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Marketing of Sales Activities of Agribusiness Enterprises
Kashulska T. S.

Kashulska, Tetiana S. (2024) “Marketing of Sales Activities of Agribusiness Enterprises.” Business Inform 9:463–468.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article is devoted to the study of marketing sales activities of agribusiness enterprises. The article is aimed at studying the essence and application of marketing in the sale of products of agribusiness enterprises and improving marketing sales activities in modern conditions. It is identified that in modern conditions of increased level of competition, the presence of foreign producers on the market, the increase in the cost of factors of agricultural production, high dependence on natural and climatic conditions and a number of other factors cause the need for agricultural enterprises to use marketing for their own activities. It is substantiated that marketing for agribusiness enterprises becomes one of the conditions for successful functioning in market conditions, the use of which allows to reorganize all production and economic activities taking into account the requirements put forward by the market, and to ensure the effective sale of agricultural products. The introduction of marketing elements into the system of sales activities of the enterprise increases the efficiency of production management through thoughtful step-by-step planning and effective control in the implementation of the planned activities. The article examines the issues of the peculiarities of marketing activities in the sale of products of agribusiness enterprises. The essence of the concept of «agrimarketing» as a system of management of activities in the agricultural market, regulation of market processes and market study is defined. The prerequisites for the emergence and purpose of marketing activities in the field of agribusiness are determined. The essence of sales of products of agribusiness enterprises is characterized. It is substantiated that marketing, as a complex managerial activity, serves the result, i. e., the sale of products. The directions of improvement of the product sales system and the scheme of marketing organization at the agribusiness enterprise are determined. Solving the problems of marketing agricultural products will allow the enterprise to develop cost-effective means, tools and measures to promote manufactured products. By studying the various aspects faced by the enterprise, marketing helps to save money on the production and sale of products in pre-inefficient areas. The efficiency of sales activities of enterprises working in the field of agriculture depends on the efficiency of the agrimarketing system as a whole.

Keywords: agrimarketing, sales, enterprise, agribusiness, market, product promotion.

Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 8.

Kashulska Tetiana S. – Research Associate, Department of Economics, Management and Transfer of Innovations in Livestock Farming, Livestock Farming Institute of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (1a Tvarynnykiv Str., Kharkiv, 61026, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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