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Sectoral Social Entrepreneurship Innovation Opportunities in Nepal
Prasad Ghimire Rudra

Prasad, Ghimire Rudra. (2020) “Sectoral Social Entrepreneurship Innovation Opportunities in Nepal.” Business Inform 11:54–58.

Section: Foreign Experience

Article is written in English
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UDC 330.3

Social entrepreneurship is a mix of sectoral innovation and resource availability by which social problems are treated as the ones handicapping a societie’s needs. It is a new dimension of the business sector. In Nepal, like everywhere in the world, a model of social entrepreneurship has been developed by several social innovators. The main aim of this research is to analyze the sectoral social entrepreneurship and innovation practices in Nepal. This paper is based on scientific review with reference to the social entrepreneurship and innovation in the context of Nepal economy. This subject matter is highly recognized due to its broad scope in terms of educational innovation, business innovation, environmental innovation, social innovation, financial innovation, technical innovations, innovations in all the sectors of economy, and, finally, innovations in the living standard of Nepalese people. Nepal needs social and economic transformation, which can be made by building socially responsive citizens. Thus, the context of Nepal suggests an opportunity for sectoral and structural innovations. Social innovations can make Nepal smart and strong. So, the government should create the environment for the social enterprise sector in Nepal.

Keywords: social entrepreneurship, innovation, Nepal’s social and economic sectors.

Bibl.: 21.

Prasad Ghimire Rudra – Master, Tribhuvan University (TU Rd, Kirtipur, 44618, Nepal)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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