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The Main Trends of Globalization and Urbanization and Taking into Account their Impact in the Process of Managing the Development of Regions of Ukraine
Polishchuk A. S.

Polishchuk, Andrii S. (2020) “The Main Trends of Globalization and Urbanization and Taking into Account their Impact in the Process of Managing the Development of Regions of Ukraine.” Business Inform 12:133–141.

Section: Regional Economy

Article is written in Ukrainian
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The article is aimed at determining trends in urbanization and globalization to take into account their influence in the process of managing the development of regions of Ukraine. It is defined that the level of urbanization in Ukraine over the past 30 years is high, while the regions of the country are significantly differentiated by the level of urbanization. The most urbanized are Donetsk, Luhansk, Dnipropetrovsk, Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia regions. The only region of Ukraine where the level of urbanization is being reduced is Zakarpattya region. Three regions of Ukraine - Ternopil, Chernihiv and Khmelnytsky are characterized by the most intensive urbanization processes, where the growth of urbanization is now almost ten times higher than the national average over the past 30 years. The research identified the main urbanization challenges, in particular: deepening the economic gap between cities and villages and between large cities and cities of region significance; economic development of the region determines the ability to unite and concentrate the creative capital; increase in inequality and segregation of the population; growth of the suburb crisis; unreasonable increase in house prices in cities to a level that is inaccessible to the majority of the population. The most significant globalization challenges include: increased global competition, growing regional differentiation and specialization; degradation of the real sector of the economy; significant increase in energy consumption; restricting access of a large part of the population to high-quality goods and services at reasonable prices; change of natural and climatic conditions for people’s life, strengthening ecological problems. The unreasonability of the widespread statement on the ineffectiveness of agglomerations and excessive absorption of resources is proven. Prospects for further research in this direction are the development of theoretical principles and the development of practical recommendations for improving the adoption of managerial decisions at the level of regional governance bodies, taking into account the challenges of globalization and urbanization.

Keywords: region, globalization, urbanization, agglomeration, competition of cities.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 2. Bibl.: 15.

Polishchuk Andrii S. – Head of the Department, Department of Advertising and Urban Environment Design of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning, Cherkasy City Council (36 Baidy Vyshnevetskoho Str., Cherkasy, 18000, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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