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Integrated Design Solutions in the Current Mechanism of Product Innovation Policy Kholodnyi G. O.
Kholodnyi, Gennadii O. (2023) “Integrated Design Solutions in the Current Mechanism of Product Innovation Policy.” Business Inform 7:66–73.
Section: Innovative Processes
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UDC 339.138:658.6
Abstract: The main task of modern design is to create new consumer values through the renewal of the subject-process environment. Thanks to system integratedness, design solutions are considered in a strategic perspective, ensuring the achievement of long-term goals of the innovative development of enterprise. The article is aimed at defining the essence and considering the features of integrated design solutions in the modern mechanism for implementing the product innovation policy. The article considers the essence of product innovation policy as an economic category and its place in the overall system of innovative development of an enterprise. It is proved that owing to the high integration of design into innovation processes, enterprises receive a wide range of benefits, in particular, in terms of customer satisfaction, market position of the company and financial-economic results of the introduction of innovative products. The article describes the essence and evaluates the importance of design, details the structure of the design solutions program – a practical form of system design implementation that combines the aesthetic and artistic, socio-cultural and technological conceptions of a complex innovative object into a holistic process of developing a complex innovative object. A contentual definition of software integrated design solutions is proposed as follows: a system of interaction between different types, tools and design programs, a synthesis of management principles and design conceptions, where each of them can be integrated with other design tools and supported by them to achieve maximum efficiency. The carried out research and the results presented will increase the theoretical and subject matter validity of the essence and structure of integrated design solutions in the modern mechanism of product innovation policy.
Keywords: design, implementation mechanism, design solution, innovative product, product innovation policy, integrated design solutions.
Fig.: 4. Bibl.: 18.
Kholodnyi Gennadii O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Marketing, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine) Email: gрrо[email protected]
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