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The Peculiarities of Ensuring the Security of the Insurance Market in the Conditions of Martial Law
Harapko S. S.

Harapko, Serhiy S. (2023) “The Peculiarities of Ensuring the Security of the Insurance Market in the Conditions of Martial Law.” Business Inform 6:57–62.

Section: Mechanisms of Regulation of the Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article is aimed at illuminating the essence, significance and peculiarities of ensuring the security of the insurance market under martial law. It is proved that the security of the insurance market is an integral characteristic of the state and level of financial solvency, reliability of insurance companies, their provision with resources and the latest services, which determines the possibilities of effective functioning and inclusive development in conditions of minimization of existing risks, threats and dangers. A systematization of factors influencing the security of the insurance market with division into mega-level, macro-level and meso-level factors is proposed. The main factors of the mega-level include: globalization processes in insurance; climate change; rapid digitalization and development of insurtech; cyber threats; unification of regulation and supervision of the insurance market by international insurance institutions. The macro-level factors are: war with russia; economic and financial instability; state of regulation and supervision of the insurance market; high level of its concentration; confidence in insurance; fraudulent activities, etc. Micro-level factors are directly related to the activities of insurance companies: the level of capitalization; volume of assets; the amount of formed insurance reserves; profitability and efficiency of activities; insurance portfolio risk; business model of the insurer, etc. It is noted that under martial law, insurance companies faced fundamentally new challenges and threats to their security. Therefore, it is possible in the near future to shift the emphasis of the insurance market towards compulsory types of insurance, CASCO insurance and voluntary medical insurance, as well as the development of new types of insurance, such as military risk insurance, construction, installation and repair and restoration works. Prospects for further research in this direction are coverage of methodological instruments for assessing the level of security of the insurance market and development of conceptual approaches to the formation of the system of its provision.

Keywords: insurance market security, inclusiveness, risks, threats, financial sustainability.

Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 13.

Harapko Serhiy S. – Applicant, Department of Finance, Economic Security, Banking and Insurance Business, Lviv University of Trade and Economics (10 Tuhan-Baranovskoho Str., Lviv, 79005, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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