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Socio-Economic Transformations in Estonia in the Post-Soviet Period: The Experience of Modernization Changes
Onatsky M. Y.

Onatsky, Maksym Yu. (2020) “Socio-Economic Transformations in Estonia in the Post-Soviet Period: The Experience of Modernization Changes.” Business Inform 12:72–81.

Section: Foreign Experience

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article considers the peculiarities of socio-economic transformation in Estonia in the post-Soviet period. The specifics of the transition to a market model of the economy in the country are highlighted. It is specified that the first steps towards market transformations were liberalization of both pricing policy and economic activity; introduction of a special regime of the credit and monetary policy – the currency council, which provided for the free exchange of national currency at a clearly fixed rate; reorganization of the mechanism of management of Estonia’s banking system. It was found out that the nature of market transformations that took place in the Republic of Estonia was largely determined by the country’s foreign policy course towards Euro-Atlantic integration. The author discloses peculiarities of the privatization process in Estonia, the main difference of which was its clear legislative regulation, which helped to avoid numerous financial pyramids and voucher auctions, as it was in other countries of the post-Soviet space. The specifics of socio-economic development of the Republic of Estonia after accession to the European Union and NATO are shown. Tax reform as an important component of creating a favorable investment and business climate in the country is analyzed. The process of modernization of the Estonian energy sector from the point of view of ensuring energy independence and improving the energy efficiency of the State economy has been studied. This was possible due to the implementation of the program of modernization of the energy sector, one of the components of which was the widespread introduction of energy-saving technologies, including the use of alternative energy sources. It has been proven that the implementation of market transformations in accordance with European requirements has accelerated the process of Estonia’s integration into the EU and NATO, as well as strengthened the country’s ties with its Western partners.

Keywords: socio-economic transformation, market transformations, privatization, tax reform, modernization.

Bibl.: 30.

Onatsky Maksym Yu. – Candidate of Sciences (History), Associate Professor, Department of Travel Business and Regional Studies, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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