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Ecological and Economic Provision of Recreational Forest Use in the Context of Decentralization: The Prerequisites, Goals, and Requirements of Wartime
Gultekin O. O.

Gultekin, Oksana O. (2023) “Ecological and Economic Provision of Recreational Forest Use in the Context of Decentralization: The Prerequisites, Goals, and Requirements of Wartime.” Business Inform 2:114–122.

Section: Ecology and Environmental Management

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 338.46:330.34

It is defined that the factor of the presence of a large number of injured citizens of Ukraine as a result of Russian aggression requires the introduction of additional capacities in the recreational industry to ensure their recovery, in particular by means of psychological rehabilitation. It is revealed that, based on the existing natural and recreational potential of forest biogeocenoses, forestry of Ukraine has significant reserves for the development of recreational infrastructure. It is substantiated that due to the significant impact of recreational activities in forest biogeocenoses on the ecological sustainability of forest ecosystems, it is expedient to develop a system of ecological and economic provision for recreational forest management, taking into account the requirements of wartime and the consequences of deepening decentralization of power and local self-government reform. It is determined that a modern system of ecological and economic provision for recreational forest use should be based on taking into account information and digital, environmental-resource and institutional factors caused by corporatization of the forest sector of the national economy; digital transformation of the system of control over the economic development of forest resources potential; implementation of the basic provisions of international environmental conventions in the domestic practice of forestry. It is proved that an effective system of ecological and economic provision for recreational forest use in wartime conditions can be formed as a result of achieving the main, auxiliary and interim goals of forming a set of recreational and tourism products based on the development of the recreational value of forest biogeocenoses. It is found that in the spectrum of the main goals of ecological and economic provision for recreational forest management, the normalization of the tourist flow is of great importance, taking into account the maximum permissible recreational load on forest biogeocenoses to prevent manifestations of recreational digression. It is substantiated that the development of the infrastructure of recreational forest management and the expansion of the range of recreational services by permanent forest users will make it possible to ensure more efficient commercialization of protected objects that are in the use of forestry entities, thus allowing to increase the level of capitalization of forestry in different natural climatic zones.

Keywords: ecological and economic provision, recreational forest management, decentralization, forest biogeocenoses, commercialization, ecosystem services.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 10.

Gultekin Oksana O. – Postgraduate Student, Department of Land Cadastre, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (15 Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine)

List of references in article

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