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The Current State of Human Resources Management at Enterprises: Challenges and Prospects
Zaichenko Y. O.

Zaichenko, Yevheniia O. (2020) “The Current State of Human Resources Management at Enterprises: Challenges and Prospects.” Business Inform 11:436–441.

Section: Management and Marketing

Article is written in Ukrainian
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HR management provides for the availability of administrative tasks related to hiring and remuneration of employees of the company. As a separate management function, it aims to recruit and maintain the high-quality workforce required by the organization to achieve its goals. The article is aimed at studying the existing experience of development of the human resources management system at enterprises in the conditions of compliance with the principles of corporate social responsibility. In the course of achieving the goal of the study, a number of such tasks were solved, in particular: the directions of research in the sphere of HR management were analyzed; an assessment of existing international framework documents and initiatives in the sphere of HR management was carried out; the changes in the management of activities on work with staff of enterprises were examined; proposals to improve existing HR management trends at enterprises were scientifically substantiated. It is substantiated that the methodological principles of policy development and internal organizational-regulatory documents on HR management and its development require further research. The organization of the manager’s work depends on the organizational structure and type of activity of the enterprise. It is stressed that the responsibility for human rights is a global standard of expected behavior for all enterprises wherever they operate. It exists regardless of the ability and/or willingness of the countries to fulfill their own human rights obligations and does not diminish these obligations. The work of the HR manager is of particular importance at the present stage of implementation of the concept of focus on the creation of human capital as the most valuable asset of enterprise. The main instruments for counteracting the challenges of building up an effective human resources management system at the enterprise are the development of a roadmap of actions with further control over the implementation of the actions and measures; disclosure and transparency of activities to the employees of the enterprise; involving employees in the implementation of certain elements of the human resources management system. The methodological principles of policy development and internal organizational-regulatory documents on HR management and its development require further research.

Keywords: HR management, challenges, MLO, OECD, UN Global Compact, GRI.

Fig.: 1. Bibl.: 13.

Zaichenko Yevheniia O. – Masters Student, Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design (2 Mala Shiianovska Str., Kyiv, 01011, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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