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![](../_img/white-line.png) The Conceptual Principles of Improving the Management of the Gas Production Complex of Ukraine on the Bases of the Experience of Leading Oil and Gas Companies Andriishyn N. M.
Andriishyn, Nazar M. (2020) “The Conceptual Principles of Improving the Management of the Gas Production Complex of Ukraine on the Bases of the Experience of Leading Oil and Gas Companies.” Business Inform 12:165–172.
Section: Industrial Economics
Article is written in UkrainianDownloads/views: 1 | Download article (pdf) - ![](../_img/icon_pdf.gif) |
UDC 338.342.4
Abstract: The main directions of improvement of the gas production complex management and the role of individual factors affecting the efficiency of its activities are determined. Taking into account that the oil and gas complex is a system of enterprises and organizations for various functional purposes, united to meet the needs of consumers in provision of natural gas, on the example of improving the organizational structure and management system of NK «YUKOS», all stages of its transformation into a world–class oil company are considered. Recommendations on the use of positive experience in Ukraine are provided. It is shown what achievements of NK «YUKOS» have already been taken into account in the reform of the management system of JSC «Ukrgasvydobuvannya», – in particular, today it is conditionally represented by three large sectors: upstream, midstream and downstream. The upstream sector includes the search for potential underground or underwater natural gas fields, drilling of exploration wells, drilling and operation of the wells extracting unprocessed natural «wet» gas; the midstream sector provides transportation (pipelines, railways, barges, oil trucks or regular trucks), storage and wholesale of gas, while networks of natural gas pipelines aggregate gas from natural gas purification stations and deliver it to consumers – local utilities; the downstream sector usually refers to the processing and purification of natural gas, crude oil, as well as the sale and distribution of products derived from natural gas and crude oil. Distribution by sector in gas production allows to classify fixed assets in accordance with the above–mentioned sectors: drilling rigs, offshore drilling platforms, well repair machines, software for geological exploration and geophysical research – upstream; well plumes, inter–industrial gas pipelines, condensate pipelines, oil pipelines, booster compressor stations, equipment for the complex gas preparation – midstream; gas processing and oil refineries, petrol stations – downstream. Much attention is paid to the development of the intellectual potential of the gas production complex, as it ensures both the successful development of production and the formation of effective management of the company.
Keywords: gas production complex, organizational structure, foreign experience, reform, stages, efficiency.
Bibl.: 8.
Andriishyn Nazar M. – Postgraduate Student, Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (15 Karpatska Str., Ivano-Frankіvsk, 76019, Ukraine) Email: [email protected]
List of references in article
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