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Methodological and Applied Principles of the State Policy of Ensuring the Economic Security of the Region
Siuta S. B.

Siuta, Sviatoslav B. (2024) “Methodological and Applied Principles of the State Policy of Ensuring the Economic Security of the Region.” Business Inform 9:247–252.

Section: Regional Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article updates the issue of economic security management at the regional level. The aim of the research is to generalize the existing and develop new methodological and applied principles of the State policy of ensuring the economic security of the region. It is shown that the system of ensuring the economic security of the region is a specially created economic system designed to initiate, organize, implement and control the processes of guaranteeing the appropriate level of security and protection of the socioeconomic system of the region from external and internal challenges, risks and threats in the economic sphere. As a result of the generalization of the theoretical and methodological provisions, it was stated that the State policy of ensuring the economic security of the region should be interpreted as a purposeful activity of the power structures, which is implemented in accordance with the relevant principles and is aimed at achieving the desired state of the economic security of the region and the system of its provision in the form of institutional, organizational, economic and other subsystems, the mechanisms, tools and means of which are aimed at achieving a common goal, strategic and operational goals and objectives, which are based on the sustainable and structurally balanced development of the regional economy, its protection from challenges and threats, balancing and implementation of socioeconomic interests of the individual, society and the State (at the regional level). Clear differences between the concepts of the State policy of ensuring the economic security of the region and State administration and State regulation in this area have been identified. Based on these principles and as a result of the theoretical generalization of the provisions of the differentiation of State policy and strategic planning of the development of the regional economy, it was determined that the basic elements of managing the economic security of the region are the purpose, goals, principles, subjects of regulation and objects of influence, mechanisms, tools and means of implementation control.

Keywords: region, regional policy, economic security, public administration, challenges, risks and threats, security system.

Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 13.

Siuta Sviatoslav B. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Mathematics and Economics, Drohobych Ivan Franko State Pedagogical University (24 Ivana Franka Str., Drohobych, 82100, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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