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 Assessing the Influence of Internal Environment Factors on the Formation of Financial Results of Industrial Enterprises Vlasova N. O., Piatak T. V.
Vlasova, Nataliya O., and Piatak, Tetiana V. (2021) “Assessing the Influence of Internal Environment Factors on the Formation of Financial Results of Industrial Enterprises.” Business Inform 4:235–243.
Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 76 | Download article (pdf) -  |
UDC 336.671:658.14
Abstract: The main purpose of the carried out research was identification of the influence of internal environment factors on the formation of financial results of industrial enterprises, quantitative assessment of the strength of their influence, and determination of the most significant factors at the present stage of development of the national economy. The relevance of this applied research is that knowledge about the mechanisms of action of internal factors certainly plays a leading role precisely in terms of the influence of management on the value of financial results of individual enterprises and in achieving the required level of profitability. In the article, a margin analysis is carried out on the example of a logical and statistically substantiated sample of 15 enterprises of the processing industry in the city of Kharkiv for the period 2016-2019, the results of the analysis prove that in modern changing conditions there is no clear correlation between production volumes, profits, and the composition of operating costs. The carried out correlation analysis allowed to trace the closeness of relationship between the functional and the factor variables. The functional group of variables is a system of consistently formed in the financial statements of interrelated indicators of financial results (from gross to net profit) classified as net income. The internal factors are represented by three groups of indicators. The first group includes a system of 10 indicators that characterize the level of costs and other types of income in the net income of enterprises. The second group of indicators characterizes the physical and financial structure of capital, the degree of participation of bank loans in the financing of enterprises. The third group of indicators is related to determining the efficiency of resource use. The results of the carried out research indicate a weak participation of the main operating activity, namely, production activity, in the formation of financial results and net profit, and the main negative role is played by costs from other operational, financial and other types of activity. At this, the efficiency of economic activity practically does not affect the financial results and profitability of various types of activities of enterprises. The need to improve the internal mechanisms for the formation of financial results and increase the level of profitability of industrial enterprises is substantiated.
Keywords: financial results, profitability, industrial enterprises, internal environment factors, margin analysis, correlation coefficient, closeness of relationship.
Tabl.: 4. Bibl.: 17.
Vlasova Nataliya O. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of International Business and Finance, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (2 Kyrpychova Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine) Email: [email protected] Piatak Tetiana V. – Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of International Business and Finance, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute» (2 Kyrpychova Str., Kharkіv, 61002, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
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