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An Adaptive Approach to Scaling the Company’s Activities
Patlai A. I.

Patlai, Andriy I. (2024) “An Adaptive Approach to Scaling the Company’s Activities.” Business Inform 4:274–284.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 330.131.3

In the conditions of the modern market economy, which is constantly transforming and changing, it becomes obvious for any enterprise to maintain its position in the market, ensure the proper level of competitiveness, its own economic potential, and expand the scope of its activities. The production and economic activities of enterprises should be constantly adjusted in accordance with the requirements of the external environment. This need is mainly due to the fact that changes in environmental factors will lead to a certain disproportion and imbalance between the enterprise and its operating environment. In order to minimize the negative impact of environmental factors and ensure positive dynamics of growth vectors, the enterprise, regardless of its current state, must adapt to the requirements of the existing market conditions and timely implement necessary structural changes in its activities. The aim of the article is to disclose and substantiate the essence of the adaptive system for managing the development of enterprise activities. For a timely response to changes in the external and internal environment, the measures taken by the enterprise in order to preserve the system of production and economic management, ensure the appropriate level of competitiveness, its own economic potential and expand the scope of activity in the market are to be determined. The factors of minimizing the occurrence of changes unfavorable for the current activities of the enterprise be identified. The formation of the enterprise’s own scale of activity, taking into account the components of the adaptive management system, is a complex and multi-level process. The scale of activity is a synthetic characteristic of the enterprise’s activity, therefore, in order to understand the deep essence of the relevant economic category, it is expedient to consider the components of the formation of the scale of activity by enterprises, which are also elements of the system of adaptive management at the enterprise. Prospect for further research in this direction is the development of a conceptual approach to the formation of the scale of enterprise activity, taking into account the components of the adaptive management system, which is due to the development of the main vectors and priority areas of economic activity of enterprise, the introduction of original innovative product conceptions, non-standard operational managerial decisions.

Keywords: enterprise, change, management, adaptation, adaptive management system, competitiveness, potential, scaling.

Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 14.

Patlai Andriy I. – Postgraduate Student, National Aviation University (1 Lubomyra Husara Ave., Kyiv, 03680, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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