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Strategy for Ensuring Social Security in the Labor Market of Ukraine: Directions of Development and Implementation
Bondarevska K. V.

Bondarevska, Kseniia V. (2020) “Strategy for Ensuring Social Security in the Labor Market of Ukraine: Directions of Development and Implementation.” Business Inform 12:238–244.

Section: Labour economics and social policy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 331.5.024.5

The article defines the directions of development and implementation of the strategy for ensuring social security in the labor market of Ukraine, taking into account the current state of the sphere of labor and employment. In particular, the main structural elements of the strategy are defined, including its purpose and objectives; subjects, object and subject matter; fundamental principles of strategy; characteristics and assessment of both external and internal threats to social security in the labor market (in particular, by means of SWOT analysis); criteria and indicators of social security in the labor market; priority directions, measures and mechanisms for ensuring social security in the labor market, taking into account its multilevelness. The author’s own vision of the concept of a multilevel strategy for ensuring social security in the labor market of Ukraine is substantiated and the priority directions of its implementation at the State level are characterized. Among the strategic priorities are defined the directions and measures of public policy that will contribute to the neutralization of major threats and negative phenomena at the national level. In particular, measures have been characterized that will contribute to the achievement of key goals for ensuring social security in the labor market: balance of its development; deshadowing of employment; reducing unemployment, primarily among the least competitive categories of the workforce – young people and older people; increase in the level of remuneration and labor incomes of the population. As result of the implementation of the proposed measures, it is expected to improve the state of social security in the labor market, which will have an expression in the growth of the level of balance of the labor market; reducing the scale of the manifestation of major threats to its development, including informal employment, the spread of unemployment, low level of real wages; as well as in ensuring the increase in income and welfare of the population of Ukraine.

Keywords: social security, labor market, strategy, priorities, labor market balance, social security in the labor market.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 9.

Bondarevska Kseniia V. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Social Security and Tax Policy, University of Customs and Finance (2/4 Volodymyra Vernadskoho Str., Dnipro, 49004, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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