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Theoretical Aspects and Features of the Cross-Border Region Functioning
Yankiv M. M.

Yankiv, Maria M. (2020) “Theoretical Aspects and Features of the Cross-Border Region Functioning.” Business Inform 11:6–12.

Section: Economic Theory

Article is written in Ukrainian
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UDC 332.135

The article is aimed at more profound elaborating the theoretical and methodological principles while improving the content of the concept of «cross-border region», singling out its characteristic features, and carrying out a systematization. Taking into account the review of the existing scientific works, the author’s own approach to the interpretation of definition of «cross-border region» is proposed. As a result of research, the principles of functioning of the cross-border region are substantiated, i. e.: subsidiarity, vertical and horizontal partnership, aggregate of the development programs and concepts, institutionalization of structures at local and regional levels, co-financing, systemacity, bi- and multipolarity, proportionality. The author brings in proposals for classification of cross-border regions by introducing a number of new criterion features, such as: scale, development and degree of cross-border cooperation; integration type; geographical location; homogeneity (uniformity); level of development and support in the EU’s structural policy; natural features; implementation mechanism; instruments and forms of implementation. This approach allowed to identify cross-border regions as follows: identical, homogenic and with no affinity; peripheral and underdeveloped; leaders; initiators of cross-border cooperation; functional. Prospects for further developments in this direction are the study of the latest organizational forms of cross-border cooperation and substantiation of the methodological approaches to evaluating the degree of integration and interpenetration in the cross-border region.

Keywords: cross-border region, convergence, partnership, synergistic effect, co-financing.

Fig.: 1. Tabl.: 1. Bibl.: 11.

Yankiv Maria M.

List of references in article

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Kopyliuk, O. I. et al. Orhanizatsiini ta finansovi mekhanizmy rozvytku transkordonnoho spivrobitnytstva [Organizational and Financial Mechanisms for the Development of Cross-border Cooperation]. Lviv: SPOLOM, 2020.


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