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Research of New Trends in the Confectionery Business Chystiukhina A. O.
Chystiukhina, Anastasiia O. (2024) “Research of New Trends in the Confectionery Business.” Business Inform 9:260–266.
Section: Economics of Trade and Services
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 14 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 664.1
Abstract: The aim of this article is to determine the essence and theoretical features of new trends in the confectionery business, as well as the problems of the functioning of these enterprises and the possibilities of their further development. The main research methods used in the article are the following: induction, synthesis, analysis, comparison and generalization. Trends in the confectionery market, which are rapidly changing, reflecting the changing tastes and preferences of consumers, have been studied. Data on the most important trends of the confectionery market in 2024 based on Puratos' annual report "Taste Tomorrow" were studied. It is analyzed and predicted how artificial intelligence, conscious consumption, veganism and sustainable agriculture will dominate the confectionery, bakery and chocolate sectors in 2024. It is determined how the interest of consumers is focused on the appearance and design of confectionery products, in addition, it is found that desserts and other confectionery products should be not only tasty, but also attractive for social networks. Further, the trend towards the growth of demand for confectionery products from different countries of the world, and especially in the conditions of the popularity of healthy living and veganism, the use of natural ingredients (without artificial dyes and flavors, from pieces of real fruit, without GMOs), was surveyed. The role and preferences of chocolate for people who have given up sugar and promote a healthy lifestyle have been studied. Also the trend towards conscious consumption, environmentally friendly production and green marketing was taken into consideration. The main characteristics that determine the interest of consumers in confectionery are determined, namely in the following indicators: healthy pleasure, taste experiments, special diets, individuality and personalization, visual appeal, environmental friendliness and social responsibility, digital transformation and innovative technologies. The parameters that enable confectionery market participants to remain at the top of their development and conquer new markets have been determined. The constantly changing and developing world trends of confectionery products have been characterized, concluding that studying the indicators of sensitivity to trends, experiments and the level of striving for perfection in the confectionery market is worth to be concerned with.
Keywords: confectionery business, innovations, confectionery, sugar, natural ingredients, chocolate, marketing.
Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 10.
Chystiukhina Anastasiia O. – General Director, Just Right: Cakes, Coffee, Gifts (119 Scott Str., Wausau, 54403, United States) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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