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Formation of Personnel Security as a Direction of Staff Management Strategy in the Business Environment
Vasilieva L. M., Minkovska A. V., Irza A. M.

Vasilieva, Lesja M., Minkovska, Alona V., and Irza, Alina M. (2024) “Formation of Personnel Security as a Direction of Staff Management Strategy in the Business Environment.” Business Inform 9:423–429.

Section: Management and Marketing

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UDC 65.012.8: 331.1

The aim of the article is to study the process of formation of personnel security as a direction of staff management strategy in the business environment. It is emphasized that personnel security is a critical aspect of the HR strategy. The formation of personnel security is a strategic factor that allows the enterprise not only to protect itself from internal and external threats, but also to ensure stable development in a competitive business environment. Analyzing, systematizing and generalizing the scientific works of many authors, the views of researchers on the definition of the concept of «personnel security» are considered and it is determined that this is a complex system of measures aimed at protecting the interests of the enterprise from possible threats related to personnel. The analysis of threats to the personnel security of the enterprise has been carried out and it is established that they can have a diverse nature and affect the enterprise’s stability, efficiency and competitiveness. The basic principles of the formation of personnel security of the enterprise, which are the basic rules and approaches that help to ensure stability and protection from risks associated with staff, are substantiated. It is emphasized that the organization of the development of a personnel management strategy is effective when a systematic approach is applied, which provides comprehensive coverage of all aspects of management, taking into account the interrelations between them, flexibility and the ability to adapt to changes, involvement of all levels of the organization, as well as ensuring personnel security. It is determined that a strategic approach to personnel security management is a key element of the overall strategy of the enterprise, which is aimed at maintaining the sustainability, efficiency and competitiveness of the enterprise in the modern business environment.

Keywords: business environment, personnel security, enterprise, risks, strategy, personnel management.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 8.

Vasilieva Lesja M. – Doctor of Sciences (State Administration), Professor, Professor, Department of Accounting, Taxation and Financial and Economic Security Management, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University (25 Academician Serhiy Yefremov Str., Dnipro, 49027, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Minkovska Alona V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Accounting, Taxation and Financial and Economic Security Management, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University (25 Academician Serhiy Yefremov Str., Dnipro, 49027, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Irza Alina M. – Student, Dnipro State Agrarian and Economic University (25 Academician Serhiy Yefremov Str., Dnipro, 49027, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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