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Statistical Forecasting of the Development Trends in the Telecommunications Sphere of the Economy in the Context of Digitalization
Goloborodko A. Y., Plevako N. O.

Goloborodko, Alona Yu., and Plevako, Nataliia O. (2020) “Statistical Forecasting of the Development Trends in the Telecommunications Sphere of the Economy in the Context of Digitalization.” Business Inform 12:265–270.

Section: Economic statistics

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 311.311:004

This article is concerned with the actual problem of statistical forecasting of the development trends in the telecommunications sphere of the economy in the context of digitalization. During the globalization of digital transformation processes, forecasting the development of the telecommunications sphere is one of the effective ways for Ukraine to enter a ranked position in the international market. The article carries out a comprehensive study and allocates the main trends in the development of the telecommunications sphere of the Ukrainian economy according to the following indexes of the international rating: development of electronic government; openness of digital space; innovativeness of technologies and degree of development of human capital. According to the assessment of the state of the telecommunications sphere, the main problems are defined and the directions of digital transformations are allocated. The impact of development of the digital economy on the reformatting of many spheres of economic and social life is proved. For a complex and well-grounded scientific forecasting, methods on the basis of systematization of both the search and the scientific approaches were used. On the basis of extrapolation of data, the forecasting of the ranked place of Ukraine by three indexes is made, namely: EGDI – E-Government Development Index, ICT Development Index – IDI, Global Open Data Index – GODI. For the successful implementation of the Conception of development of the digital economy of Ukraine, increasing the level of development of telecommunications and digitalization, achieving effective management of the telecommunications sphere of the economy in general, the main indicators of forecasting the development of digitalization of the telecommunications industry for the strategic perspective are defined.

Keywords: statistical forecasting, analysis, development, trends, telecommunications sphere, digital economy.

Fig.: 2. Bibl.: 9.

Goloborodko Alona Yu. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Professor, Department of Economics, State University of Information and Communication Technology (7 Solomianska Str., Kyiv, 03110, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Plevako Nataliia O. – Applicant, Department of Enterprise Economics and Social Technologies, State University of Information and Communication Technology (7 Solomianska Str., Kyiv, 03110, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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Senyshyn, O. S. “Metodolohiia sotsialno-ekonomichnoho prohnozuvannia yak orhanizatsiino-upravlinskoi systemy“ [Methodology of Social and Economic Forecasting as Organizational and Management System]. Visnyk ONU imeni I. I. Mechnykova. Seriia «Ekonomika», vol. 18, no. 1 (2013): 198-206.
UN E-Government Survey 2018.
Global Open Data Index.
2017 Global ICT Development Index - ITU.
“The Global Innovation Index (GII) 2020. Who Will Finance Innovation?“


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