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Mechanism of Actuation of Socially Responsible Activity of Enterprises in Ukraine
Yermakov M. A., Karpenko I. O.

Yermakov, Maksym A., and Karpenko, Iryna O. (2024) “Mechanism of Actuation of Socially Responsible Activity of Enterprises in Ukraine.” Business Inform 4:290–299.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The aim of the article is to develop a mechanism for intensifying socially responsible activity (SRA), which can be used by enterprises to ensure sustainable development of both each individual enterprise and Ukraine as a whole. The article allocates the signs of social responsibility: a social phenomenon endowed with a specific historical content; conscious fulfillment of a person’s duty to society; execution is a dictate of the subject’s conscience; failure to fulfill the duty implies condemnation on the part of society; contains an initiative nature; a trade-off between the public interest and individual goals; people’s behavior in the context of social responsibility. The subjects of institutional stimulation of the principles of socially responsible activity are identified as follows: legislative bodies; executive bodies; interstate structures; civil society; international and local associations of enterprises; trade unions and professional associations of workers. The directions of SRA of enterprises in Ukraine are defined as follows: support of social initiatives and projects; charitable activities; effective involvement of the public in charitable activities; improving working conditions with the help of recent achievements; creating opportunities for learning and development of the younger generation; introduction of alternative energy sources in production; improvement of medical care. Potential incentives for the SRA programs of enterprise are studied as follows: tax reduction; reduction of administrative pressure; proposals for the implementation of social responsibility programs; expansion of the bank of social and information programs; media coverage; closer ties with non-profit organizations. The following constituent elements of the process of actuation of the SRA of enterprises are proposed: motivation and stimulation. The prerequisites that ensure the effective implementation of the mechanism for actuating the enterprise’s SRA are analyzed: a clear understanding of the purpose and role of the developed mechanism; forms of assistance (informational, legal and regulatory); tools to ensure the operation of the mechanisms, capable of actuation of SRA of the enterprise; resource support for the implementation of mechanisms for actuating the enterprise’s SRA. A mechanism for actuating the SRA of an enterprise in Ukraine has been developed, which consists of two parts: the theoretical foundations of the mechanism for actuating the SRA of an enterprise and the practical implementation of this mechanism.

Keywords: social responsibility of enterprises, signs of social responsibility, subjects of institutional stimulation, directions of social responsibility, incentives of social responsibility, mechanism of actuation of social responsibility.

Fig.: 6. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 12.

Yermakov Maksym A. – Applicant, Academician Yuriy Bugay International Scientific and Technical University (3 Khersonskyi Lane, Kyiv, 02660, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Karpenko Iryna O. – Masters Student, State University of Infrastructure and Technologies (of. 19, 9 Kyrylivska Str., Kyiv, 04071, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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