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Formation of a Management System for the Innovatively Oriented Development of Enterprises: The Theoretical Aspects Shelest T. M.
Shelest, Tetiana M. (2021) “Formation of a Management System for the Innovatively Oriented Development of Enterprises: The Theoretical Aspects.” Business Inform 4:294–301.
Section: Management and Marketing
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 5 | Download article (pdf) - |
UDC 658.014
Abstract: The article is aimed at consolidating the theoretical aspects of formation of a management system for innovatively oriented development of enterprises. According to the results of the carried out research, it is identified that modern industrial enterprises are in a crisis state, which causes the need to develop an economically substantiated program for their reform, focusing on expanding innovation-technological activities and increasing investments in the real sector of the economy, as well as increasing the efficiency of their use. It is defined that the need for research, namely, the formation of a management system for innovatively oriented development of enterprises, is determined by its role in accelerating the growth rate of social production, improving the quality of products and increasing scientific-technological progress, which are the main directions of economic strategy, planning and forecasting of production. The results of the analysis of the economic essence of the concepts of «management», «system», «management system», «innovations», «development» and «innovative development» allowed to define that a management system for the innovatively oriented development of enterprises represents an orderly set of elements interaction, which is directed towards the continuous and comprehensive process of introducing innovations for the formation of efficient activity in the strategic perspective, taking into account the factors of internal and external environment together with the laws of development of social production aimed at concentration, parallelism, adaptability and rhythmicity of the enterprise management system.
Keywords: enterprise, management, system, innovations, development, management system, innovatively oriented development.
Fig.: 5. Bibl.: 11.
Shelest Tetiana M. – Assistant, Department of Technology Management, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (60 Volodymyrska Str., Kyiv, 01033, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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