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Scientific and Theoretical Meaning of the Concept of "Development" in Economics
Teshеva L. V.

Teshеva, Larisa V. (2020) “Scientific and Theoretical Meaning of the Concept of "Development" in Economics.” Business Inform 12:32–38.

Section: Economic Theory

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 330.34.011

The article is devoted to the study of existing approaches to defining the content and essence of the concept of "development". The content of development is considered as the acquisition of a new qualitative state of the system through the use of its own potential, as the transition of the system to a new attractor from the bifurcation point, as a reaction to the influence of the external environment. It is proved that development is characterized by quantitative, qualitative and structural changes, as well as the emergence of new connections both within the system and with the external environment. The existence of impulses of the external and internal environment is substantiated, which provoke the need for changes, as a result of which development takes place. A semantic network of the researched concept is constructed using the TextAnalyst software. It is determined that the key components of this concept are "process" and "direction", but the priority is clearly the concept of "process". As a result of further in-depth analysis of the structure of the "process" it was proved that it is economic, manifested by qualitative characteristics, involving the process of natural change and transition from one qualitative state to another, quantitative changes in the system, emergence of an aggregate of changes, accompanied by a change in quality and appropriate transformations. The key properties of development are defined as the following: direction in time, reversibility of the process, uniqueness, emergence of a new quality during development, directedness, subordination to a particular law (especially the laws of dialectics), increasing the complexity of the system, the presence of causal links between phenomena and processes, which determine the nature of the acquisition of a new quality while maintaining its own authenticity, the presence of a vector of motion that arises as a result of the impulse, and causes change. It has been proved that revolutionary and evolutionary changes should be considered as integral components of the development process, the alternation of which ensures constant progress and the existence of regressive and progressive directions of development. But the return of the system to its previous state as a result of the refusal to acquire a new level of complexity of the regression input is more consistent with the trajectory of the spiral.

Keywords: development, movement, change, impulse, connections, progress and regress.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 20.

Teshеva Larisa V. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (4 Svobody Square, Kharkіv, 61022, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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