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Improving the Mechanism of Strategic Management of Structural Transformations of the Economy of Cities of Regional Significance in Lviv Region
Babets I. H.

Babets, Iryna H. (2021) “Improving the Mechanism of Strategic Management of Structural Transformations of the Economy of Cities of Regional Significance in Lviv Region.” Business Inform 4:103–113.

Section: Regional Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 332:332.012(477.8)

The article analyzes the content of development strategies of cities of region significance in Lviv region and identifies the lack of goals, objectives and measures to improve the sectoral structure of the economy, as well as the limited ability of local authorities to influence the structure of the cities’ economy with the help of instruments that provide tax preferences for enterprises of priority industries, investors, small and medium-sized businesses. In order to eliminate shortcomings in the strategic management of structural transformations of cities, directions of improvement of the existing institutional mechanism in terms of taxation of the investment, innovation and entrepreneurial activity of enterprises of priority sectors of the economy, investors who finance the development of high-tech industries and high-tech types of economic activity, as well as enterprises operating within special modes of economic activity, are proposed. It is substantiated that the introduction of real tax preferences for enterprises will ensure the implementation of effective structural policy at the local level, since the authorities will receive real levers to increase investment, innovative, entrepreneurial activity in priority sectors of the economy. In order to strengthen control and responsibility for the implementation of strategic tasks, it is proposed to use the problem-target method in strategic planning of city development, which, unlike the program-target approach, provides for a clear allocation of resources between the goals aimed at solving structural problems in the economy. As result of the study, the list of indicators of structural changes in the economy and the basic principles of establishing quantitative criteria for achieving strategic goals to improve the structure of the economy of cities of region significance are determined.

Keywords: city development strategy, structural shifts, indicators of structural changes, strategic management mechanism.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 20.

Babets Iryna H. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of International Economic Relations, Central Ukrainian National Technical University (8 Universytetskyi Ave., Kropyvnytskyi, 25006, Ukraine)

List of references in article

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