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Formation of a Mechanism for Organizational and Economic Support of Energy Security Management of Enterprises
Budanov M. P.

Budanov, Mykola P. (2024) “Formation of a Mechanism for Organizational and Economic Support of Energy Security Management of Enterprises.” Business Inform 9:303–312.

Section: Economics of Enterprise

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The problems of ensuring the management of energy security (ES) of the enterprise are considered, the elements and functions that the management of energy security of the enterprise includes are systematized. It is proved that an effective tool for the formation of energy security is the mechanism of organizational and economic support for the management of energy security of the enterprise, which combines approaches, factors, principles, methods, functions, means and tools with the use of which the strategic goals of energy security management of the enterprise of the electric energy system at the macro-, meso- and micro levels of the economy are achieved. It is a determined necessity to systematically study the content of the mechanism of organizational and economic support of energy security management of enterprise at different levels of management; studying the features of energy security management at energy generation, transmission, distribution facilities that are part of the enterprise, inherent in the nano- and micro levels of the economy. The constituent elements of the mechanism of organizational and economic support of energy security management of enterprises are defined, the stages of its development are considered, in particular analytical, evaluative and diagnostic, organizational and managerial, and control stages. The essence of the formation of the mechanism of organizational and economic support for the management of energy security of enterprises as an economic process in the modern conditions of development of the electric energy system at the macro-, meso- and micro levels of the economy is surveyed. It is proved that when forming a mechanism for organizational and economic support of energy security management of an enterprise to protect against external and internal threats, it is necessary to take into account two components of ensuring the energy security of an enterprise, namely: organizational and economic ones. The study of the mechanism of organizational and economic support of energy security management of an enterprise from the standpoint of an integrated approach makes it possible to define the mechanism as an integral management system, which is formed from a set of interrelated elements.

Keywords: mechanism, energy security, enterprise, management functions, organizational and economic support, management.

Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 22.

Budanov Mykola P. – Applicant, Educational and Scientific Institute "Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy" of V. N. Karazin Kharkov National University (16 Unіversytetska Str., Kharkіv, 61003, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

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