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Social Networks in the Management of Socio-Cultural Activities
Kozyr B. S.

Kozyr, Borys S. (2024) “Social Networks in the Management of Socio-Cultural Activities.” Business Inform 2:332–338.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 316.77:005.336.1:004.738.5

Social networks play an important role in the modern management of socio-cultural activities. Due to the widespread use of the Internet and the growing popularity of social media, these platforms have become an important tool for communication, information sharing, promotion of cultural events, and public engagement in cultural and socio-cultural initiatives. Social media provides an opportunity for organizations and cultural institutions to engage audiences through advertising campaigns, content marketing, viral marketing, and other methods. This allows you to draw attention to cultural events, exhibitions, performances, concerts and attract more spectators and participants. The aim of the article is to study the theoretical aspects of the use of social networks in the management of socio-cultural activities, as well as to analyze the practical experience of using social networks in the socio-cultural sphere and to develop recommendations for the optimal use of social media in the management of socio-cultural activities. The methods: analysis of literary sources, synthesis, system analysis, generalization, analysis of social network data, content analysis. It is found that social networks make it possible to preserve, popularize and talk eloquently about cultural heritage. Cultural organisations can share stories, photographs, videos and other materials that reveal national and cultural identity. It is researched that social networks facilitate interaction between cultural organizations, creators, and audiences. They create a fertile ground for cooperation and partnership, allowing organizations to co-host cultural events and engage the target audience. It is determined that social networks provide tools for tracking the efficiency of cultural events and analyzing audience data. It helps cultural organizations customize their programs and events to suit the interests and needs of their audiences. Social media has been found to allow for the creation of communities and forums where people can discuss topics related to culture, art, traditions, and more. This helps to keep the community active and share ideas. It is noted that the use of social networks by the management of socio-cultural activities also has its own challenges and risks. For example, the possibility of disseminating inaccurate information or negative reviews can negatively affect the reputation of cultural organizations. Therefore, it is important to be attentive and skillful in the management of social networks in order to achieve a positive impact on socio-cultural activities. Nowadays, social networks serve as a virtual social space for the interaction of individuals, resulting in the formation of a complex multi-level network of civic ties. Internet technologies form a new sphere of information interaction, which leads to the emergence of new types of social relations that unfold the social potential of citizens. Social networks become a favorable environment for civic activity, being a platform for communication between individuals and groups in the political, cultural, and social spheres.

Keywords: social networks, socio-cultural activities, information technology, socio-cultural space, cultural aspects.

Bibl.: 11.

Kozyr Borys S. – Masters Student, Faculty of Postgraduate Education, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts (36 Yevhena Konovaltsia Str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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