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The State Regulation of the Economy as an Element of External Influence on the Economic Development of Agro-Industrial Production
Kozak K. B.

Kozak, Kateryna B. (2020) “The State Regulation of the Economy as an Element of External Influence on the Economic Development of Agro-Industrial Production.” Business Inform 12:91–96.

Section: Mechanisms of Regulation of the Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 338.342

The article is devoted to the study of national features of realization of the State potentials in influence on economic development of subjects of agro-industrial production. The analysis is based on the decomposition of the mechanism of influence by such elements as object, subject, goals, tools. The object is represented by agro-industrial production in the multi-complexity of its structure. The subjective component of the external influence on the enterprises of the agro-industrial production system is analyzed on the basis of a detailed identification of the spheres that are not amenable to direct control by the object. The result of the decomposition was the selection of the following levels of systemic impact on the business environment: mesoeconomic, macroeconomic, supranational. The macroeconomic level of regulation/management is subjectified to the levels of governance in the system of public administration bodies. Target determination is disclosed on the basis of program documents of various levels and areas of application. The instrumental content of the State activity is studied, which is represented by a set of tools of direct impact (legislative and regulatory framework, implementation of the State programs and investment projects, tariff restrictions, non-tariff restrictions) and indirect impact (monetary, financial, and social policy; financial assistance). The role of the tax mechanism in regulating the activity of the agro-industrial sector is determined. Expenditures of the State budget to support the agro-industrial complex in 2020 have been studied. The mechanism of public procurement and instruments of social policy are considered. Attention is paid to lobbying as an institutional phenomenon, which is an exception to the principle of the impossibility of direct influence by individual actors in the structure of agro-industrial production on decision-making by management entities at the macroeconomic level. The positive and negative features of lobbying are considered. At the same time, the dialectical essence of lobbying is revealed in the perspective of the relationship of goals - the synchronicity and mismatch of individual interests of the microeconomic level with the social needs of the macroeconomic level.

Keywords: agro-industrial production, external environment, the State regulation of economy, lobbying, macroeconomic level of management, enterprise.

Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 11.

Kozak Kateryna B. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management and Logistics, Odesa National Academy of Food Technology (112 Kanatna Str., Odesa, 65039, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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