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Competitive Strategies for Innovation and Investment Development of Enterprises
Romaniuk O. H., Sierov I. V.

Romaniuk, Oleksandr H., and Sierov, Ivan V. (2024) “Competitive Strategies for Innovation and Investment Development of Enterprises.” Business Inform 9:287–293.

Section: Economics of Enterprise

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 334.012

The article is devoted to the issues of competitive strategies of innovation and investment development of enterprises, because under the current conditions of globalization of the world economy and rapid technological and market changes, the competitiveness of enterprises is largely formed due to innovation and investment activity, which serves as a factor not only of effective development of enterprise, but also an important component of the development of national and global innovation systems. The article is aimed at studying the essence and assessing trends in the formation of enterprise competitiveness on the basis of the development of competitive strategies for innovation and investment development of agro-industrial production enterprises in modern realities. The article examines the issues of competitiveness of an enterprise on the basis of the development of competitive strategies for innovation and investment development of agro-industrial enterprises. It is revealed that the issues of innovation and investment development of enterprises in the agro-industrial complex are extremely relevant and require a radical solution, therefore, the effectiveness of economic, economic, and marketing activities depends on how correctly and economically justified agrarian enterprises develop and implement their own competitive strategies of innovation and investment development. The study defines the essence of the concepts of «strategy», «strategy of enterprise development», «competitive strategy of enterprise», «innovations», «investments», «competitiveness of enterprise». Competitive strategies of the enterprise are studied: strategies for the formation of competitive advantages; the strategy of ensuring the competitiveness of the enterprise and the strategy of its competitive behavior. It is substantiated that innovations are a key factor in the development and competitiveness of modern business. It is determined that the strategy of innovation and investment development is a system of long-term goals and objectives of the enterprise in the field of innovation and investment activities (as well as methods and tools for their achievement) and is aimed at renewing all aspects of business. The main components of the strategy of innovation and investment development are examined. It is substantiated that the competitive strategy of innovation and investment development allows enterprises of agro-industrial production to ensure sustainable competitive positions and long-term economic growth through constant technological renewal and increase in business efficiency.

Keywords: strategy, competitive strategy, innovations, investments, enterprise, agrarian sphere, competitiveness, innovation and investment development.

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 8.

Romaniuk Oleksandr H. – Research Associate, Department of Economics, Management and Transfer of Innovations in Animal Husbandry, Livestock Farming Institute of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (1a Tvarynnykiv Str., Kharkiv, 61026, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Sierov Ivan V. – Research Associate, Department of Economics, Management and Transfer of Innovations in Animal Husbandry, Livestock Farming Institute of National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (1a Tvarynnykiv Str., Kharkiv, 61026, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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