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Implementation of CSR Projects by Companies in Ukraine
Luchko H. Y.

Luchko, Halyna Yo. (2023) “Implementation of CSR Projects by Companies in Ukraine.” Business Inform 7:151–158.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article is aimed at analyzing different approaches to interpretation of the concept of «social responsibility», highlighting the benefits of introducing social responsibility in the activities of domestic companies and developing recommendations for effective management of implementation of CSR projects in Ukraine. The introduction of corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an integral part of modern management systems of companies over the world, it is an instrument that provides companies with a competitive advantage in the market. The article considers interpretation of the concept of «social responsibility» by different researchers and focuses on the importance of introducing CSR programs in the activities of domestic companies. The advantages of introducing CSR in the context of obtaining internal and external effects are also allocated. The kinds of social responsibility of business and directions of CSR implementation are considered. It is noted that, although the development of social responsibility of Ukrainian business intensified during the wartime, the implemented measures, unfortunately, are not systemic in nature and in no way provide sustainable competitive advantages to companies in either domestic or foreign markets. The article further notes that in order to obtain a long-term effect from the implemented social measures, companies need to approach this comprehensively and develop CSR programs, the implementation of which will contribute to their effective development in accordance with public expectations, which will help to improve their reputation and image, more effectively manage risks, and establish effective relationships with stakeholders. It is proved that the professional application of modern project management tools in the implementation of CSR projects will significantly increase their efficiency and ensure the achievement of the planned goals. To plan and successfully implement their own CSR projects, companies are invited to involve qualified project managers, as well as increase the level of knowledge of employees in the field of project management. Competent use of modern project management tools in the implementation of CSR projects will contribute to the achievement of strategic goals of the development of companies and the formation of socially responsible business.

Keywords: corporate social responsibility, business, project, project management.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 19.

Luchko Halyna Yo. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Project Management, Lviv Polytechnic National University (12 Stepana Bandery Str., Lvіv, 79013, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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