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The Qualimetric Model of Assessment of the Internal System of Compliance Risks Management in the System of Accumulative Pension Provision
Achkasova S. A.

Achkasova, Svitlana A. (2020) “The Qualimetric Model of Assessment of the Internal System of Compliance Risks Management in the System of Accumulative Pension Provision.” Business Inform 12:338–347.

Section: Finance, Money Circulation and Credit

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UDC 330.341:316.4

The article discusses the issues of developing a qualimetric model for assessing the internal compliance risks management system in the system of accumulative pension provision. The object of the research is the compliance risks management in the system of accumulative pension provision. One of the least developed issues is the lack of research on the assessment of the internal risk management system on the basis of a qualimetric approach. This hinders the practical aspects of introspection regarding the assessment of the quality of the internal compliance risk management system in the system of accumulative pension provision. Using the methods of analysis and synthesis, the general components for the development of a qualimetric model of quantitative assessment of the internal system of compliance risk management in the system of accumulative pension provision are defined. A qualimetric approach was used during the research. Thus, the article, using the factor-criterion modeling (qualimetric approach), develops a qualimetric model of quantitative evaluation of the internal system of compliance risk management in the system of accumulative pension provision. The proposed qualimetric model has a number of features, including organizational and informational, methodological and process components of compliance risk management in the system of accumulative pension provision. This provides such an advantage as the possibility of introspection and internal control of the formed internal system of compliance risk management in the system of accumulative pension provision. Also, the developed model allows the application of a qualimetric approach to solving the scientific task of assessing the internal system of compliance risk management in the system of accumulative pension provision, which will provide a multi-criteral approach to the management of these risks.

Keywords: compliance, compliance risks, risk management, qualimetric model, accumulative pension provision.

Tabl.: 5. Bibl.: 18.

Achkasova Svitlana A. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Banking and Financial Services, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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