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Proposals and Recommendations for Reducing Socioeconomic Inequality in Ukraine through the Prism of Education Putytskyi A. I.
Putytskyi, Anton I. (2024) “Proposals and Recommendations for Reducing Socioeconomic Inequality in Ukraine through the Prism of Education.” Business Inform 9:61–68.
Section: Mechanisms of Regulation of the Economy
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UDC 364.144 (477)
Abstract: The article analyzes the measures of the State policy aimed at overcoming the problem of income inequality, the main directions of the influence of education on inequality. The main determinants and principles of inequality and approaches to its reduction are visualized. It is determined that the main criteria for assessing economic inequality are the level of income, differentiation of wealth, percentage of accumulation, availability of property, share of small and medium-sized businesses, level of employment, education. Generalization of the achievements of domestic and foreign scholars allowed to allocate priority measures to reduce income inequality, namely: the introduction of a progressive rate of personal income tax for a group of the population with incomes of more than UAH 80 thousand per month and simultaneous exemption from taxation of persons whose income does not exceed the subsistence level; raising the minimum wage in certain sectors of the economy; development of labor market institutions; reduction of precarious employment; increase in the tax rate on dividends; providing targeted assistance to low-income groups of the population and overcoming poverty. A model for reducing inequality in Ukraine has been proposed, which reflects the paradigm of the study in the form of a comparative analysis of postulates and theories that are the quintessence of the generalized contextual concepts of «inequality», «economic inequality», «social inequality», «socioeconomic inequality» which reflect the results of long-term socioeconomic, political and other processes in our country. Institutional mechanisms ensure the support and regulation of a model that has the ability to cycle reproduction and modification, which is a fundamental condition for the existence of socium and society and the basis for their inclusive development. The article also defines the main goals and objectives that must be fulfilled to achieve the goal defined in the model (reducing the level of socioeconomic inequality, increasing the general welfare of the population and balancing the development of the State).
Keywords: socioeconomic inequality, education, well-being of the population, income.
Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 11.
Putytskyi Anton I. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Financial Technologies and Entrepreneurship, Education and Research Institute for Business, Economics, and Management of Sumy State University (57 Petropavlivska Str., Sumy, 40000, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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Journal «The Problems of Economy»