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The Role of the State in the Innovation Development of Enterprises
Hryhaluinas D. V.

Hryhaluinas, Dmytro V. (2024) “The Role of the State in the Innovation Development of Enterprises.” Business Inform 9:202–210.

Section: Innovative Processes

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The aim of the article is to study the role of the State support in the innovation development of enterprises. The article discusses the main problems that hinder innovation activity, such as insufficient funding for scientific research, limited access to advanced technologies, weak interaction between scientific institutions and business, as well as imperfection of mechanisms for commercialization of innovations. The war in Ukraine creates additional challenges, leading to funding cuts, infrastructure destruction, and the outflow of specialists, making it difficult to develop innovations. Analyzing and summarizing the scientific works of both Ukrainian and foreign researchers, it is determined that the State policy plays a key role in creating a favorable environment for innovation activity. Important instruments to support innovation potential are national funding programs, tax incentives, grants and subsidies, the development of innovation clusters and technology parks, as well as participation in international programs such as "Horizon Europe". As a result of the study, it is found that despite the existing support mechanisms, the State financing of innovation activity remains insufficient and needs to be expanded. Recommendations for improving the State support are proposed, including: expanding the list of tax benefits, creating innovative clusters, promoting cooperation between business and science, as well as adapting existing programs to wartime realities. Further development of innovation activity in Ukraine requires a comprehensive approach aimed at strengthening the State support, attracting international partners and creating a favorable innovation environment for enterprises, which will facilitate the country’s integration into the world economy and promote long-term economic growth.

Keywords: innovation development, State support, enterprises, innovations, financing, competitiveness.

Fig.: 2. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 28.

Hryhaluinas Dmytro V. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Management and Administration, Educational and Research Institute «Karazin Business School» of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (1 Myronosytska Str., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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