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Determinants of Urbanism in the Context of Industry 4.0 Development
Krysovatyy I. A.

Krysovatyy, Ihor A. (2024) “Determinants of Urbanism in the Context of Industry 4.0 Development.” Business Inform 9:186–192.

Section: Innovative Processes

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 338.467

The main determinants of modern urbanism in the context of the development of Industry 4.0 are identified in the presented article. Attention is also focused on the fact that in the context of the rapid development of Industry 4.0, urban planning as a science and practice is undergoing significant changes. The Fourth Industrial Revolution, which includes the integration of cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things, big data, and artificial intelligence, is becoming a powerful catalyst for the transformation of cities and urban processes. These new technologies contribute to the creation of «smart cities», which make it possible to increase the efficiency of resource use, optimize transport infrastructure and improve the quality of life of citizens. The aim of the presented article is to determine the determinants of urbanism in the context of the development of modern Industry 4.0. Methods used in the work are: analysis and synthesis – to determine the main determinants of urban planning; induction and deduction – to establish modern aspects of the development of Industry 4.0; generalization, comparison, graphical and tabular methods – to visually reflect the presented research results. It is also proved that modern urbanism covers a wide range of determinants of development, including digitalization, environmental sustainability, social inclusion, and economic competitiveness of cities. For example, digital technologies allow cities not only to better manage energy and water resources, but also to create innovative solutions to improve the safety and comfort of residents. At the same time, environmental factors, including reducing emissions and using renewable energy sources, are becoming key aspects of urban infrastructure development. Industry 4.0 also contributes to the creation of more flexible and adaptive urban management systems that allow us to respond to the challenges of our time in real time. Thus, the determinants of urbanism in the context of the development of Industry 4.0 cover a wide range of innovative approaches and technologies that form new standards of the urban environment and management.

Keywords: urbanism, urban region, innovation, innovation activity, digitalization, digital technologies, digital economy, high-tech market, inclusion, social development, high technologies, innovation parks, urbanization, smart technologies, smart cities, transformational changes.

Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 19.

Krysovatyy Ihor A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Entrepreneurship and Trade, West Ukrainian National University (11 Lvivska Str., Ternopil, 46009, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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