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Analysis and Identification of Ways to Improve the Company's Competitive Strategy in the Conditions of Digitalization
Avhustyn Ruslan R., Demkiv I. O., Trepet N. M.

Avhustyn Ruslan, R., Demkiv, Iryna O., and Trepet, Nazarii M. (2024) “Analysis and Identification of Ways to Improve the Company's Competitive Strategy in the Conditions of Digitalization.” Business Inform 9:429–436.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article updates the issues of managing the competitiveness of business entities specializing in trade activities in the conditions of digital transformation of the economy, society, internal and external business processes. The aim of the study is to analyze and identify ways to improve the company's competitive strategy in conditions of digitalization. It is shown that digitalization is one of the most relevant modern trends, which should not only be taken into account, but also used for its own purposes, in particular with the aim of increasing financial and economic efficiency and strengthening business competitiveness. These tasks are also updated in view of the significant complication of the functioning environment of domestic enterprises and organizations, including the negative consequences of the ongoing full-scale war. It is concluded that a much worse consequence was a decrease in the level of competitiveness of enterprises of most types of economic activity. Accordingly, under such a situation, enterprises are unable to withstand competition not only on the foreign market, but also on the domestic market. It is summarized that all these processes weaken the competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy, lead to the deterioration of the prerequisites for the socioeconomic progress of the territories. It is proved that in order to strengthen the competitiveness of domestic business entities in the conditions of digitalization, it is necessary to work on the implementation of a sales promotion strategy. For its materialization, a specific mechanism should be implemented, which involves an in-depth study of the state of the external and internal environment of the enterprise, goals and developed strategies, decision-making regarding the effective use of resources, determination of the compliance of the organizational structure with the chosen strategy and the formation of corporate culture in accordance with the strategy, the participation of top management in the implementation of the strategy, the creation of a control system for the implementation of the strategy, the implementation of the system of motivation and encouragement of staff.

Keywords: enterprises, competitiveness, management, strategic management, digitalization, digital transformation, business, information and communication technologies.

Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 5. Formulae: 3. Bibl.: 13.

Avhustyn Ruslan R. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Management, Public Administration and Personnel, West Ukrainian National University (11 Lvivska Str., Ternopil, 46009, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Demkiv Iryna O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management, Public Administration and Personnel, West Ukrainian National University (11 Lvivska Str., Ternopil, 46009, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Trepet Nazarii M. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Management, Public Administration and Personnel, West Ukrainian National University (11 Lvivska Str., Ternopil, 46009, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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