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Financial Architectonics as a Methodological Basis for the Formation of Business Architecture of the Banking Sector of the Economy
Rudevska V. I.

Rudevska, Viktoriia I. (2020) “Financial Architectonics as a Methodological Basis for the Formation of Business Architecture of the Banking Sector of the Economy.” Business Inform 9:246–253.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The methodological basis of the research on the business architecture of the banking sector of the economy is grounded upon the complex application of the basic provisions of institutional theory, where architeconics are used as a method for constructing financial-economic systems. The article analyzes scientific views on defining the essence of financial architetonics and reasonably concludes that this conception has a wide range of applications and includes most of the open, socio-economic systems, and can be used as a methodological basis for the formation of the business architecture of the banking sector of the economy. The definition of business architecture from the position of methodology of modern architetonics is proposed and a model of the process of formation of the architetonics of the banking system with the allocation of the place of business architecture of the banking sector therein is built. The principles, laws of architeconics and the institutional approach to the study of financial, economic and organizational construction of the business architecture of the banking sector are researched. The research is not only of theoretical, descriptive nature, but it also reflects the results of using a sufficient volume of analytical methods and techniques and contains a number of reasoned empirical generalizations, which allowed to obtain objectively agreed conclusions and formulate separate hypotheses about the ways, mechanisms and dynamics of the processes of formation of modern business architecture of the banking sector.

Keywords: architetonics, financial architetonics, business architecture of the banking sector, business model of the bank, architetonics of the banking system.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 10.

Rudevska Viktoriia I. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine (15 Heroiv Oborony Str., Kyiv, 03041, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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