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The Causal-Determinated Mechanism of Management of Diversification-Integration Development of Enterprises in Conditions of Neo-Technological Reproduction: The Integrated Basis of Construction
Zalutska K. Y.

Zalutska, Khrystyna Ya. (2020) “The Causal-Determinated Mechanism of Management of Diversification-Integration Development of Enterprises in Conditions of Neo-Technological Reproduction: The Integrated Basis of Construction.” Business Inform 11:404–411.

Section: Management and Marketing

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UDC 334.02:005.2

The transformation processes that take place in each sphere of the socio-economic system lead to certain changes in the structure and condition of its individual components, which are characterized by the appropriate level of innovation, technology, creativity, etc. compared to the basic state of the system. A succession of such mutually determined changes leads to the cyclicality of transformational processes, the implementation of which at different levels of the economic system provides the an-order-higher results in terms of technical and technological, innovative, intellectual, etc. characterizations, which is the basis of neo-technological reproduction. In the context of neo-technological reproduction, the efficiency of the enterprises’ functioning is ensured by the effectiveness of their diversification-integration development, which ensures optimal implementation of the business processes of the enterprise through the rationalization of the necessary resources and opportunities for their development and implementation by their own and/or third-party forces of the attractive stakeholders. Since the efficiency of any process depends on the rational mechanism for its management (which will ensure optimal and effective implementation of it, aimed at maximizing the achievement of the set goals), then, accordingly, the article is aimed at forming a causal-demerminated management mechanism for diversifying-integrating development of enterprise in the conditions of neo-technological reproduction. The necessity of forming a causal-determinated mechanism for management of diversification-integration development of enterprise in the conditions of neo-technological reproduction is substantiated. The components of this mechanism are outlined, the aggregate interconnected implementation of which, within the framework of the selected specific management functions, ensures the efficiency of managerial decision-making, taking into account the conditions of neo-technological reproduction. A more detailed examination of peculiarities of the motivational mechanism as a general one within the structure of the integrated mechanism of management of diversification-integration development of enterprise in the conditions of neo-technological reproduction is carried out. It is proved that the use of the causal-determinated mechanism will ensure the formation of an optimally effective configuration of the main subsystems of the enterprise’s functioning and the processes of creating an additional effect, which will lead to the formation of the appropriate competitive advantages of the enterprise necessary for the sustainability of its activities in the conditions of neo-technological reproduction.

Keywords: mechanism of management, development, causal-determinated mechanism, motivational mechanism, local mechanism, conditions of neo-technological reproduction, integrated mechanism.

Fig.: 3. Bibl.: 13.

Zalutska Khrystyna Ya. – Doctor of Sciences (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Enterprise Economics and Investment, Lviv Polytechnic National University (12 Stepana Bandery Str., Lvіv, 79013, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

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