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Peculiarities of Formation and Development of Mechanisms for Food Provision of Region
Kordzaia N. R.

Kordzaia, Natela R. (2020) “Peculiarities of Formation and Development of Mechanisms for Food Provision of Region.” Business Inform 12:142–148.

Section: Regional Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC [664:338.2:005.934]:332.146(477)

The article examines the food provision, which is an important indicator of the quality of socio-economic development of a territory (region) in the daily consumption of food products by the population, strengthening the food security of the country. The conditions of administrative-territorial reform aimed at transferring powers from central authorities to local authorities have significantly changed the system of food provision of territories, which forms the level of integrity in terms of food security of the country. The changes have also affected the centralized food provision system through the transfer of novel principles from the State level to the regional level. A balanced and effective system of providing the population with food affects the quality of its life, economic security of the State, its regions, competitiveness of Ukrainian agrarian industry world-wide, including in the European markets. The measures developed in order to implement the targeted tasks of the Food Security Strategy of the Regions are planned for the period of 3-5 years. A structural-logical scheme of the organizational-economic mechanism for food provision of region is proposed as a set of economic, technological and organizational measures carried out by the State and other market actors at the level of both the country and the regions to meet the needs of the population with food products, regulating the sale of agricultural products, its processing, guarantees of improvement of quality and security of food products and their price availability. The author examines the main directions of implementation of the mechanism for food provision of region, which are the following: ensuring sustainable growth of production, availability of products for consumers; exchange of agricultural products; formation of a mechanism for regulatory influence on production, trade in agricultural products (national and regional levels); association of small farms within the regions; introduction of guaranteed minimum purchase prices (high profitability of production); improving the level of product quality, introduction of ecological norms to stimulate the production, producing and selling of environmentally friendly foods.

Keywords: food security, food basket, organizational-economic mechanism, food security index, system of strategic priorities.

Fig.: 5. Bibl.: 11.

Kordzaia Natela R. – Candidate of Sciences (Engineering), Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Trade, Odesa National Academy of Food Technology (112 Kanatna Str., Odesa, 65039, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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