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The Strategy of Sustainable Development of the World Leader in Freight Transportation in the Realities of Modern Business
Chepeliuk M. I., Pomazan M. Y.

Chepeliuk, Marharyta I., and Pomazan, Mark Ye. (2020) “The Strategy of Sustainable Development of the World Leader in Freight Transportation in the Realities of Modern Business.” Business Inform 11:392–397.

Section: Management and Marketing

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The processes of globalization of international trade involve the unhindered movement of resources and goods, which is objectively impossible to carry out without maritime transport. Currently, maritime transport provides sustainable foreign economic transport and production relations between individual countries. Sea transportation occupies about 80% of the world’s cargo turnover, and this percentage increases every year. Sea transportation is the most efficient, reliable and economical way of international transportation of most goods. Corporate social responsibility is an integral part of sustainable development of maritime cargo transportation companies and includes care for the environment, labor rights and human rights, business ethics. In 2018, a strategy directed towards reducing annual greenhouse gas emissions from vessels by 2050 by at least 50% of the total volume compared to 2008 was adopted. The article proposes methods for calculating tracking indicators of the sea transport energy efficiency, basic elements of planning the energy efficiency management of the vessel are allocated. The sustainable development strategy of the Danish company Maersk, specializing in maritime freight transportation and port terminal maintenance, envisages four areas - climate change, inclusive trade, food loss and ship recycling. The Maersk’s partners are international organizations that contribute to the implementation of the UN sustainable development strategy. Since 2019 Maersk reports a 42% reduction in relative CO2 emissions compared to 2008. The company plans to jointly develop carbon dioxide fuel types and sustainable fuel solutions with energy suppliers, as well as with technology developers, researchers, investors and other transportation companies and logistics providers. Thus, Maersk is gradually demonstrating a global commitment to the ecologically sustainable logistics in line with its commitment to reducing carbon emissions across the supply chain. Maersk has taken the initiative to abandon the use of fossil fuels and has set a global goal of achieving zero carbon emissions by 2050 in the performance of all its operations.

Keywords: strategy, sustainable development, social responsibility, globalization, international business, freight transportation.

Tabl.: 3. Bibl.: 10.

Chepeliuk Marharyta I. – Candidate of Sciences (Economics), Associate Professor, Candidate on Doctor Degree, Department of International Economic Relations, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]
Pomazan Mark Ye. – Master, Department of International Business and Economic Analysis, Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (9a Nauky Ave., Kharkiv, 61166, Ukraine)
Email: [email protected]

List of references in article

“International Maritime Organization“.
Jassal, C. R. “Ship Energy Effiency: Here is All You Need to Know“.
“Partnership“. Maersk.
“Shared value“. Maersk.
“Maersk Triple-E vessel“.
“Otsinka ekonomichnoi efektyvnosti“ [Evaluation of Economic Efficiency].
“Maersk strategy and performance“.
“Danish Shipping“.
Green Car Congress.
“Maersk: Performance data 2019“.


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