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Introduction of Value Chains as a Guarantee of Increasing the Investment Attractiveness of the Tourism Sector Biletska N. V.
Biletska, Natalia V. (2024) “Introduction of Value Chains as a Guarantee of Increasing the Investment Attractiveness of the Tourism Sector.” Business Inform 9:280–286.
Section: Economics of Trade and Services
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UDC 338.48:658.5
Abstract: The article is devoted to the study of the impact of value chains on the development of the tourism sector, increasing its investment attractiveness and competitiveness. The article is aimed at analyzing, systematizing and generalizing the theoretical and methodological foundations of the introduction of value chains to increase the investment attractiveness of the tourism sector. The article focuses on the transformation of the role of the consumer in the context of modern challenges of the tourism market, which forces travel companies to adapt their services to the individual needs of customers. The importance of using innovations and technologies to create complex tourist products that contribute to the differentiation of offers and improving their quality is highlighted. The study provides examples of successful integration of local enterprises, infrastructure development and attracting investments, which allows creating new competitive offers. The study revealed that the phenomena of the value chain and investments are closely related, since they play a key role in the economic development and competitiveness of enterprises and regions. The value chain as a sequence of stages through which a product or service passes from initial development to the final consumer, forms a certain value of the product or service, which is reflected in an increase in its value. The social, economic and ecological effects of the introduction of value chains are analyzed, which demonstrate the importance of integrating various aspects of tourism development to create a sustainable and effective tourist product that would meet both the needs of tourists and the socioeconomic and environmental goals of the relevant region. It is substantiated that the effects of value chains in tourism are inextricably linked to investments, since investments in various aspects of the tourism sector are the basis for creating and maintaining these effects. Thus, investments in tourism not only stimulate the economic development of regions, but also contribute to the preservation of cultural and natural resources, improvement of infrastructure and technologies, which, in turn, increases the competitiveness of the tourism sector and makes it possible to attract more tourists. It is further noted that the application of an integrated approach to the projecting and implementation of value chains has a positive effect on the creation of a high-quality tourism product that meets the modern needs of consumers and contributes to the development of regional economies.
Keywords: value chains, tourism sector, tourism, investment attractiveness, competitiveness.
Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 9.
Biletska Natalia V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Taxation, Finance and Entrepreneurship, Vinnytsia Institute of Designing Clothes and Entrepreneurship Institute of Designing Clothes and Entrepreneurship (7 Kosmonavtiv Ave., Vinnytsia, 21021, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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