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The Essence and Features of the Digital Transformation of the Agrarian Sector
Kyfyak V. I.

Kyfyak, Viktoriia I. (2024) “The Essence and Features of the Digital Transformation of the Agrarian Sector.” Business Inform 9:108–115.

Section: Information Technologies in the Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 338.43:004

The development of the agrarian sector in Ukraine plays an important role in ensuring the economic development of the country. Rich natural resources, favorable climate and historical experience of agriculture play a significant role in ensuring the active functioning of this area. However, its further evolvement in modern conditions is directly related to the active use of modern innovations, which today are being developed and implemented taking into account the potential of digital technologies that have already permeated into virtually all areas of economic activity in the agrarian sector. The article considers the essence and features of the digital transformation of the agrarian sector, which is implemented through the substantiation of the content of digital transformation as an object of research. For this purpose, an analysis of scientific approaches to concretizing the content of this category is carried out. This made it possible to further substantiate the features of digital transformation as a process of systemic change in economic systems as a result of the active involvement of information and communication technologies in their functioning. The article determines that digitalization forms new impulses for the development of economic systems of various types, but it is noted that in order for such a transformation to be effective and qualitative, the system of their management should be relevant. For a detailed description of the features of the impact of digital technologies on the development of the agrarian sphere, the article details the specific features of entrepreneurial activity within this sphere and specifies the features of its general development in modern conditions. Further, this allows for substantiating the essence of the digital transformation of the agrarian sector, offering the author’s vision of understanding the content of this concept. Deepening the understanding of the essence of this type of digital transformation was also implemented by allocating individual approaches to considering such an entity, i. e.: technological, economic, environmental, innovative, social, and institutional. Consideration of the content of these approaches made it possible to specify the features of the digital transformation of the agrarian sector, to describe the role of information and communication technologies in the development of agrarian enterprises and their individual business processes.

Keywords: digitalization, digital transformation, agrarian sphere, agrarian enterprise, information and communication technologies, digital transformation of the agrarian sector.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 16.

Kyfyak Viktoriia I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Business and Human Resources Management, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (2 Kotsiubynskoho Str., Chernivtsi, 58012, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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