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The Regional Public Procurement of Passenger Cars in Ukraine
Danylenko Y. S.

Danylenko, Yevhen S. (2023) “The Regional Public Procurement of Passenger Cars in Ukraine.” Business Inform 5:41–52.

Section: Economic statistics

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article analyzes regional public procurement of passenger cars in Ukraine for 2020–2022. Information on the volume of purchases and total expenses of various State authorities, institutions and organizations in different regions of Ukraine for the purchase of passenger cars during the analyzed period is provided. It was found that the largest expenses for the purchase of cars for 2020–2022 carried out healthcare institutions – UAH 4.09 billion, housing and communal services – UAH 510.10 million, law enforcement agencies – UAH 441.70 million, the State administrations – UAH 159.27 million, energy companies – UAH 122.99 million, Ukravtodor - UAH 103.92 million. The limits of passenger cars serving regional State administrations, Kyiv and Sevastopol city administrations, district and city district State administrations of the cities of Kyiv and Sevastopol are analyzed. It is found that the largest number of passenger cars was provided for the city of Kyiv and for Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Kyiv, Luhansk, Lviv and Odesa regions. Among district State administrations, the largest number of passenger cars falls on Kharkiv, Vinnytsia, Odesa, Kyiv, Poltava and Zhytomyr regions. Among the regions, the largest number of passenger cars was purchased by the State bodies, institutions and organizations in Kyiv – 2259 passenger cars worth UAH 2981.00 million, in Zaporizhzhia region – 271 cars worth UAH 239.74 million, Dnipropetrovsk region – 196 cars worth UAH 106.86 million, Kyiv region – 190 cars worth UAH 116.06 million, Kharkiv region – 186 cars worth UAH 122.79 million. The smallest number of passenger cars purchased on the public expense in 2020–2022 was in Luhansk region – 39 cars worth UAH 29.76 million, Kirovohrad region – 46 cars worth UAH 24.89 million, Cherkasy region – 47 passenger cars worth UAH 28.79 million, Ternopil region – 58 cars worth UAH 74.84 million, Mykolaiv region – 80 cars worth UAH 52.22 million. In further research, it is worth analyzing public procurement of passenger cars over the period of 2016–2019 in dynamics and compare them with the statistic data of 2020–2022.

Keywords: regional public procurement, public procurement, passenger car market, ProZorro electronic system, passenger cars.

Tabl.: 7. Bibl.: 8.

Danylenko Yevhen S. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Candidate on Doctor Degree, Department of Economics and Entrepreneurship, Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University (25 Yaroslava Mudroho Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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Varenyk, V. M., and Yevchyn, L. O. “Osoblyvosti zastosuvannia systemy derzhavnykh zakupivel ProZorro (Prozoro)“ [Peculiarities of Using the ProZorro Public Procurement System]. Yevropeiskyi vektor ekonomichnoho rozvytku. 2016.
Holub, Yu. O. “Sutnist ta rol kontroliu derzhavnykh zakupivel u suchasnykh umovakh“ [Essence and Role of the Control of Public Procurement in Modern Conditions]. Ekonomika rozvytku. 2012.
Lahovska, O. A., Lehenchuk, S. F., and Svirko, S. V. “Derzhavni zakupivli v Ukraini: analiz perevah i nedolikiv“ [Public Procurement in Ukraine: Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages]. Problemy teorii ta metodolohii bukhhalterskoho obliku, kontroliu i analizu, no. 2 (2021): 56-60. DOI:
Ovsianiuk-Berdadina, O. S. “Derzhavni zakupivli posluh yak instrument rehuliuvannia natsionalnoi ekonomiky“ [State Procurement of Services as a Tool for Regulating the National Economy]. Halytskyi ekonomichnyi visnyk. 2008.
[Legal Act of Ukraine] (2011).п#Text
“Derzhavni publichni zakupivli lehkovykh avtomobiliv. Publichnyi modul analityky BI Prozorro“ [State Public Procurement of Cars. Prozorro BI Prozorro Public Analytics Module].
“Prozorro Market. Systema elektronnykh zakupivel Prozorro“ [Prozorro Market. Prozorro Electronic Procurement System].


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