioning of the tourism market were highlighted. To ensure the efficient production and sale of tourist services it was proposed to involve the Strategy of tourism industry development in Ukraine specialized departments of leading academic and scientific institutions of Ukraine, Union of promoting tourism in Ukraine and regional authorities.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kasmіn D. S.
Problems of Functioning of the Youth Segment of the Labor Market (p. 174 - 179)

Currently in Ukraine the state of youth labor market is characterized by a number of problems that hinder socio-economic development of the country, so the question remains to increase the economic activity of young people in the first place by reducing the quantitative and qualitative imbalance between supply and demand for labor, reduction of shadow employment, labor migration of young people, and so on. Therefore, this article deals with the problems of formation of the youth segment of the labor market of Ukraine, affecting the under-utilization of human resources and employment potential of the youth. In order to solve these problems, the model of interaction among the youth labor market that facilitates the identification of the internal contradictions of the youth segment of the labor market and allows more specifically to find ways of improving the policies on youth employment. This paper summarizes the potential socio-economic impacts, provides the outstanding problems of the youth labor market and developed solutions to these problems. The introduction of these measures will improve the quality of the workforce, as a result reduce youth unemployment by increasing the demand for labor and help overcome imbalances that exist in the youth labor market in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Burak T. V.
Hotel Chain: Evolution and Formation (p. 179 - 183)

Globalization in the hospitality industry is becoming commonplace for the world market. One of the key things is the appearance of hotel chains, because, in practice, they allow you to promote the global tourism market high standards of service. The article detailed the definition of what a "hotel chain" is; phases of hotel chains creation in the world market were shown. The evolution of formation of national hotel chains and the analysis of the development of international networks in Ukraine were revealed. In the future, it is necessary to study in detail the entry of international hotel operators on the national market of hotel services and the analysis of the efficiency of the hotel chains for various organizational and legal forms.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ievtushenko D. D.
E-business, E-commerce, Internet Commerce: The Nature and Interrelation of Concepts (p. 184 - 188)

The article is devoted to develop a theoretical framework for the functioning of enterprises working in the field of information technology. The aim of the article is to study the scientific concepts of "e-business", "e-commerce", "Internet commerce" and the development of a detailed definition of the economic phenomena. Analyzing foreign and domestic research works, we have discussed various scientific approaches to the impact of information technology on the global economy, as well as the urgency of the definitions used in the field of management. The expanded definitions for the "e-business", "e-commerce", "Internet commerce" were suggested, according to which e-business is the broad term and is used in all of the enterprise relationship with their partners. E-commerce is part of e-business, and includes financial and commercial operations aimed at making a profit by means of electronic communications and digital technology. A kind of e-commerce is an Internet commerce, the essence of which is the sale of goods/services only using a computer on the Internet. Prospects for further research in this direction are to clarify concepts such as "electronic transactions", "information economy" and their logical application in practice. Further development of scientific works in this direction will create a unified theoretical basis for the operation of e-commerce enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Okhota V. I.
Formation of the Quality Management System in the Tourism Industry Enterprise (p. 195 - 199)

This article provides a definition of the quality management system and particularly its formation in the enterprises of the hotel and tourism business. The main requirements to the quality system in the tourism business are highlighted, with regard to regulation by legislative acts, national and international standards, with definition of the consumer's rights for the obtainment of the high-quality services, guarantees and liability of deliverer of these services. The principles of quality management in the enterprises of the hotel and restaurant industry were formulated, strategic goals and objectives of the companies with the policy, focused on setting high standards of the tourist services, were defined. The basic system requirements to the quality system and the relationship between its main elements (particularly, the responsibility of the management, the company's policy in the field of quality, the documentation), resources and technological processes were examined. The necessity of the actuating, development and implementation of the quality policy of the organization and its propaganda at all organizational levels by informing the staff of the importance of quality service ideas as the main source of the company's well-being are grounded.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Krups’kyy O. P.
Organizational Culture of a Tourist Enterprise as an Indicator of its Innovative Potential (p. 200 - 204)

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the possibility of diagnosing and managing the innovation potential of the tourist enterprises through the study and modification of the characteristics of its organizational culture. The article examines the theoretical possibility of diagnosing and managing the innovation potential of the tourist business. The content of definitions "innovative potential" and "organizational culture" were analyzed. The necessity of using social-psychological model for the analysis of innovation reality of the innovative potential of tourism enterprises was proved. The characteristics of an ideal model of innovative organizational culture of a tourist enterprise were formulated. The necessity to attract managers of tourism enterprises in the formation of the innovative capacity of enterprises of the tourism industry was grounded. It was proposed to consider the innovative potential of the tourism enterprise as an opportunity to transform and streamline the experience and the stereotypes interaction among business process, that is, as an opportunity to transform and streamline the experience of interaction between the subjects of the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yatsun L. M.
Formation of a Mechanism to Control the Development of National Nutrition Area (p. 219 - 225)

Fundamentals of mechanism of control the development of nutrition area as a cross-sectoral cluster of natural and socio-economic nature are examined. The mechanism of formation of consumer decisions as to the behavior of foods consumer, which integrates economic factors (rational) and non-economic (irrational, emotional) influences, is proposed. The algorithm of formation of a mechanism to control the nutrition area in the public sector and households of the population on the basis of structural and functional synthesis, harmonization of the executed functions of vertical and horizontal structures on all hierarchical levels – from households to the sectors of social production: agriculture, food industry, food trade and catering industry was substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chepurda L. M., TankovKonstantin N.
The Core Competencies as Basic Category of the System of Consumer Services (p. 225 - 229)

In the article the development of the theoretical clauses concerning the formation of the competitive advantages of customer service enterprises from the perspective of the conception of core competencies is advanced. It was shown that this conception is based on the company's ability to effectively collect and to better, more original and faster than competitors use the necessary combination of its own limited resources, which only in combination with the innovative processes of service will take the form of competencies. It has been affirmed that a stimulator to the development of the competency conception should be the moving of the enterprise from the «tough», or vertical, in a hierarchical way integrated service system, based on the permanent allocation of financial, material and information resources in the enterprise (ERP system), to a network-based (horizontal integration) consumer maintenance environment, based on a combination of resources in the self-regulated centers of competencies. The latter are identified as the special structural units of the enterprise, the function of which is to control the most important directions of the enterprise activities by collecting knowledge and finding ways to best use in the provision of services to the consumer. The possibility of advanced communication between these centers, which should provide for the high performance of service processes, reduce the overall costs and ensure an acceptable level of the economic safety of the interaction with the consumer, becomes increasingly important. A formal mathematical model of network environment for customer maintenance was proposed, where as the fundamental ones the business service function, the profit function and the function of the product offer were used.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shumilo O. S.
Dynamics of Contemporary Development of the Retail Trade Enterprises in Ukraine (p. 171 - 176)

The article is aimed at studying of the current state of retail trade enterprises in Ukraine, characteristics of economy management conditions of the retail trade enterprises and the analysis of dynamics of the retail trade development indicators. In the article the contemporary state of the retail trade is researched in the context of integration of Ukraine into the European Area, expansion of economic cooperation with the European Union, under the influence of a systemic crisis and the difficulties prevailing in the social, economic, and political spheres in the current period. The author characterises the conditions of retail trade enterprises in unstable circumstances. The main indicators of retail development in Ukraine was analyzed, the group of leaders in the contemporary Ukrainian retail was specified. Based on the research of the National Institute for strategic studies in Ukraine the main directions for the resolution of the crisis situation in the area of internal trade were highlighted.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chepurda L. M.
Evolution of Notion of «Service» in the Aspect of Contemporary Trends in the Non-Production Sphere (p. 177 - 181)

The article displays the further development of theoretical positions regarding service as a standalone economic category. It is shown that at the present stage of development of the non-production sphere the commodity offer is a set of tangible and intangible attributes, when the producer can gain competitive advantages by establishing the most successful combinations together with innovative technologies, information and personnel. In the light of the non-productive service as a specific form of an integrated proposal with mixed material and immaterial nature, in the article the further development of the conception of the total cost of ownership was achieved. The general scheme of the integrated product development «ware – service» is presented in three-dimensional contour of the consumer service system, in which «ware», «service» and «time» are adopted as basic parameters. It is stated, that an implementation of conception of the total cost of ownership in the non-production sphere gives new opportunities in the formation of pricing policy of an enterprise, where the price of service performs a double function. On the one hand, it has an immediate influence on the amount of the costs that are associated with the needs and demands of the consumer, and thus can be considered as one of the factors determining the competitiveness of service. On the other hand, the level of the service price depends on its functional and consumer properties as well as supply-and-demand situation, and thus expresses the assessment of services by consumer, his attitude to the enterprise.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Chumak O. V., Andriushchenko I. S.
Analysis of State and Evaluation of Trends as to Indicators of Development of Enterprises of Catering Industry (p. 307 - 313)

The article is aimed to identify, on the basis of statistical information, trends in changes of the key indicators of activity of the enterprises of catering business. In the study, dynamics of the rate growth of turnover of enterprises of catering business in Ukraine in the context of private and corporate entrepreneurs has been disclosed. A calculation of turnover of the catering business on the basis of the actual prices has been conducted and its rate of growth has been analyzed. Dynamics and structure of operating expenses, dynamics of the financial results of the enterprises of catering industry have been studied. The quantitative rating of the influence of operating expenses on the dynamics of activity results of enterprises of catering business has been identified. Regression models were built on the basis of the indicators of development of enterprises of catering business. The relationships, detected in the designed models, can be useful for selection of the most useful tools for developing the expedience-based policies to further development of the enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Melnyk I. L.
Innovative Changes in the Market of Cruise Tourism (p. 313 - 319)

The article is aimed at defining of innovative changes in the structure of supply and demand in the market of cruise tourism on the basis of quantitative and qualitative indicators to evaluate its condition. As result of the study approaches to segmentation of the market of cruise tourism were systematized and it was determined that the main characteristics for studying its structure is type of cruise tourism product and the destination to which a product is directed. Changes in development of the world market of cruise tourism were identified, which, as a segment of the tourism market, has expanded in the past two decades due to the mastering by cruise companies of new tourist destinations, and today is formed by the differentiation of cruise travel products. It has been substantiated, that activity of cruise companies tends towards the searching for the non-price factors of competitiveness of cruise tourism product as a base for preservation of their own market share within the flexible and innovative environment. Prospects for further research in this area is to determine the share of budget cruise travel products in the structure of demand for the contemporary cruise lines as well as to study the peculiarities of management of cruise tourism products in the conditions of formation of innovative demand.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Diadin A. S.
Innovative Development of the Retail Trading Network and Ways to Improve the Customer Service (p. 319 - 323)

In the article the basic approaches to evaluation of the commercial customer service are discussed, contents of the methodology directions are disclosed, and their estimation is made. The use of the proposed models of quality management of customer service will provide with identifying the areas for improvement in the commercial and technological processes in order to attract buyers, to increase the efficiency of retail enterprises and their competitiveness. Analyzing the materials, published in the scientific literature, the author tries to deduce the current state of the retail industry and customer service in retail enterprises of large formats, as well as in particular enterprises. Given the findings of previous researches, the author attempts to outline the state of development of the customer service quality on the basis of innovation in retail commercial network.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Barna M. Y.
Analysis of the Socio-Economic Component in the Internal Trade System of Ukraine under Conditions of Transformation (p. 205 - 217)

The article is aimed at diagnostics and analysis of state of the internal trade system, taking into account economic and social factors as at the national level, so in the terms of region (Lviv region). On the basis of a substantiated methodology for researching transformation of the internal trade system, empirical and sociological studies were conducted to analyze both the economic and the social component of the system under conditions of transformation in Ukraine. Based on the results of the conducted empirical and sociological research as part of analysis of the socio-economic component in the internal trade system of Ukraine under conditions of transformation, conclusions were formulated regarding the influence of economic and social subsystems on development of the industry and, accordingly,– regarding the problems emerging in the subsystems and impeding the development. As result of the study has been determined that the most significant problems (underdeveloped both trade and transport infrastructure, instability of the political situation in the country and so on) that hamper development of internal trade and testify the industry's failure against its social and economic functions, emerge in the institutional-transformational subsystem of the internal trade system, in where, taking into account the opinions of the consumers, the most influential impeding factors occur. Prospect of further research in this area is the necessity to study the process of regulating the transformational changes in the internal trade system of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chepurda L. M.
Study on Efficiency of Functioning of the Network Structures of Non-Productive Services Sector (Part I) (p. 218 - 222)

The paper displays why the system of network relations of business entities, which had developed in the domestic services market, is not yet adequate to the interests and expectations of the state. In large part this is due to the fact that the process of development of network forms in the services sector is not sufficiently studied, without a common understanding among academic economists and practitioners. Analysis of the most common interpretations of a chain outlet helped to allocate the common element that gives a fairly clear understanding of content of network organization – as effective cooperative relationships between market participants in time and space in order to jointly and efficiently use their key competencies for implementation of all stages of a customer's order within a single information system. In the paper, such an approach is viewed via the definition of network effects resulting from establishing a network structure and enterprise's joining the network. The presented methodical approaches allow to conduct a preliminary ranking of network structures by the degree of their effectiveness. Thereby is possible to obtain information on resources at the disposal of the partners, development directions of a network, which can become preferred.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vlasova N. O., Mikhaylova O. V.
Typification of Policy of Forming the Current Assets and their Efficiency in Terms of Retail Trade Enterprises (p. 223 - 230)

The article is aimed at identifying the types of policy of forming the current assets that are used by retail trade enterprises in the current economic conditions of Ukraine, determination of their efficiency, as well as the substantiating a methodical approach to a more differentiated selection of types of policy of forming the current assets, taking into account the dynamic changes in turnover, amounts of current assets and period of asset turnover. Results of the undertaken studies have shown that selected type of policy of forming the current assets does not always stand up to the requirements of all performance criteria, there is no clear approaches to substantiation of managerial decisions on the choice of a type of policy. A more detailed approach to the systematization of types of policy of forming the current assets, using dynamic changes in turnover, amounts of current assets and indicators of their turnover in days, which extends the possible definition of a variety of extensive and intensive directions of the enterprise's development, is proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stoliarchuk H. V.
Complexation of Indicators of Expenditures on Business Processes of Goods Distribution through Retail Trade Enterprises (p. 230 - 234)

The article proposes separation of goods distribution into business processes taking into account characteristics of economic activity of retail trade enterprises. According to the selected business processes, a distribution of costs is presented. Systems of indicators of expenditures and their effectiveness by the business processes of goods distribution have been developed. It was found during the research that analysis of cost-effectiveness of business-processes is an objective necessity for the economic rationale of measures in the information engineering of business. Therefore, as indicators of cost-effectiveness have been chosen their level and profitability, an integrated indicator of cost-effectiveness have been proposed. Prospect of further research is development of methodics for rating the cost-effectiveness by the business process of goods distribution and forming software for its implementation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pashkevych M. S.
Comparing Supply Chain of the Production Enterprises and the Service Providers (p. 235 - 240)

The article is aimed at studying the problem of absence of supply chain model in the context of service providers. By way of example were considered processes of supplying the education services through higher education institutions. The researched problem is of social importance, as there are weak linkages between universities and enterprises in Ukraine, and this means, the supply chains work inefficiently. Using the supply chain model of the service providers, it is expected to strengthen the linkage between the participants of service supply chains. As result of the research has been discovered that the supply chain for the educational sphere is characterized by at least two consumers, by two source products in one and by two systems for estimating the efficiency of the whole chain. These systems for efficiency estimation, from the perspective of consumers of educational services and users of human resources, is proposed to characterize through appropriate concepts of micro-value and macro-value in regard to higher education institution. It has been determined that the main characteristic feature of the service supply chain, allowing to fundamentally distinguish it from the production supply chain, is presence of the refractive effect connected with human factor, which evidence that the options of the output product in the service supply chain are only partially dependent on the options of the input resources and partially can be predicted. Based on the occurrence of refraction effect, is proposed to distinguish between the service supply chain of producer, of consumer, as well as of both producer and consumer. In the future, it is planned to develop a classification of service supply chains.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zyma O. G., Holub M. O.
The Categorial and Conceptual Features of the Environmental, Green, and Rural Tourism (p. 241 - 245)

The article is aimed to identify the interrelationship of the concepts of «ecological», «green» and «rural tourism», which are different in the essence. Reviewing, analyzing and summarizing the scientific works of numerous domestic and foreign scientists, as well as reports of international organizations, the authors considered the term «ecotourism» as a conception for sustainable tourism development. As result of research, differences in the understanding of conceptual and categorial apparatus of the above-mentioned types of tourism are showed. In addition has been found that ecotourism could be a step towards the sustainable development of the economy in the future. Specific attributes of ecological and rural tourism has been identified. A system of approaches to the definition of «green-matching» of different types of tourism has been substantiated. Prospect of further research in this area is to identify potential areas for development of ecological tourism in both Ukraine and Kharkiv region. Further studying and implementing the basic principles of ecotourism in the day-to-day life can lead to the stabilization of the tourism development in Ukraine and improve the environment situation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Volinets T. G.
Determining the Consumer Preferences in Formation of the Structure of Tourism Product (p. 246 - 251)

The research is aimed to identify the travel preferences in consumers' estimating the tourism product and determine the directivity of changes for the improvement. A methodology for defining consumer preferences in formation of the structure of tourism product has been proposed, providing for removal of obstacles and psychological barriers in decision-making on participation in the offered trip; determination of the most important factors in forming a tourism product and the development of managerial measures to improve the status of these factors. For ranking of consumer preferences in the structure of tourism product, use of an orthogonal matrix is proposed, in which the rows correspond to consumer responses and characterize the conditions for receiving the information, and the columns are the factors relevant to the offered tourism services. In order to reduce the subjectivity of expert estimations, has been suggested that their values are used within ranges of changes in the scale of priorities, and their extreme values – on two levels (upper and lower). The total number of estimations by the columns of the matrix describes the degree of the goal attainment.

Article is written in Russian


Chepurda L. M.
Study on Efficiency of Functioning of the Network Structures of Non-Productive Services Sector (Part II) (p. 175 - 179)

The paper displays that an effective functioning of a network of non-productive services sector is determined by the formation and development of internal technological and distributive relationships. They form the integrated property of enterprises' relations, which was not present before the network integration. Combining such relationships with an integrated multitude of competencies of the network participants (concept of network mega-competency) allows to get the maximum efficiency of functioning the network structure. In the course of researching the conditions to ensure the effective network functioning, concepts of «network macrotechnology» and of «network agent location» have been formulated. The macrotechnology here is considered a basis for solving by an enterprise the issues of its own presence and functioning in a network, as well as evaluation of possibilities for network development. The network agent location determines the position (positioning) of one individual enterprise as to the other network participants, making use of the technological and distributive relationships in a time interval, in which the network mega-competency exists. Based on the multi-attributive model and the Fishbein formula, modified by the author, the basic elements of the model of functioning a network of non-productive services have been explored.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Gutsalyuk A. M., Kotsiurba O. Y.
Theoretical Approaches to Defining the Essence of Financial Assuring the Activities of Enterprises of Housing and Communal Services (p. 141 - 149)

The article systematizes issues in the work of the enterprises that operate in the field of housing and communal services (HCS). Specificity of activities of the enterprises of HCS has been determined and its features have been systematized: the fundamental ones for HCS as sector of the national economy; the ones, which are determined through the current socio-economic conditions and the level of development of the State. Theoretical approaches to interpreting the concept of «financial assurance of activities of enterprise» (system, process, special-purpose, cost-intensive, value, reserve and structural approaches) have been selected. Nature of financial assurance of activities of HCS enterprise has been clarified in terms of process (financial assurance considered as a process) and structural (the following components of financial assurance are selected: forming an amount of rationally structured financial resources and generating cash flows) approaches, and taking into account specifics of activities of housing and communal services enterprises, the main function of which is the social, which is implemented through continuous providing high-quality housing and communal services to the population, enterprises of various industrial branches and organizations.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Grabarchuk V. S., Dekhtiar N. А.
Tasks for Development of Business Tourism in Ukraine (p. 149 - 156)

The article is aimed to estimate the current state of the market of business tourism in Ukraine and prospects of its development, as well as impact of this sector on the tourism industry as a whole. The study identified the characteristics and key problems of account by the State statistics authorities of business trips; an estimation of profitability of the tourism market is presented; an example of cost structure for carrying out business events, based on the experience of foreign companies, is provided; the world's most popular destinations for organizing business events are named; recommendations for optimal business tour program are given; the positive effect from activating the business service sector for both the national economy and development of the regions of Ukraine is substantiated. Specific feature of strategies of most companies, which organize business trips, is the search for large corporate clients and focus on standardized cervice programs. Insufficient attention has been paid to small and medium-sized businesses, that, given the structure of the market of Ukraine, leads to unreasoned growth of missed profit for travel agencies. Assistance on the part of the local authorities to intensify cooperation between enterprises in different industries also would be very useful. Prospects for further research in this area is analyzing the experiences of public-private partnership to attract investment through joint business programs.

Article is written in Russian


Lysak H. H.
Business Management of Wholesale Enterprises Based on the Value Priorities (p. 146 - 151)

A general systemic-functional model of business management of enterprise is presented. From the perspective of systemic approach, business management is represented by the aggregate of items such as subject, object, methods and management tools; from the perspective of functional approach – functions, grouped by substantiation, implementation and evaluation of commercial activities of the wholesale trade enterprise. Based on the concept of value-oriented management, a model for evaluation and substantiation of measures to improve the efficiency of commercial activities of the wholesale enterprise have been developed. The main steps to implement this model has been allocated, the relationship between them is displayed, their contents has been disclosed; the indicators reflecting specificity of value proposition by a wholesale trade enterprise are presented. Directions for assessing the value of customers and suppliers of wholesale trading enterprise have been determined. To detect reserves for increasing effectiveness of commercial activities, expedience of the use of the ratio of perceived value, as well as price and cost of goods sold, has been substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stepanenko V. O.
Establishment and Development of Tourism in Ukraine: Problems and Directions for Improving (p. 151 - 155)

The article considers problems of development of tourism activities in Ukraine, their causes and nature. Also the factors that influence (positively or negatively) on development of the structure of domestic tourism activities has been analyzed; some ways to improve the current state of tourism in Ukraine have been proposed. A graphic-analytical analysis of dynamics related to number of enterprises of hotel type in Ukraine in the recent years has been conducted, structure of the competitiveness index of the tourism economy sector in Ukraine has been presented. Analysis of these indicators will provide for the necessary conclusions as to development of tourism infrastructure in the country. It has been proved that development of tourism has a big impact on the socio-economic development of Ukraine, contributes to the development of many industry sectors (construction, transport, trade, agriculture, communications, hotels and catering, etc.). The main economic problems of the country, which hinder the development of the tourism industry, has been allocated and general ways to solve the existing problems has been formulated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kushnir T. В.
The Conception of Developing Local Consumer Markets (p. 126 - 133)

The article presents the conception of developing local consumer markets, which are formed in the conditions of heterogeneity of trading environment as well as competitive interactions of the market actors, taking into account the spatial limitations of possibilities of the consumer demand agents. The interrelationship of certain retail space, where the economic centers interact with the actors of the consumer market, with the relevant consumer preferences, occurring in the continuum of the local consumer market, have been determined. A number of specific characteristics of the local consumer markets that enable them to be treated in terms of the market organization as an integrated system with the both spatial-economic content and destination, has been allocated. The concept of developing local consumer markets on the basis of identification of the structure of the local trade space and the methodology of its definition as an integrated complex in order to meet consumer needs of the population have been substantiated, which provides to estimate the potential attractiveness of the consumer markets with fuzzy areas of service, identify their competitive advantages in the conditions of limitation of the relevant information. Prospect of further scientific research is to study the factors of influence on the consumer as well as the structural elements of the local consumer market, which are formed as result of the competitive interaction of the actors of a trade infrastructure under the influence of the innovative models for providing trading services.

Article is written in Ukrainian

TankovKonstantin N., Kurakin A. B.
Methodical Approaches to the Formation of a Network Service System (p. 134 - 138)

The publication presents the further development of theoretical positions of the formation of network service systems. It has been displayed that in defining the essence of the network user service its dynamism – the variable totality of enterprises united by common goals – must be used, which has sufficiently clear systemic boundaries, principles and rules of interaction, communication, ways in and out of network. Under these conditions, it is advisable to consider not any possible totality, but only the one that is most effective for the functioning of all network participants during a certain period of time. The article presents a conceptual model of formation and function of a network service system, where a key place belongs to its «core», i.e. a suitable combination of activities and their structural elements, which deliberately creates and implements in the parameters of time and space the aggregate relationships between network participants, based on the integration and adaptation of internal and external trade flows, structural elements and resources in order to achieve greater competitive ability of all network participants. It has been displayed how to use the method for determining weighing coefficients in the task of decision-making on inclusion of an agent in the network service system.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Iastremska O. О.
Quantitative-Qualitative Evaluation of Attractiveness of Tourism Companies (p. 139 - 146)

The article presents the results of studying the evaluation of attractiveness of tourism companies from the perspective of consumers and companies themselves as to results of the use of economic resources. In the system of partial indicators of attractiveness from the perspective of consumers were included such that characterize the pricing policy, informativeness of a tourism company website, quality of tourism services, their product range, quality of servicing, terms of payment, conditions of receiving documents, company image, presence of loyalty programs for regular customers, innovative offers of international tours, availability of collateral tourist services, convenient location of a tourism company, stability of its work, political and economic situation in the hosting country, level of tourism infrastructure, quality of tourist services, status of the objects of tourist attraction. In the system of partial indicators of attractiveness from the perspective of tourism companies were included the indicators, which characterize its use of the material, financial, human resources as well as results of investment-innovative activity. The composition of the proposed systems of partial indicators has been updated using the multivariate factor analysis. Using the method of additive folding, the updated partial indicators were folded down into the integral indicators. Sensitivity of the partial indicators has been updated by the neural network method in accordance with the built models of multi-layered perceptron. Quantitative values of the integral indicators of tourism attractiveness for companies were separated into three levels: high, medium and low, using the membership functions from the fuzzy set theory. Activities to ensure and enhance the attractiveness of tourism companies have been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shymko O. V.
Organizational-Economic Mechanism for Ensuring the Competitiveness of Retail Trade Enterprise (p. 212 - 217)

The article is aimed at addressing the theoretical, methodological and practical issues on the formation of the organizational-economic mechanism for ensuring the competitiveness of trade enterprise in the consumer market in the face of increasing competition and activation of global transformational processes. Sectoral characteristics of trade enterprises' competitiveness have been disclosed on the basis of generalization of specific features of competition in trade. Possibility of improving competitiveness of trade enterprise in the context of availability of sustainable competitive advantages in formation of resource potential, quality of trade service and the effective functioning of an economic system, which is achieved on this base, were analyzed. Mutual relations of individual elements of the resource potential in the process of ensuring the competitiveness of enterprise were systematized. The basic approaches to gaining competitive advantage have been described: the consumers-oriented marketing approach and the competitors-oriented competitive approach. A matrix of strategies for competitive conduct of trading enterprise, depending on the availability of competitive advantages and competitive position in the market, has been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Solovianchyk A. V.
Development of Franchise Relations in the Terms of Tourism Industry (p. 217 - 223)

The article is aimed at studying the development of franchising relations in the market of tourism services. In the terms of this study, franchising is seen as an effective model for the development of small business. The main actors of these relations have been allocated and a model of cooperation between franchisor and franchisees within the market of tourism services has been built. The main features of the franchising relations in tourism industry have been considered and the franchise network as a separate entity in the market of tourism services has been allocated. This identifies the main advantages and disadvantages of franchising model as a way of doing business. The study identified the key risks and challenges faced by enterprises in the tourism industry, and outlined ways of improving the activity of tourism enterprises. Prospect of further research under this theme is to identify specific ways and schemes for implementing these measures for improving operation of enterprises on the market of tourism services.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Papp V. V.
The Tourism Potential of the National Nature Parks (by the Example of Zakarpattia Region) (p. 223 - 229)

The article examines the theoretical-methodical questions of the contemporary development of tourism in the protected natural territories. An analysis of both the status and the prospects of development of natural parks in the Zakarpattia Region in the direction of tourist-and-recreational activities was conducted. A number of problems that hamper the development of tourism in the national parks has been identified, such as lack of common methods for determining the recreational charge and monitoring, as well as a clear legal provision of recreation in the nature reserves and national parks; worn-out infrastructure; lack of quality promotional materials, no opportunities for entering the international market of ecotourism. It has been proved that a complex solution to the problems related to the development of tourism in national parks requires attraction of external resources (intellectual, material and financial), as well as building partnerships with local authorities, various commercial and non-profit organizations, local residents. Measures to improve the activities of tourist-and-recreational institutions related to the protected natural fund of the region, which can be implemented through the effective use of their resources, development of environmental and ecological-cultural tourist routes, as well as planning, managing and monitoring of the tourism activity, has been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Senenko I. A.
Strategy for Development of Hotel and Restaurant Business (p. 187 - 191)

The publication is aimed at developing an approach to formation of the strategy for development of hotel and restaurant business, based on analysis and evaluation of the main characteristics of hotels-competitors. As object of the study were chosen three hotels and the complex of «Obiedinennoe gostinichnoe khoziaistvo». An analysis of the inventory, which is different in the quality of hotel services and, respectively, in value, has been conducted. Considering the quality of service, three levels of hotel services (high, medium, sufficient) are suggested. An analysis of the structure of services by the service levels has showed that hotels with small inventory would concentrate their effort on services of higher level. With increasing the number of hotels' inventory, their structure of service changes in the direction of increasing the volumes of lower level services. The analyzed complex in terms of pricing policy is left far behind, as the quality of its services is much lower than of the competition. To ensure the competitiveness of the complex of «Obiedinennoe gostinichnoe khoziaistvo» a strategy has been proposed, aimed at optimization of costs and revenues, developing the business center services, investing in development of inventory, raising the cost of hotel services in accordance with their quality, expansion of markets for sale of hotel and restaurant services making use of marketing tools. Further research should focus on the in-depth study of the behavior of consumer of hospitality services with a view to create services that correspond to the range and quality of consumer demand and the focusing on target sale markets.

Article is written in Russian

Volkovska I. V.
Problem of the Development of Hotels and Restaurants in Ukraine and Kharkiv Region (p. 192 - 197)

During the preparation and holding of the football championship «Euro 2012» one could observe revitalization of enterprises engaged in the organization of temporary accommodation and catering, but even in that period of significant investment and influx of tourists, this sphere of activity remained unprofitable, thus the changes in the activity of hotels and restaurants should be considered. The article is aimed at studying the features of development and profitability of hotels and restaurants in both Ukraine and Kharkiv region. Changes in the number of enterprises of hotel type in both Ukraine and Kharkiv region have been analyzed. When determining features of categorization of hotels and other facilities intended for provision of services for temporary accommodation (lodging), have been concluded that not all hotels in the Kharkiv region are assigned to a certain category, the fact, which cannot but affect the quality of services. In addition, the profitability of operating activity of hotels and restaurants in both Ukraine and Kharkiv region has been analyzed, in particular trends in costs and results of operating activity. The conclusions made reflect the unprofitability of hotel and restaurant business against the background of the ever-increasing costs and the need to establish control over observance of the Ukrainian legislation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zhehus O. V., Sobolev V. L.
A Strategic Analysis of the External Factors Influencing the Development of Retail Trade (p. 198 - 203)

The article is aimed at determining the influence of external factors on the development of retail trade enterprises, with this purpose we have chosen strategic analysis as contemporary management tool. Taking into account specifics of retail trade, groups of factors were defined for evaluation using the proposed methodical tools. The carried out analysis along with generalization of the statistical, regulatory, reference data, analytical information, use of methods for logical analysis, determination of cause-effect relationships, assessment of trends, correlation analysis, consideration of situation, all these measures helped to assess the degree, direction of impact, rate of change for each of the selected factors as well as groups of factors in general. The economic, market, socio-demographic, political-legal, scientific-technical, environmental and cultural factors have been analyzed. A negative dramatic impact from the part of the macro-environment factors on functioning of retail trade enterprises has been identified, caused by presence of significant threats from economic, socio-demographic and political factors. It has been specified that even in the current systemic crisis occur prospects and market development opportunities for retailers, because of the significant potential of the internal consumer market. A necessary prerequisite for stabilization and further development of retail trade enterprises is the proper informational support of managerial decision-making together with improving the efficiency of marketing efforts.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Torosian H. A.
Strategic Development Paths for Servicing Cooperatives (p. 204 - 208)

The article, on the basis of both theoretical and statistical data, analyzes the relevant status and structure of the national agricultural servicing cooperatives. The official data on the number of existing and operating servicing cooperatives at the beginning of 2015 are provided, changes in the number of cooperatives over the past seven years are traced in the dynamics. The major problems hindering development of the agricultural servicing cooperatives in Ukraine as well as prospective ways for their further development have been identified. Some strategic solutions to the major challenges in the establishing servicing cooperations at the national level and paths for their development have been suggested, the impact of servicing cooperations on the rural social development, rural area, food security and welfare of the population has been specified.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Orlyk I. O., Vasyltsiv T. G.
Strategic Directions for Development of Investment Provision of Innovation Activity of Retail Trade Enterprises (p. 195 - 199)

The article is aimed at studying relevance of development of normative-methodical provision of the basic constituents and directions of investment-innovative development of enterprise (concepts of both technology policy and policy in the informatization sphere, system for improving the program for developing and projecting innovative products), as well as preparation and implementation of projects for regulation of staff performance in the sphere of investment and innovation, creation of a system for management of intellectual property (patents, licenses, know-how). The current status of investment-innovation activity of the retail trade enterprises for sales of ceramic tiles and plumbing equipment in Ukraine has been analyzed. Relevance of the strategic directions of investment provision to innovation activity of retail trade enterprises has been substantiated. A step-by-step character implementing of the strategic investment-innovative development of retail trade enterprises for sales of ceramic tiles and plumbing equipment in Ukraine has been proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tkachenko S. О., Diadin A. S.
Electronic Commerce: Ways to Improve the Culture of Servicing Customers (p. 200 - 204)

The article considers the main types of e-commerce and their features. A comparative characteristic of both stationary and virtual stores has been provided. The most complete classification of the forms of e-commerce for the present, according to the authors, has been defined. The approaches by domestic and foreign scientists to the definition of essence of the notion of «electronic commerce» have been generalized and systematized. Analyzing the materials, published in the scientific literature, the authors try to assess the benefits of e-commerce, which would contribute to improving the quality of customer service. Particular attention is paid to the definition of the quality of commercial servicing, as it is the key to successful business.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Rakhman M. S.
A Market Analysis of Hospitality Industry Development as a Part of Tourism in Ukraine. (p. 205 - 212)

The article is concerned with examining the current state, main problems and prospects of the development of hospitality industry in Ukraine as the main component of the travel and tourism industry. Hotel services are proved to be a key indicator of the hotel product providing customers with a wide range of hotel services. A market study of hotel infrastructure and other similar kinds of accommodation by ownership as well as the structure of accommodated guests in dynamics have been carried out. The influence of the general political, social and economic factors on the development of hospitality industry as well as decline in demand among domestic and foreign tourists have been considered. The perspective directions for travel and hospitality industry development have been offered to set up a highly profitable hospitality industry able to meet the needs of both domestic and foreign tourists according to the latest global trends, taking into account natural-recreational, socio-economic, historical-cultural of the country and its national characteristics.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yatsun L. M., Markarova S. A.
Managing the Tourism Activities of Enterprises: Development Conception and Modernization Strategy (p. 213 - 219)

The article is concerned with establishing new conditions, settings, patterns for managing tourism activity as a modernization strategy and the concept of enterprise development in order to accelerate the adaptation of tourism business to the trends in changes of the external environment. Based on findings of the leading representatives of academic community, the author's vision of formation of the conception of tourism activities has been proposed, taking into consideration priority of the organizational-intellectual solutions as the dominant of transformational change processes to meet increased requirements to the product of clientele. According to results of the study, a set of new conditions and settings for development of tourism activities has been proposed, ensuring an irreversible transition to a better quality condition, maintaining the competitive positions and expanding the set of distinctive advantages. Propositions of transformational changes in the management strategy have been made, forming individual combinations in both managerial decisions and tourism product, supporting the actively adaptive nature of enterprise activity. The groundwork for prospective redesign of tourism enterprise activities in the intellectual projection of formating the strategy development, adapted to the trends in changes of the both internal and external environment, has been laid.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tovma L. F., Kramarenko D. P., Deinychenko G. V.
Optimization Methods for the Three-Component Catering System, with the Purpose of Creating Food Products for Military Service (p. 175 - 178)

Meal plan of military service persons determines the number of meals, observance of physiologically reasonable spacings between meals, and rational distribution of products as prescribed by nutritional standards throughout the day. Standards of food rations should be developed taking into consideration requirements of rational nutrition, since rationing of service persons is complicated by the fact that their physical and neuropsychic load varies constantly: it can be increasing, for example, during the periods of hostilities, enhanced combat training, military exercises, physical drill, alert duty; then it can be decreasing during the recreation, education etc. The article provides an example of the process of optimizing the three-component catering model system in order to establish the optimum ratio of components. Use of mince systems for creating specialized food products to supply military service has been substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Omelianchuk T. M.
Development Trends of Enterprises of Catering Industry as Potential Customers of the Financial Status Auditing (p. 179 - 183)

In order to facilitate managerial decision-making by the owners of enterprises of catering industry in any country of the world, results of auditing the financial status of enterprises of catering industry are taken into account, along with considering the development status of the industry sector. Development of the market of enterprises of catering industry as objects of financial status auditing occurred under influence of external environment factors, in particular political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal, as evidenced by the dynamics of changes in the number of enterprises of catering industry network, the number of seats in these, as well as the average turnover for the time-span of 2005-2016. The article examines development trends and systematizes external factors of financial status of enterprises of catering industry in Ukraine. The identified trends indicate the need to audit the financial status of enterprises of catering industry for preventive purposes.

Article is written in English


Okhota V. I., Sagaidak T. Y.
The Factors Increasing the Competitiveness of Enterprise in the Services Sphere (p. 193 - 197)

The article identifies and describes the main factors enhancing the competitive position of enterprises, which activities are connected with provision of services. It is proved that competitiveness of services enterprise is determined by its potential, sufficient for the retention and expansion of market share in a competitive environment, as well as external and internal environment factors, by influencing on which an enterprise can enhance its competitive position in the market. Ways of improving the quality and innovativeness of services by enterprise, which are considered as the main factors in competitiveness, have been determined. A technology for enterprise competitiveness management that represents a rational and logical consistency of managerial decisions and actions has been proposed, which provides to determine target segments of enterprise, level of competition in the market, to carry out an analysis of influence of both internal and external factors, to identify the main directions of increasing the competitiveness of organization, and to assess the efficiency of the proposed activities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Grosul V. A., Rachkovan O. D.
Diagnostics of Resource Component in the Adaptation Potential of Retail Trade Enterprises (p. 198 - 204)

The article presents results of a research on the theoretical and methodical bases of diagnosis of the adaptation potential of retail trade enterprises. Considering developments in the field of diagnostics of enterprise and by reference to the principles of integration conception, essential characteristics of diagnostics have been defined and the core objects of enterprise diagnostics have been identified. Making use of resource- and competency-based approach, contents of the adaptation potential of enterprise have been disclosed and its elements have been determined. Components of resource component in the adaptation potential have been presented. In view of the definition of adaptation potential and adhering to the concept of integrated research, methodical approach to diagnostics of resource component of retail trade enterprise has been substantiated, which is based on the methods of comparative and dynamic analysis and is implemented using the indicators reflecting the adequacy of resource potential, the nature and speed of its change. To diagnose resource component in the resource potential of trade enterprise, use of average sectoral indicators of commodity, technical, personal, and financial potentials has been reasoned.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sokolovskyi S. A., Naumenko M. O.
The Criteria for Estimating Proposals in the Sphere of Competitive Tendering in the Public Procurement System for Units of the National Guard of Ukraine (p. 204 - 208)

Provision of material needs for interior forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine is essential to their effective functioning. To provide this, improvement and organization of procurement of goods, works and services for public funds are of vital necessity, since only the holding of transparent and fair competitive bidding is a prerequisite for the full, timely and quality provision of material needs for units of the interior troops. In the today's world, tender procedures got significant development in both the commercial and public sectors. Unfortunately, developing uniform rules for optimal approaches to estimate proposals in this sphere has yielded no success. One of the reasons for preserving the existent situation is a number of ambiguities arising in the estimation of commercial proposals. The article is aimed at defining the criteria for estimating proposals in the sphere of competitive tendering in the public procurement system for units of the National Guard of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Mangushev D. V., Pylypchuk V. К., Smirnova N. O.
Tourism Services: Marketing Specifics and Current Status of the Market (p. 177 - 182)

The article considers the concept of tourism service and its features that distinguish it from other services and goods in general, market of tourism services, specifics of tourism product and importance of tourism in the sphere of international economic relations. An analysis of the situation in the Ukrainian tourism market has been conducted; dynamics of tourists' flow in and out of the country, the share of expenditure on tourism services among the total income of Ukrainians, structure of countries with relations to Ukraine in the field of tourism, as well as travel targets have been considered. The notion of «brand competitiveness» and its value to enterprises that offer tourism services have been considered. Constituents of brand have been disclosed, an analysis of consumers and influence of consumers' loyalty on activity of company has been carried out. An analysis has been conducted and conclusions have been drawn on operation of a tourist firm in competitive environment, status of the tourism sphere in Ukraine, possible causes and measures to improve it.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Hugul O. Y., Tkach U. V.
Problems and Development Prospects for a Contemporary Hotel Business in the Ternopil Region (p. 134 - 139)

The article considers topical issues of the development of hospitality industry in the Ternopil region. The basic tendencies of collective accommodation facilities have been examined as an important component of the tourism industry in the region. Problems with functioning enterprises of hotel business in the Ternopil region have been identified, as well as the author's vision of the potential prospects for the development of enterprises in this sector have been articulated. The tourism industry in the Ternopil region is developing dynamically – with improving and modernizing the traditional forms of tourism, new directions are emerging and gaining popularity, in particular rural, environment, event, extreme tourism. With a view to development of hotel business, a number of activities has been offered, implementation of which will activate business processes in the tourism and hotel industry and will give a qualitative impetus to developing a unique integrated tourism product of the Ternopil region, which would meet international standards.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Perederko V. P.
Determining the Share of Tourism in the Gross Regional Product and the Gross Value Added of the Ivano-Frankivsk Region (p. 139 - 146)

The article is concerned with analyzing the current status of the public statistical observations in the sphere of tourism with the aim of identifying the main problems and disadvantages of the sectoral statistical reporting together with the development of experimental methods for calculating the integral contribution of tourism to the gross regional product (GRP) and/or the gross value added (GVA). Despite the fact that today the theoretical developments and methodological recommendations, which consider tourism through the prism of socio-economic development, are represented in the works by many researchers, in Ukraine there are no comprehensive statistics on tourism as an economic category and no official methods for calculating the contribution of tourism to both the gross domestic and the gross regional products, although such calculations are held abroad for a long time. Statistical information is a basis for the market planning in the economy, in this respect the article proposes a technique for determining the share of tourism in GRP/GVA. Further research should be aimed at identifying catalysts of growth of the socio-economic value of tourism through the development of an integrated tourism statistics as a methodological basis for the determining of the impact of tourism on the economy of regions in particular and the State as a whole.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Lupak R. L., Khomytskyi A. I.
Improvement of the Methods for Evaluating Performance of the Wholesale Trade Enterprises (p. 73 - 79)

The article is concerned with improving the theoretical-methodological foundations for evaluating the performance of wholesale trade enterprises through substantiation of classification attributes, methods, indicators and features of their application. The article allocates the aspects that define the usefulness and benefits of applying those or other techniques, methods, evaluation methods and the analysis indicators used. A comprehensive basis (methodology) for evaluating the performance of wholesale trade enterprises by different directions and by classification criteria has been built. The methods, indicators of evaluation have been provided and features of their application have been disclosed. Prospect for further research in this area is identification of the methodological foundations of both forming and realization of the institutionally-economic mechanism for functioning of the wholesale trade enterprises, which will improve the practical value of the evaluation procedure, and will optimize the process of its testing in the real conditions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tomashevska A. V.
Development of the Tourism Market of the Carpathian Region and Evaluation of Possibilities for Cooperation of its Actors (p. 94 - 97)

The article is concerned with analyzing development of the tourism market of the Carpathian region and the possibilities for cooperation of its actors. The dynamics of the number of actors of the tourism activity of the region, the revenues from provision of tourist services, and the number of the tourists, which were receiving services within the Carpathian region, have been analyzed. Results of the carried out expert analysis on the development of cooperation by actors of the tourism market in the region have been provided. The study results have confirmed the need for measures that determine the further development of tourism in the form of cooperation. It has been determined that this indicator is second only to measures to increase the number of sports facilities, primarily associated with winter sports, as well as attracting foreign investment. It is displayed that the uncertain directions are connected with the practical implementation of such cooperation and it is proved that obstacles to it are predominantly the barriers of psychological nature, as well as gaps in the knowledge about benefits, opportunities and forms of such cooperation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Мalovychko А. S.
The Electronization of Logistics Operations by Enterprises in Conditions of Transformation of Trade Relations (p. 126 - 130)

The article is aimed at identifying the specifics of the logistics activities of online trading enterprises on the territory of Ukraine, substantiating and developing a relationship model of the enterprise interaction with its key actors on principles of the electronization of logistics operations. Based on the results of the diagnostics as to changes in the structure of the Ukrainian online audience over the last year, it is found that trade enterprises are using the Internet as an effective distribution channel, which dynamically develops and acts as a means of increasing the potential market of consumers demand. It has been revealed that the key driver of growth in consumer demand in the market of Ukraine is the expansion of product range by trade enterprises on the Internet with simultaneously improved logistics operations. A model of relationship between buyers and suppliers on the basis of the electronization of logistics operations for online trading enterprises has been proposed. Prospects for further research in this direction would be formulating conceptual provisions regarding the introduction of a relationship model of the enterprise interaction with its key actors on principles of the electronization of logistics operations in conditions of transformation of trade relations.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Beglarashvili O. P., Kulik A. V.
The Development Trends of Wholesale Trade in the Kyiv Region (p. 195 - 200)

The article examines the regional aspects and trends in the sphere of wholesale trade as to the enterprises of Kyiv region. The article provides the dynamics of indicators of wholesale trade both in Ukraine and in Kyiv region by groups of commodities, warehouses, the average size of warehouse space. Prospect for further research in this area will be development of a strategy for the rational organization of wholesale trade, which should help to reduce regional asymmetries in the levels of territorial organization of wholesale trade.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mykhailova M. V.
Segmentation of the Market of Services of Restaurant Industry of Kharkiv and Kharkiv Region (p. 200 - 205)

Bearing in mind the need to observe the principle of consumer-orientedness, the article provides arguments as to feasibility of studying their behavior and determining target segments in the process of marketing planning. According to results of the conducted survey of the population of Kharkiv region, a segmentation of consumers of the market of restaurant services has been carried out on the basis of behavioral, demographic and socio-economic characteristics. Using the two-factor approach to segmentation, the following segments of the customers of the market of restaurant services have been allocated: «Friends», «Employees», «Followers of traditions», «Sentimentalists», «Family», «Business». The necessity of planning marketing activities of enterprises of public catering based on targeting towards the selected market segment, making use of the optimal tools of influence on customer of the target segment, has been substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bogdan N. M., Sukhorukova O. P.
Studying the Risks in Tourism (p. 206 - 211)

The article is aimed at studying risks in the tourism sector, as well as considering and providing the major classification characteristics and characterization of risks in tourism to improve the efficiency of the processes of their management. The necessity of detailed studying, identifying of characteristics, and classifying risks of the tourism enterprises has been substantiated. Peculiarities of analyzing risks in tourism have been considered, its main stages and characteristics have been determined. A multistructural system of risk management for tourism enterprises has been proposed, which involves the use of different combinations of management procedures, thus displaying modularity of the system. It has been proven that formation of an effective system for identifying, monitoring and managing risks will provide developing effective activities to minimize and eliminate the risks, so the risk management system should be introduced within each organization of the tourism industry.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Krutova A. S., Levina M. V.
The Organizational-Methodical Aspects of the Internal Cost Control of Enterprises of the Restaurant Industry (p. 155 - 161)

The article is aimed at developing the theoretical foundations together with an organizational-methodological instrumentarium for internal control of costs of enterprises of the restaurant industry. The current status and prospects for development of internal control in the restaurant industry have been analyzed. Essence of control as one of the core functions of management has been examined. It has been proven that the system for internal control is an intermediary link between the system of accounting and the managerial personnel, that’s why functions to implement cost control should be performed by a specialized unit of enterprise – the internal control division. Structure of Regulation on internal control division has been elaborated, an element of which should be determining the forms of organization of the system for internal control at the enterprise of the restaurant industry (insourcing, outsourcing and co-sourcing). Expediency of organization of the internal control division in the form of co-sourcing has been substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Goroshanskaya E. A., Kaschena N. B.
The Comprehensive Evaluation of Cost Efficiency of Operational Activity of Trade Enterprises (p. 162 - 166)

The article suggests the methodical instrumentarium for comprehensive evaluation of cost efficiency of operational activities of enterprise. In accordance with technology of implementation of analytical procedures, the article defines criteria and the system of generalizing and partial indicators for evaluating cost efficiency of operational activity. For a comprehensive evaluation of cost efficiency of operational activities of enterprises by the criteria of economic feasibility and cost-effectiveness, the integral indicators, which take account of the relative changes (indices) of the generalizing indicators of the cost effectiveness, have been proposed. Evaluation of cost efficiency of operational activity, taking into consideration their composition in terms of various attributes, is recommended to carry out on the basis of results of taxonomic analysis. Applying the developed methodical instrumentarium will provide the management of a trade enterprise to identify trends in changes of the level of efficiency in the use of resources in the process of operational activity, as well as identify opportunities for increasing the volume of commercial activity, and the capacity of the enterprise to obtain maximum positive results at minimal cost.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Gorina G. O.
The Theoretical and Organizational Provisions Concerned with Development of the Mechanism for Formation of the Market of Tourism Services (p. 121 - 126)

The article is aimed at studying the theoretical-methodological and organizational ensuring the mechanism for formation and functioning of the market of tourism services. The process of formation of this market is a complex multiphase system of development of interrelated elements, which are closely connected, in the system interaction, and under multidimensional intense mutual influence. The basis for functioning of these elements and formation of market is the theoretical-methodological and organizational-economic provision. The theoretical-methodological provision is advisable to consider through the consequential stages of formation of market, the proposed models of development of market, its laws and functions. Organizational-economic provision is proposed to examine through the interaction of actors in the market, the object of which is tourism service/product, taking into consideration development trends and specific features of market, as well as the factors conducive to formation of market. Substantiation of the theoretical-methodological and organizational-economic provisions, together with studying their interaction, has provided to propose the mechanism for formation of the tourism services market.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Orlova O. M.
The Topical Problems of the Hotel and Tourism Business in Ukraine (p. 153 - 160)

The article is aimed at studying the current status of the tourism sphere of Ukraine, analyzing activities of enterprises of hotel industry, and defining the main problems in development of the hotel and tourism business in Ukraine. The basic processes of formation and development of the hotel and tourism business at the national and regional levels were considered through the prism of the decline of tourist flows, costs for services on creation of the tourism and hotel products and services, reduction in the collective accommodation facilities, changes in the dynamics of structure of the exports and imports of services. Vulnerability of the Ukrainian market of tourism services as to the impact of different factors both of the internal and of the external environment has been specified. By using built trend lines it was proved that in 2016 growth in the number of citizens of Ukraine who will travel abroad, and, conversely, reduce in the number of foreign citizens, who visited Ukraine, was expected. It should accordingly impact the dynamics of the indicators, which characterize progress of processes of development of the hotel and tourism business. It has been proved that preventing most problems, as well as solving the actual ones, can be possible by using the business analyzing technologies that provide making effective management decisions and finding new growth points.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kuzmenko O. O., Tkachenko T. I.
The Formation of Principles and Tasks for Revenue Management of Tourism Enterprise (p. 166 - 171)

The article considers the process of formation of principles and tasks for revenue management of tourism enterprise. Essence of the concept of «revenue management» has been analyzed and expanded. The methodology is based on a system of methods and approaches which provide a conceptual unity of research. The methodical principles in the theoretical substantiation of the concept of «revenue management» are: comparison, induction, deduction and synthesis, method of analogies. It has been concluded that management of revenue and expenditure of tourism enterprise is an integral part of the work associated with developing an economic strategy for the functioning of enterprise. In particular, revenue management is aimed at creation of economic conditions, providing for compensation of constant and variable expenses, full and timely payment of all types of taxes, compulsory payments, and ensuring the target profit.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tkachuk T. M.
The Parametric Evaluation of Competitiveness of the Franchising Tourism Networks (p. 196 - 201)

The article is aimed at studying and evaluating competitiveness of the franchising tourism networks by the proposed options with the possibility to define the characteristics of the relevant tourism franchise at the national market of services. The dynamic changes of positions of Ukraine and of the countries-leaders in the ranking of competitiveness of the travel and tourism sector have been analyzed. The actual parameters of an evaluation of competitiveness of the franchising networks, operating at the domestic market of tourism services, have been defined and substantiated. For the implementation of quantitative evaluation of specific parameters, a questionnaire survey along with point rating of 50 tourism franchisee enterprises was conducted. The franchising networks which are leaders at the national tourism market were analyzed and defined. Based on the results obtained by calculations, a parametric model for evaluation of competitiveness of franchising tourism networks has been proposed and the key characteristics of a tourism franchise have been determined. Further researches will focus on the formation of a structured system for increasing the efficiency of interaction between the tourism enterprises in the franchising system and on the basic principles to ensure their competitiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Нaponenko H. I., Kuchechuk L. V.
The Influence of Decommunization on the Tourism Attractiveness of Regions (p. 202 - 207)

The article is aimed at studying the influence of decommunization on the tourism attractiveness of regions. The authors have proposed to add to the list of the main factors of developing the tourism attractiveness (presence of tourism resources, ecologically balanced environment, modern infrastructure, and a positive image) implementing the activities within terms of the policy of decommunization. The influence of this factor has been considered on the example of domestic regions. The basic problems of development of tourism industry of Ukraine at the present stage have been outlined. It has been found that the decommunization process greatly increases the tourism attractiveness of regions through the creation of parks and museums of the Soviet past, acquiring the new image by cities and towns after changing their names. At the present time stage, influence of the factor of decommunization on the tourism attractiveness of Ukraine is gradually increasing, but a necessary condition for development of tourism and travel should be the State support and efficient management of this sector.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Momont T. V.
The Influence of Diversification Processes on Organization of Accounting of the Tourism Industry Actors (p. 210 - 215)

The article is aimed at determining whether the diversification processes can influence organization of accounting of the tourism industry actors. Impact of the diversification strategy of enterprise’s activity on organization and methods of accounting has been researched. Means of diversification that are being implemented through accounting have been defined. The process of diversifying the activity of tourism enterprise has been graphically presented. There is a need for applying the Program for diversification of activity of tourism enterprise by the enterprises in the tourism sphere, structure of which has been proposed. The «Accounting organization» section of this document discloses the operational and strategic activities that are being undertaken in the area of accounting.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Sysіuk S. V., Benko I. D.
Calculating the Fee-Based Services of Library Institutions: Theoretical Foundations and Practical Challenges (p. 130 - 136)

The article is aimed at highlighting features of the provision of the fee-based services by library institutions, identifying problems related to the legal and regulatory framework for their calculation, and the methods to implement this. The objective of the study is to develop recommendations to improve the calculation of the fee-based library services. The theoretical foundations have been systematized, the need to develop a Provision for the procedure of the fee-based services by library institutions has been substantiated. Such a Provision would protect library institution from errors in fixing the fee for a paid service and would be an informational source of its explicability. The appropriateness of applying the market pricing law based on demand and supply has been substantiated. The development and improvement of accounting and calculation, taking into consideration both industry-specific and market-based conditions, would optimize the costs and revenues generated by the provision of the fee-based services. In addition, the complex combination of calculation leverages with development of the system of internal accounting together with use of its methodology – provides another equally efficient way of improving the efficiency of library institutions’ activity.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shumilo O. S.
The Conditions and Factors of the Economic Security of Retail Trade Enterprise (p. 137 - 141)

The article discloses the meaning and distinguishes between the concepts of «conditions» and «factors», and defines the particulars of their action on the economic security of retail trade enterprises. An analysis of these definitions of these categories, provided by scientists, was carried out. As a result of comparative analysis, it is determined that under the concept of «condition» most scientists understand the circumstances of reality in which events do occur. On this basis it was suggested that conditions and factors should be considered as phenomena. With that, the condition is a phenomenon that has the potential to act as a result of consequence, i.e., it facilitates the development of causation but does not directly affect the state. As far as economic security is concerned, it exists/may exist under certain conditions in relation to which they are objective reality. The specific existent conditions give rise to their respective factors. The article proposes the classification of the main conditions in which the economic security of retail trade enterprise is formed: economic (macro and micro), social, politico-legal, market-based, informational. It has been also specified that certain conditions of economic security of retail trade enterprise create the external factors, while the internal factors are generated at enterprise as result of its activities and represent a response to the external factors.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Miroshnyk M. V., Maystro R. G., Luchnaya Y. O.
A Study on the Current Status and Prospects of Development of the Tourism Services Market (p. 153 - 158)

The article considers the world trends in the developmet of services market, and it has been determined that the service sector is about 70% of the world’s gross domestic product (GDP). It has been noted that the tourism sector is one of the largest in the world economy, and its market in terms of investment efficiency is among the highly profitable markets along with the gas and oil producing, industrial, and automotive markets. The tourism market in Ukraine is only about 2% of the country’s GDP, but has great potential for innovation development and tourism perspectives. Such a situation requires constant monitoring and analyzing, which makes the selected study relevant. The purpose of the article was to provide a comprehensive analysis of the current status of the market for tourism services in Ukraine and to determine the main tendencies in its further development. It has been found that the tourism industry sector in Ukraine is formed by three components: outbound (international), internal, and inbound (foreign) tourism, the quantitative increase of which will increase the efficiency of the country’s tourism potential and reinforce its positive image abroad.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tyshchenko O. P.
The Tourism Clusters: Problems of Identification and Selection of the National Development Model (p. 173 - 178)

The publication is aimed at substantiating conceptual approaches to identifying tourism clusters in Ukraine, developing a system of indicators to evaluate their performance and proposals as to formation of mechanism for the State cluster policy in the tourism sphere. The study has determined criteria for feasibility of participation in the establishment of a tourism cluster in terms of its potential participants; a system of indicators to provide monitoring, identifying and evaluating the development process, operation of the tourism cluster and its role in enhancing the competitiveness of economy have been proposed; approaches to evaluation of the synergistic effect as result of development of the tourism cluster have been substantiated. Development and testing methodologies to identify tourism clusters, to evaluate their performance and impact on socio-economic development are promising directions for further research. The use of the indicated methodologies will provide a basis for the scope and form of the State support for cluster initiatives, which should be seen as an integral part of the State’s systemic and consistent policy on clustering of the country’s tourism sphere.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Panasenko I. V.
The Statistical Assessment of Service Delivery: Differentiation and Impact Factors (p. 192 - 197)

The article is aimed at studying the extent to which services are being implemented, including in terms of population, and assessing the underlying factors. The current tendencies in the services sector have been analyzed and its key role in the economic development of the State has been substantiated. A comprehensive statistical study of the volumes of services implemented in Ukraine in 2016 (total and by economic activities) has been carried out. A correlation between the volume of services sold to the population and the per capita income of households in Ukraine has been identified. A study on regional differentiation in the volume of services implemented was carried out. It has been found that about 40 per cent of the services sold in 2016 was accounted for Kyiv. The economically developed regions of country provide mainly services to enterprises, institutions and organizations, while in the mostly agricultural regions with relatively small population, the household services predominate. The need to improve the well-being of the population as the most important consumer of services has been substantiated, with a view to expanding the range of services, increasing demand for them and improving the efficiency of performance of enterprises in the services sector.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Grosul V. A., Zubkov S. O.
The Methodical Instrumentarium for Assessing the Competitiveness of Business Model of Trade Enterprise (p. 252 - 258)

The article substantiates the need to assess the competitiveness of business model of enterprise. By analyzing, systematizing and generalizing the scientific work of foreign and domestic scientists, the basic methods of assessment were allocated and the feasibility of an integrated approach to assessing the competitiveness of business model of enterprise was argued. A scorecard system for evaluating the competitiveness of business model of trade enterprise has been developed and a structural and logical framework for the integrated assessment of the competitiveness of the indicated business model has been substantiated. Based on the Ishikawa diagram, potential competitive advantages have been defined and the «problem areas» have been identified that impact the competitiveness of business model of enterprise. The authors provide recommendations for transforming the business model of trade enterprise in the context of the enterprise’s orientation towards development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Beglarashvili O. P., Kulik A. V.
The Regional Aspects of the Development of Wholesale Trade in Ukraine (p. 259 - 264)

The article is aimed at studying the regional aspects and tendencies in the development of wholesale trade enterprises in the western regions of Ukraine. The regional aspects of the main indicators for the development of wholesale trade enterprises in the western part of Ukraine are highlighted. The dynamics of indicators of the wholesale turnover of the western regions of Ukraine were analyzed by product groups, the population’s provision with the warehousing area, the average size of the storage area by one warehouse, the location density of warehouses. Prospect for further research in this direction is the development of a strategy for a rational wholesale trade organization, which should facilitate to reducing the regional asymmetries in the levels of the territorial organization of wholesale trade enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kochubei D. V., Grygorenko T. M.
The Features of Formation of Supply Chains of Retail Trade Enterprise (p. 264 - 268)

The article explores the features of functioning of retail trade enterprises in supply chains; boundaries and dimensions of the supply chain of retail trade enterprise have been defined; a differentiation of methods for managing and assessing the efficiency of supply chain of retail trade enterprise has been proposed. The leading role of the logistic service of retail trade enterprises in generating service flows in terms of supply chain has been defined. The concept of supply chain driven by demand has been considered; the prospect for application of this approach in order to ensure the sustainable competitive advantages for retail trade enterprise has been identified. In order to assess the results of management of supply chain, it is proposed to combine the assessment system of the supply of enterprise and the assessment system of the logistic service provided to consumers of the retail trade enterprise. The scientific and practical usefulness of the proposed approach lies in the ability of the enterprise to better reflect the logistical partnership with the parties in the supply chain and to achieve maximum efficiency in its management.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Melnyk T. M., Pugachevska K. S.
The Development of Service Sector in the Economy of Ukraine (p. 213 - 220)

The article is concerned with the topical issue of the importance of the service sector in economy of Ukraine with the purpose of identification of directions of promoting the national services in foreign markets. Consideration of this issue is carried out on the basis of studying tendencies of foreign trade in services in Ukraine in comparison with global tendencies. The review of scientific sources in this direction indicates that discussions about the prospects of development of tertiary sector in the context of groups of countries according to the level of economic development are being held among scholars. The article characterizes the current trends in the development of world trade in services, assesses the proportion of individual groups of countries in the foreign trade in services. The geographical structure of exports of services of Ukraine was analyzed. Tendencies of trade in information-communication services were researched. The contribution of certain economic activities to the formation of GVA has been evaluated. The reserves for expansion of potential of service sector in the economy of Ukraine have been defined. The prospective direction of further scientific researches in this direction is identification of instruments of promotion of exports of national services to foreign markets.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dekhtiar N. А., Pudrovska M. М.
The Prospects of Cooperation Between Ukraine and France in the Sphere of Nostalgic Tourism (p. 220 - 226)

The article considers different approaches to interpretation of the term of «nostalgic tourism», identifies the problems of semantic analysis of this concept, its type classification and, accordingly, approaches to the practical organization of nostalgic tours. Cooperation between Ukraine and France in the field of foreign trade is evaluated as the basis of intensification of tourism activity. An analysis of the bilateral tourist flows at the macroeconomic level is provided. It has been proved that the motives, inducing to nostalgic tours, can contain components of many other kinds of tourism, and therefore allocation of nostalgic tourism in a completely independent kind in terms of the traditional classification system is not always appropriate.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shymko O. V.
Diversification as a Strategic Direction for the Development of Trade Enterprises (p. 159 - 163)

The article is concerned with solving of the theoretical, methodological and applied questions of diversification of activity of trading enterprises at the consumer market of Ukraine in conditions of aggravation of competition along with activation of global transformational processes. The economic essence, role, and purpose of diversification of activity of enterprise as economic process together with the integral element of its growth are disclosed, advantages and threats are defined. Diversification as a way of enterprise development is considered in the context of economic management (system, economic, managerial aspects). The motives determining the choice of diversification strategy as growth strategies and the factors influencing its choice are determined. The sectoral features of diversification of trading enterprises activity and criteria for determining the degree of diversification (by commodity segments, markets, and types of business) are considered. The contemporary tendencies of diversification of activity of trading enterprises at the consumer market of Ukraine are researched.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Maksymiuk S. O.
Substantiating the Theoretic-Methodical Features of Functioning and Ensuring the Economic Security of Tourism Complex (p. 164 - 169)

The article covers the concept of tourism and its basic aspects. The author considers tourism at the levels of the world economy, regional economy, association of enterprises, stand-alone enterprise. The difference from the concept of branch together with expediency of use of the term of «tourism complex» have been substantiated; its definitions are highlighted and its characteristics are listed; boundaries of activity are delineated; elements, intra-complex vertical, horizontal connections and specificity of functioning are characterized; the interrelatedness of tourism activity with various spheres of public production has been defined. A characteristic of the State regulation of tourism activity is given. Features of the State policy of providing economic security of development of tourism complex of the State and the main directions of activity of the State authorities in the sphere of economic security of tourism complex, as well as suggestions for their improvement have been provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Shulgina L. M.
The Methodical Instructions on Application of Methods of Analysis and Estimation of Quality of Tourism Services (p. 180 - 185)

The article is aimed at development of methodical instructions on practical application in the activity of a tourism entity (TE) of the methods of analysis and estimation of quality of tourism services. The indicators to determine the economic feasibility of improving the quality of tourism services have been systematized. The methodical instructions on application of methods of calculation of indicators are offered as follows: RFM (recency, frequency, monetization); prices of lost customers and costs of attracted customers. The indicator of RFM for estimation of the cost of customers of tourism services is suggested to be calculated in terms of the period of the most recent purchase of tourism service, frequency of purchases in the researched tourism entity, and also cost of buying a tourism service. The price of lost customers is suggested to be calculated taking into account the indicator of loss of customers. Expediency of application of the methodology based on consecutive use of methods of brainstorming, fish diagrams and Pareto diagrams for determining of cause-and-effect relations, and also for measurement of impact of certain factors on the formation of the quality of tourism services.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Boshota N. V.
The Formation of Complex Logistic Systems as a Factor of Increase of Competitiveness of Tourism Enterprises (p. 185 - 190)

The article is aimed at formation of complex logistic systems as a factor of increase of competitiveness of tourism enterprises with application of logistical approaches and conceptions in the organization of activity of tourism enterprises, which is based on consideration of the functional peculiarities of tourism business. A number of tasks have been solved: forming own vision of the concept of «logistics system of tourism enterprise»; researching the modern most influential tendencies of development of tourism branch; developing the scheme of formation of a complex logistic system of tourism enterprises taking account of its key elements; identifying the importance of application of a complex logistics system of tourism enterprises. In the course of the research the following methods were used: induction and deduction method – to detail the object of research, as well as to study the theoretical bases of logistics systems; formalizing method – for the construction of a complex logistics system; graphic method – to illustrate the results of the research; method of logical generalization – for the formulation of conclusions of the research. Thus, the conducted research confirms that formation of a complex logistic system of tourism enterprises is a necessary condition both for development of tourism business and for attraction of foreign investments in the industry.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Horbal N. I., Kohut U. I., Lilianova A. V.
The Development of Tourism Industry of Ukraine under the Conditions of European Integration (p. 139 - 145)

The article is aimed at researching the status and formulating recommendations on the development of tourism industry in Ukraine under the influence of global factors, particularly the European integration. The following key problems of tourism industry in Ukraine have been identified: 1) low level of inbound tourism; 2) insufficient investment attractiveness of the industry; 3) insufficient promotion of national tourism products in the world market; 4) mismatch of prices and service, etc. It is identified that the European integration can lead to a number of positive effects in the national tourism industry, namely: 1) increase of tourist flows to Ukraine; 2) intensification of foreign investments; 3) improvement of the quality of tourist services; 4) development of domestic infrastructure; 5) replenishment of the State and local budgets, etc. In order to achieve the advantages of European integration in terms of tourism Ukraine should act proactively, in particular: 1) to improve the legislative framework; 2) improve infrastructure; 3) stimulate investments; 4) conduct effective international marketing activities, etc. In the complex, such activities will provide not only an intensifying of the development of national tourism industry, which can become one of the main directions of development of the country's economy, but also will enable to integrate Ukraine into the European and the world community.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mazur V. S.
Practical Aspects of the Use of Customer-Oriented Approach in Hotel Business (p. 146 - 157)

The meaning of the system of the customer-oriented approach in management of hotel business, which allows getting additional income owing to a deep understanding and an effective customer satisfaction, has been researched in the article. Different authors’ approaches to the understanding and definition of the concept of the customer-oriented approach have been analyzed. The stages of the development of the customer-oriented approach have been suggested. The matrix of SWOT-analysis has been developed using the hotel “Halychyna” as the example, its data have been analyzed and the practical recommendations have been made. The comparative analysis of competitors – hotels of economic classes has been made. Service consumers of the researched hotel have been surveyed; an analysis of the level of the customer-oriented approach of the hotel “Halychyna” according to seven main blocks has been made; the coefficient of the level of the customer-orientedness of the company has been calculated; the level of customer loyalty has been evaluated. Defining the level of customer satisfaction, the issues for the analysis of the level of customer loyalty have been considered. Using the data of the analysis, recommendations were developed to increase the level of competition-oriented processes in order to improve the quality of service.

Article is written in English

Нaponenko H. I.
Using the Potential of Rural Areas of Kharkiv Region in the Context of the Rural Green Tourism Development (p. 158 - 163)

The article is aimed at researching the potential of rural areas of Kharkiv region in conditions of active development of rural green tourism in the region. The article considers the features of development of this type of tourism in Ukraine as a whole. The author specifies a gradual decline in the impact of the factors, most discouraging agricultural activities, such as financial constraints and weather conditions. The main problems of development of the rural green tourism in Kharkiv region are indicated, a SWOT-analysis is carried out. The presence of a high natural-recreational potential and a wide network of collective means of accommodation, most of which are concentrated in the city of Kharkiv and Volchansk raion, are emphasized. However, there is a shortage of quality recreational services in the region that would facilitate the development of domestic and inbound tourism. Most of the green tourism facilities are located in the Volchansk, Dvorichna, Zmiev, Izyum and Nova Vodolaha raions. As a result of the analysis, the priority social and economic tasks on management of the potential of rural territories of Kharkiv region are identified.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vlashchenko N. M.
Ensuring the Availability of Sanatorium-Resort Services of Recreational Enterprises for the Population (p. 164 - 169)

The article is aimed at researching the content of the concept of «availability of sanatorium-resort services» and the factors influencing it. The thesaurus concept of «accessibility» is considered and on its basis the author’s own definition of the concept of «accessibility of sanatorium-resort services» is formulated. It is concluded that this concept according to its characteristics corresponds to an object of fuzzy sets, and also belongs to the unstable limit states between supply and demand, that is, represents a typical object of marketing researches. The structure of the factors determining availability of sanatorium-resort services is presented graphically. On the basis of the conceptual provisions of the author’s interpretation of the concept of «accessibility» and of the analysis of situation in the sanatorium-resort complex (SRC) a set of measures has been proposed in order to ensure the availability of sanatorium-resort services of recreational enterprises for the population. Conceptual approaches to assessing the availability of SRC services have been developed, as well as a theoretical model for assessing opportunities for recovery at SRC enterprises on the part of vacationers.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Beglarashvili O. P., Grygorenko T. M.
The Development of the Store Trade in the Ivano-Frankivsk Region (p. 188 - 193)

The article analyzes the current status and development tendencies of the Ivano-Frankivsk region’s store trade in 2010-2016. The regional aspects of the main indicators of the development of stores are reflected: dynamics of retail turnover of retail trade enterprises; retail turnover in cities and rural areas, food and non-food products per capita; dynamics of indicators as to development of stores of retail trade network of the enterprises as legal entities; dynamics of development of self-service stores and others. Measures for leveling the disproportion in the development of retail trade network both in the cities and the rural areas of the Ivano-Frankivsk region are suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Arkhipov N. M.
The Ways to Improve the Efficiency of Operational Activity of Retail Trade Enterprise (p. 215 - 223)

The article is aimed at highlighting and improving existing methods of increasing the efficiency of operational activity of retail trade enterprise. The modern approaches to increase of efficiency of operational activity by reduction of duration of operational cycle are analyzed. It is suggested, among existing directions of increase of efficiency of operational activity, to separate socially-psychological direction, that assumes establishment of relations with all stakeholders of enterprise. It is expedient to consider two critical groups among the stakeholders: owners and the State. The article substantiates priority reduction of the operational cycle by reducing the lags of accounts payable together with sales. A diagram of the factors influencing the duration of the operating cycle of retail trade enterprise is provided. A balanced scorecard of performance indicators of the operational activity of retail trade enterprise is proposed. The author’s own system of KPI for estimation of efficiency of operational personnel is offered.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ilchenko N. B.
The Mechanism for Management of Business Processes at Wholesale Trade Enterprise (p. 224 - 230)

The theoretical-methodological approach to definition of the concept of «mechanism for management of business processes at enterprise of wholesale trade» is proposed: it is purposeful activity of economic entities with the use of a set of methods and means of impact on the integral multiplicity of coherent interrelated functional operations that can be adapted to the appropriate number of economic objectives and are aimed at providing economic resources with attention to functional specificity of a wholesale trade enterprise. This approach is new, it eliminates uncertainty and can be built into the appropriate process (group of processes), which distinguishes it from existing approaches. Also the methodological approach to decomposition of business processes of wholesale trade enterprise is developed using the software product BPwin, a fragment of the typical decomposition of the main business processes of IDEF0 A3 «Logistic service of sale of automotive parts» is presented. This will increase the efficiency of enterprises of wholesale trade, specializing in the sale of automotive parts, and optimize business processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kavun-Moshkovska O. O.
The Structural-Territorial Characterization of Retail Trade Network Development in Ukraine (p. 151 - 160)

The article is aimed at researching the structural-territorial organization of retail trade network of Ukraine, with a retrospective characterization of its development in 2010–2017. It is determined that during 2010–2017 the number of trade objects decreased by 39.4%. It is determined that the retail trade network is more developed in cities and settlements of urban type, its relative share by the end of 2017 has risen up to 81%. The structure of retail trade network of Ukraine is considered by types of trade objects. The analysis of the density of accommodation of trade objects along with securing shops with trade area showed a decrease in their values during 2010–2017. As a result of the research it has been determined that the retail trade network of Ukraine in 2010–2017 significantly reduced the scale of development, due to the lack of adequate State support for retail trade, deterioration of the economic situation, military conflict in the eastern part, temporary reduction of territorial boundaries of the country. Prospects for future researches in this direction are determination of regional features of retail trade network development in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kovalyk O. A.
The Background and Prospects of Small Business in the Tourism Market (p. 88 - 92)

The basic preconditions and prospects of small business in the sphere of tourism are considered. The main goal was to generalize the material for the entire industry branch and to identify specifics exactly for small entrepreneurs. The directions of business conducting in the sphere of tourism are presented: tourist operator, agent and firm; necessity of responsible approach to drawing up of the first packages of tours for formation of good reputation in the market is defined; the State support and participation in the European program of business support are considered; statistical data on the number of tourists and the motivation of tourist trips of citizens of the world to Ukraine are analyzed. Problems of tourism industry of Ukraine and tendencies to decrease of its attractiveness both for foreigners, and for Ukrainian citizens are identified. It is recommended to develop tourism in Ukraine in several directions, such as: curative, rural, ecological, cultural, and business.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Malkov D. I.
The System of Public Catering of Ukraine: a Theoretic-Methodical Analysis of Modern and Perspective Trends of Functioning (p. 93 - 99)

The essence and structure of the public catering system of Ukraine are disclosed, a study on the essence of the conceptual-categorical apparatus is carried out. The statistical approach to accounting the activities of public catering facilities and its evolution are reflected. A system of indicators of activity analysis including indicators of process and result is proposed. The dynamics of quantitative and structural changes in the network of public catering facilities are analyzed and prospects of their development are planned. The dynamics of the market of public catering services and capital investments are estimated. The current peculiarities of functioning of the public catering system connected with reduction and insufficiency of the network of facilities and low market share are defined and characterized. The prospective trends of development of the Ukrainian public catering system are described using the elements of SWOT-analysis.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vlashchenko N. M.
The Problems and Prospects of Infrastructure Development for the Needs of Inclusive Tourism (p. 122 - 126)

According to experts, inclusive tourism today can be called a rapidly developing sector of the tourism market. Disability or person’s functional limitations is a complex social factor whose impact cannot be ignored by any society. The relevance of the topic of this publication is stipulated by the fact that tourism can be an effective means of integrating persons with limited or special needs into contemporary society. The article is aimed at researching the problems and prospects of infrastructure development for the needs of inclusive tourism and defining the priority directions of formation of such infrastructure in Ukraine. The world tendencies of development of inclusive tourism, in particular in the European countries, are studied. The current status of development of inclusive tourism in Ukraine and prospects of improvement of the corresponding infrastructure are analyzed. The recommendations on enhancement of development of this type of tourism on the basis of stimulation of development of industries, which directly or indirectly are involved in tourism business, are elaborated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Chernychko T. V., Shlapak M. O., Tsiptak M. M.
Analyzing the Dynamics of Development and Financial Results of Activities of Trading Enterprises in Ukraine (p. 221 - 228)

The article is aimed at carrying out an economic-statistical analysis of the dynamics of development of trade enterprises and researching tendencies in this branch of Ukrainian economy at the present stage. It is determined that the growth of actual volumes of the wholesale goods turnover on the average by 20–25% and the retail goods turnover by 5–6% annually proves stabilization of the situation in this area of economic activity of the national economy. It is statistically proved that the main negative tendency of both wholesale and retail trade development in Ukraine is reduction of the share of sale of goods produced in the country. It is determined that the growth of retail trade turnover of trading enterprises takes place against the backdrop of a significant decrease in the number of retail outlets, which is evidence of fierce competition among the aggregate of enterprises of this type of economic activity. It is substantiated that positive tendencies in structure and volumes of activity of trade enterprises have influenced their financial results. Further researches will be directed on deepening of economic-statistical analysis with the purpose of determination of the most weighty factors of influence on dynamics of financial results of activity of trading enterprises in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Polchaninova I. L., Onopko V. D., Spitsa A. Y.
The Availability of the Infrastructure of Collective Means of Accommodation of Kharkiv Region in the Segment of Inclusive Tourism (p. 229 - 234)

The article presents the results of research on accessibility of the infrastructure of collective means of accommodation of Kharkiv region from the positions of servicing the tourists with special needs. The article is aimed at determining the level of availability of collective accommodation facilities at the regional level for the tourists with special needs and developing practical recommendations as to development of the inclusive tourism segment. The information base of the research consisted of the materials of sociological researches by Ukrainian and foreign scholars, as well as own results of surveys and questionnaires. It was identified that in Kharkiv region the total number of rooms in the collective accommodation facilities suitable for people with disabilities is insufficient. The main key factors of availability of collective means of accommodation based on peculiarities of requirements to service of the tourists with special needs are defined. It is specified that the overall estimate of the availability of accommodation facilities is defined as positive. The highest level of infrastructure availability has been identified in the «hotels and similar accommodation facilities» sector; the lowest – in the sector of «other means of accommodation». Recommendations on development of the segment of inclusive tourism are proposed. The results of the research can be used in the activities of collective facilities of accommodation, which seek to develop the infrastructure of inclusive tourism.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ryabev A. A., Balandina I. S.
Several Problems and Prospects of Development of Accessible Tourism and Hotel Economy in Ukraine (p. 235 - 240)

The main aim of the article is analyzing the conformity of hotels and similar means of accommodation with requirements for the development of accessible tourism in Ukraine, as well as the analysis of specialized websites with information about hotels and similar accommodation facilities with a view of presence of places and/or rooms for persons with disabilities and sedentary groups of the population. The article discusses problems of development of accessible tourism in Ukraine on the example of hotel economy and their conformity with international and national requirements with a view of presence of conditions for persons with disabilities and sedentary groups of population, and also websites for reservation that act as an information intermediary between potential customers and hotels when planning a trip. The conformity of hotels with normative acts on provision of services and availability of relevant information on the websites of hotel reservation in Kharkiv region is analyzed in terms of the concept of «accessible tourism». It is concluded that the hotel segment of the tourism market has a great potential for the development of accessible tourism. In case of creation of the specified conditions for realization of accessible tourism it will be possible to increase tourist stream at the expense of tourists who earlier had no opportunity to visit Ukraine due to absence of necessary conditions that, in turn, will allow to further strengthen the integration of the Ukrainian tourism market into the global.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Sоkоlеnkо А. S.
Ensuring Accessibility of Services of the Restaurant Industry Facilities for People with Special Needs in Ukraine (p. 241 - 246)

The article is aimed at analyzing the current status of the restaurant industry facilities in the sphere of service organization and provision of services to people with special needs, developing measures to improve technology of attending and providing services to low-mobility population groups in the restaurant industry facilities. The status of infrastructure development, the existing problems in the practice of attending and provision of services to people with disabilities are analyzed, the theoretical aspects of activities of the restaurant industry facilities are considered in terms of attending and provision of services to such people. Prospect for further research in this direction is developing recommendations to ensure accessibility of services of the restaurant industry facilities for people with disabilities.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Melnyk I. M.
Projecting the Conceptual Provisions of the Socio-Economic Modernization of the Sphere of Goods Circulation (p. 229 - 235)

The article is aimed at substantiation of the conception of socio-economic modernization of the sphere of goods circulation. Orientation towards substantiation of the target conception of development of the sphere of goods circulation of national economy created possibility to formulate several advantages in the process of its socio-economic modernization. A conceptual scheme of implementation of the structural changes in the context of socio-economic modernization of the sphere of goods circulation is provided. Stages of developing the conception of socio-economic modernization of the sphere of goods circulation are structured. The author proposes measures as to legal-institutional, organizational-administrative, infrastructure-project-oriented, transport-logistics, and informational-communicational support for implementation of the processes of implementation of the concept of socio-economic modernization of the sphere of goods circulation. The author substantiates and detailizes structural components of the conception of the modernization of socio-economic sphere of goods circulation, i.e.: setting the target problem and analysis of the causes of its occurrence; substantiation of the strategic objective, setting goals and defining the terms of implementation of the concept; forming instruments, means, predictive scenarios of socio-economic modernization of the sphere of goods circulation; formalization of the expected results.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Tanashchuk K. O.
Developing the Reference Models of Determination of Types of Telecommunications Services in the Organization of Interoperability of the Telecommunications Operators’ Networks (p. 236 - 248)

The article presents the process of development of reference models of networks interoperability on the basis of an analysis of all possible ways of organizing access to telecommunications networks of the operators of fixed and mobile (cellular) communication. Typical variants of organizing the interconnections are classified, types of telecommunication services are identified in terms of the process of organizing connections of the networks of telecommunication operators of various types: fixed and mobile (cellular) communication. The types and number of elements of the stationary and linearly-cable equipment involved in organization of interaction of telecommunication networks of various types are identified. The business processes that occur in the provision of telecommunications services to every type of interaction are described. A generalized description of the process of collecting baseline data for costing telecommunication services based on LRIC model is proposed. According to the based on the methodology reference model of implementing the interaction services, it is determined that the telecommunications network elements can be considered the main sources of costs.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Yevtushenko O. V., Kurina A. T.
The Role of Tourism in Development of the National Economy of Ukraine (p. 249 - 257)

The article analyzes the role of tourism industry in the economy of Ukraine. The place of tourism in the national economy of Ukraine and the constituents of tourism sphere, influencing the development of economy, are considered. The major directions and perspectives of development of tourism in Ukraine are identified. Among the main types of tourism that are popular and promising for our country are the following: educational, business, religious tourism. Business tourism is now on the decline, so it should be supported, because this type of tourism brings the State most revenue because business travelers often go on business trips at the expense of their companies and can afford to spend more than usual tourist. Educational tourism, too, can be considered promising, since foreign student not only learns in our country, he also travels around. Religious tourism is also growing, and it is not surprising, because Ukraine has a large number of religious institutions, known throughout the world. An analysis of the main indicators of the economic efficiency of tourism is carried out: contribution to GDP, employment, balance of payments, taxes.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kavun-Moshkovska O. O.
The Self-Service Shops in Ukraine: the Structural and Regional Characterization of Development (p. 217 - 223)

The article is aimed at providing a structural and territorial characterization of the network of self-service shops of Ukraine, as well as a retrospective evaluation of its development during 2010–2017. The tendencies of development of self-service shops in 2010–2017 are considered. A structural-regional characterization of functioning of the network of self-service shops of Ukraine is provided. Positive dynamics of changes in the number of self-service stores and their specific weight growth in the total number of shops are identified. In a regional aspect there is an uneven character of development of objects. The dynamics of self-service stores in the central part of Ukraine had the most stable character, their number grew annually to 2016 inclusive. The network of self-service stores is more developed in both the western and the northern regions of Ukraine. It is determined that in the structure of self-service stores prevail food stores, but their specific weight during 2010–2017 decreased from 65.7% to 60%. There is a direct correlation between the nature of changing of two indicators – the number of self-service stores and their trade area.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Bogdan N. M., Ryabev A. A., Krasnokutska Y. V.
The Monitoring of the Financial-Economic Security of Enterprises of Hotel Complex as a Determinant of Development of the Tourism Sector of Region (p. 229 - 235)

The article examines the problems of definition, provision and monitoring of the financial-economic security of enterprises of hotel complex in the context of development of the tourism sector of region. On the basis of generalization of theoretical approaches the authors’ position concerning interpretation of the content of financial-economic security of enterprises is explicated. The scheme of the algorithm of monitoring and diagnostics of the financial-economic security of enterprise, consisting of 5 successive stages, is developed. It is proved that the efficient direction of ensuring and maintaining a stable status of the financial-economic security of hotel enterprises is monitoring of the external and internal environment with the purpose of early warning of threats and taking necessary protection measures. The monitoring system envisages constant monitoring of the status and tendencies of development of the enterprise’s potential, as well as the status of general economic development of hotel economy and tourism industry, other factors of external environment. It is substantiated that providing the financial-economic security of enterprises of hotel complex is the determining condition and the factor of improvement of quality of hotel and tourist services, efficiency of the enterprises in the tourism industry as a whole.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chkan I. O.
The Legislative Enforcement of the Issue of Rights Protection of Consumers of the Financial Services Market (p. 236 - 240)

The article covers topical issues related to the legislative settlement of consumer rights protection of the financial services market. It is identified that the reforms taking place in the financial market of Ukraine have certain results: the credit register of the National Bank is created, the purpose of which is reduction of credit risk, security of banking operations, protection of interests of depositors and other creditors of bank; the system of guaranteeing deposits of natural persons has been updated; the legislative bases for establishment of the institution of financial ombudsman is laid down in order to settle disputes between the actors of financial sector and the consumers of financial services. The main institutional changes in the financial market of Ukraine, powers and functions which will be transferred to the State financial institutions in connection with reforming are defined. The new regulation will concern insurance companies, credit communities, pawnshops, leasing and factoring companies, as well as other financial companies that deal with currency exchange, money transfer, issuance of loans, guarantees and so on. In Ukraine, the special State-administered bodies today have no real leverage over the violators of financial services. Therefore, the implementation of an effective consumer protection system in Ukraine should be formed on the basis of best practices of the European Union Member States.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chorna M. V., Buhrimenko R. M., Zonwire Austin
The Features of Formation of New Market Space in the National Consumer Market (p. 241 - 248)

The article is aimed at defining the features of formation of new market space in the national consumer market. Generalizing the scientific positions of the representatives of the classical school of market theory and competition, the factors of influence on the activity of retail enterprises are differentiated by levels and directions of influence, which together with the basic provisions of the concept of «blue ocean» allowed to form a system of evaluation of the influence of factors in the national consumer market. As a result, three hierarchical levels of influence of the factors, which contain corresponding directions and indicators, are allocated. On this basis a consistent evaluation of the status of the current macro-economic situation is carried out. The sequence of choosing the optimal stage of socio-economic development of the economy for creation of the «blue ocean» is suggested. The presented sequence is based on the methodical principles of the theory of cyclic socio-economic development and the variative principle, and also provides the possibility of creation of a fundamentally new market space – the blue ocean and, within terms of the existing consumer market, of the «red ocean». The proposed approach, in the perspective of further research, will provide to clearly evaluate the existing macro-economic situation for retailers, identify opportunities for strategic transformation of activities, and develop appropriate managerial measures.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Mazur V. S.
The Modern Aspects of Tourism Business Development in Ukraine (p. 224 - 230)

The article characterizes topical issues of development of tourism industry, illuminates the modern tendencies and strategic directions of the tourism business in Ukraine. The main directions of macroeconomic strategies to enter foreign market of tourism services have been suggested. It is proved that the optimal mechanism for development of international tourism in Ukraine is the policy of support towards a constant development by means of promoting and implementing efficient measures of the State regulation on the base of elaborating and accepting a uniform target program of tourism development which should be balanced regarding the tourist flows and the resources-based possibilities in Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bolotina E. V., Voloshina O. O., Shubna O. V.
The Organization of Sales of Tourism Services (p. 231 - 239)

The article is concerned with analyzing the efficiency of organization of sales of tourism services: a direction which remains a «bottleneck» for the majority of the national travel companies. Activity of tourism enterprises is not limited to creation of high-quality tourism product with correct pricing. It is also necessary to bring this product to the final consumer-tourist and ensure its availability in the target market. To ensure the effective implementation of tourism services, a tourism enterprise must effectively organize sales of tourism product. The organization of sales should define the types of intermediaries and their role in the sales chain, the possibilities of wholesale and retail, the post-sale servicing requirements, the rational structure of the methods and sales channels, the price structure for the final buyer. Based on this, we can confidently talk about the exceptional relevance of management and organization of the system of sales in modern tourism.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vlashchenko N. M.
Ensuring the Development of Social Tourism in Ukraine (p. 155 - 161)

The article is aimed at analyzing the features of development of social tourism and its structure, as well as elaborating models of development of social tourism in Ukraine taking into view possible forms and methods of the State support. The article explores the components of development of social tourism, its structure is elaborated. The latter contains such components as: objects of social tourism; participants in social tourism; social tourists. The author defines interests of the interested counterparties (the State, sanatorium-resort enterprises, consumers) in development of social tourism in the sanatorium-resort sphere and measures to maintenance the balance of interests. The conceptual variants of development of social tourism in Ukraine are analyzed and stages of implementation of the most perspective variant are elaborated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Bondarenko Y. H., Kulyniak I. Y., Prokopyshyn-Rashkevych L. M.
Evaluation of Development of Collective Means of Accommodation According to the Indicators of Capacity (p. 162 - 169)

An urgent task in evaluating the development of tourist market is analysis of the indicators of capacity of collective means of accommodation (CMA), which provides an opportunity to identify the characteristic features of market development, determine the potential of different types of CMA, etc. In addition, the purpose of determining the capacity of the CMA can be identification of factors influencing the activities and conditions of operation in the market of tourism services. In the article the development of the CMA in Ukraine is evaluated using the indicators of average capacity and the utilization coefficient of capacity. The ratio of capacity and the utilization coefficient of the CMA capacity is analyzed by regions for 2017. It is identified that Ukraine lags far behind the average European norms. The dynamics of the utilization coefficient of capacity in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship and counties of Poland is evaluated and the comparison with similar indicators for the regions of Ukraine is made. It is concluded that Ukraine in 2016, according to the utilization coefficient of capacity corresponded to the level of development of the Western Pomeranian Voivodeship in 2012 and Przemy?l Starostwo in 2016.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Stryzhak O. O., Aldoshyna M. V.
Projecting Business Processes of Tourism Enterprise (p. 170 - 175)

The article is aimed at generalizing and developing theoretical and methodical provisions, and also practical recommendations as to projecting business processes of tourism enterprise on the basis of use of methodology of structural analysis and SADT design. Scientific views on definition of concepts of process and business process are analyzed. Peculiarities of using process approach in management of enterprise activity are considered. The necessity of application of process approach in practice of tourism enterprises activities is substantiated. Based on the methodology of structural analysis and projecting, the authors have developed and proposed a SADT model of the process of creating and implementing a tourism product, which includes a detailed description of the stages (functions), allowing to implement marketing approach in the activity of tourism enterprise, and also optimize expenses for development and sales of tours. Prospect for further researches in this direction consists in development of the information component of management of business processes of tourism enterprise, in particular in use of software tools at choice of channels of communication, informing customers, forming the demand and the consumer preferences of the tourism product buyers.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ryabev A. A., Kraynyuk L. M., Andrenko I. B.
Developing the Inclusive Tourism on the Example of the Catering Organization in Hotels and Similar Means of Accommodation (p. 221 - 227)

In the world and in the sphere of tourism there is a continuing tendency of development of hotel enterprises by means of deepening their specialization through meeting the inclusive needs of consumers of hotel services. The most relevant direction in this regard is to meet the requirements for providing inclusive catering services. The article considers issues of organization of inclusive catering in hotel enterprises with the purpose of satisfaction of demand for this service, increase of profitability of hotel enterprises, and strengthening of international integration of the tourism market of Ukraine in the global world tourism market. An analysis of websites-aggregators on reservation of services in hotels and similar means of accommodation is carried out in the aspect of possibility of choice of such places of accommodation with provision of the inclusive catering services. Based on the analysis, the authors came to the conclusion that in the websites’ filters for selection of accommodation options there is no information about the availability of inclusive catering services. To provide organized catering services, it is proposed to develop an appropriate set of menus and recipes, taking into view the possible demand for this service. Based on the above facts, we can conclude that organization of the provision of inclusive catering services will keep existing consumers of hotel services and attract new ones. All this will provide an opportunity to increase profitability both the restaurant enterprises exclusively at hotels and also at similar means of accommodation, thus hotel enterprises as a whole. Integration of the Ukrainian tourism market in the global according to the conditions of development within the conception of inclusive tourism will also be strengthened.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Povoroznyk M. I.
The Theoretical and Methodical Researches on the Essence of Medical Services as a Product of Public Benefit (p. 228 - 232)

Generalization of the theoretical-methodological instrumentarium of research on the public sector of economy suggests that the fundamental conceptualisation of the processes of production and consumption of public benefits together with pioneer researches in this area are laid down by Western European scientists-humanists. The complex discourse of the theory of public benefits requires research in such direction as the theories of behavior of individuals in the public benefits sector; German tradition of public benefits research (which is known to be based on the theoretical platform of public interest and collective needs). Another theoretical mainstream of researching public benefits issues is the theory of transaction costs, among the others. There is every reason to assert that global public benefits at the present stage of civilizational development not only play a decisive role in ensuring the economic, political and social progress, but also create a solid cementing basis for an effective response of the world community to the global problems (climate change; food problem; transboundary epidemics of infectious diseases; financial, debt and budgetary crises; dynamic distribution of virtual currencies, etc.). However, despite the significant aggravation of global risks in recent decades, there is still no reliable data on the accumulated expenditure of governments on the production of global public benefits.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Odarchenko A. M., Sokolova E. B., Karbivnycha T. V.
The Economic Efficiency of Producing the Frozen Semi-Product for Smoothie Drink (p. 233 - 238)

The article is aimed at the economic substantiation of expediency of production at enterprises of food and processing industry of the frozen semi-product for smoothie drink. Considering that the developed frozen semi-product for smoothie has no analogues in the national market, for substantiation of expediency of its production the profit is defined, also its attractiveness and prospects for promotion in consumer market are evaluated. The price of the semi-product is calculated, which makes 79,50 UAH per 1 kg of products, corresponding to market prices for frozen berries and providing competitiveness of the developed semi-product for smoothies. The profit to be received by enterprise will make 13,20 thousand UAH for every 1000 kg of the sold semi-product. The results of the carried out assessment of threats and opportunities on the part of the external environment for promotion of new article in the market, as well as comparison of its strengths and weaknesses confirmed expediency of introduction of the developed semi-product into practical activity of the food industry enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Holovnia O. M.
Modern Determinants of the Systemic Socio-Economic Transformations in the Accommodation Sector (p. 111 - 116)

Modern determinants of the systemic transformations in the accommodation sector, which are intended to contribute to promising areas of the restructuring of the national economy, are investigated. It is proved that the accommodation sector is a specific field of activity, a part of the hospitality industry, which depends on consumer experience, quality of service, location of a subject, political and economic situation in a region, country, city. The accommodation sector is available for large institutional investors that have assets in prestigious locations, but investments in this sector are becoming increasingly popular among private, smaller investors as a way to generate active income and capital growth due to the right location and effective hotel management. In the modern world, the accommodation sector is developing at such a rate that a high level of service in the accommodation sector: high-quality hotel services and competent hotel management, is becoming a top priority in hotel management. The leading place in the system for managing enterprises working in the accommodation sector belongs to the complex automation of hotels, which includes the automation of the processes of booking; settlements with guests, agents, tour operators.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lisovska O. O.
Forecasting the Key Performance Indicators of the Market for Medical Insurance Services in Ukraine (p. 117 - 122)

The aim of the article is to provide short-term forecasting of the volume of net premiums using mathematical expectation based on the analysis of the dynamics of the key indicators of voluntary medical insurance in the domestic market for medical insurance services. The time series of observations are the years from 2008 to 2018. The place of the market for medical insurance services in the structure of the insurance market of Ukraine as a whole is specified. For this purpose, the volumes of net premiums for all types of insurance and separately for the components of medical insurance are analyzed, namely: continuous health insurance, medical expense insurance, and health insurance in case of illness. The dynamics of net premiums and payments for components of medical insurance is analyzed and it is proved that voluntary medical insurance tends to increase. The forecast of the volume of net premiums for 2019 is carried out using the mathematical expectation. Taking into account the effect of the inflation component on the nominal indicator, the actual indicator is calculated, forecasting for nominal and actual indicators is performed, the comparison is made, and the hypothesis on the effect of inflation is confirmed. The prospect for further research is to analyze the key indicators of the market for medical insurance services in the process of passing the next stages of the medical reform and summarizing results of the market development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Biletska I. M.
Projecting the Development of Tourism Enterprises on an Innovative Basis: Methodology of Analysis and Policy of Provisioning (p. 198 - 204)

The article is aimed at forming the methodologic-practical foundations of analysis and projecting of the development of tourism enterprises on an innovative basis. It is demonstrated that Ukraine has unique and diverse settings and resources, high potential for development of the tourism industry and tourism enterprises. It is stated that these opportunities have not been materialized, and the national tourism enterprises do not completely fulfill their inherent socio-economic functions and objectives. It is concluded that the further promotion of the national tourism enterprises is largely determined by its strategizing with a focus on introducing innovations in all business processes without exception. Some aspects of the theoretic-methodological discourse regarding the concept of innovative development of tourism enterprises are provided. In order to formulate conclusions about the current status and prospects for the development of tourism enterprises, an analysis was carried out at the micro level (the research objects were 8 tourism enterprises of the Ivano-Frankivsk region); conclusions were drawn on the positive aspects and opportunities, factors and obstacles to the innovative development of the tourism enterprises under consideration. The main results of the six expert surveys conducted in 2016-2018 on the problematic aspects of security, as well as the weight of the components of innovative development of tourism enterprises are presented. The results of an evaluation of the status of innovation activities by the types of innovations of tourism enterprises are provided. The results of calculation of integrated indices of innovative development of tourism enterprises are presented. The structure of the importance of types of innovations of tourism enterprises is evaluated. Based on the results of the expert survey and analysis of the status and tendencies of development of the enterprises analyzed, the strategic priorities of innovative development of Ukrainian tourism enterprises are substantiated. It is concluded that it is necessary to develop the proper institutional support in the enterprise, to direct innovative processes towards achieving the intended goal and defined strategic priorities. The structure of the managerial-infrastructure mechanism for innovative development of tourism enterprises is proposed, the introduction of which will ensure the improvement of the management of innovative projects, the capitalization of innovations, the integration of the resource base of innovative modernization and diversification of the risks of innovation activities of the national tourism enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Malkov D. I.
Forecasting the Development of Tourism and Catering Business in Ukraine and Poland (p. 152 - 160)

The purpose of writing the article is to study and forecast the tendencies of the tourism and the catering business of Ukraine and Poland. Based on the quantitative indicators of the number of tourists served, catering facilities and collective accommodation facilities, a dynamic analysis of the hospitality sphere of both countries is carried out, including tourism, catering and the complementary hotel business. As a result of the study, trends in the functioning of the hospitality industries are defined, forecasts of their further development are elaborated and interpreted. It is determined that in terms of dynamics of the tourist flow, the number and density of the network of catering facilities, Ukraine is inferior to Poland, and the development of tourism and catering business in Poland, unlike Ukraine, is balanced and progressive. The same tendencies are projected to continue in the future. Much attention is paid to the analysis of the factors that determine the functioning of the researched industries and the determinants of development of the catering business. Differences in the rates of income growth and purchasing power of the population, out-of-home catering costs and the share of the catering market in both countries are identified. The hotel infrastructure of the researched countries in comparison with the EU countries are analyzed and forecasted. A small share of the collective means of accommodation of both countries in the European Union and the possibility of increasing it for Poland are determined. The study provides grounds to assume that for the domestic hospitality sector is difficult to compete with the Polish, which in terms of volume and growth rates is developing more dynamically. Prospects for further research in this direction are the study of management mechanisms and the development of effective management solutions with a focus on Ukrainian uniqueness.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Levchenko R. V., Ovchynnikova M. A.
Improving Methodical Approaches to the Formation of Optimal Inventory Size in Enterprises of Wholesale Trade (p. 204 - 209)

The article indicates the need to find new methodical approaches to defining the optimal volumes of inventories. The article substantiates feasibility of using the two-tiered ABC analysis method, in which two criteria be chosen for the positioning of inventories: sales volume and gross profit. The components of the process of stock formation are allocated on the example of «Lev-Invest» LLC. A methodology to determine the level of performance of the normative turnover of inventories has been developed, allowing for calculation what percentage of inventories turned around or will turn in the normative number of days in accordance with the group A, B, C. Deviation from the normative value indicates the percentage of excess quantity of goods (at a positive value) or lack of quantity (at negative value) against the necessary value to achieve 100% turnover per normative period. The proposed methodology allows formation of the optimal size of inventory and improve the system of management of the enterprise’s reserves.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Naumik-Gladka K. G., Semkiv M. O.
Motivational Potential in the Development of Ethnographic Tourism in Kharkiv Region (p. 185 - 191)

The article is aimed at exploring the motivational potential in the development of ethnographic tourism in Kharkiv region, expressing the main motives for choosing ethnographic tours. The awareness of potential consumers of ethnographic tours regarding this type of tourism and the resources upon which it is based has been analyzed. Fifty-eight respondents were surveyed, including 30 students studying in the specialty of «Tourism», aged 18 to 20 years, and 28 people aged above 25 years, some of whom were also related to tourism and the associated spheres. In addition, telephone interviews and reviews of the websites of tourist agencies in Kharkiv were conducted regarding the presence of ethnographic tours in their proposal, as well as the estimation of the resource potential of the city of Kharkiv and Kharkiv Region. As a result, it is identified that for respondents ethnographic tourism is a virtually unknown area of the tourism industry, unfamiliar are its purpose and the resources on which it is based, but the survey participants showed interest in visiting tours of this type of tourism. A study on the offer of ethnographic tours showed that today such an offer is practically absent within the region of Kharkiv. The reason for this are the lack of study of the purpose, resources and their geography of distribution, the peculiarities of organizing ethnographic tours and of the resource potential of individual territories. Prospects for further research in this direction are a deeper study of ethnographic tourism, its features, resources and resource potential; promotion of this type of tourism to potential consumers in the future; involvement of the State and local governments in supporting this direction of tourism.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kozub S. O.
The Planning System at Trading Enterprise: the Essence and Criteria for Evaluation (p. 192 - 197)

The article is aimed at defining the essence and substantiating the criteria for evaluation of the planning system at trading enterprise. According to the results of the generalization of scientific publications, the trading enterprise’s planning system is defined by a set of the following elements: subject, object, planning instruments, and architecture of plans. To evaluate the planning system, it is proposed to use the criteria of quality and compliance of the planning with the system of management at trading enterprise. Taking into account the elemental composition and the criteria developed, a set of single and integrated indicators of evaluation of the trading enterprise’s planning system is substantiated, which includes the following indicators: adequacy and the level of training of staff as to the planned work; completeness and timeliness of planning the activity of trading enterprise according to the key elements of the business model; completeness of information in terms of the main types of accounting and use of corporate information systems, the complexity of plans and the level of their implementation in activities; ratio of the centralization of planning and the management at enterprise. Prospect for further research in this direction is an analysis of the efficiency of introduction of corporate information systems in the activities of trading enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ketova T. B.
Opportunities and Risks in Developing the Own Trademarks for Trade Enterprise (p. 198 - 202)

The article is aimed at exploring the opportunities and risks of developing the own trademarks for trade enterprises. Based on the carried out studies, the prerequisites and features of the creation of products under their own trademark by trade enterprises have been defined. The priority of introducing own trademarks for retail chains has been indicated. It is noted that the introduction of the own trademarks is in the interests of the main stakeholders: retail chains that develop, order and promote products under their own trademarks; producers who directly create products for the retail networks; and consumers who buy these products. The advantages and disadvantages of using the products under the trade enterprise’s own trademarks for the main stakeholders have been defined. It is found out that the success of the introduction of own trademarks is determined by evaluating the opportunities and risks of creating products under the own trademark and harmonizing the interests of all stakeholders.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Нaponenko H. I., Vasylenko A. V.
The Development Tendencies of Low-Cost Airlines in Ukraine and their Impact on the National Tourism Market (p. 189 - 196)

Today, Ukraine adheres to the course of European integration, which provides an opportunity for citizens to travel more often and get acquainted with the culture of other countries. An example of this is the introduction of a visa-free regime and other simplified procedures for crossing the border. Another positive aspect is the development of low-costers, which today are in great demand among the population of our country. The subject of the article is the use of services provided by low-cost airlines in Ukraine. The article is aimed at analyzing the current status of use of low-costers and their impact on the country’s tourist market. The objective: highlighting the main tendencies in the use of low-cost airlines in our country’s tourism market as a means of promoting tourism. The research uses theoretical, methodological and systemic methods of analysis of sources of literature, descriptive and structural analysis to evaluate the status of use of low-costers in Ukraine and the prospects for their application. As a result of the research, the significant influence of low-cost airlines in Ukraine on the country’s tourist market is identified. Thus, low prices, a competent policy of obtaining additional income, a fleet consisting mainly of new aircrafts, as well as the integration of modern technologies give a significant increase in tourists in the general flow. It is concluded that due to the development of cooperation of the Ukrainian aviation industry with international low-cost airlines, both the inbound and the outbound tourist flows are gradually increasing.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Shtal T. V., Uvarova A. Y.
Evaluating the Organizational and Economic Provision for the Logistic Activities of Ukrainian Trade Enterprises (p. 196 - 209)

The article is aimed at evaluating the organizational and economic provision of the logistic activities in terms of retail and wholesale enterprises in Ukraine presented by a sample population, operating in different business directions, by assessing the components of the organizational and economic provision of the logistic activities. The result of this evaluating is the definition of coefficients, specially: breadth of implementation of logistic functions, quality of the organizational, personnel, material, information-communication, financial provision, and, as result, definition of an integral indicator reflecting the level of provision by these components. To define the breadth of implementation of logistics at the trading enterprises, a survey of employees of the researched enterprises was carried out, which included the question about the implementation of logistic functions for the main types of logistics. Positioning of the surveyed trading enterprises of the sample population is carried out, firstly, by the number of activities and the breadth of implementation of logistic functions; secondly, according to the integral indicators of organizational and economic provision of logistic activities. The existing link between the indicators of organizational and economic provision of logistic activities and the main results of the economic activities of the researched trade enterprises of the sample population is substantiated. Prospects for further research in this direction are to develop ways to improve the organizational and economic provision of logistic activities of trade enterprises.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Mykhailichenko H. I., Kravtsov S. S., Zabaldina Y. B.
The Brand Event Program in Tourism Development in Ukraine (p. 168 - 178)

The article is aimed at formulating the basic factors for the development of tourism event programs in the city of Kiev; formation of the tourist product and its branding in order to attract tourists. The article analyzes: event-tourism resources, event-related topics, rating of popularity of major actions of the eventive nature in the capital city, demand structure in the foreign tourism market for the purpose of travel; ranking the sources for obtaining information about tourist attractions of Ukraine by foreign tourists; components of successful event implementation and identified popular event activities are defined. In the course of analysis were used data from a survey of foreign tourists commissioned by the GIZ and the Kyiv State Administration's Office of Promotions and Tourism and from an analytical review of the results of the assessment of the quality of tourism services of the capital city. The results of the article are: definition of the term of «event program» and classification of types of tourism for the purpose of event travels; the results of studies of the demand for tourism services of the city of Kyiv among foreign tourists are analyzed; the quality and popularity of the events of the capital city are evaluated. Given the popularity of individual cultural and political events, mega-events, sporting and arts events, music and literature festivals, we offer a number of events that have already formed their own brands and are held in the well-known places of attraction; marketing measures for successful holding and location of various types of events in Ukraine. Promising places for events are the brand destinations that are already known and are gaining popularity with foreign tourists.

Article is written in English

Golovkova L. S., Yukhnovska Y. O.
Comprehensive Analysis and Evaluation of the Influence of Factors on the Formation and Development of the Tourism Industry in Ukraine (p. 179 - 186)

The article defines that one of the priority directions of socio-economic development is the tourism industry, so the formation and forecasting of tourist flows, ensuring their quality service require special attention of scholars and practitioners of the tourism industry. Therefore, this is a topical issue of the present time. The article is aimed at comprehensive studying and evaluating the influence of factors on the formation and development of the tourism potential of the regions of Ukraine using the regression and correlation method. The algorithm of forecasting the volume of tourist flows by the following stages is proposed: problem setting (planning of the volume of tourist flows); choice of mathematical model; research into the factors affecting the density of the link with the productive feature and selection of the most influential factors; validation of the model for adequacy; selection of signs of efficiency of dynamics of tourist flows at the regional level; search of parameters of the model, interpretation of the obtained values; evaluation of model quality and reliability; forecasting the tourist flows. It is defined that the formation and development of the tourism potential of Ukrainian regions depends on many factors (socio-economic status of the country and its regions, political situation, gross national product and gross regional product, financial stability and wages of the population, etc.) and related spheres, such as hospitality industry, health-improving and sanatorium-resort sphere. However, the presence of cultural and historical heritage causes much weaker influence on the tourist appeal of the country and its individual regions.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kulyniak I. Y., Zhygalo I. I., Yarmola K. M.
The Mystical Tourism: the Essence and Prospects for Development in Lviv Region (p. 128 - 137)

Mystical tourism is not very common in Ukraine, but is an innovative instrument and a new promising direction to improve the tourist appeal of Ukraine, including Lviv region and the city of Lviv. The article analyzes the possibilities and prospects for the development of mystical tourism in Ukraine on the example of Lviv region. It is identified that Lviv region has a significant number of known mystical places and objects, the considerable «mystical» potential, which should be developed, as it will bring additional money income to the country’s economy, increase the tourist flow and develop related sectors of the economy. The theoretical aspects of the development of mystical tourism as a kind of «dark» tourism are covered and its specific features are allocated. Based on research on the approaches of scientists, an authors’ own vision of the interpretation of the concept of «mystical tourism» is proposed. The tendencies of the tourism development in Lviv region and the prerequisites for the development of mystical tourism as such are analyzed. According to the results of the research, a plan of the most popular mystical places of Lviv region is developed by marking them on a map with a distribution by the number of search queries in the web service Google Trends. A comparative analysis of the proposals of tours of mystical nature by the tourism companies of Lviv and Kyiv is carried out. A number of events to popularize mystical tourism in Lviv region is proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dutka A. Y., Savitska O. Р.
The ABC-XYZ-Analysis of Regions of Ukraine by Profitability/Risk Level of Tourism Industry (p. 137 - 147)

The article substantiates the important role of the use of the ABC-XYZ-analysis to assess and analyze the functioning of Ukraine’s tourism industry in the regional dimension. In terms of portfolio investing, to make an effective management decision, it is important to investors to compare, among many alternative ones, two factors – profitability and risk level. The principle of choosing an investment strategy based on the optimal ratio of profitability and risk should be decisive not only for the institutional investor, but also for the State, which establishes the strategic and priority areas of development, including tourism. Tourism is one of the largest and fastest growing sectors of the economy not only world-wide, but also in Ukraine. However, tourism activities are characterized by elements of uncertainty and risk that need to be taken into account when establishing the State policy. The article proposes to group the regions of Ukraine by profitability (profit from the provision of tourism services) using the ABC-analysis, and by the level of risk of tourism industry – using the XYZ-analysis. This grouping allowed to compare the regions of Ukraine by the level of profitability and risk in tourism, which will help to make optimal management decisions on their efficient implementation in the future. Using a combination of the ABC- and XYZ-analyses, the carried out research allowed to group and position the regions of Ukraine in the matrix of the ABC-XYZ-analysis on the profitability/risk level of the tourism industry. Grouping the regions of Ukraine allows to identify the most promising regions in the sphere of development of the tourism industry and to classify them as such that form the image of Ukraine on the international scene and make the greatest contribution to the international recognition of Ukraine as a country attractive for tourists.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ilchenko N. B., Kotova M. V.
Last Mile Delivery for e-Commerce: Challenges, Benefits, and Future (p. 148 - 154)

The article focuses on the study of the essence of the logistics of miles in the supply chain. It is proved that in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, demand for online orders will increase and, accordingly, the role of logistics of the last mile in the chain of delivery of goods to the final consumer will increase. The main prerequisites for the development of the last mile logistics market in electronic commerce in Ukraine are identified. In the course of the study, it was found that for the organization of logistics of the last mile, the following factors should be taken into account: delivery speed, tracking accuracy, warranty and insurance, convenience, cost and price. It was determined that in the city of Kiev, under quarantine conditions, with increasing demand for food products, logistics of the last mile becomes the most relevant. With the development of technology and competition between enterprises, the consumer expects that the goods will be delivered within a few hours, but in this situation, with increased demand for online orders, the consumer can wait for his order for a few days. The problems that retail chains encounter when completing an order and organizing the delivery of goods by online stores in the pandemic circumstances are considered. It is noted that the service provided the opportunity to make online purchases on its own platform for such retail chains as Novus, Metro, Auchan, Megamarket, Buffet. The market of postal and courier services in Ukraine is analyzed. The evaluation of the choice of postal logistics operators in the Ukrainian market is carried out and the main characteristics of the courier services are indicated, their advantages and disadvantages are determined. The features of the implementation of crowdsourcing principles in companies providing courier services are analyzed. The prospects for the development of logistics of the last mile in electronic commerce in Ukraine and in the world have been defined. Given the international experience to save human resources in the current situation, it has been proven that the latest technologies for delivering goods to consumers in hard-to-reach places using artificial intelligence can be used.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Faizov A. V.
Several Aspects of Countering Corruption Schemes in the Public Procurement Sphere (p. 207 - 212)

The article actualizes the current aspects of the public procurement system, taking into account the innovations of tender legislation and practices of economic management. The problematic impact of the corruption component in the tender sphere on the socio-economic transformations in the country is defined, in particular a number of negative consequences of financial-economic nature as a result of the implementation of unfair and illegal agreements between the participant and the organizer of procurement procedures are allocated and substantiated. On the basis of analysis of information sources of various nature, a number of basic and relevant corruption schemes ar systematized, which, despite the novations in the legislation, can be used by the parties to a bidding, namely, the anti-competitive concerted actions of the participants; winning of one of the interrelated participants; admission to the bidding of the economic entity with a ban on participation in the procedure; overestimating the expected value of the purchase item; substitution of the purchase item; under-performed works; discrimination of the participant; selectivity of participants in the estimation of tender proposals. In order to identify illegal activities during procurement procedures, a system of signs-indicators inherent in various corrupt procurement schemes is formed and characterized. Practical ways to counter corruption offenses in the sphere of public procurement, providing for the use of a number of economic-legal regulatory instruments based on the integrated interaction of the State control bodies, economic entities and civil society institutions, are proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Loboda N. O., Chabaniuk O. М., Spodaryk T. I.
Outsourcing as a Structural Element of the National Economy (p. 212 - 218)

The article is concerned with peculiarities of using the outsourcing services in Ukraine. The feasibility of outsourcing some production functions in order to improve the economic situation of the enterprise and obtain additional benefits by concentrating efforts on the most cost-effective business processes is researched. The research is aimed at theoretical-analytical analysis of the problems connected with the status of modern outsourcing, defining the main problems in the service sector, their impact on the activities of enterprises, as well as searching not only for optimal, but also efficient methods of optimizing resources in various spheres of activity. The list of current problems of application of outsourcing as an important factor for increasing the efficiency of modern enterprises is analyzed. The reasons and prerequisites for emerging of outsourcing in the world are disclosed. The world experience of outsourcing is illuminated. Features of the domestic IT outsourcing industry are considered and its condition at the current stage of economic development is defined. The main obstacles, slowing down the processes of active outsourcing in Ukraine’s enterprises are allocated. A number of shortcomings and advantages of applying the outsourcing by modern economic entities is researched. Measures and directions to introduce outsourcing of accounting services in the business structures of our country are proposed. The problems and prospects for development of outsourcing in Ukraine are outlined. The need for the State support in this direction of activity, improvement of the system of control over the activities of outsourcing companies, as well as improvement of domestic legislation in the sphere of outsourcing are proved.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nikolchuk J. M.
Hotel and Restaurant Business: Current Status, Financial Provision, Investment Attractiveness and Prospects for Further Development in Ukraine (p. 218 - 226)

The article is aimed at diagnosing the current status and identifying the main tendencies in the development of the hotel and restaurant business in Ukraine, evaluating the investment attractiveness of the hotel and restaurant business in the process of financing its development. The hotel and restaurant business is considered as a component of the tourism industry of the national economy together with defining the main tendencies of its development, the level of investment attractiveness and prospects for further development in Ukraine. Ways to solve problems in order to transform the hotel and restaurant business into a high-yielding sector of the national economy are proposed. The sources of financing for the further development of the country’s hotel and restaurant business are defined. The factors influencing the investment attractiveness of the hotel and restaurant business are systematized. The choice of methodology for determining the integral indicator of the investment attractiveness of hotels and restaurants, taking into account the specifics of these enterprises, is substantiated. Analysis of the current status of investment activity uses a study on the amount of investments in the hotel and restaurant sector. It is determined that the hotel and restaurant business in Ukraine needs constant investments to maintain a competitive position in the market, increase the level of customer demand for services that meet the range and quality in accordance with the world standards. Potential opportunities for investing in hotel and restaurant enterprises are researched. In addition, a complex of measures of the State regulation and improvement of the sectoral management to activate the development of hotel and restaurant business is proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Panova I. O.
Tourism During a Pandemic: Implications and Prospects (p. 226 - 232)

The article is aimed at researching possible changes in the tourism sector after the end of the pandemic caused by coronavirus. It is noted that even today the countries have begun to take important steps to overcome the emerging problems. The restrictive measures, which have been imposed almost all over the world, and especially the closure of interstate borders, have caused significant damage to the tourism industry. During this period, some airlines were on the verge of bankruptcy, millions of people lost their jobs or had to stop working. Hotels, restaurants, travel companies, shops need immediate government support, due to the financial consequences of the crisis. The budgets of the EU Member States suffered billions in losses. The Committee on Transport and Tourism of the European Parliament has proposed to prepare a special plan to help the tourism business in the near future. Health, safety and protection of guests, employees and business partners should be the most important priorities in each country, regardless of the extent of the damage caused by coronavirus. The need to introduce special certificates, which will ensure that the institutions that received them, fully comply with the highest standards of safety, hygiene, cleanliness, and in the case of coronavirus detection, the guest will be provided with all necessary medical care. After the stabilization of the situation due to the pandemic, people will continue to travel. Places with a safer epidemiological situation will be a priority. In addition, most tourists will seek to make their holiday as cheap as possible, choosing more budget holiday destinations, accommodation and transportation. It is also important that travel companies and related industries take all necessary measures to protect travelers during the entire tour. The stabilization of the tourism sector is directly related to the recovery of the entire economy of the country.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Dotsenko V. F., Kosova T. D., Yaroshevska O. V.
Corporate Management in the Hotel and Restaurant Industry: Organization, Standardization, Financialization (p. 181 - 189)

The article is aimed at identifying the differential features of the hotel and restaurant enterprises, which should be taken into account when organizing and choosing corporate management instruments, as well as substantiating its conceptual foundations upon this basis. The article defines tendencies in the status of the corporate environment in the hotel and restaurant industry during 2010-2018: loss of corporate potential, especially in parts of large and medium-sized companies; small enterprises are more competitive than micro-enterprises; isolated cases of doing big business; large concentration of enterprises in the restaurant industry compared to the hotel industry; more developed segment of medium-sized enterprises in the hotel industry. The principles of corporate management, which should be introduced in the hotel and restaurant industry, are summarized, based on the synthesis of such approaches: stakeholder, value-and-cost-oriented, standardization, financialization. The conceptual foundations of corporate management in the hotel and restaurant industry are justified as follows: use of a system of balanced indicators; development own corporate management codes based on international standards; formation and disclosure of the integrated reporting as part of financial statements and social responsibility reports. It is shown that ensuring transparency of corporate management will help to strengthen the competitiveness of enterprises in the market of hotel and restaurant services, increase their investment attractiveness.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Rakhman M. S., Prus D. V.
Analyzing the Wholesale Market of Ukraine (p. 154 - 160)

At the present stage of development of Ukrainian economy wholesale trade plays an important role, because it provides the necessary intensity and acceleration of the process of movement of goods in market conditions. The wholesale trade as such organizes and systematizes the movement of goods by distribution channels, and also promotes the quality of production and consumption of goods, serves as a link between production and circulation of goods. The relevance of research of the status and tendencies in the development of wholesale trade lies in its significance for both the economic and the intermediary activities in Ukraine. Wholesale trade is the instrument that helps to develop all branches of the economy. Research objectives are: analysis of the wholesale market, its main subjects, status and trends; search for weak areas in today’s situation of wholesale trade and analysis of the level of their criticality; defining directions of improvement of wholesale trade in Ukraine. Features and functions of wholesale trade are considered; role of wholesale trade is analyzed; the main indicators of the activity, turnover of food and non-food products are determined. Changes in the turnover volume from 2005 to 2019 are computed, the forecasted values of the turnover for the 2020 and 2021 are researched, taking into account the improvement and deterioration of main factors of influence. The main problems which are harmful to the development of wholesale trade in Ukraine are characterized, as well as measures and directions on development of wholesale trade are suggested.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Fylypenko O. M., Koliesnik T. S.
The Methodical Instrumentarium for Assessing the Financial Potential of the Retail Trade Enterprise (p. 149 - 154)

The article is aimed at substantiating the methodical instrumentarium, the directions of analysis and assessment of the financial potential of retail trade enterprises. In the course of research, the content of strategic financial analysis for retail trade enterprises is defined. It is proved that an important direction of strategic financial analysis is the study of the financial potential of retail trade enterprises, which is proposed to be carried out in view of two aspects: 1) determining the availability and sufficiency of financial resources; 2) analysis of the level of development of financial competencies. The tasks that are being solved during the assessment of financial capabilities of enterprises are defined. The analytical system for assessing the financial potential of retail trade enterprises is substantiated, which takes into account the status of both resource and competent components of financial potential according to the criteria for availability of financial resources, their provision with sources of financing, as well as the level of development of financial competencies. This allowed to ensure the complexity and systematicity in the research of internal financial capabilities of retail trade enterprises. To study the status of available financial resources, a system of indicators has been developed, allowing to investigate the resource component of financial potential according to the criteria for the availability of financial resources and their provision by sources of financing. The main components of financial competencies of retail trade enterprises are: competences to ensure solvency, increase business activity and profitability, competence in value management. To define the level of their development, the enterprises were offered a system of estimating indicators. The research of communication of the status of the resource component of financial potential and the development of financial competencies is proposed to be carried out using the method of combination analytical grouping.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kovalova O. V., Samsonova V. V., Gakal T. O.
The Recovery of Rural Green Tourism in COVID-19 Conditions as an Instrument for the Renovation of the Agrarian Economy (p. 155 - 162)

The article proves that modern globalization challenges create unique opportunities for the recovery of rural green tourism, outlining the prospects for its attribution to strategically important sectors of the national economy on the grounds of priority, resilience and responsibility. However, achieving such results is impossible without appropriate organizational and economic provision for the development of infrastructure of enterprises of rural green tourism, where the State-based levers and instruments play a special role, because due to the sudden, unprecedented drop in demand, the travel and tourism sector will require, first of all, financial incentives with regard to support and recovery. The article is aimed at determine the potential for the recovery of green rural tourism in the conditions of COVID-19 as an instrument for the renovation of the agrarian economy. It is specified that the development of normative and legal provision for the activation of economic activity in the sphere of rural green tourism is a basic condition for the formation of a legal framework for the development of this type of tourism and attraction of investments in this industry. The main determinants of infrastructure development of rural green tourism in Ukraine have been identified and priority measures for the development of rural green and gastronomic tourism in rural areas for the future period are proposed. According to the authors, the active development of rural green tourism in Ukraine necessitates the following: carrying out an analysis of the current system of railway communication between cities and adjusting it to the tourist map of the country; increasing the level of responsibility of carriers for their activities and create conditions for safe passage through the territory; to carry out repairs not only of nationally important roads, but to maintain local roads in good condition as well; improving the quality of road infrastructure, with a focus on placing the appropriate identifying signs for both historical tourist sites and objects of rural green tourism; increasing the efficiency of the State regulation in this sphere. Prospects for further research are to determine the feasibility of implementing the world experience of recovering the tourism industry, particularly rural green tourism.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Stehnei M. I., Khaustova K. M.
The Microeconomic Factors of Development of Hospitality Sector Enterprises in the Region (p. 165 - 170)

The article is aimed at examining the main microeconomic factors of the development of hospitality sector enterprises in the region in the context of changes. The definition of regional micro-environment of the enterprises in the hospitality sector is provided; the main factors of economic development of enterprises of the industry are systematized. On the basis of the carried out analysis the peculiarities, tendencies and problems of development of hotel business enterprises in Zakarpattya region are defined. The main microeconomic factors that form the situation of the regional market of hotel services are examined. The peculiarities of micro-environment of hotel business in the region are defined, among which: insufficient level of use of the existing natural, resource and tourist potential of the territory; increased competition in the market; development of both the «shadow» and «gray» markets of hotel services, especially in the conditions of restrictive measures; reducing the number of foreign tourists; insufficient level of development of various forms of tourism, which limits the possibilities of hotels to expand services. The methods of adaptation of hospitality sector enterprises for survival and development in new macro- and microeconomic conditions are proposed, which include in the first instance: the formation of an effective security system for guests; researching target audiences and focusing services on their needs; intensification of development of various forms of tourism in the region, in particular therapeutic, ecological, educational, children’s, and development of appropriate hotel products; intensification of innovation activity and introduction of information technologies. Further researches will focus on the development of methodological approaches to the assessment of the micro-environment of hospitality sector enterprises and their use for the formation of a regional strategy for tourism development and hotel-restaurant business in the region.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kovtunenko Y. V., Olshevska D. O., Alieksieienko A. A., Savkov Y. O.
The Features of the Use of Innovative Technologies under Modern Conditions in the Hotel and Restaurant Business (p. 195 - 201)

The article is aimed at defining and researching the features of the use of innovative technologies in the hotel and restaurant business. When analyzing the scientific works of certain scholars, priority innovative technologies and innovative trends were identified, as well as their use under modern conditions was considered. The relevance of the selected topic is determined by the fact that today almost every enterprise in the sphere of hotel and restaurant business needs to introduce certain innovative technologies, which is justified by sufficient demand of consumers for services of these types of business. The article provides comparative statistics on the volume of services that have been marketed in the hotel and restaurant business, which clearly indicates the need to use rationally selected innovative technologies. Also, as result of the analysis and research, specific modern innovations are identified and the need to use them is proven. The directions of their application and direct impact on the development of the hotel and restaurant business are determined. The characteristics of the innovative technologies as such are provided, as well as their rational use in specific cases is pondered. The application of certain innovative technologies, which have gained greater popularity and greater volume of involvement during the famous quarantine period, is analyzed. The essence of many innovative technologies both in the information space and in practical application in the hotel and restaurant business is researched. The preconditions for attracting innovations are improvement of working conditions, automation and robotization of many routine processes in the hotel and restaurant business. The tendency of attracting innovative technologies directly affects further, better development, profit maximization, as well as a rational reduction in costs in the hotel and restaurant business. Prospect for further scientific developments is to research the identified problems concerning the hotel and restaurant business, as well as the analysis and implementation of such innovative technologies that would help simplify the identified problems or even eliminate them thoroughly.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Nykyforov R. P.
The Status and Features of the Development of Restaurant Business in the World (p. 202 - 208)

One of the most dynamically growing types of entrepreneurial activity in the world is restaurant business. Changes in the context of development, including increasing the share of the middle class, changing values, migration and nomadism, digitalization, population growth, urbanization, active development of tourism and hospitality cause influence on the status and features of the development of restaurant business in the world. The article identifies the main determinants that determine the current status and features of the development of restaurant business in the world; the author’s own approach to understanding the essence of the concept of «restaurant business» is provided; the main segments and features of modern development of restaurant business in the world are specified. It is determined that at the present stage of development of the world restaurant business it has the following inherent features: 1) asymmetry and polarization of development (the greatest interest in meals outside the home, and therefore the most active development of the restaurant business, is recorded in America and Asia-Pacific region. They are followed by Europe, the Middle East and Asia. The highest level of territorial heterogeneity of restaurant business development is characteristic of the Middle East and Africa, America, a relatively lower level of heterogeneity is characteristic of the Asia-Pacific region and Europe. The highest level of concentration of restaurant business development is characteristic of the Asia-Pacific region, the smallest – of the Middle East and Africa); 2) development disparities (the largest disparities between the development of restaurant business segments are recorded in the Asia-Pacific region (full-service restaurants significantly prevail over other organizational forms of restaurant business in the region), the smallest – the Middle East and Africa); 3) polysubjectivity (the subject structure of the restaurant business is very complex and heterogeneous, it includes not only restaurants, but also bars, cafes, coffee-shops, canteens, etc.); 4) active virtualization and digitalization (restaurants and other restaurant business entities are increasingly creating virtual platforms where you can order food, get comprehensive information about the establishment, etc., actively interact with their consumers in social networks, increase the budget of online marketing costs, attract robotics).

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kharchenko O. V.
The Spatial Differentiation of Tourist Attractiveness of Ukrainian Regions (p. 209 - 216)

The article undertakes a comprehensive study of problems of spatial differentiation of tourist attractiveness in terms of Ukrainian regions. The main components of differentiation are defined and it is identified that the assessment of tourist attractiveness of certain regions in terms of spatial differentiation is the basis for the formation of an efficient and profitable tourism business, it determines the peculiarities and structure of the regional tourist product, new tourist routes, formation of priority directions, etc. In the course of an analysis of literary sources of famous scientists-economists, the author’s definition of the category of «spatial differentiation» in the sphere of tourism was elaborated. The article sums up the main factors that characterize the tourist attractiveness of the regions of Ukraine, through which it is possible to assess the tourist attractiveness of the respective regions to identify the most promising directions of development of the tourism sphere and overcome spatial differentiation, which will allow developing an effective strategy for sustainable development of tourism in the regions in the future. The author’s definition of «tourist attractiveness of region« is proposed, which takes into account all theoretical-methodological and practical researches of the problem. Methods for solving problems of multidimensional assessment are defined and it is substantiated that the method of taxonomic analysis distinguishes the simplicity of the mathematical apparatus, the absence of any requirements for the set of the objects studied, a more convenient scale of the received estimates, making it easier to analyze and rank objects. The scheme of taxonomic analysis using factor analysis is proposed, the main purpose of which is to reduce the number of indicators and determine the structure of the relationships between them. The matrix of standardized indicator values was developed and it was concluded that the use of the economic-mathematical model, which is based on taxonomic analysis, allows forming reasonable sets of indicators and getting ratings of regions of Ukraine by the level of the economic component of tourist attractiveness. Practical application of this method is shown in the definition of progressive and depressed regions of Ukraine in the sphere of provision of tourist services.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kulyniak I. Y., Zhygalo I. I., Yarmola K. M.
Tourism Industry in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Tendencies and Support Measures (p. 177 - 184)

The coronavirus pandemic, which has engulfed almost all countries and caused a global crisis, has dealt a significant blow to many sectors of the economy, including the tourism sector. The tourism industry found itself in uncertain working conditions, which caused significant changes in the functioning of tourism entities. The article analyzes the current status and identifies tendencies in the development of the world tourism market in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as systematizes the measures implemented by Ukraine and other countries to stimulate and support the tourism industry. The contribution of tourism to the world GDP by the countries that are the most popular among tourists is analyzed. The percentage change in international tourist arrivals by region in 2020 and dynamics in destinations that were the most popular among tourists around the world in 2018–2020 is considered. It is identified that as a result of the pandemic, the indicators of tourism activities have decreased significantly, the tourism industry has suffered losses and there has been a significant reduction in tourist flows. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a significant decrease in the number of international tourist arrivals in all countries. In addition, to achieve its goal, the article systematizes the measures to improve the tourism climate of countries, stimulation and support of the tourism industry both during the COVID-19 pandemic and the post-pandemic period. It is identified that among the measures to stimulate and support the tourism industry in most countries, the main focus is placed on domestic tourism, which is less dependent on the global coronavirus crisis and quarantine measures, as well as the introduction of online forms and the wider use of marketing and digital tools in the provision of tourist services. According to the results of the study, the authors substantiate the need to support the enterprises of the tourism industry and stimulate the demand for domestic tourism on the part of Ukrainian government.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kozhukhivskа R. B.
Оptimization of Business Processes of Tourism Enterprises (p. 185 - 190)

The need to optimize the business processes of tourism enterprises is determined by changes in business needs, in particular in the economic and financial-economic activities. In order to ensure the success of enterprises in the tourism sector, it is necessary to constantly develop and change, improve their business processes in accordance with market conditions and consumer needs. The article examines the conceptual principles for optimizing the business processes of tourism enterprises. It is specified that the optimization of business processes is one of the aspects of the enterprise development whereby the targets and tasks are achieved, in particular: increasing profits and productivity of activities, reducing costs, increasing the target audience, etc. In the course of research, the key principles and features of optimizing the business processes of tourism enterprises are distinguished. It is determined that the business processes of the tourism enterprise are formed from an aggregate of certain actions and factors, containing causal connection. The results of business process are: the formed value added; the expanded range of consumers, partners; maintaining competitive positions in the market; improvement of economic activity, and as a sum – increase in profits. It is found out that the most critical in the system of optimization of business processes of tourism enterprises are express diagnostics and fundamental diagnostics. The main criteria for optimizing the business processes of the tourism enterprise are defined and proposals for their addition by such indicators as execution time and cost of processes are made. It is noted that each of these criteria is evaluated through the system of indicators, which is formed within the framework of the analysis of business processes of the enterprise. The most appropriate methods and methods of collecting information that can be used in optimizing business processes are defined. The basic elements and parameters of business process optimization are outlined. The main analytical aspects of optimization of business processes of tourism enterprises are analyzed.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kruhlova O. A., Ketova T. B.
Evaluating the Prospects for the Development of Own Trademarks of Trade Enterprises (p. 190 - 198)

The article presents the results of the research on determining the prospects for the introduction and development of own trademarks (OTM) of the trade enterprise. The strategies of own trademarks of the trade enterprise are provided. The peculiarities of formation and implementation of dumping strategies, replacement of a competitor, brand expansion are specified. To determine the prospects for the introduction and development of own trademarks of the trade enterprise, a methodical approach is substantiated, which is formed using matrix methods, scorecard methods, and additive convolution. The developed methodical approach provides for the implementation of interrelated stages of evaluation of competitive positions of activity in relation to own trademarks compared to other types of current activities, favorable external environment and readiness of the trade enterprise for the implementation of this type of activity. To evaluate the competitive positions of the OTM-related activities in comparison with other types of current activities, the use of the Dibb –Symkin matrix and the modified BCG matrix is proposed; to assess the favorability of the external environment – PEST analysis; to assess the readiness of the trade enterprise for the introduction and development of its own trademarks – the method of scorecard according to the characteristics of organizational, technological and resource aspects of the trade enterprise’s activities regarding OTM. In order to ensure the validity of managerial decisions on optimizing the portfolio of own trademarks, a scientific-methodical approach to the ranking of assortment groups of goods that are part of own trademark is developed. The methodical basis of the developed approach is matrix methods (Dibb–Symkin matrix, modified BCG matrix), coefficient method, expert estimation method and additive convolution. The sequence of determining the competitiveness of the assortment of goods is presented, which involves grouping the assortment according to the indicators of quality, price, latitude of the assortment of goods compared to the range of products on the part of the trademark of competing enterprises and manufacturers.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yevtushenko O. V., Нaponenko H. I., Shamara I. M.
Analyzing the Tourism Demand in Ukraine: The Current Status and Prospects (p. 152 - 160)

The article is aimed at analyzing the tourist flow in Ukraine. An analysis of the UNWTO research shows that in the period up to 2030 an increase of the tourism profits by almost 2 times compared to 2010 is forecast. At the same time, there is a tendency of an increase in the interest of Ukrainians in holidays abroad, despite a number of political and economic reasons. It should be noted that the number of tourism activities entities operating in Kharkiv region occupy 6.2% of the total number of such entities in Ukraine. Analyzing the statistics, it should be noted that of the top 10 countries that Ukrainians chose for travel, 9 are countries focused on swimming and beach holidays, as well as those that are the leaders of package tours from the tour operators of Ukraine. The first place was taken by Egypt as an all-year-round tourist destination. For this country, tour operators put charter programs throughout the year, offering three main resorts: Sharm El Sheikh, Hurghada and Marsa Alam. The second place is taken by Turkey , the leading country for choosing a vacation among Ukrainians. It is worth noting that in addition to traditional Antalya, also the resorts such as Dalaman, Bodrum and Izmir are gaining popularity in Kharkiv region. Spain and the UAE have significantly increased volumes, Greece received a traditionally high percentage. Upon the carried out analysis, it is possible to state the dynamics of growth of the number of Ukrainians traveling abroad. This is facilitated by such factors as the introduction of a visa-free regime and the arrival of low-cost airlines in the Ukrainian market. For the development of domestic tourism, a positive point is the opening of direct air communication between the cities of Ukraine. Thus, the introduction of seasonal regional routes, for example, Kharkiv – Odesa or Kharkiv – Lviv allows generating the flow of domestic tourists to the main tourist destinations of the country, and Ukrainians get the opportunity to travel around Ukraine quickly and at competitive prices.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Chorna M. V., Volosov A. M., Rieznyk M. O.
The Scientific-Methodical Aspects of Identifying the Sources of Competitive Advantages for Retail Enterprises (p. 161 - 168)

The article is aimed at developing a scientific-methodical approach to the identification of sources of competitive advantages, taking into account the specifics of enterprises in the retail trade sector. The development and transformation of approaches to identifying sources of competitive advantage within the institutional, market and resource concepts is considered. The main provisions of scientific thought on this problem are defined and the observance of the resource approach is substantiated. A methodical approach to identification of the existing sources of competitive advantages and potential of their development in retail enterprises is proposed. As a basis, the following general scientific principles are allocated: complexity, security, comparability, information sufficiency, orientation towards creating the bigger consumer value. The stages of implementation of evaluation-identification procedures are characterized. The directions of identification of the sources of competitive advantages are determined as follows: provision of labor and commodity resources, capital, level of management, capabilities of staff. The stage of formation of the information base is characterized. The choice of research objects is substantiated, taking into account the dual nature of competitive advantages and the sectoral specifics of trade enterprises. The quantitative and qualitative correspondence of both the potential and the realized advantages within each resource-competent plane of the enterprise’s potential is determined. The conditions for identifying sources of competitive advantages and their corresponding target development benchmarks are defined. The proposed methodical instrumentarium was tested at the trade network enterprises of the city of Kharkiv. The competitive position of enterprises according to available sources, the level of their involvement in the processes of creating competitive advantages are specified; recommendations on the ways of their formation and development are made.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vlashchenko N. M., Ryabev A. A., Tonkoshkur M. V.
Development of Business Processes in the Sanatorium-Resort Sphere (p. 169 - 175)

The article is aimed at elaborating a conceptual model for the gradual transition of sanatorium-and-resort complex (SRC) enterprises to self-supporting principles of doing business, as well as proposals and practical recommendations as to the preparation of strategic tasks for their development. A sanatorium-and-resort institution as an enterprise that makes the transition to market conditions of management and must implement self-supporting mechanisms in the process of providing health improvement services is analyzed. The priority business tasks of sanatorium-and-resort enterprises are identified, their current business policy is characterized. Both the domestic and the foreign experience as to organization of the commercial component of recreational enterprises is analyzed. The reasons for the inhibition of business processes in domestic sanatorium-and-resort enterprises are identified, i.e.: shortcomings in the public sector of the SRC management, but, to a greater extent, the lack of readiness of the enterprises themselves to work in the market conditions (slow reorientation to «innovative thinking» and entrepreneurship, lack of business experience, shortcomings in information support, etc.). The structural model of formation of business strategy for the development of enterprises of sanatorium-and-resort complex is built up, which reflects the transition of the sanatorium-and-resort complex to a new economic model of management and contains such main blocks as innovative thinking, entrepreneurship, activation mechanisms, business organization. Recommendations on intensification of commercial activity in the research sphere have been elaborated and proposed.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kashperska A. I.
Ukrainian Retail Market: The State and Development Trends (p. 120 - 127)

The article is aimed at studying the current state of the retail market of Ukraine, determining its state and development trends. The main factors influencing the change in retail turnover are allocated, namely: purchasing power; state and problems concerning the supply of products; development of material and technical base; institutional transformations; increased competition. On the basis of generalization of characteristics of the modern trading market, its main features and development trends are highlighted, the most important of which are: focusing on improving the service; development of Internet commerce; diversifying the additional services; expanding the list of sales channels; optimization of assortment and reorientation of activities in favor of food products. The main indicators of trade enterprises are analyzed on the basis of data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine during 2010–2020, namely: the number of economic entities in the market, distributed by size and by organizational-legal form, as well as the volume of products sold under the CEA 47 «Retail Trade»; regional structure of retail turnover (legal entities), structure of products; retail turnover by product groups. It is emphasized that the transformation processes that take place in retail trade relate to both changes in the trading objects themselves and the channels of sale of products. It is defined that the process of globalization in the domestic trade of the country is taking place, accompanied by the widely spread tendency of transition of retail enterprises to the Internet space along with search for platform companies. The need for further support of business on the part of the State, stimulation of its development, taking into account modern requirements, is substantiated. It is emphasized that timely implementation of measures by the owners of retail enterprises will be instrumental in their adaptation to modern market conditions, increasing the competitiveness and efficiency of their activities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lazebnyk I. O., Korepanova K. O.
Analyzing the Leisure Industry Development in Ukraine and Abroad (p. 128 - 134)

The article discusses topical issues regarding the leisure industry in Ukraine and abroad in order to identify key problems and prospects for its development. In the course of the study, market conditions were analyzed; the requirements of consumers for services in the field of organization of recreation and entertainment are defined; the factors influencing the development and efficient operation of the market are examined. According to the results of the study, it is substantiated that the rapid growth of the entertainment industry, both in the world and in Ukraine, is due to a positive trend to improve the quality of rest and personal development of the population. It is determined that the main problem of the entertainment industry in Ukraine is that its financing is carried out with the industry’s own funds. Instead, in many foreign countries, the entertainment industry is developing with the help of foreign investment and public funds. The peculiarities and problems of development of the international recreation and entertainment market are analyzed and it is established that in the world in the period 2006-2019 was a steady dynamic of the popularity of requests for «entertainment organization». This dynamic indicates the constant development of the entertainment market with slight seasonal fluctuations in the winter and spring months of the year. It is also identified that the recreation and entertainment market is dominated by a group of eight participants: China, Brazil, India, Russia, the Middle East and North Africa, Mexico, Indonesia, and Argentina. The average annual growth rate of the entertainment market in these countries is more than twice the growth rate of the global entertainment market. For a more complete and detailed analysis of the international recreation and entertainment market, a rating of agencies that are leaders in the global market of the analyzed services was composed. Conclusions on key problems and prospects of development of entertainment industry in Ukraine and abroad are formulated.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ryabev A. A., Tonkoshkur M. V., Kravtsova S. V.
Administrating the Development of Tourism and Hospitality Industries During the COVID-19 Pandemic (p. 215 - 220)

Starting from 2020 to the present day, because of the COVID-19 pandemic in the sphere of tourism and hotel industry, as well as in related areas, there has been a decline or even complete cessation of activity, as a result of which a significant number of enterprises have become bankrupt or in crisis. So there is a need to find such a way of development of the spheres of tourism and hospitality, which would provide an opportunity not only to preserve these areas, but also to provide, after leaving the pandemic, the conditions for their further development in such a manner that as many as possible business entities are involved in their activities. It is also necessary to take into account the demand of people – potential recreants (tourists and vacationers), which should be satisfied, despite the pandemic, because during isolation and restrictions in movement and communication with nature, a depressed and painful state occurs, which leads to a deterioration in efficiency and a decrease in the number of able-bodied personnel. As an instrument to overcome the existing crisis, it is proposed to create campsites with the involvement of all stakeholders from enterprises in the sphere of tourism, hotel and other industries. Such an approach makes it possible to work during a pandemic due to the lack of crowding in one place. At the same time, thanks to the differentiated approach when creating campsites, it is possible to satisfy the maximum possible range of demand from potential tourists and vacationers by creating conditions of stay that are different in comfort. As for the possibility of working not only during a pandemic, but also after its completion, camping is best suited for this, since when it is created, a stable entrepreneurial managed structure is formed – a territorial recreational system that becomes the core for the further development of tourism, hotel industry and other areas directly or indirectly related to their activities.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ryabev A. A., Pokolodna M. M., Kravets O. M.
Use of Some Information Technologies to Maintain the Sustainability of Tourism During COVID-19 (p. 221 - 226)

Recently, the world has been in a state of global crisis because of the COVID-19 pandemic. A significant number of spheres of activity, including such a global sphere of activity as tourism, are at risk of extinction. It’s understandable, that until the end of the pandemic, the resumption of tourism activities is almost impossible, since the safety of millions of people depends on it. However, the issue of maintaining and preserving the tourist interest of people – potential tourists – is more relevant than ever. The article emphasizes that in isolation to preserve tourist interest, it is advisable to use information technology. At this, according to the authors, among all means of information technology it is necessary to focus on virtual tours and excursions. Justifying this statement is a significant list of advantages provided by virtual tours and excursions in case of their creation and consistent implementation both on a paid and free basis for a wide range of potential consumers of tourist services. Also highlighted are advantages for objects and subjects of tourist activity. The authors allocate a variety of approaches to creating virtual tours and excursions in terms of attracting performers to create them. Among the performers, different categories of specialists with different levels of qualification and education are specified. In addition, the need for the mandatory involvement of professional guides is defined, specific knowledge and experience of which will allow to provide at least a minimum guarantee of the quality of virtual tours and excursions. Thus, the creation of virtual tours and excursions will not only preserve interest in tourist sites and destinations, but also provide work for a wide range of specialists even in crisis conditions. In addition, virtual tours and excursions can act as an independent tourist product, which in any case will bring financial and image profit to all the tourism sphere entities involved in its production.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Нaponenko H. I., Yevtushenko O. V., Shamara I. M.
Priority Directions of Ensuring Sustainable Development of Tourism of Ukraine in the Context of Pandemic (p. 227 - 235)

The article is concerned with solving problems related to the tourism sphere during the pandemic. The study is aimed at a scientific-theoretical substantiating the prospects for sustainable development of tourism of Ukraine in the context of pandemic. Elaboration of the set aim led to the need to solve the following tasks: establish the problems of sustainable tourism development during the pandemic; consider directions of sustainable tourism development; propose an improved concept of sustainable development of tourism of Ukraine during the pandemic. To achieve the aim of the study, general scientific and special methods were used. System analysis is a method that represents a sequence of actions to determine structural links between different elements of the system under study. Synthesis – the process of combining individual things and concepts into one. Induction is a research method in which a general conclusion is based on individual elements. Comparison – the similarities and differences of objects and phenomena are established on significant grounds. In order to effectively manage the sustainable development of tourism in the context of pandemic, according to the authors, cooperation between the State and local authorities, tourist enterprises, tourist infrastructure entities is necessary. Such a mechanism for administrating the sustainable tourism development is presented in the form of a scheme. Based on the concept of sustainable development, the directions of the strategy of sustainable tourism development during the pandemic are proposed. The basis of the proposed program is not only a survival strategy, but also advancing due to future significant changes in consumer preferences. The success of the proposed directions will have a positive influence on changing the social structure of society, will allow to stop the processes of increasing social tension and destabilizing the social system, will form favorable conditions for increasing the mobility of the residents of the country.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Panova I. O., Tymoshchuk A. V.
Theoretical Foundations of Research on Hotel Industry (p. 235 - 240)

The publication is aimed at characterizing the theoretical basis of research on hotel management. Objective: determining the essence of the hotel industry and highlighting the normative regulation of the hotel industry. The used methods are: analytical, historical, evaluation, description and others. Today, the tourism industry is one of the leading sectors of economies in many world countries, providing significant revenues to the budget of countries mainly at the expense of foreign tourists. Its development is influenced by a number of factors, in particular: social, economic, cultural, political, natural-resource, historical, scientific-technological progress, etc. Hotel industry, as part of the tourism business, is of great importance for the economy of Ukraine. The main goal of the hotel industry is to provide services for the temporary accommodation of domestic and foreign tourists, which contributes to the formation of a market mechanism of management, the receipt of funds to the budget, the creation of additional jobs and improving the standard of living of the State’s population. All this indicates the importance of studying the general and special properties of the hotel economy. Legal regulation plays an important role not only in the hotel business, but also in general for the whole tourism industry. The legal framework for hospitality industry enterprises is regulated by the main documents, including: international conventions, laws, orders and decrees, the State standards of Ukraine, etc. Normative regulation ensures the functioning of the hotel industry and promotes its development in Ukraine. The State support to the hotel industry is not less important, which is aimed at stimulating the priority directions of hotel business development, compliance with the State standards and coordination of tourist servicing.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Martynenko V. О.
The State Regulation of the Hotel and Restaurant Business in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic (p. 241 - 245)

The axiom of present is that Ukraine has a very difficult situation in the sphere of hotel and restaurant business caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This situation has developed not only due to the underdevelopment of this sphere, also because of the significant shortcomings in the system of the State regulation of entrepreneurial activity in the pandemic, which makes this issue a topical scientific problem. The publication is aimed at analyzing the extant status of operation of the hotel and restaurant business under quarantine restrictions, as well as developing proposals for providing the State support to business entities in order to minimize losses during the COVID-19 pandemic. Theoretical and methodological grounds of research are the basic principles of development of hotel and restaurant business in a crisis, scientific works of Ukrainian scholars. The following methods were used in the course of the research: logical-juristic (to analyze the legislation of Ukraine on measures of the State support for business entities in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic); systematization (defining forms of the State aid); hypotheses and assumptions (in the preparation of proposals for further regulation of the provision of the State support to the hotel and restaurant business). As a result of the research, it is determined that the introduced support measures on the part of the State allowed to reduce the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the hotel and restaurant sector for the short-term period only. Renewal and further development of this sphere is impossible without the introduction of new approaches to the relations between the State and business, which have established determined in Ukrainian society, without increasing the social consciousness of business and increasing the level of its contact with public authorities. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to improve the system of adjustment of efforts of the State authorities, local self-government bodies and business entities in this sphere.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Faizov A. V.
Discrimination as an Instrument of Corruption Schemes in Public Procurement (p. 246 - 251)

The article characterizes the current state of organizational and legal support for the functioning of the public procurement system, taking into account the novelties of legislation; both the inter-sectoral and the protective principles of bidding, which are closely interrelated and form a single system, are analyzed; the role of the principle of «prevention of corruption actions and abuse», which has a comprehensive influence on the entire mechanism of implementation of the norm-setting innovations, is defined; a number of factors that cause corruption risks and distort the effect of basic principles in the sphere of procurement are distinguished (in particular: dishonest behavior of officials; discretion in making legally significant decisions; insufficient professionalization of bidding; imperfect system of internal control over conduct of tenders and execution of contracts); the concept of discrimination is singled out and its role as an instrument for the implementation of corruption schemes in public procurement is defined. Based on the analysis of the effective practice of appealing by the AMCU, a number of ways of using discriminatory elements by customers at the initial and final stages of bidding are systematized, namely: establishing obvious and hidden excessive requirements in the tender documentation; manipulation of technical and qualitative conditions to the subject of procurement; unjustified disparate approach to participants with the similar errors in the preparation of tender offers. Practical measures to counteract discriminatory violations in the sphere of procurement activities are generalized, which involve the use of the capabilities of the digitized systems «ProZorro» and «DoZorro» with active participation in this process by direct procurement participants, non-governmental organizations, and government authorities.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Voroniuk I. V.
Key Threats to Economic Security of Hotel and Restaurant Enterprises (p. 145 - 150)

The modern stage of the development of the world economy, the level of competition and innovation-technological development significantly affect the economic security of hotel industry enterprises. Today, for the effective and secure economic development of the hotel industry, it is necessary to ensure the safety of guests, employees and others; maintain brand reputation; form an environment of safety and sufficient transparency of the information resources of the enterprise for hotel guests. Modernity constantly forms new requirements for ensuring the economic security of hotel and restaurant industry enterprises, which is due to many aspects of the world economy. Thus, globalization trends, technical and technological development, consequences of COVID-19 coronavirus infection and other circumstances create new risks and threats. The formation of conditions for the secure development of hotel and restaurant industry enterprises is influenced by many factors. The speed of technical and technological development creates new methods of providing services, such as: distribution systems, electronic bookings, rental apartments with a list of services to choose from. As a result, constant changes in the external environment of hotel and restaurant industry enterprises become a source of risks and threats to their economic security. The novel coronavirus infection, pandemic, global lockdowns, quarantine restrictions and insufficient development of the medical sector also affected the functioning and economic security of hotel and restaurant industry enterprises. Effective management of hotel economic security is achieved through a systematic approach to analyzing and assessing possible risks and threats to their safe development. In this process, one of the key aspects is the provision of information security as an element of economic security of hotel and restaurant industry enterprises. Risks and threats are detected at the hotel level through a variety of means, including the collection of operational information, quality audit, risk management assessment and internal audit. Research of risks and threats to economic security helps the enterprise to avoid reducing the efficiency of its economic activity and damage to reputation. An efficient system of economic security plays an important role in the daily activities of hotel industry enterprises. The article examines and characterizes the main risks and threats to the economic security of enterprises in the temporary accommodation sector. Their impact on the level of economic security of hotel industry enterprises is analyzed. The need for systematic analysis and monitoring of risks and threats to the economic security of the enterprise is substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Milashovska O. I., Ilto T. I.
Analysis of the Development of the Ukrainian Hotel and Restaurant Business in the Context of Modern Challenges (p. 151 - 156)

The relevance of the chosen research topic is due to the need to analyze the level of economic development and search for new ways to develop the hotel and restaurant business in today’s challenges. The hotel and restaurant business plays an important social, image and economic role in the development of the national economy, acts as a supporting component of tourism and creates jobs for a significant number of people. In the context of the СOVID-19 pandemic, business has faced a number of new and unpredictable challenges that have stopped the dynamic development of the industry in recent years and require the development of new strategic solutions for adaptation to transformational conditions. The purpose of this article is to analyze the economic development of the hotel and restaurant business in Ukraine in the context of current challenges related to the СOVID-19 pandemic and to find appropriate ways to adapt the business to new conditions. The trends of economic development of the hospitality industry of Ukraine in terms of the main types of economic activity, namely: activities for temporary accommodation and catering have been analyzed in the article. The main problems of development of these types of economic activity in the conditions of quarantine restrictions and post-pandemic period have been singled out, the influence of quarantine on the economic situation of business has been researched. The main directions of adaptation of enterprises of hotel and restaurant business in new conditions have been offered. The scientific novelty of article is results of economic analysis conducted, assessing the obstacles and risks of the hotel and restaurant business and identifying the main ways to restore and develop the industry in the context of modern challenges. The practical significance of the article lies in determining the level of development of the hotel and restaurant business and the development of the main directions of adaptation of business activities in the new environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pokolodna M. M., Polchaninova I. L., Ryabev A. A.
Glamping as a Promising Type of Tourism and Hotel Business (p. 157 - 169)

The relevance of searching for new varieties of tourist offers is due to a number of reasons. First, high competition in the market, which encourages entrepreneurs to invent new forms of ensuring the need for rest for their customers; secondly, the growth of consumer whimsy towards the orientation, content and variants of activities that are available during the rest. Both of these reasons, against the background of the growing ecological thinking in society, caused the emergence and rapid development of glamping. The article is aimed at researching the glamping as a new concept of tourist travel and hotel business, analyzing its development in the world and in Ukraine. As a result of the analysis, the article formulated a triune structure of the glamping recreation conception, which consists of the following elements: maximum comfort, natural surroundings (placement of glamps), and minimal impact on the natural environment. Thanks to this, it is possible to classify glamping as one of the varieties of ecological tourism. The main variants of glam designs are provided, in particular: safari tent, tipi, yurt, pop-tent/sphere/capsule/bubble, caravan, houses on wheels, house on a rock. Four categories of consumers of glamping products are also distinguished; the dependence between the target audience, the location of glamping and the formation of its specialization is specified. A brief analysis of the world experience in glamping tourism development and experience along with the geography of glamping in Ukraine are presented. As a result, the following conclusions have been drawn: active glamping exists in different landscape zones of the country; for the most part, glamps have a high level of comfort (they provide all the amenities); the cost of accommodation per night starts from 2500 UAH for double occupancy and reaches 4500 UAH; there are three companies – glamps producers in our country. The article also presents an economic substantiation and a generalization of advantages of glamping as a hotel business, which definitely testify to perspectivity of its development and further possibilities for scientific research.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Panova I. O.
The Theoretical Bases of Research of Animation Services in Tourism (p. 170 - 175)

The article is aimed at characterizing the theoretical bases of the research of animation services in tourism. The task is to determine the essence of tourist animation as an object of research and highlight its main types and functions. As part of the research, the following methods were used: analytical, historical, description and others. Today, the tourism industry is developing rapidly, despite a number of problems caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, both in the territory of Ukraine and abroad. Tourism remains an important industry, influencing the economy of countries. Therefore, for the further development of this sector, it is important to pay attention to improving the quality of services to maximize the satisfaction of the needs of tourists, especially during their leisure time. The quality factor of the level of tourist product provided under modern conditions is key for the functioning of the tourism sector. Now an important and integral part of the tourism business around the world is tourism animation. During leisure, tourists seek to satisfy a number of their own needs, namely: spiritual, physical, communication, self-realization, etc. In addition, they have the opportunity to analyze their own inner being or characterize the people who will be around at this time. The purpose of the leisure industry is to create all the necessary (safe) conditions for entertainment. The social component of animation activity is the creation and development of modern needs in tourists. In addition, an animation tourism program is directed towards forming and obtaining new useful skills for its participants. To maximize satisfaction of the requirements of vacationers, regardless of their nationality, age, economic prosperity, health status, animation programs must change in terms of content, time or activity during the tourist season. Usually, they depend on the size of the hotel, its geographical location, focus, specifics, etc. It is noted that today the domestic tourist market needs animation specialists. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the level of their training, personal skills that will contribute to the implementation of modern animation programs.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yevtushenko O. V., Нaponenko H. I., Shamara I. M.
Analyzing the Proposals from Leading Operators in the Tourism Market of Kharkiv Region (p. 153 - 160)

The article is aimed at analyzing the proposals from leading operators in the tourist market of Ukraine, in particular in the city of Kharkiv. The article analyzes the charter offers of travel operators for the summer season 2020. After the analysis, it can be stated that travel operators plan to significantly increase volumes for Turkey (for example, two flights a week to the Turkish Dalaman are planned (in the season 2019, one flight per week was operated)). It is worth noting that travel operators also plan to significantly increase volumes for European areas, in particular Italy. In addition to the proposed flights to the swimming and beach resorts, the summer navigation will also feature direct flights of the airline Ernest, which will allow to develop interesting excursion routes, focusing on the arrival airports in Rome and Milan. At the same time, the expediency of increasing the volume of flights to Calabria can be questioned, because two flights a week is too much for a place that has not yet become a mass resort, which means that it experiences problems with infrastructure development and sufficient availability of accommodation facilities. The article analyzes the proposals of leading operators in the tourist market of Ukraine, according to the findings it can be noted that almost all travel operators - leaders in the number of tourists served consider the Kharkiv region as an attractive market for expanding travel content. The leaders in the number of tourists served were two travel operators who have their own airlines, namely: Sky Up (Join Up) and Azur Air Ukraine (Anex Tour). The undisputed leader in the number of exclusive destinations represented with a guaranteed flight is Join Up, and there is also a tendency to increase volumes with the travel operator TUI. On the basis of a survey, the best travel operators were identified by the ratings of agent-friendly and tourist-friendly, they were: Tez Tour, Join Up, Pegas Touristik, Coral Travel, and TUI.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yevtushenko V. A., Rakhman M. S., Diachenko Y. I.
The Current State and New Realities of Retail Trade in Ukraine (p. 116 - 123)

Retail trade in Ukraine demonstrates a sufficient number of market and infrastructure entities, contributes to the development of economic sectors and the seamless promotion of goods to the consumer. The article is aimed at studying the state of domestic retail trade in the context of the main indicators; problem detection; new realities and major tendencies in the future. The essence of retail trade is considered, its features and functions are substantiated; the purpose and importance among the leading sectors of the economy are identified. Leading retail chains are allocated. A characterization of the factors related to assortment, territorial location, cost control and marketing policy of leading retail operators are provided. As a result of the carried out structural and dynamic analysis of retail trade volumes, the following advantages are identified: by types of trade – non-food products; by form of ownership – legal entities; by organizational and legal forms – LLC; in the context of regions leader is the city of Kyiv. The infrastructure and volumes of retail trade over the Internet are considered. The influence of some factors on the purchasing behavior of the consumer is determined. Some forecast models of volumes of food and non-food products for 2021–2022 and development of goods turnover over the Internet for 2021 are presented. As a result of SWOT analysis, on the example of «Silpo» network, strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats of a retail traded chain are identified. The main problems of retail trade in Ukraine are specified, including: lack of investment due to unstable political situation and use of innovative technologies; low purchasing demand of the population; rising prices for raw materials and energy, rent, logistics, etc. Recommendations to resolve these issues are provided.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Savitska O. Р., Savitska N. V.
The Current Trends of Innovative Development of Tourism Sector in Ukraine (p. 124 - 130)

The tourism sphere is most sensitive against the changing external and internal environment, the main driver of its development is innovation. The article focuses on the achievements of the scholars who considered the need to introduce innovative approaches and innovative technologies for the effective development of the tourism sector in Ukraine. Studying the main approaches to the classification of types of innovations in the tourism business, the peculiarities of the application of innovations in tourism are systematized at three following levels: macro level (the State level), meso level (region level), and micro level (level of entities of tourism activities). Attention is paid to the need for the State participation in the formation of an effective strategy for the development of tourism on an innovative basis. It is noted that the introduction of innovations for the development of the tourism services market does require a joint combination of efforts of all tourism entities at the country level, as well as region level, and support on the part of the local self-government bodies. The main directions of development of the tourism sphere in Ukraine on an innovative basis are: creation of new types of tourism products; use of new tourism sites or resources that have not been used before; use of new or significantly improved technologies in the provision of tourism services; changes in the organization of the creation and implementation of traditional tourism products; new solutions in the supply, distribution and delivery chains, including tourists; research and access to new markets for tourism products. The authors consider the role and impact of information technologies in the development of innovative tourism products, such as: augmented and virtual reality, QR codes, online bookings, touch-screen displays. Given the new challenges of today, due to the influence of political, economic, international and other factors, including the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, the main trends in the innovative development of the tourism sector in Ukraine are distinguished. It is noted that the application of innovations is the main instrument for increasing the competitiveness of domestic tourism services in the international tourism market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Vinnikova V. V., Vinnikova V. A.
Trends in the Development of Collective Accommodation in the Kharkiv Region in a Crisis (p. 131 - 138)

The carried out analysis of scientific papers showed that the issue of regional peculiarities of the development of collective accommodation facilities (CAF) in the crisis conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic did not find proper coverage, which justified to the purpose and objectives of this study. The article examines the development of collective accommodation facilities in the Kharkiv region by carrying out a comparison of the main indicators of the related activities in the periods before and after the introduction of quarantine restrictions caused by COVID-19. According to the results of the study, an increase in the number of accommodation facilities in the post-quarantine period both in the Kharkiv region and in Ukraine as a whole is determined. At the same time, comparing the growth rates of the CAF allows to conclude that the enterprises of the Kharkiv region are more resilient than the average in Ukraine. In the period before the quarantine, the growth rate of the CAF of the Kharkiv region corresponds to or exceeds similar indicators in Ukraine. Thus, during 2018-2019 in Ukraine the number of CAF increased by 2.2%, in Kharkiv region - by 9.0%; including hotels and similar accommodation facilities in Ukraine – by 0.4%, in the Kharkiv region – remained unchanged; other accommodation facilities in Ukraine – by 4.0%, in the Kharkiv region – by 20.7%. The introduction of quarantine measures in the face of COVID-19 adversely affected tourist flows, which was reflected in the indicators of the development of the CAF of the Kharkiv region and Ukraine as a whole. In general, as a result of the analysis of the information provided on the sites of the researched accommodation facilities, a conclusion was made about the low level of informing guests about the measures implemented in the framework of preventing the spread of COVID-19.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Kuchechuk L. V., Podlepina P. O.
Analyzing the Current State of Ukrainian Restaurant Business and Prospects for Development in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic (p. 139 - 144)

The article is aimed at analyzing the current state of the restaurant economy of Ukraine and determining prospects for its development in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. This study analyzes the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the quantitative composition of the national restaurant services market. A significant reduction in the number of establishments in 2020, as well as a significant decrease in sales compared to 2019, are identified. The regions with the biggest number of establishments engaged in restaurant business are defined. The specific structure of establishments of the domestic restaurant sphere is considered. The quantitative composition of restaurant establishments by forms of entrepreneurial activity is analyzed. It is identified that the restaurant market of Ukraine became one of the most affected sectors of the economy during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of the research, the main prospects for the development of the restaurant economy market of Ukraine in modern crisis conditions are determined. Among them the following are allocated: development of mobile applications with a wide range of functions and order tracking; increasing online sales by introducing advertising tools such as promoting own website on the Google search network and using contextual advertising; banner advertising and remarketing; support of pages in social networks and cooperation with bloggers, journalists, critics, opinion leaders. Promising directions of development are also identified: opening or improving the establishment’s summer playground, organizing a smooth transfer of orders through the issue window, own order delivery service. It is noted that the reduction of rent rates on premises under the influence of a pandemic and an increase in the number of franchising establishments have a positive impact on the resumption of the restaurant services market.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Ilchenko N. B., Kochubei D. V.
The Conception of Designing Reverse Flows in Supply Chains (p. 144 - 151)

The article examines the essence, structure and formation of management of the reverse flows processes in supply chains; the main directions and content of return flows in logistic systems and supply chains are determined; the concept and content of reverse logistics and logistics of return flows are defined. The essence of the process of reverse flows management in accordance with the reference model of business processes in the SCOR supply chains is researched. The application of a logistic approach to management of reverse flows has determined a separate sphere of logistics – reverse logistics. Enterprises in the supply chain should offer consumers an effective return management service, which allows minimizing the potential deterioration of relations with consumers to manage the process of returning to the supplier in case of expired goods or excess inventories. To carry out this process, it is necessary to properly study communication channels and business processes in order to create an effective feedback system in after-sales service to minimize the cost of return. A significant number of enterprises consider reverse logistics processes a negative phenomenon and do not focus on managing them, although enterprises that implement an effective reverse logistics process can get a number of significant advantages. They include: reducing costs, increasing the speed of customer service, maintaining the customer loyalty. The developed model of business processes allows to structure the tasks of reverse flows management and get an effective tool for the implementation of the SCOR-model of supply chains management.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Rakhman M. S., Danyleiko Y. I.
An Information-Statistical Analysis of the Activities of Ukrainian Enterprises Providing Temporary Accommodation Services (p. 227 - 233)

The article is aimed at carrying out a statistical analysis of the activities of Ukrainian enterprises providing temporary accommodation services, as well as identifying problems and providing recommendations for improving the hotel services market in view of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine. The article highlights the relevance of the research and the importance of the hospitality industry in the development of the country’s economy in view of the recent events and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ukraine; the essence and types of hotel and restaurant business and services are considered; the main problems of development of domestic hotel economy, which require urgent solution, are allocated. The results of the carried out structural and dynamic analysis of the industry according to the State Statistics Service of Ukraine are provided: changes in the number of accommodation facilities by types, forms of ownership and advantages in territorial placement. The tendencies in the activities of hotels and motels of legal ownership are analyzed, namely: number of units; number of visitors who stayed in them; volume of services sold in total and by regions of Ukraine, etc. As a result of the study, forecast models of the volume of implemented services of hotels and similar means are developed. New ways of development and improvement of the state and activity of the hotel and restaurant business in Ukraine are proposed, in particular due to the provision of additional services (self-isolation, doing business, nutritive conditions) and directions of using Internet marketing with parallel work in the online mode. It is concluded that for the effective work of hotel and restaurant enterprises it is necessary to introduce a system of innovative management of enterprises development aimed at increasing the level of competitiveness, individuality, adaptability, improvement, quality.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Maksyutova O. V.
System Approach to the Formation and Functioning of Tourism and Recreation Business (p. 233 - 239)

The article is aimed at studying system approaches to the formation and functioning of the tourism and recreation business. The economic and social importance of tourism and recreation business for the development of the national and regional economy is substantiated, for with the development of this business in Ukraine in general and in the regions are particularly connected the prospects for economic growth, solving social problems, improving the quality of life of the population, developing regions and improving the image of the country. The main levels of systems in the tourism and recreation business are defined, by which the ordered framework of management, executive, innovation activities directed towards improving and developing the tourism and recreation sphere should be understood. The following levels are distinguished for the study of tourism and recreation business: all-Ukrainian, regional, district, city and level of enterprises. Subsystems of tourism and recreation business are defined, in particular: tourism, recreational and logistic; their main elements are characterized. The most important tasks of the State and local authorities of tourism and recreation business management are outlined, which are the following: conducting marketing research that requires the involvement of a large number of experts; coordination of efforts of many organizations and associations; development of strategic national, regional and local conceptions for the development of tourism and recreation business with recommendations for their implementation for tourism and recreation enterprises; investment and legal support for the development of tourism and recreation infrastructure; consulting services on the implementation of concepts of development of tourism and recreation business; creating an attractive image of the country, region, tourism and recreation center; implementation of advertising events for purposes of public relations.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pugachevska K. Y., Lyzanets A. H., Gomba M. V.
Determinants of Domestic Trade Development in Ukraine (p. 240 - 246)

Intensification of globalization processes and transition of economically developed countries to the post-industrial stage of development determine the modern vector of structural and institutional transformation of the domestic market as a whole and trade in particular. The article is aimed at estimating the determinants of the development of domestic trade in Ukraine. The indicators of internal trade development are analyzed. The regional structure of retail turnover of Ukraine is provided. The risks and threats of foreign trade liberalization for domestic producers are characterized. The share of imported food and non-food products sold through the trade network of enterprises is computed. The commodity structure of imports by wide economic categories is provided. The risks of growing import dependence of the Ukrainian economy in terms of goods for final and intermediate consumption are identified. It is substantiated that one of the important vectors of improving the efficiency of the national economy is structural changes in the sphere of domestic trade. The prospects for the development of domestic trade in Ukraine are generalized, including those caused by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is argued that the coronavirus crisis is one of the key challenges for business in modern conditions, covering all its aspects – from sectoral to global supply chains. The priority of digital transformation of enterprises in order to protect their own position from high technologies of competitors and the opportunity to take advantage of greater functionality of digital business models with their adaptability and performance is determined. It is substantiated that the processes of globalization in the context of the coronavirus crisis have slowed down, which can lead to significant changes in the structure of the market, affect the distribution of online and offline trading. The prospect of further research in this direction is the forecasting of challenges and threats of the post-pandemic development for the domestic market of Ukraine.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ryabev A. A., Salii V. S.
Recreation and Urban Tourism: A Common Problem and the Prospect for Solving (p. 205 - 210)

One of the main rapidly developing directions of tourism both in the world and in Ukraine in particular is urban tourism. As centuries ago, so nowadays, the cities are the goal of many travels, and the territorial recreational systems based on them are the most developed ones, which is explained by the high concentration of tourism resources in a conventionally limited space. Despite all this, in the sphere of urban tourism in terms of a territorial recreational system there is an uneven provision of recreational demand for communication with nature due to the insufficient number of natural recreational objects. As a solution to the common problem for recreation and urban tourism, it is proposed to implement a number of measures consistently both at the State level and at the level of local authorities or local self-government bodies, namely: to create conditions under which private and communal enterprises would be interested in the creation and development of natural recreational formations in the form of parks, gardens, squares, embankments. The program for the development of natural recreational spaces in cities – i.e., tourism centers – envisages that private and communal enterprises that will create these natural recreational spaces will carry out reconstructions of the already existing formations and will have the opportunity to engage in such natural recreational formations with commercial activities related to the organization of the provision of recreational services. In addition, it is important to strengthen the State supervision over compliance with the State sanitary rules for planning and development of settlements, because, in terms of landscaping, large cities of Ukraine have long failed to meet the requirements. At this, one considers appropriate to involve scientific and educational institutions related to tourism and recreation in the design of these natural recreational formations, which will allow to implement tourism in the city on not only practical, but also on scientific basis. It is believed that in case of materialization of the proposed program, the city will receive additional centers of attraction for tourists, which, in turn, will have positive consequences for the further development of cities as centers of tourism and recreation.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Mangushev D. V., Leonenko K. R.
International Tourism Operations in Ukraine (p. 211 - 216)

The article is aimed at identifying and distinguishing the peculiarities of the functioning of the market of international tourist services in Ukraine along with national and world trends, as well as analyzing and synthesizing available information collections and samplings. The article analyzes statistical and theoretical materials from recent years and highlights the main problems present in the field of international tourist services of Ukraine by various directions. The state of development of tourism by the directions of arrival and departure regarding international tourism and the conditions for the provision of these services, based on the main documents and legislation of Ukraine, is considered. The basic theoretical principles, which are fundamental and have a significant impact on the functioning of this industry, are characterized. The «entities of international tourist services» and the essence of this term are defined on the basis of legislative documents in force on the territory of Ukraine. The major trends that exist today in the sphere of international tourist services are outlined. The main indicators of market activity in the structure and dynamics that characterize the state of functioning of the industry are calculated. The influence of international tourism on the GDP of the world countries and on the budget formation is characterized. A retrospective analysis of relevant indicators was carried out to reflect current changes in the market. The main countries – partners of Ukraine in the field of tourist services are determined and the dynamics of development of relations with these countries is analyzed. A number of recommendations have been formed based on preliminary analysis directed towards overcoming the identified problems; stabilization of the market; restoration of effective activity, economic growth of Ukraine; attracting new investments from countries, companies, individuals and legal entities to the industry; strengthening positions in the world market; disclosure of the tourism and recreational potential of Ukraine on the new side and expansion of the market offer.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ryabev A. A., Shyian D. V.
The Infrastructure Provision of Tourism on the Example of Event Tourism in Ukraine (p. 171 - 176)

Event tourism occupies one of the leading places among other types of tourism. It provides the possibility to make a stable profit both to its organizers and to the countries where these events take place. It should be noted that any event requires appropriate conditions – tourism infrastructure, in which it will be implemented with the maximum positive result for all participants in the tourism sphere, which generally differs from other types of economic activity by an increased degree of risk due to seasonality, variability of demand from consumers of tourist products, etc. The state of uncertainty in the case of tourism infrastructure in general and on the example of event tourism in particular can be overcome by supplementing the existing types of classification of event tourism with new additional types, namely: «by frequency of conduct» (one-time and repeated); «by the venue» (permanent and transitional); «depending on the season» (dependent and independent). These additional types of classification will allow the authorities (several countries, a separate country, region, locality) that manage the entities of tourism activities – tourism and recreation centers, event organizers, producers of services and goods (including tourist goods), intermediaries represented by tour operators and travel agents to understand the amount of necessary transformations of the existing tourism infrastructure, subject to its existence or works on its creation. This, in turn, will help in the future to hold events that will bring profit and/or increase the image of tourism and recreation centers, will facilitate the development of other types of tourism through the use of already created or transformed tourism infrastructure, which is no less important than natural, historical, cultural and other anthropogenic recreational and tourism resources. As for potential consumers, the proposed additional types of classification of event tourism will increase the attractiveness of events due to their clearer differentiation according to the relevant signs.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Furdak M. M., Orlenko E. V.
The Hospitality Industry in Southern Ukraine in the Conditions of a Pandemic – Challenges and Solutions (p. 217 - 223)

The global COVID-19 pandemic caused crushing damage to the economies of countries and the hospitality industry, as a branch of the world economy, experienced almost the greatest shocks and destruction. In view of this, Ukraine is no exception: the pandemic has dealt a powerful blow to the entire hospitality industry – hotel and restaurant business, tourism, recreational economy, etc. Thus, according to the results of the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 alone, the number of collective accommodation facilities in Ukraine decreased by 15.2%, the number of places in collective accommodation facilities decreased by 15.8%. The same negative trend is observed with the dynamics of the indicator of the number of people who used collective means of accommodation this year – a decrease of 51.5% compared to the previous , «precovid» year. Even more radically – by 73.5% – in 2020, the number of foreigners who used Ukrainian collective means of accommodation decreased. Quarantine restrictions imposed by the government, a decrease in the purchasing power of the population and a general pessimistic mood of potential tourists encourage in these unfavorable conditions to find and quickly introduce new directions and contemporary concepts of development and maintenance of all branches of the domestic hospitality industry in the condition, able to function: clustering of tourism and related industries, including hotel and restaurant economy, development of domestic tourism, etc. In particular, the promotion and development of promising types of domestic tourism – wine, green, agricultural, historical and cultural – can be considered a powerful factor in the development of the hospitality industry of Ukraine, in particular its southern region, in the current unfavorable and changing conditions of the pandemic.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Furdak M. M.
Camping Services as a Perspective Direction for Improving the Hotel Industry in the Southern Region of Ukraine (p. 68 - 74)

The purpose of the article is to study the current state of functioning of campsites as collective means of accommodation in the south of Ukraine, as well as to define the prospects for the further development of camping services there as a factor in improving the hotel economy of the southern region of Ukraine, taking into account its resource potential. Studying, analyzing and generalizing the scientific work of domestic scholars on the organization of the hotel industry of Ukraine as a whole and the functioning of such collective means of accommodation as campsites in particular, it was concluded that in the scientific literature precisely the campsites suffered extremely insufficient attention. Thus, the issue of influencing the improvement of camping services as part of the modern country’s hotel industry, the development and distribution of which is currently dictated by time, is not covered. In its course, the study highlights the status of campsites development and the range of camping services provided in developed countries of Europe and the USA; a comparative analysis of these issues as to Ukraine is carried out. It is analyzed and substantiated that the natural geographical capabilities of Ukraine, including its southern region, today are used only partially for the development of the hotel business, and the camping industry is just starting to become shaped. A number of deterrents and risks for the development of the camping services market in Ukraine at the present stage are identified. According to the results of the study, it is concluded that the introduction of such a specific type of tourist product as camping services, taking into account the natural and recreational resource, will improve the hotel industry of the southern region of Ukraine and bring it to a new, modern level in accordance with the requirements and challenges of today.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Dmytryshyn L. I., Havdei S. V.
The Economic-Organizational Provision for the Development of Ukrainian Tourism Sector (p. 75 - 80)

The article is aimed at adapting the world experience in terms of supporting the tourism industry in the context of the pandemic and developing a methodology for economic-organizational provision for the development of the tourism sector of Ukraine. The analysis of world experience indicates such priority spheres of policy to support the tourism sector as protection of tourism industry workers, fiscal support and provision for liquidity of tourist facilities. At the same time, the instruments for the economic-organizational development of the tourism sector include the balance of interests of every tourist in particular and tourism sector in general, the support of small and medium-sized enterprises in the tourism sector, the formation of mechanisms for the renovation of tourism sector. The dominant tendency in the tourism industry remains the digitization of tourist services and the transfer of a significant part of advertising activities to the global network Internet. The emphases on ensuring sustainable development related to environmental protection and climate are shifting. The measures related to the promotion of new tourist services in the context of the formation of a holistic image of countries or regions, provision for high-quality jobs in the tourism sector as counteraction to high turnover of workers and the problem of seasonality of services appear to become relevant. An analysis of the situation in the tourism sector indicates the actualization of the transition to local and regional values. Taking into account the fact that in Ukraine the tourism sector is represented mainly by small and medium-sized enterprises, a number of measures are proposed to support such enterprises, including the scheme of the State-issued tourist vouchers; the State-based financial support of enterprises; improvement of regulations governing the tourism business; optimization of quarantine security measures and the creation of a special online platform for supporting tourism sector enterprises. The focus is on developing systemic solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises in the tourism sector, taking into account their critical role in solving employment problems and development of innovations.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kalinichenko S. M., Krupitsa I. V., Holovanova H. Y., Hribinyk A. V.
Characteristics of the Management System of Enterprises in the Tourism Sphere (p. 67 - 71)

The formation of market relations cannot be imagined without an appropriate environment – market infrastructure, which should ensure the interaction of economic entities in the markets of goods, money, and labor. Tourism is an important branch of the national economy in view of the scale of its activities and the number of people employed in the economy. Organizational, technical, economic and financial issues that should be addressed on a daily basis, as tourism activities are directly related to customer satisfaction, are key factors in this sector. Tourism management with the use of an integrated approach is a complex process that is implemented using various methods. The Department of Tourism Service examines all key aspects of tourism business management, explores different methods and rules based on common management theories, adapting them to tourism activities. General methods of tourism management, production management, innovation management, personnel management and financial management related to the activities of the tourism business are also used. Management in tourism has a number of characteristic features due to the specific properties of services provided by touristic organizations. As an integrated type of activity, tourism includes the activities of subjects of different levels and can be directed towards achieving different results. The issues of organizing effective interaction between participants should be the focus of attention of all subjects of tourism activities interested in coordinating their actions and in the implementation of joint programs for the development of the industry.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Panova I. O., Stepanenko V. I.
Creative Economy as a Factor in the Formation of the International Touristic Image of the Country (p. 72 - 78)

The relentlessly growing relationship between tourism and creativity contributes to the search for alternatives to the development of the creative economy. The combination of concepts such as creativity and tourism has become a common diversification strategy, especially in the field of cultural tourism around the world. The creation and introduction of new events and festivals, the restoration of old buildings and the addition of animation to static attractions have become commonplace. Tourist destinations are looking for quick ways to become special and unique in the global economy, and therefore increasingly seek assistance from the creative industries. It is worth noting that architecture, as a variable phenomenon, and event tourism are of the most important cultural catalysts for the generation of originality and identity of a local area and, as a result, increased interest on the part of creative people and tourists. Next, the development of the cultural sector is directly proportional to the growth of the importance of digital technologies, which deserves attention from the authorities, emphasizing intellectual property rights. The Government of Ukraine has recognized the potential scale of the industry’s contribution to the national economy and has taken concrete steps to ensure its further growth. In particular, following global trends, Ukraine has integrated the cultural and creative dimension into its political program, including the political plan «Long-term strategy for the development of Ukrainian culture – strategy of reforming». In addition, the sector is identified as a priority in the framework political document – the Export Strategy of Ukraine. Advertising, crafts, design, film industry, fashion, performing arts and visual arts were singled out as key drivers of creating additional added value and producing innovations in the sector, which will contribute to the development of small and medium-sized enterprises and entrepreneurship in general. The concept of balanced development «Ukraine 2030» is aimed at achieving 10% of annual economic growth and determines that the development of the creative economy is one of the key mechanisms for sustainable development.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Kalyuzhna N. H., Sheremet A. S.
Logistics System of Ukraine: The Current Problems and Priorities of Recovery (p. 90 - 96)

The article is devoted to the definition and systematization of current problems of the logistics system of Ukraine in the context of hostilities and the definition of priorities for its restoration in view of the continuing military conflict in the country. It is substantiated that the high level of logistical threats and the high probability of the further escalation require research in order to find mechanisms to either prevent or at least minimize the risks to the existence of the logistics system of the State. The value of the logistics efficiency index of selected countries for 2018/2019 is analyzed and the disproportion of the components of the index for Ukraine is evidenced given the insufficient quality of trade and transport infrastructure and low efficiency of customs and border clearance. Given the new geopolitical challenges, the need to assess the real state and prospects of resumption of Ukrainian logistics has been proved. The key criteria for the success of the logistics system are systematized, which include: human factor, logistics infrastructure, safety of carriers and cargo, changes in legislation, effectiveness of the partnership. To assess the prospects for the development of the logistics system of the country, which is in a state of active military-political conflict, the index of logistics risk is proposed and it is substantiated that its importance for Ukraine will now reach critical levels. The problems of the logistics system of Ukraine are identified and the ways of their solution are determined, which are systematized by groups: destroyed logistics routes, late deliveries, disproportionate redistribution of goods, risks of uncertainty. It is substantiated that the use of the proposed index of logistics risk of the country will help international businesses and logistics companies to identify priority logistics risks and estimate the likelihood of their further escalation.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Podlepina P. O., Kuchechuk L. V.
The Problems and Perspectives of the International Tourism Development in the Post-Covid World (p. 155 - 161)

The purpose of this article is to identify the features, problems and perspectives in the development of international tourism in the post-covid world. Analyzing the statistical and forecast data of relevant international organizations, as well as expert opinions of market practitioners, a significant dependence of the tourism system on exogenous factors of negative impact is revealed, and COVID-19 is viewed as the largest crisis in terms of consequences, because the highly globalized world itself contributes to the large-scale and rapid spread of the pandemic. For the purpose of comparative analysis of the periods of development of tourist activity in the world, the following indicators were analyzed: the dynamics of the growth rate of the world economy and world tourism; dynamics of development of sectors of the world economy with the separation of the place of tourism; regional dynamics of international tourist arrivals and revenues from international tourism; loss of jobs in the tourism industry by region of the world as result of the spread of COVID-19, reduced business activity and tourist mobility. All indicators show a significant reduction and there is a relationship with the overall economic and social environment of countries. As result of the study, the main vectors of public policy on countering the consequences of COVID-19 in the tourism sector are defined and attention is focused on the need for consolidated precise and timely actions at all management levels: local, national, and international. An algorithm for overcoming the crisis phenomena in the tourism business caused by the pandemic has been developed, which provides for a set of consistent measures aimed at managing and controlling the crisis, stabilizing the market situation and accelerating the revitalization of the industry, as well as developing a new paradigm for the functioning of world tourism in post- covid realities. Trend tendencies in the further development of international tourism activities are proposed, taking into account changes in consumer preferences, namely: digitalization, virtualization, shifting the vector to domestic tourism, staycation and workation, wellness tourism, deeper awareness of the need for further implementation of the principles of sustainable development, etc.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Mykhailichenko H. I., Dvorska I. V.
The Anti-Crisis Reanimation of the Tourism Industry of Ukraine in the Post-War Period (p. 146 - 150)

The article analyzes and generalizes the foreign experience of different world countries regarding the reanimation of the tourism industry in the post-war period. The factors influencing the indicators of tourism development, the formation of tourist flows and the reaction of regional and government policy as to attracting tourists to the country of visit are considered. The indicators of statistics of international tourism are analyzed and the factors influencing their dynamics are identified. On the basis of historical retrospective, the formation of tourism in post-war Europe is highlighted; the essence and number of anti-crisis measures to restore tourist exchanges are considered. The experience of countries in which hostilities have taken place or continue to take place, the risk of terrorist attacks should be transferred to the Ukrainian market. Countries such as Georgia, Israel, which have both external and internal factors of negative impact on the state of tourism, are trying to overcome or level this negative impact at the expense of: external rental of destinations and the formation of a tourist product of recreational, medical, extreme tourism. Unfortunately, hostilities cause damage to the tourist infrastructure and natural wealth of our country, which complicates the recovery processes after the war. Based on the results of the research, the authors proposed methods of crisis management for reanimation of the tourism sector of Ukraine, including due to the post-war transformation and expansion of the variability of the tourism landscape of Ukraine. The study of anti-crisis management of the tourism industry in order to ensure the economic development of Ukraine is quite relevant and requires further study and scientific analysis, which will be the goal of further scientific researches.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Havdei S. V.
Analyzing the Traditional and Novel Factors for the Development of Ukrainian Tourism Sector (p. 151 - 158)

The purpose of the article is a statistical analysis of traditional and novel factors of development of the tourism sector of Ukraine. The results of the carried out statistical analysis of traditional factors of development of the tourism sector showed that in Ukraine over the past ten years the demand for tourist services has increased more than 3 times. However, restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 led to a drop in the indicator to the level of 2002. During the study period, the share of outbound tourism increased significantly – from 14% in 2000 to 90% in 2020. According to research by the State Agency for Tourism Development (SATD), the COVID-19 pandemic affected the number of travels of a significant part of Ukrainians. 30% of all respondents, or 52% of those who traveled around Ukraine before, have significantly reduced the number of trips or stopped traveling in Ukraine altogether. However, the main reason for the low involvement of Ukrainians in domestic tourism is, first of all, the lack of funds and financial constraints, and only then – COVID restrictions. Among the criteria of regional factors are the organization, finance, self-government, knowledge and skills. The greatest impact on the regional factor have had the insufficient demand for services of the tourism sector, rising prices for tourist services, a meager share of tourism revenues in GDP, and a significant decrease in tax revenues from the tourism industry because of the hostilities. The analysis of the latest factors includes the resilience of health systems toward the rapid growth in the number of people with COVID-19. The number of patients with COVID-19 in Ukraine as of the end of August 2022 amounted to more than 5 million people, or 12.2% of the total population of Ukraine, of which more than 100 thousand died, i. e., 2.2% of the total population of Ukraine. However, the national vaccination program of Ukrainians has led to a decrease in the number of patients or a mild course of the disease. From the point of view of securitization, there have been changes in safety and health policy on the part of the authorities. To this end, the Ministry of Health has developed various documents for the provision of medical care in case of COVID-19. From a financial point of view, in 2020, the central government’s spending on healthcare has more than doubled. During the pandemic, the global tourism crisis caused the rise of domestic tourism. However, Russia’s military aggression has changed the trajectory of development not only of Ukrainian tourism sector, but also of the entire economy. However, in the post-war period, Ukrainians have every chance and obligation to qualitatively rebuild the country and the tourism sector in particular – for the future.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Нaponenko H. I., Yevtushenko O. V., Shamara I. M., Vasylenko V. Y.
Digitalization as a New Paradigm for Managing the Development of Tourism in Ukraine in the Post-War Period (p. 114 - 125)

The article, based on the analysis of the main trends in the development of the tourism market in the context of global digitalization, which has intensified in the field of tourism and hospitality, substantiates structural changes in the tourist services market of Ukraine. The subject of the study is the introduction of digital technologies in the tourism industry of Ukraine in the post-war period. The purpose of the article is to study the features of the use of digital technologies in the tourism industry of Ukraine. The achievement of this goal was facilitated by the solution of the following tasks: to explore various forms of digitalization in the tourism industry of Ukraine; to offer an improved conception of managing the development of tourism in Ukraine in the post-war period. The article used methods of analysis and synthesis to summarize the development of digital technologies in tourism; method of comparative analysis – to compare the experience of international and national digital tourism development; prognostic methods – to outline the prospects for further development of digital tourism in Ukraine in the post-war period. The authors made an attempt to predict the prospects for digitalization of the tourism industry of our country based on the integration of several defining areas – AR (augmented reality), VR (virtual reality), AI (artificial intelligence), as well as robots and blockchain technologies. The article quite fully covers the issues of digital support of business processes in the field of tourism, analyzes the opportunities and prospects of tourism BigData, which are used for analyzing information, making forecasts, sustainable developing the tourism industry. The deliberate implementation of best practices in the field of digital technologies can help our country’s tourism industry implement strategies that become possible by the wider use of digital content and platforms. The provision of a modern business model will help stabilize the working environment in the post-war period, while stimulating an innovative approach in the field of tourism.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Yarmola K. M.
Crisis Management in Tourism (p. 169 - 176)

At the present stage of development of society, where everything is fleeting and changeable, the ability to respond flexibly and adapt to change is extremely important for the functioning of all sectors of the economy. The change of technologies, generations, the penetration of the information factor into all spheres of human life, all this form new requirements in the market. The modern tourism market needs innovative, creative, spontaneous, and most importantly – effective solutions that will allow enterprises to function with the minimum losses. The article is concerned with studying the features of the functioning of the tourism market in the face of constantly emerging risks and determining ways to overcome them. The main groups of risks that affect the tourism industry are considered. The dynamics of international tourist arrivals and the influence on it of various factors that led to the reduction of tourist activity in the world are examined. The main reasons for such negative changes, their consequences on the tourism market of individual countries and the world industry as a whole have been identified, the ways to counter them are analyzed. The article stipulates that the activities of the tourism sector largely depend on external factors that are practically beyond control. The greatest losses are caused by epidemics and diseases, among which the COVID-19 pandemic was the largest in terms of consequences, as the lack of response measures caused temporary stagnation in the industry, which required an accelerated search for solutions to problems. In addition, the article highlights the basics of crisis management in tourism and the stages of its implementation. According to the results of the study, the need to introduce risk management in the tourism industry is substantiated. Prospects for further research may be the grouping and systematization of risks, the development of methods to overcome them, as well as strategies for restoring and maintaining the tourism market.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Todoriuk O. B., Ilchenko N. B.
Features of the Organized Wine Distribution: The Foreign and Domestic Experience (p. 137 - 144)

The formation of a wine distribution system in each country has its own specifics and depends on many internal and external factors that require a quick response to maintain continuous deliveries and sales. Therefore, there is a need to compare the peculiarities of the wine market formation in the countries under study, since these countries have different distribution systems. The article expands and provides examples of the functioning and principles of distribution in various world markets – in countries that occupy leading positions in the wine industry, and in countries that do not produce wine or produce mainly for domestic consumption, but are viewed as promising export markets at present or have great potential in the future. Our choice fell on the wine markets of countries such as South Korea, the USA, India and Norway. The purpose of writing the article is to study the approaches to the formation of the wine distribution system and the activities of its subjects in various world markets in a global changing environment. It is proven that wine and alcoholic beverage producers, as well as wine market operators, must adapt to the changes taking place in the global market in order to increase competitiveness and strengthen their brands and image. In addition, they must clearly respond to changes related to wine distribution systems in both off-trade and on-trade segments, comply with local regulations and trademark protection systems, which will also contribute to success and development in new markets. Attention is paid to the study of the main reasons for the decline in wine production and consumption in Ukraine. The analysis of the distribution system and its features in the world countries plays an important role for the further possible development and improvement of such a system in Ukraine. Consideration of various examples of the functioning of wine markets of the countries over the world makes it possible to separate those business examples that could increase the efficiency and profitability of the domestic wine market. It is defined that one of the specific channels of wine distribution in Ukraine before the war was wine and gastronomic tourism, which was actively popularized both in Ukraine and in the EU countries. It is proved that this is the most promising instrument that will contribute to the development of the wine industry in Ukraine and increase the consumption of Ukrainian wine.

Article is written in English

Parfinenko T. O.
The Features and Prospects of Recreational Use of Thermal Mineral Springs by Resort Hotels (p. 145 - 154)

The Russian invasion of Ukraine and the COVID-19 pandemic have actualized the need to rethink the recreational use of thermal mineral springs by resort hotels in order to treat the consequences of post-war injuries, psychological rehabilitation and health restoration. Solving these problems requires strengthening the role of recreational enterprises and resort hotels in restoring the health of the population by expanding the directions of their economic activity and forming the investment attractiveness of the national resort and recreational product in world markets. The publication pays special attention to determining the physical and chemical properties of thermal mineral springs, which is an important component in the development of healing methods and the creation of specific health recovery programs. The spatial structure of the distribution of thermal mineral springs by regions of the world is clarified. The main types of establishments with thermal mineral springs, which provide recreational, healing and therapeutic services, are determined. In addition, the amount of financial losses suffered by institutions with thermal mineral springs as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic is determined, as well as the dynamics of volume and forecast of growth of the world market of thermal mineral springs, due to the need to recover health, is identified. According to the results of the study, it is found that thermal mineral springs are a unique natural resource. Their recreational use is the main activity of many resort hotels. As a result of the Russian aggression and the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a shift in emphasis in the functioning of resort hotels from relaxation and rest towards treatment and rehabilitation, which will help restore the demand for resort and recreational services in the post-war period. Thus, the increase in demand for the health-recovering, medical and recreational services will make it possible to expand the recreational use of thermal mineral springs, update the menu of services and become more appealing for attracting investment capital.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Zimina A. I., Riabkov S. O.
Introducing the Telecommunication Technologies in the Process of Providing Medical Care (p. 154 - 167)

The article explores the theoretical and applied aspects of providing medical services by means of telecommunication technologies. The state of development and application of telecommunication technologies in the market of medical services over the world and in Ukraine is described. The methods of telecommunications, which are used in the modern system of medical care, are systematized. The key levers of influence on the effectiveness of medical care of the population through the introduction of telemedicine technologies are defined. The principles and directions of interaction of counterparties through the procedure for the provision of medical services are identified. The factors of influence and indicators that ensure the effectiveness of the provision of medical services are studied. The levels of management in the provision of medical care through telecommunication technologies are outlined. The main forms of regulation of the process of primary health care in Ukraine are characterized. The essence of the key forms of interaction of doctor – patient on the basis of telemedicine is defined. The structure of telemedicine methods that will provide an integrated approach to improving the level of medical care in the regions of Ukraine is specified. The introduction of telecommunication methods into the management system of medical institutions is proposed. Approaches and means of using telemedicine tools are summarized, taking into account the current state of development of the social sphere in Ukraine. The conditions for further integration of telecommunication technologies into the process of medical care of the population are substantiated.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Holovko O. M., Udvorheli L. I., Chorii M. V.
Analyzing the Essence of Museum Workmanship Today and in the Future (p. 168 - 173)

The purpose of this study is to analyze the essence of museum workmanship today and in the future. Research methods include analysis, observation, comparison and generalization of data on the activities of museum institutions and enterprises, as well as scientific literature. The functions of museums are complex, given the variety of forms of their activities. Until recently, traditional forms of exhibiting were cultivated, and detailed information could be obtained during excursions. Today, the cultural and educational activities of museums have undergone significant changes: the educational and upbringing functions are realized by means of modernized educational programs, digital and factual materials, cultural and artistic events, in cooperation with educational institutions; the entertainment function is manifested in the active participation of individuals in creative workshops, clubs, recreation evenings, concerts, and in the creation of commercial structures on the territory of museums, such as restaurants, bars, and merch stalls. In other words, museums are gradually becoming part of the entertainment industry. With the advent of the media and the Internet, the role of the museum in society has been significantly transformed. Nowadays, the main functions of disseminating culture, which used to belong to museums, have been transferred to the mass media (press, television, and the Internet). At the same time, the role of museums and museum networks in the global «broadcasting» of cultural heritage is growing. Modern museums around the world have acquired this «broadcasting» function with the widespread introduction of the latest museum technologies. In the era of the information boom, an urgent problem for museums is the desire to maintain the bar of public interest, relevance, and popularity of the institution among visitors. In such realities, the very idea of a museum exhibition as something unshakable and stable in time is transformed, and a space for a virtual museum appears. Another innovation is holding presentations of public resonance in the museum. Traditional subjects of presentations for Ukrainian museums are the release of a new art catalog or album, a book by a famous scientist, a new archaeological find, an exhibit transferred to the museum, etc. The statistics of recent years, based on such indicators as the popularity of the museum among virtual and real visitors, the prestige of the museum, and public awareness of the museum’s existence and activities, have convincingly proved that in the information society, those museums that successfully compete with other institutions of the leisure industry are those that disseminate information about themselves as fully and widely as possible.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Prochan A. O.
Logistics in Tourism: The Challenges and Development Prospects in the Modern World (p. 58 - 62)

Logistics in tourism is one of the most important components of the tourism industry, ensuring the efficient organization and coordination of tourism services. Recently, with the development of technology and changes in demand, the importance of improving logistics processes in tourism has been growing. The purpose of the study is to identify the challenges and prospects for the development of logistics in tourism in the modern world. The methodological basis of the study was the analysis of scientific literature, statistical data and own experience in the field of tourism and logistics. To achieve the goal of the study, the challenges and prospects for the development of logistics in tourism were analyzed based on the study of literature and statistics for recent years. The results of the study showed that tourism logistics faces significant challenges in the modern world. One of the most important is the rapid change in the needs and requirements of tourists, which requires equally rapid adaptation and improvement of logistics processes. Another important challenge is the growing competition and the increasing number of players in the tourism market, which requires reducing logistics costs and increasing the efficiency of logistics processes. This is one of the prospects for further development of the industry – with the development of technology and the use of innovative solutions, it is possible to reduce the cost of logistics services and improve their quality. In addition, with the proliferation of electronic platforms and the growing number of tourists using online services to book and purchase services, there is a need to develop electronic logistics in tourism. This involves the automation of business processes, which reduces the risk of human error and increases the efficiency of interaction between participants in the supply chain. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that the work is devoted to a topical issue that is rather poorly studied in Ukrainian science. The author analyzes the current state of logistics in tourism and describes the challenges facing this industry due to the growth of tourist traffic and the development of technology. It is justified that logistics is extremely important for the development of tourism, as it ensures the efficient organization and coordination of tourism services. However, at the same time, there is a growing number of challenges associated with the growth of tourism intensity and the increase in tourist flows, the development of technology and the competitive environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ryabev A. A., Pysareva I. V., Kravtsova S. V.
The Infrastructural Support of Tourism on the Example of the Cycling Infrastructure (p. 73 - 79)

The unrestrained development of cycling tourism requires an appropriate response from the State both at the legislative level and in the form of appropriate actions, namely: the construction of cycling infrastructure, the creation of which will positively affect the development of both transport and tourist infrastructure. This is explained by the conclusion that such concepts as «transport infrastructure», «cycling infrastructure» and «tourist infrastructure» are quite strongly interrelated and sensitive to each other in case of quantitative and qualitative changes in any of these infrastructures. In fact, the development of cycling infrastructure throughout the country will create conditions for the further development of domestic and inbound cycling tourism. The creation of cycling infrastructure in Ukraine (as part of the transport infrastructure) will lead to an increase in traffic safety and transport accessibility for cycling tourists of a significant number of the touristic, natural, historical and cultural resources. And this, in turn, will require the tourist infrastructure entities to continue its development in terms of providing appropriate specialized services to cycling tourists and meeting the standard needs of a growing number of tourists (for example, in the form of accommodation, catering, information, advertising, etc.). In addition to the direct development of the transport, cycling, and tourist infrastructures, related spheres of economic activity will be developed, ensuring their creation, existence and uninterrupted functioning. It is also important that the development of cycling infrastructure and the development of cycling tourism will lead to an increase in the number of jobs, profitability of transport, tourism and other spheres of economic activity and the State in general. And the most important in the case of creating a cycling infrastructure is the ability to meet the existing demand from potential and existing consumers of such services.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Wang Dongcheng, Krasnonosova O. M.
Inventory Management as a Component of the Digitalization Process at Restaurant Business Enterprises (p. 121 - 126)

During the 20s of the XXI century, significant efforts of small businesses are aimed at finding opportunities to continue their activities in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Disruption of supply chains and a negative impact on demand are observed. The pandemic has shown a devastating force for the food service sector in a market economy. The aim of the publication is to analyze industry trends in digitalization of management at restaurant business enterprises to search for competitive advantages, such as possible changes in product supplier chains and inventory volumes. Despite the ongoing pandemic crisis and current economic challenges such as inflation, supply chain issues, rising energy prices and staff shortages, modern digital technologies can help ensure sustainable operations. Novel technologies, the widespread use of innovative software and various gadgets, the globalization of services, the transition of services and sales to online – all this must be taken into account in the activities of companies and enterprises. Digitalization of internal processes of activity is becoming a reality in many sectors of the economy, but in the activities of restaurant business institutions it is moving more slowly. In fact, there are a large number of dining establishments with a small number of staff and small family restaurants. To solve the problem with inventory rationing, various methods and calculations using application software packages are used. The article proposes their adaptation to the conditions of the restaurant business. It is concluded that digitalization and the use of digital technologies is the most effective way of development for restaurant businesses.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tymoshchuk O. O.
The Identification Signs of the Functioning of the Tourism Market in Spain (p. 140 - 146)

The article examines a set of instruments that characterize the national peculiarities of achieving the quality of tourism services in the recreation industry of Spain, which has specific signs of competitiveness in the world tourism market. The necessity of the State support for the implementation of the conception of improving and ensuring the quality of tourism services as one of the prerogatives of the national policy of Spain, which is a characteristic feature of the tourism market, is substantiated. The content of five basic directions of the New Strategy for the Development of the Tourism Sector in Spain until 2030 is disclosed: joint management; sustainable growth; competitive transformation; tourist space, companies, and individuals; product, marketing and travel intelligence. It is noted that the comprehensive nature of the concept of marketing in tourism provides for its implementation at different levels of management of creation, formation, promotion and sale of tourism product. It is emphasized that an important role in comparing the pricing policies of hotels and tourist apartments in Spain is played by online travel agencies, which, on the one hand, attract tourists who are price sensitive, and on the other hand, combine many different hotel offers, which reduces the cost of information for tourists. The article allocates the brand of Spain and the tourist image, which it designs and which acts not only as a «brand umbrella», containing both communicative and tourism elements, but also forms its own tourist image of Spain, realized through tourist advertising. The article shows the necessity of segmentation of the tourism services market, i.e. development of a complex of marketing – targeting for classification of tourists into homogeneous groups or segments in terms of tourist preferences. The effectiveness of the State support of transport infrastructure as a key element of intensification of tourist flows to Spain is verified.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Holovnia O. M.
PR Activities of Hotel and Restaurant Business Enterprises on the Basis of Charity as a Kind of Socioeconomic Activity (p. 110 - 119)

The article examines issues related to consideration of theoretical and practical aspects of application of PR activities as an instrument of socioeconomic activity, the article also allocates the novel tools for achieving socioeconomic goals of enterprises of hotel and restaurant business, in particular raising funds. The author emphasizes that corporate social responsibility has a wide range of benefits for business, including increased profitability, lower operating costs, increased staff loyalty, improved relations with communities, increased reputation and market value, as well as a positive image. The author believes that sponsorship and charity are part of the communication conception of the PR strategy of business. Each sponsorship action is formalized by a legal agreement, which clearly and specifically spells out the obligations of both parties – the sponsor and sponsored structures. The article analyzes РR measures of hotel and restaurant business establishments on the basis of charity. The military invasion of the russian federation on the territory of Ukraine has become a difficult test for the entire hotel and restaurant business: a list of the largest destroyed or damaged hotels together with the hotels opened during 2022 is provided. After February 24, 2022, some hotel and restaurant business establishments have taken on a volunteer mission and are actively engaged in various types of charity, which helps popularize the establishments. It is studied that in the sphere of hotel and restaurant business an urgent problem is the search for new types of interaction between communities to solve socially important issues, among which is the search for non-traditional sources of financing. To a large extent, the search and attraction of funds in the social sphere is facilitated by innovative technologies for financing social development, fundraising, crowdsourcing and crowdfunding platforms, which are manifestations of social communications.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Oliinyk T. I., Ibragimov A. A.
Fundamentals of Methodology of Economics of Trade and Commodity Science: The Foreign Economic Factors (p. 171 - 178)

The article is devoted to the study of the influence of foreign economic factors on the economics of trade and commodity science. The study is aimed at analyzing the role of foreign trade in the formation of economic processes in the modern globalized world. The publication examines in detail the main aspects of the relationship between foreign economic factors and the development of trade and commodity science. The significance of foreign trade as a key mechanism for stimulating economic growth and development is disclosed. The role of international trade agreements, treaties and cooperation in ensuring the stability of economic processes in the country is highlighted. Particular attention is paid to the study of the influence of foreign economic factors on commodity science. The impact of imports, exports and international production chains on the quality of goods, their competitiveness and consumer value is considered. The influence of international standards and requirements on the quality and safety of goods is studied. In the context of the growing importance of ecological issues, the influence of foreign economic factors on the environmental aspect of trade and commodity science is also considered. The impact of international ecological standards and restrictions on the production and circulation of goods is studied. As a sum, the publication highlights the deep connection between foreign economic factors and the economics of trade and commodity science. The need to take these factors into account in economic decision-making and policy-making in the globalized economic environment is emphasized. The results of the study can be used in the development of strategies for foreign economic activity and improvement of commodity science processes.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Davydova O. Y., Mykhalchenko O. Y.
The Problems and Prospects for the Development of Inclusive Tourism as a Component of Socioeconomic Development of Ukraine (p. 179 - 184)

The aim of the article is to study the current trends and initiatives of inclusive tourism in Ukraine, as well as to identify the challenges and opportunities associated with its development. The article examines the internal tourist flows in Ukraine. It has been proved that the vast majority of people with disabilities cannot afford a comfortable barrier-free travel. The physical and societal barriers faced by people with disabilities traveling in Ukraine are studied. The fundamental factors by which inclusive tourism can contribute to sustainable development in Ukraine are identified. The priority directions for the development of inclusive tourism as a great potential for providing significant economic and social benefits have been identified. By promoting the practices of accessible tourism, Ukraine will be able to demonstrate its commitment to sustainable tourism development on the world stage of the hospitality sector and to prove the ability to position itself as an entity committed to the well-being of all interested population groups. The priority problems and advantages of the development of inclusive tourism in Ukraine are identified. The accessibility rating has been studied, which highlighted the major mobility problems faced by residents of large cities of Ukraine. The distribution of domestic tourists served by travel agents is studied both by the purpose of the trip and by regions. It is proved that the political and economic instability that has affected the Ukraine in recent years has supplied additional challenges for the development of inclusive tourism in the country. The features of tourism development in Ukraine are defined, in particular the directions of promoting the development of inclusive tourism, which will allow to develop a more inclusive and sustainable tourism industry, as well as position itself as a responsible and responsive direction. It is proved that the implementation of inclusive tourism practices is crucial for the growth and development of the Ukrainian tourism industry. These practices should be integrated into a comprehensive tourism management strategy that takes into account the needs and interests of all stakeholders. Prospect for further research in this direction is to determine the economic effect of the development of inclusive tourism in Ukraine, further development of the hospitality industry.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Holovnia O. M.
Ensuring the Development of Sustainable Tourism in the Face of Global Ecological Challenges (p. 152 - 161)

The article is devoted to the problem of theoretical and practical foundations of research and substantiation of mechanisms for the formation and implementation of a strategy for the development of sustainable tourism based on sustainable development of society and harmonization of relationships in the triangle of «ecology – economy – society». The content of the concept of «responsible tourism» is defined, which is considered as tourism that respects the environment, community and culture of a tourist place, is aimed at eliminating the negative consequences caused by irresponsible mass tourism and is oriented toward creating the development of sustainable tourism that protects the interests of local communities and heritage sites in communities. The components of sustainable tourism (geotourism, cultural tourism, ecological tourism) are studied, in which all participants in the tourism process are obliged to protect the natural environment and resources in order to ensure healthy, progressive and sustainable economic growth. It is determined that in the context of the development of sustainable tourism, the role of environmental volunteering and volunteer tourism is growing; the main areas of environmental volunteering are considered as follows: water quality monitoring, wildlife monitoring, animal rehabilitation and rescue, cleaning of plastic garbage. Today, volunteer organizations exist in 80 countries around the world. About 110 million people annually participate in voluntary programs where they lend a helping hand in the fields of education, health, ecology, social protection and many others. The author considers the most famous volunteer tourism programs, including the UNWTO.Volunteers Program, which aims to train young professionals in the tourism industry. The program provides tools for poverty alleviation and development, allowing volunteers to carry out the practical transfer of applied practical know-how, which, in turn, will empower beneficiaries who wish to implement initiatives related to the development of sustainable tourism.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Ryabev A. A., Pokolodna M. M., Kupin D. O.
Health Tourism – A Prospective Direction of Recreation: The Conception for Development (Case Study: Poltava Region) (p. 203 - 209)

At present, there is a fairly developed classification of tourism types and forms with numerous options for implementation. However, in almost all of them there is such a variety as health tourism, which indicates the sustainability of its development and popularity among consumers. Based on the integrated use of the entire available spectrum of recreational potential of the localities, this type of tourism is represented by the widest range of recreational activities, allowing to attract a fairly wide range of consumers. Ukraine has a powerful recreational potential, which is suitable for the development of health tourism, but its use is characterized by significant unevenness. Accordingly, the issue of a deeper study of the possibilities of health tourism for the local population without long-distance moving is relevant and requires deeper research and understanding. The article provides different approaches to the definition of health tourism and substantiates its allocation into an independent type of tourism, which is carried out on the basis of the motive of health improvement and psycho-emotional recovery of a person; current trends in its functioning are considered; features of its organization with the use of software services based on a combination of different types of recreational activities are discussed. The sectoral approach to planning the development of certain types of tourism, introduced in the Tourism Development Strategy of Ukraine, is designed to determine regional species priorities. Thus, based on the existing recreational potential, health tourism is an important direction for the Poltava region. The effectiveness of its further development is impossible without the development of a Conception. The article provides the grounds for the development of the Conception, the purpose of development and objectives of health tourism, financial support and expected results.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Panova I. O., Sidorov M. V., Puzanov A. Y.
The Essence and Role of Business Tourism in the Modern World (p. 210 - 216)

The aim of the article is to study the essence and role of business tourism in the modern world. Business tourism is defined as a special type of tourism aimed at attending business events, scientific conferences, exhibitions and other events that involve active professional activity and exchange of information within the framework of international cooperation. The article determines that the essence of business tourism lies in its ability to unite professionals from different industries and countries, creating conditions for the exchange of innovative ideas, advanced technologies and increasing the level of knowledge. This type of tourism is an important tool for economic development and contributes to the creation of a favorable environment for the exchange of knowledge and experience between various sectors of business and the scientific and pedagogical sphere. Attention is also focused on the relevance of organizing international tourism events in the current conditions of globalization and international cooperation. It is highlighted that business tourism can play an important role in the country’s economy, promoting the exchange of information and cooperation between various subjects of the world market. The study of these aspects is extremely important for the further development of the country’s innovative potential, especially in the context of growing globalization and internationalization of the economy. It is noted that the study of the essence and role of business tourism in the modern world is an important task that reflects important aspects of economic, sociocultural and international development. It is substantiated that business tourism is important not only for the participants of this process, but also for the economy of the State as a whole. It contributes to an increase in tourist revenues, creates new opportunities for the development of infrastructure, hotel business, restaurant industry and other related sectors. In addition, business tourism can become a source of jobs and contribute to improving the standard of living of the local population. It is found that further study of these issues can make a significant contribution to understanding the impact of business tourism on modern global dynamics and determine strategies for further development of this type of tourism to achieve sustainable growth and development.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Нaponenko H. I., Yevtushenko O. V., Shamara I. M., Sychuhova I. S.
The Sustainable Development of Ethnographic Tourism as a Means of Preservation and Post-War Recovery of Ethnocultural Heritage of Ukraine (p. 216 - 226)

Based on the analysis of the main trends in the development of the tourism market in the context of global digitalization, intensified in the field of tourism and hospitality, the article substantiates structural changes in the market of tourism services in Ukraine. The subject of the research is the prospects for sustainable development of ethnographic tourism as a means of preserving and post-war recovery of the ethnocultural heritage of Ukraine. The aim of the article is to develop a conception of sustainable development of ethnographic tourism for the post-war recovery of the ethnocultural heritage of Ukraine. The achievement of the declared aim necessitated the solution of the following tasks: to study the essence of the conception of ethnographic tourism as a form of presentation of ethnocultural heritage; to define the directions of ensuring the sustainable development of ethnographic tourism; to develop a conception of sustainable development of ethnographic tourism as a means of preserving and post-war recovery of the ethnocultural heritage of Ukraine. As a methodological basis, an integrated approach to the problems under study was adopted. In the process of research, general scientific techniques and methods of logical and comparative analysis, as well as methods of generalization and processing of information using the techniques of economic and statistical analysis were used. The article proposes the formation of the conception of ethnographic tourism in the regions of Ukraine on the basis of the use of the sharing model as a factor in increasing the sustainability of the economy. The use of the sharing model to unite and promote the services of entrepreneurs in the field of tourism and ethno-tourism resources will attract a large number of consumers of tourist services to the region, interest the youth audience, and reduce the cost of forming tour packages.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Luchnikova T. P., Kovalenko V. V., Sholom A. O.
Management of Supply Chains for the Export of Goods in the Conditions of Martial Law (p. 218 - 225)

The aim of this article is to study the logistical processes of management of supply chains for the export of goods in Ukraine under martial law and to propose the main directions of such management. The ongiong war in Ukraine is a problem that affects not only the economy and well-being of Ukraine itself, but also the whole world, so the analysis and optimization of logistical processes to ensure efficient exports and maintaining the economic stability of both Ukraine and the whole world is one of the most important issues of the present day. Ukraine, as a country with significant potential for exporting goods, faces numerous challenges in the field of logistics, especially in terms of war. The existing infrastructure and logistical systems are partially destroyed or not adapted to the export conditions during the war period. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the efficiency and competitiveness of export logistics by improving transport routes, reducing delivery time and optimizing the supply chain. The relevance of the study lies in the consideration that the logistical aspects of the export of goods in military conditions are crucial for the efficiency and sustainability of the country’s economy. An in-depth analysis of the challenges faced by exporters during the military invasion is a key to developing new strategies and policies aimed at ensuring uninterrupted exports and strengthening economic resilience. The export supply chain management during a full-scale military invasion is defined as a solution to a set of problems arising from changes in the geopolitical and economic environment that affect logistical processes and the export infrastructure. These challenges include disruptions to transportation, revision of trade routes, changes in tariff conditions, and supply chain instability. The proposed article considers the main aspects of these difficulties, as well as predicts the further development of strategies for overcoming and avoiding logistical problems.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Pakhota N. V., Tkachenko O. V.
The Role of Social Media in the Formation of Tourism Trends (p. 225 - 230)

The aim of the article is to study tourism trends and views of Ukrainians on recreation and tourism, in particular during martial law in Ukraine. Active implementation, use of innovative approaches and innovative solutions to marketing and advertising of tourism products (including during the crisis period) are the novel and creative methods used by business. In any industry, innovative solutions include creative and non-standard strategies, in the tourism industry, in particular, they are implemented to attract (involve) and retain customers even during unfavorable circumstances, in conditions of risks and crises. The main aim of these approaches is to adapt to changes in demand, focus on the needs of customer requests, increase competitiveness, and maintain stability in the business in terms of obtaining additional profits. The war has a negative impact on all areas of activity. Tourism is no exception. Ukraine has the potential for the development of various tourism sectors (cultural, ecotourism, gastronomic, medical, military tourism), each makes its own unique contribution to the country’s tourism industry and, most importantly, a significant contribution to the country’s economy. The role of individual contributions and revenues from the tourism sector to the economy of Ukraine can be assessed by a number of indicators that together form the economic impact of this industry sector. One of the key aspects is the taxation of tourism activities. Revenues from the taxation of tourism services make up a significant part of the country’s budget. The post-war reconstruction of the economy includes the tourism sector as one of the powerful levers for the State’s economy, therefore, in order to promote the development of Ukraine after its victory, it is already necessary to develop and increase investment provisions and projects, and expand tourist destinations. Current trends in the impact of information technology (IT) on tourism are constantly evolving, creating new opportunities for the tourism industry and changing the way people plan, organize, and carry out their travels. Along with new technologies, consumers of travel services are increasingly using social networks to find information, reviews, advice and recommendations from other tourists. It is worth noting that the increase in IT space stimulates the study and development of information and media literacy, understanding the impact of social networks on the perception of information, as well as the ability to interact ethically and effectively in this environment.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Tereshchenko Y. O.
Models of Intersectoral Interaction in the Sphere of Entertainment in the Context of the Network Economy (p. 208 - 214)

The article discusses the issues of intersectoral interaction both in Ukraine and in the world to determine the prospects for its development in the context of the network economy. It is proved that the level of development of the entertainment industry is an important indicator of the socioeconomic situation. It is found that there is a traditional approach to determining the composition of participants in the entertainment industry, according to which it includes enterprises whose main activity is aimed at meeting human needs in entertainment, impressive events, sports and cultural-educational institutions. However, this approach does not take into account the close relationship between the entertainment industry and other sectors of the economy, because there is a certain interdependence between their development. The current trends in the development of the entertainment industry in Ukraine and in the world are considered. The major ones are globalization, digitalization and intersectoral cooperation. The circumstances influencing the creation of network organizational structures in the sphere of entertainment are analyzed, namely: active development of information technologies; growth in the pace of sales of products and services; dynamism of the external environment, etc. The article indicates relevance of inquiries with the help of modern means of collecting and analyzing information related to the entertainment industry in times of crisis. The relevance of the entertainment sector for Ukrainian society with slight deviations in seasonality and a significant decline in activity at the beginning of the full-scale military invasion is proved. Based on the results of the study, a classification of models of relationships according to the level of impact on the entertainment industry has been developed. Three main levels have been identified: the level of the entertainment industry, the level of the creative economy, and the level of the service sector in general. On their basis, three models of intersectoral interaction in the field of entertainment have been developed: integrated, network and outsourcing models. The results of this study are the creation of the subject field of the entertainment industry, as well as the development on its basis of models of intersectoral interaction in the entertainment sector. In addition, further directions of research in the entertainment industry are outlined for a future more detailed analysis of the effectiveness of the presented models in the development of the entertainment industry.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Reshetnyak O. I., Zhykhor O. B., Popovich M. V., Zhykhor B. I.
Ensuring the Resilience of the Restaurant Market of Ukraine During the Wartime (p. 215 - 222)

The recovery of domestic business, in particular restaurant business, during and after the wartime should be based on a new philosophy of economic management. One approach that can be taken into account is the conception of resilience of socioeconomic systems. The aim of the study is to form directions for ensuring the resilience of the restaurant market of Ukraine in the conditions of wartime and the post-war reconstruction. It is defined that the resilience of restaurant market enterprises is their ability to resist, adapt and be successful in the face of shocks, crises and challenges of the external and internal environment, in particular caused by russia’s military aggression against Ukraine. Ensuring the resilience of enterprises in the restaurant market requires a balanced focus on six dimensions: financial, operational, technological, organizational, reputational, and the dimension of business models. Based on the analysis of statistical data, it is determined that after the onset of a full-scale war, restaurant market enterprises found themselves in a situation for which they were not prepared, but some establishments were able to quickly adapt and, over time, improve the results of their activities, that is, they proved their resilience. Meantime, in most regions, in particular in the South and East of our country, the restaurant market cannot yet recover due to constant shelling and a high level of risks. It is noted that the recovery of the domestic economy in the wartime and post-wartime periods is directly related to the resilience of Ukrainian business, in particular restaurants. Ensuring the resilience of enterprises in the restaurant market can be achieved through enhanced monitoring of risks that go beyond the usual types of risks; implementation of advanced scenario planning, new technologies, new business models and proactive management of the institution’s reputation. In order to ensure future resilience, restaurant market enterprises should determine the level of their current stability and resilience, the degree and nature of resilience in the future, and develop their own approaches to creating and maintaining the necessary resilience.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Pokolodna M. M., Ryabev A. A., Vinnikova K. Y.
Research Methodology and Proposals for the Use of Elements of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Ukraine for Tourism Purposes (p. 187 - 193)

Elements of intangible cultural heritage have relatively recently entered the structure of the potential of tourist resources. The complex nature and essence of the very elements of the intangible cultural heritage require the development of special methods for their research, based on the options for the possible use of these elements. In the study of intangible cultural heritage, the socio-geographical approach plays an important role. It is noted that it is more expedient to build the study of intangible cultural heritage on the basis of a component approach (which involves the consideration of intangible cultural heritage, on the one hand, as an integral part of cultural heritage in general, and on the other hand, as a component of the historical and cultural resources of a certain territory, a destination of a tourism region), as well as on the bases of a territorial approach. An algorithm for the socio-geographical study of intangible cultural heritage is proposed, which distinguishes three successive interrelated stages: preparatory; analytical and generalizing; recommendatory, each of these is divided into substages and carefully described. The place of objects of intangible cultural heritage in the historical and cultural potential of the territory is described. Among the many specialized types of tourism, the most expedient is the development of such types as: cultural and educational, rural, industrial, gastronomic, ethnographic, event (festival), religious, artistic, which contribute not only to the preservation and promotion of intangible cultural heritage, but also to the development of local economic potential and intercultural understanding. The proposed methodology for studying the elements of intangible cultural heritage is one of the options for conducting research on this topic, that in each case will need to be supplemented and refined, however, at the present stage, it can serve as a solid basis for starting and activating such research. The provided list of thematic types of tourism can also be elaborated on the basis of the use of objects of intangible cultural heritage, does not claim to be exclusively complete and can be expanded and supplemented, opening up prospects for further research in this direction.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Holovnia O. M.
Modern Trends in Interior Design of Restaurant Business Establishments (p. 194 - 200)

The article examines the issues related to the consideration of practical aspects of interior design of restaurant business establishments. It is noted that, despite all the difficulties and general tension in Ukraine, the hospitality sector continues to work and develop. At this, a more positive and dynamic situation is observed in the western and central regions of Ukraine, as well as the city of Kyiv. It is emphasized that one of the tools for the competitiveness of restaurant business establishments is their image, unique style, interior design features. Design has already become an integral part of many spheres of human life, which allows us to talk about its significant role in the life of a person and society. Design elements should correspond to the specifics and strategy of the institution in order to as much as possible convey the idea and be competitive. A well-chosen and developed design can bring the institution many advantages. Design influences factors such as: the identity of the company, attracting the best employees and their retention, recognition and unforgettable impressions of the establishment. Particular attention in the article is paid to ethnic design. According to the author, ethnodesign should be considered as a project activity to create modern forms of the material environment using traditional elements of the culture of a certain ethnic group. Ethnic design corresponds to the semantic and aesthetic characteristics of a particular ethnic culture, uses the national flavor characteristic of the traditions of a particular people. The article proves with arguments that ethno-restaurants-museums are becoming a common format in Ukraine. Such establishments not only offer dishes of ancient national cuisine, but also hold various cultural events and festivals. Examples of well-known ethno-restaurants-museums in different regions of Ukraine are given, among which the leaders are the western Ukrainian regions.

Article is written in Ukrainian

Lupak R. L., Mykytyn O. Z.
Conceptual Provisions for Ensuring the Economic Efficiency of Enterprises in the Service Sector in the Context of the Activation of Innovative Development (p. 200 - 207)

The article emphasizes that the sectoral affiliation of enterprise becomes a determining factor in ensuring economic efficiency and choosing directions for activating its innovative development. The service sector has distinctive characteristics from other industries, and its advantage refers to the ability to simultaneously combine in time and space the processes of production, sales and consumption. The importance of establishing and scaling innovation activity as the main vector for ensuring the economic efficiency of service enterprises is substantiated. The stages of ensuring the economic efficiency of enterprises in the service sector in the context of intensification of innovative development have been allocated, which provides for the determination of: 1) the target amount of profit and means of adaptation of enterprise to existential challenges; 2) the volume of services sold, which ensures the receipt of the target profit; 3) parameters of assortment and pricing policy; 4) functional changes (modernization and intoduction of advanced technologies; development and implementation of investment and innovation programs; introduction of progressive forms and methods of service implementation; strengthening cooperation with the subjects of the external investment and innovation environment); 5) the level of differentiation and expansion of the sphere of investment and innovation activity; 6) areas of inter-sectoral partnership and investment and innovation cooperation. The determining factors in ensuring the economic efficiency of service enterprises should be considered: expanding the range of services; improving their quality and affordability; adaptation to market conditions. The authors also allocate instruments for ensuring economic efficiency and intensification of innovative development of enterprises in the service sector – commodity, technological, managerial, market, socioeconomic, institutional, marketing ones.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Talah Y. V.
Content Characteristics and Features of Investment Attractiveness of Retail Trade (p. 147 - 153)

The article updates the issues of providing retail trade entities with investments, including in conditions of instability caused by the consequences of the full-scale war. The purpose of the study is to generalize and further develop the content characteristics and features of the investment attractiveness of the retail trade industry. The approaches of leading scientists regarding the definition of the substantive characteristics of the concept of "investment attractiveness" are summarized. The author's definition of the concept of "investment attractiveness of the retail industry" as a combination of institutional, economic, organizational, psychological and other conditions that provide incentives for increasing volumes and improving the structure of investments is substantiated and provided. It was concluded that during the formation and implementation of the State policy in this area, the peculiarities of the functioning and development of retail trade should be taken into account. The specifics of retail trade are determined in accordance with the leading macroeconomic functions of this industry – exchange of labor results for money, satisfaction of consumer needs for goods and services, impact on the balancing of the internal market and socioeconomic development, stimulation of the development of the production and consumption sectors. In accordance with the specified functions of retail trade, the features of the investment attractiveness of this branch of the national economy have been determined. Among them are the high capacity of the domestic market, developed production sector, transport and logistics infrastructure, high quality of life and purchasing power of the population, access to transport and logistics infrastructure, implementation of local economic development programs, effective economic policy of import substitution, development of local integrated systems, presence of competition and free market, cooperation of trade and subjects of the consumer services system, cooperation with the IT sector, activation of the consumer lending segment.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Biletska N. V.
Investment Potential of the Tourism Industry of Ukraine in the System of Strategic Management of Its Development (p. 175 - 181)

The article is devoted to the disclosure and substantiation of the theoretical foundations of the formation and development of the investment potential of the tourism industry of Ukraine, as well as the identifi-cation of factors of the investment strategy for attracting investments in this industry. It is substantiated that, depending on the sources of formation, the investment potential should be divided into internal and external, where the external investment potential is the possibility of investing in the development of enterprise by external investors who are interested in the financial stability and solvency of the enter-prise, whether the project will be able to make a profit, and if not, whether they will be able to return their invested funds; the internal investment potential is an opportunity to invest temporarily free funds to make a profit or achieve another useful effect in the future, both in the development of own produc-tion and in other projects (in this case, the company becomes an external investor). It is determined that, taking into account modern realities, the domestic tourism industry should mainly focus on attracting foreign investment, and the issues of their attraction to the tourism industry should be considered com-prehensively, taking into account the main factors of the investment strategy. It is substantiated that the structure of the motivational mechanism for attracting foreign investment includes regulatory, legal, economic and organizational factors, which are supplemented by the following: partial unification of the legislative framework with other countries; decentralization of executive power at the regional and local levels; creation of tourism clusters based on innovative projects; creation of special economic zones in the relevant territories with preferential conditions for investors; reduction of bureaucratic delays in the implementation of investment projects, especially innovative ones; cooperation between the State au-thorities and local self-government.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Oliinyk T. I., Kostyna K. A.
Digital Planning in Trade: Methodological Approaches to Optimizing Business Processes of Enterprises (p. 242 - 250)

The purpose of the study is to study the impact of modern technologies on the efficiency of managerial processes in organizations. The main focus is on the analysis of the integration of information systems and their impact on decision-making and optimization of business processes. As a result of the study, it is found that the use of information systems increases the efficiency and accuracy of decision-making, which has a positive effect on the efficiency of organizations. It is also found that there are significant differences in the impact of technologies on different sectors of the economy, due to the specifics of activities and the level of technological maturity of enterprises. Prospects for further research include a more detailed analysis of the impact of specific types of information systems on the management of an organization. It is also necessary to develop recommendations for minimizing the risks associated with their implementation and determine the most effective strategies for integrating technologies into business processes. The practical significance of the present work lies in the possibility of using the results to improve the efficiency of managerial processes in real conditions. The results can be useful for business leaders and information systems developers. The originality of the study lies in the integrated approach to the analysis of the impact of information technology on management processes. This research makes a significant contribution to the development of knowledge in the field of management and information technology, proposing new approaches to improve the efficiency of organizations.

Article is written in Ukrainian


Vilkhivska O. V., Vilkhivskyi V. V.
Practical Aspects of Hotel and Restaurant Business Development in Ukraine Based on the Use of the jSolutions Restaurant Module (p. 316 - 327)

The article conducts a practical study of the aspects of the development of the hotel and restaurant business in Ukraine and reviews the jSolutions module «Restaurant». Its functionality, main characteristics and advantages in comparison with other software solutions for the restaurant business (RB) are described. The main aspects of the dynamics of development of the RB are allocated, which includes: introduction of POS-systems; online ordering and delivery; use of CRM systems; analytics and Big Data; social media and digital marketing; virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR), kitchen automation and inventory, cybersecurity. A list of functions provided by the jSolutions module «Restaurant» is provided. It is noted that the module consists of two parts: BACK OFFICE and FRONT OFFICE. BACK OFFICE allows users to create calculation cards, create menus, set up outlets for implementation in FRONT OFFICE, works with invoices and orders. It is also possible to set up a discount or bonus system for visitors to the establishment. Users of FRONT OFFICE are bartenders, cashiers or administrators who work in TouchScreen mode, taking orders from visitors, creating invoices and settling customers. The module includes 4 TouchScreen modes, each of which is designed for different aspects of work, namely: automation of the cook’s workplace (the cook can mark the preparation of each dish to order, which helps to optimize the process of work in the kitchen and ensures timely processing of orders); TouchScreen self-service (the interface allows users to independently create orders from the menu without the help of a waiter, cashier or administrator); Cashier’s TouchScreen (the interface allows the bartender, cashier or administrator to create a customer account and make payments on this account); Waiter’s TouchScreen (the interface is used to record food orders and their delivery). Such additional unique functions of the jSolutions «Restaurant» module as «Cash Collection», «Cancellation of Bills», «Table Reservation», «WEB-Interface for Ordering Meals» (the functionality is intended for registration in the database of food orders in places where the desktop version of jCatering is not installed), «Mobile version of the waiter’s workplace», etc. Attention is focused on the fact that IT significantly affects the increase in restaurant revenues due to the optimization of operations, improvement of the quality of service, effective marketing and expansion of sales channels. Investing in modern IT solutions will help restaurants stay competitive, improve operational efficiency, and ensure sustainable revenue growth.

Article is written in English


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