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The Instrumentarium for Sustainable Development of an Enterprise in Conditions of Crisis
Pohorelov Y. S., Kozachenko G. V.

Pohorelov, Yurii S., and Kozachenko, Ganna V. (2021) “The Instrumentarium for Sustainable Development of an Enterprise in Conditions of Crisis.” Business Inform 4:285–293.

Section: Management and Marketing

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Development as a continuous process should be carried out at all stages of the business cycle of an enterprise. Particular attention should be paid to the development at the downturn stages of the business cycle of the enterprise, in particular in the conditions of crisis in its activities. The focus of the article led to the need to disclose the content of the concepts of «crisis», «development», «sustainable development» and «sustainable development of the enterprise in a crisis». At the descending stages of the business cycle of the enterprise, its development should be fully controlled and carefully managed. To ensure control and manageability of the development of the enterprise in a crisis, an appropriate instrumentarium is needed, wherein the central place belongs to the anti-crisis scenarios of sustainable development and its key resources. Anti-crisis scenarios of sustainable development of the enterprise in a crisis are proposed to be developed on the basis of identified and assessed threats to its activities, taking into account the nature of threats, their interconnectedness and interdependence, as well as the stage of development of each of the threats. Because the implementation of threats to the enterprise’s activities can further aggravate its condition: crisis phenomena are transformed into a crisis situation, which, in turn, threatens to develop into a crisis state. In order to develop an anti-crisis scenario for the development of the enterprise in the situation of the probable simultaneous implementation of several threats to its activities, the use of the method of tuples is proposed. A general view of the tuple for the anti-crisis scenario is presented. The role of key resources in ensuring sustainable development of the enterprise in a crisis is disclosed. The problematic aspects of using key resources in ensuring sustainable development of the enterprise in a crisis are displayed.

Keywords: enterprise, sustainable development, crisis, instrumentarium, threat, anti-crisis scenario, key resource.

Fig.: 3. Tabl.: 3. Formulae: 1. Bibl.: 23.

Pohorelov Yurii S. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Assistant Service, Accounts Chamber of Ukraine (7 M. Kotsiubynskoho Str., Kyiv, 01601, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Kozachenko Ganna V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Economic Security and Financial Investigations, National Academy of Internal Affairs (1 Solomianska Square, Kyiv, 03035, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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