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Innovative Transformation of the Economy of Ukrainian Regions: The Pre-War Retrospective and Post-War Priorities
Matrunchyk D. M.

Matrunchyk, Dmytro M. (2023) “Innovative Transformation of the Economy of Ukrainian Regions: The Pre-War Retrospective and Post-War Priorities.” Business Inform 7:42–50.

Section: Regional Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 330.341.1

The article reveals the content of innovation processes in the 1990s and early 2000s, which were characterized by a permanent deficit of financing the production and introduction of modern technologies; low efficiency of implementation of the government or regional scientific and technical programs; weakening the relationship between education, science, and production. It is found that in the regional context there is a significant gap between the largest and smallest number of innovation-active industrial enterprises, owing to the peculiarities of the inter-regional division of labor, the level of scientific and technical potential, the level of concentration of industrial and financial capital. It is identified that the negative impact on the dynamics of financing innovation activity in industry has led to the lack of a modern institutional environment for attracting funds from domestic and foreign investors in the development of innovative infrastructure of industrial enterprises, as well as in new types of product and process innovations. It is substantiated that the processes of innovative transformation of both the national economy and economy of regions of Ukraine are slow due to the lack at the regional level of a modern system of regulatory influence on innovation processes, which would stimulate the development of innovation infrastructure and comprehensive modernization and reconstruction of the fixed capital of the structure-forming units of regional economic complexes. It is proved that the formation of priorities for innovative transformation of regional economic complexes in the wartime and post-war conditions should be based on the need to strengthen the country’s defense capability by increasing the production of weapons and military equipment. Studies have shown that the post-war recovery of the national economy and the economy of Ukraine’s regions should also be accompanied by innovative transformations in the sphere of rational use of natural resources and environmental protection, which will allow attracting funds from global ecological funds and foreign governments for the purposes of modernization of the national economic complex.

Keywords: innovative transformation, post-war period, defense capability, scientific and technical programs, regional economic complex, innovation infrastructure.

Fig.: 3. Bibl.: 9.

Matrunchyk Dmytro M. – Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Candidate on Doctor Degree, Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance, Lutsk National Technical University (75 Lvіvska Str., Lutsk, Volyn region, 43018, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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